def assign(self, receiving, giving, annotate=None):

      out = backend.FunctionAssigner.assign(self, receiving, giving)
      to_annotate = utils.to_annotate(annotate)

      if to_annotate:
        # Receiving is always a single Function, or a single Function.sub(foo).sub(bar)

        # If the user passes in v.sub(0) to this function, we need to get a handle on v;
        # fetch that now
        receiving_super = get_super_function(receiving)
        receiving_fnspace = receiving_super.function_space()
        receiving_identity = utils.get_identity_block(receiving_fnspace)
        receiving_idx = get_super_idx(receiving)

        rhs = FunctionAssignerRHS(self, self.adj_function_assigner, receiving_super, receiving_idx, giving)
        receiving_dep =

        solving.register_initial_conditions(zip(rhs.coefficients(),rhs.dependencies()), linear=True)
        if backend.parameters["adjoint"]["record_all"]:
          adjglobals.adjointer.record_variable(receiving_dep, libadjoint.MemoryStorage(adjlinalg.Vector(receiving_super)))

        eq = libadjoint.Equation(receiving_dep, blocks=[receiving_identity], targets=[receiving_dep], rhs=rhs)
        cs = adjglobals.adjointer.register_equation(eq)

        solving.do_checkpoint(cs, receiving_dep, rhs)

      return out
        def __init__(self, solver, dt, ic_var, frozen_expressions, frozen_constants):
            self.solver = solver
            if hasattr(self.solver, "reset"):
            self.dt = dt

            self.scheme = scheme = solver.scheme()
            self.time = float(scheme.t())
            self.form = scheme.rhs_form()
            self.fn_space = scheme.solution().function_space()

            self.coeffs = [
                coeff for coeff in ufl.algorithms.extract_coefficients(self.form) if hasattr(coeff, "function_space")
            self.deps = [adjglobals.adj_variables[coeff] for coeff in self.coeffs]

            solving.register_initial_conditions(zip(self.coeffs, self.deps), linear=True)

            self.ic_var = ic_var
            if scheme.solution() not in self.coeffs:

            self.frozen_expressions = frozen_expressions
            self.frozen_constants = frozen_constants
        def step(self, dt, annotate=None):

            to_annotate = utils.to_annotate(annotate)

            if to_annotate:
                scheme = self.scheme()
                var = scheme.solution()
                fn_space = var.function_space()

                current_var = adjglobals.adj_variables[var]
                if not adjglobals.adjointer.variable_known(current_var):
                    solving.register_initial_conditions([(var, current_var)], linear=True)

                identity_block = utils.get_identity_block(fn_space)
                frozen_expressions = expressions.freeze_dict()
                frozen_constants = constant.freeze_dict()
                rhs = PointIntegralRHS(self, dt, current_var, frozen_expressions, frozen_constants)
                next_var =

                eqn = libadjoint.Equation(next_var, blocks=[identity_block], targets=[next_var], rhs=rhs)
                cs = adjglobals.adjointer.register_equation(eqn)

            super(PointIntegralSolver, self).step(dt)

            if to_annotate:
                curtime = float(scheme.t())
                scheme.t().assign(curtime)  # so that d-a sees the time update, which is implict in step

                solving.do_checkpoint(cs, next_var, rhs)

                if dolfin.parameters["adjoint"]["record_all"]:
                    adjglobals.adjointer.record_variable(next_var, libadjoint.MemoryStorage(adjlinalg.Vector(var)))
def interpolate(v, V, annotate=None, name=None):
    '''The interpolate call changes Function data, and so it too must be annotated so that the
    adjoint and tangent linear models may be constructed automatically by libadjoint.

    To disable the annotation of this function, just pass :py:data:`annotate=False`. This is useful in
    cases where the interpolation is known to be irrelevant or diagnostic for the purposes of the adjoint
    computation (such as interpolating fields to other function spaces for the purposes of

    out = backend.interpolate(v, V)
    if name is not None:
        out.adj_name = name

    to_annotate = utils.to_annotate(annotate)

    if isinstance(v, backend.Function) and to_annotate:
        rhsdep = adjglobals.adj_variables[v]
        if adjglobals.adjointer.variable_known(rhsdep):
            rhs = InterpolateRHS(v, V)
            identity_block = utils.get_identity_block(V)

            solving.register_initial_conditions(zip(rhs.coefficients(),rhs.dependencies()), linear=True)

            dep =

            if backend.parameters["adjoint"]["record_all"]:
                adjglobals.adjointer.record_variable(dep, libadjoint.MemoryStorage(adjlinalg.Vector(out)))

            initial_eq = libadjoint.Equation(dep, blocks=[identity_block], targets=[dep], rhs=rhs)
            cs = adjglobals.adjointer.register_equation(initial_eq)

            solving.do_checkpoint(cs, dep, rhs)

    return out
def annotate_split(bigfn, idx, smallfn, bcs):
    fn_space = smallfn.function_space().collapse()
    test = backend.TestFunction(fn_space)
    trial = backend.TrialFunction(fn_space)
    eq_lhs = backend.inner(test, trial)*backend.dx

    diag_name = "Split:%s:" % idx + hashlib.md5(str(eq_lhs) + "split" + str(smallfn) + str(bigfn) + str(idx) + str(random.random())).hexdigest()

    diag_deps = []
    diag_block = libadjoint.Block(diag_name, dependencies=diag_deps, test_hermitian=backend.parameters["adjoint"]["test_hermitian"], test_derivative=backend.parameters["adjoint"]["test_derivative"])

    solving.register_initial_conditions([(bigfn, adjglobals.adj_variables[bigfn])], linear=True, var=None)

    var =
    frozen_expressions_dict = expressions.freeze_dict()

    def diag_assembly_cb(dependencies, values, hermitian, coefficient, context):
        '''This callback must conform to the libadjoint Python block assembly
        interface. It returns either the form or its transpose, depending on
        the value of the logical hermitian.'''

        assert coefficient == 1

        value_coeffs=[ for v in values]
        eq_l = eq_lhs

        if hermitian:
            adjoint_bcs = [utils.homogenize(bc) for bc in bcs if isinstance(bc, backend.DirichletBC)] + [bc for bc in bcs if not isinstance(bc, backend.DirichletBC)]
            if len(adjoint_bcs) == 0: adjoint_bcs = None
            return (adjlinalg.Matrix(backend.adjoint(eq_l), bcs=adjoint_bcs), adjlinalg.Vector(None, fn_space=fn_space))
            return (adjlinalg.Matrix(eq_l, bcs=bcs), adjlinalg.Vector(None, fn_space=fn_space))
    diag_block.assemble = diag_assembly_cb

    rhs = SplitRHS(test, bigfn, idx)

    eqn = libadjoint.Equation(var, blocks=[diag_block], targets=[var], rhs=rhs)

    cs = adjglobals.adjointer.register_equation(eqn)
    solving.do_checkpoint(cs, var, rhs)

    if backend.parameters["adjoint"]["fussy_replay"]:
        mass = eq_lhs
        smallfn_massed = backend.Function(fn_space)
        backend.solve(mass == backend.action(mass, smallfn), smallfn_massed)
        assert False, "No idea how to assign to a subfunction yet .. "
        #assignment.dolfin_assign(bigfn, smallfn_massed)

    if backend.parameters["adjoint"]["record_all"]:
        smallfn_record = backend.Function(fn_space)
        assignment.dolfin_assign(smallfn_record, smallfn)
        adjglobals.adjointer.record_variable(var, libadjoint.MemoryStorage(adjlinalg.Vector(smallfn_record)))
Beispiel #6
def register_assign(new, old, op=None):

    if not isinstance(old, backend.Function):
        assert op is not None

    fn_space = new.function_space()
    identity_block = utils.get_identity_block(fn_space)
    dep =

    if backend.parameters["adjoint"]["record_all"] and isinstance(old, backend.Function):
        adjglobals.adjointer.record_variable(dep, libadjoint.MemoryStorage(adjlinalg.Vector(old)))

    rhs = IdentityRHS(old, fn_space, op)
    register_initial_conditions(zip(rhs.coefficients(),rhs.dependencies()), linear=True)
    initial_eq = libadjoint.Equation(dep, blocks=[identity_block], targets=[dep], rhs=rhs)
    cs = adjglobals.adjointer.register_equation(initial_eq)

    do_checkpoint(cs, dep, rhs)
  def solve(self, *args, **kwargs):

    timer = backend.Timer("Matrix-free solver")

    annotate = True
    if "annotate" in kwargs:
      annotate = kwargs["annotate"]
      del kwargs["annotate"]

    if len(args) == 3:
      A = args[0]
      x = args[1]
      b = args[2]
    elif len(args) == 2:
      A = self.operators[0]
      x = args[0]
      b = args[1]

    if annotate:
      if not isinstance(A, AdjointKrylovMatrix):
          A = AdjointKrylovMatrix(A.form)
        except AttributeError:
          raise libadjoint.exceptions.LibadjointErrorInvalidInputs("Your A has to either be an AdjointKrylovMatrix or have been assembled after backend_adjoint was imported.")

      if not hasattr(x, 'function'):
        raise libadjoint.exceptions.LibadjointErrorInvalidInputs("Your x has to come from code like down_cast(my_function.vector()).")

      if not hasattr(b, 'form'):
        raise libadjoint.exceptions.LibadjointErrorInvalidInputs("Your b has to have the .form attribute: was it assembled with from backend_adjoint import *?")

      if not hasattr(A, 'dependencies'):
        backend.info_red("A has no .dependencies method; assuming no nonlinear dependencies of the matrix-free operator.")
        coeffs = []
        dependencies = []
        coeffs = [coeff for coeff in A.dependencies() if hasattr(coeff, 'function_space')]
        dependencies = [adjglobals.adj_variables[coeff] for coeff in coeffs]

      if len(dependencies) > 0:
        assert hasattr(A, "set_dependencies"), "Need a set_dependencies method to replace your values, if you have nonlinear dependencies ... "

      rhs = adjrhs.RHS(b.form)

      diag_name = hashlib.md5(str(hash(A)) + str(random.random())).hexdigest()
      diag_block = libadjoint.Block(diag_name, dependencies=dependencies, test_hermitian=backend.parameters["adjoint"]["test_hermitian"], test_derivative=backend.parameters["adjoint"]["test_derivative"])

      solving.register_initial_conditions(zip(rhs.coefficients(),rhs.dependencies()) + zip(coeffs, dependencies), linear=False, var=None)

      var =

      frozen_expressions_dict = expressions.freeze_dict()
      frozen_parameters = self.parameters.to_dict()

      def diag_assembly_cb(dependencies, values, hermitian, coefficient, context):
        '''This callback must conform to the libadjoint Python block assembly
        interface. It returns either the form or its transpose, depending on
        the value of the logical hermitian.'''

        assert coefficient == 1


        if len(dependencies) > 0:
          A.set_dependencies(dependencies, [ for val in values])

        if hermitian:
          A_transpose = A.hermitian()
          return (MatrixFree(A_transpose, fn_space=x.function.function_space(), bcs=A_transpose.bcs,
                             parameters=frozen_parameters), adjlinalg.Vector(None, fn_space=x.function.function_space()))
          return (MatrixFree(A, fn_space=x.function.function_space(), bcs=b.bcs,
                             parameters=frozen_parameters), adjlinalg.Vector(None, fn_space=x.function.function_space()))
      diag_block.assemble = diag_assembly_cb

      def diag_action_cb(dependencies, values, hermitian, coefficient, input, context):
        A.set_dependencies(dependencies, [ for val in values])

        if hermitian:
          acting_mat = A.transpose()
          acting_mat = A

        output_fn = backend.Function(
        acting_mat.mult(, output_fn.vector())
        vec = output_fn.vector()
        for i in range(len(vec)):
          vec[i] = coefficient * vec[i]

        return adjlinalg.Vector(output_fn)
      diag_block.action = diag_action_cb

      if len(dependencies) > 0:
        def derivative_action(dependencies, values, variable, contraction_vector, hermitian, input, coefficient, context):
          A.set_dependencies(dependencies, [ for val in values])

          action = A.derivative_action(values[dependencies.index(variable)].data,, hermitian,, coefficient)
          return adjlinalg.Vector(action)
        diag_block.derivative_action = derivative_action

      eqn = libadjoint.Equation(var, blocks=[diag_block], targets=[var], rhs=rhs)
      cs = adjglobals.adjointer.register_equation(eqn)
      solving.do_checkpoint(cs, var, rhs)

    out = backend.PETScKrylovSolver.solve(self, *args)

    if annotate:
      if backend.parameters["adjoint"]["record_all"]:
        adjglobals.adjointer.record_variable(var, libadjoint.MemoryStorage(adjlinalg.Vector(x.function)))


    return out
Beispiel #8
def dolfin_adjoint_assign(self, other, annotate=None, *args, **kwargs):
    '''We also need to monkeypatch the Function.assign method, as it is often used inside
    the main time loop, and not annotating it means you get the adjoint wrong for totally
    nonobvious reasons. If anyone objects to me monkeypatching your objects, my apologies
    in advance.'''

    if self is other:

    to_annotate = utils.to_annotate(annotate)
    # if we shouldn't annotate, just assign
    if not to_annotate:
        return dolfin_assign(self, other, *args, **kwargs)

    if isinstance(other, ufl.algebra.Sum) or isinstance(other, ufl.algebra.Product):
        if backend.__name__ != 'dolfin':
            errmsg = '''Cannot use Function.assign(linear combination of other Functions) yet.'''
            raise libadjoint.exceptions.LibadjointErrorNotImplemented(errmsg)
            lincom = _check_and_contract_linear_comb(other, self)
        lincom = [(other, 1.0)]

    # ignore anything not a backend.Function, unless the user insists
    if not isinstance(other, backend.Function) and (annotate is not True):
        return dolfin_assign(self, other, *args, **kwargs)

    # ignore anything that is an interpolation, rather than a straight assignment
    if hasattr(self, "function_space") and hasattr(other, "function_space"):
        if str(self.function_space()) != str(other.function_space()):
            return dolfin_assign(self, other, *args, **kwargs)

    functions, weights = zip(*lincom)

    self_var = adjglobals.adj_variables[self]
    function_vars = [adjglobals.adj_variables[function] for function in functions]

    # ignore any functions we haven't seen before -- we DON'T want to
    # annotate the assignment of initial conditions here. That happens
    # in the main solve wrapper.
    for function_var in function_vars:
        if not adjglobals.adjointer.variable_known(function_var) and not adjglobals.adjointer.variable_known(self_var) and (annotate is not True):
            [adjglobals.adj_variables.forget(function) for function in functions]

            return dolfin_assign(self, other, *args, **kwargs)

    # OK, so we have a variable we've seen before. Beautiful.
    if not adjglobals.adjointer.variable_known(self_var):

    out = dolfin_assign(self, other, *args, **kwargs)

    fn_space = self.function_space()
    identity_block = utils.get_identity_block(fn_space)
    dep =

    if backend.parameters["adjoint"]["record_all"]:
        adjglobals.adjointer.record_variable(dep, libadjoint.MemoryStorage(adjlinalg.Vector(self)))

    rhs = LinComRHS(functions, weights, fn_space)
    register_initial_conditions(zip(rhs.coefficients(),rhs.dependencies()), linear=True)
    initial_eq = libadjoint.Equation(dep, blocks=[identity_block], targets=[dep], rhs=rhs)
    cs = adjglobals.adjointer.register_equation(initial_eq)

    do_checkpoint(cs, dep, rhs)

    return out