Beispiel #1
    def smoothDepths(self):
        Smooth the data by running an interpolant over the model grid points
        print 'Smoothing the data...'
        if self.smoothmethod=='gaussian':
            print '\tUsing Gaussian filter...'
            Fsmooth = ufilter(self.xy, self.smoothrange)

            Fsmooth =interpXYZ(self.xy,self.xy,\

        self.grd.dv = Fsmooth(self.grd.dv)
Beispiel #2
    def interp_depths(self):

        # Initialise the Interpolation class
        if not self.isDEM:
            print 'Building interpolant class...'
            self.F = interpXYZ(self.indata.XY,self.xy,method=self.interpmethod,NNear=self.NNear,\

            # Interpolate the data
            print 'Interpolating data...'
            dv = self.F(self.indata.Zin)*self.scalefac

            print 'Interpolating DEM data...'
            dv = self.indata.interp(self.xy[:,0],self.xy[:,1])*self.scalefac

        if self.interpnodes:
            self.grd.dv = np.zeros_like(self.grd.xv)
            for nn in range(self.grd.Nc):
                self.grd.dv[nn] = np.max(dv[self.grd.cells[nn,0:self.grd.nfaces[nn] ] ])
                #self.grd.dv[nn] = np.mean(dv[self.grd.cells[nn,0:self.grd.nfaces[nn] ] ])
            self.grd.dv = dv
Beispiel #3
def extract_HC(modfile,lon,lat,z=None,conlist=None):
    Extract harmonic constituents from OTIS binary output and interpolate onto points in lon,lat
    set "z" to specifiy depth for transport to velocity conversion
    set "constituents" in conlist
        u_re, u_im, v_re, v_im, h_re, h_im, omega, conlist
    # Make sure the longitude is between 0 and 360
    lon = np.mod(lon,360.0)
    # Read the filenames from the model file
    pathfile = os.path.split(modfile)
    path = pathfile[0]
    f = open(modfile,'r')
    hfile = path+'/' + f.readline().strip()
    uvfile = path+'/' + f.readline().strip()
    grdfile = path+'/' + f.readline().strip()
    # Read the grid file 
    X,Y,depth, mask = read_OTPS_grd(grdfile)
    #X[X>180.0] = 180.0 - X[X>180.0]
    mask = mask == 1
    # Create an interpolation object
    sz = lon.shape
    lon = lon.ravel()
    lat = lat.ravel()
    nx = lon.size
    F= interpXYZ(np.vstack((X[mask],Y[mask])).T,np.vstack((lon,lat)).T,method='idw',NNear=3,p=1.0)
    # Interpolate the model depths onto the points if z is none
    if z == None:
        z = F(depth[mask])
        z = np.abs(z) # make sure they are positive
    # Check that the constituents are in the file
    conOTIS = get_OTPS_constits(hfile)
    if conlist == None:
        conlist = conOTIS
    for vv in conlist:
        if not vv in conOTIS:
            print 'Warning: constituent name: %s not present in OTIS file.'%vv
    # Now go through and read the data for each 
    # Initialse the arrays
    ncon = len(conlist)
    u_re = np.zeros((ncon,nx))
    u_im = np.zeros((ncon,nx))
    v_re = np.zeros((ncon,nx))
    v_im = np.zeros((ncon,nx))
    h_re = np.zeros((ncon,nx))
    h_im = np.zeros((ncon,nx))
    omega = np.zeros((ncon,))
    for ii, vv in enumerate(conlist):
        idx = otis_constits[vv]['index']
        omega[ii] = otis_constits[vv]['omega']
        print 'Interpolating consituent: %s...'%vv
        # Read and interpolate h
        X ,Y, tmp_h_re, tmp_h_im = read_OTPS_h(hfile,idx)
        h_re[ii,:] = F(tmp_h_re[mask])
        h_im[ii,:] = F(tmp_h_im[mask])
        # Read and interpolate u and v - Note the conversion from transport to velocity
        X ,Y, tmp_u_re, tmp_u_im, tmp_v_re, tmp_v_im = read_OTPS_UV(uvfile,idx)
        u_re[ii,:] = F(tmp_u_re[mask]) / z
        u_im[ii,:] = F(tmp_u_im[mask]) / z
        v_re[ii,:] = F(tmp_v_re[mask]) / z
        v_im[ii,:] = F(tmp_v_im[mask]) / z
    # Return the arrays in their original shape
    szout = (ncon,) + sz
    return u_re.reshape(szout), u_im.reshape(szout), v_re.reshape(szout), \
        v_im.reshape(szout), h_re.reshape(szout), h_im.reshape(szout), omega, conlist
Beispiel #4
def extract_HC(modfile, lon, lat, z=None, conlist=None):
    Extract harmonic constituents from OTIS binary output and interpolate onto points in lon,lat

    set "z" to specifiy depth for transport to velocity conversion

    set "constituents" in conlist

        u_re, u_im, v_re, v_im, h_re, h_im, omega, conlist


    # Make sure the longitude is between 0 and 360
    lon = np.mod(lon, 360.0)

    # Read the filenames from the model file
    pathfile = os.path.split(modfile)
    path = pathfile[0]

    f = open(modfile, 'r')
    hfile = path + '/' + f.readline().strip()
    uvfile = path + '/' + f.readline().strip()
    grdfile = path + '/' + f.readline().strip()

    # Read the grid file
    X, Y, depth, mask = read_OTPS_grd(grdfile)
    #X[X>180.0] = 180.0 - X[X>180.0]
    mask = mask == 1

    # Create an interpolation object
    sz = lon.shape
    lon = lon.ravel()
    lat = lat.ravel()
    nx = lon.size
    F = interpXYZ(np.vstack((X[mask], Y[mask])).T,
                  np.vstack((lon, lat)).T,

    # Interpolate the model depths onto the points if z is none
    if z == None:
        z = F(depth[mask])
        z = np.abs(z)  # make sure they are positive

    # Check that the constituents are in the file
    conOTIS = get_OTPS_constits(hfile)

    if conlist == None:
        conlist = conOTIS

    for vv in conlist:
        if not vv in conOTIS:
            print('Warning: constituent name: %s not present in OTIS file.' %

    # Now go through and read the data for each

    # Initialse the arrays
    ncon = len(conlist)
    u_re = np.zeros((ncon, nx))
    u_im = np.zeros((ncon, nx))
    v_re = np.zeros((ncon, nx))
    v_im = np.zeros((ncon, nx))
    h_re = np.zeros((ncon, nx))
    h_im = np.zeros((ncon, nx))
    omega = np.zeros((ncon, ))

    for ii, vv in enumerate(conlist):
        idx = otis_constits[vv]['index']
        omega[ii] = otis_constits[vv]['omega']
        print('Interpolating consituent: %s...' % vv)

        # Read and interpolate h
        X, Y, tmp_h_re, tmp_h_im = read_OTPS_h(hfile, idx)
        h_re[ii, :] = F(tmp_h_re[mask])
        h_im[ii, :] = F(tmp_h_im[mask])

        # Read and interpolate u and v - Note the conversion from transport to velocity
        X, Y, tmp_u_re, tmp_u_im, tmp_v_re, tmp_v_im = read_OTPS_UV(
            uvfile, idx)
        u_re[ii, :] = F(tmp_u_re[mask]) / z
        u_im[ii, :] = F(tmp_u_im[mask]) / z
        v_re[ii, :] = F(tmp_v_re[mask]) / z
        v_im[ii, :] = F(tmp_v_im[mask]) / z

    # Return the arrays in their original shape
    szout = (ncon, ) + sz
    return u_re.reshape(szout), u_im.reshape(szout), v_re.reshape(szout), \
        v_im.reshape(szout), h_re.reshape(szout), h_im.reshape(szout), omega, conlist