Beispiel #1
class TritechMicron(object):

    """Tritech Micron sonar.

    In order for attribute changes to immediately be reflected on the device,
    use the set() method with the appropriate keyword.

    For example, to setup a 20 m sector scan:

        with TritechMicron() as sonar:
            sonar.set(continuous=False, range=20)

    All angles are in radians and headings are relative to the blue LED. So, if
    the sonar were not inverted, 0 radians would be facing forward.

        ad_high: Amplitude in db to be mapped to max intensity (0-80 db).
        ad_low: Amplitude in dB to be mapped to 0 intensity (0-80 db).
        adc8on: True if 8-bit resolution ADC, otherwise 4-bit.
        centred: Whether the sonar motor is centred.
        clock: Sonar time of the day.
        conn: Serial connection.
        continuous: True if continuous scan, otherwise sector scan.
        gain: Initial gain percentage (0.00-1.00).
        has_cfg: Whether the sonar has acknowledged with mtBBUserData.
        heading: Current sonar heading in radians.
        initialized: Whether the sonar has been initialized with parameters.
        inverted: Whether the sonar is mounted upside down.
        left_limit: Left limit of sector scan in radians.
        mo_time: High speed limit of the motor in units of 10 microseconds.
        motoring: Whether the sonar motor is moving.
        motor_on: Whether device is powered and motor is primed.
        nbins: Number of bins per scan line.
        no_params: Whether the sonar needs parameters before it can scan.
        up_time: Sonar up time.
        port: Serial port.
        range: Scan range in meters.
        recentering: Whether the sonar is recentering its motor.
        right_limit: Right limit of sector scans in radians.
        scanning: Whether the sonar is scanning.
        scanright: Whether the sonar scanning direction is clockwise.
        speed: Speed of sound in medium.
        step: Mechanical resolution (Resolution enumeration).

    def __init__(self, port="/dev/sonar", **kwargs):
        """Constructs Sonar object.

            port: Serial port (default: /dev/sonar).
            kwargs: Key-word arguments to pass to set() on initialization.
        # Parameter defaults.
        self.ad_high = 80.0
        self.ad_low = 0.00
        self.adc8on = True
        self.continuous = True
        self.gain = 0.50
        self.inverted = True
        self.left_limit = to_radians(2400)
        self.mo_time = 250
        self.nbins = 400
        self.range = 10.00
        self.right_limit = to_radians(4000)
        self.scanright = True
        self.speed = 1500.0
        self.step = Resolution.LOW
        self.dynamic_reconfigure_started = False

        # Override defaults with key-word arguments or ROS parameters.
        for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems():
            if key in kwargs:
                self.__setattr__(key, value)
                param = "{}/{}".format(rospy.get_name(), key)
                if rospy.has_param(param):
                    self.__setattr__(key, rospy.get_param(param))

        # Connection properties.
        self.port = port
        self.conn = None
        self.initialized = False

        # Head info.
        self.centred = False
        self.has_cfg = False
        self.heading = None
        self.motor_on = False
        self.motoring = False
        self.no_params = True
        self.up_time = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self.recentering = False
        self.scanning = False

        # Additional properties.
        self.clock = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self._time_offset = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self.preempted = False

    def __enter__(self):
        """Initializes sonar for first use.

            SonarNotFound: Sonar port could not be opened.
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        """Cleans up."""

    def open(self):
        """Initializes sonar connection and sets default properties.

            SonarNotFound: Sonar port could not be opened.
        if not self.conn:
                self.conn = Socket(self.port)
            except OSError as e:
                raise exceptions.SonarNotFound(self.port, e)

        # Update properties.
        rospy.loginfo("Initializing sonar on %s", self.port)
        self.initialized = True

        # Reboot to make sure the sonar is clean.

        # Set default properties.

        # Wait for settings to go through.
        while not self.has_cfg or self.no_params or not self.motor_on or not self.centred:
                "Waiting for configuration: (HAS CFG: %s, NO PARAMS: %s)",
                self.has_cfg, self.no_params

        rospy.loginfo("Sonar is ready for use")

    def close(self):
        """Closes sonar connection."""
        # Reboot first to clear sonar of all parameters.
        self.initialized = False
        rospy.loginfo("Closed sonar socket")

    def get(self, message=None, wait=2):
        """Sends command and returns reply.

            message: Message to expect (default: first to come in).
            wait: Seconds to wait until received if a specific message is
                required (default: 2).


            SonarNotInitialized: Attempt reading serial without opening port.
            TimeoutError: Process timed out while waiting for specific message.
        # Verify sonar is initialized.
        if not self.initialized:
            raise exceptions.SonarNotInitialized()

        expected_name = None
        if message:
            expected_name = Message.to_string(message)
            rospy.logdebug("Waiting for %s message", expected_name)

        # Determine end time.
        end = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=wait)

        # Wait until received if a specific message ID is requested, otherwise
        # wait forever.
        while message is None or < end:
                reply = self.conn.get_reply()

                # Update state if mtAlive.
                if == Message.ALIVE:

                # If first was asked, respond immediately.
                if message is None:
                    return reply

                # Otherwise, verify reply ID.
                if == message:
                    rospy.logdebug("Found %s message", expected_name)
                    return reply
                elif != Message.ALIVE:
                        "Received unexpected %s message",
            except exceptions.PacketCorrupted, serial.SerialException:
                # Keep trying.

        # Timeout.
        rospy.logerr("Timed out before receiving message: %s", expected_name)
        raise exceptions.TimeoutError()
Beispiel #2
class TritechMicron(object):

    """Tritech Micron sonar.

    In order for attribute changes to immediately be reflected on the device,
    use the set() method with the appropriate keyword.

    For example, to setup a 20 m sector scan:

        with TritechMicron() as sonar:
            sonar.set(continuous=False, range=20)

    All angles are in radians and headings are relative to the blue LED. So, if
    the sonar were not inverted, 0 radians would be facing forward.

        ad_high: Amplitude in db to be mapped to max intensity (0-80 db).
        ad_low: Amplitude in dB to be mapped to 0 intensity (0-80 db).
        adc8on: True if 8-bit resolution ADC, otherwise 4-bit.
        centred: Whether the sonar motor is centred.
        clock: Sonar time of the day.
        conn: Serial connection.
        continuous: True if continuous scan, otherwise sector scan.
        gain: Initial gain percentage (0.00-1.00).
        has_cfg: Whether the sonar has acknowledged with mtBBUserData.
        heading: Current sonar heading in radians.
        initialized: Whether the sonar has been initialized with parameters.
        inverted: Whether the sonar is mounted upside down.
        left_limit: Left limit of sector scan in radians.
        mo_time: High speed limit of the motor in units of 10 microseconds.
        motoring: Whether the sonar motor is moving.
        motor_on: Whether device is powered and motor is primed.
        nbins: Number of bins per scan line.
        no_params: Whether the sonar needs parameters before it can scan.
        up_time: Sonar up time.
        port: Serial port.
        range: Scan range in meters.
        recentering: Whether the sonar is recentering its motor.
        right_limit: Right limit of sector scans in radians.
        scanning: Whether the sonar is scanning.
        scanright: Whether the sonar scanning direction is clockwise.
        speed: Speed of sound in medium.
        step: Mechanical resolution (Resolution enumeration).

    def __init__(self, port="/dev/sonar", **kwargs):
        """Constructs Sonar object.

            port: Serial port (default: /dev/sonar).
            kwargs: Key-word arguments to pass to set() on initialization.
        # Parameter defaults.
        self.ad_high = 80.0
        self.ad_low = 0.00
        self.adc8on = True
        self.continuous = True
        self.gain = 0.50
        self.inverted = False
        self.left_limit = to_radians(2400)
        self.mo_time = 250
        self.nbins = 400
        self.range = 10.00
        self.right_limit = to_radians(4000)
        self.scanright = True
        self.speed = 1500.0
        self.step = Resolution.LOW

        # Override defaults with key-word arguments or ROS parameters.
        for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems():
            if key in kwargs:
                self.__setattr__(key, value)
                param = "{}/{}".format(rospy.get_name(), key)
                if rospy.has_param(param):
                    self.__setattr__(key, rospy.get_param(param))

        # Connection properties.
        self.port = port
        self.conn = None
        self.initialized = False

        # Head info.
        self.centred = False
        self.has_cfg = False
        self.heading = None
        self.motor_on = False
        self.motoring = False
        self.no_params = True
        self.up_time = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self.recentering = False
        self.scanning = False

        # Additional properties.
        self.clock = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self._time_offset = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self.preempted = False

    def __enter__(self):
        """Initializes sonar for first use.

            SonarNotFound: Sonar port could not be opened.
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        """Cleans up."""

    def open(self):
        """Initializes sonar connection and sets default properties.

            SonarNotFound: Sonar port could not be opened.
        if not self.conn:
                self.conn = Socket(self.port)
            except OSError as e:
                raise exceptions.SonarNotFound(self.port, e)

        # Update properties.
        rospy.loginfo("Initializing sonar on %s", self.port)
        self.initialized = True

        # Reboot to make sure the sonar is clean.

        # Set default properties.

        # Wait for settings to go through.
        while not self.has_cfg or self.no_params:
                "Waiting for configuration: (HAS CFG: %s, NO PARAMS: %s)",
                self.has_cfg, self.no_params

        rospy.loginfo("Sonar is ready for use")

    def close(self):
        """Closes sonar connection."""
        # Reboot first to clear sonar of all parameters.
        self.initialized = False
        rospy.loginfo("Closed sonar socket")

    def get(self, message=None, wait=2):
        """Sends command and returns reply.

            message: Message to expect (default: first to come in).
            wait: Seconds to wait until received if a specific message is
                required (default: 2).


            SonarNotInitialized: Attempt reading serial without opening port.
            TimeoutError: Process timed out while waiting for specific message.
        # Verify sonar is initialized.
        if not self.initialized:
            raise exceptions.SonarNotInitialized()

        expected_name = None
        if message:
            expected_name = Message.to_string(message)
            rospy.logdebug("Waiting for %s message", expected_name)

        # Determine end time.
        end = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=wait)

        # Wait until received if a specific message ID is requested, otherwise
        # wait forever.
        while message is None or < end:
                reply = self.conn.get_reply()

                # Update state if mtAlive.
                if == Message.ALIVE:

                # If first was asked, respond immediately.
                if message is None:
                    return reply

                # Otherwise, verify reply ID.
                if == message:
                    rospy.logdebug("Found %s message", expected_name)
                    return reply
                elif != Message.ALIVE:
                        "Received unexpected %s message",
            except exceptions.PacketCorrupted, serial.SerialException:
                # Keep trying.

        # Timeout.
        rospy.logerr("Timed out before receiving message: %s", expected_name)
        raise exceptions.TimeoutError()
Beispiel #3
class TritechProfiler(object):
    """ *TritechProfiler* class for Tritech Profiler sonar.

    This class provides all the necesary methods to operate the sonar profiler,
    including the sending of commands to configure, scan, ping, or reboot the sensor.

    In order for attribute changes to immediately be reflected on the device,
    use the set() method with the appropriate keyword.

    For example, to setup a 20 m sector scan:

        with TritechProfiler() as sonar:
            sonar.set(prf_alt=False, range=20)

    All angles are in radians and headings are relative to the red LED. So, if
    the sonar were not inverted, 0 radians would be facing forward.


        .. data:: agc

            This bit is used to enable/disable the Adaptive Gain Control (AGC) in the sonar receiver. *AGCMax*
            and *SetPoint* determine the levels for this control. *AGC* applies automatic refining of the
            receiver Gain. If false applies 'manual' Gain (*AGC_Max*).

            *AGC* will always act on the maximum received echo, and as a result the ``prf_first`` control will
            de-activate when ``agc`` is enabled.

            **True** if automatic refining of receiver gain, **False** manual gain.

            **Default = True**

        .. data:: prf_alt

            This bit governs whether Profiler scanning should be alternative as per a car windscreen wiper (i.e.
            direction = Scan Alternate), or whether scanning should in one direction only defined by the
            ``scanright`` bit (Scan Right or Scan Left).

            **True** if alternating scan, **False** if scan in one direction.

            **Default = False**

        .. data:: scanright

            This bit determines the scanning direction when ``prf_alt`` (Bit 1) = 0. It is ignored when ``prf_alt`` = 1.

            scanright = 0 = Profiler scans anticlockwise when viewed from top (Scan Left).

            scanright =1 = Clockwise scan rotation (Scan Right).

            **Default = 1**

        .. data:: inverted

            This bit allows the rotation directions to be reversed if the Profiler head is mounted inverted, i.e.
            when the transducer boot is pointing backwards against direction of travel rather than forwards.

            **Default = 0 = Profiler mounted 'upright', transducer boot pointing forward.**

        .. data:: left_limit

            Left limit of sector scan in radians. ``LeftLim`` refers to the Anti-Clockwise scan limit.

            ``scanright`` = True  = 1st ping is at ``left_limit``

            ``scanright`` = False = 1st ping is at ``right_limit``

            The units are in 1/16th Gradian units, in the range [0, 6399]

            The SeaKing direction convention is as follows, with transducer boot forwards:

            Left 90° = 1600

            Ahead = 3200

            Right 90° = 4800

            Astern = 0 (or 6399)

            The ``cont`` bit in ``HdCtrl`` will override these limits, and allow continuous rotation.
            The ``stareLLim`` bit in ``HdCtrl`` will cause the head to be driven to the ``LeftLim`` position and
            "stare" in that direction. If ``LeftLim`` = ``RightLim``, then the head will act as if the ``stareLLim``
            bit is set.

            To Scan a 90° sector ahead, set:

            LeftLim = 2400 (= Left 45°)

            RightLim = 4000 (= Right 45°)

        .. data:: right_limit

            Left limit of sector scan in radians. ``right_limit`` refers to the Clockwise scan limit.

            ``scanright`` = True  = 1st ping is at ``left_limit``

            ``scanright`` = False = 1st ping is at ``right_limit``

            The units are in 1/16th Gradian units, in the range [0, 6399]

            The SeaKing direction convention is as follows, with transducer boot forwards:

            Left 90° = 1600

            Ahead = 3200

            Right 90° = 4800

            Astern = 0 (or 6399)

            The ``cont`` bit in ``HdCtrl`` will override these limits, and allow continuous rotation.
            The ``stareLLim`` bit in ``HdCtrl`` will cause the head to be driven to the ``LeftLim`` position and
            "stare" in that direction. If ``LeftLim`` = ``RightLim``, then the head will act as if the ``stareLLim``
            bit is set.

            To Scan a 90° sector ahead, set:

            LeftLim = 2400 (= Left 45°)

            RightLim = 4000 (= Right 45°)

        .. data:: adc_threshold

            This sets the analogue detect threshold level on the receiver and controls the sensitivity of the Profiler.
            A higher detect threshold will make the device less sensitive.

            **Default = 50**

        .. data:: filt_gain

            This is the level of Adaptive Gain Control (%) that is applied to the receiver.

            **Default = 20**

        .. data:: mo_time

            High speed limit of the motor in units of 10 microseconds.

            **Default = 25 to 40 (for Profiling mode)**

        .. data:: step

            This byte sets the scanning motor step angle between ‘pings’, and is in units of 1/16 Gradians. The
            SeaKing default settings are:

            Low Resolution = 32 (= 2 Gradians = 1.8 °)

            Medium Resolution = 24 (= 1.5 Gradian = 1.35°)

            High Resolution = 16 (= 1 Gradian = 0.9°)

            Ultimate Resolution (= 0.5 Gradian = 0.45°)

        .. data:: lockout

            This value is the time in microseconds at which the Receiver will start sampling after it has transmitted.
            The factory default setting for this is:

            - Lockout = 271 (for 1100/1210 kHz Profiler channel)
            - Lockout = 542 (for 580/600 kHz Profiler channel)

            **Default = 100**

        .. data:: centred

            Whether the sonar motor is centred.

        .. data:: clock

            Sonar time of the day.

        .. data:: conn

            Serial connection.

        .. data:: gain

            Initial gain percentage (0.00-1.00).

        .. data:: has_cfg

            Whether the sonar has acknowledged with mtBBUserData.

        .. data:: heading

            Current sonar heading in radians.

        .. data:: initialized

            Whether the sonar has been initialized with parameters.

        .. data:: motoring

            Whether the sonar motor is moving.

        .. data:: motor_on

            Whether device is powered and motor is primed.

        .. data:: nbins

            Number of bins per scan line.

        .. data:: no_params

            Whether the sonar needs parameters before it can scan.

        .. data:: up_time

            Sonar up time.

        .. data:: port

            Serial port.

        .. data:: range

            Scan range in meters.

        .. data:: recentering

            Whether the sonar is recentering its motor.

        .. data:: scanning

            Whether the sonar is scanning.

        .. data:: speed

            Speed of sound in medium.

            **Default = 1500 m/s**

    def __init__(self, port="/dev/ttyUSB0", **kwargs):
        Constructs Sonar object.

        :param port: Serial port (default: /dev/sonar).

        :param kwargs: Key-word arguments to pass to set() on initialization


        print 'init'
        # Parameter defaults.
        self.adc_threshold = 50.0
        self.filt_gain = 20.00
        self.agc = True
        self.prf_alt = False
        self.gain = 0.50
        self.inverted = False
        self.left_limit = to_radians(0)
        self.mo_time = 250
        self.nbins = 800
        self.range = 10.00
        self.right_limit = to_radians(6399)
        self.scanright = True
        self.speed = 1500.0
        self.step = Resolution.ULTIMATE
        self.lockout = 100

        # Override defaults with key-word arguments or ROS parameters.
        for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems():
            if key in kwargs:
                self.__setattr__(key, value)
                param = "{}/{}".format(rospy.get_name(), key)
                if rospy.has_param(param):
                    self.__setattr__(key, rospy.get_param(param))

        # Connection properties.
        self.port = port
        self.conn = None
        self.initialized = False

        # Head info.
        self.centred = False
        self.has_cfg = False
        self.heading = None
        self.motor_on = False
        self.motoring = False
        self.no_params = True
        self.up_time = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self.recentering = False
        self.scanning = False

        # Additional properties.
        self.clock = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self._time_offset = datetime.timedelta(0)
        self.preempted = False

    def __enter__(self):
        Initializes sonar for first use.

            SonarNotFound: Sonar port could not be opened.
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        Cleans up.

    def open(self):
        Initializes sonar connection and sets default properties.

        :raises: SonarNotFound: Sonar port could not be opened.

        print 'open'
        if not self.conn:
                self.conn = Socket(self.port)
            except OSError as e:
                raise exceptions.SonarNotFound(self.port, e)

        # Update properties.
        rospy.loginfo("Initializing sonar on %s", self.port)
        self.initialized = True

        # Reboot to make sure the sonar is clean.
        #rospy.loginfo('Sending Version Data request...')
        #self.get(Message.VERSION_DATA, 1)
        #rospy.loginfo('Version Data message received')


        # Set default properties.

        # Wait for settings to go through.
        while not self.has_cfg or self.no_params:
                "Waiting for configuration: (HAS CFG: %s, NO PARAMS: %s)",
                self.has_cfg, self.no_params)

        rospy.loginfo("Sonar is ready for use")

    def close(self):
        Closes sonar connection.
        # Reboot first to clear sonar of all parameters.
        self.initialized = False
        rospy.loginfo("Closed sonar socket")

    def get(self, message=None, wait=2):
        Sends command and returns reply.

        :param message: Message to expect (default: first to come in).

        :param kwargs: wait: Seconds to wait until received if a specific message is required (default: 2).

        :return: Reply.

        :raises SonarNotInitialized: Attempt reading serial without opening port.

        :raises TimeoutError: Process timed out while waiting for specific message.

        print 'get'
        # Verify sonar is initialized.
        if not self.initialized:
            raise exceptions.SonarNotInitialized()

        expected_name = None
        if message:
            expected_name = Message.to_string(message)
            rospy.logdebug("Waiting for %s message", expected_name)

        # Determine end time.
        end = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=wait)

        # Wait until received if a specific message ID is requested, otherwise
        # wait forever.
        while message is None or < end:
                reply = self.conn.get_reply()

                # Update state if mtAlive.
                if == Message.ALIVE:

                # If first was asked, respond immediately.
                if message is None:
                    return reply

                # Otherwise, verify reply ID.
                if == message:
                    rospy.logdebug("Found %s message", expected_name)
                    return reply
                elif != Message.ALIVE:
                    rospy.logwarn("Received unexpected %s message",
            except exceptions.PacketCorrupted, serial.SerialException:
                # Keep trying.

        # Timeout.
        rospy.logerr("Timed out before receiving message: %s", expected_name)
        raise exceptions.TimeoutError()