Beispiel #1
def test_history_resume_basic(db, data1):
    """Test --history-resume"""
    # Run it once.  Is the update_time approximately now?
    slurm2sql.main(['dummy', '--history-days=1'], raw_sacct=data1, db=db)
    update_time = slurm2sql.get_last_timestamp(db)
    assert abs(update_time - time.time()) < 5
    # Wait 1s, is update time different?
    slurm2sql.main(['dummy', '--history-resume'], raw_sacct=data1, db=db)
    assert update_time != slurm2sql.get_last_timestamp(db)
Beispiel #2
def test_history_last_timestamp(db):
    """Test update_last_timestamp and get_last_timestamp functions"""
    import io
    # initialize db with null input - this just forces table creation.
    slurm2sql.slurm2sql(db, raw_sacct=io.StringIO())
    # Set last update and get it again immediately
    slurm2sql.update_last_timestamp(db, 13)
    assert slurm2sql.get_last_timestamp(db) == 13
Beispiel #3
def test_history_resume_timestamp(db, data1, caplog):
    """Test --history-resume's exact timestamp"""
    # Run once to get an update_time
    slurm2sql.main(['dummy', '--history-days=1'], raw_sacct=data1, db=db)
    update_time = slurm2sql.get_last_timestamp(db)
    # Run again and make sure that we filter based on that update_time
    slurm2sql.main(['dummy', '--history-resume'], raw_sacct=data1, db=db)
    assert slurm2sql.slurm_timestamp(update_time) in caplog.text