Beispiel #1
   def insert_song(self , songname ):
           This function takes a song object and insert the data into apropriate  table
           if the table where song has to insert are not present the function will raise
           error specifing the problem . It will also raise error message for an attempt 
           to cache a particular song more than ones.  
        extract_object = song.extract()
        song_object = extract_object.extract_file(songname)
        if not ( os.path.exists(songname)):
             raise IOError(" The file named %s not found" %songname)
	if not (self.is_cached_folder(os.path.dirname(songname))):
	     self.create_folder( os.path.dirname( songname ) )
        try :
	     iscached = self.is_cached_song(songname)
	except  IOError,error:
             raise IOError(" cannot insert the song object filename = {0} because {1} ".format(song_object.get_filename() ,error))          
Beispiel #2
   def insert_song(self , songname ):
           This function takes a song object and insert the data into apropriate  table
           if the table where song has to insert are not present the function will raise
           error specifing the problem . It will also raise error message for an attempt 
           to cache a particular song more than ones.  
        extract_object = song.extract()
        song_object = extract_object.extract_file(songname)
        if not ( os.path.exists(songname)):
             raise IOError(" The file named %s not found" %songname)
	#if not (self.is_cached_folder(os.path.dirname(songname))):
	#     self.create_folder( os.path.dirname( songname ) )
	iscached = self.is_cached_song(songname)
        if ( self.is_cached_song(songname)) :
             raise IOError(" Attempt to insert an already cached file : %s " %song_object.get_filename())
        else :
	     conn = self.connectDB()
	     c    = conn.cursor()
             mrow = song_object.get_info() 
             row  = self.filt(mrow)
             crow = (
                        row[13],row[14],row[0] ) 
             c.execute("""insert into CachedList values 
                          ( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?
                          ,? )""",crow)
	     print " properly inserted "  # todo not needed step #
Beispiel #3
import cache
import song
import sqlite3
import os

extru = song.extract()
song_obj = extru.extract_file("/home/nikhcc/neeyam.mp3")
print song_obj.get_info()
Beispiel #4
   def insert_song(self , songname ):
           This function takes a song object and insert the data into apropriate  table
           if the table where song has to insert are not present the function will raise
           error specifing the problem . It will also raise error message for an attempt 
           to cache a particular song more than ones.  
        extract_object = song.extract()
        song_object = extract_object.extract_file(songname)
        if not ( os.path.exists(songname)):
             raise IOError(" The file named %s not found" %songname)
	#if not (self.is_cached_folder(os.path.dirname(songname))):
	#     self.create_folder( os.path.dirname( songname ) )
	iscached = self.is_cached_song(songname)
        if ( self.is_cached_song(songname)) :
             raise IOError(" Attempt to insert an already cached file : %s " %song_object.get_filename())
        else :
	     conn = self.connectDB()
	     c    = conn.cursor()
             mrow = song_object.get_info() 
             row  = self.filt(mrow)
             crow = (
                        row[13],row[14],row[0] ) 
             #print "kkkkkk"
             #print row[0]
             #print os.path.dirname(row[0]).replace('/','_')
	     #print "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk"
             #for i in range(15):
             #  print row[i] 
             #  print i
             #for i in range(15):
             #  print crow[i] 
             #  print i

             c.execute("""insert into CachedList values 
                          ( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?
                          ,? )""",crow)
	     #c.execute(""" insert into {0} values   
             #      ( '{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}',{5},{6},'{7}',{8},
             #        '{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}' ,'{15}' )""".format(
             #           os.path.dirname(row[14]).replace('/','_'),
             #           row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4],row[5],row[6],
             #           row[7],row[8],row[9],row[10],row[11],row[12],
             #           row[13],row[14],row[0] ) )                        
             #except : pass        
	     print " properly inserted "  # todo not needed step #