Beispiel #1
class TestWeakValCache(TestCase):
    if WeakValueDictionary is WeakValCache:
        skip = "WeakValCache is weakref.WeakValueDictionary; indicates " \
            "snakeoil._caching isn't compiled"

    def setUp(self):
        self.o = RefObj()
        self.w = WeakValCache()

    def test_setitem(self):
        s = "asdf"
        self.w[s] = self.o
        self.w["fds"] = self.o
        self.w[s] = self.o

    def test_getitem(self):
        s = "asdf"
        self.w[s] = self.o
        self.assertIdentical(self.w[s], self.o)

    def test_expiring(self):
        s = "asdf"
        self.w[s] = self.o
        del self.o
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.w.__getitem__, s)

    def test_get(self):
        s = "asdf"
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.w.__getitem__, s)
        self.w[s] = self.o
        self.assertIdentical(self.w.get(s), self.o)
Beispiel #2
class TestWeakValCache(TestCase):
    if WeakValueDictionary is WeakValCache:
        skip = "WeakValCache is weakref.WeakValueDictionary; indicates " \
            "snakeoil._caching isn't compiled"

    def setUp(self):
        self.o = RefObj()
        self.w = WeakValCache()

    def test_setitem(self):
        s = "asdf"
        self.w[s] = self.o
        self.w["fds"] = self.o
        self.w[s] = self.o

    def test_getitem(self):
        s = "asdf"
        self.w[s] = self.o
        self.assertIdentical(self.w[s], self.o)

    def test_expiring(self):
        s = "asdf"
        self.w[s] = self.o
        del self.o
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.w.__getitem__, s)

    def test_get(self):
        s = "asdf"
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.w.__getitem__, s)
        self.w[s] = self.o
        self.assertIdentical(self.w.get(s), self.o)

    def test_keys(self):
        self.assertEqual(list(self.w.keys()), [])
        self.w['a'] = self.o
        self.w['b'] = self.o
        self.w['c'] = self.o
        self.assertEqual(sorted(self.w.keys()), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
        del self.o
        self.assertEqual(sorted(self.w.keys()), [])

    def test_values(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.w.values(), [])
        self.w['a'] = self.o
        self.w['b'] = self.o
        self.w['c'] = self.o
        self.assertEqual(len(self.w.values()), 3)
        del self.o
        self.assertEqual(sorted(self.w.values()), [])

    def test_items(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.w.items(), [])
        self.w['a'] = self.o
        self.w['b'] = self.o
        self.w['c'] = self.o
        self.assertEqual(len(self.w.items()), 3)
        del self.o
        self.assertEqual(sorted(self.w.items()), [])
Beispiel #3
class TestWeakValCache(object):

    def setup_method(self, method):
        self.o = RefObj()
        self.w = WeakValCache()

    def test_setitem(self):
        s = "asdf"
        self.w[s] = self.o
        self.w["fds"] = self.o
        self.w[s] = self.o

    def test_getitem(self):
        s = "asdf"
        self.w[s] = self.o
        assert self.w[s] is self.o

    def test_expiring(self):
        s = "asdf"
        self.w[s] = self.o
        assert self.w[s]
        del self.o
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):

    def test_get(self):
        s = "asdf"
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        self.w[s] = self.o
        assert self.w.get(s) is self.o

    def test_keys(self):
        assert list(self.w.keys()) == []
        self.w['a'] = self.o
        self.w['b'] = self.o
        self.w['c'] = self.o
        assert sorted(self.w.keys()) == ['a', 'b', 'c']
        del self.o
        assert self.w.keys() == []

    def test_values(self):
        assert list(self.w.values()) == []
        self.w['a'] = self.o
        self.w['b'] = self.o
        self.w['c'] = self.o
        assert len(iter(self.w.values())) == 3
        del self.o
        assert self.w.values() == []

    def test_items(self):
        assert list(self.w.items()) == []
        self.w['a'] = self.o
        self.w['b'] = self.o
        self.w['c'] = self.o
        assert len(iter(self.w.items())) == 3
        del self.o
        assert self.w.items() == []
Beispiel #4
class base(object):
    Maintains the cache information about eclasses available to an ebuild.

    def __init__(self, location=None, eclassdir=None):
        self._eclass_data_inst_cache = WeakValCache()
        # generate this.
        # self.eclasses = {} # {"Name": ("location", "_mtime_")}
        self.location = location
        self.eclassdir = eclassdir

    def get_eclass_data(self, inherits):
        """Return the cachable entries from a list of inherited eclasses.

        Only make get_eclass_data calls for data you know came from
        this eclass_cache, otherwise be ready to catch a KeyError
        exception for any eclass that was requested, but not known to
        this cache.

        keys = tuple(sorted(inherits))
        o = self._eclass_data_inst_cache.get(keys)
        if o is None:
            o = ImmutableDict((k, self.eclasses[k]) for k in keys)
            self._eclass_data_inst_cache[keys] = o
        return o

    def get_eclass(self, eclass):
        o = self.eclasses.get(eclass)
        if o is None:
            return None
        return local_source(o.path)

    eclasses = jit_attr_ext_method("_load_eclasses", "_eclasses")

    def rebuild_cache_entry(self, entry_eclasses):
        """Check if eclass data is still valid.

        Given a dict as returned by get_eclass_data, walk it comparing
        it to internal eclass view.

        :return: a boolean representing whether that eclass data is still
            up to date, or not
        ec = self.eclasses
        d = {}

        for eclass, chksums in entry_eclasses:
            data = ec.get(eclass)
            if any(val != getattr(data, chf, None) for chf, val in chksums):
                return None
            d[eclass] = data

        return d
Beispiel #5
class base(object):
    Maintains the cache information about eclasses available to an ebuild.

    def __init__(self, portdir=None, eclassdir=None):
        self._eclass_data_inst_cache = WeakValCache()
        # generate this.
        # self.eclasses = {} # {"Name": ("location", "_mtime_")}
        self.portdir = portdir
        self.eclassdir = eclassdir

    def get_eclass_data(self, inherits):
        """Return the cachable entries from a list of inherited eclasses.

        Only make get_eclass_data calls for data you know came from
        this eclass_cache, otherwise be ready to catch a KeyError
        exception for any eclass that was requested, but not known to
        this cache.

        keys = tuple(sorted(inherits))
        o = self._eclass_data_inst_cache.get(keys)
        if o is None:
            o = ImmutableDict((k, self.eclasses[k]) for k in keys)
            self._eclass_data_inst_cache[keys] = o
        return o

    def get_eclass(self, eclass):
        o = self.eclasses.get(eclass)
        if o is None:
            return None
        return local_source(o.path)

    eclasses = jit_attr_ext_method("_load_eclasses", "_eclasses")

    def rebuild_cache_entry(self, entry_eclasses):
        """Check if eclass data is still valid.

        Given a dict as returned by get_eclass_data, walk it comparing
        it to internal eclass view.

        :return: a boolean representing whether that eclass data is still
            up to date, or not
        ec = self.eclasses
        d = {}

        for eclass, chksums in entry_eclasses:
            data = ec.get(eclass)
            if any(val != getattr(data, chf, None) for chf, val in chksums):
                return None
            d[eclass] = data

        return d
Beispiel #6
class _UnconfiguredTree(prototype.tree):
    """Raw implementation supporting standard ebuild tree.

    Return packages don't have USE configuration bound to them.

    false_packages = frozenset(["CVS", ".svn"])
    false_categories = frozenset([
        "eclass", "profiles", "packages", "distfiles", "metadata",
        "licenses", "scripts", "CVS", "local"])
    configured = False
    configurables = ("domain", "settings")
    configure = None
    package_factory = staticmethod(ebuild_src.generate_new_factory)
    enable_gpg = False
    extension = '.ebuild'

    operations_kls = repo_operations

    pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint({
        'location': 'str',
        'eclass_cache': 'ref:eclass_cache',
        'masters': 'refs:repo',
        'cache': 'refs:cache',
        'default_mirrors': 'list',
        'ignore_paludis_versioning': 'bool',
        'allow_missing_manifests': 'bool',
        'repo_config': 'ref:repo_config',

    def __init__(self, location, eclass_cache=None, masters=(), cache=(),
                 default_mirrors=None, ignore_paludis_versioning=False,
                 allow_missing_manifests=False, repo_config=None):

        :param location: on disk location of the tree
        :param cache: sequence of :obj:`pkgcore.cache.template.database` instances
            to use for storing metadata
        :param masters: repo masters this repo inherits from
        :param eclass_cache: If not None, :obj:`pkgcore.ebuild.eclass_cache`
            instance representing the eclasses available,
            if None, generates the eclass_cache itself
        :param default_mirrors: Either None, or sequence of mirrors to try
            fetching from first, then falling back to other uri
        :param ignore_paludis_versioning: If False, fail when -scm is encountered.  if True,
            silently ignore -scm ebuilds.

        self.base = self.location = location
            if not stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(self.base).st_mode):
                raise errors.InitializationError(
                    "base not a dir: %s" % self.base)
        except OSError:
                "lstat failed on base %s" % (self.base,)))
        if repo_config is None:
            repo_config = repo_objs.RepoConfig(location)
        self.config = repo_config
        if eclass_cache is None:
            eclass_cache = eclass_cache_module.cache(pjoin(self.location, 'eclass'))
        self.eclass_cache = eclass_cache

        self.masters = masters
        self.trees = tuple(masters) + (self,)
        self.licenses = repo_objs.Licenses(self.location)
        if masters:
            self.licenses = repo_objs.OverlayedLicenses(*self.trees)

        mirrors = {}
        fp = pjoin(self.location, metadata_offset, "thirdpartymirrors")
            for k, v in read_dict(fp, splitter=None).iteritems():
                v = v.split()
                mirrors[k] = v
        except EnvironmentError as ee:
            if ee.errno != errno.ENOENT:

        # use mirrors from masters if not defined in the repo
        for master in masters:
            for k, v in master.mirrors.iteritems():
                if k not in mirrors:
                    mirrors[k] = v

        if isinstance(cache, (tuple, list)):
            cache = tuple(cache)
            cache = (cache,)

        self.mirrors = mirrors
        self.default_mirrors = default_mirrors
        self.cache = cache
        self.ignore_paludis_versioning = ignore_paludis_versioning
        self._allow_missing_chksums = allow_missing_manifests
        self.package_class = self.package_factory(
            self, cache, self.eclass_cache, self.mirrors, self.default_mirrors)
        self._shared_pkg_cache = WeakValCache()

    repo_id = klass.alias_attr("config.repo_id")

    def path_restrict(self, path):
        """Return a restriction from a given path in a repo.

        :param path: full or partial path to an ebuild
        :return: a package restriction matching the given path if possible
        realpath = os.path.realpath(path)

        if realpath not in self:
            raise ValueError("'%s' repo doesn't contain: '%s'" % (self.repo_id, path))

        relpath = realpath[len(os.path.realpath(self.location)):].strip('/')
        repo_path = relpath.split(os.path.sep) if relpath else []
        restrictions = []

        if os.path.isfile(realpath):
            if not path.endswith('.ebuild'):
                raise ValueError("file is not an ebuild: '%s'" % (path,))
            elif len(repo_path) != 3:
                # ebuild isn't in a category/PN directory
                raise ValueError("ebuild not in the correct directory layout: '%s'" % (path,))

        # add restrictions until path components run out
            if repo_path[0] in self.categories:
                base = cpv.versioned_CPV("%s/%s" % (repo_path[0], os.path.splitext(repo_path[2])[0]))
                restrictions.append(restricts.VersionMatch('=', base.version, rev=base.revision))
        except IndexError:
        return packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions)

    def __getitem__(self, cpv):
        cpv_inst = self.package_class(*cpv)
        if cpv_inst.fullver not in self.versions[(cpv_inst.category, cpv_inst.package)]:
            if cpv_inst.revision is None:
                if '%s-r0' % cpv_inst.fullver in \
                        self.versions[(cpv_inst.category, cpv_inst.package)]:
                    # ebuild on disk has an explicit -r0 in its name
                    return cpv_inst
            raise KeyError(cpv)
        return cpv_inst

    def rebind(self, **kwds):
        """Generate a new tree instance with the same location using new keywords.

        :param kwds: see __init__ for valid values
        o = self.__class__(self.location, **kwds)
        o.categories = self.categories
        o.packages = self.packages
        o.versions = self.versions
        return o

    def hardcoded_categories(self):
        # try reading $LOC/profiles/categories if it's available.
        categories = readlines(
            pjoin(self.base, 'profiles', 'categories'),
            True, True, True)
        if categories is not None:
            categories = tuple(imap(intern, categories))
        return categories

    def _get_categories(self, *optional_category):
        # why the auto return? current porttrees don't allow/support
        # categories deeper then one dir.
        if optional_category:
            # raise KeyError
            return ()
        categories = set()
        for repo in self.trees:
            if repo.hardcoded_categories is not None:
        if categories:
            return tuple(categories)
            return tuple(imap(intern, ifilterfalse(
                (x for x in listdir_dirs(self.base) if x[0:1] != "."))))
        except EnvironmentError as e:
            raise_from(KeyError("failed fetching categories: %s" % str(e)))

    def _get_packages(self, category):
        cpath = pjoin(self.base, category.lstrip(os.path.sep))
            return tuple(ifilterfalse(
                self.false_packages.__contains__, listdir_dirs(cpath)))
        except EnvironmentError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                if category in self.categories:
                    # ignore it, since it's PMS mandated that it be allowed.
                    return ()
                "failed fetching packages for category %s: %s" %
                (pjoin(self.base, category.lstrip(os.path.sep)), str(e))))

    def _get_versions(self, catpkg):
        cppath = pjoin(self.base, catpkg[0], catpkg[1])
        pkg = catpkg[-1] + "-"
        lp = len(pkg)
        extension = self.extension
        ext_len = -len(extension)
            ret = tuple(x[lp:ext_len] for x in listdir_files(cppath)
                        if x[ext_len:] == extension and x[:lp] == pkg)
            if any(('scm' in x or '-try' in x) for x in ret):
                if not self.ignore_paludis_versioning:
                    for x in ret:
                        if 'scm' in x:
                            raise ebuild_errors.InvalidCPV(
                                "%s/%s-%s has nonstandard -scm "
                                "version component" % (catpkg + (x,)))
                        elif 'try' in x:
                            raise ebuild_errors.InvalidCPV(
                                "%s/%s-%s has nonstandard -try "
                                "version component" % (catpkg + (x,)))
                    raise AssertionError('unreachable codepoint was reached')
                return tuple(x for x in ret
                             if ('scm' not in x and 'try' not in x))
            return ret
        except EnvironmentError as e:
                "failed fetching versions for package %s: %s" %
                (pjoin(self.base, '/'.join(catpkg)), str(e))))

    def _get_ebuild_path(self, pkg):
        if pkg.revision is None:
            if pkg.fullver not in self.versions[(pkg.category, pkg.package)]:
                # daft explicit -r0 on disk.
                return pjoin(
                    self.base, pkg.category, pkg.package,
                    "%s-%s-r0%s" % (pkg.package, pkg.fullver, self.extension))
        return pjoin(
            self.base, pkg.category, pkg.package,
            "%s-%s%s" % (pkg.package, pkg.fullver, self.extension))

    def _get_ebuild_src(self, pkg):
        return local_source(self._get_ebuild_path(pkg), encoding='utf8')

    def _get_shared_pkg_data(self, category, package):
        key = (category, package)
        o = self._shared_pkg_cache.get(key)
        if o is None:
            mxml = self._get_metadata_xml(category, package)
            manifest = self._get_manifest(category, package)
            o = repo_objs.SharedPkgData(mxml, manifest)
            self._shared_pkg_cache[key] = o
        return o

    def _get_metadata_xml(self, category, package):
        return repo_objs.LocalMetadataXml(pjoin(
            self.base, category, package, "metadata.xml"))

    def _get_manifest(self, category, package):
        return digest.Manifest(pjoin(
            self.base, category, package, "Manifest"),

    def _get_digests(self, pkg, allow_missing=False):
        if self.config.manifests.disabled:
            return True, {}
            manifest = pkg._shared_pkg_data.manifest
            manifest.allow_missing = allow_missing
            return allow_missing, manifest.distfiles
        except pkg_errors.ParseChksumError as e:
            if e.missing and allow_missing:
                return allow_missing, {}

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<ebuild %s location=%r @%#8x>" % (
            self.__class__.__name__, self.base, id(self))

    def _visibility_limiters(self):
        path = pjoin(self.base, 'profiles', 'package.mask')
        pos, neg = [], []
            if self.config.profile_formats.intersection(['portage-1', 'portage-2']):
                paths = sorted_scan(path)
                paths = [path]
            for path in paths:
                for line in iter_read_bash(path):
                    line = line.strip()
                    if line in ('-', ''):
                        raise profiles.ProfileError(
                            pjoin(self.base, 'profiles'),
                            'package.mask', "encountered empty negation: -")
                    if line.startswith('-'):
        except IOError as i:
            if i.errno != errno.ENOENT:
        except ebuild_errors.MalformedAtom as ma:
                pjoin(self.base, 'profiles'),
                'package.mask', ma))
        return [neg, pos]

    def _regen_operation_helper(self, **kwds):
        return _RegenOpHelper(
            self, force=bool(kwds.get('force', False)),
            eclass_caching=bool(kwds.get('eclass_caching', True)))
Beispiel #7
class UnconfiguredTree(prototype.tree):
    """Raw implementation supporting standard ebuild tree.

    Return packages don't have USE configuration bound to them.

    false_packages = frozenset(["CVS", ".svn"])
    false_categories = frozenset([
        "eclass", "profiles", "packages", "distfiles", "metadata", "licenses",
        "scripts", "CVS", "local"
    configured = False
    configurables = ("domain", "settings")
    configure = None
    package_factory = staticmethod(ebuild_src.generate_new_factory)
    enable_gpg = False
    extension = '.ebuild'

    operations_kls = repo_operations

    pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint(
            'location': 'str',
            'eclass_cache': 'ref:eclass_cache',
            'masters': 'refs:repo',
            'cache': 'refs:cache',
            'default_mirrors': 'list',
            'allow_missing_manifests': 'bool',
            'repo_config': 'ref:repo_config',

    def __init__(self,
        :param location: on disk location of the tree
        :param cache: sequence of :obj:`pkgcore.cache.template.database` instances
            to use for storing metadata
        :param masters: repo masters this repo inherits from
        :param eclass_cache: If not None, :obj:`pkgcore.ebuild.eclass_cache`
            instance representing the eclasses available,
            if None, generates the eclass_cache itself
        :param default_mirrors: Either None, or sequence of mirrors to try
            fetching from first, then falling back to other uri
        self.base = self.location = location
            if not stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(self.base).st_mode):
                raise errors.InitializationError(
                    f"base not a dir: {self.base}")
        except OSError as e:
            raise errors.InitializationError(
                f"lstat failed: {self.base}") from e

        if repo_config is None:
            repo_config = repo_objs.RepoConfig(location)
        self.config = repo_config

        # profiles dir is required by PMS
        if not os.path.isdir(self.config.profiles_base):
            raise errors.InvalidRepo(
                f'missing required profiles dir: {self.location!r}')

        # verify we support the repo's EAPI
        if not self.is_supported:
            raise errors.UnsupportedRepo(self)

        if eclass_cache is None:
            eclass_cache = eclass_cache_mod.cache(pjoin(
                self.location, 'eclass'),
        self.eclass_cache = eclass_cache

        self.masters = masters
        self.trees = tuple(masters) + (self, )
        self.licenses = repo_objs.Licenses(self.location)
        if masters:
            self.licenses = repo_objs.OverlayedLicenses(*self.trees)

        mirrors = {}
        fp = pjoin(self.location, 'profiles', "thirdpartymirrors")
            for k, v in read_dict(fp, splitter=None).items():
                v = v.split()
                mirrors[k] = v
        except FileNotFoundError:

        # use mirrors from masters if not defined in the repo
        for master in masters:
            for k, v in master.mirrors.items():
                if k not in mirrors:
                    mirrors[k] = v

        if isinstance(cache, (tuple, list)):
            cache = tuple(cache)
            cache = (cache, )

        self.mirrors = mirrors
        self.default_mirrors = default_mirrors
        self.cache = cache
        self._allow_missing_chksums = allow_missing_manifests
        self.package_class = self.package_factory(self, cache,
        self._shared_pkg_cache = WeakValCache()
        self._masked = RestrictionRepo(repo_id='masked')

    repo_id = klass.alias_attr("config.repo_id")
    repo_name = klass.alias_attr("config.repo_name")
    eapi = klass.alias_attr('config.eapi')
    is_supported = klass.alias_attr('config.eapi.is_supported')

    def known_arches(self):
        """Return all known arches for a repo (including masters)."""
        return frozenset(
            chain.from_iterable(r.config.known_arches for r in self.trees))

    def path_restrict(self, path):
        """Return a restriction from a given path in a repo.

        :param path: full or partial path to an ebuild
        :return: a package restriction matching the given path if possible
        :raises ValueError: if the repo doesn't contain the given path, the
            path relates to a file that isn't an ebuild, or the ebuild isn't in the
            proper directory layout
        realpath = os.path.realpath(path)

        if realpath not in self:
            raise ValueError(
                f"{self.repo_id!r} repo doesn't contain: {path!r}")

        relpath = realpath[len(os.path.realpath(self.location)):].strip('/')
        repo_path = relpath.split(os.path.sep) if relpath else []
        restrictions = []

        if os.path.isfile(realpath):
            if not path.endswith('.ebuild'):
                raise ValueError(f"file is not an ebuild: {path!r}")
            elif len(repo_path) != 3:
                # ebuild isn't in a category/PN directory
                raise ValueError(
                    f"ebuild not in the correct directory layout: {path!r}")

        # add restrictions until path components run out
            if repo_path[0] in self.categories:
                base = cpv.versioned_CPV(
        except IndexError:
        return packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions)

    def __getitem__(self, cpv):
        cpv_inst = self.package_class(*cpv)
        if cpv_inst.fullver not in self.versions[(cpv_inst.category,
            if cpv_inst.revision is None:
                if f'{cpv_inst.fullver}-r0' in \
                        self.versions[(cpv_inst.category, cpv_inst.package)]:
                    # ebuild on disk has an explicit -r0 in its name
                    return cpv_inst
            raise KeyError(cpv)
        return cpv_inst

    def rebind(self, **kwds):
        """Generate a new tree instance with the same location using new keywords.

        :param kwds: see __init__ for valid values
        o = self.__class__(self.location, **kwds)
        o.categories = self.categories
        o.packages = self.packages
        o.versions = self.versions
        return o

    def hardcoded_categories(self):
        # try reading $LOC/profiles/categories if it's available.
        categories = readlines(pjoin(self.base, 'profiles', 'categories'),
                               True, True, True)
        if categories is not None:
            categories = tuple(map(intern, categories))
        return categories

    def _get_categories(self, *optional_category):
        # why the auto return? current porttrees don't allow/support
        # categories deeper then one dir.
        if optional_category:
            # raise KeyError
            return ()
        categories = set()
        for repo in self.trees:
            if repo.hardcoded_categories is not None:
        if categories:
            return tuple(categories)
            return tuple(
                         for x in listdir_dirs(self.base) if x[0:1] != "."))))
        except EnvironmentError as e:
            raise KeyError(f"failed fetching categories: {e}") from e

    def _get_packages(self, category):
        cpath = pjoin(self.base, category.lstrip(os.path.sep))
            return tuple(
        except FileNotFoundError:
            if category in self.categories:
                # ignore it, since it's PMS mandated that it be allowed.
                return ()
        except EnvironmentError as e:
            category = pjoin(self.base, category.lstrip(os.path.sep))
            raise KeyError(
                f'failed fetching packages for category {category}: {e}'
            ) from e

    def _get_versions(self, catpkg):
        cppath = pjoin(self.base, catpkg[0], catpkg[1])
        pkg = f'{catpkg[-1]}-'
        lp = len(pkg)
        extension = self.extension
        ext_len = -len(extension)
            return tuple(x[lp:ext_len] for x in listdir_files(cppath)
                         if x[ext_len:] == extension and x[:lp] == pkg)
        except EnvironmentError as e:
            raise KeyError("failed fetching versions for package %s: %s" %
                           (pjoin(self.base, '/'.join(catpkg)), str(e))) from e

    def _pkg_filter(self, pkgs):
        """Filter packages with bad metadata."""
        for pkg in pkgs:
            if pkg not in self._masked.itermatch(pkg.versioned_atom):
                # check pkgs for unsupported/invalid EAPIs and bad metadata
                    if not pkg.is_supported:
                        self._masked[pkg.versioned_atom] = MetadataException(
                            pkg, 'eapi', f"EAPI '{pkg.eapi}' is not supported")
                    # TODO: add a generic metadata validation method to avoid slow metadata checks?
                except MetadataException as e:
                    self._masked[e.pkg.versioned_atom] = e
                yield pkg

    def itermatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('pkg_filter', self._pkg_filter)
        return super().itermatch(*args, **kwargs)

    def _get_ebuild_path(self, pkg):
        if pkg.revision is None:
                if pkg.fullver not in self.versions[(pkg.category,
                    # daft explicit -r0 on disk.
                    return pjoin(
                        self.base, pkg.category, pkg.package,
            except KeyError as e:
                raise MetadataException(pkg, 'package',
                                        'mismatched ebuild name') from e
        return pjoin(self.base, pkg.category, pkg.package,

    def _get_ebuild_src(self, pkg):
        return local_source(self._get_ebuild_path(pkg), encoding='utf8')

    def _get_shared_pkg_data(self, category, package):
        key = (category, package)
        o = self._shared_pkg_cache.get(key)
        if o is None:
            mxml = self._get_metadata_xml(category, package)
            manifest = self._get_manifest(category, package)
            o = repo_objs.SharedPkgData(mxml, manifest)
            self._shared_pkg_cache[key] = o
        return o

    def _get_metadata_xml(self, category, package):
        return repo_objs.LocalMetadataXml(
            pjoin(self.base, category, package, "metadata.xml"))

    def _get_manifest(self, category, package):
        return digest.Manifest(pjoin(self.base, category, package, "Manifest"),

    def _get_digests(self, pkg, allow_missing=False):
        if self.config.manifests.disabled:
            return True, {}
            manifest = pkg._shared_pkg_data.manifest
            manifest.allow_missing = allow_missing
            return allow_missing, manifest.distfiles
        except pkg_errors.ParseChksumError as e:
            if e.missing and allow_missing:
                return allow_missing, {}

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<ebuild %s location=%r @%#8x>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
                                                  self.base, id(self))

    def _visibility_limiters(self):
        path = pjoin(self.base, 'profiles', 'package.mask')
        pos, neg = [], []
            if (self.config.eapi.options['has_profile_data_dirs']
                    or self.config.profile_formats.intersection(
                        ['portage-1', 'portage-2'])):
                paths = sorted_scan(path)
                paths = [path]
            for path in paths:
                for line in iter_read_bash(path):
                    line = line.strip()
                    if line in ('-', ''):
                        raise profiles.ProfileError(
                            pjoin(self.base, 'profiles'), 'package.mask',
                            "encountered empty negation: -")
                    if line.startswith('-'):
        except FileNotFoundError:
        except ebuild_errors.MalformedAtom as e:
            raise profiles.ProfileError(pjoin(self.base, 'profiles'),
                                        'package.mask', e) from e
        return tuple(neg), tuple(pos)

    def _regen_operation_helper(self, **kwds):
        return _RegenOpHelper(self,
                              force=bool(kwds.get('force', False)),
                                  kwds.get('eclass_caching', True)))
Beispiel #8
class _UnconfiguredTree(prototype.tree):
    raw implementation supporting standard ebuild tree.

    return packages don't have USE configuration bound to them.

    false_packages = frozenset(["CVS", ".svn"])
    false_categories = frozenset([
        "eclass", "profiles", "packages", "distfiles", "metadata", "licenses",
        "scripts", "CVS", "local"
    configured = False
    configurables = ("domain", "settings")
    configure = None
    package_factory = staticmethod(ebuild_src.generate_new_factory)
    # This attributes needs to be replaced/removed; it's a hack for pmerge.
    repository_type = 'source'
    enable_gpg = False
    extension = '.ebuild'

    operations_kls = repo_operations

    pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint(
            'location': 'str',
            'cache': 'refs:cache',
            'eclass_cache': 'ref:eclass_cache',
            'default_mirrors': 'list',
            'override_repo_id': 'str',
            'ignore_paludis_versioning': 'bool',
            'allow_missing_manifests': 'bool',
            'repo_config': 'ref:raw_repo',

    def __init__(self,
        :param location: on disk location of the tree
        :param cache: sequence of :obj:`pkgcore.cache.template.database` instances
            to use for storing metadata
        :param eclass_cache: If not None, :obj:`pkgcore.ebuild.eclass_cache`
            instance representing the eclasses available,
            if None, generates the eclass_cache itself
        :param default_mirrors: Either None, or sequence of mirrors to try
            fetching from first, then falling back to other uri
        :param override_repo_id: Either None, or string to force as the
            repository unique id
        :param ignore_paludis_versioning: If False, fail when -scm is encountred.  if True,
            silently ignore -scm ebuilds.

        if repo_config is None:
            repo_config = repo_objs.RepoConfig(location)
        self.config = repo_config
        self._repo_id = override_repo_id
        self.base = self.location = location
            if not stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(self.base).st_mode):
                raise errors.InitializationError("base not a dir: %s" %

        except OSError:
                errors.InitializationError("lstat failed on base %s" %
                                           (self.base, )))
        self.eclass_cache = eclass_cache

        self.licenses = repo_objs.Licenses(location)

        fp = pjoin(self.base, metadata_offset, "thirdpartymirrors")
        mirrors = {}
            for k, v in read_dict(fp, splitter=None).iteritems():
                v = v.split()
                mirrors[k] = v
        except EnvironmentError as ee:
            if ee.errno != errno.ENOENT:

        if isinstance(cache, (tuple, list)):
            cache = tuple(cache)
            cache = (cache, )

        self.mirrors = mirrors
        self.default_mirrors = default_mirrors
        self.cache = cache
        self.ignore_paludis_versioning = ignore_paludis_versioning
        self._allow_missing_chksums = allow_missing_manifests
        self.package_class = self.package_factory(self, cache,
        self._shared_pkg_cache = WeakValCache()

    repo_id = klass.alias_attr("config.repo_id")

    def __getitem__(self, cpv):
        cpv_inst = self.package_class(*cpv)
        if cpv_inst.fullver not in self.versions[(cpv_inst.category,
            if cpv_inst.revision is None:
                if '%s-r0' % cpv_inst.fullver in \
                    self.versions[(cpv_inst.category, cpv_inst.package)]:
                    # ebuild on disk has an explicit -r0 in it's name
                    return cpv_inst
            raise KeyError(cpv)
        return cpv_inst

    def rebind(self, **kwds):
        generate a new tree instance with the same location using new keywords.

        :param kwds: see __init__ for valid values

        o = self.__class__(self.location, **kwds)
        o.categories = self.categories
        o.packages = self.packages
        o.versions = self.versions
        return o

    def hardcoded_categories(self):
        # try reading $LOC/profiles/categories if it's available.
        cats = readlines(pjoin(self.base, 'profiles', 'categories'), True,
                         True, True)
        if cats is not None:
            cats = tuple(imap(intern, cats))
        return cats

    def _get_categories(self, *optional_category):
        # why the auto return? current porttrees don't allow/support
        # categories deeper then one dir.
        if optional_category:
            #raise KeyError
            return ()
        cats = self.hardcoded_categories
        if cats is not None:
            return cats
            return tuple(
                         for x in listdir_dirs(self.base) if x[0:1] != "."))))
        except EnvironmentError as e:
            raise_from(KeyError("failed fetching categories: %s" % str(e)))

    def _get_packages(self, category):
        cpath = pjoin(self.base, category.lstrip(os.path.sep))
            return tuple(
        except EnvironmentError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                if self.hardcoded_categories and category in self.hardcoded_categories or \
                        isinstance(self, _SlavedTree) and category in self.parent_repo.categories:
                    # ignore it, since it's PMS mandated that it be allowed.
                    return ()
            raise_from(KeyError("failed fetching packages for category %s: %s" % \
                (pjoin(self.base, category.lstrip(os.path.sep)), \

    def _get_versions(self, catpkg):
        cppath = pjoin(self.base, catpkg[0], catpkg[1])
        pkg = catpkg[-1] + "-"
        lp = len(pkg)
        extension = self.extension
        ext_len = -len(extension)
            ret = tuple(x[lp:ext_len] for x in listdir_files(cppath)
                        if x[ext_len:] == extension and x[:lp] == pkg)
            if any(('scm' in x or '-try' in x) for x in ret):
                if not self.ignore_paludis_versioning:
                    for x in ret:
                        if 'scm' in x:
                            raise ebuild_errors.InvalidCPV(
                                "%s/%s-%s has nonstandard -scm "
                                "version component" % (catpkg + (x, )))
                        elif 'try' in x:
                            raise ebuild_errors.InvalidCPV(
                                "%s/%s-%s has nonstandard -try "
                                "version component" % (catpkg + (x, )))
                    raise AssertionError('unreachable codepoint was reached')
                return tuple(x for x in ret
                             if ('scm' not in x and 'try' not in x))
            return ret
        except EnvironmentError as e:
            raise_from(KeyError("failed fetching versions for package %s: %s" % \
                (pjoin(self.base, catpkg.lstrip(os.path.sep)), str(e))))

    def _get_ebuild_path(self, pkg):
        if pkg.revision is None:
            if pkg.fullver not in self.versions[(pkg.category, pkg.package)]:
                # daft explicit -r0 on disk.
                return pjoin(
                    self.base, pkg.category, pkg.package,
                    "%s-%s-r0%s" % (pkg.package, pkg.fullver, self.extension))
        return pjoin(self.base, pkg.category, pkg.package, \
            "%s-%s%s" % (pkg.package, pkg.fullver, self.extension))

    def _get_ebuild_src(self, pkg):
        return local_source(self._get_ebuild_path(pkg), encoding='utf8')

    def _get_shared_pkg_data(self, category, package):
        key = (category, package)
        o = self._shared_pkg_cache.get(key)
        if o is None:
            mxml = self._get_metadata_xml(category, package)
            manifest = self._get_manifest(category, package)
            o = repo_objs.SharedPkgData(mxml, manifest)
            self._shared_pkg_cache[key] = o
        return o

    def _get_metadata_xml(self, category, package):
        return repo_objs.LocalMetadataXml(
            pjoin(self.base, category, package, "metadata.xml"))

    def _get_manifest(self, category, package):
        return digest.Manifest(pjoin(self.base, category, package, "Manifest"),

    def _get_digests(self, pkg, allow_missing=False):
        if self.config.manifests.disabled:
            return True, {}
            manifest = pkg._shared_pkg_data.manifest
            return allow_missing, manifest.distfiles
        except pkg_errors.ParseChksumError as e:
            if e.missing and allow_missing:
                return allow_missing, {}

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s.%s: location %s" % (self.__class__.__module__,
                                       self.__class__.__name__, self.base)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<ebuild %s location=%r @%#8x>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
                                                  self.base, id(self))

    def _visibility_limiters(self):
        path = pjoin(self.base, 'profiles', 'package.mask')
        pos, neg = [], []
            if self.config.profile_format not in ['pms', 'portage-2']:
                paths = sorted(x.location for x in iter_scan(path) if x.is_reg)
                paths = [path]
            for path in paths:
                for line in iter_read_bash(path):
                    line = line.strip()
                    if line in ('-', ''):
                        raise profiles.ProfileError(
                            pjoin(self.base, 'profiles'), 'package.mask',
                            "encountered empty negation: -")
                    if line.startswith('-'):
        except IOError as i:
            if i.errno != errno.ENOENT:
        except ebuild_errors.MalformedAtom as ma:
                profiles.ProfileError(pjoin(self.base, 'profiles'),
                                      'package.mask', ma))
        return [neg, pos]

    def _regen_operation_helper(self, **kwds):
        return _RegenOpHelper(self,
                              force=bool(kwds.get('force', False)),
                                  kwds.get('eclass_caching', True)))
Beispiel #9
class UnconfiguredTree(prototype.tree):
    """Raw implementation supporting standard ebuild tree.

    Return packages don't have USE configuration bound to them.

    false_packages = frozenset(["CVS", ".svn"])
    false_categories = frozenset([
        "eclass", "profiles", "packages", "distfiles", "metadata",
        "licenses", "scripts", "CVS", "local"])
    configured = False
    configurables = ("domain", "settings")
    configure = None
    package_factory = staticmethod(ebuild_src.generate_new_factory)
    enable_gpg = False
    extension = '.ebuild'

    operations_kls = repo_operations

    pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint({
        'location': 'str',
        'eclass_cache': 'ref:eclass_cache',
        'masters': 'refs:repo',
        'cache': 'refs:cache',
        'default_mirrors': 'list',
        'allow_missing_manifests': 'bool',
        'repo_config': 'ref:repo_config',

    def __init__(self, location, eclass_cache=None, masters=(), cache=(),
                 default_mirrors=None, allow_missing_manifests=False, repo_config=None):
        :param location: on disk location of the tree
        :param cache: sequence of :obj:`pkgcore.cache.template.database` instances
            to use for storing metadata
        :param masters: repo masters this repo inherits from
        :param eclass_cache: If not None, :obj:`pkgcore.ebuild.eclass_cache`
            instance representing the eclasses available,
            if None, generates the eclass_cache itself
        :param default_mirrors: Either None, or sequence of mirrors to try
            fetching from first, then falling back to other uri
        self.base = self.location = location
            if not stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(self.base).st_mode):
                raise errors.InitializationError(f"base not a dir: {self.base}")
        except OSError as e:
            raise errors.InitializationError(f"lstat failed: {self.base}") from e

        if repo_config is None:
            repo_config = repo_objs.RepoConfig(location)
        self.config = repo_config

        # profiles dir is required by PMS
        if not os.path.isdir(self.config.profiles_base):
            raise errors.InvalidRepo(f'missing required profiles dir: {self.location!r}')

        # verify we support the repo's EAPI
        if not self.is_supported:
            raise errors.UnsupportedRepo(self)

        if eclass_cache is None:
            eclass_cache = eclass_cache_mod.cache(
                pjoin(self.location, 'eclass'), location=self.location)
        self.eclass_cache = eclass_cache

        self.masters = masters
        self.trees = tuple(masters) + (self,)
        self.licenses = repo_objs.Licenses(self.location)
        if masters:
            self.licenses = repo_objs.OverlayedLicenses(*self.trees)

        mirrors = {}
        fp = pjoin(self.location, 'profiles', "thirdpartymirrors")
            for k, v in read_dict(fp, splitter=None).items():
                v = v.split()
                mirrors[k] = v
        except FileNotFoundError:

        # use mirrors from masters if not defined in the repo
        for master in masters:
            for k, v in master.mirrors.items():
                if k not in mirrors:
                    mirrors[k] = v

        if isinstance(cache, (tuple, list)):
            cache = tuple(cache)
            cache = (cache,)

        self.mirrors = mirrors
        self.default_mirrors = default_mirrors
        self.cache = cache
        self._allow_missing_chksums = allow_missing_manifests
        self.package_class = self.package_factory(
            self, cache, self.eclass_cache, self.mirrors, self.default_mirrors)
        self._shared_pkg_cache = WeakValCache()
        self._masked = RestrictionRepo(repo_id='masked')

    repo_id = klass.alias_attr("config.repo_id")
    repo_name = klass.alias_attr("config.repo_name")
    eapi = klass.alias_attr('config.eapi')
    is_supported = klass.alias_attr('config.eapi.is_supported')

    def known_arches(self):
        """Return all known arches for a repo (including masters)."""
        return frozenset(chain.from_iterable(
            r.config.known_arches for r in self.trees))

    def path_restrict(self, path):
        """Return a restriction from a given path in a repo.

        :param path: full or partial path to an ebuild
        :return: a package restriction matching the given path if possible
        :raises ValueError: if the repo doesn't contain the given path, the
            path relates to a file that isn't an ebuild, or the ebuild isn't in the
            proper directory layout
        realpath = os.path.realpath(path)

        if realpath not in self:
            raise ValueError(f"{self.repo_id!r} repo doesn't contain: {path!r}")

        relpath = realpath[len(os.path.realpath(self.location)):].strip('/')
        repo_path = relpath.split(os.path.sep) if relpath else []
        restrictions = []

        if os.path.isfile(realpath):
            if not path.endswith('.ebuild'):
                raise ValueError(f"file is not an ebuild: {path!r}")
            elif len(repo_path) != 3:
                # ebuild isn't in a category/PN directory
                raise ValueError(
                    f"ebuild not in the correct directory layout: {path!r}")

        # add restrictions until path components run out
            if repo_path[0] in self.categories:
                base = cpv.versioned_CPV(f"{repo_path[0]}/{os.path.splitext(repo_path[2])[0]}")
                restrictions.append(restricts.VersionMatch('=', base.version, rev=base.revision))
        except IndexError:
        return packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions)

    def __getitem__(self, cpv):
        cpv_inst = self.package_class(*cpv)
        if cpv_inst.fullver not in self.versions[(cpv_inst.category, cpv_inst.package)]:
            if cpv_inst.revision is None:
                if f'{cpv_inst.fullver}-r0' in \
                        self.versions[(cpv_inst.category, cpv_inst.package)]:
                    # ebuild on disk has an explicit -r0 in its name
                    return cpv_inst
            raise KeyError(cpv)
        return cpv_inst

    def rebind(self, **kwds):
        """Generate a new tree instance with the same location using new keywords.

        :param kwds: see __init__ for valid values
        o = self.__class__(self.location, **kwds)
        o.categories = self.categories
        o.packages = self.packages
        o.versions = self.versions
        return o

    def hardcoded_categories(self):
        # try reading $LOC/profiles/categories if it's available.
        categories = readlines(
            pjoin(self.base, 'profiles', 'categories'),
            True, True, True)
        if categories is not None:
            categories = tuple(map(intern, categories))
        return categories

    def _get_categories(self, *optional_category):
        # why the auto return? current porttrees don't allow/support
        # categories deeper then one dir.
        if optional_category:
            # raise KeyError
            return ()
        categories = set()
        for repo in self.trees:
            if repo.hardcoded_categories is not None:
        if categories:
            return tuple(categories)
            return tuple(map(intern, filterfalse(
                (x for x in listdir_dirs(self.base) if x[0:1] != "."))))
        except EnvironmentError as e:
            raise KeyError(f"failed fetching categories: {e}") from e

    def _get_packages(self, category):
        cpath = pjoin(self.base, category.lstrip(os.path.sep))
            return tuple(filterfalse(
                self.false_packages.__contains__, listdir_dirs(cpath)))
        except FileNotFoundError:
            if category in self.categories:
                # ignore it, since it's PMS mandated that it be allowed.
                return ()
        except EnvironmentError as e:
            category = pjoin(self.base, category.lstrip(os.path.sep))
            raise KeyError(
                f'failed fetching packages for category {category}: {e}') from e

    def _get_versions(self, catpkg):
        cppath = pjoin(self.base, catpkg[0], catpkg[1])
        pkg = f'{catpkg[-1]}-'
        lp = len(pkg)
        extension = self.extension
        ext_len = -len(extension)
            return tuple(
                x[lp:ext_len] for x in listdir_files(cppath)
                if x[ext_len:] == extension and x[:lp] == pkg)
        except EnvironmentError as e:
            raise KeyError(
                "failed fetching versions for package %s: %s" %
                (pjoin(self.base, '/'.join(catpkg)), str(e))) from e

    def _pkg_filter(self, pkgs):
        """Filter packages with bad metadata."""
        for pkg in pkgs:
            if pkg not in self._masked.itermatch(pkg.versioned_atom):
                # check pkgs for unsupported/invalid EAPIs and bad metadata
                    if not pkg.is_supported:
                        self._masked[pkg.versioned_atom] = MetadataException(
                            pkg, 'eapi', f"EAPI '{pkg.eapi}' is not supported")
                    # TODO: add a generic metadata validation method to avoid slow metadata checks?
                except MetadataException as e:
                    self._masked[e.pkg.versioned_atom] = e
                yield pkg

    def itermatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('pkg_filter', self._pkg_filter)
        return super().itermatch(*args, **kwargs)

    def _get_ebuild_path(self, pkg):
        if pkg.revision is None:
                if pkg.fullver not in self.versions[(pkg.category, pkg.package)]:
                    # daft explicit -r0 on disk.
                    return pjoin(
                        self.base, pkg.category, pkg.package,
            except KeyError as e:
                raise MetadataException(pkg, 'package', 'mismatched ebuild name') from e
        return pjoin(
            self.base, pkg.category, pkg.package,

    def _get_ebuild_src(self, pkg):
        return local_source(self._get_ebuild_path(pkg), encoding='utf8')

    def _get_shared_pkg_data(self, category, package):
        key = (category, package)
        o = self._shared_pkg_cache.get(key)
        if o is None:
            mxml = self._get_metadata_xml(category, package)
            manifest = self._get_manifest(category, package)
            o = repo_objs.SharedPkgData(mxml, manifest)
            self._shared_pkg_cache[key] = o
        return o

    def _get_metadata_xml(self, category, package):
        return repo_objs.LocalMetadataXml(pjoin(
            self.base, category, package, "metadata.xml"))

    def _get_manifest(self, category, package):
        return digest.Manifest(pjoin(
            self.base, category, package, "Manifest"),

    def _get_digests(self, pkg, allow_missing=False):
        if self.config.manifests.disabled:
            return True, {}
            manifest = pkg._shared_pkg_data.manifest
            manifest.allow_missing = allow_missing
            return allow_missing, manifest.distfiles
        except pkg_errors.ParseChksumError as e:
            if e.missing and allow_missing:
                return allow_missing, {}

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<ebuild %s location=%r @%#8x>" % (
            self.__class__.__name__, self.base, id(self))

    def _visibility_limiters(self):
        path = pjoin(self.base, 'profiles', 'package.mask')
        pos, neg = [], []
            if (self.config.eapi.options['has_profile_data_dirs'] or
                    self.config.profile_formats.intersection(['portage-1', 'portage-2'])):
                paths = sorted_scan(path)
                paths = [path]
            for path in paths:
                for line in iter_read_bash(path):
                    line = line.strip()
                    if line in ('-', ''):
                        raise profiles.ProfileError(
                            pjoin(self.base, 'profiles'),
                            'package.mask', "encountered empty negation: -")
                    if line.startswith('-'):
        except FileNotFoundError:
        except ebuild_errors.MalformedAtom as e:
            raise profiles.ProfileError(
                pjoin(self.base, 'profiles'), 'package.mask', e) from e
        return tuple(neg), tuple(pos)

    def _regen_operation_helper(self, **kwds):
        return _RegenOpHelper(
            self, force=bool(kwds.get('force', False)),
            eclass_caching=bool(kwds.get('eclass_caching', True)))