Beispiel #1
    def search_records(cls, query):
        c = DemographicConnector()
        res = c.sparql(query)
        m = parse_rdf(res)

        # for each person, look up their demographics object.
        from smart.models.record_object import RecordObject
        people = m.triples((None, rdf['type'], sp.Demographics))
        pobj = RecordObject[sp.Demographics]

        obtained = set()
        return_graph = bound_graph()
        for person in people:
            p = person[0]  # subject

            # Connect to RDF Store
            pid ="\/records\/(.*?)\/demographics", str(p)).group(1)
            if pid in obtained: continue

            print "matched ", p, " to ", pid
            c = RecordStoreConnector(Record.objects.get(id=pid))

            # Pull out demographics
            p_uri = p.n3()  # subject URI
            p_subgraph = parse_rdf(c.sparql(pobj.query_one(p_uri)))

            # Append to search result graph
            return_graph += p_subgraph
        return serialize_rdf(return_graph)
Beispiel #2
  def search_records(cls, query):
    c = DemographicConnector()
    res = c.sparql(query)
    m = parse_rdf(res)

    # for each person, look up their demographics object.
    from smart.models.record_object import RecordObject
    people = m.triples((None, rdf['type'], sp.Demographics))
    pobj = RecordObject[sp.Demographics] 

    obtained = set()
    return_graph = bound_graph()
    for person in people:
      p = person[0] # subject

      # Connect to RDF Store
      pid ="\/records\/(.*?)\/demographics", str(p)).group(1)
      if pid in obtained: continue

      print "matched ", p," to ", pid
      c = RecordStoreConnector(Record.objects.get(id=pid))

      # Pull out demographics
      p_uri = p.n3() # subject URI
      p_subgraph = parse_rdf(c.sparql(pobj.query_one(p_uri)))
      # Append to search result graph
      return_graph += p_subgraph
    return serialize_rdf(return_graph)
Beispiel #3
 def get_demographic_rdf(self):
   c = DemographicConnector()
   q = self.query()
   return c.sparql(q)