Beispiel #1
    class UploadSchema(schema.FileSchema):
        """Extends `FileSchema`."""

        args = fields.Dict(required=False, default={}, missing={})
        extract = fields.Bool(missing=False)
        name = fields.Str(missing=None)  # Override name
        password = fields.Str(missing=None)
Beispiel #2
class CommandSchema(Schema):
    """The command schema.

    This is the base schema for the command document stored within the mongo

        Scales are allowed to embed additional information into this document
        but it will be ignored.

    _id = fields.ObjectId(load_only=True)
    _output_id = fields.ObjectId(load_only=True, missing=None)  # GridFS

    sha256_digest = fields.Str(required=True)
    scale = fields.Str(required=True)
    command = fields.Str(required=True)

    args = fields.Dict(default={}, missing={})
    asynchronous = fields.Boolean(default=False)
    timeout = fields.Int(default=600)

    format = fields.Str(type=enums.Format, missing=enums.Format.JSON)
    output = fields.Raw(dump_only=True, default=None, missing=None)
    status = fields.Str(type=enums.Status, missing=enums.Status.PENDING, default=enums.Status.PENDING)

    timestamp = fields.DateTime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
    start_time = fields.DateTime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
    end_time = fields.DateTime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
Beispiel #3
    class InterfaceSchema(schema.Schema):
        """Extends `Schema`.

        Create schema for interface requests.
        args = fields.Dict(required=False, default={}, missing={})
        command = fields.Str(required=True)
        format = fields.Str(type=enums.Format, missing=enums.Format.JSON)
        sha256_digest = fields.Str(required=True)
        type = fields.Str(type=enums.InterfaceType,
Beispiel #4
    class CommandsSchema(schema.Schema):
        """Extends `Schema`.

        Defines the valid schema for post request.
        args = fields.Dict(required=False, default={}, missing={})
        command = fields.Str(required=True)
        format = fields.Str(type=enums.Format, missing=enums.Format.JSON)
        sha256_digests = fields.List(fields.Str(), required=True)
        scale = fields.Str(required=True)
        timeout = fields.Int(required=False)
Beispiel #5
class NoteSchema(Schema):
    """The note schema.

    This is the schema for the note document stored within the mongo database.

    _id = fields.ObjectId(load_only=True)
    sha256_digest = fields.Str(required=True)

    body = fields.Str(required=True)

    timestamp = fields.DateTime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
    updated_time = fields.DateTime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
Beispiel #6
class StoreHandler(snake_handler.SnakeHandler):
    """Extends `SnakeHandler`."""
        # filter[field]: str
        fields.Enum(type=enums.FileType, required=False, missing=None),
        fields.Int(required=False, missing=0),
        fields.Int(required=False, missing=10),
        fields.Str(required=False, missing='and'),
        fields.Int(required=False, missing=-1),
        fields.Str(required=False, missing=None)
    async def get(self, data):
        documents = []
        filter_ = self.create_filter(self.request.arguments, data['operator'])
        if filter_:
            filter_ = {'$and': [filter_]}
            if data['file_type']:
                filter_['$and'] += [{'file_type': data['file_type']}]
        elif data['file_type']:
            filter_ = {'file_type': data['file_type']}
        # NOTE: With async (motor) there is no count() on cursor so we have to work around that
        total = await db.async_file_collection.db.files.count_documents(
            filter_ if filter_ else {})
        cursor = db.async_file_collection.select_all(filter_, data['order'],
        while await cursor.fetch_next:
            documents += [cursor.next_object()]

        documents = schema.FileSchema(many=True).dump(
        self.jsonify({'samples': documents, 'total': total})
Beispiel #7
class FilesHandler(snake_handler.SnakeHandler):
    """Extends `SnakeHandler`."""
        fields.Str(required=False, missing='and'),
        fields.Int(required=False, missing=-1),
    async def get(self, data):
        documents = []
        sort = None
        if 'sort' in data.keys():
            sort = data['sort']
        filter_ = self.create_filter(self.request.arguments, data['operator'])
        if filter_:
            filter_ = {'$and': [{'file_type': enums.FileType.FILE}, filter_]}
            filter_ = {'file_type': enums.FileType.FILE}
        cursor = db.async_file_collection.select_all(filter_, data['order'],
        index = 0
        while await cursor.fetch_next:
            if 'limit' in data.keys():
                if index >= int(data['limit']):
                index += 1
            documents += [cursor.next_object()]

        documents = schema.FileSchema(many=True).dump(
        self.jsonify({'files': documents})
Beispiel #8
class Commands(scale.Commands):
    def _decompile(self, kwargs):
        # NOTE: Using kwargs is lazy but it just makes life easier!
        # Online
        if self.decomp:
                decompilation = self.decomp.start_decompilation(**kwargs)
            except exceptions.RetdecError as err:
                raise error.CommandError("retdec-python error: {}".format(err))

            return decompilation.get_hll_code()
        # Local
            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('rb') as fp:
                cmd = [
                    path.join(self.retdec_dir, 'bin/'),
                if 'sel_decomp_funcs' in kwargs:
                    cmd += ['--select-functions', kwargs['sel_decomp_funcs']]
                if 'sel_decomp_ranges' in kwargs:
                    cmd += ['--select-ranges', kwargs['sel_decomp_ranges']]
                cmd += [kwargs['input_file']]
                proc =,
                if proc.returncode:
                    raise error.CommandError("retdec error: {}".format(

    def check(self):
        self.decomp = None
        self.retdec_dir = None
        if not shutil.which('radare2'):
            raise error.CommandError("binary 'radare2' not found")
        if config.scale_configs['retdec']['online']:
            if not config.scale_configs['retdec']['api_key']:
                raise error.CommandError(
                    "config variable 'api_key' has not been set and is required to query the online retdec"
            self.decomp = decompiler.Decompiler(
            if not config.scale_configs['retdec']['retdec_dir']:
                raise error.CommandError(
                    "config variable 'retdec_dir' has not been set and is required to use a local retdec instance"
            self.retdec_dir = config.scale_configs['retdec']['retdec_dir']

        'args': {
            'address_range': fields.Str(),
            'function_name': fields.Str(),
            'mode': fields.Str(default='bin', missing='bin')
        'info': 'decompile a function with retdec'
    def decompile(self, args, file, opts):
        kwargs = {'input_file': file.file_path}

        name = ''

        # Check the mode and ensure the options
        if args['mode'] == 'bin':
            if 'address_range' in args and args['address_range'] == '':
                del args['address_range']
            if 'function_name' in args and args['function_name'] == '':
                del args['function_name']

            if 'address_range' not in args and 'function_name' not in args:
                raise error.CommandError(
                    "'address_range' or 'function_name' must be set")
            if 'address_range' in args and 'function_name' in args:
                raise error.CommandError(
                    "'address_range' and 'function_name' are mutually exclusive"

            if 'address_range' in args:
                name = '{}'.format(args['address_range'].strip())
                kwargs['sel_decomp_ranges'] = name.strip()
            elif 'function_name' in args:
                name = '{}'.format(args['function_name'].strip())
                kwargs['sel_decomp_funcs'] = name.strip()
            raise error.CommandError(
                "incorrect mode specified '{}' the following are supported: 'bin'"

        return {'code': self._decompile(kwargs), 'name': name}

    def decompile_markdown(self, json):
        output = md.h3(json['name'])
        output += md.code(json['code'], lang='c')
        return output

    @scale.command({'info': 'returns a list of functions using radare2'})
    def functions(self, args, file, opts):
        r2 =, ['-2'])  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

        output = {}
        output['exports'] = r2.cmdj('iEj')
        output['functions'] = []
        funcs = r2.cmdj('aflj')
        if funcs:
            for i in funcs:
                i['address_range'] = '0x%08x-0x%08x' % (
                    i['offset'], i['offset'] + i['size'])
                output['functions'] += [i]

        return output

    def functions_markdown(self, json):
        output = md.h3('Exports')
        output += md.table_header(('Virtual Address', 'Size', 'Type', 'Name'))
        if not json['exports']:
            output += md.table_row(('-', '-', '-', '-'))
            for row in json['exports']:
                output += md.table_row(
                    ('0x%08x' % row['vaddr'], '%u' % row['size'], row['type'],
        output += md.newline()
        output += md.h3('Functions')
        output += md.table_header(('Address Range', 'Offset', 'Size', 'Name'))
        if not json['functions']:
            output += md.table_row(('-', '-', '-'))
            for row in json['functions']:
                output += md.table_row(
                    (md.bold(row['address_range']), '0x%08x' % row['offset'],
                     '%u' % row['size'], row['name']))
        return output
Beispiel #9
 def arguments(self):
     return {'url': fields.Str(required=True)}
Beispiel #10
class Interface(scale.Interface):
    def check(self):
        if CUCKOO_API is None or CUCKOO_API == '':
            raise error.InterfaceError(
                "config variable 'cuckoo_api' has not been set")

    @scale.pull({'info': 'summary of scores for the sample'})
    def info(self, args, file, opts):
            j = requests.get(CUCKOO_API + '/files/view/sha256/' +
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
            raise error.InterfaceError("failed to connect to Cuckoo")

        if 'sample' not in j:
            raise error.InterfaceWarning(
                "file has never been submitted to Cuckoo")
        s_id = j['sample']['id']
        r = requests.get(CUCKOO_API + '/tasks/list', verify=VERIFY)
        if not r.status_code ==  # pylint: disable=no-member
            return "No reports, sample must be pending/running", "pending"
        j = r.json()
        output = []
        for t in j['tasks']:
            if t['sample_id'] == s_id:
                r = requests.get(CUCKOO_API + '/tasks/report/' + str(t['id']),
                if r.status_code ==  # pylint: disable=no-member
                    j = r.json()
                    output += [{
                        'score': j['info']['score'],
                        'name': j['info']['machine']['name']
        if not output:
            return error.InterfaceWarning("no information available!")
        return {'info': output}

    def info_markdown(self, json):
        output = md.table_header(('Machine', 'Score'))
        for j in json['info']:
            score = j['score']
            if score > 5:
                s = "%red " + str(score) + " %"
            elif score > 3:
                s = "%yellow " + str(score) + " %"
                s = str(score)
            output += md.table_row((j['name'], s))
        return output

        'args': {
            'id': fields.Str(required=True)
        'info': 'view report summary'
    def report(self, args, file, opts):
        # TODO: Hash match!
            r = requests.get(CUCKOO_API + '/tasks/report/' + args['id'],
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
            raise error.InterfaceError("failed to connect to Cuckoo")
        if not r.status_code ==  # pylint: disable=no-member
            return "No task for given id"
        j = r.json()
        output = {
            'analysis': {
                'category': j['info']['category'],
                'started': j['info']['started'],
                'ended': j['info']['ended'],
                'duration': j['info']['duration']
            'machine': {
                'name': j['info']['machine']['name'],
                'manager': j['info']['machine']['manager']
            'signatures': [{
                'severity': x['severity'],
                'description': x['description']
            } for x in j['signatures']]
        return output

    def report_markdown(self, json):
        output = md.h4('General')
        output += md.paragraph(md.bold('Score: ') + str(json['score']))
        output +=
        output += md.paragraph(md.bold('Platform: ') + json['platform'])
        output += md.h4('Analysis')
        output += md.table_header(('Category', 'Started', 'Ended', 'Duration'))
        output += md.table_row(
            (json['analysis']['category'], str(json['analysis']['started']),
        output += md.h4('Machines')
        output += md.table_header(('Name', 'Manager'))
        output += md.table_row(
            (json['machine']['name'], json['machine']['manager']))
        output += md.h4('Signatures')
        output += md.table_header(('Severity', 'Description'))
        for s in json['signatures']:
            if s['severity'] > 2:
                output += md.table_row(
                    ('%red ' + str(s['severity']) + ' %', s['description']))
            elif s['severity'] > 1:
                output += md.table_row(
                    ('%orange ' + str(s['severity']) + ' %', s['description']))
                output += md.table_row(
                    ('%blue ' + str(s['severity']) + ' %', s['description']))
        return output

    @scale.pull({'info': 'view reports for sample'})
    def reports(self, args, file, opts):
            j = requests.get(CUCKOO_API + '/files/view/sha256/' +
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
            raise error.InterfaceError("failed to connect to Cuckoo")

        if 'sample' not in j:
            raise error.InterfaceWarning(
                "file has never been submitted to Cuckoo")
        s_id = j['sample']['id']
        r = requests.get(CUCKOO_API + '/tasks/list', verify=VERIFY)
        if not r.status_code ==  # pylint: disable=no-member
            return "No reports, sample must be pending/running", "pending"
        j = r.json()
        output = {'reports': []}
        for t in j['tasks']:
            if t['sample_id'] == s_id:
                output['reports'] += [{
                    config.scale_configs['cuckoo']['cuckoo_url'] +
        return output

    def reports_markdown(self, json):
        output = md.table_header(('ID', 'URL', 'Timestamp', 'Status'))
        for r in json['reports']:
            output += md.table_row(
                (r['id'], r['url'], r['timestamp'], r['status']))
        return output

        'args': {
            'machine': fields.Str(required=False),
            'priority': fields.Int(required=False),
            'timeout': fields.Int(required=False)
        'info': 'submit sample to cuckoo'
    def submit(self, args, file, opts):
        document =
        with open(file.file_path, "rb") as f:
                r = + '/tasks/create/file',
                                  files={"file": (document['name'], f)},
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
                raise error.InterfaceError("failed to connect to Cuckoo")

        if not r.status_code ==  # pylint: disable=no-member
            raise error.InterfaceError('failed to submit sample to Cuckoo')

        j = r.json()

        if not j["task_id"]:
            raise error.InterfaceError('failed to submit sample to Cuckoo')

        return j
Beispiel #11
class Commands(scale.Commands):  # pylint: disable=too-many-lines, too-many-public-methods
    def check(self):
        if not shutil.which('rekall'):
            raise error.CommandError("binary 'rekall' not found")

    # Generic run a command, useful for most commands
    def run_command(self, file, args, vol_cmd):
        if isinstance(vol_cmd, list):
            cmd = ['rekall', '-f', file.file_path]
            cmd += vol_cmd
            cmd = ['rekall', '-f', file.file_path, '%s' % (vol_cmd)]
        if config.scale_configs['rekall']['repository_path']:
            cmd += [
        if config.scale_configs['rekall']['cache_dir']:
            cmd += ['--cache_dir', config.scale_configs['rekall']['cache_dir']]
        env = environ.copy()
        if 'http_proxy' in config.snake_config.keys():
            env['http_proxy'] = config.snake_config['http_proxy']
            env['HTTP_PROXY'] = config.snake_config['http_proxy']
            env['https_proxy'] = config.snake_config['https_proxy']
            env['HTTPS_PROXY'] = config.snake_config['https_proxy']
        proc =,
        if proc.returncode != 0:
            raise error.CommandError(proc.stderr)
        return str(proc.stdout, encoding="utf-8")

        'args': {
            'hive_offset': fields.Str(required=True),
        'info': 'prints out a hive'
    def hivedump(self, args, file, opts):
        cmd = [
            'rekall', '-f', file.file_path, 'hivedump', '--hive-offset',
            '%s' % (args['hive_offset'])
        if config.scale_configs['rekall']['repository_path']:
            cmd += [
        if config.scale_configs['rekall']['cache_dir']:
            cmd += ['--cache_dir', config.scale_configs['rekall']['cache_dir']]
        env = environ.copy()
        if 'http_proxy' in config.snake_config.keys():
            env['http_proxy'] = config.snake_config['http_proxy']
            env['HTTP_PROXY'] = config.snake_config['http_proxy']
            env['https_proxy'] = config.snake_config['https_proxy']
            env['HTTPS_PROXY'] = config.snake_config['https_proxy']
        proc =,
        if proc.returncode != 0:
            raise error.CommandError(proc.stderr)
        return {'hivedump': str(proc.stdout, encoding="utf-8")}

    def hivedump_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['hivedump']

    @scale.command({'info': 'scan for possible _KDDEBUGGER_DATA64 structures'})
    def kdbgscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'kdbgscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'kdbgscan')}

    def kdbgscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['kdbgscan']

    @scale.command({'info': 'list overview information about this image'})
    def imageinfo(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'imageinfo': self.run_command(file, args, 'imageinfo')}

    def imageinfo_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['imageinfo']

        'args': {
            'offset': fields.Str(required=True),
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'a plugin to analyze a memory location'
    def analyze_struct(self, args, file, opts):
        return {
            'analyze_struct': self.run_command(file, args, 'analyze_struct')

    def analyze_struct_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['analyze_struct']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print session and window station atom tables'
    def atoms(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'atoms': self.run_command(file, args, 'atoms')}

    def atoms_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['atoms']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for _RTL_ATOM_TABLE'
    def atomscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'atomscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'atomscan')}

    def atomscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['atomscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'enumerate callback routines'
    def callbacks(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'callback': self.run_command(file, args, 'callbacks')}

    def callbacks_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['callback']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'a cc plugin for windows'
    def cc(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'cc': self.run_command(file, args, 'cc')}

    def cc_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['cc']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'checks a pe file mapped into memory for hooks'
    def check_pehooks(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'check_pehook': self.run_command(file, args, 'check_pehooks')}

    def check_pehooks_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['check_pehooks']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'extract the contents of the windows clipboard'
    def clipboard(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'clipboard': self.run_command(file, args, 'clipboard')}

    def clipboard_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['clipboard']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'extract command history by scanning for _COMMAND_HISTORY'
    def cmdscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'cmdscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'cmdscan')}

    def cmdscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['cmdscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'print list of open connections [Windows XP and 2003 Only]'
    def connections(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'connection': self.run_command(file, args, 'connections')}

    def connections_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['connection']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for tcp connections'
    def connscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'connscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'connscan')}

    def connscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['connscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'enumerate command consoles'
    def consoles(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'consoles': self.run_command(file, args, 'consoles')}

    def consoles_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['consoles']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print information on each desktop'
    def desktops(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'desktops': self.run_command(file, args, 'desktops')}

    def desktops_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['desktops']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'show device tree'
    def devicetree(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'devicetree': self.run_command(file, args, 'devicetree')}

    def devicetree_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['devicetree']

        'args': {
            'offset': fields.Str(required=False),
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'disassemble the given offset'
    def dis(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'dis': self.run_command(file, args, 'dis')}

    def dis_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['dis']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'prints a list of dll modules mapped into each process'
    def dlllist(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'dlllist': self.run_command(file, args, 'dlllist')}

    def dlllist_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['dlllist']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump the windows DNS resolver cache'
    def dns_cache(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'dns_cache': self.run_command(file, args, 'dns_cache')}

    def dns_cache_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['dns_cache']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'driver IRP hook detection'
    def driverirp(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'driverirp': self.run_command(file, args, 'driverirp')}

    def driverirp_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['driverirp']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'scan for driver objects _DRIVER_OBJECT'
    def driverscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'driverscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'driverscan')}

    def driverscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['driverscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'scans the physical memory for DTB values'
    def dtbscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'dtbscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'dtbscan')}

    def dtbscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['dtbscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print details on windows event hooks'
    def eventhooks(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'eventhook': self.run_command(file, args, 'eventhooks')}

    def eventhooks_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['eventhooks']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'extract Windows Event Logs (XP/2003 only)'
    def evtlogs(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'evtlog': self.run_command(file, args, 'evtlogs')}

    def evtlogs_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['evtlogs']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'scan Physical memory for _FILE_OBJECT pool allocations'
    def filescan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'filescan': self.run_command(file, args, 'filescan')}

    def filescan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['filescan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'a plugin to search for the Directory Table Base for windows system'
    def find_dtb(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'find_dtb': self.run_command(file, args, 'find_dtb')}

    def find_dtb_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['find_dtb']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'none'
    def fls(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'fls': self.run_command(file, args, 'fls')}

    def fls_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['fls']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump the USER handle type information'
    def gahti(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'gahti': self.run_command(file, args, 'gahti')}

    def gahti_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['gahti']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'get the names of services in the Registry and return Calculated SID'
    def getservicesids(self, args, file, opts):
        return {
            'getservicesid': self.run_command(file, args, 'getservicesids')

    def getservicesids_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['getservicesids']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print list of open handles for each process'
    def handles(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'handles': self.run_command(file, args, 'handles')}

    def handles_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['handles']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print list of registry hives on the system'
    def hives(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'hives': self.run_command(file, args, 'hives')}

    def hives_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['hives']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'detect EAT hooks in process and kernel memory'
    def hooks_eat(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'hooks_eat': self.run_command(file, args, 'hooks_eat')}

    def hooks_eat_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['hooks_eat']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'detect IAT/EAT hooks in process and kernel memory'
    def hooks_iat(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'hooks_iat': self.run_command(file, args, 'hooks_iat')}

    def hooks_iat_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['hooks_iat']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'detect API hooks in process and kernel memory'
    def hooks_inline(self, args, file, opts):
        return self.run_command(file, args, 'hooks_inline')

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'scan for calls to imported functions'
    def impscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'impscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'impscan')}

    def impscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['impscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'a plugin to print all KPCR blocks'
    def kpcr(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'kpcr': self.run_command(file, args, 'kpcr')}

    def kpcr_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['kpcr']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'detect unlinked DLLs'
    def ldrmodules(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'ldrmodule': self.run_command(file, args, 'ldrmodules')}

    def ldrmodules_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['ldrmodules']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'find hidden and injected code'
    def malfind(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'malfind': self.run_command(file, args, 'malfind')}

    def malfind_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['malfind']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'calculates the memory regions mapped by a process'
    def memmap(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'memmap': self.run_command(file, args, 'memmap')}

    def memmap_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['memmap']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'list desktop and thread window message hooks'
    def messagehooks(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'messagehook': self.run_command(file, args, 'messagehooks')}

    def messagehooks_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['messagehooks']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'extract and decrypt passwords from the LSA Security Service'
    def mimikatz(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'mimikatz': self.run_command(file, args, 'mimikatz')}

    def mimikatz_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['mimikatz']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'scan Physical memory for _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY objects'
    def modscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'modscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'modscan')}

    def modscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['modscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print list of loaded modules'
    def modules(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'modules': self.run_command(file, args, 'modules')}

    def modules_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['modules']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'scan for mutant objects _KMUTANT'
    def mutantscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'mutantscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'mutantscan')}

    def mutantscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['mutantscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'scan a Vista, 2008 or Windows 7 image for connections and sockets'
    def netscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'netscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'netscan')}

    def netscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['netscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print the active network connections'
    def netstat(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'netstat': self.run_command(file, args, 'netstat')}

    def netstat_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['netstat']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'visualize the kernel object tree'
    def object_tree(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'object_tree': self.run_command(file, args, 'object_tree')}

    def object_tree_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['object_tree']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'displays all object Types on the system'
    def object_types(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'object_types': self.run_command(file, args, 'object_types')}

    def object_types_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['object_types']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'report all the active pagefiles'
    def pagefiles(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'pagefiles': self.run_command(file, args, 'pagefiles')}

    def pagefiles_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['pagefiles']

        'args': {
            'offset': fields.Str(required=True),
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'resolves a physical address to a virtual addrress in a process'
    def pas2vas(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'pas2vas': self.run_command(file, args, 'pas2vas')}

    def pas2vas_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['pas2vas']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print information about a PE binary'
    def peinfo(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'peinfo': self.run_command(file, args, 'peinfo')}

    def peinfo_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['peinfo']

        'args': {
            'pfn': fields.Str(required=True),
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'prints information about an address from the PFN database'
    def pfn(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'pfn': self.run_command(file, args, 'pfn')}

    def pfn_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['pfn']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'prints the boot physical memory map'
    def phys_map(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'phys_map': self.run_command(file, args, 'phys_map')}

    def phys_map_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['phys_map']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'enumerate pool tag usage statistics'
    def pool_tracker(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'pool_tracker': self.run_command(file, args, 'pool_tracker')}

    def pool_tracker_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['pool_tracker']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'prints information about system pools'
    def pools(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'pools': self.run_command(file, args, 'pools')}

    def pools_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['pools']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print a registry key, and its subkeys and values'
    def printkey(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'printkey': self.run_command(file, args, 'printkey')}

    def printkey_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['printkey']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'prints process privileges'
    def privileges(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'privileges': self.run_command(file, args, 'privileges')}

    def privileges_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['privileges']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump detailed information about a running process'
    def procinfo(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'procinfo': self.run_command(file, args, 'procinfo')}

    def procinfo_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['procinfo']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'list processes for windows'
    def pslist(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'pslist': self.run_command(file, args, 'pslist')}

    def pslist_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['pslist']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'scan Physical memory for _EPROCESS pool allocations'
    def psscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'psscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'psscan')}

    def psscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['psscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print process list as a tree'
    def pstree(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'pstree': self.run_command(file, args, 'pstree')}

    def pstree_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['pstree']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'find hidden processes with various process listings'
    def psxview(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'psxview': self.run_command(file, args, 'psxview')}

    def psxview_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['psxview']

        'args': {
            'offset': fields.Str(required=True),
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'converts a physical address to a virtual address'
    def ptov(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'ptov': self.run_command(file, args, 'psxview')}

    def ptov_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['ptov']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'scan all physical memory and report page owners'
    def rammap(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'rammap': self.run_command(file, args, 'rammap')}

    def rammap_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['rammap']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'enumerate all services'
    def services(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'services': self.run_command(file, args, 'services')}

    def services_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['services']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'list details on _MM_SESSION_SPACE (user logon sessions)'
    def sessions(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'sessions': self.run_command(file, args, 'sessions')}

    def sessions_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['sessions']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'dump RSA private and public SSL keys from the physical address space'
    def simple_certscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {
            'simple_certscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'simple_certscan')

    def simple_certscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['simple_certscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print list of open sockets [Windows XP only]'
    def sockets(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'sockets': self.run_command(file, args, 'sockets')}

    def sockets_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['sockets']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'enumerate the SSDT'
    def ssdt(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'ssdt': self.run_command(file, args, 'ssdt')}

    def ssdt_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['ssdt']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'scan for Windows services'
    def svcscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'svcscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'svcscan')}

    def svcscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['svcscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'scan for symbolic link objects'
    def symlinkscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'symlinkscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'symlinkscan')}

    def symlinkscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['symlinkscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'scan physical memory for _ETHREAD objects'
    def thrdscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'thrdscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'thrdscan')}

    def thrdscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['thrdscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'enumerate threads'
    def threads(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'threads': self.run_command(file, args, 'threads')}

    def threads_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['threads']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print kernel timers and associated module DPCs'
    def timers(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'timers': self.run_command(file, args, 'timers')}

    def timers_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['timers']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'return current time, as known to the kernel'
    def times(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'times': self.run_command(file, args, 'times')}

    def times_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['times']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print the SIDs owning each process token'
    def tokens(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'tokens': self.run_command(file, args, 'tokens')}

    def tokens_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['tokens']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print list of recently unloaded modules'
    def unloaded_modules(self, args, file, opts):
        return {
            'unloaded_modules': self.run_command(file, args,

    def unloaded_modules_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['unloaded_modules']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print userassist registry keys and information'
    def userassist(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'userassist': self.run_command(file, args, 'userassist')}

    def userassist_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['userassist']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump the USER handle tables'
    def userhandles(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'userhandles': self.run_command(file, args, 'userhandles')}

    def userhandles_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['userhandles']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'enumerate all users of this system'
    def users(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'users': self.run_command(file, args, 'users')}

    def users_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['users']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'enumerate all blocks cached in the cache manager'
    def vacbs(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'vacbs': self.run_command(file, args, 'vacbs')}

    def vacbs_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['vacbs']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'concise dump of the VAD'
    def vad(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'vad': self.run_command(file, args, 'vad')}

    def vad_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['vad']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'inspect each page in the VAD and report its status'
    def vadmap(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'vadmap': self.run_command(file, args, 'vadmap')}

    def vadmap_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['vadmap']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'try to determine the versions for all kernel drivers'
    def version_modules(self, args, file, opts):
        return {
            'version_modules': self.run_command(file, args, 'version_modules')

    def version_modules_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['version_modules']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'prints the Windows Kernel Virtual Address Map'
    def virt_map(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'virt_map': self.run_command(file, args, 'virt_map')}

    def virt_map_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['virt_map']

        'args': {
            'name': fields.Str(required=True),
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'prints information about the virtual to physical translation'
    def vtop(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'vtop': self.run_command(file, args, 'vtop')}

    def vtop_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['vtop']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'automatically detect win32k struct layout'
    def win32k_autodetect(self, args, file, opts):
        return {
            'win32k_autodetect': self.run_command(file, args,

    def win32k_autodetect_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['win32k_autodetect']
Beispiel #12
class UploadFileSchema(schema.FileSchema):
    """Extends `FileSchema`."""

    name = fields.Str(required=False)  # Override
    extract = fields.Bool(missing=False)
    password = fields.Str(missing=None)
Beispiel #13
class Commands(scale.Commands):  # pylint: disable=too-many-lines, too-many-public-methods
    def check(self):
        self.vol = None
        if config.scale_configs['volatility']['vol_path']:
            if path.exists(config.scale_configs['volatility']['vol_path']):
                self.vol = config.scale_configs['volatility']['vol_path']
            raise error.CommandError(
                "binary '' not found - 'vol_path' not set")
        if not self.vol:
            raise error.CommandError("binary '' not found")

    def get_profile(self, file):
        document =
        if 'profile' not in document:
            self.imageinfo(None, file.sha256_digest)  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
            document =
            if 'profile' not in document:
                raise error.CommandError(
                    'Unable to automatically determine profile!')
        return document['profile']

    # Generic run a command, useful for most commands
    def run_command(self, file, args, vol_cmd):
        cmd = [self.vol, '-f', file.file_path, '%s' % (vol_cmd)]
        if 'profile' in args and args['profile'] != '':
            cmd += ['--profile', args['profile']]
            profile = self.get_profile(file)
            cmd += ['--profile', profile]
        proc =,
        if proc.returncode != 0:
            raise error.CommandError(proc.stderr)
        return str(proc.stdout, encoding="utf-8")

        'args': {
            'hive_offset': fields.Str(required=True),
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'prints out a hive'
    def hivedump(self, args, file, opts):
        cmd = [
            self.vol, '-f', file.file_path, 'hivedump', '--hive-offset',
            '%s' % (args['hive_offset'])
        if 'profile' in args and args['profile'] != '':
            cmd += ['--profile', args['profile']]
            profile = self.get_profile(file)
            cmd += ['--profile', profile]
        proc =,
        if proc.returncode != 0:
            raise error.CommandError(proc.stderr)
        return {'hivedump': str(proc.stdout, encoding="utf-8")}

    def hivedump_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['hivedump']

    @scale.command({'info': 'search for and dump potential KDBG values'})
    def kdbgscan(self, args, file, opts):
        proc =[self.vol, '-f', file.file_path, 'kdbgscan'],
        if proc.returncode != 0:
            raise error.CommandError(proc.stderr)
        return {'kdbgscan': str(proc.stdout, encoding="utf-8")}

    def kdbgscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['kdbgscan']

    @scale.command({'info': 'identify information for the image'})
    def imageinfo(self, args, file, opts):
        proc =[self.vol, '-f', file.file_path, 'imageinfo'],
        if proc.returncode != 0:
            raise error.CommandError(proc.stderr)
        output = str(proc.stdout, encoding="utf-8")

        # Try and extract profile
            prof = output.split('\n')[0].split(':')[1]
            if 'suggestion' not in prof:
                if ',' in prof:
                    prof = prof.split(',')[0]
                data = {'profile': prof.strip()}
                if not db.file_collection.update(file.sha256_digest, data):
                    raise error.MongoError(
                        'Error adding profile into file document %s' %
        except Exception:  # noqa pylint: disable=broad-except

        return {'imageinfo': output}

    def imageinfo_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['imageinfo']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print AmCache information'
    def amcache(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'amcache': self.run_command(file, args, 'amcache')}

    def amcache_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['amcache']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'detect API hooks in process and kernel memory'
    def apihooks(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'apihooks': self.run_command(file, args, 'apihooks')}

    def apihooks_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['apihooks']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print session and window station atom tables'
    def atoms(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'atoms': self.run_command(file, args, 'atoms')}

    def atoms_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['atoms']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for atom tables'
    def atomscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'atomscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'atomscan')}

    def atomscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['atomscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        r'prints out the Audit Policies from HKLM\SECURITY\Policy\PolAdtEv'
    def auditpol(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'auditpol': self.run_command(file, args, 'auditpol')}

    def auditpol_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['auditpol']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump the big page pools using BigPagePoolScanner'
    def bigpools(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'bigpools': self.run_command(file, args, 'bigpools')}

    def bigpools_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['bigpools']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'reads the keyboard buffer from Real Mode memory'
    def bioskbd(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'bioskbd': self.run_command(file, args, 'bioskbd')}

    def bioskbd_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['bioskbd']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dumps cached domain hashes from memory'
    def cachedump(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'cachedump': self.run_command(file, args, 'cachedump')}

    def cachedump_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['cachedump']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print system-wide notification routines'
    def callbacks(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'callbacks': self.run_command(file, args, 'callbacks')}

    def callbacks_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['callbacks']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'extract the contents of the windows clipboard'
    def clipboard(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'clipboard': self.run_command(file, args, 'clipboard')}

    def clipboard_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['clipboard']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'display process command-line arguments'
    def cmdline(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'cmdline': self.run_command(file, args, 'cmdline')}

    def cmdline_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['cmdline']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'extract command history by scanning for _COMMAND_HISTORY'
    def cmdscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'cmdscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'cmdscan')}

    def cmdscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['cmdscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'print list of open connections [Windows XP and 2003 Only]'
    def connections(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'connections': self.run_command(file, args, 'connections')}

    def connections_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['connections']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for tcp connections'
    def connscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'connscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'connscan')}

    def connscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['connscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'extract command history by scanning for _CONSOLE_INFORMATION'
    def consoles(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'consoles': self.run_command(file, args, 'consoles')}

    def consoles_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['consoles']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump crash-dump information'
    def crashinfo(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'crashinfo': self.run_command(file, args, 'crashinfo')}

    def crashinfo_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['crashinfo']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'poolscaner for tagDESKTOP (desktops)'
    def deskscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'deskscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'deskscan')}

    def deskscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['deskscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'show device tree'
    def devicetree(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'devicetree': self.run_command(file, args, 'devicetree')}

    def devicetree_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['devicetree']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print list of loaded dlls for each process'
    def dlllist(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'dlllist': self.run_command(file, args, 'dlllist')}

    def dlllist_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['dlllist']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'driver IRP hook detection'
    def driverirp(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'driverirp': self.run_command(file, args, 'driverirp')}

    def driverirp_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['driverirp']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'associate driver objects to kernel modules'
    def drivermodule(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'drivermodule': self.run_command(file, args, 'drivermodule')}

    def drivermodule_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['drivermodule']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for driver objects'
    def driverscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'driverscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'driverscan')}

    def driverscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['driverscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump RSA private and public SSL keys'
    def dumpcerts(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'dumpcerts': self.run_command(file, args, 'dumpcerts')}

    def dumpcerts_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['dumpcerts']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'displays information about Edit controls. (Listbox experimental.)'
    def editbox(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'editbox': self.run_command(file, args, 'editbox')}

    def editbox_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['editbox']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'display process environment variables'
    def envars(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'envars': self.run_command(file, args, 'envars')}

    def envars_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['envars']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print details on windows event hooks'
    def eventhooks(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'eventhooks': self.run_command(file, args, 'eventhooks')}

    def eventhooks_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['eventhooks']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'extract Windows Event Logs (XP/2003 only)'
    def evtlogs(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'evtlogs': self.run_command(file, args, 'evtlogs')}

    def evtlogs_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['evtlogs']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for file objects'
    def filescan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'filescan': self.run_command(file, args, 'filescan')}

    def filescan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['filescan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump the USER handle type information'
    def gahti(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'gahti': self.run_command(file, args, 'gahti')}

    def gahti_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['gahti']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print installed GDI timers and callbacks'
    def gditimers(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'gditimers': self.run_command(file, args, 'gditimers')}

    def gditimers_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['gditimers']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'display Global Descriptor Table'
    def gdt(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'gdt': self.run_command(file, args, 'gdt')}

    def gdt_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['gdt']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'get the names of services in the Registry and return Calculated SID'
    def getservicesids(self, args, file, opts):
        return {
            'getservicesids': self.run_command(file, args, 'getservicesids')

    def getservicesids_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['getservicesids']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print the SIDs owning each process'
    def getsids(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'getsids': self.run_command(file, args, 'getsids')}

    def getsids_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['getsids']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print list of open handles for each process'
    def handles(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'handles': self.run_command(file, args, 'handles')}

    def handles_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['handles']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dumps passwords hashes (LM/NTLM) from memory'
    def hashdump(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'hashdump': self.run_command(file, args, 'hashdump')}

    def hashdump_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['hashdump']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump hibernation file information'
    def hibinfo(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'hibinfo': self.run_command(file, args, 'hibinfo')}

    def hibinfo_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['hibinfo']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print list of registry hives'
    def hivelist(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'hivelist': self.run_command(file, args, 'hivelist')}

    def hivelist_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['hivelist']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for registry hives'
    def hivescan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'hivescan': self.run_command(file, args, 'hivescan')}

    def hivescan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['hivescan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'display Interrupt Descriptor Table'
    def idt(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'idt': self.run_command(file, args, 'idt')}

    def idt_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['idt']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'reconstruct Internet Explorer cache / history'
    def iehistory(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'iehistory': self.run_command(file, args, 'iehistory')}

    def iehistory_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['iehistory']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'scan for calls to imported functions'
    def impscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'impscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'impscan')}

    def impscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['impscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print process job link information'
    def joblinks(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'joblinks': self.run_command(file, args, 'joblinks')}

    def joblinks_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['joblinks']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'search for and dump potential KPCR values'
    def kpcrscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'kpcrscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'kpcrscan')}

    def kpcrscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['kpcrscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'detect unlinked DLLs'
    def ldrmodules(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'ldrmodules': self.run_command(file, args, 'ldrmodules')}

    def ldrmodules_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['ldrmodules']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump (decrypted) LSA secrets from the registry'
    def lsadump(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'lsadump': self.run_command(file, args, 'lsadump')}

    def lsadump_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['lsadump']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump Mach-O file format information'
    def machoinfo(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'machoinfo': self.run_command(file, args, 'machoinfo')}

    def machoinfo_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['machoinfo']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'find hidden and injected code'
    def malfind(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'malfind': self.run_command(file, args, 'malfind')}

    def malfind_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['malfind']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'scans for and parses potential Master Boot Records (MBRs)'
    def mbrparser(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'mbrparser': self.run_command(file, args, 'mbrparser')}

    def mbrparser_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['mbrparser']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print the memory map'
    def memmap(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'memmap': self.run_command(file, args, 'memmap')}

    def memmap_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['memmap']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'list desktop and thread window message hooks'
    def messagehooks(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'messagehooks': self.run_command(file, args, 'messagehooks')}

    def messagehooks_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['messagehooks']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'scans for and parses potential MFT entries'
    def mftparser(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'mftparser': self.run_command(file, args, 'mftparser')}

    def mftparser_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['mftparser']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for kernel modules'
    def modscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'modscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'modscan')}

    def modscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['modscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print list of loaded modules'
    def modules(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'modules': self.run_command(file, args, 'modules')}

    def modules_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['modules']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for mutex objects'
    def mutantscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'mutantscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'mutantscan')}

    def mutantscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['mutantscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'scan a vista (or later) image for connections and sockets'
    def netscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'netscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'netscan')}

    def netscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['netscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'list currently displayed notepad text'
    def notepad(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'notepad': self.run_command(file, args, 'notepad')}

    def notepad_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['notepad']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'scan for Windows object type objects'
    def objtypescan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'objtypescan': self.run_command(file, args, 'objtypescan')}

    def objtypescan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['objtypescan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'display process privileges'
    def privs(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'privs': self.run_command(file, args, 'privs')}

    def privs_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['privs']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'print all running processes by following the EPROCESS lists'
    def pslist(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'pslist': self.run_command(file, args, 'pslist')}

    def pslist_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['pslist']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for process objects'
    def psscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'psscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'psscan')}

    def psscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['psscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print process list as a tree'
    def pstree(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'pstree': self.run_command(file, args, 'pstree')}

    def pstree_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['pstree']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'find hidden processes with various process listings'
    def psxview(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'psxview': self.run_command(file, args, 'psxview')}

    def psxview_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['psxview']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump Qemu information'
    def qemuinfo(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'qemuinfo': self.run_command(file, args, 'qemuinfo')}

    def qemuinfo_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['qemuinfo']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'list Windows services (ala Plugx)'
    def servicediff(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'servicediff': self.run_command(file, args, 'servicediff')}

    def servicediff_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['servicediff']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'list details on _MM_SESSION_SPACE (user logon sessions)'
    def sessions(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'sessions': self.run_command(file, args, 'sessions')}

    def sessions_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['sessions']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'prints ShellBags info'
    def shellbags(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'shellbags': self.run_command(file, args, 'shellbags')}

    def shellbags_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['shellbags']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'parses the Application Compatibility Shim Cache registry key'
    def shimcache(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'shimcache': self.run_command(file, args, 'shimcache')}

    def shimcache_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['shimcache']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print ShutdownTime of machine from registry'
    def shutdowntime(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'shutdowntime': self.run_command(file, args, 'shutdowntime')}

    def shutdowntime_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['shutdowntime']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print list of open sockets'
    def sockets(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'sockets': self.run_command(file, args, 'sockets')}

    def sockets_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['sockets']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for tcp socket objects'
    def sockscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'sockscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'sockscan')}

    def sockscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['sockscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'display SSDT entries'
    def ssdt(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'ssdt': self.run_command(file, args, 'ssdt')}

    def ssdt_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['ssdt']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'scan for Windows services'
    def svcscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'svcscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'svcscan')}

    def svcscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['svcscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for symlink objects'
    def symlinkscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'symlinkscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'symlinkscan')}

    def symlinkscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['symlinkscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for thread objects'
    def thrdscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'thrdscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'thrdscan')}

    def thrdscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['thrdscan']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'investigate _ETHREAD and _KTHREADs'
    def threads(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'threads': self.run_command(file, args, 'threads')}

    def threads_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['threads']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print kernel timers and associated module DPCs'
    def timers(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'timers': self.run_command(file, args, 'timers')}

    def timers_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['timers']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'recover TrueCrypt 7.1a Master Keys'
    def truecryptmaster(self, args, file, opts):
        return {
            'truecryptmaster': self.run_command(file, args, 'truecryptmaster')

    def truecryptmaster_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['truecryptmaster']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'TrueCrypt Cached Passphrase Finder'
    def truecryptpassphrase(self, args, file, opts):
        return {
            self.run_command(file, args, 'truecryptpassphrase')

    def truecryptpassphrase_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['truecryptpassphrase']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'TrueCrypt Summary'
    def truecryptsummary(self, args, file, opts):
        return {
            'truecryptsummary': self.run_command(file, args,

    def truecryptsummary_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['truecryptsummary']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print list of unloaded modules'
    def unloadedmodules(self, args, file, opts):
        return {
            'unloadedmodules': self.run_command(file, args, 'unloadedmodules')

    def unloadedmodules_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['unloadedmodules']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print userassist registry keys and information'
    def userassist(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'userassist': self.run_command(file, args, 'userassist')}

    def userassist_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['userassist']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump the USER handle tables'
    def userhandles(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'userhandles': self.run_command(file, args, 'userhandles')}

    def userhandles_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['userhandles']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump the VAD info'
    def vadinfo(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'vadinfo': self.run_command(file, args, 'vadinfo')}

    def vadinfo_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['vadinfo']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'walk the VAD tree and display in tree format'
    def vadtree(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'vadtree': self.run_command(file, args, 'vadtree')}

    def vadtree_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['vadtree']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'walk the VAD tree'
    def vadwalk(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'vadwalk': self.run_command(file, args, 'vadwalk')}

    def vadwalk_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['vadwalk']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump virtualbox information'
    def vboxinfo(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'vboxinfo': self.run_command(file, args, 'vboxinfo')}

    def vboxinfo_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['vboxinfo']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'prints out the version information from PE images'
    def verinfo(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'verinfo': self.run_command(file, args, 'verinfo')}

    def verinfo_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['verinfo']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'dump VMware VMSS/VMSN information'
    def vmwareinfo(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'vmwareinfo': self.run_command(file, args, 'vmwareinfo')}

    def vmwareinfo_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['vmwareinfo']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print Desktop Windows (verbose details)'
    def windows(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'windows': self.run_command(file, args, 'windows')}

    def windows_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['windows']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'print Z-Order Desktop Windows Tree'
    def wintree(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'wintree': self.run_command(file, args, 'wintree')}

    def wintree_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['wintree']

        'args': {
            'profile': fields.Str(required=False)
        'info': 'pool scanner for window stations'
    def wndscan(self, args, file, opts):
        return {'wndscan': self.run_command(file, args, 'wndscan')}

    def wndscan_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['wndscan']
Beispiel #14
class Commands(scale.Commands):
    def check(self):

        rule_files = []

        # Check rules_path
        if not RULES_PATH or RULES_PATH == '':
            raise error.CommandError("config variable 'rules_path' not set")
        if not os.path.exists(RULES_PATH):
            raise error.CommandError(
                "'rules_path': '{}' does not exist".format(RULES_PATH))
        if not os.listdir(RULES_PATH):
            raise error.CommandError(
                "'rules_path': '{}' is empty".format(RULES_PATH))
        # Loop through the rules folder and append all of the yar[a] files
        for dir_path, _dirs, files in os.walk(RULES_PATH):
            for f in files:
                if f.endswith('.yar') or f.endswith('.yara'):
                    rule_files.append(os.path.join(dir_path, f))

        # Compile each of the new yara files
        for rule_file in rule_files:
            compiled_rule = os.path.join(
                os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rule_file))[0] + '.yarac')
            if not os.path.exists(compiled_rule):
                    rule = yara.compile(rule_file)
                except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                    # TODO: Raising a CommandWarning breaks the module load, hence hacking in app_log direct warning temporarily
                        'error with yara module when compiling rule: %s', err)
                    # raise CommandWarning('error with yara module when compiling rule: %s' % err)

    @scale.command({'info': 'show a list of the yara rule'})
    def rules(self, args, file, opts):
        output = []
        # Loop through the compiled rules
        for _root, _dirs, files in os.walk(RULES_PATH):
            for f in files:
                if f.endswith('.yara') or f.endswith('.yar'):
                    output += [os.path.join(RULES_PATH, f)]
        return output

    def rules_plaintext(self, json):
        return '\n'.join(json)

        'args': {
            'rule': fields.Str(required=False)
        'scan a file with the available yara rules. Allows for only a single rule to be passed'
    def scan(self, args, file, opts):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches
        compiled_rule_files = []
        output = []

        if 'rule' in args and args['rule'] != '':
            rule = args['rule']
            rule = rule.strip('.yar').strip('.yara')
            rule += '.yarac'
            path = os.path.join(RULES_PATH, rule)
            if os.path.exists(path):
                raise error.CommandError('rule file does not exist')
            for _root, _dirs, files in os.walk(RULES_PATH):
                for f in files:
                    if f.endswith('.yarac'):
                        compiled_rule_files.append(os.path.join(RULES_PATH, f))

        # Load each of the compiled yara files
        for compiled_rule_file in compiled_rule_files:
                rules = yara.load(compiled_rule_file)
                matches = rules.match(file.file_path)
            except Exception:  # noqa pylint: disable=broad-except

            # Skip if no rule matches
            if not matches:

            # If the rule index doesn't exist we are likely using the yara plugin and not yara-python
            if matches[0].rule is None:
                raise error.CommandWarning(
                    'incorrect yara python plugin installed')

            # Loop through each match and append to output
            for match in matches:
                    if match.rule in config.scale_configs['yara'][
                except Exception:  # noqa pylint: disable=broad-except

                # Strings matches are stored as byte arrays, and whilst they can be converted to utf-8 strings,
                # in the case of hex values these are converted to ASCII which is not the desired output.
                # e.g:
                # b'This program cannot be run in DOS mo' = 'This program cannot be run in DOS mo'
                # b'\x40\x410x42' = @A0x42

                output += [{
                    'hits': [{
                        'hit': str(x[2])[2:-1],
                        'offset': str(x[0])
                    } for x in match.strings],
                    if 'description' in match.meta else '',
                    if 'author' in match.meta else '',

        return output

    def scan_markdown(self, json):
        output = md.table_header(
            ['File', 'Rule', 'String', 'Offset', 'Description', 'Author'])
        for r in json:  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            output += md.table_row([
                md.code(md.sanitize(r['hits'][0]['hit']), inline=True)
                if r['hits'] else '',
                md.code(md.sanitize(r['hits'][0]['offset']), inline=True)
                if r['hits'] else '',
            for hit in r['hits'][1:]:
                output += md.table_row(
                    ('', '', md.code(md.sanitize(hit['hit']), inline=True),
                     md.code(md.sanitize(hit['offset']), inline=True), '', ''))
        if not json:
            output += md.table_row(('-', '-', '-', '-', '-'))
        return output
Beispiel #15
class FileSchema(Schema):
    """The file schema.

    This is the schema for the file document stored within the mongo database.

    not_blank = marshmallow.validate.Length(min=1, error='Field cannot be blank')

    _id = fields.ObjectId(load_only=True)
    file_type = fields.Enum(required=True, type=enums.FileType, missing=enums.FileType.FILE)

    name = fields.Str(required=True, validate=not_blank)

    sha256_digest = fields.Str()

    description = fields.Str()
    tags = fields.Str()

    magic = fields.Str()
    mime = fields.Str()
    size = fields.Int()

    timestamp = fields.DateTime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")

    submission_type = fields.Str(validate=not_blank, default="unknown")

    parents = fields.Dict(values=fields.List(fields.Str(validate=not_blank)), keys=fields.Str(validate=not_blank), default={})
    children = fields.Dict(values=fields.List(fields.Str(validate=not_blank)), keys=fields.Str(validate=not_blank), default={})
Beispiel #16
class Commands(scale.Commands):  # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
    def check(self):
        strings = shutil.which('radare2')
        if not strings:
            raise error.CommandWarning("binary 'radare2' not found")

        'args': {
            'offset': fields.Str(required=True),
            'magic_bytes': fields.Str(default=None, missing=None),
            'patch': fields.Bool(default=True, missing=True),
            'size': fields.Str(required=True),
        'this function will carve binaries out of MDMP files'
    def binary_carver(self, args, file, opts):
        sample = {}
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=path.abspath(
                    config.snake_config['cache_dir']))) as temp_dir:
            # Try and carve
            file_path = r2_bin_carver.carve(file.file_path, temp_dir,
                                            args['offset'], args['size'],
            if not file_path:
                raise error.CommandError('failed to carve binary')
            if args['patch']:
                if not r2_bin_carver.patch(file_path):
                    raise error.CommandError(
                        'failed to patch binary, not a valid pe file')

            # Get file name
            document =
            if not document:
                raise error.SnakeError("failed to get sample's metadata")

            # Create schema and save
            name = '{}.{}'.format(document['name'], args['offset'])
            file_schema = schema.FileSchema().load({
                'extracted with radare2 script'
            new_file = fs.FileStorage()
            sample = submitter.submit(file_schema, enums.FileType.FILE,
                                      new_file, file, NAME)
            sample = schema.FileSchema().dump(schema.FileSchema().load(
                sample))  # Required to clean the above

        return sample

    def binary_carver_markdown(self, json):
        output = md.table_header(('Name', 'SHA256 Digest', 'File Type'))
        output += md.table_row(
                                   json['sha256_digest'])), json['file_type']))
        if not json.keys():
            output += md.table_row(('-', '-', '-'))
        return output

        'args': {
            'bits': fields.Str(default='32', missing='32'),
            'technique': fields.Str(required=True)
        'info': 'scan shellcode for hashed functions'
    def hash_function_decoder(self, args, file, opts):
        # Validate
        if args['bits'] not in ['32', '64']:
            raise error.CommandError(
                'invalid bits provided, currently supported: 32, 64')
        if args['technique'] not in r2_hash_func_decoder.TECHNIQUES:
            raise error.CommandError(
                'invalid technique provided, currently supported: {}'.format(

        scale_dir = path.dirname(__file__)
        func_decoder = path.join(scale_dir, 'scripts/')
        hash_db = path.join(scale_dir, 'scripts/r2_hash_func_decoder.db')

        # Get the output
        proc =[
            'python3', '{}'.format(func_decoder), 'analyse', '-f', '{}'.format(
                file.file_path), '-d', '{}'.format(hash_db), '{}'.format(
        if proc.returncode:
            raise error.CommandError('failed to execute script')

        return {'analysis': str(proc.stdout, encoding='utf-8')}

    def hash_function_decoder_plaintext(self, json):
        return json['analysis']
Beispiel #17
class CommandHandler(snake_handler.SnakeHandler):
    """Extends `SnakeHandler`."""
        # 'args': fields.Dict(required=False, default={}, missing={}),
        fields.Str(type=enums.Format, missing=enums.Format.JSON),
        fields.Bool(required=False, default=True, missing=True),
    async def get(self, data):
        # NOTE: Tornado/Marshmallow does not like Dict in args, will have to parse manually
        # TODO: Use marshmallow validation
        if 'args' in self.request.arguments and self.request.arguments['args']:
            data['args'] = json.loads(self.request.arguments['args'][0])
            data['args'] = {}
        document = await
            data['sha256_digest'], data['scale'], data['command'],
        if not document:
            self.write_warning("no output for given data", 404, data)

        if document['status'] == enums.Status.ERROR:
            self.write_warning("%s" % document['output'], 404, data)

        document = schema.CommandSchema().load(document)
        output = None
        if document['_output_id']:
            output = await db.async_command_output_collection.get(
            scale = scale_manager.get_scale(data['scale'])
            commands = scale_manager.get_component(
                scale, enums.ScaleComponent.COMMANDS)
            if data['output']:
                document['output'] = commands.snake.format(
                    data['format'], document['command'], output)
            document['format'] = data['format']
        except (SnakeError, TypeError) as err:
            self.write_warning("%s" % err, 404, data)

        document = schema.CommandSchema().dump(document)
        self.jsonify({'command': document})

        fields.Dict(required=False, default={}, missing={}),
        fields.Str(type=enums.Format, missing=enums.Format.JSON),
    async def post(self, data):
        # Check that there is a file for this hash
        document = await['sha256_digest'])
        if not document:
            self.write_warning("no sample for given data", 404, data)

        # Check scale support
            scale = scale_manager.get_scale(data['scale'],
            commands = scale_manager.get_component(
                scale, enums.ScaleComponent.COMMANDS)
            cmd = commands.snake.command(data['command'])
        except SnakeError as err:
            self.write_warning("%s" % err, 404, data)

        # Validate arguments as to not waste users time, yes this is also done on execution
        result, args = validate_args(cmd, data['args'])
        if not result:
            self.write_warning(args, 422, data)
        data['args'] = args

        # Queue command
            document = await route_support.queue_command(data)
        except SnakeError as err:
            self.write_warning("%s" % err, 500, data)

        document = schema.CommandSchema().load(document)
        output = None
        if document['_output_id']:
            output = await db.async_command_output_collection.get(
            document['output'] = commands.snake.format(data['format'],
            document['format'] = data['format']
        except SnakeError as err:
            self.write_warning("%s" % err, 404, data)

        # Dump and finish
        document = schema.CommandSchema().dump(document)
        self.jsonify({"command": document})
Beispiel #18
class NotesHandler(snake_handler.SnakeHandler):
    """Extends `SnakeHandler`."""
        'sha256_digest': fields.Str(required=False),
    async def get(self, data):
        documents = []
        if 'sha256_digest' in data.keys():
            cursor = db.async_note_collection.select_many(
            while await cursor.fetch_next:
                documents += [cursor.next_object()]
            cursor = db.async_note_collection.select_all()
            while await cursor.fetch_next:
                documents += [cursor.next_object()]
        documents = schema.NoteSchema(many=True).dump(
        self.jsonify({'notes': documents})

    async def post(self, data):
        if data == []:
            self.write_warning("note - no request body found", 422)

        # Check that there is a file for each hash
        missing = []
        for i in data:
            document = await['sha256_digest']
            if not document:
                missing += [i]
        if missing:
            self.write_warning("note - no sample for given data", 404, missing)

        # Check that there is a note for each hash
        exists = []
        for i in data:
            document = await['sha256_digest']
            if document:
                exists += [
        if exists:
            self.write_warning("note - note already exists for given data",
                               409, exists)

        documents = []
        timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        for i in data:
            i['timestamp'] = timestamp
            i = schema.NoteSchema().dump(i)
            await db.async_note_collection.insert(i)
            documents += [
        documents = schema.NoteSchema(many=True).dump(
        self.jsonify({'notes': documents})