def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(SongApp, self).__init__(**kwargs) # open csv file: datafile = open("songs.csv", "r") data = datafile.readlines() newsongs = [] for n in data: values = n.strip().split(',') newsongs.append(values) datafile.close() self.list_song = Songlist() # convert list of list into list of object self.list_song.convert_list(newsongs) self.song_list_data = self.list_song.print()
from import App from kivy.config import Config from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.uix.button import Button from song import Song from songlist import Songlist Config.set('graphics', 'resizable', False) version = "2.0" program_author = "Rizwan" MySongList = Songlist("songs.csv") class SongLearnApp(App): def build(self): Window.size = (1280, 720) self.title = "Songs to be learnt {} - by {}".format( version, program_author) #displaying on the top self.root = Builder.load_file('app.kv') #loading the kv file MySongList.sort_songs_by_year() for i, song in enumerate(MySongList.list_of_songs): new_song_button = Button(text="\"{}\" by {} ({})".format(, song.artist, song.year), id=str(i),
class SongApp(App): # Using StringProperty to for 2 status label in the main screen and 1 status label for pop up screen # Using ListProperty for sorted song button status_text = StringProperty() status_text1 = StringProperty() status_text2 = StringProperty() current_song = StringProperty() song_codes = ListProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(SongApp, self).__init__(**kwargs) # open csv file: datafile = open("songs.csv", "r") data = datafile.readlines() newsongs = [] for n in data: values = n.strip().split(',') newsongs.append(values) datafile.close() self.list_song = Songlist() # convert list of list into list of object self.list_song.convert_list(newsongs) self.song_list_data = self.list_song.print() # Sort a list of song button def press_sort_button(self, song_code): # sort song by name if song_code == "list of song: (name)": self.list_song.sort_name() # sort song by artist elif song_code == "list of song: (artist)": self.list_song.sort_artist() #sort song by year else: self.list_song.sort_year() self.root.ids.entries_box.clear_widgets() self.create_entry_buttons() def build(self): self.title = "Song Application" self.root = Builder.load_file('app.kv') self.create_entry_buttons() self.song_codes = sorted_song.keys() print(self.song_codes) self.current_song = self.song_codes[0] return self.root def create_entry_buttons(self): # display if the song is already learned and unlearned, they will display in different color and text for n in self.song_list_data: if n.status == "y": text = '"{}" by {} ({}) (learned)'.format(, n.artist, int(n.year)) temp_button = Button(text=text, background_color=(0, 1, 0, 1)) temp_button.bind(on_release=self.press_learned) self.root.ids.entries_box.add_widget(temp_button) else: id_song = text = '"{}" by {} ({})'.format(, n.artist, int(n.year)) temp_button = Button(id=id_song, text=text, background_color=(1, 0, 0, 1)) temp_button.bind(on_release=self.press_entry) self.root.ids.entries_box.add_widget(temp_button) self.songlabel = self.list_song.get_total_label() self.status_text1 = self.songlabel # this function is if the user lick the learned song, the status text will display to notice the user know this song is already learned def press_learned(self, instance): n = instance.text self.status_text2 = "You have already learned this song" def press_entry(self, instance): # update status text n = instance.text self.list_song.get_songs( self.root.ids.entries_box.clear_widgets() self.create_entry_buttons() save_csv = self.list_song.get_song_list() datafile = open("songs.csv", "w") for n in save_csv: datafile.write("{},{},{},{}\n".format(n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3])) datafile.close() # function for clear the status def press_clear(self): for instance in self.root.ids.entries_box.children: instance.state = 'normal' self.status_text2 = "" def press_add(self): self.status_text = "Enter details for new Song entry" # this opens the popup # save the song when the user fill in all the information to the table and click save def press_save(self, added_name, added_number, added_artist): if self.root.ids.added_name.text == "" or self.root.ids.added_artist.text == "" or self.root.ids.added_number.text == "": self.status_text = "All fields must be completed" else: new_name = self.root.ids.added_name.text new_artist = self.root.ids.added_artist.text new_number = self.root.ids.added_number.text try: if float(new_number) <= 0: self.status_text = "Please enter a valid number" else: newsong = [] newsong.append(new_name) newsong.append(new_artist) newsong.append(new_number) newsong.append("n") newsonglist = self.list_song.add_song(newsong) self.root.ids.entries_box.clear_widgets() self.create_entry_buttons() # close popup self.root.ids.popup.dismiss() self.clear_fields() except ValueError: self.status_text = "Please enter a valid number" save_csv = self.list_song.get_song_list() datafile = open("songs.csv", "w") for n in save_csv: datafile.write("{},{},{},{}\n".format(n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3])) datafile.close() def clear_fields(self): self.root.ids.added_name.text = "" self.root.ids.added_artist.text = "" self.root.ids.added_number.text = "" def press_cancel(self): self.root.ids.popup.dismiss() self.clear_fields() self.status_text = ""
""" (incomplete) Tests for SongList class """ from songlist import Songlist from song import Song # test empty SongList song_list1 = Songlist() print(song_list1) assert len(song_list1.song_lists) == 0 # test loading songs datafile = open("songs.csv", "r") data = datafile.readlines() newsongs = [] for n in data: values = n.strip().split(',') newsongs.append(values) datafile.close print(newsongs) assert len(newsongs) > 0 # assuming CSV file is not empty # TODO: add tests below to show the various required methods work as expected # test sorting songs song_list1.sort_name() print(song_list1.sort_name) song_list1.sort_artist() print(song_list1.sort_artist) song_list1.sort_year() print(song_list1.sort_year) # test adding a new Song