Beispiel #1
def count_boosting(player):
    if player.boosting:
        player.boost_counter -= 1
        # boost ran out
        if player.boost_counter == 0:
            player.boosting = False
            player.speed = max_speed(player.damage)
Beispiel #2
def valid_actions(state):
    valid = []

    if state.player.speed < max_speed(state.player.damage):

    if state.player.speed > 0:

        if state.player.y >
        if state.player.y <
        if state.player.lizards > 0:

    if state.player.damage > 0:
    if state.player.boosts > 0:
        if state.player.speed < boost_speed(state.player.damage):
        if state.player.boost_counter == 1:

    return valid
    def test_max_speed(self):
        assert max_speed(0) == Speed.MAX_SPEED.value
        assert max_speed(1) == Speed.MAX_SPEED.value
        assert max_speed(2) == Speed.SPEED_3.value
        assert max_speed(3) == Speed.SPEED_2.value
        assert max_speed(4) == Speed.SPEED_1.value
        assert max_speed(5) == Speed.MIN_SPEED.value

        assert max_speed(6) == Speed.MIN_SPEED.value
        assert max_speed(10) == Speed.MIN_SPEED.value
    def test_accel(self):
        state = setup_state()
        assert Cmd.ACCEL in valid_actions(state)
        state.player.speed = Speed.MAX_SPEED.value
        assert Cmd.ACCEL not in valid_actions(state)

        state.player.damage = 2
        state.player.speed = max_speed(state.player.damage)
        assert Cmd.ACCEL not in valid_actions(state)
    def test_boost(self):
        state = setup_state()
        state.player.boosts = 1
        state.opponent.boosts = 1
        cmd = Cmd.BOOST

        nstate = next_state(state, cmd, cmd)
        for prev, cur in zip([state.player, state.opponent],
                             [nstate.player, nstate.opponent]):
            assert cur.y == prev.y
            assert cur.x - prev.x == Speed.BOOST_SPEED.value
            assert cur.speed == Speed.BOOST_SPEED.value
            assert cur.boosts - prev.boosts == -1
            assert cur.boosting == True
            assert cur.boost_counter == 5

        # test no damage
        for i in range(5):
            pstate = nstate
            nstate = next_state(nstate, Cmd.NOP, cmd.NOP)
            for prev, cur in zip([pstate.player, pstate.opponent],
                                 [nstate.player, nstate.opponent]):
                assert cur.boost_counter - prev.boost_counter == -1
                if i < 4:
                    assert cur.boosting == True
                    assert cur.speed == Speed.BOOST_SPEED.value
                    assert cur.boosting == False
                    assert cur.speed == Speed.MAX_SPEED.value

        # test with damage
        state.player.speed = Speed.MIN_SPEED.value
        state.opponent.speed = Speed.MIN_SPEED.value
        state.player.damage = 2
        state.opponent.damage = 2

        nstate = next_state(state, cmd, cmd)

        for i in range(5):
            pstate = nstate
            nstate = next_state(nstate, Cmd.NOP, cmd.NOP)
            for prev, cur in zip([pstate.player, pstate.opponent],
                                 [nstate.player, nstate.opponent]):
                assert cur.boost_counter - prev.boost_counter == -1
                if i < 4:
                    assert cur.boosting == True
                    assert cur.speed == boost_speed(cur.damage)
                    assert cur.boosting == False
                    assert cur.speed == max_speed(cur.damage)
Beispiel #6
def calc_opp_cmd(cmd, from_state, to_state):
    # no way to know what they were going to do
    if cmd == Cmd.EMP:
        return None

    cmd = ns_filter(cmd)

    x, y = from_state.opponent.x, from_state.opponent.y

    # if their boost counter was one their effective speed was actually 9
    if from_state.opponent.boost_counter == 1:
        from_state.opponent.speed = max_speed(from_state.opponent.damage)
    speed = from_state.opponent.speed

    fx, fy = to_state.opponent.x, to_state.opponent.y
    fspeed = to_state.opponent.speed

    x_off = fx - x
    y_off = fy - y

    # go through all the valid actions that they could've taken and check if
    # the next state matches their actual state
    for opp_cmd in valid_actions(from_state.switch()):
        nstate = next_state(from_state, cmd, opp_cmd)
        if ((nstate.opponent.x, nstate.opponent.y,
             nstate.opponent.speed) == (fx, fy, fspeed)):
            return opp_cmd

    # above didn't work, so try figure out what they did based on some
    # rudimentary rules

    if y_off:
        return Cmd.LEFT if y_off < 0 else Cmd.RIGHT

    if x_off == y_off == 0 and fspeed == speed:
        return Cmd.FIX

    if x_off > speed:
        if x_off <= next_speed(speed):
            return Cmd.ACCEL
            return Cmd.BOOST

    if x_off == prev_speed(speed):
        return Cmd.DECEL

    if x_off == speed:
        _y = fy
        _speed = speed
        start_x = x if y_off else x + 1

        for _x in range(start_x, fx + 1):
            block =[_x, _y]

            if block == Block.MUD:
                _speed = prev_speed(_speed)
            elif block == Block.OIL_SPILL:
                _speed = prev_speed(_speed)
            elif block == Block.WALL:
                _speed = Speed.SPEED_1.value

        _speed = max(Speed.SPEED_1.value, _speed)
        return Cmd.LIZARD if _speed < fspeed else Cmd.NOP

    return None
Beispiel #7
def cap_speed(player):
    if not player.boosting:
        player.speed = min(max_speed(player.damage), player.speed)
 def test_boost_speed(self):
     assert boost_speed(0) == Speed.BOOST_SPEED.value
     for i in range(1, 7):
         assert boost_speed(i) == max_speed(i)