Beispiel #1
        # Write new score to file
        with open(high_scores_path, "w+") as file:  # 'w+' enables overwriting


# Main game loop
while True:
    # Check if player is out of boundss
    if snake.is_oob():

    # Check if food was hit
    if snake.head_distance_from(food.turt) < 20:
        # Put the food somewhere else
        # Extend body
        new_segment = snake.make_new_segment(color=color_list[color_index])
        # Update color index
        color_index = (color_index + 1) % len(color_list)
        # Update score counter
        score += 10

        # If score hits a multiple of 50, increase the speed
        if score % 50 == 0:
            game.delay = max(game.delay - 0.015, 0)

    # Move all but first segments in reverse order
Beispiel #2
fruit             | Add to score
                  | Place fruit somewhere else
Player hits a     | Lose game 
body segment      | 
Always            | Update snake's head and
                  |     body positions
                  | Write score to screen

# Main game loop
while True:
    '''Step 3: TODO see if player has gone of out bounds, lose game if so'''
    ''' Step 4: TODO Fill in actions for when food is hit '''
    if snake.head_distance_from(food.turt) < 20:

        print(end='')  # Delete this line

        # TODO Put the food somewhere else by getting
        #   and setting a new position in the game window

        # TODO Extend snake body by making a new segment, then
        #   adding it to the snake

        # TODO Update score counter
        Step 5: TODO update the positions of all the snake body segments (not the head)

        This part is tough! Ask for help if you need it!
        What should x and y be?