def query_data_old(VAV_Obj, sensor_name, start_date='4/1/2015',
               end_date='4/2/2015', interpolation_time='5min', limit=-1,
               externalID=None, useOptions=False):
    if useOptions:
        start_date =['starttime']
        end_date =['endtime']
        interpolation_time =['interpolationtime']
        limit = eval(['limit'])
    client_obj = SmapClient(VAV_Obj.serverAddr)
    if (VAV_Obj.sensors is None or VAV_Obj.sensors.get(sensor_name) is None) and externalID is None:
        print 'no ' + sensor_name + ' info'
        return None

    if externalID is None:
        sensorID = VAV_Obj.sensors.get(sensor_name)[0]
        sensorID = externalID
    if start_date is None and end_date is None:
        #print 'select data before now limit ' + str(limit) + ' where uuid = \'' + self.sensors.get(sensor_name)[0] + '\''
        # x = client_obj.query('select data before now limit ' + str(limit) + ' where uuid = \'' + self.sensors.get(sensor_name)[0] + '\'')
        q = client_obj.query('select data before now limit ' + str(limit) + ' where uuid = \'' + sensorID + '\'')
        #print 'select data in (\'' + start_date + '\', \'' + end_date + '\') limit ' + str(limit) + ' where uuid = \'' + self.sensors.get(sensor_name)[0] + '\''
        q = client_obj.query('select data in (\'' + start_date + '\', \'' + end_date + '\') limit ' + str(limit) + ' where uuid = \'' + sensorID + '\'')

    data_table = pd.DataFrame(q[0]['Readings'], columns=['Time', sensor_name])
    data_table['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(data_table['Time'].tolist(), unit='ms').tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert('America/Los_Angeles')
    data_table.set_index('Time', inplace=True)
    data_table = data_table.groupby(pd.TimeGrouper(interpolation_time)).mean().interpolate(method='linear').dropna()
    return data_table
def queryData(address, where=None, fullQ=None):
    c = SmapClient(address)
    if fullQ is None:
        qList = c.query("select uuid, Path where " + where)
        qList = c.query(fullQ)
    return qList
Beispiel #3
class SMAPDataRetriever(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.smapc = SmapClient("")

    def get_data(self, room, building, startDate, endDate):
        print "Pulling in data for room : ", room

        data_temp = self.smapc.query("apply window(mean, field='minute',width=10) to data in ('%s','%s') where Metadata/Name='STA_%s____ART'" % (startDate, endDate, room))
        data_reheat = self.smapc.query("apply window(mean, field='minute',width=10) to data in ('%s','%s') where Metadata/Name='STA_%s____RVP'" % (startDate, endDate, room))
        data_flow = self.smapc.query("apply window(mean, field='minute',width=10) to data in ('%s','%s') where Metadata/Name='STA_%s___SVEL'" % (startDate, endDate, room))
        data_oat = self.smapc.query("apply window(mean, field='minute',width=10) to data in ('%s','%s') where Metadata/Name='STA_%s__OAT'" % (startDate, endDate, building))

        data = {}
        for reading in data_temp[0]["Readings"]:
            data[int(reading[0])] = {}
            data[int(reading[0])]["temp"] = float(reading[1])

        for reading in data_reheat[0]["Readings"]:
            data[int(reading[0])]["reheat"] = float(reading[1])

        for reading in data_flow[0]["Readings"]:
            data[int(reading[0])]["flow"] = float(reading[1])

        for reading in data_oat[0]["Readings"]:
            data[int(reading[0])]["outtemp"] = float(reading[1])
        return data
def openBMS(nodeDic):
  resList = []

  c = SmapClient('')

  #counts = c.query(("apply count to data in (%s) streamlimit 50 "
  counts = c.query(("apply count to data in (%s) limit -1 "
		    "where Metadata/Instrument/PartNumber = '%s'") %
		   (nodeDic['periodStr'], nodeDic['id']))
  for v in counts:
	#print "readings : %s" % v['Readings']
	r = np.array(v['Readings'])
	Bcnt = int(v['Metadata']['Instrument']['PartNumber'])
	if len(r):
	    if( 0 < (Bcnt-1600) and (Bcnt-1600) < 151 ):
		Pcnt = np.sum(r[:, 1]) * 100 / (int(nodeDic['period']) * 60 / 5)
		print "THL : %s (%s %s)" % \
		   (v['Metadata']['Instrument']['PartNumber'], Pcnt, "%")
		print "\t(cnt : %s) - %s" % (np.sum(r[:, 1]), v['Properties']['UnitofMeasure'])
	    elif( 0 < (Bcnt-2000) and (Bcnt-2000) < 151 ):
		Pcnt = np.sum(r[:, 1]) * 100 / (int(nodeDic['period']) * 60 / 5)
		print "CO2 : %s (%s %s)" % \
		   (v['Metadata']['Instrument']['PartNumber'], Pcnt, "%")
		print "\t(cnt : %s) - %s" % (np.sum(r[:, 1]), v['Properties']['UnitofMeasure'])
	    elif( 0 < (Bcnt-5000) and (Bcnt-5000) < 151 ):
		Pcnt = np.sum(r[:, 1]) * 100 / (int(nodeDic['period']) * 60 / 10)
		print "PIR : %s (%s %s)" % \
		   (v['Metadata']['Instrument']['PartNumber'], Pcnt, "%")
		print "\t(cnt : %s) - %s" % (np.sum(r[:, 1]), v['Properties']['UnitofMeasure'])
	    #print r[:, 0]	#date
	    #print r[:, 1]	#data
	    #prrs.append(np.sum(r[:, 1]) / (3600 * (HOURS) / rate))
  return average(resList)
Beispiel #5
	def read_stream_data(self, num_days=1):
		self.points = {}
		c = SmapClient("")
		for point in self.input_variables:
			q = "apply window(mean, field='second',width='%d') to data in (\"03/01/2015\" -%ddays, \"03/07/2015\") where Metadata/Name='%s'" % \
						( self.rate,  num_days,  point )

			print q
			result = c.query(q)
			readings = result[0]["Readings"]
			self.points[point] = [ r[1] for r in result[0]["Readings"] ]

		for point in self.state_variables:
			query = "apply window(mean, field='second',width='%d') to data in (\"03/01/2015\" -%ddays, \"03/07/2015\") where Metadata/Name='%s'" % \
						( self.rate,  num_days,  point )

			result = c.query(query)
			readings = result[0]["Readings"]
			self.points[point] = [ r[1] for r in result[0]["Readings"] ]

		self.predictions = []
		self.model_params = []
		self.actual_outputs = []
Beispiel #6
    def read_stream_data(self, num_days=1):
        self.points = {}
        c = SmapClient("")
        for point in self.input_variables:
            q = "apply window(mean, field='second',width='%d') to data in (\"03/01/2015\" -%ddays, \"03/07/2015\") where Metadata/Name='%s'" % \
               ( self.rate,  num_days,  point )

            print q
            result = c.query(q)
            readings = result[0]["Readings"]
            self.points[point] = [r[1] for r in result[0]["Readings"]]

        for point in self.state_variables:
            query = "apply window(mean, field='second',width='%d') to data in (\"03/01/2015\" -%ddays, \"03/07/2015\") where Metadata/Name='%s'" % \
               ( self.rate,  num_days,  point )

            result = c.query(query)
            readings = result[0]["Readings"]
            self.points[point] = [r[1] for r in result[0]["Readings"]]

        self.predictions = []
        self.model_params = []
        self.actual_outputs = []
Beispiel #7
restrict = " Metadata/SourceName = '%s' and "%source\
                 + ' and '.join(["Path ~ '%s'"] * len(path_list_and))\
                 %tuple(path_list_and) + " and ("\
                 + ' or '.join(["Path ~ '%s'"] * len(path_list_or)) \
                 %tuple(path_list_or) + ")"
tags = c.tags(restrict)

startDate = "01/01/2014"
endDate = "01/02/2014"
print "Start date: ", str(startDate), 
print "End date: ", str(endDate)
name = 'Brower_data_V3.csv' 
dt_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
query_data = 'apply window(first, field="hour") to data in ("' + startDate + '" , "' + str(endDate) + '") limit 10000000 where' + restrict
data = c.query(query_data)
df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(N):
  d = np.array(data[i]['Readings'])
  if d.any():
    df['timestamp'] = d[:,0]
    df['datetime'] = [datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x/1000).strftime(dt_format) for x in d[:,0]]
    for p in path_list_or:
      if p in data[i]['Path']:
          df[p] = d[:,1]
        print "Data for " + p + " downloaded."
Beispiel #8
@author Stephen Dawson-Haggerty <*****@*****.**>

import datetime

from smap.archiver.client import SmapClient
from smap.contrib import dtutil
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

c = SmapClient('')

RATES = [#("#", 10), 
         ("ppm", 5), ("C", 5)]

prrs = []
for unit, rate in RATES:
    counts = c.query(("apply count to data in now -%ih, now "
                      "limit -1 streamlimit 1000 where "
                      "Properties/UnitofMeasure = '%s' and "
                      "Metadata/SourceName = 'KETI Motes'") %
                     (HOURS, unit))
    for v in counts:
        r = np.array(v['Readings'])
        if len(r):
            prrs.append(np.sum(r[:, 1]) / (3600 * (HOURS) / rate))

plt.hist(prrs, bins=25)
Beispiel #9
from smap.archiver.client import SmapClient
from smap.contrib import dtutil
from datetime import datetime
import os

# make a client
c = SmapClient("")

start =
f = open('uuid','r')
uuid = [i.strip('\n') for i in open('uuid', 'r').readlines()]
# ts = range(len(uuid))
# table = dict(zip(uuid,ts))

# for u in uuid:
stnc = "select data before now streamlimit -1 where Metadata/SourceName ~ '.*'"
out = c.query(stnc)

for rd in out:
	table[rd['uuid']] = (int)(rd['Readings'][0][0]/1000)

f = open('freshTable','w')
f.writelines("%s:%s\n"%(k,v) for k,v in table.items())

print "Time elapsed:", str(
    if not os.path.isdir(outputDir):
        print "File with the same name exists. Delete it first"

startDate = "6/08/2015"
endDate = "6/09/2015"

numRooms = len(validVAVs)
count = 0
for room in validVAVs:
    count += 1
    print "Pulling in data for room : ", room, "(%d/%d)" % (count, numRooms)
    for sensors in validVAVs[room]:
        for sensor in validVAVs[room][sensors]:
            data = c.query("select data in ('%s','%s') where uuid='%s'" %
                (startDate, endDate, sensor))
            data_table = pd.DataFrame(data[0]['Readings'], columns=['Time', 'Readings'])
            data_table['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(data_table['Time'].tolist(), unit='ms').tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert('America/Los_Angeles')
            data_table.set_index('Time', inplace=True)
            data_table = data_table.resample(interpolation_time)
            data_table.to_csv(outputDir + '/' + sensor)

AHUSENSOR = "a7aa36e6-10c4-5008-8a02-039988f284df"
data = c.query("select data in ('%s','%s') where uuid='%s' " % (startDate, endDate, AHUSENSOR))
data_table = pd.DataFrame(data[0]['Readings'], columns=['Time', 'Readings'])
data_table['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(data_table['Time'].tolist(), unit='ms').tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert('America/Los_Angeles')
data_table.set_index('Time', inplace=True)
data_table = data_table.resample(interpolation_time)
data_table.to_csv(outputDir + '/' + AHUSENSOR)
if os.path.exists(outputDir):
	if not os.path.isdir(outputDir):
		print "File with the same name exists. Delete it first"

startDate = "05/27/2015"
endDate = "07/04/2015"

numRooms = len(roomMetadata)
count = 0
for room in roomMetadata:
	count += 1
	print "Pulling in data for room : ", room  , "(%d/%d)" % (count, numRooms )
	for sensor in roomMetadata[room]: 
		data = c.query("select data in ('%s','%s') where Metadata/Name='%s'" % 
			(startDate, endDate, roomMetadata[room][sensor]) )

		outf = open(outputDir + "/" + roomMetadata[room][sensor], "w")
		if len(data) == 0:
		for reading in data[0]["Readings"]:
			outf.write( str(int(reading[0])).strip() + "," + str(reading[1]).strip() + "\n" )


Beispiel #12
from smap.contrib import dtutil

from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib import dates
import os
# make a client
c = SmapClient("")

# start and end values are Unix timestamps
t_start = "1-1-2012 0:00"
t_end = "1-1-2013 0:00"
start = 1000*dtutil.dt2ts(dtutil.strptime_tz(t_start, "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M"))
end   = 1000*dtutil.dt2ts(dtutil.strptime_tz(t_end, "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M"))

stnc = "select distinct Path where Metadata/SourceName='Cory Hall Dent Meters' and Path ~ '(?i)power$' and not Path ~ '.*ABC.*'"
pathlist = c.query(stnc) #the result is a list

pathlist = pathlist[275:] 
for path in pathlist:
	print "==========Fetching streams in path %s=========="%path
	for s in path:
		# fetch the metadata of path wanted
		tags = c.tags("Path='%s'"%path)

		# mkdir for each path
		path1 = "/Users/hdz_1989/Downloads/SDB/Cory"
		# folder = path
		# if not os.path.exists(path1+'/'+folder):
		# 	os.makedirs(path1+'/'+folder)

		# ft = open(path+'/'+folder+'/' + 'date.txt', 'w')
from smap.archiver.client import SmapClient
import time
import datetime
import json
import pandas as pd
#pd.options.display.mpl_style = 'default'

client = SmapClient('')
# timestamps
end = int(time.time())
#start = end - 60*60*24*30 # last month
start = end - 60*60*24*7 # last week

zones = client.query('select distinct Metadata/HVACZone')

def getdataasjson(query, start, end):
    tmp_data =,start,end,cache=True,limit=500000)
    if not len(tmp_data[0]):
        return {}
    tmp = pd.DataFrame(tmp_data[1][0])
    if len(tmp.notnull()) == 0:
        return {}
    tmp = tmp[[1] - tmp[1].mean()) <= 5*tmp[1].std()]
    tmp[0] = pd.to_datetime(tmp[0], unit='ms')
    tmp.index = tmp[0]
    tmp = tmp.drop_duplicates()
    del tmp[0]
    return json.loads(tmp.to_json())["1"]

def get_demand():
Beispiel #14
if end == '-d':
	end = int(time.time()*1000)
	end = dtutil.dt2ts(dtutil.strptime_tz("%s" %end, "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M")) * 1000
if start == '-d':
	start = end - 7*24*60*60*1000
	start = dtutil.dt2ts(dtutil.strptime_tz("%s" %start, "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M")) * 1000
applySum = "apply nansum(axis=1) < paste < window(first, field='minute', width=15) < units to data in (%f, %f) limit -1 streamlimit 10000 \
	where (Metadata/Extra/System = 'total' or Metadata/Extra/System = 'electric') \
	and (Properties/UnitofMeasure = 'kW' or Properties/UnitofMeasure = 'Watts' or Properties/UnitofMeasure = 'W') \
	and Metadata/Location/Building like '%s%%' and not Metadata/Extra/Operator like 'sum%%' \
	and not Path like '%%demand' and not Path like '/Cory_Hall/Electric_5A7/ABC/real_power' and not Path like '/Cory_Hall/Electric_5B7/ABC/real_power'" \
	%(start, end, bldg)

result = c.query(applySum) #the result is a list
reading = result[0]['Readings']

# output readings to file
fw = open('energy.csv', 'w')
fw.writelines("%s,%s\n" %(rd[0],rd[1]) for rd in reading)

# # adujst to data to an array of even length
# data = np.asarray(reading)
# data = data[:,1]
# if len(data)%2==0:
# 	data = data
# else:
# 	data = data[:len(data)-1]
# # print len(data)
Beispiel #15
from smap.contrib import dtutil

from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib import dates
import os
import re
# make a client
c = SmapClient("")

# get tag list
tag = [i.strip('\n') for i in open('tagList.txt', 'r').readlines()]
# stnc = "select distinct"
# tag = c.query(stnc)

#prompt user to input
input = raw_input("keyword to query: ")

# regular expression search goes here...
# kw = input.split(' ')
# regex = re.compile("(?i).*(name).*")
# entry = [ for l in tag for m in [] if m]
# for e in entry:
for e in tag:
	# stnc = "select distinct Path where %s like '%%%s%%'"%(e, input)
	stnc = "select distinct Path where %s ~ '(?i).*%s.*'"%(e, input)
	print ">>>>>>>>>>querying thru entry %s>>>>>>>>>>"%e
	list = c.query(stnc) #the result is a list
	if list:
		print "the entry getting matches is", e
		print '\n'.join(i for i in list)
Beispiel #16
    outputDir = sys.argv[1].strip()

if os.path.exists(outputDir):
    if not os.path.isdir(outputDir):
        print "File with the same name exists. Delete it first"

startDate = "05/27/2015"
endDate = "07/04/2015"

numRooms = len(roomMetadata)
count = 0
for room in roomMetadata:
    count += 1
    print "Pulling in data for room : ", room, "(%d/%d)" % (count, numRooms)
    for sensor in roomMetadata[room]:
        data = c.query("select data in ('%s','%s') where Metadata/Name='%s'" %
                       (startDate, endDate, roomMetadata[room][sensor]))

        outf = open(outputDir + "/" + roomMetadata[room][sensor], "w")
        if len(data) == 0:
        for reading in data[0]["Readings"]:
                str(int(reading[0])).strip() + "," + str(reading[1]).strip() +

Beispiel #17
# make a dict mapping uuids to data vectors
path = "/Users/hdz_1989/Downloads/SDB/SDH"
folder = tags[0]['Path'].split('/')[-2]
if not os.path.exists(path+'/'+folder):

ft = open(path+'/'+folder+'/' + 'date.txt', 'w')
ft.write(t_start + ' ~ ' + t_end)

for timeseries in tags:
	uuid = timeseries['uuid']
	filename = timeseries['Path'].split('/')[-1]
	clause = "select data in (%.0f, %.0f) limit -1 where uuid = '%s'" \
	%(start, end, uuid)
	result = c.query(clause) #the result is a list
	d = result[0]['Readings']
	f = open(path+'/'+folder+'/'+filename + '.csv', 'w')
	f.writelines(["%.0f, %.2f\n"%(float(i[0])/1000, float(i[1])) for i in d])
	# f.writelines(["%.2f\n"%(float(i[1])) for i in d])

# # plot all the data
# for timeseries in tags:
#   d = data_map[timeseries['uuid']]
#   # since we have the tags, we can add some metadata
#   label = "%s (%s)" % (timeseries['Path'],
#                        timeseries['Properties/UnitofMeasure'])
#   # we can plot all of the series in their appropriate time zones
#   pyplot.plot_date(dates.epoch2num(d[:, 0] / 1000), d[:, 1], '-', 
#                    label=label,
import os
import sys
from smap.archiver.client import SmapClient
from smap.contrib import dtutil
import re
import json

c = SmapClient("", key="NAXk19YY45TTiXlajiQGQ8KTp283oHfp2Uly")
rooms = c.query("select distinct Metadata/room-id where Metadata/site='STA'")
metadata = {}
count = 0
numRooms = len(rooms)
for room in rooms:
	count += 1
	print "Building Metadata for room : %s (%d/%d)" % (room, count, numRooms )
	metadata[room] = {}
	sensors = c.query("select * where Metadata/room-id='" + str(room) + "' and Metadata/site='STA'")
	for i in range(len(sensors)):
		if "Name" not in sensors[i]["Metadata"]:
		pointName = sensors[i]["Metadata"]["Name"]
		roomMetadata = sensors[i]["Metadata"]
		if "room_temp" in roomMetadata:
			metadata[room]["room_temp"] = pointName
		if "supply_air_velocity" in roomMetadata or "supply_air_volume" in roomMetadata:
			metadata[room]["supply_air_velocity"] = pointName
		if "reheat_valve_position" in roomMetadata:
			metadata[room]["reheat_valve_position"] = pointName

Beispiel #19
train_data = []
test_data = []
search_train = []
# anomaly_train = []
search_test = []
# anomaly_test = []
count = 0
valid = []

for i in sdh_path:
	count += 1
	if count%50==0:
		print '%.2f%% done...'%(float(count)/len(sdh_path)*100)
	q = "select data in (%.0f, %.0f) limit -1 where Path = '%s'" \
						%(start1, end1, i)
	rd = c.query(q)
	if rd:
		if rd[0]['Readings']:
			if rd[0]['Readings'][0][1] and len(rd[0]['Readings'])>1:
				flag = 0
				data = rd[0]['Readings']
				if i in search_path:
					# for d in data:
					# 	if d[1]>72 or d[1]<60:
					# 		anomaly_path.append(i)
					# 		count1 += 1
					# 		flag = 1;
					# 		break;
Beispiel #20
from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib import dates
import os
import re
import json
import ast
from datetime import datetime

# make a client
c = SmapClient("")

# get tag list
#tag = [i.strip('\n') for i in open('tagList.txt', 'r').readlines()]
stnc = "select distinct Path"
result = c.query(stnc)

outFile = open("MetadataDump","w")
finalStructure = {}
count = 0
lastTime =
print len(result)
print "Experiment started at : ",lastTime
for tag in result:
	queryString = "select * where Path='" + tag + "'"
	out = c.query(queryString)
	#finalStructure[tag] = out[0]
	count += 1
	if count % 100 == 0:
		timeNow =
		timeTaken = (timeNow - lastTime).seconds
Beispiel #21
import os
import sys
from smap.archiver.client import SmapClient
from smap.contrib import dtutil
import re
import json

c = SmapClient("",
rooms = c.query("select distinct Metadata/room-id where Metadata/site='STA'")
metadata = {}
count = 0
numRooms = len(rooms)
for room in rooms:
    count += 1
    print "Building Metadata for room : %s (%d/%d)" % (room, count, numRooms)
    metadata[room] = {}
    sensors = c.query("select * where Metadata/room-id='" + str(room) +
                      "' and Metadata/site='STA'")
    for i in range(len(sensors)):
        if "Name" not in sensors[i]["Metadata"]:
        pointName = sensors[i]["Metadata"]["Name"]
        roomMetadata = sensors[i]["Metadata"]

        if "room_temp" in roomMetadata:
            metadata[room]["room_temp"] = pointName
        if "supply_air_velocity" in roomMetadata or "supply_air_volume" in roomMetadata:
            metadata[room]["supply_air_velocity"] = pointName
        if "reheat_valve_position" in roomMetadata:
            metadata[room]["reheat_valve_position"] = pointName
Beispiel #22
from smap.contrib import dtutil

from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib import dates
import os
# make a client
c = SmapClient("")

# start and end values are Unix timestamps
t_start = "6-12-2013 8:00"
t_end = "6-19-2013 8:00"
start = 1000*dtutil.dt2ts(dtutil.strptime_tz(t_start, "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M"))
end   = 1000*dtutil.dt2ts(dtutil.strptime_tz(t_end, "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M"))

stnc = "select distinct Metadata/Location/RoomNumber where Metadata/SourceName='KETI Motes'"
roomlist = c.query(stnc) #the result is a list

#roomlist = roomlist[16:]
#roomlist = ['621A','621B','621C','621D','621E']
for room in roomlist:
	print "==========Fetching streams in Room %s=========="%room
	stnc = "select Path where Metadata/Location/RoomNumber='%s' and not Path ~ '.*pir.*'" %room
	streams = c.query(stnc)
	if len(streams)>0:
		# print "----%d streams in Room %s----"%(len(streams), room)

		for s in streams:
			# fetch the metadata of path wanted
			tags = c.tags("Path='%s'"%s['Path'])

			# mkdir for each room
Beispiel #23
from smap.archiver.client import SmapClient
import time
import datetime
import json
import pandas as pd
#pd.options.display.mpl_style = 'default'

client = SmapClient('')
# timestamps
end = int(time.time())
#start = end - 60*60*24*30 # last month
start = end - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7  # last week

zones = client.query('select distinct Metadata/HVACZone')

def getdataasjson(query, start, end):
    tmp_data =, start, end, cache=True, limit=500000)
    if not len(tmp_data[0]):
        return {}
    tmp = pd.DataFrame(tmp_data[1][0])
    if len(tmp.notnull()) == 0:
        return {}
    tmp = tmp[[1] - tmp[1].mean()) <= 5 * tmp[1].std()]
    tmp[0] = pd.to_datetime(tmp[0], unit='ms')
    tmp.index = tmp[0]
    tmp = tmp.drop_duplicates()
    del tmp[0]
    return json.loads(tmp.to_json())["1"]