Beispiel #1
# Now that we have a flavor with a simple numa topology defined, we can boot an instance.
# Note that the flavor that was defined only specified 1 NUMA nodes and a memory policy of
# preferred.  There are many additional permutations that can be done, such as having asymmetrical
# cpus to to NUMA nodes, asymmetrical memory to NUMA nodes, or combining NUMA topology with
# vcpu pinning or large page memory support
image = numa.get_image_name("cirros")
instance = numa.boot_instance(img=image, flv=numa_flavor, name="numa_instance")

# Poll to see when the instance is done booting up
active = smog.nova.poll_status(instance, "ACTIVE", timeout=600)
if not active:
    print("Failed to boot instance")

# Now that the instance is actually up, check to see that it actually has 2 NUMA nodes defined
discovered =[instance
                                   ])  # Find the instance we have booted
inst = discovered[0]
dump = inst.dumpxml()

# Verify we have the NUMA topology created
root = ET.fromstring(dump)
cpu = next(root.iter("cpu"))

# Look for the <numa> element inside <cpu>
numa_e = [child for child in cpu.iter() if child.tag == "numa"]
if not numa:
    glob_logger.error("FAIL: No <numa> element found")
else:"Got <numa> element...")
    cell = [child for child in numa_e[0].iter() if child.tag == "cell"]
    if not cell:
Beispiel #2
    dest = "root@{}:/etc/nova/nova.conf".format(cmpt)
    res = scp(src, dest)

    # TODO: Add the NUMATopologyFilter to the default_scheduler_filter list
    nova_conf = get_nova_conf(host)
    lines = get_cfg("scheduler_default_filters", nova_conf)
    lines_ = list(filter(lambda l: l.comment is None, lines))
    if not lines_:
        glob_logger.error("Unable to get")

    # restart nova
    pci.openstack_service(cmpt, "restart", "nova")

# Setup example
creds = read_rc_file(args.server, "/root/keystonerc_admin")

# Now, we create a PCI flavor and attempt to boot
numa = NUMA(**creds)
flv = numa.create_flavor("pci_small", ram=512, vcpus=1)
pci_pass_flv = numa.create_pci_flavor(alias_name, flv=flv)

guest = numa.boot_instance(flv=pci_pass_flv, name="pci-testing")
instance =[guest])[0]

# TODO verify the instance is actually using
xmldump = instance.dumpxml()
dump = untangle.parse(xmldump)

class VCPUPinTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def check_args(self, creds):
        missing = [k for k, v in creds.items() if v is None]
        for m in missing:
                "Must supply --{} or have value in environment".format(m))
            raise ArgumentError(
                "Argument {} not supplied for credentials".format(m))

    def __init__(self, args):
        super(VCPUPinTest, self).__init__()
        self.args = args
        creds = get_credentials(args)
        self.creds = creds
        self.numa = NUMA(**creds)  # Create a NUMA object
        self.numa.clean()  # make sure we have a clean system
        self.logger = glob_logger

        # 1. First, make sure our system is enabled for vcpu pinning.  We assume that our environment
        #    is a nested virtual environment with 2 L1 hypervisors running on the L0 baremetal host.
        #    First, get the virsh capabilities from the baremetal.
        self.computes = get_computes(args)
        self.nested = False
        if len(self.computes[0]) > 1:
            self.nested = True

    def create_aggregates(self):
        # 2. Create aggregate server groups: 1 for pinned=true, the other for pinned=false
        if len(self.computes) > 1:
            meta = "pinned"
            pos_agg, neg_agg, ip = self.numa.create_aggregate_groups(meta)
            extra = {meta: "true"}
            extra = {}
            pos_agg, neg_agg = None, None
            ip = self.computes[0][0]
        return pos_agg, neg_agg, ip, extra

    def create_pin_flavors(self, name, ram=512, vcpus=2, disk=10, extra=None):
        # 3. Create the pin flavors
        if extra is None:
            extra = {}

        pin_flavor = self.numa.create_flavor(name,
        pin_flavor = self.numa.create_vcpu_pin_flavor(flv=pin_flavor)
        return pin_flavor

    def boot_pinned_instances(self, pin_flavor):
        pin_instance = self.numa.boot_instance(flv=pin_flavor, name="pin_test")
        active = smog.nova.poll_status(pin_instance, "ACTIVE")
        if not active:
            glob_logger.error("FAIL: The pinned instance could not be created")

    def verify(self):
        # 4. Verify the instance is actually pinned by looking at the domain's <cputune> element
        #    Validation here can get tricky if you use this in combination with VCPU Topology.
        #    By default if you dont have VCPU topology configured, then you should have one <vcpupin> node
        #    for each vcpu you requested to have pinned.  But, if you combine this with a vcpu topology,
        #    that may not be the case (for example, you can define a topology with multiple cores per
        #    socket, rather than one core per socket (then there's threads....)
        discovered =[0]
        root = ET.fromstring(discovered.dumpxml())
        cputune = next(root.iter("cputune"))
        vcpupins = [
            child for child in cputune.iter() if child.tag == "vcpupin"

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_pin_instance(self):
        pos_agg, neg_agg, ip, extra = self.create_aggregates()

        ram, vcpus, disk = get_flavor(self.args)
        bigger_pin = vcpus
        small_pin = 1
        pin_big_flv = self.create_pin_flavors("pin_big",
        pin_small_flv = self.create_pin_flavors("pin_small",

        # Check how many pcpus we have
        if not self.nested:
            computes = [x[0] for x in self.computes]
            computes = [ for x in compute_factory(self.computes)]

        cpus_left = 0
        for ip in computes:
            conn = smog.virt.get_connection(ip)
            cells = smog.virt.get_cpu_topology(conn)
            info = smog.virt.friendly_topology(cells)
            num_nodes = info["num_numa_nodes"]

            # Get all pcpus
            for i in range(num_nodes):
                cpus_left += int(info[i]["cpus"])

        id_ = 0
        while cpus_left > 0:
            test_name = "pintest_" + str(id_)
            if cpus_left >= bigger_pin:
      "Booting instance with pin_flavor_2...")
                inst = self.numa.boot_instance(flv=pin_big_flv, name=test_name)
                cpus_left -= bigger_pin
                vcpus = bigger_pin
            elif cpus_left == 1:
      "Booting instance with pin_flavor_1...")
                inst = self.numa.boot_instance(flv=pin_small_flv,
                cpus_left -= small_pin
                vcpus = small_pin

            id_ += 1
            if inst:
                active = smog.nova.poll_status(inst, "ACTIVE")
                # Now, verify we actually have this pinned and that the
                # instance is on the right host
                discovered =[inst])[0]
                xmldump = discovered.dumpxml()
                dump = untangle.parse(xmldump)
                placement = dump.domain.vcpu["placement"]
                txt = str(dump.domain.vcpu.cdata)
                self.assertTrue(placement == "static")
      "<vcpu placement='{}'>".format(placement))
                self.assertTrue(txt == str(vcpus))
      "vcpu cdata = {}".format(txt))
                self.assertTrue( == ip)
class VCPUPinTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def check_args(self, creds):
        missing = [k for k, v in creds.items() if v is None]
        for m in missing:
            glob_logger.error("Must supply --{} or have value in environment".format(m))
            raise ArgumentError("Argument {} not supplied for credentials".format(m))

    def __init__(self, args):
        super(VCPUPinTest, self).__init__()
        self.args = args
        creds = get_credentials(args)
        self.creds = creds
        self.numa = NUMA(**creds)  # Create a NUMA object
        self.numa.clean()  # make sure we have a clean system
        self.logger = glob_logger

        # 1. First, make sure our system is enabled for vcpu pinning.  We assume that our environment
        #    is a nested virtual environment with 2 L1 hypervisors running on the L0 baremetal host.
        #    First, get the virsh capabilities from the baremetal.
        self.computes = get_computes(args)
        self.nested = False
        if len(self.computes[0]) > 1:
            self.nested = True

    def create_aggregates(self):
        # 2. Create aggregate server groups: 1 for pinned=true, the other for pinned=false
        if len(self.computes) > 1:
            meta = "pinned"
            pos_agg, neg_agg, ip = self.numa.create_aggregate_groups(meta)
            extra = {meta: "true"}
            extra = {}
            pos_agg, neg_agg = None, None
            ip = self.computes[0][0]
        return pos_agg, neg_agg, ip, extra

    def create_pin_flavors(self, name, ram=512, vcpus=2, disk=10, extra=None):
        # 3. Create the pin flavors
        if extra is None:
            extra = {}

        pin_flavor = self.numa.create_flavor(name, ram=ram, vcpus=vcpus, disksize=disk, specs=extra)
        pin_flavor = self.numa.create_vcpu_pin_flavor(flv=pin_flavor)
        return pin_flavor

    def boot_pinned_instances(self, pin_flavor):
        pin_instance = self.numa.boot_instance(flv=pin_flavor, name="pin_test")
        active = smog.nova.poll_status(pin_instance, "ACTIVE")
        if not active:
            glob_logger.error("FAIL: The pinned instance could not be created")

    def verify(self):
        # 4. Verify the instance is actually pinned by looking at the domain's <cputune> element
        #    Validation here can get tricky if you use this in combination with VCPU Topology.
        #    By default if you dont have VCPU topology configured, then you should have one <vcpupin> node
        #    for each vcpu you requested to have pinned.  But, if you combine this with a vcpu topology,
        #    that may not be the case (for example, you can define a topology with multiple cores per
        #    socket, rather than one core per socket (then there's threads....)
        discovered =[0]
        root = ET.fromstring(discovered.dumpxml())
        cputune = next(root.iter("cputune"))
        vcpupins = [child for child in cputune.iter() if child.tag == "vcpupin"]

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_pin_instance(self):
        pos_agg, neg_agg, ip, extra = self.create_aggregates()

        ram, vcpus, disk = get_flavor(self.args)
        bigger_pin = vcpus
        small_pin = 1
        pin_big_flv = self.create_pin_flavors("pin_big", ram=ram, vcpus=bigger_pin, disk=disk, extra=extra)
        pin_small_flv = self.create_pin_flavors("pin_small", ram=512, vcpus=small_pin, extra=extra)

        # Check how many pcpus we have
        if not self.nested:
            computes = [x[0] for x in self.computes]
            computes = [ for x in compute_factory(self.computes)]

        cpus_left = 0
        for ip in computes:
            conn = smog.virt.get_connection(ip)
            cells = smog.virt.get_cpu_topology(conn)
            info = smog.virt.friendly_topology(cells)
            num_nodes = info["num_numa_nodes"]

            # Get all pcpus
            for i in range(num_nodes):
                cpus_left += int(info[i]["cpus"])

        id_ = 0
        while cpus_left > 0:
            test_name = "pintest_" + str(id_)
            if cpus_left >= bigger_pin:
      "Booting instance with pin_flavor_2...")
                inst = self.numa.boot_instance(flv=pin_big_flv, name=test_name)
                cpus_left -= bigger_pin
                vcpus = bigger_pin
            elif cpus_left == 1:
      "Booting instance with pin_flavor_1...")
                inst = self.numa.boot_instance(flv=pin_small_flv, name=test_name)
                cpus_left -= small_pin
                vcpus = small_pin

            id_ += 1
            if inst:
                active = smog.nova.poll_status(inst, "ACTIVE")
                # Now, verify we actually have this pinned and that the
                # instance is on the right host
                discovered =[inst])[0]
                xmldump = discovered.dumpxml()
                dump = untangle.parse(xmldump)
                placement = dump.domain.vcpu["placement"]
                txt = str(dump.domain.vcpu.cdata)
                self.assertTrue(placement == "static")
      "<vcpu placement='{}'>".format(placement))
                self.assertTrue(txt == str(vcpus))
      "vcpu cdata = {}".format(txt))
                self.assertTrue( == ip)
Beispiel #5
# Now that we have a flavor with a simple numa topology defined, we can boot an instance.
# Note that the flavor that was defined only specified 1 NUMA nodes and a memory policy of
# preferred.  There are many additional permutations that can be done, such as having asymmetrical
# cpus to to NUMA nodes, asymmetrical memory to NUMA nodes, or combining NUMA topology with
# vcpu pinning or large page memory support
image = numa.get_image_name("cirros")
instance = numa.boot_instance(img=image, flv=numa_flavor, name="numa_instance")

# Poll to see when the instance is done booting up
active = smog.nova.poll_status(instance, "ACTIVE", timeout=600)
if not active:
    print("Failed to boot instance")

# Now that the instance is actually up, check to see that it actually has 2 NUMA nodes defined
discovered =[instance])  # Find the instance we have booted
inst = discovered[0]
dump = inst.dumpxml()

# Verify we have the NUMA topology created
root = ET.fromstring(dump)
cpu = next(root.iter("cpu"))

# Look for the <numa> element inside <cpu>
numa_e = [child for child in cpu.iter() if child.tag == "numa"]
if not numa:
    glob_logger.error("FAIL: No <numa> element found")
else:"Got <numa> element...")
    cell = [child for child in numa_e[0].iter() if child.tag == "cell"]
    if not cell: