Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, environment, social_vector, strategy, my_index,
                 noise = 0, prob_explore = 0.5, random_explore = True, log_file = None):
        self.strategy = strategy                
        assert strategy in ['asocial', 'smart',  'naive_copy', 'move_to_center', 'move_to_closest']
        self.noise = noise
        self.random_explore = random_explore
        self.prob_explore = prob_explore = environment(None)
        self.last_pos = None
        self.total_score = 0
        self.time = -1
        self.state = 'exploring'
        self.last_state = 'exploring'
        self.explore_goal = None
        self.copy_goal = None
        self.exploit_goal = None
        self.my_index = my_index        
        social_vector[my_index] = False
        self.social_vector = [False]*len(social_vector) if strategy == 'asocial' else social_vector 

        if not self.random_explore:
            self.model = inference.Model(lambda: SpotlightBackgroundDiscrete(,
                                         n_samples = 500)
            self.goal = self.model.resample(None, None, None)
        else :
            self.goal =
        self.turn = np.random.choice(['left','right'])

        self.copy_targeted = self.strategy in ['smart']
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self,

        #self.threshold = threshold

        self.social_info = social_info
        self.social_particles = social_particles
        self.ideal = ideal
        self.infer_score = infer_score
        self.watch_others = watch_others

        self.model = inference.Model(lambda: score_field_model(noise=par),

        #self.model = inference.Model(n_samples = n_samples, noise = par) = environment(None)
        self.cache = heuristic.Cacher(
        self.turn = np.random.choice(['left', 'right'])

        self.goal = None
        self.belief = None

        self.last_pos = None
        self.time = -1
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self,

        self.par = pars
        #self.memory = memory
        self.watch_others = watch_others

        self.model = inference.Model(lambda: score_field_model(noise=pars),
        self.environment = environment

        self.goal = None
        self.belief = None
        self.goal_models = None
        self.last_score = None
        self.last_pos = None

        self.time = -1

        self.stop_and_click = stop_and_click
    def __init__(self, data, inactive):
        self.inference_model = inference.Model()

        active_players = get_active_players(data, inactive)
        self.player_data = dict([(p, data.loc[data['pid'] == p,:].copy()) for p in active_players])
        for p in self.player_data:
            self.player_data[p].index = self.player_data[p].tick
        self.ticks = sorted(set(data['tick']))
        self.goal_models = {}
        self.caches = {}

        for p in self.player_data:
            self.goal_models[p] = goal_inference.Model(n_samples = 100)
            self.caches[p] = cache.Model(memory = 16)
Beispiel #5
def process_data(data, inactive, verbose = True):
    >>> np.random.seed(1)
    >>> success, df = process_data(pd.DataFrame({'tick':range(24)+range(24)+range(24)+range(23)+range(23)+range(23),'pid':[1]*24+[2]*24+[3]*24+[4]*23+[5]*23+[6]*23,'x_pos':range(24)+[100]*24+range(24)+range(23)+[100]*23+[100]*23,'y_pos':range(24)+[100]*24+range(24)+range(23)+[100]*23+[100]*23,'velocity':[10]*24+[1]*24+[1]*24+[1]*23+[1]*23+[1]*23,'angle':[135]*24+range(24)+[135]*24+[135]*23+range(23)+range(23),'bg_val':[0]*24+[1]*24+[0]*24+[0]*23+[1]*23+[1]*23}),{}, verbose = False)
    >>> len(df)
    >>> df.iloc[60]
    angle                                135
    bg_val                                 0
    pid                                    1
    tick                                  10
    velocity                              10
    x_pos                                 10
    y_pos                                 10
    nearby-1                           False
    facing-1                           False
    copying-1                          False
    nearby-2                           False
    facing-2                            True
    copying-2                           True
    nearby-3                           False
    facing-3                           False
    copying-3                          False
    nearby-4                           False
    facing-4                           False
    copying-4                          False
    nearby-5                           False
    facing-5                            True
    copying-5                           True
    nearby-6                           False
    facing-6                            True
    copying-6                           True
    spinning                           False
    staying                            False
    going_straight                      True
    moving_fast                         True
    nearby                             False
    nearby_spinning                    False
    have_been_nearby                   False
    since_nearby                         NaN
    copying                             True
    state                            copying
    other_exploiting                    True
    other_spinning                      True
    copying_exploiting                  True
    score_increased                    False
    score_decreased                    False
    uncertainty_increased               True
    score_decreased_from_one           False
    turning                            False
    turning_towards_others             False
    turning_towards_spinning           False
    turning_towards_beliefs            False
    facing                              True
    facing_spinning                     True
    copying_reward                         1
    uncertainty                     8484.406
    others_cov                             0
    ave_dist_others                 76.36753
    spinning_cov                           0
    dist_to_mean_others             76.36753
    dist_to_mean_spinning           127.2792
    dist_to_mean_beliefs            353.2469
    angle_to_mean_others        1.490116e-08
    angle_to_mean_spinning      1.490116e-08
    angle_to_mean_beliefs          0.3436884
    Name: 10, Length: 59, dtype: object
    >>> df.iloc[61]
    angle                               10
    bg_val                               1
    pid                                  2
    tick                                10
    velocity                             1
    x_pos                              100
    y_pos                              100
    nearby-1                         False
    facing-1                         False
    copying-1                        False
    nearby-2                         False
    facing-2                         False
    copying-2                        False
    nearby-3                         False
    facing-3                         False
    copying-3                        False
    nearby-4                         False
    facing-4                         False
    copying-4                        False
    nearby-5                          True
    facing-5                         False
    copying-5                        False
    nearby-6                          True
    facing-6                         False
    copying-6                        False
    spinning                          True
    staying                           True
    going_straight                   False
    moving_fast                      False
    nearby                            True
    nearby_spinning                   True
    have_been_nearby                  True
    since_nearby                         0
    copying                          False
    state                       exploiting
    other_exploiting                  True
    other_spinning                    True
    copying_exploiting               False
    score_increased                  False
    score_decreased                  False
    uncertainty_increased            False
    score_decreased_from_one         False
    turning                           True
    turning_towards_others           False
    turning_towards_spinning         False
    turning_towards_beliefs          False
    facing                           False
    facing_spinning                  False
    copying_reward                     NaN
    uncertainty                   658.3822
    others_cov                           0
    ave_dist_others               76.36753
    spinning_cov                       NaN
    dist_to_mean_others           76.36753
    dist_to_mean_spinning                0
    dist_to_mean_beliefs          2.428225
    angle_to_mean_others         0.9599311
    angle_to_mean_spinning               0
    angle_to_mean_beliefs        0.8797644
    Name: 10, Length: 59, dtype: object
    >>> df.iloc[62]
    angle                                135
    bg_val                                 0
    pid                                    3
    tick                                  10
    velocity                               1
    x_pos                                 10
    y_pos                                 10
    nearby-1                           False
    facing-1                           False
    copying-1                          False
    nearby-2                           False
    facing-2                            True
    copying-2                          False
    nearby-3                           False
    facing-3                           False
    copying-3                          False
    nearby-4                            True
    facing-4                           False
    copying-4                          False
    nearby-5                           False
    facing-5                            True
    copying-5                          False
    nearby-6                           False
    facing-6                            True
    copying-6                          False
    spinning                           False
    staying                             True
    going_straight                      True
    moving_fast                        False
    nearby                              True
    nearby_spinning                    False
    have_been_nearby                    True
    since_nearby                           0
    copying                            False
    state                         exploiting
    other_exploiting                    True
    other_spinning                      True
    copying_exploiting                 False
    score_increased                    False
    score_decreased                    False
    uncertainty_increased              False
    score_decreased_from_one           False
    turning                            False
    turning_towards_others             False
    turning_towards_spinning           False
    turning_towards_beliefs            False
    facing                              True
    facing_spinning                     True
    copying_reward                       NaN
    uncertainty                     8573.016
    others_cov                             0
    ave_dist_others                 76.36753
    spinning_cov                           0
    dist_to_mean_others             76.36753
    dist_to_mean_spinning           127.2792
    dist_to_mean_beliefs            347.9206
    angle_to_mean_others        1.490116e-08
    angle_to_mean_spinning      1.490116e-08
    angle_to_mean_beliefs          0.3277598
    Name: 10, Length: 59, dtype: object
    >>> u = list(df.loc[10,'uncertainty'])
    >>> u[1] < u[0] and u[1] < u[2] and u[1] < u[3] 
    >>> abs(u[0] - u[3])/u[3] < 0.2 and abs(u[0] - u[2])/u[2] < 0.2 and abs(u[2] - u[3])/u[3] < 0.2
    player_data = get_player_data(data, inactive)
    if len(player_data) == 0:
        return False, None
    models = dict(zip(player_data.keys(), [inference.Model() for p in player_data]))
    ticks = sorted(set(data['tick']))
    for t in ticks:

        if t % 100 == 0 and verbose:
            print 'init', t
        for p in player_data:

            update_characteristics(player_data, models, p, t)
    for t in ticks:

        if t % 100 == 0 and verbose:
            print 'next', t
        for p in player_data:

            update_post_pass(player_data, p, t)
    df = pd.concat([player_data[p] for p in player_data])
    df = df.sort(['tick','pid'])
    return True, df
Beispiel #6
    this_out_dir = out_dir + game[:-4] + '/images/'


df = pd.read_csv(in_dir + game)

players = list(set(df['pid']))

if micro_experiments:
    player = 1
    if alt_background:
        model = smart_particle.Model(lambda: SideBackgroundDiscrete(noise=0.1),
        model = smart_particle.Model(
            lambda: JumpingBackgroundDiscrete(noise=0.1), n_samples=1000)
    models = {}
    for p in players:
        models[p] = smart_particle.Model(n_samples=1000)

cm ='Greens')

ticks = list(set(df['tick']))

for tick in range(max(ticks) + 1):

    if micro_experiments:
Beispiel #7
def process_data(data, inactive, verbose=True):
    >>> success, df = process_data(pd.DataFrame({'tick':range(24)+range(24)+range(24)+range(24),'pid':[1]*24+[2]*24+[3]*24+[4]*24,'x_pos':range(24)+[100]*24+range(24)+range(24),'y_pos':range(24)+[100]*24+range(24)+range(24),'velocity':[10]*24+[1]*24+[1]*24+[1]*24,'angle':[135]*24+range(24)+[135]*24+[135]*24,'bg_val':[0]*24+[1]*24+[0]*24+[0]*24}),{}, verbose = False)
    >>> df.iloc[10,0:(len(df.columns)-1)]
    angle                     135
    bg_val                      0
    pid                         1
    tick                       10
    velocity                   10
    x_pos                      10
    y_pos                      10
    nearby-1                False
    facing-1                False
    copying-1               False
    nearby-2                False
    facing-2                 True
    copying-2                True
    nearby-3                False
    facing-3                False
    copying-3               False
    nearby-4                False
    facing-4                False
    copying-4               False
    spinning                False
    staying                 False
    going_straight           True
    moving                   True
    nearby                  False
    have_been_nearby        False
    since_nearby              NaN
    copying                  True
    state                 copying
    other_exploiting         True
    copying_exploiting       True
    copying_reward              1
    Name: 10, dtype: object
    >>> df.iloc[34,0:(len(df.columns)-1)]
    angle                         10
    bg_val                         1
    pid                            2
    tick                          10
    velocity                       1
    x_pos                        100
    y_pos                        100
    nearby-1                   False
    facing-1                   False
    copying-1                  False
    nearby-2                   False
    facing-2                   False
    copying-2                  False
    nearby-3                   False
    facing-3                   False
    copying-3                  False
    nearby-4                   False
    facing-4                   False
    copying-4                  False
    spinning                    True
    staying                     True
    going_straight             False
    moving                     False
    nearby                     False
    have_been_nearby           False
    since_nearby                 NaN
    copying                    False
    state                 exploiting
    other_exploiting            True
    copying_exploiting         False
    copying_reward               NaN
    Name: 10, dtype: object
    >>> df.iloc[58,0:(len(df.columns)-1)]
    angle                        135
    bg_val                         0
    pid                            3
    tick                          10
    velocity                       1
    x_pos                         10
    y_pos                         10
    nearby-1                   False
    facing-1                   False
    copying-1                  False
    nearby-2                   False
    facing-2                    True
    copying-2                  False
    nearby-3                   False
    facing-3                   False
    copying-3                  False
    nearby-4                    True
    facing-4                   False
    copying-4                  False
    spinning                   False
    staying                     True
    going_straight              True
    moving                     False
    nearby                      True
    have_been_nearby            True
    since_nearby                   0
    copying                    False
    state                 exploiting
    other_exploiting            True
    copying_exploiting         False
    copying_reward               NaN
    Name: 10, dtype: object
    >>> u = list(df.loc[10,'uncertainty'])
    >>> u[1] < u[0] and u[1] < u[2] and u[1] < u[3] 
    >>> abs(u[0] - u[3])/u[3] < 0.2 and abs(u[0] - u[2])/u[2] < 0.2 and abs(u[2] - u[3])/u[3] < 0.2

    player_data = get_player_data(data, inactive)
    if len(player_data) == 0:
        return False, None

    models = dict(
        zip(player_data.keys(), [inference.Model() for p in player_data]))

    ticks = sorted(set(data['tick']))

    for t in ticks:

        if t % 100 == 0 and verbose:
            print 'init', t

        for p in player_data:

            update_characteristics(player_data, models, p, t)

    df = pd.concat([player_data[p] for p in player_data])

    return True, df