Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.index_required_regexps = []
        self.index_filter_regexps = []
        self.detected_language = None
        self.seed_urls = None
        self.domain = None
        self.collections_path = None
        self.collection_name = None
        self.template_proportion = None
        self.min_templates = None
        self.max_templates = None
        self.domain = extractDomain(self.seed_urls[0])
        self.url_to_tree_mapping = {}
        self.url_to_headers_mapping = {}

        # Boilerplate remover class
        self.domain_nodes_dict = DomainNodesDict(self.domain,
        if 'template_dict' in config:
            vals = self.domain_nodes_dict.values()
            self.domain_nodes_dict.num_urls = max(vals) if vals else 0
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.index_required_regexps = []
        self.index_filter_regexps = []
        self.detected_language = None
        self.seed_urls = None
        self.domain = None
        self.collections_path = None
        self.collection_name = None
        self.template_proportion = None
        self.min_templates = None
        self.max_templates = None
        self.domain = extractDomain(self.seed_urls[0])
        self.url_to_tree_mapping = {}
        self.url_to_headers_mapping = {}

        # Boilerplate remover class
        self.domain_nodes_dict = DomainNodesDict(
            self.domain, self.min_templates, self.max_templates, self.template_proportion)
        if 'template_dict' in config:
            vals = self.domain_nodes_dict.values()
            self.domain_nodes_dict.num_urls = max(vals) if vals else 0
Beispiel #3
class Scraper:
    # todo is finextr date

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.index_required_regexps = []
        self.index_filter_regexps = []
        self.detected_language = None
        self.seed_urls = None
        self.domain = None
        self.collections_path = None
        self.collection_name = None
        self.template_proportion = None
        self.min_templates = None
        self.max_templates = None
        self.domain = extractDomain(self.seed_urls[0])
        self.url_to_tree_mapping = {}
        self.url_to_headers_mapping = {}

        # Boilerplate remover class
        self.domain_nodes_dict = DomainNodesDict(
            self.domain, self.min_templates, self.max_templates, self.template_proportion)
        if 'template_dict' in config:
            vals = self.domain_nodes_dict.values()
            self.domain_nodes_dict.num_urls = max(vals) if vals else 0

    def remove_bad_xpath_from_tree(self, tree, bad_xpath):
        bad_element = tree.find('.' + bad_xpath)
        while bad_element is not None:
            bad_element = tree.find('.' + bad_xpath)

    def should_save(self, url):
        if (not self.index_required_regexps or
                any([, url) for condition in self.index_required_regexps])):
            if all([not, url) for x in self.index_filter_regexps]):
                return True
        return False

    def applyConfigFile(self):
        for config_key, config_value in self.config.items():
            setattr(self, config_key, config_value)
        self.domain = extractDomain(self.seed_urls[0])

    # This might have to be changed into the database variant
    def load_local_pages(self):
        saved_html_dir = os.path.join(self.collections_path, self.collection_name)
        for _, _, files in os.walk(saved_html_dir):
            for name in files:
                if name.startswith('.DS_'):
                with open(os.path.join(saved_html_dir, name)) as f:
                        js = json.load(f)
                        print('failed to load json {}'.format(name))
                        self.url_to_tree_mapping[js['url']] = makeTree(
                            js['html'], self.domain)
                        self.url_to_headers_mapping[js['url']] = js['headers']
                    # pylint: disable=broad-except
                    except Exception as e:

    def add_template_elements(self):
        for url in self.url_to_tree_mapping:

    def remove_bad_xpaths_from_tree(self, tree):
        if 'bad_xpaths' in self.config:
            for bad_xpath in self.config['bad_xpaths']:
                self.remove_bad_xpath_from_tree(tree, bad_xpath)

    def process(self, url, tree, remove_visuals, exclude_data):
        if self.detected_language is None:
            self.detected_language = get_language(
                tree, self.url_to_headers_mapping[url], self.domain)
        # print('language: {}'.format(self.detected_language))
        # pre_text_content = normalize('\n'.join([get_text_and_tail(x) for x in tree.iter()]))

        # author has to be attempted before duplicate removal, since an author is
        # likely to occur more often
        hardest_authors, not_hardest_authors, text_hard_authors, text_soft_authors, meta_authors = get_author(
            tree, self.detected_language)
        title = getRuleTitle(tree)
        # filter duplicate images by src
        ok_imgs = get_images(tree)
        titleind = ()
        imginds = []
        contentinds = []

        # such as title, date and later author

        link_eles = [link[0] for link in tree.iterlinks()
                     if link[0].tag == 'a' and link[2] and
                     link[2].startswith(self.domain) and

        linkinds = []
        for num, node in enumerate(tree.iter()):
            if node in ok_imgs:
                imginds.append((node, num))
            elif normalize(get_text_and_tail(node)) == title:
                titleind = (node, num)
            elif get_text_and_tail(node).strip():
                if node in link_eles:
                    linkinds.append((node, num))
                contentinds.append((node, num))
            # Cleanup trash for visual'
            if remove_visuals:
                if node.tag == 'input':
                    node.set('type', 'hidden')
                elif node.tag == 'a' and not get_text_and_tail(node).strip():
                    for att in node.attrib:
                        node.set(att, '')
                if node.tag == 'img':
                    node.set('alt', '')
                if node.attrib and 'background-image' in node.attrib:
                    node.set('background-image', '')
        if not titleind:
            # fuzzy token text / title matching
            title_set = set(title.split())
            for num, node in enumerate(tree.iter()):
                text_content = get_text_and_tail(node)
                if text_content and len(text_content) < 500:
                    text_set = set(text_content.split())
                    if fscore(title_set, text_set) > 0.5:
                        titleind = (node, num)

        if titleind:
            sortedimgs = sorted(imginds, key=lambda x: abs(x[1] - titleind[1]))
            sortedimgs = []

        images = []
        for x in sortedimgs:
            val = None
            if 'src' in x[0].attrib:
                val = x[0].attrib['src']
            elif 'content' in x[0].attrib:
                val = x[0].attrib['content']
            elif 'style' in x[0].attrib:
                tmp = re.findall(r'background-image:[ ]*url\((http[^)]+)', x[0].attrib['style'])
                if tmp:
                    val = tmp[0]
            if val is not None and val not in images:

        author = ''
        author_node_index = None
        date = "1970-01-01"
        if titleind:
            date = get_dates(tree, titleind, self.detected_language)
            # excluding soft dates (meta, they wont work anyway)

            for at in [hardest_authors, not_hardest_authors, text_hard_authors, text_soft_authors]:
                if at:
                    author, author_node_index = sorted(
                        at, key=lambda x: abs(x[1] - titleind[1]))[0]

        if not author and meta_authors:
            for ma in meta_authors:
                author = ma

        if author_node_index is not None:
            for num, node in enumerate(tree.iter()):
                if num == author_node_index:
            # It goes wrong when some year is mentioned in the title, then it removes title
            # print('removing author content', node.text)
            node.text = ''
            node.tail = ''

        cleaned_html = lxml.html.tostring(tree).decode('utf8')

        body_content = self.get_content(cleaned_html)

        if not body_content:
            body_content = []
            title_len = len(title)
            title_tokens = set(title.split())
            len_title_tokens = len(title_tokens)
            last_text_node_num = get_last_text_non_a_node(tree)
            for num, x in enumerate(tree.iter()):
                txt = normalize(get_text_and_tail(x))
                if txt:
                    if num < titleind[1]:
                        # print('removed pre-title', txt)
                        x.text = ''
                        x.tail = ''
                    if last_text_node_num > 0 and num > last_text_node_num:
                        # print('removed post-content', txt)
                        x.text = ''
                    n = len(txt)
                    # remove title
                    txt_tokens = set(txt.split())
                    n_matching = len(txt_tokens & title_tokens)
                    if (n < title_len * 3 and n_matching / len(txt_tokens) > 0.3 and
                            n_matching / len_title_tokens > 0.3):
                        # print('removed!', txt)

        links = [x.attrib['href'] for x in tree.xpath('//a')
                 if 'href' in x.attrib and
                 x.attrib['href'].startswith(self.domain) and

        money_amounts = money.find('\n'.join(body_content), 1000) + money.find(title, 1000)

        data = {'title': title,
                'body': body_content,
                'images': images,
                'publish_date': str(date),
                'author': author,
                'cleaned': cleaned_html,
                'language': self.detected_language,
                'url': url,
                'domain': self.domain,
                'money': money_amounts,
                'summary': '',
                'related': get_sorted_links(links, url)[:5]}

        if 'overwrite_values_by_xpath' in self.config:
            for k, v in self.config['overwrite_values_by_xpath'].items():
                new = tree.xpath(v)
                data[k] = new[0] if isinstance(new, list) else new

        filtered_data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k not in exclude_data}

        return filtered_data

    def process_all(self, remove_visuals=False, exclude_data=None, maxn=100000000):
        if exclude_data is None:
            exclude_data = []
        results = {}
        for num, url in enumerate(self.url_to_tree_mapping):
            if num > maxn:
            results[url] = self.process(url, self.url_to_tree_mapping[url],
                                        remove_visuals, exclude_data)
        return results

    def get_content(self, html):
        # I should refactor the other get_content when this fails into here
        lang_mapping = {'nl': 'Dutch', 'en': 'English', 'com': 'English'}
        if self.detected_language not in lang_mapping:
            return ''
        lang = lang_mapping[self.detected_language]
        body_content = [x.text for x in justext.justext(html, justext.get_stoplist(lang))
                        if not x.is_boilerplate and not x.is_heading]
        return body_content