def test_no_params(self, dei_init):
        # So we don't break python
        dei_init.return_value = None

        test_params = {}

        factory = DescriptorElementFactory(DummyElementImpl, test_params)

        expected_type = 'type'
        expected_uuid = 'uuid'
        # Should construct a new DEI instance under they hood somewhere
        r = factory.new_descriptor(expected_type, expected_uuid)

        dei_init.assert_called_once_with(expected_type, expected_uuid)
        ntools.assert_is_instance(r, DummyElementImpl)
    def test_with_params(self):
        v = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, 10)
        test_params = {'p1': 'some dir', 'vec': v}

        factory = DescriptorElementFactory(DummyElementImpl, test_params)

        ex_type = 'type'
        ex_uuid = 'uuid'
        ex_args = ()
        ex_kwds = test_params
        # Should construct a new DEI instance under they hood somewhere
        r = factory.new_descriptor(ex_type, ex_uuid)

        ntools.assert_is_instance(r, DummyElementImpl)
        ntools.assert_equal(r._type_label, ex_type)
        ntools.assert_equal(r._uuid, ex_uuid)
        ntools.assert_equal(r.args, ex_args)
        ntools.assert_equal(r.kwds, ex_kwds)
    def test_no_params(self):
        test_params = {}

        factory = DescriptorElementFactory(DummyElementImpl, test_params)

        expected_type = 'type'
        expected_uuid = 'uuid'
        expected_args = ()
        expected_kwds = {}

        # Should construct a new DEI instance under they hood somewhere
        r = factory.new_descriptor(expected_type, expected_uuid)

        ntools.assert_is_instance(r, DummyElementImpl)
        ntools.assert_equal(r._type_label, expected_type)
        ntools.assert_equal(r._uuid, expected_uuid)
        ntools.assert_equal(r.args, expected_args)
        ntools.assert_equal(r.kwds, expected_kwds)
    def test_no_params(self):
        test_params = {}

        factory = DescriptorElementFactory(DummyElementImpl, test_params)

        expected_type = 'type'
        expected_uuid = 'uuid'
        expected_args = ()
        expected_kwds = {}

        # Should construct a new DEI instance under they hood somewhere
        r = factory.new_descriptor(expected_type, expected_uuid)

        ntools.assert_is_instance(r, DummyElementImpl)
        ntools.assert_equal(r._type_label, expected_type)
        ntools.assert_equal(r._uuid, expected_uuid)
        ntools.assert_equal(r.args, expected_args)
        ntools.assert_equal(r.kwds, expected_kwds)
    def test_with_params(self, dei_init):
        # So we don't break python
        dei_init.return_value = None

        v = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, 10)
        test_params = {
            'p1': 'some dir',
            'vec': v

        factory = DescriptorElementFactory(DummyElementImpl, test_params)

        ex_type = 'type'
        ex_uuid = 'uuid'
        # Should construct a new DEI instance under they hood somewhere
        r = factory.new_descriptor(ex_type, ex_uuid)

        dei_init.assert_called_once_with(ex_type, ex_uuid, p1='some dir', vec=v)
        ntools.assert_is_instance(r, DummyElementImpl)
    def test_with_params(self):
        v = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, 10)
        test_params = {
            'p1': 'some dir',
            'vec': v

        factory = DescriptorElementFactory(DummyElementImpl, test_params)

        ex_type = 'type'
        ex_uuid = 'uuid'
        ex_args = ()
        ex_kwds = test_params
        # Should construct a new DEI instance under they hood somewhere
        r = factory.new_descriptor(ex_type, ex_uuid)

        ntools.assert_is_instance(r, DummyElementImpl)
        ntools.assert_equal(r._type_label, ex_type)
        ntools.assert_equal(r._uuid, ex_uuid)
        ntools.assert_equal(r.args, ex_args)
        ntools.assert_equal(r.kwds, ex_kwds)
Beispiel #7
        def test_no_save_model_pickle(self):
            # Test model preservation across pickling even without model cache
            # file paths set.
            classifier = LibSvmClassifier(
                    '-t': 0,  # linear kernel
                    '-b': 1,  # enable probability estimates
                    '-c': 2,  # SVM-C parameter C
                    '-q': '',  # quite mode
                normalize=None,  # DO NOT normalize descriptors
            ntools.assert_true(classifier.svm_model is None)
            # Empty model should not trigger __LOCAL__ content in pickle
            ntools.assert_not_in('__LOCAL__', classifier.__getstate__())
            _ = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(classifier))

            # train arbitrary model (same as ``test_simple_classification``)
            DIM = 2
            N = 1000
            POS_LABEL = 'positive'
            NEG_LABEL = 'negative'
            d_factory = DescriptorElementFactory(DescriptorMemoryElement, {})
            c_factory = ClassificationElementFactory(
                MemoryClassificationElement, {})

            def make_element(argtup):
                (i, v) = argtup
                d = d_factory.new_descriptor('test', i)
                return d

            # Constructing artificial descriptors
            x = numpy.random.rand(N, DIM)
            x_pos = x[x[:, 1] <= 0.45]
            x_neg = x[x[:, 1] >= 0.55]
            p = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool()
            d_pos =, enumerate(x_pos))
            d_neg =, enumerate(x_neg, start=N // 2))

            # Training
            classifier.train({POS_LABEL: d_pos, NEG_LABEL: d_neg})

            # Test original classifier
            t_v = numpy.random.rand(DIM)
            t = d_factory.new_descriptor('query', 0)
            c_expected = classifier.classify(t, c_factory)

            # Should see __LOCAL__ content in pickle state now
            p_state = classifier.__getstate__()
            ntools.assert_in('__LOCAL__', p_state)
            ntools.assert_in('__LOCAL_LABELS__', p_state)
            ntools.assert_in('__LOCAL_MODEL__', p_state)
            ntools.assert_true(len(p_state['__LOCAL_LABELS__']) > 0)
            ntools.assert_true(len(p_state['__LOCAL_MODEL__']) > 0)

            # Restored classifier should classify the same test descriptor the
            # same
            #: :type: LibSvmClassifier
            classifier2 = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(classifier))
            c_post_pickle = classifier2.classify(t, c_factory)
            # There may be floating point error, so extract actual confidence
            # values and check post round
            c_pp_positive = c_post_pickle[POS_LABEL]
            c_pp_negative = c_post_pickle[NEG_LABEL]
            c_e_positive = c_expected[POS_LABEL]
            c_e_negative = c_expected[NEG_LABEL]
            ntools.assert_almost_equal(c_e_positive, c_pp_positive, 5)
            ntools.assert_almost_equal(c_e_negative, c_pp_negative, 5)