def solveMaxFlow(self, instance, timeThreshold):
     storedSolutionFileName = '../storedSolutions/' + dataToMD5(self.makeMD5Data(instance, timeThreshold))
         storedSolution = open(storedSolutionFileName)
         import ast
         print("Found a ready solution!")
         # the following works for now
         # need to be careful when paths of agents aren't ordered 
         # according to the agents' current location
         maxFlowPaths = [ast.literal_eval(myStr) for myStr in storedSolution]
         print("Solving by MaxFlow...")
         network = expandedNetwork.ExpandedNetwork(instance, timeThreshold)
         maxFlowPaths = network.solveMaxFlow()
         storedSolutionFile = open(storedSolutionFileName, mode='w')
         for path in maxFlowPaths:
             print(path, file = storedSolutionFile)
     solution = Solution(maxFlowPaths, instance.exits) 
     solution.checkSolution(fixFlag = True)
     #printPlan(instance, simulation)
     return solution