Beispiel #1
def get_elev(elev, start, morning):
    end = start + 0.0099
    while start < end:
        rc = sol.future_elevation(lat, lon, elev, start)
        if rc is None:
            return (None, end)
            start = rc + 1e-06
            d  = sol.solar_elevation(lat, lon, rc + 3e-09)
            d -= sol.solar_elevation(lat, lon, rc)
            if d >= 0 if morning else d <= 0:
                return (sol.julian_centuries_to_epoch(rc), start)
    return (None, end)
Beispiel #2
def get_elev(elev, start, morning):
    end = start + 0.0099
    while start < end:
        rc = sol.future_elevation(lat, lon, elev, start)
        if rc is None:
            return (None, end)
            start = rc + 1e-06
            d = sol.solar_elevation(lat, lon, rc + 3e-09)
            d -= sol.solar_elevation(lat, lon, rc)
            if d >= 0 if morning else d <= 0:
                return (sol.julian_centuries_to_epoch(rc), start)
    return (None, end)
Beispiel #3
 def elevations(self, days_offset=0):
     Return the time of the astronomical, nautical, and civil dusk and dawns,
     as well as the solar noon and the sunrise and sunset, for the day (local time).
     @param   days_offset:int                       The number of days into the future, 0 for today.
     @return  :(:str?, :str?, :str?, :str?, :str,   The time, restrict to the selected day of, in order:
                :str?, :str?, :str?, :str?)         the astronomical dawn, the nautical dawn, the civil
                                                    dawn, the sunrise, the solar noon, the sunset, the
                                                    the civil dusk, thenautical dusk, and the astronomical
                                                    dusk. (Those are in chronological order.) If such
                                                    condition is not meet during the day, `None` is
                                                    returned in place. Solar noon is guaranteed (I think.)
                                                    Times are formatted in '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'.
     import solar_python as s, time
     tz = -(time.timezone, time.altzone)[time.localtime().tm_isdst]
     a_day = 60 * 60 * 24
     t = time.time()
     t += tz
     t -= t % a_day
     t -= tz
     t += days_offset * a_day
     start = s.epoch_to_julian_centuries(t)
     end = s.epoch_to_julian_centuries(t + a_day)
     t5a = s.future_elevation_derivative(, self.lon, 0, start)
     t5b = s.future_elevation_derivative(, self.lon, 0,
                                         t5a + 0.0000002)
     e1 = s.solar_elevation(, self.lon, t5a)
     e2 = s.solar_elevation(, self.lon, t5b)
     t5 = t5a if e1 > e2 else t5b
     t1 = s.past_elevation(, self.lon,
                           s.SOLAR_ELEVATION_ASTRONOMICAL_DUSK_DAWN, t5)
     t2 = s.past_elevation(, self.lon,
                           s.SOLAR_ELEVATION_NAUTICAL_DUSK_DAWN, t5)
     t3 = s.past_elevation(, self.lon,
                           s.SOLAR_ELEVATION_CIVIL_DUSK_DAWN, t5)
     t4 = s.past_elevation(, self.lon,
                           s.SOLAR_ELEVATION_SUNSET_SUNRISE, t5)
     t6 = s.future_elevation(, self.lon,
                             s.SOLAR_ELEVATION_SUNSET_SUNRISE, t5)
     t7 = s.future_elevation(, self.lon,
                             s.SOLAR_ELEVATION_CIVIL_DUSK_DAWN, t5)
     t8 = s.future_elevation(, self.lon,
                             s.SOLAR_ELEVATION_NAUTICAL_DUSK_DAWN, t5)
     t9 = s.future_elevation(, self.lon,
                             s.SOLAR_ELEVATION_ASTRONOMICAL_DUSK_DAWN, t5)
     t = (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9)
     #return tuple(Solar.__jc_to_str(x) if x is not None and start <= x <= end else None for x in t)
     return tuple(Solar.__jc_to_str(x) for x in t)
Beispiel #4
 def elevation(self):
     Calculates the Sun's elevation as apparent
     from a geographical position
     @return  :float  The Sun's apparent at the specified time
                      as seen from the specified position,
                      measured in degrees
     return solar_python.solar_elevation(, self.lon,
Beispiel #5
 def elevation(self):
     Calculates the Sun's elevation as apparent
     from a geographical position
     @return  :float  The Sun's apparent at the specified time
                      as seen from the specified position,
                      measured in degrees
     return solar_python.solar_elevation(, self.lon,
Beispiel #6
def get_deriv(delev, start, daytime):
    end = start + 0.0099
    while start < end:
        rc = sol.future_elevation_derivative(lat, lon, delev, start)
        if rc is None:
            return (None, end)
            start = rc + 1e-06
            elev = sol.solar_elevation(lat, lon, rc)
            if elev >= 0 if daytime else elev <= 0:
                return (sol.julian_centuries_to_epoch(rc), start)
    return (None, end)
Beispiel #7
def get_deriv(delev, start, daytime):
    end = start + 0.0099
    while start < end:
        rc = sol.future_elevation_derivative(lat, lon, delev, start)
        if rc is None:
            return (None, end)
            start = rc + 1e-06
            elev = sol.solar_elevation(lat, lon, rc)
            if elev >= 0 if daytime else elev <= 0:
                return (sol.julian_centuries_to_epoch(rc), start)
    return (None, end)
Beispiel #8
 def dur(a, z):
     if a is None and z is None:
         e = s.solar_elevation(, self.lon, (start + end) / 2)
         if elevations[0] <= e <= elevations[1]:
             return s.julian_centuries_to_epoch(
                 end) - s.julian_centuries_to_epoch(start)
         return 0
     elif a is None and z is not None:
         return s.julian_centuries_to_epoch(
             z) - s.julian_centuries_to_epoch(start)
     elif a is not None and z is None:
         return s.julian_centuries_to_epoch(
             end) - s.julian_centuries_to_epoch(a)
         return s.julian_centuries_to_epoch(
             z) - s.julian_centuries_to_epoch(a)