Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, host, port):
     :param host: Hostname or IP address of the NameNode
     :type host: string
     :param port: RPC Port of the NameNode
     :type port: int
     ''' = host
     self.port = port
     self.service_stub_class = client_proto.ClientNamenodeProtocol_Stub
     self.service = RpcService(self.service_stub_class, self.port,
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, host, port, hadoop_version=7):
     :param host: Hostname or IP address of the NameNode
     :type host: string
     :param port: RPC Port of the NameNode
     :type port: int
     :param hadoop_version: What hadoop protocol version should be used (default: 7)
     :type hadoop_version: int
     ''' = host
     self.port = port
     self.service_stub_class = client_proto.ClientNamenodeProtocol_Stub
     self.service = RpcService(self.service_stub_class, self.port,, hadoop_version)
Beispiel #3
class Client(object):
    ''' A pure python HDFS client.


    >>> from snakebite.client import Client
    >>> client = Client("localhost", 54310)
    >>> for x in['/']):
    ...     print x

    .. warning::

        Many methods return generators, which mean they need to be consumed to execute! Documentation will explicitly
        specify which methods return generators.

    .. note::
        ``paths`` parameters in methods are often passed as lists, since operations can work on multiple

    .. note::
        Parameters like ``include_children`` and ``recurse`` are not used
        when paths contain globs.

    .. note::
        Different Hadoop distributions use different protocol versions. Snakebite defaults to 7, but this can be set by passing
        in the ``hadoop_version`` parameter to the constructor.
        1: "d",
        2: "f",
        3: "s"

    def __init__(self, host, port, hadoop_version=7):
        :param host: Hostname or IP address of the NameNode
        :type host: string
        :param port: RPC Port of the NameNode
        :type port: int
        :param hadoop_version: What hadoop protocol version should be used (default: 7)
        :type hadoop_version: int
        ''' = host
        self.port = port
        self.service_stub_class = client_proto.ClientNamenodeProtocol_Stub
        self.service = RpcService(self.service_stub_class, self.port,, hadoop_version)

    def ls(self, paths, recurse=False, include_toplevel=False, include_children=True):
        ''' Issues 'ls' command and returns a list of maps that contain fileinfo

        :param paths: Paths to list
        :type paths: list
        :param recurse: Recursive listing
        :type recurse: boolean
        :param include_toplevel: Include the given path in the listing. If the path is a file, include_toplevel is always True.
        :type include_toplevel: boolean
        :param include_children: Include child nodes in the listing.
        :type include_children: boolean
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries


        Directory listing

        >>> list(["/"]))
        [{'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 420, 'file_type': 'f', 'access_time': 1367317324982L, 'block_replication': 1, 'modification_time': 1367317325346L, 'length': 6783L, 'blocksize': 134217728L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'path': '/Makefile'}, {'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 493, 'file_type': 'd', 'access_time': 0L, 'block_replication': 0, 'modification_time': 1367317325431L, 'length': 0L, 'blocksize': 0L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'path': '/build'}, {'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 420, 'file_type': 'f', 'access_time': 1367317326510L, 'block_replication': 1, 'modification_time': 1367317326522L, 'length': 100L, 'blocksize': 134217728L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'path': '/index.asciidoc'}, {'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 493, 'file_type': 'd', 'access_time': 0L, 'block_replication': 0, 'modification_time': 1367317326628L, 'length': 0L, 'blocksize': 0L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'path': '/source'}]

        File listing

        >>> list(["/Makefile"]))
        [{'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 420, 'file_type': 'f', 'access_time': 1367317324982L, 'block_replication': 1, 'modification_time': 1367317325346L, 'length': 6783L, 'blocksize': 134217728L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'path': '/Makefile'}]

        Get directory information

        >>> list(["/source"], include_toplevel=True, include_children=False))
        [{'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 493, 'file_type': 'd', 'access_time': 0L, 'block_replication': 0, 'modification_time': 1367317326628L, 'length': 0L, 'blocksize': 0L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'path': '/source'}]
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")

        for item in self._find_items(paths, self._handle_ls,
            if item:
                yield item

    LISTING_ATTRIBUTES = ['length', 'owner', 'group', 'block_replication',
                          'modification_time', 'access_time', 'blocksize']

    def _handle_ls(self, path, node):
        ''' Handle every node received for an ls request'''
        entry = {}

        entry["file_type"] = self.FILETYPES[node.fileType]
        entry["permission"] = node.permission.perm
        entry["path"] = path

        for attribute in self.LISTING_ATTRIBUTES:
            entry[attribute] = node.__getattribute__(attribute)

        return entry

    def chmod(self, paths, mode, recurse=False):
        ''' Change the mode for paths. This returns a list of maps containing the resut of the operation.

        :param paths: List of paths to chmod
        :type paths: list
        :param mode: Octal mode (e.g. 0755)
        :type mode: int
        :param recurse: Recursive chmod
        :type recurse: boolean
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries

        .. note:: The top level directory is always included when `recurse=True`'''
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("chmod: no path given")
        if not mode:
            raise InvalidInputException("chmod: no mode given")

        processor = lambda path, node, mode=mode: self._handle_chmod(path, node, mode)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=True,
                                     include_children=False, recurse=recurse):
            if item:
                yield item

    def _handle_chmod(self, path, node, mode):
        request = client_proto.SetPermissionRequestProto()
        request.src = path
        request.permission.perm = mode
        return {"result": True, "path": path}

    def chown(self, paths, owner, recurse=False):
        ''' Change the owner for paths. The owner can be specified as `user` or `user:group`

        :param paths: List of paths to chmod
        :type paths: list
        :param owner: New owner
        :type owner: string
        :param recurse: Recursive chown
        :type recurse: boolean
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries

        This always include the toplevel when recursing.'''
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("chown: no path given")
        if not owner:
            raise InvalidInputException("chown: no owner given")

        processor = lambda path, node, owner=owner: self._handle_chown(path, node, owner)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=True,
                                     include_children=False, recurse=recurse):
            if item:
                yield item

    def _handle_chown(self, path, node, owner):
        if ":" in owner:
            (owner, group) = owner.split(":")
            group = ""

        request = client_proto.SetOwnerRequestProto()
        request.src = path
        if owner:
            request.username = owner
        if group:
            request.groupname = group
        return {"result": True, "path": path}

    def chgrp(self, paths, group, recurse=False):
        ''' Change the group of paths.

        :param paths: List of paths to chgrp
        :type paths: list
        :param group: New group
        :type mode: string
        :param recurse: Recursive chgrp
        :type recurse: boolean
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries

        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("chgrp: no paths given")
        if not group:
            raise InvalidInputException("chgrp: no group given")

        owner = ":%s" % group
        processor = lambda path, node, owner=owner: self._handle_chown(path, node, owner)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=True,
                                     include_children=False, recurse=recurse):
            if item:
                yield item

    def count(self, paths):
        ''' Count files in a path

        :param paths: List of paths to count
        :type paths: list
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries


        >>> list(client.count(['/']))
        [{'spaceConsumed': 260185L, 'quota': 2147483647L, 'spaceQuota': 18446744073709551615L, 'length': 260185L, 'directoryCount': 9L, 'path': '/', 'fileCount': 34L}]

        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("count: no path given")

        for item in self._find_items(paths, self._handle_count, include_toplevel=True,
                                     include_children=False, recurse=False):
            if item:
                yield item

    COUNT_ATTRIBUTES = ['length', 'fileCount', 'directoryCount', 'quota', 'spaceConsumed', 'spaceQuota']

    def _handle_count(self, path, node):
        request = client_proto.GetContentSummaryRequestProto()
        request.path = path
        response = self.service.getContentSummary(request)
        entry = {"path": path}
        for attribute in self.COUNT_ATTRIBUTES:
            entry[attribute] = response.summary.__getattribute__(attribute)
        return entry

    def df(self):
        ''' Get FS information

        :returns: a dictionary


        >>> client.df()
        {'used': 491520L, 'capacity': 120137519104L, 'under_replicated': 0L, 'missing_blocks': 0L, 'filesystem': 'hdfs://localhost:54310', 'remaining': 19669295104L, 'corrupt_blocks': 0L}
        processor = lambda path, node: self._handle_df(path, node)
        return list(self._find_items(['/'], processor, include_toplevel=True, include_children=False, recurse=False))[0]

    def _handle_df(self, path, node):
        request = client_proto.GetFsStatusRequestProto()
        response = self.service.getFsStats(request)
        entry = {"filesystem": "hdfs://%s:%d" % (, self.port)}
        for i in ['capacity', 'used', 'remaining', 'under_replicated',
                  'corrupt_blocks', 'missing_blocks']:
            entry[i] = response.__getattribute__(i)
        return entry

    def du(self, paths, include_toplevel=False, include_children=True):
        '''Returns size information for paths

        :param paths: Paths to du
        :type paths: list
        :param include_toplevel: Include the given path in the result. If the path is a file, include_toplevel is always True.
        :type include_toplevel: boolean
        :param include_children: Include child nodes in the result.
        :type include_children: boolean
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries



        >>> list(client.du(['/']))
        [{'path': '/Makefile', 'length': 6783L}, {'path': '/build', 'length': 244778L}, {'path': '/index.asciidoc', 'length': 100L}, {'path': '/source', 'length': 8524L}]

        Directory only:

        >>> list(client.du(['/'], include_toplevel=True, include_children=False))
        [{'path': '/', 'length': 260185L}]

        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("du: no path given")

        processor = lambda path, node: self._handle_du(path, node)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=include_toplevel,
                                     include_children=include_children, recurse=False):
            if item:
                yield item

    def _handle_du(self, path, node):
        if self._is_dir(node):
            request = client_proto.GetContentSummaryRequestProto()
            request.path = path
                response = self.service.getContentSummary(request)
                return {"path": path, "length": response.summary.length}
            except RequestError, e:
                print e
Beispiel #4
class Client(object):
    ''' A pure python HDFS client.


    >>> from snakebite.client import Client
    >>> client = Client("localhost", 54310)
    >>> for x in['/']):
    ...     print x

    .. warning::

        Many methods return generators, which mean they need to be consumed to execute! Documentation will explicitly
        specify which methods return generators.

    .. note::
        ``paths`` parameters in methods are often passed as lists, since operations can work on multiple

    .. note::
        Parameters like ``include_children`` and ``recurse`` are not used
        when paths contain globs.
        1: "d",
        2: "f",
        3: "s"

    def __init__(self, host, port):
        :param host: Hostname or IP address of the NameNode
        :type host: string
        :param port: RPC Port of the NameNode
        :type port: int
        ''' = host
        self.port = port
        self.service_stub_class = client_proto.ClientNamenodeProtocol_Stub
        self.service = RpcService(self.service_stub_class, self.port,

    def ls(self, paths, recurse=False, include_toplevel=False, include_children=True):
        ''' Issues 'ls' command and returns a list of maps that contain fileinfo

        :param paths: Paths to list
        :type paths: list
        :param recurse: Recursive listing
        :type recurse: boolean
        :param include_toplevel: Include the given path in the listing. If the path is a file, include_toplevel is always True.
        :type include_toplevel: boolean
        :param include_children: Include child nodes in the listing.
        :type include_children: boolean
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries


        Directory listing

        >>> list(["/"]))
        [{'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 420, 'file_type': 'f', 'access_time': 1367317324982L, 'block_replication': 1, 'modification_time': 1367317325346L, 'length': 6783L, 'blocksize': 134217728L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'path': '/Makefile'}, {'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 493, 'file_type': 'd', 'access_time': 0L, 'block_replication': 0, 'modification_time': 1367317325431L, 'length': 0L, 'blocksize': 0L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'path': '/build'}, {'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 420, 'file_type': 'f', 'access_time': 1367317326510L, 'block_replication': 1, 'modification_time': 1367317326522L, 'length': 100L, 'blocksize': 134217728L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'path': '/index.asciidoc'}, {'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 493, 'file_type': 'd', 'access_time': 0L, 'block_replication': 0, 'modification_time': 1367317326628L, 'length': 0L, 'blocksize': 0L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'path': '/source'}]

        File listing

        >>> list(["/Makefile"]))
        [{'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 420, 'file_type': 'f', 'access_time': 1367317324982L, 'block_replication': 1, 'modification_time': 1367317325346L, 'length': 6783L, 'blocksize': 134217728L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'path': '/Makefile'}]

        Get directory information

        >>> list(["/source"], include_toplevel=True, include_children=False))
        [{'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 493, 'file_type': 'd', 'access_time': 0L, 'block_replication': 0, 'modification_time': 1367317326628L, 'length': 0L, 'blocksize': 0L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'path': '/source'}]
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")

        for item in self._find_items(paths, self._handle_ls,
            yield item

    LISTING_ATTRIBUTES = ['length', 'owner', 'group', 'block_replication',
                          'modification_time', 'access_time', 'blocksize']

    def _handle_ls(self, path, node):
        ''' Handle every node received for an ls request'''
        entry = {}

        entry["file_type"] = self.FILETYPES[node.fileType]
        entry["permission"] = node.permission.perm
        entry["path"] = path

        for attribute in self.LISTING_ATTRIBUTES:
            entry[attribute] = node.__getattribute__(attribute)

        return entry

    def chmod(self, paths, mode, recurse=False):
        ''' Change the mode for paths. This returns a list of maps containing the resut of the operation.

        :param paths: List of paths to chmod
        :type paths: list
        :param mode: Octal mode (e.g. 0755)
        :type mode: int
        :param recurse: Recursive chmod
        :type recurse: boolean
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries

        .. note:: The top level directory is always included when `recurse=True`'''
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("chmod: no path given")
        if not mode:
            raise InvalidInputException("chmod: no mode given")

        processor = lambda path, node, mode=mode: self._handle_chmod(path, node, mode)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=True,
                                     include_children=False, recurse=recurse):
            yield item

    def _handle_chmod(self, path, node, mode):
        request = client_proto.SetPermissionRequestProto()
        request.src = path
        request.permission.perm = mode
        return {"result": True, "path": path}

    def chown(self, paths, owner, recurse=False):
        ''' Change the owner for paths. The owner can be specified as `user` or `user:group`

        :param paths: List of paths to chmod
        :type paths: list
        :param owner: New owner
        :type owner: string
        :param recurse: Recursive chown
        :type recurse: boolean
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries

        This always include the toplevel when recursing.'''
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("chown: no path given")
        if not owner:
            raise InvalidInputException("chown: no owner given")

        processor = lambda path, node, owner=owner: self._handle_chown(path, node, owner)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=True,
                                     include_children=False, recurse=recurse):
            yield item

    def _handle_chown(self, path, node, owner):
        if ":" in owner:
            (owner, group) = owner.split(":")
            group = ""

        request = client_proto.SetOwnerRequestProto()
        request.src = path
        if owner:
            request.username = owner
        if group:
            request.groupname = group
        return {"result": True, "path": path}

    def chgrp(self, paths, group, recurse=False):
        ''' Change the group of paths.

        :param paths: List of paths to chgrp
        :type paths: list
        :param group: New group
        :type mode: string
        :param recurse: Recursive chgrp
        :type recurse: boolean
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries

        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("chgrp: no paths given")
        if not group:
            raise InvalidInputException("chgrp: no group given")

        owner = ":%s" % group
        processor = lambda path, node, owner=owner: self._handle_chown(path, node, owner)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=True,
                                     include_children=False, recurse=recurse):
            yield item

    def count(self, paths):
        ''' Count files in a path

        :param paths: List of paths to count
        :type paths: list
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries


        >>> list(client.count(['/']))
        [{'spaceConsumed': 260185L, 'quota': 2147483647L, 'spaceQuota': 18446744073709551615L, 'length': 260185L, 'directoryCount': 9L, 'path': '/', 'fileCount': 34L}]

        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("count: no path given")

        for item in self._find_items(paths, self._handle_count, include_toplevel=True,
                                     include_children=False, recurse=False):
            yield item

    COUNT_ATTRIBUTES = ['length', 'fileCount', 'directoryCount', 'quota', 'spaceConsumed', 'spaceQuota']

    def _handle_count(self, path, node):
        request = client_proto.GetContentSummaryRequestProto()
        request.path = path
        response = self.service.getContentSummary(request)
        entry = {"path": path}
        for attribute in self.COUNT_ATTRIBUTES:
            entry[attribute] = response.summary.__getattribute__(attribute)
        return entry

    def df(self):
        ''' Get FS information

        :returns: a dictionary


        >>> client.df()
        {'used': 491520L, 'capacity': 120137519104L, 'under_replicated': 0L, 'missing_blocks': 0L, 'filesystem': 'hdfs://localhost:54310', 'remaining': 19669295104L, 'corrupt_blocks': 0L}
        processor = lambda path, node: self._handle_df(path, node)
        return list(self._find_items(['/'], processor, include_toplevel=True, include_children=False, recurse=False))[0]

    def _handle_df(self, path, node):
        request = client_proto.GetFsStatusRequestProto()
        response = self.service.getFsStats(request)
        entry = {"filesystem": "hdfs://%s:%d" % (, self.port)}
        for i in ['capacity', 'used', 'remaining', 'under_replicated',
                  'corrupt_blocks', 'missing_blocks']:
            entry[i] = response.__getattribute__(i)
        return entry

    def du(self, paths, include_toplevel=False, include_children=True):
        '''Returns size information for paths

        :param paths: Paths to du
        :type paths: list
        :param include_toplevel: Include the given path in the result. If the path is a file, include_toplevel is always True.
        :type include_toplevel: boolean
        :param include_children: Include child nodes in the result.
        :type include_children: boolean
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries



        >>> list(client.du(['/']))
        [{'path': '/Makefile', 'length': 6783L}, {'path': '/build', 'length': 244778L}, {'path': '/index.asciidoc', 'length': 100L}, {'path': '/source', 'length': 8524L}]

        Directory only:

        >>> list(client.du(['/'], include_toplevel=True, include_children=False))
        [{'path': '/', 'length': 260185L}]

        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("du: no path given")

        processor = lambda path, node: self._handle_du(path, node)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=include_toplevel,
                                     include_children=include_children, recurse=False):
            yield item

    def _handle_du(self, path, node):
        request = client_proto.GetContentSummaryRequestProto()
        request.path = path
        response = self.service.getContentSummary(request)
        return {"path": path, "length": response.summary.length}

    def rename(self, paths, dst):
        ''' Rename (move) path(s) to a destination

        :param paths: Source paths
        :type paths: list
        :param dst: destination
        :type dst: string
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("rename: no path given")
        if not dst:
            raise InvalidInputException("rename: no destination given")

        processor = lambda path, node, dst=dst: self._handle_rename(path, node, dst)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=True):
            yield item

    def _handle_rename(self, path, node, dst):
        if not dst.startswith("/"):
            dst = self._join_user_path(dst)
        request = client_proto.RenameRequestProto()
        request.src = path
        request.dst = dst
        response = self.service.rename(request)
        return {"path": path, "result": response.result}

    def delete(self, paths, recurse=False):
        ''' Delete paths

        :param paths: Paths to delete
        :type paths: list
        :param recurse: Recursive delete (use with care!)
        :type recurse: boolean
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries

        .. note:: Recursive deletion uses the NameNode recursive deletion functionality
                 instead of letting the client recurse. Hadoops client recurses
                 by itself and thus showing all files and directories that are
                 deleted. Snakebite doesn't.
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("delete: no path given")

        processor = lambda path, node, recurse=recurse: self._handle_delete(path, node, recurse)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=True):
            yield item

    def _handle_delete(self, path, node, recurse):
        if (self._is_dir(node) and not recurse):
            raise DirectoryException("rm: `%s': Is a directory" % path)

        # None might be passed in for recurse
        if not recurse:
            recurse = False

        request = client_proto.DeleteRequestProto()
        request.src = path
        request.recursive = recurse
        response = self.service.delete(request)
        return {"path": path, "result": response.result}

    def rmdir(self, paths):
        ''' Delete a directory

        :param paths: Paths to delete
        :type paths: list
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries

        .. note: directories have to be empty.
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("rmdir: no path given")

        processor = lambda path, node: self._handle_rmdir(path, node)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=True):
            yield item

    def _handle_rmdir(self, path, node):
        if not self._is_dir(node):
            raise DirectoryException("rmdir: `%s': Is not a directory" % path)

        # Check if the directory is empty
        files =[path])
        if len(files) > 0:
            raise DirectoryException("rmdir: `%s': Directory is not empty" % path)

        return self._handle_delete(path, node, recurse=True)

    def touchz(self, paths, replication=None, blocksize=None):
        ''' Create a zero length file or updates the timestamp on a zero length file

        :param paths: Paths
        :type paths: list
        :param replication: Replication factor
        :type recurse: int
        :param blocksize: Block size (in bytes) of the newly created file
        :type blocksize: int
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries

        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("touchz: no path given")

        # Let's get the blocksize and replication from the server defaults
        # provided by the namenode if they are not specified
        if not replication or not blocksize:
            defaults = self.serverdefaults()

        if not replication:
            replication = defaults['replication']
        if not blocksize:
            blocksize = defaults['blockSize']

        processor = lambda path, node, replication=replication, blocksize=blocksize: self._handle_touchz(path, node, replication, blocksize)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=True, check_nonexistence=True, include_children=False):
            yield item

    def _handle_touchz(self, path, node, replication, blocksize):
        # Item already exists
        if node:
            if node.length != 0:
                raise FileException("touchz: `%s': Not a zero-length file" % path)
            if self._is_dir(node):
                raise DirectoryException("touchz: `%s': Is a directory" % path)

            response = self._create_file(path, replication, blocksize, overwrite=True)
            # Check if the parent directory exists
            parent = self._get_file_info(os.path.dirname(path))
            if not parent:
                raise DirectoryException("touchz: `%s': No such file or directory" % path)
                response = self._create_file(path, replication, blocksize, overwrite=False)
        return {"path": path, "result": response.result}

    def setrep(self, paths, replication, recurse=False):
        ''' Set the replication factor for paths

        :param paths: Paths
        :type paths: list
        :param replication: Replication factor
        :type recurse: int
        :param recurse: Apply replication factor recursive
        :type recurse: boolean
        :returns: a generator that yields dictionaries
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("setrep: no path given")
        if not replication:
            raise InvalidInputException("setrep: no replication given")

        processor = lambda path, node, replication=replication: self._handle_setrep(path, node, replication)
        for item in self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=True,
                                     include_children=False, recurse=recurse):
            yield item

    def _handle_setrep(self, path, node, replication):
        if not self._is_dir(node):
            request = client_proto.SetReplicationRequestProto()
            request.src = path
            request.replication = replication
            response = self.service.setReplication(request)
            return {"result": response.result, "path": path}

    def _create_file(self, path, replication, blocksize, overwrite):
        if overwrite:
            createFlag = 0x02
            createFlag = 0x01

        # Issue a CreateRequestProto
        request = client_proto.CreateRequestProto()
        request.src = path
        request.masked.perm = 0644
        request.clientName = "snakebite"
        request.createFlag = createFlag
        request.createParent = False
        request.replication = replication
        request.blockSize = blocksize

        # The response doesn't contain anything

        # Issue a CompleteRequestProto
        request = client_proto.CompleteRequestProto()
        request.src = path
        request.clientName = "snakebite"

        return self.service.complete(request)

    def stat(self, paths):
        ''' Stat a fileCount

        :param paths: Path
        :type paths: string
        :returns: a dictionary


        >>> client.stat(['/index.asciidoc'])
        {'blocksize': 134217728L, 'owner': u'wouter', 'length': 100L, 'access_time': 1367317326510L, 'group': u'supergroup', 'permission': 420, 'file_type': 'f', 'path': '/index.asciidoc', 'modification_time': 1367317326522L, 'block_replication': 1}
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            raise InvalidInputException("Paths should be a list")
        if not paths:
            raise InvalidInputException("stat: no path given")

        processor = lambda path, node: self._handle_stat(path, node)
        return list(self._find_items(paths, processor, include_toplevel=True))[0]

    def _handle_stat(self, path, node):
        return {"path": path,
                "file_type": self.FILETYPES[node.fileType],
                "length": node.length,
                "permission": node.permission.perm,
                "owner": node.owner,
                "modification_time": node.modification_time,
                "access_time": node.access_time,
                "block_replication": node.block_replication,
                "blocksize": node.blocksize}

    def test(self, path, exists=False, directory=False, zero_length=False):
        '''Test if a paht exist, is a directory or has zero length

        :param path: Path to test
        :type path: string
        :param exists: Check if the path exists
        :type exists: boolean
        :param directory: Check if the path exists
        :type exists: boolean
        :param zero_length: Check if the path is zero-length
        :type zero_length: boolean
        :returns: a boolean

        .. note:: directory and zero lenght are AND'd.
        if not isinstance(path, str):
            raise InvalidInputException("Path should be a string")
        if not path:
            raise InvalidInputException("test: no path given")

        processor = lambda path, node, exists=exists, directory=directory, zero_length=zero_length: self._handle_test(path, node, exists, directory, zero_length)
            return all(self._find_items([path], processor, include_toplevel=True))
        except FileNotFoundException, e:
            if exists:
                return False
                raise e