Beispiel #1
def main(args=None):
    ''' entry point for '''
    parser = get_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args(args)

    jobscript = args.snakescript
    job_properties = read_job_properties(jobscript)
    shutil.copy2(jobscript, args.script_dir)
    jobscript = os.path.join(args.script_dir, os.path.basename(jobscript))

    if args.profile == 'slurm':
        jobid = '%j'
        scheduler_cmd = SbatchScheduler()
        if args.dependencies:
            scheduler_cmd.dependency = ','.join(
                ["afterok:%s" % d for d in args.dependencies])
    elif args.profile == 'qsub':
        jobid = '${JOB_ID}'
        scheduler_cmd = QsubScheduler()
        scheduler_cmd.dependency = args.dependencies

    if not args.mail_type:
        mail_type = job_properties["cluster"]["mail_type"]

    sample_config = read_sample_config(input_json=args.sample_config)

    sacct_file = os.path.join(args.log_dir,
                              sample_config["analysis"]["case_id"] + ".sacct")

    balsamic_run_mode = os.getenv("BALSAMIC_STATUS", "conda")
    #    if balsamic_run_mode == 'container' and 'singularity' in sample_config:
    #        sbatch_script = os.path.join(args.script_dir,
    #                                     "sbatch." + os.path.basename(jobscript))
    #        sbatch_file = singularity_param(sample_config=sample_config,
    #                                        script_dir=args.script_dir,
    #                                        jobscript=jobscript,
    #                                        sbatch_script=sbatch_script)
    #        jobscript = sbatch_script

    scheduler_cmd.account = args.account
    scheduler_cmd.mail_type = mail_type
    scheduler_cmd.error = os.path.join(
        os.path.basename(jobscript) + "_" + jobid + ".err")
    scheduler_cmd.output = os.path.join(
        os.path.basename(jobscript) + "_" + jobid + ".out")

    scheduler_cmd.ntasks = job_properties["cluster"]["n"]
    scheduler_cmd.time = job_properties["cluster"]["time"]
    scheduler_cmd.mail_user = args.mail_user
    scheduler_cmd.script = jobscript

    jobid = submit_job(scheduler_cmd.build_cmd(), args.profile)

    # scheduler_file = os.path.join(args.script_dir, sample_config["analysis"]["case_id"] + ".scheduler_dump")
    #    if balsamic_run_mode == 'container' and 'singularity' in sample_config:
    # write_scheduler_dump(scheduler_file=scheduler_file, cmd=scheduler_cmd.build_cmd())

    write_sacct_file(sacct_file=sacct_file, job_id=jobid)
Beispiel #2
 def get_job_info(self, jobpath):
     job_properties = read_job_properties(jobpath)
     mem_mb = 500
     disk_gb = 0
     if 'resources' in job_properties:
         if 'mem_mb' in job_properties['resources']:
             mem_mb = job_properties['resources']['mem_mb']
         elif 'mem_gb' in job_properties['resources']:
             mem_mb = 1024 * job_properties['resources']['mem_gb']
         if 'disk_gb' in job_properties['resources']:
             disk_gb = job_properties['resources']['disk_gb']
         elif 'disk_mb' in job_properties['resources']:
             disk_gb = math.ceil(job_properties['resources']['disk_mb'] /
     jobname = "hd-{}-{}".format(job_properties['rule'],
     return {
         'jobname': jobname,
         'mem_mb': mem_mb,
         'disk_gb': disk_gb,
         'cpus': job_properties.get('threads', 1),
         'resources': job_properties.get('resources', {}),
         'log': job_properties.get('log', []),
         'rule': job_properties.get('rule', ''),
         'wildcards': job_properties.get('wildcards', {}),
Beispiel #3
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-e", help="Write bsub stderr here")
    parser.add_argument("-o", help="Write bsub stdout here")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    job_properties = read_job_properties(args.jobscript)

    # By default, we use 1 thread.
    threads = job_properties.get("threads", 1)

    # We'll leave unspecified the memory and runtime with 0 MB and 0 minutes.
    mem = int(job_properties["resources"].get("mem", "0"))
    runtime = int(job_properties["resources"].get("runtime", "0"))

    # Let the user specify the queue.
    queue = job_properties["resources"].get("queue", None)

    # Otherwise, choose an appropriate queue based on required resources.
    if not queue:
        queue = get_queue(threads, mem, runtime)

    # If we fail to find a queue, exit with an error.
    if not queue:
        msg = "No valid queue! job_properties:\n"
        js = json.dumps(job_properties, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        sys.stderr.write(msg + js)

    # Submit the job to the queue.
    run_bsub(queue, threads, mem, runtime, args.jobscript, args.o, args.e)
Beispiel #4
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-e", help="Write bsub stderr here")
    parser.add_argument("-o", help="Write bsub stdout here")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    job_properties = read_job_properties(args.jobscript)

    # By default, we use 1 thread.
    threads = job_properties.get('threads', 1)

    # We'll leave unspecified the memory and runtime with 0 MB and 0 minutes.
    mem = int(job_properties['resources'].get('mem', '0'))
    runtime = int(job_properties['resources'].get('runtime', '0'))

    # Let the user specify the queue.
    queue = job_properties['resources'].get('queue', None)

    # Otherwise, choose an appropriate queue based on required resources.
    if not queue:
        queue = get_queue(threads, mem, runtime)
    # If we fail to find a queue, exit with an error.
    if not queue:
        msg = 'No valid queue! job_properties:\n'
        js = json.dumps(job_properties, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        sys.stderr.write(msg + js)

    # Submit the job to the queue.
    run_bsub(queue, threads, mem, runtime, args.jobscript, args.o, args.e)
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, jobscript, dependencies=None):
     self.jobscript = jobscript
     self.dependencies = dependencies
     job_properties = read_job_properties(jobscript)
     self.jobname = str(job_properties['rule'])
     self.threads = str(job_properties.get('threads', '1'))
     self.mem = str(job_properties['resources'].get('mem_mb', '10000'))
     self.command = self.construct_command()
Beispiel #6
 def __init__(self):
     self.cfg = {}
     self.partitions_info = {}
     self.submission_settings = defaultdict(lambda: None)
     self.command = ''
     self.partitions_file = ''
     self.jobscript = sys.argv[1]
     self.job_properties = read_job_properties(self.jobscript)
 def __init__(self, snakebashfile, dependencies=None, config=None):
     self.scriptname = snakebashfile
     job_properties = read_job_properties(snakebashfile)
     self.rule = job_properties['rule']
     self.ifiles = job_properties['input']
     self.ofiles = job_properties['output']
     if dependencies == None or len(dependencies) < 1:
         self.dependencies = None
         # expects snakemake like list of numbers
         self.dependencies = dependencies
         assert len(self.dependencies) >= 1
     self.config = config
Beispiel #8
 def __init__(self, snakebashfile, dependencies=None, config=None):
     self.scriptname = snakebashfile
     job_properties = read_job_properties(snakebashfile)
     self.rule = job_properties['rule']
     self.ifiles = job_properties['input']
     self.ofiles = job_properties['output']
     if dependencies == None or len(dependencies) < 1:
         self.dependencies = None
         # expects snakemake like list of numbers
         self.dependencies = dependencies
         assert len(self.dependencies) >= 1
     self.config = config
    def __init__(self,
                 jobscript: PathLike,
                 cluster_cmds: List[str] = None,
                 memory_units: Unit = Unit.GIGA,
                 uge_config: Optional[Config] = None):

        if cluster_cmds is None:
            cluster_cmds = []
        if uge_config is None:
            uge_config = Config()

        self._jobscript = jobscript
        self._cluster_cmd = " ".join(cluster_cmds)
        self._memory_units = memory_units
        self._job_properties = read_job_properties(self._jobscript)
        self.uge_config = uge_config
        self._cluster_config = load_cluster_config("cluster.yaml")
Beispiel #10
def main():

    # Parse command line
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Parse the job properties
    job_properties = read_job_properties(args.jobscript)

    # By default, we use 1 thread.
    threads = job_properties.get("threads", 1)

    # Get defualt mem, runtimes and output files from cluster.json
    mem = int(job_properties["cluster"]["mem"])
    runtime = int(job_properties["cluster"]["runtime"])
    stdout = job_properties["cluster"]["output"]
    stderr = job_properties["cluster"]["error"]
    jobname = job_properties["cluster"]["name"]

    # If the rule has specified resources, replace with those
    mem = int(job_properties["resources"].get("mem", mem))
    runtime = int(job_properties["resources"].get("runtime", runtime))

    # Make log file directories
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(stdout), exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(stderr), exist_ok=True)

    # Let the user specify the queue.
    queue = job_properties["resources"].get("queue", None)

    # Otherwise, choose an appropriate queue based on required resources.
    if not queue:
        queue = get_queue(threads, mem, runtime)

    # If we fail to find a queue, exit with an error.
    if not queue:
        msg = "No valid queue! job_properties:\n"
        js = json.dumps(job_properties, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        sys.stderr.write(msg + js)

    # Submit the job to the queue.
    run_bsub(queue, threads, mem, runtime, args.jobscript, jobname, stdout,
Beispiel #11
    def __init__(
        jobscript: PathLike,
        cluster_cmds: List[str] = None,
        memory_units: Unit = Unit.MEGA,
        lsf_config: Optional[Config] = None,
        if cluster_cmds is None:
            cluster_cmds = []
        if lsf_config is None:
            lsf_config = Config()

        self._jobscript = jobscript
        self._cluster_cmd = " ".join(cluster_cmds)
        self._job_properties = read_job_properties(self._jobscript)
        self.random_string = OSLayer.get_uuid4_string()
        self._memory_units = memory_units
        self.lsf_config = lsf_config
def compute_node_configuration(jobscript, num_jobs):
    compute and return
      * partition
      * number of nodes
      * number of paralle tasks per node
      * processing time
    props = read_job_properties(jobscript=jobscript)
    job_threads = props['threads']
    job_gpus = props['resources']['gpus']
    job_mem = props['resources']['mem']
    job_time = props['resources']['time']
    partition = props['cluster']['partition']
    node_cores = props['cluster']['cores']
    node_gpus = props['cluster']['gpus']
    node_mem = props['cluster']['mem']
    node_time = props['cluster']['time']
    # convert node time to minutes
    node_time = mktime(strptime(node_time, '%H:%M:%S')) / 60.0

    # compute number of parallel tasks per node
    num_tasks = min(floor(node_cores / job_threads), floor(node_mem / job_mem))

    # run more jobs on one node if compute time is very short
    overbooking = max(1, int(30 / job_time))

    # compute number of nodes
    num_nodes = ceil((num_jobs / overbooking) / num_tasks)

    # compute processing time with buffer of 10%
    proc_time = job_time * overbooking * 1.1
    print('job_time: {}'.format(job_time))
    print('proc_time: {}'.format(proc_time))
    proc_time = strftime('%H:%M:%S', gmtime(proc_time * 60))

    print('Partition: {}'.format(partition))
    print('Num Nodes: {}'.format(num_nodes))
    print('Num Tasks: {}'.format(num_tasks))
    print('Proc Time: {}'.format(proc_time))
    print('Overbooking: {}'.format(overbooking))

    return (partition, num_nodes, num_tasks, proc_time)
Beispiel #13
# cookiecutter arguments
SBATCH_DEFAULTS = """time=360 mem=16000 job-name=kalquant partition=holy-info,shared nodes=1 ntasks=6"""
CLUSTER_CONFIG = "config.yaml"
ADVANCED_ARGUMENT_CONVERSION = {"yes": True, "no": False}["yes"]

    "time": ("time", "runtime", "walltime"),
    "mem": ("mem", "mem_mb", "ram", "memory"),
    "mem-per-cpu": ("mem-per-cpu", "mem_per_cpu", "mem_per_thread"),
    "nodes": ("nodes", "nnodes")

# parse job
jobscript = slurm_utils.parse_jobscript()
job_properties = read_job_properties(jobscript)

sbatch_options = {}
cluster_config = slurm_utils.load_cluster_config(CLUSTER_CONFIG)

# 1) sbatch default arguments

# 2) cluster_config defaults

# 3) Convert resources (no unit conversion!) and threads
    slurm_utils.convert_job_properties(job_properties, RESOURCE_MAPPING)
Beispiel #14
                        help="{{dependencies}} string given by snakemake\n")
        "Snakemake generated shell script with commands to execute snakemake rule\n"
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.dependencies:
        dependencies = '-d afterok:' + ':'.join(args.dependencies)
        dependencies = ''

    job_properties = read_job_properties(args.jobscript)

    cluster_param = {}
    job_resources = job_properties["resources"]

    if not "mem" in job_resources:
            "Rule {rule} has no memory specified, set to default.".format(

    sample = job_properties['wildcards'].get('sample', '')
    jobname = job_properties['rule']
    if sample:
        jobname = jobname + '-' + sample

    # do something useful with the threads
Beispiel #15
import os
import sys
from python_utils.hpc import get_loc
from snakemake.utils import read_job_properties

loc = get_loc()
submit_cmd = loc.submit_job_cmd

job_cmd = sys.argv[1]

job_properties = read_job_properties(job_cmd)

submit_cmd = submit_cmd.replace('{threads}',
                                str(job_properties.get('threads', 1)))
submit_cmd = submit_cmd.replace(
    str(job_properties.get('resources', {}).get('mem_mb', 2000)))
job_name = job_properties.get('rule') or job_properties.get(
    'groupid') or 'umccrise'
submit_cmd = submit_cmd.replace('{job_name}', job_name)

cmd = f'{submit_cmd} {job_cmd}'
sys.stderr.write(cmd + '\n')
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys, re
from snakemake.utils import read_job_properties

LOGDIR = sys.argv[-2]
jobscript = sys.argv[-1]
mo = re.match(r'(\S+)/snakejob\.\S+\.(\d+)\.sh', jobscript)
assert mo
sm_tmpdir, sm_jobid = mo.groups()
props = read_job_properties(jobscript)

# set up job name, project name
jobname = "{rule}-{jobid}".format(rule=props["rule"], jobid=sm_jobid)
if props["params"].get("logid"):
    jobname = "{rule}-{id}".format(rule=props["rule"], id=props["params"]["logid"])
cmdline = "bsub -P {proj_name} -J {jobname} -r ".format(
    proj_name='viral_ngs', jobname=jobname)

# log file output
if "-N" not in props["params"].get("LSF",""):
    cmdline += "-oo {logdir}/LSF-{jobname}.txt ".format(
        logdir=LOGDIR, jobname=jobname)

# pass memory resource request to LSF
mem = props.get('resources',{}).get('mem')
if mem:
    cmdline += '-R "rusage[mem={}]" -M {} '.format(mem, 2*int(mem))

# rule-specific LSF parameters (e.g. queue, runtime)
cmdline += props["params"].get("LSF","") + " "
Beispiel #17
import sys


from snakemake.utils import read_job_properties

    "queue": ("day", "-q {queue}"),
    "threads": ("1", "-n {threads}"),
    "memory": (8, "-M {memory}"),
    "exclusive": ("", "-x"),
    "log_dir": ("jobs/job%J.out", "-o {log_dir}")

jobscript = sys.argv[1]
job_properties = read_job_properties(jobscript)["params"]
#os.system("echo " + str(read_job_properties(jobscript)))

# os.system("echo {} >>test.out".format(str(job_properties)))

def get_job_property(prop):

    if prop in job_properties:
        return (job_properties[prop], DEFAULT_PROPERTIES[prop][1])
    elif prop in DEFAULT_PROPERTIES:
        return DEFAULT_PROPERTIES[prop]
        return (None, None)