Beispiel #1
def find_imports(fn, verbose, ignores):
    "Yields a list of the module names the file 'fn' depends on."

    ast, _ = parse_python_source(fn)
    found_imports = get_ast_imports(ast)
    if found_imports is None:
        raise StopIteration

    dn = dirname(fn)

    packroot = None
    for modname, rname, lname, lineno, _, _ in found_imports:
        islocal = False
        names = modname.split('.')
        if find_dotted(names, dn):
            # This is a local import, we need to find the root in order to
            # compute the absolute module name.
            if packroot is None:
                packroot = find_package_root(fn, ignores)
                if not packroot:
                        "%d: Could not find package root for local import '%s' from '%s'."
                        % (lineno, modname, fn))

            reldir = dirname(fn)[len(packroot) + 1:]

            modname = '%s.%s' % (reldir.replace(os.sep, '.'), modname)
            islocal = True

        if rname is not None:
            modname = '%s.%s' % (modname, rname)
        yield (modname, lineno, islocal)
Beispiel #2
def find_imports(fn, verbose, ignores):
    "Yields a list of the module names the file 'fn' depends on."

    ast, _ = parse_python_source(fn)
    if ast is None:
        raise StopIteration

    found_imports = get_ast_imports(ast)
    if found_imports is None:
        raise StopIteration

    dn = dirname(fn)

    packroot = None
    for modname, rname, lname, lineno, _, _ in found_imports:
        islocal = False
        names = modname.split('.')
        if find_dotted(names, dn):
            # This is a local import, we need to find the root in order to
            # compute the absolute module name.
            if packroot is None:
                packroot = find_package_root(fn, ignores)
                if not packroot:
                        "%d: Could not find package root for local import '%s' from '%s'." %
                        (lineno, modname, fn))

            reldir = dirname(fn)[len(packroot)+1:]

            modname = '%s.%s' % (reldir.replace(os.sep, '.'), modname)
            islocal = True

        if rname is not None:
            modname = '%s.%s' % (modname, rname)
        yield (modname, lineno, islocal)