Beispiel #1
    def _deletePresetTag(self, request):
        orgId = request.getSession(IAuthInfo).organization
        tagId = utils.getRequestArg(request, 'id')
        if not tagId:

            tag = yield db.get(orgId, 'orgTags', super_column=tagId)
            tag = utils.supercolumnsToDict([tag])
            tagName = tag[tagId]['title']
            if 'isPreset' in tag[tagId]:
                yield db.remove(orgId, "orgTags", 'isPreset', tagId)
                yield db.remove(orgId, 'orgPresetTags', tagName)
            presetTags = yield db.get_slice(orgId, "orgPresetTags")
            presetTags = utils.columnsToDict(presetTags, ordered=True).values()
            if presetTags:
                tags_ = yield db.get_slice(orgId, "orgTags", presetTags)
                tags_ = utils.supercolumnsToDict(tags)
                tags_ = {}
            args = {'tagsList': presetTags, 'tags': tags_}
            request.write('$("#tag-%s").remove()' % (tagId))

        except ttypes.NotFoundException:
Beispiel #2
    def _revoke(self, request):
        authinfo = request.getSession(IAuthInfo)
        myId = authinfo.username
        myOrgId = authinfo.organization
        clientId = utils.getRequestArg(request, "id", sanitize=False)

        client = yield db.get_slice(clientId, "apps")
        client = utils.supercolumnsToDict(client)
        if not client:
            raise errors.InvalidApp(clientId)

        me = yield db.get_slice(myId, "entities", ["apikeys", "apps"])
        me = utils.supercolumnsToDict(me)

        # Remove the client in case of API Key
        if client["meta"]["category"] == "apikey":
            if client["meta"]["author"] != myId:
                raise errors.AppAccessDenied(clientId)

            d1 = db.remove(clientId, "apps")
            d2 = db.remove(myId, "appsByOwner", clientId)
            d3 = db.remove(myId, "entities", clientId, "apikeys")
            d4 = db.remove(myOrgId, "appsByOwner", clientId)
            yield defer.DeferredList([d1, d2, d3, d4])

        # Remove the refresh token
        # XXX: Valid access tokens could still exist
            authorization = me["apps"][clientId]
            d1 = db.remove(myId, "entities", clientId, "apps")
            d2 = db.remove(authorization, "oAuthData")
            yield defer.DeferredList([d1, d2])
Beispiel #3
    def _unlike(self, request, data=None):
        (appchange, script, args, myId) = yield self._getBasicArgs(request)
        orgId = args['orgId']

        itemId, item = data['id']
        item = yield Item.unlike(itemId, item, myId, orgId)
        if not item:

        args["items"] = {itemId: item}
        args["myLikes"] = {itemId: []}
        likesCount = int(item["meta"]["likesCount"])
        convId = item["meta"].get('parent', itemId)

        if itemId != convId:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", "item_footer", False,
                                 "#item-footer-%s" % (itemId), "set",
                                 args=[itemId], **args)
            relation = Relation(myId, [])
            yield relation.initSubscriptionsList()

            toFetchEntities = set()
            likes = []
            subscriptions = list(relation.subscriptions)
            if subscriptions:
                likes = yield db.get_slice(convId, "itemLikes", subscriptions)
                likes = [ for x in likes]
                toFetchEntities = set(likes)

            feedItems = yield db.get_slice(myId, "feedItems", [convId])
            feedItems = utils.supercolumnsToDict(feedItems)
            isFeed = (utils.getRequestArg(request, "_pg") != "/item")
            hasComments = False
            if not isFeed:
                hasComments = True
                feedItems = yield db.get_slice(myId, "feedItems", [convId])
                feedItems = utils.supercolumnsToDict(feedItems)
                for tuuid in feedItems.get(convId, {}):
                    val = feedItems[convId][tuuid]
                    rtype = val.split(":")[0]
                    if rtype == "C":
                        hasComments = True

            entities = base.EntitySet(toFetchEntities)
            if toFetchEntities:
                yield entities.fetchData()

            args["entities"] = entities

            handler = {"onload": "(function(){$$.convs.showHideComponent('%s', 'likes', false)})();" % (convId)} if not likes else None
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", "conv_footer", False,
                                "#item-footer-%s" % (itemId), "set",
                                args=[itemId, hasComments, likes], **args)
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", 'conv_likes', False,
                                '#conv-likes-wrapper-%s' % convId, 'set', True,
                                args=[itemId, likesCount, False, likes], handlers=handler, **args)
Beispiel #4
    def _getFileInfo(self, request):
        """Fetch the meta info on a file that is being requested to be
        downloaded. Returns the meta info of the file in question.

        Keyword Arguments:
        itemId: id of the conversation on which this file is attached.
        attachmentId: id of the file on the amazon S3 that is to be served.
        version: version of the file on the amazon S3 that the user is

        authinfo = request.getSession(IAuthInfo)
        myId = authinfo.username
        myOrgId = authinfo.organization
        itemId = utils.getRequestArg(request, "id", sanitize=False)
        attachmentId = utils.getRequestArg(request, "fid", sanitize=False)
        version = utils.getRequestArg(request, "ver", sanitize=False) or ''
        columns = ["meta", "attachments", "participants"]

        if not (itemId and attachmentId):
            raise errors.MissingParams([])

        item = yield db.get_slice(itemId, "mConversations", columns)
        item = utils.supercolumnsToDict(item)
        if not item:
            raise errors.InvalidMessage(itemId)
        if myId not in item.get('participants', {}):
            raise errors.MessageAccessDenied(itemId)

        # Check if the attachmentId belong to item
        if attachmentId not in item['attachments'].keys():
            raise errors.InvalidAttachment(itemId, attachmentId, version)

        fileId, filetype, name = None, 'text/plain', 'file'
        if version:
            version = utils.decodeKey(version)
                cols = yield db.get(attachmentId, "attachmentVersions", version)
            except ttypes.NotFoundException:
                raise errors.InvalidAttachment(itemId, attachmentId, version)
            except ttypes.InvalidRequestException:
                raise errors.InvalidAttachment(itemId, attachmentId, version)
            cols = utils.columnsToDict([cols])
            cols = yield db.get_slice(attachmentId, "attachmentVersions", count=1, reverse=True)
            cols = utils.columnsToDict(cols)
            version = cols.keys()[0]

        fileId, name, size, filetype = cols[version].split(':')

        files = yield db.get_slice(fileId, "files", ["meta"])
        files = utils.supercolumnsToDict(files)

        url = files['meta']['uri']
        owner = files["meta"]["owner"]
        defer.returnValue([owner, url, filetype, size, name])
Beispiel #5
    def _tags(self, request, term):
        if len(term) < 2:
        orgId = request.getSession(IAuthInfo).organization
        finish = _getFinishTerm(term)
        itemId = utils.getRequestArg(request, "itemId")
        if not itemId:

        toFetchTags = set()

        d1 = db.get_slice(orgId, "orgTagsByName", start=term, finish=finish, count=10)
        tags = []
        matchedTags = yield d1
        matchedTags = [match.column.value for match in matchedTags]
        if matchedTags:
            matchedTags = yield db.get_slice(orgId, "orgTags", matchedTags)
            matchedTags = utils.supercolumnsToDict(matchedTags)
            for tagId in matchedTags:
                tags.append({"title": matchedTags[tagId]["title"], "id": tagId})

        output = []
        template = self._singleLineTemplate
        for tag in tags:
            data = {"title": tag["title"], "meta": ""}
            output.append({"value": tag["title"], "label": template % data, "href": "/tags?id=%s" % tag["id"]})

Beispiel #6
def deleteFileInfo(myId, orgId, itemId, item, conv=None):

    if 'parent' in item['meta']:
        if not conv:
            conv = yield db.get_slice(item['meta']['parent'], 'items', ['meta'])
            conv = utils.supercolumnsToDict(conv)
        convId = item['meta']['parent']
        conv = item
        convId = itemId
    acl = pickle.loads(conv['meta']['acl'])

    allowedGroups = acl.get('accept', {}).get('groups', [])
    deniedGroups = acl.get('deny', {}).get('groups', [])
    groups = [x for x in allowedGroups if x not in deniedGroups]
    allowedOrgs = acl.get('accept', {}).get('orgs', [])
    ownerId = conv['meta']['owner']

    entityIds = [myId]
    entityIds_ = yield utils.expandAcl(myId, orgId, conv['meta']['acl'], convId, ownerId, True)
    deferreds = []

    for attachmentId in item.get('attachments', {}):
        col = yield db.get_slice(attachmentId, 'attachmentVersions', count=1)
        tuuid = col[0]
        deferreds.append(db.remove(myId, "user_files", tuuid))
        #TODO: use batch remove/batch mutate
        for entityId in entityIds:
            deferreds.append(db.remove(entityId, "entityFeed_files", tuuid))
    if deferreds:
        yield defer.DeferredList(deferreds)
Beispiel #7
    def _listPresetTags(self, request):
        (appchange, script, args, myId) = yield self._getBasicArgs(request)
        orgId = args["orgId"]
        landing = not self._ajax

        args['title'] = 'Preset Tags'
        args['menuId'] = 'tags'
        args["viewType"] = "tags"

        if script and landing:
            t.render(request, "admin.mako", **args)

        if script and appchange:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "admin.mako", "layout",
                                    landing, "#mainbar", "set", **args)

        presetTags = yield db.get_slice(orgId, "orgPresetTags", count=100)
        presetTags = utils.columnsToDict(presetTags, ordered=True).values()
        if presetTags:
            tags_ = yield db.get_slice(orgId, "orgTags", presetTags)
            tags_ = utils.supercolumnsToDict(tags_)
            tags_ = {}

        args['tagsList'] = presetTags
        args['tags'] = tags_
        if script:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "admin.mako", "list_tags",
                                    landing, "#content", "set", **args)

        if not script:
            t.render(request, "admin.mako", **args)
Beispiel #8
def reindexItems():
    items = {}
    fetchedItems = yield db.get_range_slice('items', count=10000, reverse=True)
    for row in fetchedItems:
        items[row.key] = utils.supercolumnsToDict(row.columns)

    log.msg("Total items:", len(fetchedItems))
    for i, row in enumerate(fetchedItems):
        itemId = row.key
        item = items[itemId]
        log.msg(i+1, itemId)

        if 'meta' not in item or 'owner' not in item['meta']:

        owner = item['meta']['owner']
            col = yield db.get(owner, "entities", "org", "basic")
            ownerOrgId = col.column.value
            log.msg("Error when indexing:", itemId)

        parentId = item['meta'].get('parent', None)

        if not parentId:
            yield search.solr.updateItemIndex(itemId, item, ownerOrgId)
            yield search.solr.updateItemIndex(itemId, item, ownerOrgId, conv=items[parentId])
Beispiel #9
    def _getPresence(self, request):
        authInfo = request.getSession(IAuthInfo)
        orgId = authInfo.organization
        myId = authInfo.username
        data = []

        cols = yield db.get_slice(orgId, "presence")
        cols = utils.supercolumnsToDict(cols)
        if myId not in cols:
            myPresence = yield db.get_slice(orgId, "presence", super_column=myId)
            cols[myId] = utils.columnsToDict(myPresence)

        presence = {}
        for userId in cols:
            presence[userId] = getMostAvailablePresence(cols[userId].values())

        if presence[myId] == PresenceStates.OFFLINE:

        userIds = cols.keys()
        entities = base.EntitySet(userIds)
        yield entities.fetchData()
        for entityId in entities.keys():
            entity = entities[entityId]
            _data = {"userId": entityId, "name": entity.basic['name'],
                     "status": presence.get(entityId, PresenceStates.OFFLINE),
                     "title": entity.basic["jobTitle"],
                     "avatar": utils.userAvatar(entityId,  entity, 's')}

Beispiel #10
    def _addPresetTag(self, request):
        orgId = request.getSession(IAuthInfo).organization
        tagNames = utils.getRequestArg(request, 'tag')
        if not tagNames:

        invalidTags = []
        tagNames = [x.strip().decode('utf-8', 'replace') for x in tagNames.split(',')]
        for tagName in tagNames:
            if len(tagName) < 50 and regex.match('^[\w-]*$', tagName):
                yield tags.ensureTag(request, tagName, orgId, True)

        presetTags = yield db.get_slice(orgId, "orgPresetTags")
        presetTags = utils.columnsToDict(presetTags, ordered=True).values()

        tags_ = yield db.get_slice(orgId, "orgTags", presetTags)
        tags_ = utils.supercolumnsToDict(tags_)
        args = {'tags': tags_, 'tagsList': presetTags}

        handlers = {}
        if invalidTags:
            if len(invalidTags) == 1:
                message = " %s is invalid tag." % (invalidTags[0])
                message = " %s are invalid tags. " % (",".join(invalidTags))
            errorMsg = "%s <br/>Tag can contain alpha-numeric characters or hyphen only. It cannot be more than 50 characters" % (message)
            handlers = {'onload': "$$.alerts.error('%s')" % (errorMsg)}

        t.renderScriptBlock(request, "admin.mako", "list_tags",
                            False, "#content", "set", True,
                            handlers=handlers, **args)
Beispiel #11
def delete(itemId, item, myId, orgId):
    convId = item["meta"].get("parent", itemId)
    itemOwnerId = item["meta"]["owner"]

    if itemId == convId:
        conv = item
        convOwnerId = itemOwnerId
        conv = yield db.get_slice(convId, "items", ["meta", "tags"])
        conv = utils.supercolumnsToDict(conv)
        if not conv:
            raise errors.InvalidRequest(_('Conversation does not exist!'))

        convOwnerId = conv["meta"]["owner"]

    # TODO: Admin actions.
    # Do I have permission to delete the comment
    if (itemOwnerId != myId and convOwnerId != myId):
        raise errors.PermissionDenied(_("You must either own the comment or the conversation to delete this comment"))

    deferreds = []
    convType = conv["meta"].get('type', 'status')
    convACL = conv["meta"]["acl"]
    timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
    itemUUID = item["meta"]["uuid"]

    # The conversation is lazy deleted.
    # If it is the comment being deleted, rollback all feed updates
    # that were made due to this comment and likes on this comment.
    d = deleteItem(itemId, myId, orgId, item, conv)

    yield defer.DeferredList(deferreds)
Beispiel #12
    def _renderClientDetails(self, request, clientId):
        (appchange, script, args, myId) = yield self._getBasicArgs(request)
        landing = not self._ajax

        args["detail"] = "apps"

        if script and landing:
            t.render(request, "apps.mako", **args)

        if appchange and script:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "apps.mako", "layout", landing, "#mainbar", "set", **args)

        client = yield db.get_slice(clientId, "apps")
        client = utils.supercolumnsToDict(client)
        if not client:
            raise errors.InvalidApp(clientId)

        args.update({"client": client, "clientId": clientId})
        if script:
            self.setTitle(request, client["meta"]["name"])

        author = base.Entity(client["meta"]["author"])
        yield author.fetchData()
        args["entities"] = base.EntitySet(author)

        if script:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "apps.mako", "appDetails", landing, "#apps-contents", "set", **args)
            t.render(request, "apps.mako", **args)
Beispiel #13
def pushfileinfo(myId, orgId, itemId, item, conv=None):
    if 'parent' in item['meta']:
        if not conv:
            conv = yield db.get_slice(item['meta']['parent'], "items", ["meta"])
            conv = utils.supercolumnsToDict(conv)
        convId = item['meta']['parent']
        convId = itemId
        conv = item
    acl = pickle.loads(conv['meta']['acl'])

    allowedGroups = acl.get('accept', {}).get('groups', [])
    deniedGroups = acl.get('deny', {}).get('groups', [])
    groups = [x for x in allowedGroups if x not in deniedGroups]
    allowedOrgs = acl.get('accept', {}).get('orgs', [])
    ownerId = conv['meta']['owner']

    entityIds = [myId]
    entityIds_ = yield utils.expandAcl(myId, orgId, conv['meta']['acl'], convId, ownerId, True)

    for attachmentId in item.get('attachments', {}):
        name, size, ftype = item['attachments'][attachmentId].split(':')
        cols = yield db.get_slice(attachmentId, "attachmentVersions", count=1)
        tuuid = cols[0]
        value = '%s:%s:%s:%s' % (attachmentId, name, itemId, ownerId)
        #TODO: use batch remove/batch mutate
        yield db.insert(myId, "user_files", value, tuuid)
        for entityId in entityIds:
            yield db.insert(entityId, "entityFeed_files", value, tuuid)
Beispiel #14
    def fetchData(self, args, convId=None, userId=None, columns=[]):
        convId = convId or args["convId"]
        myId = userId or args.get("myId", None)

        conv = yield db.get_slice(convId, "items",
                                  ['options', 'counts'].extend(columns))
        conv = utils.supercolumnsToDict(conv, True)
        conv.update(args.get("items", {}).get(convId, {}))

        options = conv["options"] if "options" in conv else None
        if not options:
            raise errors.InvalidRequest("The poll does not have any options")

        myVote = yield db.get_slice(myId, "userVotes", [convId])
        myVote = myVote[0].column.value if myVote else None

        startTime = conv['meta'].get('start', None)
        endTime = conv['meta'].get('end', None)
        showResults = conv['meta'].get('showResults', 'True') == True

        if not showResults:
            # FIX: endTime is String. convert to time
            if not endTime or time.gmtime() > endTime:
                showResults = "True"

        args.setdefault("items", {})[convId] = conv
        args.setdefault("myVotes", {})[convId] = myVote
        args.setdefault("showResults", {})[convId] = showResults

Beispiel #15
    def _listFileVersions(self, request):
        authinfo = request.getSession(IAuthInfo)
        myId = authinfo.username
        myOrgId = authinfo.organization
        relation = Relation(myId, [])

        attachmentId = utils.getRequestArg(request, "fid", sanitize=False)
        itemId, item = yield utils.getValidItemId(request, 'id')

        if not attachmentId:
            raise errors.MissingParams()

        # Check if the attachmentId belong to item
        if attachmentId not in item.get('attachments', {}).keys():
            version = None
            raise errors.AttachmentAccessDenied(itemId, attachmentId, version)

        #get the latest file
        files = []
        cols = yield db.get_slice(attachmentId, "attachmentVersions", reverse=True)
        cols = utils.supercolumnsToDict(cols)
        for attachmentId in cols:
            fileId, ftype, name = None, 'text/plain', 'file'
            for tuuid in cols[attachmentId]:
                fileId, name, size, ftype = cols[attachmentId][tuuid].split(':')
                files.append([itemId, attachmentId, name, size, ftype])
        ##TODO: use some widget to list the files
Beispiel #16
    def _to_python(self, itemId, state):
        itemType = self.itemType if self.itemType else 'item'
        if not itemId or not itemId[0]:
            raise MissingParam('%s-id' % (itemType), itemId, state)
        itemId = itemId[0]

        columns = set(['meta']).update(self.columns)
        item = yield db.get_slice(itemId, "items", columns)
        if not item:
            raise InvalidItem(itemType, itemId, state)

        item = utils.supercolumnsToDict(item)
        meta = item["meta"]

        if self.itemType and meta["type"] != self.itemType:
            raise InvalidItem(itemType, itemId, state)

        parentId = meta.get("parent", None)
        if parentId:
            parent = yield db.get_slice(parentId, "items", ["meta"])
            parent = utils.supercolumnsToDict(parent)
            parent = item
        acl = parent["meta"]["acl"]
        owner = parent["meta"]["owner"]
        #parent is deleted
        deleted = parent['meta'].get('state', None) == 'deleted'
        #item is deleted
        deleted = deleted or meta.get('state', None) == 'deleted'

        if deleted:
            raise InvalidItem(itemType, itemId, state)

        if self.source != 'api':
            request = state.request
            authInfo = request.getSession(IAuthInfo)
            myId = authInfo.username
            orgId = authInfo.organization
            isOrgAdmin = authInfo.isAdmin

        isOrgAdmin = self.checkAdmin and isOrgAdmin
        relation = Relation(myId, [])
        yield relation.initGroupsList()
        if not utils.checkAcl(myId, orgId, isOrgAdmin, relation, parent['meta']):
            raise ItemAccessDenied(itemType, itemId, state)
        defer.returnValue((itemId, item))
Beispiel #17
    def delete(self, myId, convId, conv):
        log.debug("plugin:delete", convId)
        user_tuids = {}

        # Get the list of every user who responded to this event
        res = yield db.get_slice(convId, "eventResponses")
        attendees = [":", 1)[1] for x in res]

        # Add all the invited people of the item
        res = yield db.get_slice(convId, "items", ['invitees'])
        res = utils.supercolumnsToDict(res)
        invitedPeople = res["invitees"].keys()

        log.debug("Maps", ["%s:%s"%(uId, convId) for \
                                       uId in attendees])

        # Get the Org and GroupIds if any.
        convMeta = conv["meta"]
        groupIds = convMeta["target"].split(",") if "target" in convMeta else []

        log.debug("Attendees", attendees)

        # Get the timeuuids that were inserted for this user
        res = yield db.multiget_slice(["%s:%s"%(uId, convId) for \
                                       uId in attendees], "userAgendaMap")
        res = utils.multiColumnsToDict(res)

        for k, v in res.iteritems():
            uid = k.split(":", 1)[0]
            tuids = v.keys()
            if tuids:
                user_tuids[uid] = tuids

        log.debug("userAgenda Removal", user_tuids)
        # Delete their entries in the user's list of event entries
        for attendee in user_tuids:
            yield db.batch_remove({'userAgenda': [attendee]},

        # Delete invitation entries for invited people
        invited_tuids = dict([[x, user_tuids[x]] for x in invitedPeople])
        log.debug("userAgenda Invitation Removal", invited_tuids)
        for attendee in invited_tuids:
            yield db.batch_remove({'userAgenda': ['%s:%s' %(attendee, 'I')]},

        log.debug("eventResponses Removal", convId)
        # Delete the event's entry in eventResponses
        yield db.remove(convId, "eventResponses")

        log.debug("userAgendaMap Removal", user_tuids)
        # Delete their entries in userAgendaMap
        for attendee in user_tuids:
            yield db.batch_remove({'userAgendaMap': ["%s:%s"%(attendee, convId)]},
Beispiel #18
 def fetchData(self, columns=None):
     if columns == None:
         columns = ['basic']
     if columns == []:
         data = yield db.get_slice(, "entities")
         data = yield db.get_slice(, "entities", columns)
     data = utils.supercolumnsToDict(data)
     self._data = data
Beispiel #19
def reindexProfileContent():
    rows = yield db.get_range_slice('entities', count=1000)
    for row in rows:
        entityId = row.key
        entity = Entity(entityId, utils.supercolumnsToDict(row.columns))
        if entity.basic.get('type', '') == 'user':
            orgId = entity.basic.get('org', '')
            if orgId:
                yield search.solr.updatePeopleIndex(entityId, entity, orgId)
Beispiel #20
    def _addMembers(self, request):
        """This method add a new user to this conversation.

        Keyword Arguments:
        newMembers: A list of members who will be added to this conversation.
        convId: The id of the conversation to which these new members will be
            added as participants.

        CF Changes:

        myId = request.getSession(IAuthInfo).username
        orgId = request.getSession(IAuthInfo).organization
        newMembers, body, subject, convId = self._parseComposerArgs(request)

        if not (convId and newMembers):
            raise errors.MissingParams(['Recipient'])

        conv = yield db.get_slice(convId, "mConversations")
        conv = utils.supercolumnsToDict(conv)
        subject = conv['meta'].get('subject', None)
        participants = set(conv.get('participants', {}).keys())
        if not conv:
            raise errors.InvalidMessage(convId)
        if myId not in participants:
            raise errors.MessageAccessDenied(convId)

        #cols = yield db.multiget_slice(newMembers, "entities", ['basic'])
        #people = utils.multiSuperColumnsToDict(cols)
        people = base.EntitySet(newMembers)
        yield people.fetchData()
        newMembers = set([userId for userId in people.keys() \
                            if people[userId].basic and \
                               people[userId].basic["org"] == orgId])
        newMembers = newMembers - participants

        mailNotificants = participants - set([myId])
        toFetchEntities = mailNotificants.union([myId, orgId]).union(newMembers)
        entities = base.EntitySet(toFetchEntities)
        yield entities.fetchData()
        data = {"entities": entities}
        data["orgId"] = orgId
        data["convId"] = convId
        data["subject"] = subject
        data["_fromName"] = entities[myId].basic['name']
        if newMembers:
            data["message"] = conv["meta"]["snippet"]
            newMembers = dict([(userId, '') for userId in newMembers])
            yield db.batch_insert(convId, "mConversations", {'participants': newMembers})
            yield self._deliverMessage(convId, newMembers, conv['meta']['uuid'], conv['meta']['owner'])
            yield notifications.notify(newMembers, ":NM", myId, **data)
        if mailNotificants and newMembers:
            data["addedMembers"] = newMembers
            yield notifications.notify(mailNotificants, ":MA", myId, **data)
Beispiel #21
def updateData():

    convIds = set()
    rows = yield db.get_range_slice('item_files', count=1000)

    for row in rows:
        convId = row.key
        attachments = utils.supercolumnsToDict(row.columns)
        for attachmentId in attachments:
            for timeuuid in attachments[attachmentId]:
                encodedTimeUUID, aid, name, size, ftype = attachments[attachmentId][timeuuid].split(':')
                yield db.insert(attachmentId, "attachmentVersions", "%s:%s:%s:%s" %(aid, name, size, ftype), timeuuid)

    rows = yield db.get_range_slice('items', count=10000)
    for row in rows:
        itemId = row.key
        item = utils.supercolumnsToDict(row.columns)
        attachments = {}
        for attachmentId in item.get('attachments', {}):
            if len(item['attachments'][attachmentId].split(':')) == 4:
                x,name, size, ftype = item['attachments'][attachmentId].split(':')
                attachments[attachmentId] = "%s:%s:%s" %(name, size, ftype)
        if attachments:
            yield db.remove(itemId, 'items', super_column='attachments')
            yield db.batch_insert(itemId, "items", {"attachments": attachments})

    rows = yield db.get_range_slice('mConversations', count=10000)
    for row in rows:
        messageId = row.key
        message = utils.supercolumnsToDict(row.columns)
        attachments = {}
        print messageId
        for attachmentId in message.get('attachments', {}):
            if len(message['attachments'][attachmentId].split(':')) == 4:
                x,name, size, ftype = message['attachments'][attachmentId].split(':')
                attachments[attachmentId] = "%s:%s:%s" %(name, size, ftype)
        if attachments:
            yield db.remove(messageId, 'mConversations', super_column='attachments')
            yield db.batch_insert(messageId, "mConversations", {"attachments": attachments})
Beispiel #22
    def _to_python(self, tagId, state):
        if not tagId:
            raise MissingParam('Tag-id', tagId, state)
        if self.source != 'api':
            request = state.request
            orgId = request.getSession(IAuthInfo).organization
        tag = yield db.get_slice(orgId, "orgTags", [tagId])
        if not tag:
            raise InvalidTag(tagId)

        tag = utils.supercolumnsToDict(tag)
        defer.returnValue((tagId, tag))
Beispiel #23
def _removeFromPending(group, user):
    yield db.remove(, "pendingConnections", "GI:%s" % (
    yield db.remove(, "pendingConnections", "GO:%s" % (
    #also remove any group invites
    yield db.remove(, "pendingConnections", "GI:%s" % (

    cols = yield db.get_slice(, "latest", ['groups'])
    cols = utils.supercolumnsToDict(cols)
    for tuuid, key in cols.get('groups', {}).items():
        if key ==
            yield db.remove(, "latest", tuuid, 'groups')
Beispiel #24
    def _moveConversation(self, request, convIds, toFolder):
        """Move a conversation or conversations from one folder to another.

        Keyword Arguments:
        convIds: List of conversation ids which need to be moved.
        toFolder: The final destination of the above conversations

        CF Changes:

        myId = request.getSession(IAuthInfo).username

        convs = yield db.multiget_slice(convIds, "mConversations")
        convs = utils.multiSuperColumnsToDict(convs)
        for convId in convs:
            conv = convs.get(convId, {})
            if not conv:
                raise errors.InvalidMessage(convId)
            if myId not in conv.get('participants', {}):
                raise errors.MessageAccessDenied(convId)

            timeUUID = conv['meta']['uuid']
            val = "%s:%s" % ('u' if toFolder == 'unread' else 'r', convId)

            cols = yield db.get_slice(convId, 'mConvFolders', [myId])
            cols = utils.supercolumnsToDict(cols)
            for folder in cols[myId]:
                cf = self._folders[folder] if folder in self._folders else folder
                if toFolder != 'unread':
                    if folder != 'mUnreadConversations':
                        col = yield db.get(myId, cf, timeUUID)
                        val = col.column.value
                        yield db.remove(myId, cf, timeUUID)
                        yield db.remove(convId, "mConvFolders", cf, myId)
                    yield db.insert(myId, cf, "u:%s" % (convId), timeUUID)

            if toFolder == 'unread':
                val = "u:%s" % (convId)
                yield db.insert(convId, 'mConvFolders', '', 'mUnreadConversations', myId)
                yield db.insert(myId, 'mUnreadConversations', val, timeUUID)
                folder = self._folders[toFolder]
                yield db.insert(myId, folder, val, timeUUID)
                yield db.insert(convId, 'mConvFolders', '', folder, myId)
Beispiel #25
    def getReason(self, convId, requesters, userId):
        conv = yield db.get_slice(convId, "items", ["meta"])
        conv = utils.supercolumnsToDict(conv)

        cols = yield db.multiget_slice(requesters, "entities", ["basic"])
        entities = utils.multiSuperColumnsToDict(cols)
        foo = requesters[0]
        if conv["meta"]["subType"] == "connection":
            reasonStr = '%s accepted your friend request' \
                            %(utils.userName(foo, entities[foo]))
        elif conv["meta"]["subType"] == "pendingConnection":
            reasonStr = "%s sent a friend request." \
                        "Click <a href='/profile?id=%s'>here </a> to respond" \
                        %(utils.userName(foo, entities[foo]), foo)
Beispiel #26
    def _members(self, request):
        """Allow a participant of a conversation to add or remove another user
        to the conversation.

        Keyword arguments:
        action: Either one of [add, remove]
        convId: The conversation to which this user wants to either add or
            remove another user.

        (appchange, script, args, myId) = yield self._getBasicArgs(request)
        landing = not self._ajax
        action = utils.getRequestArg(request, "action")
        convId = utils.getRequestArg(request, 'parent') or None

        if not convId:
            raise errors.MissingParams([_('Conversation Id')])
        if action not in ('add', 'remove'):
            raise errors.InvalidRequest()

        if action == "add":
            yield self._addMembers(request)
        elif action == "remove":
            yield self._removeMembers(request)

        cols = yield db.get_slice(convId, "mConversations")
        conv = utils.supercolumnsToDict(cols)
        participants = set(conv['participants'])
        people = base.EntitySet(participants)
        yield people.fetchData()

        args.update({"people": people})
        args.update({"conv": conv})
        args.update({"id": convId})
        args.update({"view": "message"})
        if script:
            onload = """
                           source: '/auto/users',
                           minLength: 2,
                           select: function( event, ui ) {
                               $('#conversation_recipients').attr('value', ui.item.uid)
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "message.mako", "right",
                                landing, ".right-contents", "set", True,
                                handlers={"onload": onload}, **args)
Beispiel #27
def deleteAvatarItem(entity, isLogo=False):
    entity = yield db.get_slice(entity, "entities", ["basic"])
    entity = utils.supercolumnsToDict(entity)
    itemId = None
    imgFmt = None
    col = None
    if not entity:
    if isLogo:
        col = entity["basic"].get("logo", None)
        col = entity["basic"].get("avatar", None)
    if col:
        imgFmt, itemId = col.split(":")
    if itemId:
        yield db.remove(itemId, "items")
Beispiel #28
    def _delete(self, request):
        authinfo = request.getSession(IAuthInfo)
        myId = authinfo.username
        myOrgId = authinfo.organization
        clientId = utils.getRequestArg(request, "id", sanitize=False)

        client = yield db.get_slice(clientId, "apps")
        client = utils.supercolumnsToDict(client)
        if not client:
            raise errors.InvalidApp(clientId)

        if client["meta"]["author"] != myId:
            raise errors.AppAccessDenied(clientId)

        yield db.remove(clientId, "apps")
        yield db.remove(myId, "appsByOwner", clientId)
        yield db.remove(myOrgId, "appsByOwner", clientId)
Beispiel #29
def unlike(itemId, item, myId, orgId):
    # Make sure that I liked this item
        cols = yield db.get(itemId, "itemLikes", myId)
        likeTimeUUID = cols.column.value
    except ttypes.NotFoundException:

    convId = item["meta"].get("parent", itemId)
    if convId != itemId:
        conv = yield db.get(convId, "items", super_column="meta")
        conv = utils.supercolumnsToDict([conv])
        conv = item

    convOwnerId = conv["meta"]["owner"]
    convType = conv["meta"]["type"]
    convACL = conv["meta"]["acl"]

    # 1. remove the user from likes list.
    yield db.remove(itemId, "itemLikes", myId)

    # Update the likes count
    likesCount = int(item["meta"].get("likesCount", "1"))
    if likesCount % 5 == 0:
        likesCount = yield db.get_count(itemId, "itemLikes")
    item['meta']['likesCount'] = likesCount - 1
    yield db.insert(itemId, "items", str(likesCount - 1), "likesCount", "meta")

    responseType = 'L'
    # 2. Don't remove the user from followers list
    #    (use can also become follower by responding to item,
    #        so user can't be removed from followers list)

    # Ignore if i am owner of the item
    if myId != item["meta"]["owner"]:
        # 3. delete from user's feed, feedItems, feed_*
        likeUpdateVal = "L:%s:%s:%s" % (myId, itemId, item['meta']['owner'])
        yield Feed.unpush(myId, orgId, convId, conv, likeUpdateVal)

        # FIX: if user updates more than one item at exactly same time,
        #      one of the updates will overwrite the other. Fix it.
        yield db.remove(myId, "userItems", likeTimeUUID)
        if convType in plugins and plugins[convType].hasIndex:
            yield db.remove(myId, "userItems_" + convType, likeTimeUUID)
Beispiel #30
    def _secret(self, request):
        myId = request.getSession(IAuthInfo).username
        clientId = utils.getRequestArg(request, "id", sanitize=False)

        client = yield db.get_slice(clientId, "apps")
        client = utils.supercolumnsToDict(client)
        if not client:
            raise errors.InvalidApp(clientId)

        if client["meta"]["author"] != myId:
            raise errors.AppAccessDenied(clientId)

        clientSecret = utils.getRandomKey()
        yield db.insert(clientId, "apps", utils.hashpass(clientSecret), "secret", "meta")

        args = {"clientId": clientId, "client": client["meta"], "info": "New application secret was generated"}
        args["client"]["secret"] = clientSecret
        t.renderScriptBlock(request, "apps.mako", "registrationResults", False, "#apps-contents", "set", **args)