def collect_matches():
    initial_summoner_name = "GustavEnk"
    region = "EUW"

    summoner = Summoner(name=initial_summoner_name, region=region)
    patch = Patch.from_str("8.9", region=region)

    unpulled_summoner_ids = SortedList([])
    pulled_summoner_ids = SortedList()

    unpulled_match_ids = SortedList()
    pulled_match_ids = SortedList()

    while unpulled_summoner_ids:
        # Get a random summoner from our list of unpulled summoners and pull their match history
        new_summoner_id = random.choice(unpulled_summoner_ids)
        new_summoner = Summoner(id=new_summoner_id, region=region)
        matches = filter_match_history(new_summoner, patch)
        unpulled_match_ids.update([ for match in matches])

        while unpulled_match_ids:
            # Get a random match from our list of matches
            new_match_id = random.choice(unpulled_match_ids)
            new_match = Match(id=new_match_id, region=region)
            for participant in new_match.participants:
                if not in pulled_summoner_ids and not in unpulled_summoner_ids:
            # The above lines will trigger the match to load its data by iterating over all the participants.
            # If you have a database in your datapipeline, the match will automatically be stored in it.
class Episode_scores(object):
  def __init__(self, options):
    self.maxlen = options.score_averaging_length
    self.threshold = options.score_highest_ratio
    self.episode_scores = deque()
    self.episode_scores.append(0) # to avoid 0-div in first averaging
    self.episode_scores_sum = 0
    self.sorted_scores = SortedList()
    self.sorted_scores.add(0) # align to episode_scores
    self.num_episode = 0
    self.options = options

  def add(self, n, global_t, thread_index):
    self.episode_scores_sum += n
    self.sorted_scores.add(-n) # trick to use SortedList in reverse order
    if len(self.episode_scores) > self.maxlen:
      oldest = self.episode_scores.popleft()
      self.episode_scores_sum -= oldest
    self.num_episode += 1
    if self.num_episode % self.options.average_score_log_interval == 0:
      print("@@@ Average Episode score = {:.6f}, s={:9d},th={}".format(self.average(), global_t, thread_index))

  def average(self):
    return self.episode_scores_sum / len(self.episode_scores)

  def is_highscore(self, n):
    sorted_scores = self.sorted_scores
    num_scores = len(sorted_scores)
    index = sorted_scores.index(-n)
    highest_ratio = (index + 1) / num_scores
    return highest_ratio <= self.threshold
class InMemoryBackend(object):
    The backend that keeps the results in the memory.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        def get_timestamp(result):
            return timestamp_parser.parse(result['timestamp'])

        self._results = dict()
        self._sorted = SortedList(key=get_timestamp)

    def disconnect(self):
        return succeed(None)

    def store(self, result):
        Store a single benchmarking result and return its identifier.

        :param dict result: The result in the JSON compatible format.
        :return: A Deferred that produces an identifier for the stored
        id = uuid4().hex
        self._results[id] = result
        return succeed(id)

    def retrieve(self, id):
        Retrive a result by the given identifier.
            return succeed(self._results[id])
        except KeyError:
            return fail(ResultNotFound(id))

    def query(self, filter, limit=None):
        Return matching results.
        matching = []
        for result in reversed(self._sorted):
            if len(matching) == limit:
            if filter.viewitems() <= result.viewitems():
        return succeed(matching)

    def delete(self, id):
        Delete a result by the given identifier.
            result = self._results.pop(id)
            return succeed(None)
        except KeyError:
            return fail(ResultNotFound(id))
def test_delete():
    slt = SortedList(range(20), load=4)
    for val in range(20):
    assert len(slt) == 0
    assert slt._maxes == []
    assert slt._lists == []
def test_remove():
    slt = SortedList()

    assert slt.discard(0) == None
    assert len(slt) == 0

    slt = SortedList([1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5], load=4)


    assert all(tup[0] == tup[1] for tup in zip(slt, [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5]))
class Episode_scores(object):
    def __init__(self, options):
        self.maxlen = options.score_averaging_length
        self.threshold = options.score_highest_ratio
        self.episode_scores = deque()
        self.episode_scores.append(0)  # to avoid 0-div in first averaging
        self.episode_scores_sum = 0
        self.sorted_scores = SortedList()
        self.sorted_scores.add(0)  # align to episode_scores
        self.num_episode = 0
        self.options = options

    def add(self, n, global_t, thread_index):
        self.episode_scores_sum += n
        self.sorted_scores.add(-n)  # trick to use SortedList in reverse order
        if len(self.episode_scores) > self.maxlen:
            oldest = self.episode_scores.popleft()
            self.episode_scores_sum -= oldest
        self.num_episode += 1
        if self.num_episode % self.options.average_score_log_interval == 0:
            print("@@@ Average Episode score = {:.6f}, s={:9d},th={}".format(
                self.average(), global_t, thread_index))

    def average(self):
        return self.episode_scores_sum / len(self.episode_scores)

    def is_highscore(self, n):
        sorted_scores = self.sorted_scores
        num_scores = len(sorted_scores)
        index = sorted_scores.index(-n)
        highest_ratio = (index + 1) / num_scores
        return highest_ratio <= self.threshold
Beispiel #7
 def busiest_servers(self, k: int, arrival: List[int],
                     load: List[int]) -> List[int]:
     available = SortedList(range(k))
     busy = []
     requests = [0] * k
     for i, start in enumerate(arrival):
         while busy and busy[0][0] <= start:
         if not available:
         j = available.bisect_left(i % k)
         if j == len(available):
             j = 0
         idx = available[j]
         requests[idx] += 1
         heapq.heappush(busy, (start + load[i], idx))
     max_cnt = max(requests)
     ans = []
     for i, req in enumerate(requests):
         if req == max_cnt:
     return ans
Beispiel #8
    def trade(self):
        returns = self.returns([,])
        prices = self.get_prices(returns)
        """Trading as described in Algorithm 1"""
        orders = SortedList(key=lambda x: x.price)

        for i in np.arange(self.agent_num):
            orders.add(Order(agent_id=i, price=prices[i]))

        trades = []

        while len(orders) > 1:
            # Draw random agent's action
            bid = np.random.choice(orders)
            cash_left =[bid.agent_id].numpy()
            ask = orders[0]
            _seller_stocks =[self.agent_num + ask.agent_id].numpy()

            if bid.price >= ask.price and cash_left >= ask.price and _seller_stocks > 1:
                _quantity = min(np.floor(cash_left / ask.price),
                _trade = Trade(bid.agent_id, ask.agent_id, _quantity,


            # Comment the following lines to prevent recomputation of utilities during trading.
            returns = self.returns([,])
            prices = self.get_prices(returns)
            orders_temp = SortedList(key=lambda x: x.price)

            for i in orders:
                orders_temp.add(Order(agent_id=i, price=prices[i]))
            orders = orders_temp
Beispiel #9
    def getSkyline(self, buildings: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
        events = {}
        # saving y of each x (start at the left arr and end at the right arr)
        for start, end, height in buildings:
            if start not in events:
                events[start] = ([], [])
            if end not in events:
                events[end] = ([], [])

        # print(events)
        heights_list = SortedList()
        # start with height = 0
        last_height = 0

        ans = []
        # we can use sorted on the key of dictionary to sort and look from smaller x to larger
        for x in sorted(events):
            # for each x, we have 2 arrs: left - heights of start; right - heights of end
            start_heights, end_heights = events[x]
            # iterate through  both arrs and add them to sorted list for start
            for height in start_heights:
            # remove them for end
            for height in end_heights:

            # the height_list could be empty then its 0 else check to see if the max_height is different from previous max_height
            # if its different from previous heiught, append it to answer arr
            # update the last height
            max_height = heights_list[-1] if heights_list else 0
            if max_height != last_height:
                ans.append([x, max_height])
                last_height = max_height
        return ans
Beispiel #10
class MovieRentingSystem:
    def __init__(self, n: int, entries: List[List[int]]):
        self.unrented = defaultdict(SortedList)  # {movie: (price, shop)}
        self.shopAndMovieToPrice = {}  # {(shop, movie): price}
        self.rented = SortedList()  # (price, shop, movie)
        for shop, movie, price in entries:
            self.unrented[movie].add((price, shop))
            self.shopAndMovieToPrice[(shop, movie)] = price

    def search(self, movie: int) -> List[int]:
        return [shop for _, shop in self.unrented[movie][:5]]

    def rent(self, shop: int, movie: int) -> None:
        price = self.shopAndMovieToPrice[(shop, movie)]
        self.unrented[movie].remove((price, shop))
        self.rented.add((price, shop, movie))

    def drop(self, shop: int, movie: int) -> None:
        price = self.shopAndMovieToPrice[(shop, movie)]
        self.unrented[movie].add((price, shop))
        self.rented.remove((price, shop, movie))

    def report(self) -> List[List[int]]:
        return [[shop, movie] for _, shop, movie in self.rented[:5]]
Beispiel #11
class MovieRentingSystem:
    def __init__(self, n: int, entries: List[List[int]]):
        self.movie2priceshops = defaultdict(SortedList)
        self.shopmovie2price = {}
        self.rented_BST = SortedList()  # [(price, shop, movie)]
        for shop, movie, price in entries:
            self.movie2priceshops[movie].add((price, shop))
            self.shopmovie2price[(shop, movie)] = price

    def search(self, movie: int) -> List[int]:
        return [item[1] for item in self.movie2priceshops[movie][:5]]

    def rent(self, shop: int, movie: int) -> None:
        price = self.shopmovie2price[(shop, movie)]
        self.movie2priceshops[movie].remove((price, shop))
        self.rented_BST.add((price, shop, movie))

    def drop(self, shop: int, movie: int) -> None:
        price = self.shopmovie2price[(shop, movie)]
        self.movie2priceshops[movie].add((price, shop))
        self.rented_BST.remove((price, shop, movie))

    def report(self) -> List[List[int]]:
        return [item[1:] for item in self.rented_BST[:5]]
class StockPrice(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__curr = 0
        self.__lookup = {}
        self.__sl_by_price = SortedList()

    def update(self, timestamp, price):
        :type timestamp: int
        :type price: int
        :rtype: None
        if timestamp > self.__curr:
            self.__curr = timestamp
        if timestamp in self.__lookup:
        self.__lookup[timestamp] = price

    def current(self):
        :rtype: int
        return self.__lookup[self.__curr]

    def maximum(self):
        :rtype: int
        return next(reversed(self.__sl_by_price))

    def minimum(self):
        :rtype: int
        return next(iter(self.__sl_by_price))
Beispiel #13
class MKAverage:
    def __init__(self, m: int, k: int):
        self.q = collections.deque()
        self.left = SortedList()
        self.mid = SortedList()
        self.right = SortedList()
        self.sums = 0
        self.m = m
        self.k = k
        self.n = m - 2 * k

    def addElement(self, num: int) -> None:
        if len(self.q) == self.m:

    def calculateMKAverage(self) -> int:
        return -1 if len(self.q) < self.m else self.sums // self.n

    def add(self, num: int) -> None:
        if len(self.left) > self.k:
            self.sums += self.left[-1]
        if len(self.mid) > self.n:
            self.sums -= self.mid[-1]

    def remove(self, num: int) -> None:
        if num <= self.left[-1]:
        elif num <= self.mid[-1]:
            self.sums -= num
        if len(self.left) < self.k:
            self.sums -= self.mid[0]
        if len(self.mid) < self.n:
            self.sums += self.right[0]
Beispiel #14
class ExamRoom:
    def __init__(self, N: int):
        self.used = SortedList()
        self.N = N

    def _addSentinel(self):
        if self.used[0] != 0:
            fst = -self.used[0]
            fst = None
        if self.used[-1] != self.N - 1:
            last = self.N - 1 + (self.N - 1 - self.used[-1])
            last = None
        return fst, last

    def _removeSentinel(self, sentinel):
        fst, last = sentinel
        if fst:
        if last:

    def seat(self) -> int:
        if len(self.used) == 0:
            p = 0
            sentinel = self._addSentinel()
            p = None
            maxDist = -inf
            for i in range(len(self.used) - 1):
                q = (self.used[i] + self.used[i + 1]) // 2
                minDist = min(q - self.used[i], self.used[i + 1] - q)
                if minDist > maxDist:
                    maxDist = minDist
                    p = q
        return p

    def leave(self, p: int) -> None:
class MKAverage:
    def __init__(self, m: int, k: int):
        self.m = m
        self.k = k
        self.queue = deque()

        self.ksmallest = SortedList()
        self.middle = SortedList()
        self.klargest = SortedList()
        self.sum = 0

    def addElement(self, num: int) -> None:
        if len(self.queue) == self.m:
            expired = self.queue.popleft()
            if expired <= self.ksmallest[-1]:
            elif self.middle and expired <= self.middle[-1]:
                self.sum -= expired
        self.sum += num
        if self.ksmallest:
            self.sum += self.ksmallest[-1]
        if self.klargest:
            self.sum += self.klargest[0]
        while self.middle and len(self.ksmallest) < self.k:
            self.sum -= self.middle[0]
        while self.middle and len(self.klargest) < self.k:
            self.sum -= self.middle[-1]

    def calculateMKAverage(self) -> int:
        if len(self.queue) < self.m:
            return -1
        return self.sum // (self.m - self.k * 2)
Beispiel #16
class SCEngine:
    Fast tree-based implementation for indexing, using the
    ``sortedcontainers`` package.

    data : Table
        Sorted columns of the original table
    row_index : Column object
        Row numbers corresponding to data columns
    unique : bool (defaults to False)
        Whether the values of the index must be unique
    def __init__(self, data, row_index, unique=False):
        node_keys = map(tuple, data)
        self._nodes = SortedList(starmap(Node, zip(node_keys, row_index)))
        self._unique = unique

    def add(self, key, value):
        Add a key, value pair.
        if self._unique and (key in self._nodes):
            message = 'duplicate {0:!r} in unique index'.format(key)
            raise ValueError(message)
        self._nodes.add(Node(key, value))

    def find(self, key):
        Find rows corresponding to the given key.
        return [node.value for node in self._nodes.irange(key, key)]

    def remove(self, key, data=None):
        Remove data from the given key.
        if data is not None:
            item = Node(key, data)
            except ValueError:
                return False
            return True
        items = list(self._nodes.irange(key, key))
        for item in items:
        return bool(items)

    def shift_left(self, row):
        Decrement rows larger than the given row.
        for node in self._nodes:
            if node.value > row:
                node.value -= 1

    def shift_right(self, row):
        Increment rows greater than or equal to the given row.
        for node in self._nodes:
            if node.value >= row:
                node.value += 1

    def items(self):
        Return a list of key, data tuples.
        result = OrderedDict()
        for node in self._nodes:
            if node.key in result:
                result[node.key] = [node.value]
        return result.items()

    def sort(self):
        Make row order align with key order.
        for index, node in enumerate(self._nodes):
            node.value = index

    def sorted_data(self):
        Return a list of rows in order sorted by key.
        return [node.value for node in self._nodes]

    def range(self, lower, upper, bounds=(True, True)):
        Return row values in the given range.
        iterator = self._nodes.irange(lower, upper, bounds)
        return [node.value for node in iterator]

    def replace_rows(self, row_map):
        Replace rows with the values in row_map.
        nodes = [node for node in self._nodes if node.value in row_map]
        for node in nodes:
            node.value = row_map[node.value]

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{0!r}'.format(list(self._nodes))
def test_remove_valueerror2():
    slt = SortedList(range(100))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_remove_valueerror1():
    slt = SortedList()
def test_remove_valueerror3():
    slt = SortedList([1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5])
Beispiel #20
class PriorityDict(MutableMapping):
    A PriorityDict provides the same methods as a dict. Additionally, a
    PriorityDict efficiently maintains its keys in value sorted order.
    Consequently, the keys method will return the keys in value sorted order,
    the popitem method will remove the item with the highest value, etc.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        A PriorityDict provides the same methods as a dict. Additionally, a
        PriorityDict efficiently maintains its keys in value sorted order.
        Consequently, the keys method will return the keys in value sorted
        order, the popitem method will remove the item with the highest value,
        If the first argument is the boolean value False, then it indicates
        that keys are not comparable. By default this setting is True and
        duplicate values are tie-breaked on the key. Using comparable keys
        improves the performance of the PriorityDict.
        An optional *iterable* argument provides an initial series of items to
        populate the PriorityDict.  Each item in the sequence must itself
        contain two items. The first is used as a key in the new dictionary,
        and the second as the key's value. If a given key is seen more than
        once, the last value associated with it is retained in the new
        If keyword arguments are given, the keywords themselves with their
        associated values are added as items to the dictionary. If a key is
        specified both in the positional argument and as a keyword argument, the
        value associated with the keyword is retained in the dictionary. For
        example, these all return a dictionary equal to ``{"one": 2, "two":
        * ``SortedDict(one=2, two=3)``
        * ``SortedDict({'one': 2, 'two': 3})``
        * ``SortedDict(zip(('one', 'two'), (2, 3)))``
        * ``SortedDict([['two', 3], ['one', 2]])``
        The first example only works for keys that are valid Python
        identifiers; the others work with any valid keys.
        Note that this constructor mimics the Python dict constructor. If
        you're looking for a constructor like collections.Counter(...), see
        self._dict = dict()

        if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], bool):
            if args[0]:
                self._list = SortedList()
                self._list = SortedListWithKey(key=lambda tup: tup[0])
            self._list = SortedList()

        self.iloc = _IlocWrapper(self)
        self.update(*args, **kwargs)

    def clear(self):
        """Remove all elements from the dictionary."""

    def clean(self, value=0):
        Remove all items with value less than or equal to `value`.
        Default `value` is 0.
        _list, _dict = self._list, self._dict
        pos = self.bisect_right(value)
        for key in (key for value, key in _list[:pos]):
            del _dict[key]
        del _list[:pos]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        """Return True if and only if *key* is in the dictionary."""
        return key in self._dict

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        Remove ``d[key]`` from *d*.  Raises a KeyError if *key* is not in the
        value = self._dict[key]
        self._list.remove((value, key))
        del self._dict[key]

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        Return the priority of *key* in *d*.  Raises a KeyError if *key* is not
        in the dictionary.
        return self._dict[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        Create an iterator over the keys of the dictionary ordered by the value
        sort order.
        return iter(key for value, key in self._list)

    def __reversed__(self):
        Create an iterator over the keys of the dictionary ordered by the
        reversed value sort order.
        return iter(key for value, key in reversed(self._list))

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the number of (key, value) pairs in the dictionary."""
        return len(self._dict)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """Set `d[key]` to *value*."""
        if key in self._dict:
            old_value = self._dict[key]
            self._list.remove((old_value, key))
        self._list.add((value, key))
        self._dict[key] = value

    def copy(self):
        """Create a shallow copy of the dictionary."""
        result = PriorityDict()
        result._dict = self._dict.copy()
        result._list = self._list.copy()
        result.iloc = _IlocWrapper(result)
        return result

    def __copy__(self):
        """Create a shallow copy of the dictionary."""
        return self.copy()

    def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=0):
        Create a new dictionary with keys from `iterable` and values set to
        `value`. The default *value* is 0.
        return PriorityDict((key, value) for key in iterable)

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        Return the value for *key* if *key* is in the dictionary, else
        *default*.  If *default* is not given, it defaults to ``None``,
        so that this method never raises a KeyError.
        return self._dict.get(key, default)

    def has_key(self, key):
        """Return True if and only in *key* is in the dictionary."""
        return key in self._dict

    def pop(self, key, default=_NotGiven):
        If *key* is in the dictionary, remove it and return its value,
        else return *default*. If *default* is not given and *key* is not in
        the dictionary, a KeyError is raised.
        if key in self._dict:
            value = self._dict[key]
            self._list.remove((value, key))
            return self._dict.pop(key)
            if default == _NotGiven:
                raise KeyError
                return default

    def popitem(self, index=-1):
        Remove and return item at *index* (default: -1). Raises IndexError if
        dict is empty or index is out of range. Negative indices are supported
        as for slice indices.
        value, key = self._list.pop(index)
        del self._dict[key]
        return key, value

    def setdefault(self, key, default=0):
        If *key* is in the dictionary, return its value.  If not, insert *key*
        with a value of *default* and return *default*.  *default* defaults to
        if key in self._dict:
            return self._dict[key]
            self._dict[key] = default
            self._list.add((default, key))
            return default

    def elements(self):
        Return an iterator over elements repeating each as many times as its
        count. Elements are returned in value sort-order. If an element’s count
        is less than one, elements() will ignore it.
        values = (repeat(key, value) for value, key in self._list)
        return chain.from_iterable(values)

    def most_common(self, count=None):
        Return a list of the `count` highest priority elements with their
        priority. If `count` is not specified, `most_common` returns *all*
        elements in the dict. Elements with equal counts are ordered by key.
        _list, _dict = self._list, self._dict

        if count is None:
            return [(key, value) for value, key in reversed(_list)]

        end = len(_dict)
        start = end - count

        return [(key, value) for value, key in reversed(_list[start:end])]

    def subtract(self, elements):
        Elements are subtracted from an iterable or from another mapping (or
        counter). Like dict.update() but subtracts counts instead of replacing
        them. Both inputs and outputs may be zero or negative.
        self -= Counter(elements)

    def tally(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Elements are counted from an iterable or added-in from another mapping
        (or counter). Like dict.update() but adds counts instead of replacing
        them. Also, the iterable is expected to be a sequence of elements, not a
        sequence of (key, value) pairs.
        self += Counter(*args, **kwargs)

    def count(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Consume `args` and `kwargs` with a Counter and use that mapping to
        initialize a PriorityDict.
        return PriorityDict(Counter(*args, **kwargs))

    def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Update the dictionary with the key/value pairs from *other*, overwriting
        existing keys.
        *update* accepts either another dictionary object or an iterable of
        key/value pairs (as a tuple or other iterable of length two).  If
        keyword arguments are specified, the dictionary is then updated with
        those key/value pairs: ``d.update(red=1, blue=2)``.
        _list, _dict = self._list, self._dict

        if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and isinstance(args[0], Mapping):
            items = args[0]
            items = dict(*args, **kwargs)

        if (10 * len(items)) > len(_dict):
            _list.update((value, key) for key, value in iteritems(_dict))
            for key, value in iteritems(items):
                old_value = _dict[key]
                _list.remove((old_value, key))
                _dict[key] = value
                _list.add((value, key))

    def index(self, key):
        Return the smallest *i* such that `d.iloc[i] == key`.  Raises KeyError
        if *key* is not present.
        value = self._dict[key]
        return self._list.index((value, key))

    def bisect_left(self, value):
        Similar to the ``bisect`` module in the standard library, this returns
        an appropriate index to insert *value* in PriorityDict. If *value* is
        already present in PriorityDict, the insertion point will be before (to
        the left of) any existing entries.
        return self._list.bisect_left((value,))

    def bisect(self, value):
        """Same as bisect_left."""
        return self._list.bisect((value,))

    def bisect_right(self, value):
        Same as `bisect_left`, but if *value* is already present in
        PriorityDict, the insertion point will be after (to the right
        of) any existing entries.
        return self._list.bisect_right((value, _Biggest))

    def __iadd__(self, that):
        """Add values from `that` mapping."""
        _list, _dict = self._list, self._dict
        if len(_dict) == 0:
            _list.update((value, key) for key, value in iteritems(_dict))
        elif len(that) * 3 > len(_dict):
            for key, value in iteritems(that):
                if key in _dict:
                    _dict[key] += value
                    _dict[key] = value
            _list.update((value, key) for key, value in iteritems(_dict))
            for key, value in iteritems(that):
                if key in _dict:
                    old_value = _dict[key]
                    _list.remove((old_value, key))
                    value = old_value + value
                _dict[key] = value
                _list.add((value, key))
        return self

    def __isub__(self, that):
        """Subtract values from `that` mapping."""
        _list, _dict = self._list, self._dict
        if len(_dict) == 0:
        elif len(that) * 3 > len(_dict):
            for key, value in iteritems(that):
                if key in _dict:
                    _dict[key] -= value
            _list.update((value, key) for key, value in iteritems(_dict))
            for key, value in iteritems(that):
                if key in _dict:
                    old_value = _dict[key]
                    _list.remove((old_value, key))
                    value = old_value - value
                    _dict[key] = value
                    _list.add((value, key))
        return self

    def __ior__(self, that):
        """Or values from `that` mapping (max(v1, v2))."""
        _list, _dict = self._list, self._dict
        if len(_dict) == 0:
            _list.update((value, key) for key, value in iteritems(_dict))
        elif len(that) * 3 > len(_dict):
            for key, value in iteritems(that):
                if key in _dict:
                    old_value = _dict[key]
                    _dict[key] = old_value if old_value > value else value
                    _dict[key] = value
            _list.update((value, key) for key, value in iteritems(_dict))
            for key, value in iteritems(that):
                if key in _dict:
                    old_value = _dict[key]
                    _list.remove((old_value, key))
                    value = old_value if old_value > value else value
                _dict[key] = value
                _list.add((value, key))
        return self

    def __iand__(self, that):
        """And values from `that` mapping (min(v1, v2))."""
        _list, _dict = self._list, self._dict
        if len(_dict) == 0:
        elif len(that) * 3 > len(_dict):
            for key, value in iteritems(that):
                if key in _dict:
                    old_value = _dict[key]
                    _dict[key] = old_value if old_value < value else value
            _list.update((value, key) for key, value in iteritems(_dict))
            for key, value in iteritems(that):
                if key in _dict:
                    old_value = _dict[key]
                    _list.remove((old_value, key))
                    value = old_value if old_value < value else value
                    _dict[key] = value
                    _list.add((value, key))
        return self

    def __add__(self, that):
        """Add values from this and `that` mapping."""
        result = PriorityDict()
        _list, _dict = result._list, result._dict
        for key, value in iteritems(that):
            if key in _dict:
                _dict[key] += value
                _dict[key] = value
        _list.update((value, key) for key, value in iteritems(_dict))
        return result

    def __sub__(self, that):
        """Subtract values in `that` mapping from this."""
        result = PriorityDict()
        _list, _dict = result._list, result._dict
        for key, value in iteritems(that):
            if key in _dict:
                _dict[key] -= value
        _list.update((value, key) for key, value in iteritems(_dict))
        return result

    def __or__(self, that):
        """Or values from this and `that` mapping."""
        result = PriorityDict()
        _list, _dict = result._list, result._dict
        for key, value in iteritems(that):
            if key in _dict:
                old_value = _dict[key]
                _dict[key] = old_value if old_value > value else value
                _dict[key] = value
        _list.update((value, key) for key, value in iteritems(_dict))
        return result

    def __and__(self, that):
        """And values from this and `that` mapping."""
        result = PriorityDict()
        _list, _dict = result._list, result._dict
        for key, value in iteritems(that):
            if key in _dict:
                old_value = _dict[key]
                _dict[key] = old_value if old_value < value else value
        _list.update((value, key) for key, value in iteritems(_dict))
        return result

    def __eq__(self, that):
        """Compare two mappings for equality."""
        if isinstance(that, PriorityDict):
            that = that._dict
        return self._dict == that

    def __ne__(self, that):
        """Compare two mappings for inequality."""
        if isinstance(that, PriorityDict):
            that = that._dict
        return self._dict != that

    def __lt__(self, that):
        """Compare two mappings for less than."""
        if isinstance(that, PriorityDict):
            that = that._dict
        _dict = self._dict
        return (_dict != that and self <= that)

    def __le__(self, that):
        """Compare two mappings for less than equal."""
        if isinstance(that, PriorityDict):
            that = that._dict
        _dict = self._dict
        return (len(_dict) <= len(that) and
                all(_dict[key] <= that[key] if key in that else False
                    for key in _dict))

    def __gt__(self, that):
        """Compare two mappings for greater than."""
        if isinstance(that, PriorityDict):
            that = that._dict
        _dict = self._dict
        return (_dict != that and self >= that)

    def __ge__(self, that):
        """Compare two mappings for greater than equal."""
        if isinstance(that, PriorityDict):
            that = that._dict
        _dict = self._dict
        return (len(_dict) >= len(that) and
                all(_dict[key] >= that[key] if key in _dict else False
                    for key in that))

    def isdisjoint(self, that):
        Return True if no key in `self` is also in `that`.
        This doesn't check that the value is greater than zero.
        To remove keys with value less than or equal to zero see *clean*.
        return not any(key in self for key in that)

    def items(self):
        Return a list of the dictionary's items (``(key, value)``
        pairs). Items are ordered by their value from least to greatest.
        return list((key, value) for value, key in self._list)

    def iteritems(self):
        Return an iterable over the items (``(key, value)`` pairs) of the
        dictionary. Items are ordered by their value from least to greatest.
        return iter((key, value) for value, key in self._list)

    def viewitems(self):
        In Python 2.7 and later, return a new `ItemsView` of the dictionary's
        items. Beware iterating the `ItemsView` as items are unordered.
        In Python 2.6, raise a NotImplementedError.
        if hexversion < 0x03000000:
            return self._dict.viewitems()
            return self._dict.items()

    def keys(self):
        Return a list of the dictionary's keys. Keys are ordered
        by their corresponding value from least to greatest.
        return list(key for value, key in self._list)

    def iterkeys(self):
        Return an iterable over the keys of the dictionary. Keys are ordered
        by their corresponding value from least to greatest.
        return iter(key for value, key in self._list)

    def viewkeys(self):
        In Python 2.7 and later, return a new `KeysView` of the dictionary's
        keys. Beware iterating the `KeysView` as keys are unordered.
        In Python 2.6, raise a NotImplementedError.
        if hexversion < 0x03000000:
            return self._dict.viewkeys()
            return self._dict.keys()

    def values(self):
        Return a list of the dictionary's values. Values are
        ordered from least to greatest.
        return list(value for value, key in self._list)

    def itervalues(self):
        Return an iterable over the values of the dictionary. Values are
        iterated from least to greatest.
        return iter(value for value, key in self._list)

    def viewvalues(self):
        In Python 2.7 and later, return a `ValuesView` of the dictionary's
        values. Beware iterating the `ValuesView` as values are unordered.
        In Python 2.6, raise a NotImplementedError.
        if hexversion < 0x03000000:
            return self._dict.viewvalues()
            return self._dict.values()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return a string representation of PriorityDict."""
        return 'PriorityDict({0})'.format(repr(dict(self)))

    def _check(self):
        assert len(self._dict) == len(self._list)
        assert all(key in self._dict and self._dict[key] == value
                   for value, key in self._list)
Beispiel #21
def test_remove_valueerror2():
    slt = SortedList(range(100), load=10)
Beispiel #22
def test_remove_valueerror2():
    slt = SortedList(range(100))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Beispiel #23
def _all_segment_intersections_no_horizontal(segments):  # noqa
    # Must be unique
    assert len(set(segments)) == len(segments)
    segments = list(segments)

    # Must not be degenerate
    for segment in segments:
        assert segment[0] != segment[1]

    # Use the convention from the book: sweep on Y axis
    def event_key(pt):
        return (pt[1], pt[0])

    # From point to list of segments
    event_queue = SortedDict(event_key)

    def add_event(pt, segment_key=None):
        if pt not in event_queue:
            event_queue[pt] = []
        if segment_key is not None:

    for i, segment in enumerate(segments):
        if event_key(segment[0]) < event_key(segment[1]):
            add_event(segment[0], _SweepKey(segment, segment[0]))
            add_event(segment[1], None)
            add_event(segment[0], None)
            add_event(segment[1], _SweepKey(segment, segment[1]))

    active = SortedList()

    y = -math.inf

    while len(event_queue) > 0:
        v = event_queue.popitem(0)
        pt, segstarts = v

        # Can't be > since while there are no horizontal segments,
        # there can still be points in horizontal relation to one another
        assert pt[1] >= y
        y = pt[1]

        # Find all segments within the event point

        fake_segment = ((pt[0], pt[1]), (pt[0], pt[1] + 1))
        fake_key = _SweepKey(fake_segment, pt)

        touches = []

        # The next lower / higher keys, respectively, to enter new events for
        neighbours = []

        if _extra_checks:
            _assert_fully_sorted(list(active), y)
        # Iterate on both sides
        for it in (
                              inclusive=(True, True),
                active.irange(fake_key, None, inclusive=(False, True)),
            neighbour = None
            for sweep_key in it:
                if sweep_key.at_y(y) != pt[0]:
                    neighbour = sweep_key

        # Remove the old sweep keys
        for touch in touches:

        segments_at_pt = [
            sweep_key.segment for sweep_key in touches + segstarts
        if len(segments_at_pt) > 1:
            yield (pt, tuple(segments_at_pt))

        # Create new _SweepKeys, automatically sorts
        # according to order after point
        sweep_keys = []
        for segment in segments_at_pt:
            # Is this segment still relevant?
            if max(segment[0][1], segment[1][1]) <= pt[1]:
            sweep_keys.append(_SweepKey(segment, pt))

        sweep_keys = list(sorted(sweep_keys))

        # Add new events for neighbours
        if len(sweep_keys) == 0:
            # If we just removed stuff, the neighbours might now meet...
            if neighbours[0] is not None and neighbours[1] is not None:
                ipt = _nonparallel_intersection_point(neighbours[0].segment,
                if ipt and ipt[1] > pt[1]:


        if neighbours[0] is not None:
            ipt = _nonparallel_intersection_point(sweep_keys[0].segment,
            # hyp.note(fstr('IPTL', ipt, pt))
            if ipt and ipt[1] > pt[1]:

        if neighbours[1] is not None:
            ipt = _nonparallel_intersection_point(sweep_keys[-1].segment,
            # hyp.note(fstr('IPTR', ipt, pt))
            if ipt and ipt[1] > pt[1]:

        # Add them in and continue
        for sweep_key in sweep_keys:
Beispiel #24
class TxGraph(object):
    """represents a graph of all transactions
    within the current window

        median(float)   :   the current median of the degree of the nodes
        highMarker(int) :   the latest timestamp seen so far
        lowMarker(int)  :   the earliest timestamp of the window we are
                            interested in
        txMap(dict)     :   this is a collection of EdgeList's with key being
                            the timestamp and the value an instance of EdgeList
        edgeMap(dict)   :   this is collection of all Edges within a window
                            with key being the name of an Edge
        nodeMap(dict)   :   this represents a collection of Nodes with a window
                            with key being the name of the Node
        degreeList(list):   list of degrees of noded (sorted)

    WINDOW_SIZE = 60
    def __init__(self):
        self.median = 0
        self.highMarker = TxGraph.WINDOW_SIZE
        self.lowMarker = 1
        self.txMap = SortedDict() #sorted by unix epoch (timestamp)
        self.edgeMap = SortedDict() #sorted by edge name
        self.nodeMap = SortedDict() #sorted by node name
        self.degreeList = SortedList() #sorted by degreeList
    def __calculate_median(self, use_existing_list=False):
        """calculates median by adding degrees to a sortedlist
        if not use_existing_list:
            #lets reconstruct the list
            self.degreeList = SortedList()
            for node in self.nodeMap.itervalues():
                if > 0:

        listLen = len(self.degreeList)
        if listLen == 0:
            raise Exception("No items in the degreeList")

        if listLen == 1:
            return self.degreeList[0]/1.0

        if (listLen % 2) == 0: 
            return (self.degreeList[listLen/2] + self.degreeList[(listLen/2) - 1]) / 2.0
        return self.degreeList[listLen/2]/1.0

    def __get_edgelist(self, tstamp, create=True):
        """returns an instance of EdgeList with matching
        timestamp and creates one if needed
        edgeList = self.txMap.get(tstamp, None)
        if edgeList is None and create is True:
            edgeList = EdgeList(tstamp)
            self.txMap[tstamp] = edgeList
        return edgeList

    def __getnode_with_name(self, name, create=True):
        """returns an instance of Node with matching name
        and creates one if necessary

            name(str)   :   name of the edge
            create(bool):   flag to indicate whether to create a 
                            missing node
        node = self.nodeMap.get(name, None)
        if node is None and create is True:
            node = Node(name)
            self.nodeMap[name] = node
        return node

    def __incr_degree_of_edge_nodes(self, edge):
        """increments the degree of the two nodes
        of an edge

        src = self.__getnode_with_name(edge.source)
        tar = self.__getnode_with_name(
        return (,
    def __decr_degree_of_edge_nodes(self, edge):
        """decrements the degree of the two nodes
        of an edge
    def __decr_degree_of_node(self, name):
        """decrements the degree of a node
        and removes it from the nodeMap if degree is 0
        node = self.__getnode_with_name(name, create=False)
        if == 0:
            del self.nodeMap[]

    def __remove_edge(self, edge):
        """removes an edge from the graph and updates the 
        degree of a node. If degree of a node goes to 0, then
        remove the node as well
            egde(Edge)   :   An instance of Edge class

        del self.edgeMap[]

    def __update_tstamp_for_existing_edge(self, edgeName, tstamp):
        """updates the timestamp for an existing edge and moves
        the edge to an appropriate EdgeList
            edgeName(str)   :   name of the edge to be updated
            tstamp(int)     :   unix epoch of the timstamp
        currEdge = self.edgeMap[edgeName]
        if not currEdge:
        if tstamp <= currEdge.tstamp:
            return #ignore older transactions within the window
        #remove the edge from the edgelist with old timestamp
        edgeList = self.__get_edgelist(currEdge.tstamp, create=False)
        del edgeList.edges[]

        #update the tstamp in the edge
        currEdge.tstamp = tstamp

        #move this edge to the correct edgelist
        edgeList = self.__get_edgelist(tstamp)
        edgeList.edges[] = currEdge

    def __update_tx_window(self):
        """updates the transaction window of the graph
        This method is called when a newer transaction out the 
        window arrives. It does the following:
        1. Gets the edgeList's that are below the lowMarker
        2. Goes through the edges and deletes them from the edgeMap
        3. Update the degree of the nodes
        4. Moves the window by deleting the stale edgeLists
        tsIter = self.txMap.irange(None, self.lowMarker, inclusive=(True,False))
        lastTStamp = None
        for tstamp in tsIter:
            lastTStamp  = tstamp
            edgeList = self.txMap[tstamp]
            for edge in edgeList.edges.itervalues():

        #lets delete the stale edgelists
        if lastTStamp:
            lowIdx = self.txMap.index(lastTStamp)
            del self.txMap.iloc[:lowIdx+1]
    def process_transaction(self, tstamp, source, target):
        """this is the starting point of transaction processing.
        We first check whether the tx is within the window.
        If it is, then we update the Edge (if it already exists) or 
        create a new Edge if necessary and update the median.
        If the tx is not within the window and is newer, we then
        move the window and remove all stale(older) edges and create
        a new edge for the newer transaction and finally update the
        #basic sanity checks
        if source is None or target is None:
            raise Exception("Invalid node")

        if len(source) == 0 or len(target) == 0:
            raise Exception("Invalid node")

        if source == target:
            raise Exception("source and target cannot be the same")
        #timestamp of the transaction is old and can be ignored
        if tstamp < self.lowMarker:

        #create a new edge representing this transaction     
        newEdge = Edge(tstamp, source, target)
        if tstamp <= self.highMarker:
            if in self.edgeMap:
                self.__update_tstamp_for_existing_edge(, tstamp)
                #no need to recalculate the median here since degree does not change
            """handle new edge
            1. find the edgelist with the same timestamp (if not create it)
            2. add this edge to the edgelist and edgemap
            4. create new Nodes for the edges if needed or update their degrees
            5. update the degreeList with the new degrees
            6. recalculate the median but use the existing degreeList
            edgeList = self.__get_edgelist(tstamp)
            edgeList.edges[] = newEdge
            self.edgeMap[] = newEdge

            this is optimization because most of the degrees of the 
            nodes hasn't changed and therefore we can reuse the existing list
            srcDegree, tarDegree = self.__incr_degree_of_edge_nodes(newEdge)
            if srcDegree == 1:
                self.degreeList.remove(srcDegree - 1)

            if tarDegree == 1:
                self.degreeList.remove(tarDegree - 1)

            self.median = self.__calculate_median(use_existing_list=True)

        """this transaction is newer and we need to move the window
        1. update the low and high markers of the timestamp window
        2. create edgelist with this newer timestamp
        2. add the new edge to the edgelist
        3. add the new edge to the edgemap
        4. create new Nodes of the edges if needed or update their degrees
        5. calculate the median (but reconstruct the degreeList) 
        #this tx is newer and we need to move the window
        self.highMarker = tstamp
        self.lowMarker = tstamp - TxGraph.WINDOW_SIZE + 1

        if in self.edgeMap:
            self.__update_tstamp_for_existing_edge(, tstamp)
            edgeList = self.__get_edgelist(tstamp)
            edgeList.edges[] = newEdge
            self.edgeMap[] = newEdge

        self.median = self.__calculate_median()
Beispiel #25
class Gauge(object):
    """Represents a gauge.  A gauge has a value at any moment.  It can be
    modified by an user's adjustment or an effective momentum.

    __slots__ = (
        #: The base time and value.
        #: A sorted list of momenta.  The items are :class:`Momentum` objects.
        #: The constant maximum value.
        #: The gauge to indicate maximum value.
        #: The constant minimum value.
        #: The gauge to indicate minimum value.
        # internal attributes.

    def __init__(self, value, max, min=0, at=None):
        at = now_or(at)
        self.base = (at, value)
        self._set_range(max, min, at=at, _incomplete=True)

    def __preinit__(self):
        """Called by :meth:`__init__` and :meth:`__setstate__`."""
        self.max_gauge = self.min_gauge = None
        self.momenta = SortedListWithKey(key=by_until)
        self._determination = None
        self._events = SortedList()
        # a weak set of gauges that refer the gauge as a limit gauge.
        self._limited_gauges = WeakSet()

    def determination(self):
        """The cached determination.  If there's no the cache, it redetermines
        and caches that.

        A determination is a sorted list of 2-dimensional points which take
        times as x-values, gauge values as y-values.
        if self._determination is None:
            # redetermine and cache.
            self._determination = Determination(self)
        return self._determination

    def invalidate(self):
        """Invalidates the cached determination.  If you touches the
        determination at the next first time, that will be redetermined.

        You don't need to call this method because all mutating methods such as
        :meth:`incr` or :meth:`add_momentum` calls it.

        :returns: whether the gauge is invalidated actually.
        if self._determination is None:
            return False
        # remove the cached determination.
        self._determination = None
        # invalidate limited gauges together.
        for gauge in self._limited_gauges:
        return True

    def get_max(self, at=None):
        """Predicts the current maximum value."""
        if self.max_gauge is None:
            return self.max_value
            return self.max_gauge.get(at)

    def get_min(self, at=None):
        """Predicts the current minimum value."""
        if self.min_gauge is None:
            return self.min_value
            return self.min_gauge.get(at)

    #: The alias of :meth:`get_max`.
    max = get_max

    #: The alias of :meth:`get_min`.
    min = get_min

    def _set_range(self, max_=None, min_=None, at=None, _incomplete=False):
        at = now_or(at)
        forget_until = at
        # _incomplete=True when __init__() calls it.
        if not _incomplete:
            value = self.get(at)
            in_range_since = self.determination.in_range_since
        items = [('max', max_, self.max_gauge, min),
                 ('min', min_, self.min_gauge, max)]
        for name, limit, prev_limit_gauge, clamp in items:
            if limit is None:
            if prev_limit_gauge is not None:
                # unlink from the previous limit gauge.
            if isinstance(limit, Gauge):
                limit_gauge, limit_value = limit, limit.get(at)
                forget_until = min(forget_until, limit_gauge.base[TIME])
                limit_gauge, limit_value = None, limit
            # set limit attrs
            value_attr, gauge_attr = name + '_value', name + '_gauge'
            if limit_gauge is None:
                setattr(self, value_attr, limit_value)
                setattr(self, gauge_attr, None)
                setattr(self, value_attr, None)
                setattr(self, gauge_attr, limit_gauge)
            if _incomplete or in_range_since is None:
            elif in_range_since <= at:
                value = clamp(value, limit_value)
        if _incomplete:
        return self.forget_past(value, at=forget_until)

    def set_max(self, max, at=None):
        """Changes the maximum.

        :param max: a number or gauge to set as the maximum.
        :param at: the time to change.  (default: now)
        return self._set_range(max_=max, at=at)

    def set_min(self, min, at=None):
        """Changes the minimum.

        :param min: a number or gauge to set as the minimum.
        :param at: the time to change.  (default: now)
        return self._set_range(min_=min, at=at)

    def set_range(self, max=None, min=None, at=None):
        """Changes the both of maximum and minimum at once.

        :param max: a number or gauge to set as the maximum.  (optional)
        :param min: a number or gauge to set as the minimum.  (optional)
        :param at: the time to change.  (default: now)
        return self._set_range(max, min, at=at)

    def _predict(self, at=None):
        """Predicts the current value and velocity.

        :param at: the time to observe.  (default: now)
        at = now_or(at)
        determination = self.determination
        if len(determination) == 1:
            # skip bisect_right() because it is expensive
            x = 0
            x = bisect_right(determination, (at, +inf))
        if x == 0:
            return (determination[0][VALUE], 0.)
            time2, value2 = determination[x]
        except IndexError:
            return (determination[-1][VALUE], 0.)
        time1, value1 = determination[x - 1]
        value = Segment._calc_value(at, time1, time2, value1, value2)
        velocity = Segment._calc_velocity(time1, time2, value1, value2)
        if determination.in_range_since is None:
        elif determination.in_range_since <= time1:
            value = self._clamp(value, at=at)
        return (value, velocity)

    def get(self, at=None):
        """Predicts the current value.

        :param at: the time to observe.  (default: now)
        value, velocity = self._predict(at)
        return value

    def velocity(self, at=None):
        """Predicts the current velocity.

        :param at: the time to observe.  (default: now)
        value, velocity = self._predict(at)
        return velocity

    def goal(self):
        """Predicts the final value."""
        return self.determination[-1][VALUE]

    def incr(self, delta, outbound=ERROR, at=None):
        """Increases the value by the given delta immediately.  The
        determination would be changed.

        :param delta: the value to increase.
        :param outbound: the strategy to control modification to out of the
                         range.  (default: ERROR)
        :param at: the time to increase.  (default: now)

        :raises ValueError: the value is out of the range.
        at = now_or(at)
        prev_value = self.get(at=at)
        value = prev_value + delta
        if outbound == ONCE:
            outbound = OK if self.in_range(at) else ERROR
        if outbound != OK:
            items = [(
                self.get_max, max,,
                'The value to set is bigger than the maximum ({0} > {1})'
            ), (
                self.get_min, min,,
                'The value to set is smaller than the minimum ({0} < {1})'
            for get_limit, clamp, cmp_, error_form in items:
                if not cmp_(delta, 0):
                limit = get_limit(at)
                if not cmp_(value, limit):
                if outbound == ERROR:
                    raise ValueError(error_form.format(value, limit))
                elif outbound == CLAMP:
                    value = clamp(prev_value, limit)
        return self.forget_past(value, at=at)

    def decr(self, delta, outbound=ERROR, at=None):
        """Decreases the value by the given delta immediately.  The
        determination would be changed.

        :param delta: the value to decrease.
        :param outbound: the strategy to control modification to out of the
                         range.  (default: ERROR)
        :param at: the time to decrease.  (default: now)

        :raises ValueError: the value is out of the range.
        return self.incr(-delta, outbound=outbound, at=at)

    def set(self, value, outbound=ERROR, at=None):
        """Sets the current value immediately.  The determination would be

        :param value: the value to set.
        :param outbound: the strategy to control modification to out of the
                         range.  (default: ERROR)
        :param at: the time to set.  (default: now)

        :raises ValueError: the value is out of the range.
        at = now_or(at)
        delta = value - self.get(at=at)
        return self.incr(delta, outbound=outbound, at=at)

    def _clamp(self, value, at=None):
        at = now_or(at)
        max_ = self.get_max(at)
        if value > max_:
            return max_
        min_ = self.get_min(at)
        if value < min_:
            return min_
        return value

    def clamp(self, at=None):
        """Clamps the current value."""
        at = now_or(at)
        value = self._clamp(self.get(at), at=at)
        return self.set(value, outbound=OK, at=at)

    def when(self, value, after=0):
        """When the gauge reaches to the goal value.

        :param value: the goal value.
        :param after: take (n+1)th time.  (default: 0)

        :raises ValueError: the gauge will not reach to the goal value.
        x = 0
        for x, at in enumerate(self.whenever(value)):
            if x == after:
                return at
        form = 'The gauge will not reach to {0}' + \
               (' more than {1} times' if x else '')
        raise ValueError(form.format(value, x))

    def whenever(self, value):
        """Yields multiple times when the gauge reaches to the goal value.

        :param value: the goal value.
        if self.determination:
            determination = self.determination
            first_time, first_value = determination[0]
            if first_value == value:
                yield first_time
            zipped_determination = zip(determination[:-1], determination[1:])
            for (time1, value1), (time2, value2) in zipped_determination:
                if not (value1 < value <= value2 or value1 > value >= value2):
                ratio = (value - value1) / float(value2 - value1)
                yield (time1 + (time2 - time1) * ratio)

    def in_range(self, at=None):
        """Whether the gauge is between the range at the given time.

        :param at: the time to check.  (default: now)
        in_range_since = self.determination.in_range_since
        if in_range_since is None:
            return False
        at = now_or(at)
        return in_range_since <= at

    def _make_momentum(velocity_or_momentum, since=None, until=None):
        """Makes a :class:`Momentum` object by the given arguments.

        Override this if you want to use your own momentum class.

        :param velocity_or_momentum: a :class:`Momentum` object or just a
                                     number for the velocity.
        :param since: if the first argument is a velocity, it is the time to
                      start to affect the momentum.  (default: ``-inf``)
        :param until: if the first argument is a velocity, it is the time to
                      finish to affect the momentum.  (default: ``+inf``)

        :raises ValueError: `since` later than or same with `until`.
        :raises TypeError: the first argument is a momentum, but other
                           arguments passed.
        if isinstance(velocity_or_momentum, Momentum):
            if not (since is until is None):
                raise TypeError('Arguments behind the first argument as a '
                                'momentum should be None')
            momentum = velocity_or_momentum
            velocity = velocity_or_momentum
            if since is None:
                since = -inf
            if until is None:
                until = +inf
            momentum = Momentum(velocity, since, until)
        since, until = momentum.since, momentum.until
        if since == -inf or until == +inf or since < until:
            raise ValueError('\'since\' should be earlier than \'until\'')
        return momentum

    def add_momenta(self, momenta):
        """Adds multiple momenta."""
        for momentum in momenta:
            self._events.add((momentum.since, ADD, momentum))
            if momentum.until != +inf:
                self._events.add((momentum.until, REMOVE, momentum))

    def remove_momenta(self, momenta):
        """Removes multiple momenta."""
        for momentum in momenta:
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError('{0} not in the gauge'.format(momentum))
            self._events.remove((momentum.since, ADD, momentum))
            if momentum.until != +inf:
                self._events.remove((momentum.until, REMOVE, momentum))

    def add_momentum(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Adds a momentum.  A momentum includes the velocity and the times to
        start to affect and to stop to affect.  The determination would be

        All arguments will be passed to :meth:`_make_momentum`.

        :returns: a momentum object.  Use this to remove the momentum by

        :raises ValueError: `since` later than or same with `until`.
        momentum = self._make_momentum(*args, **kwargs)
        return momentum

    def remove_momentum(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Removes the given momentum.  The determination would be changed.

        All arguments will be passed to :meth:`_make_momentum`.

        :raises ValueError: the given momentum not in the gauge.
        momentum = self._make_momentum(*args, **kwargs)
        return momentum

    def momentum_events(self):
        """Yields momentum adding and removing events.  An event is a tuple of
        ``(time, ADD|REMOVE, momentum)``.
        yield (self.base[TIME], None, None)
        momentum_ids = set(id(m) for m in self.momenta)
        for time, method, momentum in list(self._events):
            if id(momentum) not in momentum_ids:
                self._events.remove((time, method, momentum))
            yield time, method, momentum
        yield (+inf, None, None)

    def _rebase(self, value=None, at=None, remove_momenta_before=None):
        """Sets the base and removes momenta between indexes of ``start`` and

        :param value: the value to set coercively.  (default: the current
        :param at: the time to set.  (default: now)
        :param remove_momenta_before: the stopping index of momentum removal.
                                      (default: the last)
        at = now_or(at)
        if value is None:
            value = self.get(at=at)
        for gauge in self._limited_gauges:
            gauge._limit_gauge_rebased(self, value, at=at)
        self.base = (at, value)
        del self.momenta[:remove_momenta_before]
        return value

    def clear_momenta(self, value=None, at=None):
        """Removes all momenta.  The value is set as the current value.  The
        determination would be changed.

        :param value: the value to set coercively.
        :param at: the time base.  (default: now)
        return self._rebase(value, at=at, remove_momenta_before=None)

    def forget_past(self, value=None, at=None):
        """Discards the momenta which doesn't effect anymore.

        :param value: the value to set coercively.
        :param at: the time base.  (default: now)
        at = now_or(at)
        x = self.momenta.bisect_left((-inf, -inf, at))
        return self._rebase(value, at=at, remove_momenta_before=x)

    def _limit_gauge_invalidated(self, limit_gauge):
        """The callback function which will be called at a limit gauge is

    def _limit_gauge_rebased(self, limit_gauge, limit_value, at=None):
        """The callback function which will be called at a limit gauge is
        at = max(now_or(at), self.base[TIME])
        value = self.get(at)
        if self.in_range(at):
            clamp = {self.max_gauge: min, self.min_gauge: max}[limit_gauge]
            value = clamp(value, limit_value)
        self.forget_past(value, at=at)

    def __reduce__(self):
        return restore_gauge, (
            self.__class__, self.base, list(tuple(m) for m in self.momenta),
            self.max_value, self.max_gauge, self.min_value, self.min_gauge

    def __repr__(self, at=None):
        """Example strings:

        - ``<Gauge 0.00/2.00>``
        - ``<Gauge 0.00 between 1.00~2.00>``
        - ``<Gauge 0.00 between <Gauge 0.00/2.00>~<Gauge 2.00/2.00>>``

        at = now_or(at)
        value = self.get(at=at)
        hyper = False
        limit_reprs = []
        limit_items = [(self.max_value, self.max_gauge),
                       (self.min_value, self.min_gauge)]
        for limit_value, limit_gauge in limit_items:
            if limit_gauge is None:
                hyper = True
        form = '<{0} {1:.2f}'
        if not hyper and self.min_value == 0:
            form += '/{2}>'
            form += ' between {3}~{2}>'
        return form.format(type(self).__name__, value, *limit_reprs)
Beispiel #26
class TTLCache(object):
    """A key/value cache implementation where each entry has its own TTL"""

    def __init__(self, cache_name, timer=time.time):
        # map from key to _CacheEntry
        self._data = {}

        # the _CacheEntries, sorted by expiry time
        self._expiry_list = SortedList()

        self._timer = timer

        self._metrics = register_cache("ttl", cache_name, self)

    def set(self, key, value, ttl):
        """Add/update an entry in the cache

            key: key for this entry
            value: value for this entry
            ttl (float): TTL for this entry, in seconds
        expiry = self._timer() + ttl

        e = self._data.pop(key, SENTINEL)
        if e != SENTINEL:

        entry = _CacheEntry(expiry_time=expiry, key=key, value=value)
        self._data[key] = entry

    def get(self, key, default=SENTINEL):
        """Get a value from the cache

            key: key to look up
            default: default value to return, if key is not found. If not set, and the
                key is not found, a KeyError will be raised

            value from the cache, or the default
        e = self._data.get(key, SENTINEL)
        if e == SENTINEL:
            if default == SENTINEL:
                raise KeyError(key)
            return default
        return e.value

    def get_with_expiry(self, key):
        """Get a value, and its expiry time, from the cache

            key: key to look up

            Tuple[Any, float]: the value from the cache, and the expiry time

            KeyError if the entry is not found
            e = self._data[key]
        except KeyError:
        return e.value, e.expiry_time

    def pop(self, key, default=SENTINEL):
        """Remove a value from the cache

        If key is in the cache, remove it and return its value, else return default.
        If default is not given and key is not in the cache, a KeyError is raised.

            key: key to look up
            default: default value to return, if key is not found. If not set, and the
                key is not found, a KeyError will be raised

            value from the cache, or the default
        e = self._data.pop(key, SENTINEL)
        if e == SENTINEL:
            if default == SENTINEL:
                raise KeyError(key)
            return default
        return e.value

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.get(key)

    def __delitem__(self, key):

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self._data

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def expire(self):
        """Run the expiry on the cache. Any entries whose expiry times are due will
        be removed
        now = self._timer()
        while self._expiry_list:
            first_entry = self._expiry_list[0]
            if first_entry.expiry_time - now > 0.0:
            del self._data[first_entry.key]
            del self._expiry_list[0]
Beispiel #27
class Fuzzer(object):
    def __init__(self, classifier, lifecycle=None):
        self.__strings_by_tag = {}
        self.__corpus = SortedList()
        self.__refcounts = {}
        self.__classifier = classifier
        self.__seen = set()
        self.__fully_shrunk = set()
        self.__lifecycle = lifecycle or LifeCycle()
        self.__counter = 0
        assert len(self.__corpus) == len(self.__refcounts) == len(self.__seen) \
            == 1

    def incorporate(self, string):
        key = cache_key(string)
        if key in self.__seen:
        labels = self.__classifier(string)
        item = CorpusItem(string)
        new_labels = set()
        improved_labels = set()

        for l in labels:
            if (
                l not in self.__strings_by_tag or
                item < CorpusItem(self.__strings_by_tag[l])
                if l in self.__strings_by_tag:
                self.__strings_by_tag[l] = string
        if new_labels:
        if improved_labels:

    def fuzz(self):
        while True:
            for target in reversed(self.__corpus):
                key = cache_key(target.string)
                if key not in self.__fully_shrunk:
                    for string in self.__shrinks(target.string):
                        if target not in self.__corpus:

    def __shrinkers(self):
        n = len(self.__corpus[-1].string)
        while n > 1:
            yield self.__cutter(n, n)
            n //= 2

        yield self.__byte_clearing

        n = len(self.__corpus[-1].string)
        while n > 1:
            i = n
            while i > 0:
                yield self.__cutter(i, n)
                i //= 2
            n -= 1

    def __shrinks(self, string):
        for shrinker in self.__shrinkers():
            for s in shrinker(string):
                yield s

    def __byte_clearing(self, string):
        counter = Counter(string)
        for c in sorted(counter, key=lambda x: (-counter[x], x)):
            yield string.replace(bytes([c]), b'')

    def __cutter(self, step, size):
        assert step > 0
        assert size > 0
        def accept(string):
            if size >= len(string):
            i = 0
            while i + size <= len(string):
                yield string[:i] + string[i+size:]
                i += step
        accept.__name__ = '__cutter(%d, %d)' % (step, size)
        return accept

    def __incref(self, string):
        c = self.__refcounts.get(string, 0)
        assert c >= 0
        if c == 0:
            self.__counter += 1
        self.__refcounts[string] = c + 1

    def __decref(self, string):
        assert self.__refcounts[string] > 0
        self.__refcounts[string] -= 1
        if self.__refcounts[string] <= 0:
            self.__counter += 1
            del self.__refcounts[string]
def test_remove_valueerror3():
    slt = SortedList([1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Beispiel #29
class ParetoFront:
    """Maintains an approximate pareto front of ConjectureData objects. That
    is, we try to maintain a collection of objects such that no element of the
    collection is pareto dominated by any other. In practice we don't quite
    manage that, because doing so is computationally very expensive. Instead
    we maintain a random sample of data objects that are "rarely" dominated by
    any other element of the collection (roughly, no more than about 10%).

    Only valid test cases are considered to belong to the pareto front - any
    test case with a status less than valid is discarded.

    Note that the pareto front is potentially quite large, and currently this
    will store the entire front in memory. This is bounded by the number of
    valid examples we run, which is max_examples in normal execution, and
    currently we do not support workflows with large max_examples which have
    large values of max_examples very well anyway, so this isn't a major issue.
    In future we may weish to implement some sort of paging out to disk so that
    we can work with larger fronts.

    Additionally, because this is only an approximate pareto front, there are
    scenarios where it can be much larger than the actual pareto front. There
    isn't a huge amount we can do about this - checking an exact pareto front
    is intrinsically quadratic.

    "Most" of the time we should be relatively close to the true pareto front,
    say within an order of magnitude, but it's not hard to construct scenarios
    where this is not the case. e.g. suppose we enumerate all valid test cases
    in increasing shortlex order as s_1, ..., s_n, ... and have scores f and
    g such that f(s_i) = min(i, N) and g(s_i) = 1 if i >= N, then the pareto
    front is the set {s_1, ..., S_N}, but the only element of the front that
    will dominate s_i when i > N is S_N, which we select with probability
    1 / N. A better data structure could solve this, but at the cost of more
    expensive operations and higher per element memory use, so we'll wait to
    see how much of a problem this is in practice before we try that.

    def __init__(self, random):
        self.__random = random
        self.__eviction_listeners = []

        self.front = SortedList(key=lambda d: sort_key(d.buffer))
        self.__pending = None

    def add(self, data):
        """Attempts to add ``data`` to the pareto front. Returns True if
        ``data`` is now in the front, including if data is already in the
        collection, and False otherwise"""
        data = data.as_result()
        if data.status < Status.VALID:
            return False

        if not self.front:
            return True

        if data in self.front:
            return True

        # We add data to the pareto front by adding it unconditionally and then
        # doing a certain amount of randomized "clear down" - testing a random
        # set of elements (currently 10) to see if they are dominated by
        # something else in the collection. If they are, we remove them.
        assert self.__pending is None
            self.__pending = data

            # We maintain a set of the current exact pareto front of the
            # values we've sampled so far. When we sample a new element we
            # either add it to this exact pareto front or remove it from the
            # collection entirely.
            front = LazySequenceCopy(self.front)

            # We track which values we are going to remove and remove them all
            # at the end so the shape of the front doesn't change while we're
            # using it.
            to_remove = []

            # We now iteratively sample elements from the approximate pareto
            # front to check whether they should be retained. When the set of
            # dominators gets too large we have sampled at least 10 elements
            # and it gets too expensive to continue, so we consider that enough
            # due diligence.
            i = self.front.index(data)

            # First we attempt to look for values that must be removed by the
            # addition of the data. These are necessarily to the right of it
            # in the list.

            failures = 0
            while i + 1 < len(front) and failures < 10:
                j = self.__random.randrange(i + 1, len(front))
                swap(front, j, len(front) - 1)
                candidate = front.pop()
                dom = dominance(data, candidate)
                assert dom != DominanceRelation.RIGHT_DOMINATES
                if dom == DominanceRelation.LEFT_DOMINATES:
                    failures = 0
                    failures += 1

            # Now we look at the points up to where we put data in to see if
            # it is dominated. While we're here we spend some time looking for
            # anything else that might be dominated too, compacting down parts
            # of the list.

            dominators = [data]

            while i >= 0 and len(dominators) < 10:
                swap(front, i, self.__random.randint(0, i))

                candidate = front[i]

                already_replaced = False
                j = 0
                while j < len(dominators):
                    v = dominators[j]

                    dom = dominance(candidate, v)
                    if dom == DominanceRelation.LEFT_DOMINATES:
                        if not already_replaced:
                            already_replaced = True
                            dominators[j] = candidate
                            j += 1
                            dominators[j], dominators[-1] = (
                    elif dom == DominanceRelation.RIGHT_DOMINATES:
                    elif dom == DominanceRelation.EQUAL:
                        j += 1
                i -= 1

            for v in to_remove:
            return data in self.front
            self.__pending = None

    def on_evict(self, f):
        """Register a listener function that will be called with data when it
        gets removed from the front because something else dominates it."""

    def __contains__(self, data):
        return isinstance(data, (ConjectureData, ConjectureResult)) and (
            data.as_result() in self.front

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.front)

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return self.front[i]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.front)

    def __remove(self, data):
        except ValueError:
        if data is not self.__pending:
            for f in self.__eviction_listeners:
Beispiel #30
class TTLCache(object):
    """A key/value cache implementation where each entry has its own TTL"""
    def __init__(self, cache_name, timer=time.time):
        # map from key to _CacheEntry
        self._data = {}

        # the _CacheEntries, sorted by expiry time
        self._expiry_list = SortedList()

        self._timer = timer

    def set(self, key, value, ttl):
        """Add/update an entry in the cache

        :param key: Key for this entry.

        :param value: Value for this entry.

        :param paramttl: TTL for this entry, in seconds.
        :type paramttl: float
        expiry = self._timer() + ttl

        e = self._data.pop(key, SENTINEL)
        if e != SENTINEL:

        entry = _CacheEntry(expiry_time=expiry, key=key, value=value)
        self._data[key] = entry

    def get(self, key, default=SENTINEL):
        """Get a value from the cache

        :param key: The key to look up.
        :param default: default value to return, if key is not found. If not
            set, and the key is not found, a KeyError will be raised.

        :returns a value from the cache, or the default.
        e = self._data.get(key, SENTINEL)
        if e == SENTINEL:
            if default == SENTINEL:
                raise KeyError(key)
            return default
        return e.value

    def get_with_expiry(self, key):
        """Get a value, and its expiry time, from the cache

        :param key: key to look up

        :returns The value from the cache, and the expiry time.
        :rtype: Tuple[Any, float]

            KeyError if the entry is not found
            e = self._data[key]
        except KeyError:
        return e.value, e.expiry_time

    def pop(self, key, default=SENTINEL):
        """Remove a value from the cache

        If key is in the cache, remove it and return its value, else return default.
        If default is not given and key is not in the cache, a KeyError is raised.

        :param key: key to look up
        :param default: default value to return, if key is not found. If not
            set, and the key is not found, a KeyError will be raised

        :returns a value from the cache, or the default
        e = self._data.pop(key, SENTINEL)
        if e == SENTINEL:
            if default == SENTINEL:
                raise KeyError(key)
            return default
        return e.value

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.get(key)

    def __delitem__(self, key):

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self._data

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def expire(self):
        """Run the expiry on the cache. Any entries whose expiry times are due will
        be removed
        now = self._timer()
        while self._expiry_list:
            first_entry = self._expiry_list[0]
            if first_entry.expiry_time - now > 0.0:
            del self._data[first_entry.key]
            del self._expiry_list[0]
Beispiel #31
class Book:
    Represent bid / ask book.
    * Book only allows one user order at a time
    * User order will not affect book statistics like quote and volume

    def __init__(self, side: str, key_func: Optional[Callable[[int], int]]) -> None:
        self.side = side
        self.key_func = key_func if key_func else lambda x: x

        # We need this because price levels follow price priority not time priority (which dict alone can provides)
        self.prices = SortedList(key=key_func)  # Sorted prices
        self.price_levels: Dict[int, PriceLevel] = {}  # Price to level map
        self.order_pool: Dict[int, PriceLevel] = {}  # Order ID to level map
        # Store order price and PriceLevel. We do not need ID since there is only one order
        self.user_order_info: Optional[Tuple[int, PriceLevel]] = None

        self._front_idx: Optional[int] = None

    def reset(self):
        self.user_order_info = None
        self._front_idx = None

    # ========== Order Operations ==========
    def add_limit_order(self, order: LimitOrder) -> None:
        """ Add limit order to the correct price level """
        if in self.order_pool:
            raise RuntimeError(f'LimitOrder {} already exists')

        self.order_pool[] = self._get_price_level(order.price, force_index=True).add_limit_order(order)

    def match_limit_order(self, market_order: MarketOrder) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[Execution]]:
        """ Match environment order against limit order. Remove empty price level where needed """
        # Sometime environment order may not follow time priority. We should follow the referenced order ID in this case
        user_order = None
        target_price_level = self.order_pool[]

        # User orders may create price levels that do not exist in the real market. Need to match against those first
        if target_price_level.price != self.prices[0]:
            top_level = self.price_levels[self.prices[0]]
            if top_level.shares > 0:
                # Shares > 0 means that there are real LimitOrder exists in the top level
                raise RuntimeError('Market order being matched against levels not in the front')
            user_order = top_level.pop_user_order()

        # Now get the user orders that are in front of the matched real LimitOrder
        price_level, exhausted, executed_order = target_price_level.match_limit_order(market_order)

        # It can be that both order are None
        if executed_order is not None:
            user_order = executed_order

        # Whether the matching limit order is already exhausted
        if exhausted:
            del self.order_pool[]

        # Update user order pool and return executions
        return exhausted, self._handle_matched_user_limit_order(user_order) if user_order else None

    def cancel_order(self, order: CancelOrder) -> None:
        """ Cancel (partial) shares of a LimitOrder """

    def delete_order(self, order: DeleteOrder):
        """ Delete the whole LimitOrder """
        price_level = self.order_pool[].delete_order(order)
        del self.order_pool[]

    # ========== User Order Operation ==========
    def add_user_limit_order(self, order: UserLimitOrder) -> None:
        Add user limit order to the correct price level
        * Remove the old user order if exists
        * We do not want to deal with time priority because
            * This simplifies the flow
            * Last action's effect will spill over to the current one
        if self.user_order_info:
            original_id, price_level = self.user_order_info
            price_level.pop_user_order()  # Only one user order is allowed

        self.user_order_info = order.price, self._get_price_level(order.price).add_user_limit_order(order)

    def match_limit_order_for_user(self, order: UserMarketOrder) -> Execution:
        """ Match LimitOrder for UserMarketOrder """
        if self.user_order_info:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot execute MarketOrder on the side that also has user LimitOrder')

        total_value = 0
        shares = 0

        # Recall that we are not actually matching the LimitOrders. No need to remove the executed LimitOrder.
        for price in self.prices:
            executed = order.shares - self.price_levels[price].match_limit_order_for_user(order)
            total_value += price * executed
            shares += executed
            if order.shares == 0:

        if order.shares > 0:
            raise RuntimeError('User market order cannot be fully executed')

        return Execution(, int(total_value / shares), shares if order.side == 'B' else -shares)

    def delete_user_order(self):
        """ Remove user order """
        if self.user_order_info:
            _, price_level = self.user_order_info
            self.user_order_info = None

    def resolve_book_crossing_on_user_order(self, price: int) -> Optional[Execution]:
        User orders may be placed inside the real market, in which case the newly added real order may cross with the
            user orders. When this happens, we assume that the user orders are executed
        signed_price = self.key_func(price)

        quote = self.quote
        if quote and self.key_func(quote) <= signed_price:
            raise RuntimeError('Real order crosses real order')

        if self.user_order_info and self.key_func(self.user_order_info[0]) <= signed_price:
            price_level = self.price_levels[self.user_order_info[0]]
            execution = self._handle_matched_user_limit_order(price_level.pop_user_order())
            # Must be empty
            return execution
        return None

    # ========== Private Methods ==========
    def _get_price_level(self, price: int, force_index=False) -> PriceLevel:
        """ Return price level indicated by price. Price level will be added if not already exists """
        level = self.price_levels.get(price, None)

        # shares == 0 means that the PriceLevel was previously occupied by user order only
        if level is None:
            level = PriceLevel(price)
            self.price_levels[price] = level
            # force_index is used when we are adding a new price level for real order. Order is not added at this point
            #   and shares will be 0. Therefore, we need to force it
            # On the other hand, we still need to run update_front_index for user order because it may change the
            #   ordering
            self._update_front_index(force_index, price)

        elif level.shares == 0:
            self._update_front_index(force_index, price)

        return level

    def _remove_price_level_if_empty(self, price_level: PriceLevel):
        """ Remove PriceLevel if empty """
        if price_level.empty:
            del self.price_levels[price_level.price]
            # "remove" will raise ValueError if not exists

        if price_level.shares == 0:
            # Separate from the logic above because we run be in the situation where real orders are exhausted
            #   but at least one user order is waiting. In this case, this price level is technically gone

    def _update_front_index(self, force_index=False, target_price=None) -> None:
        """ Find out the first price level that has real order """
        if not self.prices:
            self._front_idx = None
            price = self.prices[0]
            if self.price_levels[price].shares > 0 or (force_index and price == target_price):
                self._front_idx = 0
                self._front_idx = 1 if len(self.prices) > 1 else None

    def _handle_matched_user_limit_order(self, order: UserLimitOrder) -> Execution:
        """ Book-keeping actions for UserLimitOrder execution """
        self.user_order_info = None
        return Execution(, order.price, order.shares if self.side == 'B' else -order.shares)

    # ========== Properties ==========
    # These statistics should not include user orders. Otherwise, we may end up being our own market
    def quote(self) -> Optional[int]:
        """ Return the front price without user orders """
        if self._front_idx is not None:
            return self.prices[self._front_idx]
        return None

    def volume(self) -> Optional[int]:
        """ Return the volume at the front without user orders """
        if self._front_idx is not None:
            return self.price_levels[self.quote].shares
        return None

    def get_depth(self, num_levels: int) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
        """ Return the top n price levels without user orders """
        if self._front_idx is not None:
            return [(price, self.price_levels[price].shares)
                    for price in self.prices[self._front_idx: self._front_idx + num_levels]]
        return []

    def empty(self) -> bool:
        if len(self.order_pool) == 0:
            if self.user_order_info is None:
                return len(self.prices) == 0
            return len(self.prices) == 1 and self.price_levels[self.prices[0]].shares == 0
        return False

    def user_order_price(self) -> Optional[int]:
        if self.user_order_info:
            return self.user_order_info[0]
        return None
Beispiel #32
class SweepLine(object):
	This class represents the vertical sweep line which sweeps over 
	the set of segments in the Bentley-Ottmann algorithm.

	At any moment, it contains a sorted list of all the 
	ComparableSegments which intersect with the sweep line in its 
	current position.

	Note that if 2 segments s1 and s2 are overlapping, you cannot 
	assume anything about their order in the sorted queue, as 
	s1 < s2 and s1 > s2 are both false

	Such sorted list would usually rely on a balanced binary search 
	tree data structure in order to have O(log(N)) insertion, 
	deletion and swapping.

	Instead, I chose to use a SortedList of Grant Jenks' SortedContainers 
	module, which has several advantages that you can discover by browsing
	its page. It allows O(log(N)) insertion, deletion and swapping, and I
	find it to be faster in practice.

	def __init__(self):
		Initializes an empty sweep line.
		self.l = SortedList()

	def isEmpty(self):
		Returns true if and only if the sweep line is empty.
		return len(self.l) == 0

	def addSegment(self, seg):
		Adds seg to the sweep line.
		ComparableSegment.currentX = seg.x1 

	def removeSegment(self, seg):
		Removes seg from the sweep line.

	def belowSegments(self, seg):
		Returns a list containing :
		- The highest segment s_below contained in the sweep line 
		such as s_below.isBelow(seg)
		- All the segments s contained before s_below in the sweep 
		line but such as s.isBelow(s_below) is false, (i.e. which have the 
		same y-coordinate at ComparableSegment.currentX and gradient).
		res = []
		# i = index of seg
		i = self.l.index(seg)
		# Passes segments which have same y-coordinate and gradient
		# to find s_below
		while i-1 >= 0:
			prev = self.l[i-1]
			i -= 1
			if prev.isBelow(seg):
		# Appends all the segments which have same y-coordinate and 
		# gradient as s_below
		while i-1 >= 0:
			prev = self.l[i-1]
			if prev.isBelow(res[0]):
			i -= 1
		return res

	def aboveSegments(self, seg):
		Returns a list containing :
		- The lowest segment s_above contained in the sweep line 
		such as seg < s_above
		- All the segments s contained after s_above in the sweep 
		line but such as s_below < s is false, (i.e. which have the 
		same y-coordinate at ComparableSegment.currentX and gradient).
		res = []
		# i = index of seg
		i = self.l.index(seg)
		# Passes segments which have same y-coordinate and gradient
		# to find s_above
		while i+1 < len(self.l):
			succ = self.l[i+1]
			i += 1
			if seg.isBelow(succ):
		# Appends all the segments which have same y-coordinate and 
		# gradient as s_above
		while i+1 < len(self.l):
			succ = self.l[i+1]
			if res[0].isBelow(succ):
			i += 1
		return res

	def sameLevelAs(self, seg):
		Returns a list containing the segments s of the line
		such as s.aboveSegments(seg) and seg.aboveSegments(s) are
		both false, i.e. all the segments with same y-coordinate at 
		ComparableSegment.currentX and gradient as seg.
		i = self.l.index(seg)
		res = [self.l[i]]
		# Looks for same level segments above
		j = i + 1
		while j < len(self.l) and not seg.isBelow(self.l[j]):
			j += 1
		# Looks for same level segments below
		j = i - 1
		while j >= 0 and not self.l[j].isBelow(seg):
			j -= 1
		return res

	def betweenY(self, y_inf, y_sup, x):
		Returns a list of all the segments intersecting the sweep line
		between y-coordinates y_inf and y_sup included, at 
		x-coordinate x
		ComparableSegment.currentX = x
		res = []
		i = 0
		# Passes segments whose y-coordinate is < y_inf
		while i < len(self.l) and self.l[i].yAtX(x) < y_inf:
			i += 1
		while i < len(self.l) and self.l[i].yAtX(x) <= y_sup:
			i += 1

		return res

	def revertOrder(self, x, segments):
		Reverse the order of segments in the sweep line, at coord (x, y).
		indices = []
		for seg in segments:
			ComparableSegment.currentX = seg.x1
		# Update segments currentX so that the swap keep sort order
		ComparableSegment.currentX = x
		# Swaps the segments
		for i in range(floor(len(segments)/2)):
			i1 = indices[i]
			i2 = indices[-i-1]
			self.l[i1] = segments[-i-1]
			self.l[i2] = segments[i]
Beispiel #33
def bentley_ottmann(filename, nodisp=False, noinfo=False):
    Fonction principale de notre projet
    global COUPE
    COUPE = 0
    y_cour = None
    adjuster, segments = load_segments(filename)
    actifs = SortedList()
    evenements = [
    ]  #liste de nos evenements, valeurs des y, que lon transformera en Tas ensuite
    pt_inter = {
    }  #dictionnaire que lon retournera a la fin, associant les segments interseptés
    index = 0
    cache_inters = {}  #cache qui nous dira si on a deja compare 2 seg
    intersections = []  #liste contenant tous nos points dintersections

    for seg in segments:
        #initialisation de nos evenements
        (x_0, y_0) = seg.endpoints[0].coordinates
        (x_1, y_1) = seg.endpoints[1].coordinates
        Segment.y_cour = [x_0, y_0]
        if y_0 < y_1:  #Segments croissant suivant les y
            evenements.append([y_0, -x_0, seg, 'D'])
            evenements.append([y_1, -x_1, seg, 'F'])
        elif y_0 > y_1:  #Segments decroissant suivant les y:
            evenements.append([y_0, -x_0, seg, 'F'])
            evenements.append([y_1, -x_1, seg, 'D'])
        else:  #Cas d'un segment horizontal
            evenements.append([y_1, -min(x_0, x_1), seg, max(x_0, x_1)])

        pt_inter[seg] = []  #Initialisation du dictionnaire
        cache_inters[seg] = []

    )  #Tas des evenement,3 types, 'D' 'F' 'I': Debut, fin, intersection

    #trié en fonction des y croissant, puis des x décroissants.

    def indice(seg):
        Retourne l'indice de seg dans la liste actifs, None si le segment n'est
        pas présent. Cette fonction auxiliaire est implémentée suite aux
        problèmes majeurs rencontrés avec la méthode index de la classe
        for i, elmt in enumerate(actifs):
            if seg is elmt:
                return i

    def intersection(seg, seg_2):
        Fonction qui va légitimer et gérer l'intersection entre 2 segments
        global COUPE
        if seg_2 not in cache_inters[seg]:  #On ne compare pas deux segments
            #déja comparés
            intersection = seg.intersection_with(seg_2)
            if intersection is not None:
                intersection = adjuster.hash_point(intersection)  #Ajustement
                if intersection not in seg.endpoints or intersection not in seg_2.endpoints:
                    #Le point nest pas lextrémitié des deux segments
                    heappush(evenements, [
                        -intersection.coordinates[0], seg, 'I', seg_2
                    #L'ordre dans le tuple est important: il permet de savoir
                    #qui est à gauche ou à droite
                    if intersection not in intersections:
                    COUPE += 1

    while evenements:  #Boucle traitant tous les évènements tant que notre tas
        #n'est pas vide.
        y_cour = heappop(evenements)
        if y_cour[3] == 'D':  #evenement de debut de segment
            Segment.y_cour = [-y_cour[1], y_cour[0]]
            actifs = SortedList(actifs)  #Mise à jour de actifs
            seg = y_cour[2]
            actifs.add(seg)  #Ajout du nouveau segment aux actifs
            if len(actifs
                   ) > 1:  #Si un seul segment dans actifs: on ne fait rien
                    index = actifs.index(seg)
                except ValueError:
                    index = indice(seg)
                if index != len(actifs) - 1:
                    seg_2 = actifs[index + 1]
                    intersection(seg, seg_2)
                if index != 0:
                    seg_2 = actifs[index - 1]
                    intersection(seg_2, seg)

        elif y_cour[3] == 'F':  #evenement de fin de segment
            Segment.y_cour = [-y_cour[1], y_cour[0]]
            actifs = SortedList(actifs)  #Mise à jour de actifs
            seg = y_cour[2]
                index = actifs.index(seg)
            except ValueError:
                index = indice(seg)

            actifs = SortedList(actifs)  #Mise à jour de actifs
            if len(actifs) > 1:
                if 0 < index < len(actifs):  #On n'enleve pas le seg le plus à
                    seg = actifs[index]
                    seg_2 = actifs[index - 1]
                    intersection(seg, seg_2)

        elif y_cour[3] == 'I':  #evenement de point d'intersection
            seg, seg_2 = y_cour[2], y_cour[4]
            except ValueError:
                index = indice(seg)
                if index is not None:  #Renvoie parfois une erreur:
                    #"segment not in actifs"
                    del actifs[index]
            except ValueError:
                index_2 = indice(seg_2)
                if index_2 is not None:
                    del actifs[index_2]

            Segment.y_cour = [-y_cour[1], y_cour[0] + 0.00000000001]
            #Cf. convention: A une intersection, on se situe
            #au dessus de l'intersection
            actifs = SortedList(actifs)  #Mise à jour de actifs
            actifs.add(seg)  #Une fois changés de place l'intersection passée,
            #on remet nos deux segments dans actifs
                index = actifs.index(seg)  #Indice du seg a droite une fois
                #l'intersection faite
            except ValueError:
                index = indice(seg)

            if len(actifs
                   ) > 2:  #On teste les nouvelles intersections possibles
                if index < len(
                        actifs) - 1:  #Cas de l'extrémité droite de actifs
                    seg_2 = actifs[index + 1]
                    intersection(seg, seg_2)
                if index - 1 != 0:  #Cas de l'extrémité gauche
                    seg_2 = actifs[index - 2]
                    intersection(seg_2, y_cour[4])

        else:  #Cas dun segment horizontal
            seg_h = y_cour[2]
            for seg in actifs:
                inter = seg_h.intersection_with(seg)
                if inter:
                    inter = adjuster.hash_point(inter)
                    if inter not in seg_h.endpoints or inter not in seg.endpoints:
                        #Le point n'est pas l'extrémité ds deux segments
                        if inter not in intersections:
                        COUPE += 1
    if nodisp and noinfo:
        return pt_inter, intersections
    if noinfo:
        tycat(segments, intersections)
        return pt_inter, intersections
    if nodisp:
            "Le nombre d'intersections (= le nombre de points differents) est : ",
        print("Le nombre de coupes est : ", COUPE)
        return pt_inter, intersections
        "le nombre d'intersections (= le nombre de points differents) est : ",
    print("le nombre de coupes est : ", COUPE)
Beispiel #34
class Table:
    'Class that implements PK and FK constraints with Aerospike'

    #Class variables   
    _registry = []
    _NameSpace = "test_DB_SEF"
    _VerifyConstraints = True
    _UseFKTables = True
    _CurrentClient = None
    _Debug = True
    #Class methods
    def SetDebugMode(DebugTF):
        if DebugTF: Table._Debug = True
        else: Table._Debug = False
    def GetDebugMode():
        if Table._Debug == True: print("Debug mode is On")
        else: print("Debug mode is Off")
    def SetVerifyConstraints(EnabledTF):
        if EnabledTF: Table._VerifyConstraints = True
        else: Table._VerifyConstraints = False
    def GetVerifyConstraints():
        if Table._VerifyConstraints == True:
            print("Verifying Constraints is ENABLED")
            return True
            print("Verifying Constraints is DISABLED")
            return False
    def UseFKTables(EnabledTF):
        if EnabledTF: Table._UseFKTables = True
        else: Table._UseFKTables = False
    def GetUseFKTables():
        if Table._UseFKTables == True:
            print("Use FK Tables is ENABLED")
            return True
            print("Use FK Tables is is DISABLED")
            return False
    def SetTableClient(thisClient):
        Table._CurrentClient = thisClient
        print("Info: Table Client Set, connection state is: ", Table._CurrentClient.is_connected())
    def AddTableRowHash(TableName, hashkey):
        refTable = None
        for indexTable in Table._registry: #Get the table object reference
            print("indexTab:", indexTable.TableName, "table passed:", TableName)
            if (indexTable.TableName == TableName):
                refTable = indexTable
        if refTable == None:
            print("Error: ", TableName, " not found in Table _registry!")
            return False
        refTable.Rows.add(hashkey) # Sorted
        return True
    def RemoveAllTables(thisClient, Force = False):
        if Force == False:
            confirmation = input("Do you want to remove all tables? (yes to confirm): ")
            if confirmation != "yes":
                print("Note: Ignoring call to RemoveAllTables")
                return False
        records_removed = 0
        for indexTable in Table._registry: #Get the table object reference
            print("Removing rows in Table ", indexTable.TableName)
            for thisRowHash in indexTable.Rows:
                key = (indexTable.NameSpace, indexTable.TableName, None, thisRowHash)
                except Exception as e:
                    print("error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
                    print("Error occured after ", records_removed, "records removed")
        print("Note: ", records_removed, "records removed")
    def RemoveDBStructure(thisClient, DBName):
        confirmation = input("Do you want to remove the DB structure? (yes to confirm): ")
        if confirmation != "yes":
            print("Note: Ignoring call to RemoveDBStructure")
            return False
            hashkey = thisClient.get_key_digest(Table._NameSpace, DBName, "Structure")
            key = (Table._NameSpace, DBName, None, hashkey)
        except Exception as e:
            print("Error attempting to remove ", DBName, "structure record.")
            print("error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)

    def __init__(self, namespace, name):
        self.NameSpace = namespace
        self.TableName = name
        self.Columns = [] # List of colNames for this Table.
        self.PK = [] # List of colNames that are to be used as PKs for this Table.
        self.FK = [] # List of dicts composed of {'colName': someColName, 'refTable': <obj ref>, 'refColName': otherColName}
        self.FKnames = [] # simplified list of FK colNames for this Table
        self.FKtables = {} # dict with FK table names as keys. Values are the FKTable objects
        self.Rows = SortedList() # sortedcontainers version of a List. Values are hashkeys of DB records in this Table.
    def AddCol(self, colName):
        if colName not in self.Columns:
            return True
            print("ERROR: AddCol with column name ", colName, "ignored: Name already exists.")
            return False
    def AddPK(self, colName):
        if colName in self.Columns:
            return True
            print("ERROR: AddPK with column name ", colName, " ignored: Not a Column in Table.")
            return False
    def AddFK(self, colName, refTableName, refColName):
        #Verify FK name exists in table
        if colName not in self.Columns:
            print("ERROR: AddFK with column name", colName, "to", refColName, "ignored: Not a Column in Table.")
            return False
        #Verify Ref table exists
         #Determine refTable (object) from refTableName
        refTable = None
        for indexTable in Table._registry:
            if (indexTable.NameSpace == self.NameSpace) and (indexTable.TableName == refTableName):
                refTable = indexTable
        if not refTable:
            print("ERROR: AddFK with ref Table name ", refTableName, " ignored: Not a Table in Namespace.")
            return False
        #Verify Ref column exits in Ref table
        if refColName in refTable.Columns:
            #Add FK information to FK[] list of dict
            FKdict = {"colName":colName, "refTable":refTable, "refColName":refColName}
            #Create an FK Table for this FK, regardless of UseFKTables setting.
            self.FKtables[str(colName+"_FKTable")] = Table("test_DB_SEF", colName+"_FKTable")
            return True
            print("ERROR: AddFK with ref Column name ", refColName, " ignored: Not a Column in ", refTableName)
            return False
    def VerifyStructure(self, listOfValues):
        if len(listOfValues) != len(self.Columns):
            print("VerifyStructure with attributes ", listOfValues, " failed: Incorrect number of attributes.")
            return False
            return True
    def VerifyUniquePKval(self, listOfPKValues):
        #Need to be able to handle composite PK values.
        #1. Verify the # of values in listOfValues matches the # of values in self.PK[]. False = Error
        #  -VerifyStructure checks length of attribs for entire table, this step just checks #PKs, which
        #   means calling function has to isolate PK vals from rest of vals
        if type(listOfPKValues) != list:
            listOfPKValues = [listOfPKValues]
        if len(listOfPKValues) != len(self.PK):
            print("VerifyUniquePK with PKs ", listOfPKValues, " failed: Incorrect number of PK attributes.")
            return False
        #2. Verify that listOfValues is NOT in the list of PK values for this Table
        #Convert to hashkey
        hashkey = self.getHashKey(str(listOfPKValues))
        if hashkey in self.Rows:
            if Table._Debug: 
                print(listOfPKValues, " exists in the following row (VerifyUniquePKval):")
            return False
        return True
    def VerifyFKvalExists(self, listOfFKValues): # Suspect this may not work for multiple FK values or FK refs multivariate PK
        if len(listOfFKValues) != len(self.FK):
            print("VerifyFKvalExists with FKs ", listOfFKValues, " failed: Incorrect number of FK attributes.")
            return False
        #1. When verifying FKs, need to group by refTable.
        #2. For the set of FKs for each refTable, get the hash and see if it exists in the refTables list of Rows (hashes)
        #3. When getting the hash, the PK values used will have to be in the same order as specified by the table structure
        #  -FKs are not necessarily in the same order as their PK counterparts as defined in the tables
        #Orig: insertDict = dict(zip(self.Columns, listOfFKValues))
        insertDict = dict(zip(self.FKnames, listOfFKValues))
        if Table._Debug: print("VerifyFK insertDict", insertDict)
        # if this works, Replace the next 5 lines with self.refTableList, created in VerifyFKrefsCompletePK
        refTableList = []
        # First, make a list of all referenced tables (it's not a 1:1 mapping of PK/FK to tables)
        for thisFK in self.FK:
            if thisFK["refTable"] not in refTableList:
        for thisRefTable in refTableList:
            PKValList = []
            #Each ref'd table should have a value (named by FK) for each of its PKs
            for thisPK in thisRefTable.PK:
                #find the value of the corresponding FK in self Table, add it to the PKValList
                for thisFK in self.FK:
                    if Table._Debug: print("VerifyFKvalExists for refTable, PK, FK: ", thisRefTable.TableName, thisPK, thisFK)
                    if thisFK["refColName"] == thisPK:
                        if Table._Debug: print("VerifyFKvalExists, PKValList: ", PKValList)
            #Now PKValList should have a list of values that correspond to PKs in the refTable, in the same order
            #Check if they exist by looking for a fail on VerifyUniquePKval
            unique = thisRefTable.VerifyUniquePKval(PKValList)
            if unique:
                print("VerifyFKvalExists with FKs ", listOfFKValues, "failed, those values not in", thisRefTable.TableName)
                return False
        #If we get to here, all ref tables and PKs should have been checked
        return True
    def VerifyFKrefsCompletePK(self):
        if Table._VerifyConstraints:
            if len(self.FK) == 0:
                print(self.TableName, "has no FK constraints to verify.")
                return True
            refTableList = []
            # First, make a list of all referenced tables (it's not a 1:1 mapping of PK/FK to tables)
            for thisFK in self.FK:
                if thisFK["refTable"] not in refTableList:
            if Table._Debug: print("refTables in FK list:", refTableList)
            # Next, for each table in that list, check all of its PKs are listed in this table's FK list
            for thisRefTable in refTableList:
                PKfound = 0
                for thisPK in thisRefTable.PK:
                    for thisFK in self.FK:
                        if thisPK == thisFK["refColName"]:
                            print("thisPK == thisFK refColName: ",thisPK, thisFK["refColName"], "with #PKs found", PKfound)
                if PKfound != len(thisRefTable.PK):
                    print("ERROR:", self.TableName, "has incomplete FK refs to table",thisRefTable.TableName,"PKs, does not ref", thisPK)
                    return False
            # If we're here, FK/PK refs are ok. Make a FKnames list
            for FKdict in self.FK:
        return True
    def Report(self):
        print("NameSpace    : ", self.NameSpace)
        print("Table Name   : ", self.TableName)
        print("Columns      : ", self.Columns, "Total: ", len(self.Columns))
        print("PK Columns   : ", self.PK, "Total: ", len(self.PK))
        print("FK Columns   : ", self.FK, "Total: ", len(self.FK))
        print("FK Col Names : ", self.FKnames, "Total: ", len(self.FKnames))
        print("FK Tables    : ", self.FKtables)
        print("1st 3 Rows of ", len(self.Rows), " rows total:")
        for thisRow in self.Rows:
            if self.Rows.index(thisRow) >= 3: break
            print("Application storage ", thisRow)
    def Insert(self, listOfValues):
        currentPKvals = []
        #Assume we've already verified PK name is in Columns
        #1st, build a list of PK values based on what's in listOfValues
        for PKcol in self.PK:
            #Take the index of PK from Columns and use that to grab same index from listOfValues
        if Table._Debug: print("PKvals from Insert: ", currentPKvals, "for Table: ", self.TableName)
        if Table._VerifyConstraints:
            if not self.VerifyStructure(listOfValues):
                print("Insert not successful, VerifyStructure failed")
                return False
            if not self.VerifyUniquePKval(currentPKvals):
                print("Insert failed! PK values not unique!")
                return False 
            #if Table has FKkeys, VerifyFKs exist in the refTable
            if len(self.FK) > 0:   
                currentFKvals = []
                for FKcol in self.FK:
                if Table._Debug: print("FKvals from Insert: ", currentFKvals, "for Table: ", self.TableName)
                if not self.VerifyFKvalExists(currentFKvals):
                    print("Insert failed! FK values don't exist in referenced Table!")
                    return False 
        #if all of the verifies are successful, insert the data.
        #  -JSONize it (which means forming a dictionary by combining listOfValues with Columns names)
        string4JSON = dict(zip(self.Columns, listOfValues))
        if Table._Debug:
            jsonString = json.dumps(string4JSON)
            print("JSON string:", jsonString)
        #Get the HK from the put.
        # Records are addressable via a tuple of (namespace, set, key)
        # key = (self.NameSpace, self.TableName, str(currentPKvals))
        # but, can also pre-build the key and store it using the key digest
        hashkey = self.getHashKey(str(currentPKvals))
        key = (self.NameSpace, self.TableName, None, hashkey)
          # Write a record
          #client.put(key, jsonString)
          Table._CurrentClient.put(key, string4JSON)
        except Exception as e:
            print("error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
        #self.Rows.append(hashkey) # reglular List
        self.Rows.add(hashkey)     # SortedList
        #And don't forget to update the FKTables if there are any FKs in this table
        if len(self.FK) > 0 and Table._UseFKTables:   
            for FKcol in self.FK:
                currentFKval = []
                if Table._Debug: 
                    print("FKval from Insert: ", currentFKval, "for Table: ", self.TableName)
                    print("FKTable is: ", self.FKtables[str(FKcol["colName"]+"_FKTable")].TableName)
                self.FKtables[str(FKcol["colName"]+"_FKTable")].Insert4FK(currentFKval, hashkey) #Verify, key or hashkey
            #if not self.VerifyFKvalExists(currentFKvals): # ??? Why is this here?
        return True
    def Insert4FK(self, FKValue, parent_keyValue):
        if Table._Debug: print("**** The parent_keyValue is", parent_keyValue)
        #We'll need the key regardless of whether or not this FKValue already exists
        hashkey = self.getHashKey(str(FKValue)) #Setting the PK
        key = (self.NameSpace, self.TableName, None, hashkey)
        #Check and see if the FKValue is among the PK values for this Table.
        if self.VerifyUniquePKval(FKValue): #For an FKTable, the FK in question is being used as the PK
            ## Yes (is unique)- It's not there yet so add a row with PK = FKValue, the keyValue as data to that row.
                # Store a record with the PK value (FK as PK) in one bin and start the list of parent keys in the next
                Table._CurrentClient.put(key, {self.PK[0]:FKValue, "TableHashes":[parent_keyValue]})
            except Exception as e:
                print("error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
            self.Rows.add(hashkey)     # SortedList
            ##  No (not unique) so we need to add the parent_keyValue to an existing row.
            ## Add the parent_keyValue to the list for this PK
                (key, metadata, record) = Table._CurrentClient.get(key) #Do an RMW, adding the parent key to the list
                currentHashList = SortedList(record["TableHashes"]) # Use these 2 lines for Sorted
                #currentHashList = record["TableHashes"] # Use these 2 lines for unsorted
                Table._CurrentClient.put(key, {"TableHashes":currentHashList})
            except Exception as e:
                print("error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
    def Update(self, listOfValues):
        # This code is nearly identical to that of Insert function. See comments there for
        # basic understanding, comments here will be for changes due to Update vs Insert
        currentPKvals = []
        for PKcol in self.PK:
        if Table._Debug: print("PKvals from Update: ", currentPKvals, "for Table: ", self.TableName)
        if Table._VerifyConstraints:
            if not self.VerifyStructure(listOfValues):
                print("Update not successful, VerifyStructure failed")
                return False
            # Note: Opposite logic as insert. Can't update a record that doesn't exist.
            #       By skipping this verification (VerifyConstraints = False) Update becomes an Insert
            if self.VerifyUniquePKval(currentPKvals): 
                print("Update failed! PK value doesn't currently exist in Table: ", self.TableName)
                return False
            #if Table has FKkeys, VerifyFKs (the updated values) exist in the refTable. Same as for Insert
            if len(self.FK) > 0:   
                currentFKvals = []
                for FKcol in self.FK:
                if Table._Debug: print("FKvals from Update: ", currentFKvals, "for Table: ", self.TableName)
                if not self.VerifyFKvalExists(currentFKvals):
                    print("Update failed! FK values don't exist in referenced Table!")
                    return False 
        #if all of the verifies are successful, update the data.
        #  -JSONize it (which means forming a dictionary by combining listOfValues with Columns names)
        string4JSON = dict(zip(self.Columns, listOfValues))
        jsonString = json.dumps(string4JSON)
        if Table._Debug: print("JSON string:", jsonString)
        hashkey = self.getHashKey(str(currentPKvals))
        key = (self.NameSpace, self.TableName, None, hashkey)
          # Write a record
          #client.put(key, jsonString)
          Table._CurrentClient.put(key, string4JSON)
        except Exception as e:
            print("error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
        #No need to append a new hashkey since an update assumes we're not adding a new hashkey (just updating data)
        #self.Rows.add(hashkey)     # SortedList
        return True
    def Delete(self, listOfPKValues):
        if self.VerifyUniquePKval(listOfPKValues): # A True result implies the values don't yet exist in the table.
            print("Error: PK values specfied don't exist in ", self.TableName)
            return False
        #hashkey to remove from FKTable or to use for generating a key to remove a record
        parent_hashkey = self.getHashKey(listOfPKValues)
        # Not using FKTables. Just remove the record if it exists.
        if Table._UseFKTables == False:
            if Table._Debug: print("****Removing record ", listOfPKValues)
            key = (self.NameSpace, self.TableName, None, parent_hashkey)
                Table._CurrentClient.remove(key) #delete from the database
            except Exception as e:
                print("Error: Attempted delete. Not using FKTables")
                print("Error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
            return True
        #Implemente Restricted Delete. If the PK value is referenced by another table, the Delete will fail.
        ## When a row delete request is made at the parent Table, remove the row hash value from all child 
        #  FK value rows. If no more hashes exist in that row, the row can be deleted.
        ## When a row delete request is made at another table that is referenced by the parent table with 
        #  an FK, search for that FK’s value in the corresponding FKTable child table. If it exists, block 
        #  the delete. If it does not exist, complete the delete.

        #Case 1: Calling table has FKs in it.
        if len(self.FK) > 0:
            if Table._Debug: print("****This table has FK refs (it's a parent):", self.TableName)
            #Put listOfPKValues in a dict with their colNames so we can easily refer to them
            FKPKDict = dict(zip(self.PK, listOfPKValues)) #Some of these are not FKs but they won't be requested.
            for thisFKref in self.FK:
                FKTableToUpdate = self.FKtables[str(thisFKref['colName'] + '_FKTable')]
                #If the FK is part of the PK, it's already in this dict.
                if thisFKref['colName'] in self.PK:
                    checkFKvalue = FKPKDict[thisFKref['colName']]
                else: #If the FK isn't part of the PK, we'll need to loop up its value so we can find it in the FKTable.
                    record = self.Read_PK(listOfPKValues)
                    checkFKvalue = record[thisFKref['colName']]
                hashkey = FKTableToUpdate.getHashKey([checkFKvalue])
                key = (FKTableToUpdate.NameSpace, FKTableToUpdate.TableName, None, hashkey)
                if Table._Debug: print("****Updating FKtable ", FKTableToUpdate.TableName)
                    (key, metadata, record) = Table._CurrentClient.get(key) #Do an RMW, revmoing the parent key fromm the list
                    currentHashList = SortedList(record["TableHashes"]) 
                    if len(currentHashList) > 1:
                        Table._CurrentClient.put(key, {"TableHashes":currentHashList})
                        Table._CurrentClient.remove(key) #delete from the database
                        FKTableToUpdate.Rows.remove(hashkey) #delete from the target table's list of record hashkeys.
                except Exception as e:
                    print("error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
                    print("Error trying to delete in ", FKTableToUpdate.TableName)
                    return False
            #if all that went well, actually remove the requested record
            if Table._Debug: print("****Removing record ", listOfPKValues)
            key = (self.NameSpace, self.TableName, None, parent_hashkey)
                Table._CurrentClient.remove(key) #delete from the database
            except Exception as e:
                print("Error: Attempted delete. Using FKTables, this table has FKs")
                print("Error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
            #Case 2: Calling table has no FKs (but it might be referenced)
            if Table._Debug: print("****This table has no FK refs, checking for references:", self.TableName)
            #Need to determine if the values in the delete are used in a referencing table. If yes, terminate
            #the delete. Otherwise, let it continue.
            PKDict = dict(zip(self.PK, listOfPKValues))
            PKvalueIsReferenced = False
            for thisTable in Table._registry:
                for thisFKref in thisTable.FK: # If there are 0 elements in FK[], the table isn't ref'g the calling table
                    if thisFKref['refTable'] == self: # The calling table is refd by this table. Now look for this value
                        checkPKvalue = PKDict[thisFKref['refColName']]
                        FKTableToCheck = thisTable.FKtables[str(thisFKref['colName'] + '_FKTable')]
                        if FKTableToCheck.VerifyUniquePKval(checkPKvalue) == False: #If False, then the value exists in the FKTable
                            PKvalueIsReferenced = True
            if PKvalueIsReferenced:
                print("WARNING: Can't delete this record, it is referenced by another record!")
                return False
                if Table._Debug: print("****No references found, removing record", listOfPKValues)
                key = (self.NameSpace, self.TableName, None, parent_hashkey)
                    Table._CurrentClient.remove(key) #delete from the database
                except Exception as e:
                    print("Error: Attempted delete. Using FKTables, this table has no FKs")
                    print("Error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
        return True
    def Read_PK(self, PKValues):
        hashkey = self.getHashKey(str(PKValues))
        key = (self.NameSpace, self.TableName, None, hashkey)
        (key, metadata, record) = Table._CurrentClient.get(key)
        return record
    def Read_hashkey(self, hashkey):
        key = (self.NameSpace, self.TableName, None, hashkey)
        (key, metadata, record) = Table._CurrentClient.get(key)
        return record
    def getHashKey(self, PKValues):
        hashkey = Table._CurrentClient.get_key_digest(self.NameSpace, self.TableName, str(PKValues))
        return hashkey
Beispiel #35
def test_remove_valueerror1():
    slt = SortedList()
Beispiel #36
class AllocQueue:

    def __init__(self, s):
        assert(isinstance(s, Spec))
        # dict of unfungible objects, sorted by paddr.
        self.unfun_objects = SortedDict(lambda x: -x)
        # dict of lists of fungible objects, indexed by size_bits
        self.objects = {}
        self.sizes = SortedList()
        # Sort objects secondarily by name, for two reasons:
        # 1. Determinism (Python sets are not ordered)
        # 2. Makes it more likely that objects of the same size will be
        #    allocated contiguously by name. For example, the CAmkES DMA
        #    allocator relies on this for large contiguous allocations.
        # Reversed because we are pushing onto a queue.
        for o in sorted(s.objs, key=lambda obj:, reverse=True):
            if hasattr(o, 'paddr') and o.paddr:
            elif o.get_size_bits():

    def _push_fun(self, o):
        size_bits = o.get_size_bits()
        if size_bits in self.objects:
            self.objects[size_bits] = collections.deque([o])

    def pop_fun(self, size_bits):
        if size_bits in self.objects:
            popped = self.objects[size_bits].pop()
            if not len(self.objects[size_bits]):
                del self.objects[size_bits]
        return popped

    def _push_unfun_obj(self, o):
        if o.paddr in self.unfun_objects:
            old = self.unfun_objects[o.paddr]
            raise AllocatorException("Duplicate paddr 0x%x (%s, %s)" % (o.paddr,,
        self.unfun_objects[o.paddr] = o

    def pop_unfun(self):
        if self.unfun_objects:
            (paddr, obj) = self.unfun_objects.popitem()
            return obj
        return None

    def max_size(self):
        return self.sizes[len(self.sizes) - 1]

    def min_size(self):
        return self.sizes[0]

    def more_unfun(self):
        return len(self.unfun_objects) > 0

    def more_fun(self, size_bits=0):
        if size_bits:
            return size_bits in self.objects and len(self.objects[size_bits])
        return len(self.objects) > 0
Beispiel #37
def test_remove_valueerror3():
    slt = SortedList([1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5])
class Orderbook:
    # keeps a set of orders, representing a snapshot at a given time
    # Attributes:
    #   timestamp - the time associated with the snapshot of market, automatically updated with latest order;
    #               it's the USER's responsibility to maintain its integrity
    #   order_dict - a dictionary mapping order_id to order, the container of Order objects
    #   price_volume_dict - a dictionary mapping price
    #                                         to a list of SortedList IDs
    #                       utilized to retrieve the corresponding order with cancel type,
    #                       delete the old key-value pair and rehash once an order has been modified.
    #   ask_list - a list of ask orders' id sorted by price in increasing order
    #   bid_list - a list of bid orders' id sorted by price in decrease order
    #              assume in each "trade" update, only best price be executed.
    #   error_tol - the tolerance of precision of remaining volume
    #   update_counter - count the number of updates
    # Methods:
    # public:
    #   initializer(Orderbook, np.ndarray, [optional] int timestamp) - initialize an Orderbook object from a number ndarray
    #   execute_update(Orderbook, Update) - update an order and time stamp, can't execute an order before timestamp
    #   ?todo: *design method allow information retrieval
    #   show_head(int n == 5) - print the first n ask orders and n bid orders in the market
    # private:
    #   _remove_order(Orderbook self, int id) - remove from order_dict, price_volume_dict, ask_list, bid_list
    #   _cancel_order(Orderbook self, Update update) - match order; remove it
    #   _trade_order(Orderbook self, Update update) - guaranteed to trade the "best order"; rehash/remove it if necessary
    #   _place_order(Orderbook self, Update update) - create an new Order object;
    #                                               hash into order_dict and price_volume_dict;
    #                                               insert into ask_list and bid_list.
    #   _check_timestamp_consistency(Orderbook self, Update update) - helper function, check if an update is consistent
    #                                                               with orderbook's timestamp.
    #                                                               i.e. update's time is ahead of orderbook's timestampt
    #   _id_to_price -
    #   _id_to_price_neg -
    #   _id_to_birthtime -
    #   _place_order_helper (Orderbook self, Order new_order) - add a new order to all containers
    #   _add_to_pvdict
    #   _remove_from_pv_dict
    #Note: cancel - 1, place - 2, trade - 3
    def __init__(self, data, timestamp=0, error_tol=1e-6):
        #Input: a numpy ndarray, formatted as desired initial orders
        #   Initialize an orderbook object
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        self.order_dict = {}
        self.price_volume_dict = {}
        self.ask_list = SortedList(key=self._id_to_price)
        self.bid_list = SortedList(key=self._id_to_price_neg)
        self.error_tol = error_tol
        self.update_counter = 0
        for i in range(data.shape[0]):
            order = Order(data[i, :])
            id = order.get_id()
            self.order_dict[id] = order
            if (order.get_is_bid()):

    def get_highest_bid_info(self):
        return {
            'price': self.order_dict(self.bid_list[0]).get_price(),
            'volume': self.order_dict(self.bid_list[0]).get_remaining()

    def get_lowest_ask_info(self):
        return {
            'price': self.order_dict(self.ask_list[0]).get_price(),
            'volume': self.order_dict(self.ask_list[0]).get_remaining()

    def _remove_order(self, id):
        #remove the order of given id from all containers in the Orderbook object
        #Input: id of the order to be removed
        #   order_dict - remove the key from order_dict; order object retained.
        #   price_volume_dict - remove the key from price_volume_dict, order object retained.
        #   ask_list - remove the key from ask_list; order object retained; original order retained.
        #   bid_list - remove the key from bid_list; order object retained; original order retained.
        order = self.order_dict[id]
        self._remove_from_pv_dict(order.get_price(), order.get_remaining(),
        if (order.get_is_bid()):

    def _cancel_order(self, update):
        #cancel an order with corresponding (price, volume) pair with the update Object.
        #If multiple orders with the same key exist, the one with SMALLEST birthtime value will be cancelled
        #Input: an Update object;
        #       assume update.reason = 1, i.e. the "reason" attribute of update should be "cancel"
        #   the value of (price, volume) key in self.price_volume_pair.
        #   order_dict - corresponding key will be removed by _remove_order
        #   price_volume_dict - corresponding key will be removed by _remove_order
        #   ask_list - corresponding id will be removed by _remove_order
        #   bid_list - corresponding id will be removed by _remove_order
        assert (update.reason == 1, "INCONSISTEN UPDATE REASON")
        assert (self._check_timestamp_consistency(update),
        price = update.get_price()
        before_remaining = update.get_remaining() - update.get_delta()
        id = self._get_id_from_price_remaining(price, before_remaining,
        order = self.order_dict[id]
        if update.get_remaining() == 0:

    def _trade_order(self, update):
        # trade an order AT THE TOP OF ORDERBOOK. i.e either bid_list[0] or ask_list[0] will be modified.
        # remove the order from containers if full executed, otherwise rehash it in self.price_volume_dict.
        # it's USER's responsibility to check the assumption of trading rule if satisfied
        # Input: an Update object;
        #       assume update.reason = 2, i.e. the "reason" attribute of update should be "trade"
        # Returns:
        # Modifies:
        #   the trading Order object.
        #   price_volume_dict - corresponding key will be removed by _remove_order
        #   other containers - the order will be removed from all relevant containers if order.remaining == 0
        assert (update.get_reason() == 3, "INCONSISTEN UPDATE REASON")
        assert (self._check_timestamp_consistency(update),
        if (update.is_bid):
            id = self.bid_list[0]
            id = self.ask_list[0]
        id = self._get_id_from_price_remaining(
            update.get_remaining() - update.get_delta(), update.get_is_bid())
        order = self.order_dict[id]
        #assert (order.remaining == update.remaining - and order.price == update.price,
        if update.get_remaining() == 0.0:

    def _place_order(self, update):
        # place a new order into the orderbook. All containers shall be modified.
        # Input: an Update object;
        #       assume update.reason = 2, i.e. the "reason" attribute of update should be "place"
        # Returns:
        # Modifies:
        #   create trading Order object.
        #   all containers
        assert (update.get_reason() == 2, "INCONSISTEN UPDATE REASON")
        assert (self._check_timestamp_consistency(update),
        if (abs(update.get_remaining() - update.get_delta()) < self.error_tol):
            new_order = Order(update)
            id = self._get_id_from_price_remaining(
                update.get_remaining() - update.get_delta(),
            order = self.order_dict[id]

    def _check_timestamp_consistency(self, update, match_time=True):
        # INPUT: an Update object
        # Returns: True if update's timestamps >= the orderbook's, False otherwise
        # Modifies:
        #   self.timestamp will be modified if match_time is true
        if (update.get_timestamp() >= self.timestamp):
            if (match_time):
                self.timestamp = update.get_timestamp()
            return True
            return False

    def execute_update(self, update):
        # call an appropriate method to execute the order
        # Input: an Update object
        # Returns:
        # Modifies:
        #   the orderbook
        self.update_counter += 1
        if (update.get_reason() == 1):
        elif (update.get_reason() == 3):
        elif (update.get_reason() == 2):
            raise Exception("INVALID UPDATE REASON, VALUE NOT IN {1, 2, 3}")

    def show_head(self, n=20):
        # print the first n bids and first n asks
        # Input:
        #       n - optional, number of orders in each list to be printed
        # Returns:
        # Modifies:
        print("number of executed updates: ", self.update_counter)
        print("number of total orders: ", len(self.order_dict))
        print("number of asks: ", len(self.ask_list))
        print("number of bids: ", len(self.bid_list))
        print("ASK: ")
        for i in range(n):
            id = self.ask_list[i]
            order = self.order_dict[id]
            print(i, "." + "price =", order.get_price(), "volume =",
        print("BID: ")
        for i in range(n):
            id = self.bid_list[i]
            order = self.order_dict[id]
            print(i, "." + "price =", order.get_price(), "volume =",

    def _id_to_price(self, id):
        return self.order_dict[id].get_price()

    def _id_to_price_neg(self, id):
        return -self.order_dict[id].get_price()

    def _id_to_birthtime(self, id):
        return self.order_dict[id].get_birthtime()

    def _place_order_helper(self, new_order):
        # helper function add a new order into an orderbook
        # Input: an order object
        # Returns:
        # Modifies: all containers
        id = new_order.get_id()
        self.order_dict[id] = new_order
        if (new_order.get_is_bid()):

    def _id_to_remaining(self, id):
        return self.order_dict[id].get_remaining()

    def _add_to_pvdict(self, order):
        if order.get_price() not in self.price_volume_dict.keys():
            self.price_volume_dict[order.get_price()] = SortedList()

    def _remove_from_pv_dict(self, price, remaining, is_bid):
        victim_list = self.price_volume_dict[price]
        for ele in victim_list:
            if (abs(self._id_to_remaining(ele) - remaining) < self.error_tol
                    and self.order_dict[ele].get_is_bid() == is_bid):

    def _get_id_from_price_remaining(self, price, remaining, is_bid):
        l = self.price_volume_dict[price]
        for ele in l:
            if (abs(self._id_to_remaining(ele) - remaining) < self.error_tol
                    and self.order_dict[ele].get_is_bid() == is_bid):
                return ele
        print("ids at this price", l)
        print("price and volume for orders at the same price:")
        for id in l:
        print(price, remaining)
def test_remove_valueerror2():
    slt = SortedList(range(100), load=10)
class Analyse():
    def __init__(self, config):

        self.year = config['YEAR']
        self.startTime = config['START_TIME']
        self.endTime = config['END_TIME']
        self.stockList = config['STOCK_LIST']
        self.mode = config['MODE']
        self.logBucket = config['LOG_BUCKET_DATA']
        self.hedgeFlag = config['HEDGE']
        self.hedgeStock = config['HEDGE_STOCK']

        self.divideByVol = config['DIVIDE_BY_VOLATILITY']

        self.modStockList = self.stockList

        if (self.hedgeFlag):
            self.betaCorrelation = config['BETA_CORR']
            self.modStockList = [config['HEDGE_STOCK']] + self.stockList
            self.corrFlag = config['BETA_CORR_TYPE']

        if (self.mode == 'bucket'):
            self.bucketSize = config['BUCKET_SIZE']
            self.numBucket = config['NUM_BUCKET']
        elif (self.mode == 'percentile'):
            self.bucketSize = config['BUCKET_SIZE']
            self.minSize = config['MIN_SIZE']
            self.maxSize = config['MAX_SIZE']
            self.absFlag = config['ABS_FLAG']

        config['STOCK_LIST'] = self.modStockList
        # Datastore contains functions to read and update prices
        self.dataStore = dataStore(config)
        config['STOCK_LIST'] = self.stockList

        # Class members containing relevant Statistics
        # self.results: Dictionary containing stock names as keys
        #               Maps to a list of lists, where each list member
        #               contains gapSize, timeStamp, Open/Close prices
        #               along with holding periods, etc
        self.results = {}
        self.gapListNormalized = []

        self.prevCloseVWAPWindow = config['VWAP_PREV_CLOSE_WINDOW']
        self.currOpenVWAPWindow = config['VWAP_CURR_OPEN_WINDOW']
        self.posEntryVWAPWindow = config['VWAP_POSITION_ENTRY_WINDOW']
        self.posExitVWAPWindow = config['VWAP_POSITION_EXIT_WINDOW']

        self.printFlag = 0

        self.stopLoss = config['STOP_LOSS']
        self.targetPrice = config['TARGET_PRICE']

        self.tTestFlag = config['T_TEST_FLAG']
        if (self.tTestFlag):
            self.profitByGapPercentile = {}

            for i in range(0, 100):
                self.profitByGapPercentile[i] = []

        self.stockReturns = {}

    def loadData(self):
        Loads price data for the specified year and stock list
            None, only class members are modified

        for stock in self.stockList:
            price = pd.DataFrame(
                self.dataStore.priceDataList[stock][:]).iloc[:, 6]
            returns = ((price / price.shift(1)) - 1)[1:]
            self.stockReturns[stock] = returns
        if (self.hedgeFlag):
            price = pd.DataFrame(
                self.dataStore.priceDataList[self.hedgeStock][:]).iloc[:, 6]
            returns = ((price / price.shift(1)) - 1)[1:]
            self.stockReturns[self.hedgeStock] = returns
        # print(self.stockReturns)

    def getRetList(self, stock):

        price = pd.DataFrame(
            self.dataStore.priceDataList[stock][::minInDay]).iloc[:, 6]
        price = ((price / price.shift(1)) - 1)[1:]

        return price

    def getBenchmarkVolatility(self):

        price = pd.DataFrame(
            self.hedgePriceList[self.hedgeStock][::minInDay]).iloc[:, 6]
        price = ((price / price.shift(1)) - 1)[1:]

        return price

    def getVolatilityNDays(self, stock, n, currTimeRow):
        Gets the volatility by taking returns of close prices for the last n days
        and does P(t) / P(t-1) - 1 for each of the n days and takes stDev

        # price = pd.DataFrame(self.dataStore.priceDataList[stock][currTimeRow - 1 - (n * 375):currTimeRow - 1]).iloc[:, 6]
        # returns = ((price / price.shift(1)) - 1)[1:]

        returns = self.stockReturns[stock].iloc[currTimeRow - 1 -
                                                (n * 375):currTimeRow - 1]

        if (debug):
            print("Volatility: " + str(np.std(returns)))

        return np.std(returns)

    def getCorrelation(self, stock1, stock2, i1, i2, n):
        Takes the prices of two stocks, calculates their return and gives their correlation

        # price1 = pd.DataFrame(self.dataStore.priceDataList[stock1][-(n * 375) - 1 + i1:i1]).iloc[:, 6]
        # price2 = pd.DataFrame(self.dataStore.priceDataList[stock2][-(n * 375) - 1 + i2:i2]).iloc[:, 6]

        returns1 = self.stockReturns[stock1].iloc[i1 - 1 - (n * 375):i1 - 1]
        returns2 = self.stockReturns[stock2].iloc[i2 - 1 - (n * 375):i2 - 1]

        print(i1, i2)

        # print(returns1[-10:])
        # print(returns2[-10:])

        # if(len(price1) > len(price2)):
        #     # print("Price1: " + str(price1))
        #     # print("Price2: " + str(price2))
        #     price1 = price1[-len(price2):]
        #     print(i1,i2,len(price1),len(price2))

        # if(len(price2) > len(price1)):
        #     price2 = price2[-len(price1):]
        #     print(i1,i2,len(price1),len(price2))

        correlation = np.corrcoef(returns1, returns2)[1][0]

        return correlation

    def getVolAvgPrice(self, stock, left, right):
        Computes the volume weighted price for the range [left, right)
        price = (low + high + open + close)/4
        if (debug):
            print('\n' + ''.join(['*'] * 50))
            print("Stock prices")
            print(left, right)
            print("Left price: " +
            print("Right price: " +

        price = np.array(self.dataStore.priceDataList[stock][left:right])[:,
        price = price.astype(np.float64)

        # 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: Open, Close, Low, High, Volume
        # After trimming off strings, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4: Opne, Close, Low, High, Volume
        avgPrice = (price[:, 0] + price[:, 1] + price[:, 2] +
                    price[:, 3]) / 4.0
        volume = price[:, 4]
        volAvgPrice = np.average(avgPrice, weights=volume)

        return volAvgPrice

    def getTTestScores(self,
        #Returns the T test score and p-value of two arrays

        arr1 = []
        arr2 = []

        for i in range(1, boundary + 1):
            arr1 += profitByGapPercentileLocal[i]

        for i in range(boundary + 1, 99):
            arr2 += profitByGapPercentileLocal[i]

        tTest = ttest_ind(arr1, arr2)

        tValue, pValue = tTest[0], tTest[1]

        if (verbose):
            print("Boundary: " + str(boundary))
            print("T Value: " + str(tValue))
            print("P Value: " + str(pValue))

        return tValue, pValue

    def getGapStats(self, holdPeriodList, volType='nGapVol', verbose=False):
        Gives the statistics (Gap trading) for all hold periods specified
        The stats include
        timestamp, curr open price (after VWAP), prev close price (after VWAP), volatility
        holding period (H), min price/max price in interval, closing price after H etc
            holdPeriodList: Contains holding periods as number of minutes
            volType; dailyVol or nDayVol (n = 30 by default)
            Dictionary as described above

        statList = {}
        priceList = {}
        gapList = {}

        if (self.hedgeFlag):
            # BM is benchmark
            gapListBM = []
            volListBM = []
            timeListBM = []
            # retList contains daily returns
            retListBM = []
            priceListBM = []
            priceTimeBM = []
            #Stores all the timestamps for which the benchmark is indexed
            benchmarkTimeStamps = [
                for eachList in self.dataStore.priceDataList[self.hedgeStock]

        volN = 70  # For standard volatility calculation of gapsize
        if (volType != 'stdVol'):
            volN = 30

        volDays = 70  # For standard volatility of entire calculation of returns

        for stock in self.modStockList:
            # Perform analysis for each stock

            infoList = self.dataStore.priceDataList[stock]
            statList[stock] = []
            priceList[stock] = []
            gapList[stock] = []
            # gapListBenchmark[self.hedgeStock] = []

            retList = self.getRetList(stock)
            prevTime = 0
            print 'Currently analysing:', stock

            for i in range(len(infoList)):

                currTime = infoList[i][0]
                currTimeStamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(currTime)
                currDay =
                currHour = currTimeStamp.time().hour
                currMins = currTimeStamp.time().minute

                # Account for duplicates
                if (prevTime == currTime):
                prevTime = currTime

                if (not (self.startTime <= currTime <= self.endTime)):
                    # Check if it is in the valid range

                if ((currHour == 9) and (currMins == 15)):
                    # Checking for day starting time

                    if (stock == 'SBIN' and == 9
                            and == 11
                            and self.year == 2016):
                        self.printFlag = 1

                    if (debug):
                        print('\n' + ''.join(['*'] * 50))

                    #getting prices for stock
                    currOpen = self.getVolAvgPrice(stock, i,
                                                   i + self.currOpenVWAPWindow)
                    prevClose = self.getVolAvgPrice(
                        stock, i - self.prevCloseVWAPWindow, i)
                    posEntryPrice = self.getVolAvgPrice(
                        stock, i + self.currOpenVWAPWindow,
                        i + self.currOpenVWAPWindow + self.posEntryVWAPWindow)

                    if ((self.hedgeFlag) and (self.hedgeStock == stock)):

                    gapList[stock].append((currOpen - prevClose) / prevClose)

                    # Not enough samples to compute std dev, added five to handle edge cases
                    if (len(gapList[stock]) < volN + 5):

                    # Refers to the stats common accross the holding periods
                    commStats = {}
                    commStats['time'] = currTime
                    commStats['readableTime'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                    commStats['ticker'] = stock
                    commStats['currOpen'] = currOpen
                    commStats['prevClose'] = prevClose
                    commStats['posEntryPrice'] = posEntryPrice

                    commStats['gapSize'] = ((currOpen - prevClose) / prevClose)

                    if (self.absFlag):
                        commStats['gapSize'] = np.abs(commStats['gapSize'])

                    if (volType == 'stdVol'):
                        commStats['volatility'] = np.std(
                            retList[len(gapList[stock]) -
                        commStats['volatility'] = np.std(
                    commStats['gapRatio'] = commStats['gapSize'] / commStats[

                    #correct volatility using stDev of returns for 70 days of per minute returns
                    commStats['stockVolatility'] = self.getVolatilityNDays(
                        stock, volDays, i)

                    if (self.hedgeFlag):
                        if (stock != self.hedgeStock):

                            # Binary search in the timeStamps of the benchmark
                            row = bisect(timeListBM, currTime) - 1
                            retBM = retListBM[row]
                            volBM = volListBM[row]

                            bmI = bisect_left(benchmarkTimeStamps, currTime)
                            posEntryBM = self.getVolAvgPrice(
                                self.hedgeStock, bmI + self.currOpenVWAPWindow,
                                bmI + self.currOpenVWAPWindow +

                            #modifying volatility
                                'indexVolatility'] = self.getVolatilityNDays(
                                    self.hedgeStock, volDays, bmI)

                            if (debug):
                                #Prints the timestamps of both the current stock row and the current benchmark row

                            commStats['posEntryPriceBM'] = posEntryBM

                            if (self.corrFlag != 'constant'):
                                priceRow = bisect(priceTimeBM, currTime)

                                # print len(priceList[stock][-volN:])
                                # print len(priceList[stock])
                                # print len(priceListBM)
                                # print -volN + priceRow, priceRow
                                # print len(priceList[self.hedgeStock][-volN + priceRow: priceRow])
                                self.betaCorrelation = np.corrcoef(
                                    priceListBM[-volN +

                                # self.betaCorrelation = self.getCorrelation(stock,self.hedgeStock,i,bmI,volDays)

                            # beta = self.betaCorrelation * (volBM / commStats['volatility'])
                            # beta = self.betaCorrelation * (commStats['volatility'] / volBM)
                            beta = self.betaCorrelation * (
                                commStats['stockVolatility'] /

                            if (debug):
                                print("Stock Volatility: " +
                                print("Index Volatility: " +

                            commStats['betaCorr'] = self.betaCorrelation
                            commStats['Beta'] = beta

                            if (verbose):
                                print(''.join(['*'] * 50))
                                print("Beta : " + str(beta))
                                print("Stock : " + stock)
                                print("Stock currOpen: " + str(currOpen))
                                print("Stock prevClose: " + str(prevClose))
                                print("Stock Return: " +
                                print("Stock Volatility: " +
                                print("Stock Normalized Return: " +
                                print("Benchmark Return: " + str(retBM))
                                print("Benchmark Volatility: " + str(volBM))
                                print("Benchmark Normalized Return: " +
                                      str(retBM / volBM))


                    minPriceList = [float(infoList[i][6])]
                    maxPriceList = [float(infoList[i][6])]
                    # Identifying the array index limit
                    holdLim = min(max(holdPeriodList), len(infoList) - i - 1)
                    for j in range(holdLim):
                            min(minPriceList[-1], float(infoList[i + j][6])))
                            max(maxPriceList[-1], float(infoList[i + j][6])))

                    #Appending volatility normalized gap value for determining distribution plot
                    self.gapListNormalized.append(commStats['gapSize'] /

                    reachedStopOrTarget = 0
                    stopOrTargetRelReturn = 0

                    for hold in holdPeriodList:
                        tmpStats = commStats.copy()

                        minPrice = minPriceList[min(hold, holdLim)]
                        maxPrice = maxPriceList[min(hold, holdLim)]

                        tmpStats['holdPeriod'] = hold
                        tmpStats['min'] = minPrice
                        tmpStats['max'] = maxPrice
                        tmpStats['finClose'] = infoList[min(
                            (i + self.currOpenVWAPWindow +
                             self.posEntryVWAPWindow + hold),
                            len(infoList) - 1)][6]

                        #Normalizing the volatility based on hold period
                        tmpStats['stockVolAfterNorm'] = commStats[
                            'stockVolatility'] * np.sqrt(hold)

                        if (self.hedgeFlag):
                            bmI = bisect_left(benchmarkTimeStamps, currTime)
                            tmpStats['finCloseBM'] = self.dataStore.priceDataList[self.hedgeStock][min((bmI + self.currOpenVWAPWindow + self.posEntryVWAPWindow + hold)\
                                , len(self.dataStore.priceDataList[self.hedgeStock]) - 1)][6]

                            # exitTime = infoList[i + hold][0]

                            # bmI = bisect_left(benchmarkTimeStamps, exitTime)
                            # tmpStats['finCloseBM'] = self.dataStore.priceDataList[self.hedgeStock][min((bmIExit), len(infoList) -1)][6]

                        if (not (stock == self.hedgeStock)):
                            #Calculating profits and all
                            tmpStats['profit'] = ((- np.sign(tmpStats['currOpen'] - tmpStats['prevClose'])) * \
                                ((tmpStats['finClose'] - tmpStats['posEntryPrice']) / tmpStats['posEntryPrice']))
                            tmpStats['absReturn'] = tmpStats['profit']
                            tmpStats['absReturnPerUnitVol'] = tmpStats[
                                'absReturn'] / tmpStats['stockVolAfterNorm']

                            if (self.hedgeFlag):
                                tmpStats['marketReturn'] = (
                                    (tmpStats['finCloseBM'] -
                                     tmpStats['posEntryPriceBM']) /
                                tmpStats['returnOffset'] = (
                                    (tmpStats['finCloseBM'] -
                                     tmpStats['posEntryPriceBM']) /
                                ) * tmpStats['Beta']
                                tmpStats['relReturn'] = tmpStats['profit'] + (
                                    np.sign(tmpStats['currOpen'] -
                                            tmpStats['prevClose']) *
                                tmpStats['relReturnPerUnitVol'] = tmpStats[
                                    'relReturn'] / tmpStats['stockVolAfterNorm']

                                if ((tmpStats['relReturn'] <= self.stopLoss or
                                     tmpStats['relReturn'] >= self.targetPrice)
                                        and reachedStopOrTarget == 0):
                                    reachedStopOrTarget = 1
                                    stopOrTargetRelReturn = tmpStats[

                                if (reachedStopOrTarget):
                                        'relReturnWithStopLoss'] = stopOrTargetRelReturn
                                        'relReturnWithStopLoss'] = tmpStats[

                                tmpStats['relReturn'] = tmpStats['profit']
                                tmpStats['relReturnPerUnitVol'] = tmpStats[

                            # tmpStats['profitDividedByVol'] = tmpStats['relReturn'] / tmpStats['stockVolAfterNorm']

                        if (self.printFlag == 1):
                            for key in tmpStats:
                                print(key + ": " + str(tmpStats[key]))


                        if (not (stock == self.hedgeStock)):
                            # grandDF.append(tmpStats)

                    self.printFlag = 0

        self.results = statList

        # print sorted([statList[key][x]['gapRatio'] for key in statList.keys() for x in range(len(statList[key]))])[-1000:-900]

        return statList

    def compileResults(self, holdPeriodList):
        Compile the results extracted from getGapStats()
        The rows are indexed with RELATIVE RANK
        The columns are Count (For all stocks), also compute
        stock based results. E, P, R fraction.
        Win Rate: The fraction of actual fades
        Anti: Average profit on winning fade trades
        With: Average loss on losing fade trades 
        Exp: Expectation of profit
            Hold period list, should be consistent with getGapStats()
            Matrix with the following column convention
            0: Count, 1: E, 2: P, 3: R, 4: P(S), 5: Anti, 6: With, 7:Exp

        self.timeWiseStats = {}
        self.cumStats = {}

        for hold in holdPeriodList:
            # numStocks rows, column mapping is given above
            if self.mode == 'relative':
                numRows = len(self.stockList)
            elif self.mode == 'percentile':
                numRows = int(100 / self.bucketSize)
                numRows = (2 * self.numBucket) + 1
            self.cumStats[hold] = np.zeros((numRows, 8))
            self.timeWiseStats[hold] = {}

            if (self.logBucket):
                # Stores a list of timetamps for each bucket
                # Stores a list of
                self.bucketTimeList = []
                self.bucketTradeList = []
                tmpDict = {key: [] for key in self.stockList}
                for i in range(numRows):

        for stockId in range(len(self.stockList)):

            stock = self.stockList[stockId]

            for i in range(len(self.results[stock])):

                tmpStats = self.results[stock][i]

                time = tmpStats['time']
                hold = tmpStats['holdPeriod']
                currOpen = tmpStats['currOpen']
                prevClose = tmpStats['prevClose']
                minPrice = tmpStats['min']
                maxPrice = tmpStats['max']
                finClose = tmpStats['finClose']
                gapRatio = tmpStats['gapRatio']
                gapSize = tmpStats['gapSize']
                # volatility= tmpStats['volatility']
                posEntry = tmpStats['posEntryPrice']
                finClose = tmpStats['finClose']

                volatility = tmpStats['stockVolAfterNorm']

                #Hedging support, not technically hedging, just offsetting with respect to the index return
                if (self.hedgeFlag):
                    hedge = (
                        (tmpStats['finCloseBM'] - tmpStats['posEntryPriceBM'])
                        / tmpStats['posEntryPriceBM']) * tmpStats['Beta']
                    if (self.divideByVol):
                        hedge /= volatility

                # Initial 8 elements represent the standard stats
                # The last ones will be used for ranking later
                tmpArr = np.zeros(12)
                tmpArr[0] += 1
                tmpArr[8] = stockId
                tmpArr[9] = gapSize
                tmpArr[10] = gapRatio
                tmpArr[11] = stockId

                targetPrice = finClose

                profit = ((-np.sign(currOpen - prevClose)) *
                          ((targetPrice - posEntry) / posEntry))

                if (self.divideByVol):
                    profit /= volatility

                if (self.hedgeFlag):
                    profit -= (-np.sign(currOpen - prevClose)) * hedge

                fillFlag = np.sign(profit)

                if (fillFlag < 0):
                    # Refers to the E case i.e. extension
                    tmpArr[1] += 1
                    tmpArr[6] += profit
                    if ((currOpen - prevClose) *
                        (prevClose - targetPrice) < 0):
                        # Refers to the P case i.e. partial fill
                        tmpArr[2] += 1
                        # Refers to the R case i.e. reversal
                        tmpArr[3] += 1
                    # Adding profits
                    tmpArr[5] += profit

                # Adding the result to the corresponding time in the dict
                if (time not in self.timeWiseStats[hold]):
                    self.timeWiseStats[hold][time] = []

        for hold in holdPeriodList:

            if self.mode == 'percentile':
                minSize = self.minSize
                maxSize = self.maxSize
                self.gapQueue = deque([], maxlen=maxSize)
                self.orderedGaps = SortedList(load=50)

            for time in sorted(self.timeWiseStats[hold].keys()):

                if (self.mode == 'relative'):
                    # Sort the list according to the magnitude of gap size
                        key=lambda x: np.abs(x[-1]), reverse=True)
                    for i in range(len(self.timeWiseStats[hold][time])):
                        self.cumStats[hold][i] += self.timeWiseStats[hold][

                elif (self.mode == 'percentile'):

                    newGapLen = len(self.timeWiseStats[hold][time])
                    newValList = []
                    # If there are enough elements for identifying percentile
                    if (len(self.gapQueue) >= minSize):

                        for i in range(newGapLen):
                            searchKey = self.timeWiseStats[hold][time][i][10]
                            # if (self.absFlag):
                            #     searchKey = np.abs(searchKey)
                            percentile = self.orderedGaps.bisect_left(
                            currSize = len(self.gapQueue)
                            # To avoid having percentile as 1.0, since percentile <= percSize + 1
                            percentile = percentile / (currSize + 2.0)
                            row = int(percentile * int(100 / self.bucketSize))
                            # print row
                            self.cumStats[hold][row] += self.timeWiseStats[
                            if (self.tTestFlag):
                                    percentile * 100)].append(
                                        self.timeWiseStats[hold][time][i][5] +

                            if (self.logBucket):
                                # Adding time to this bucket's list
                                # Since at least one of these is zero, by construction
                                profit = self.timeWiseStats[hold][time][i][
                                    5] + self.timeWiseStats[hold][time][i][6]
                                stockId = int(

                        # Updating the queue and removing elements from the tree
                        for i in range(newGapLen):
                            lastVal = self.gapQueue.popleft()

                    for i in range(newGapLen):
                        searchKey = self.timeWiseStats[hold][time][i][10]
                        # if (self.absFlag):
                        #     searchKey = np.abs(searchKey)

                    # Adding the new values to the queue simultaneously
                    # Adding the new values to the tree simultaneously

                    for i in range(len(self.timeWiseStats[hold][time])):
                        # Sort the list according to the magnitude of gap size
                        gapRatio = self.timeWiseStats[hold][time][i][10]

                        # Get the position in the matrix, note that the bucket sizes are of size 10%
                        bucket = int(
                            np.sign(gapRatio) *
                            int(np.abs(gapRatio * 10) / self.bucketSize))
                        bucket = int(
                            np.sign(bucket) * self.numBucket
                        ) if np.abs(bucket) >= self.numBucket else bucket
                        row = self.numBucket + bucket

                        self.cumStats[hold][row] += self.timeWiseStats[hold][

    def tTestWrapper(self, profitByGapPercentile, verbose=True):
        Tries various boundary values and gets the stats for each value from 1..99 as the boundary for percentile and
        Perfroms T Test on the profits >=value and <=value arrays
        print(''.join(['*'] * 50))
        print("Cumulative Stats")

        if (self.tTestFlag):
            for i in range(10, 100, 10):
                tValue, pValue = self.getTTestScores(i, profitByGapPercentile)
                if (verbose):
                    print("Boundary: " + str(i))
                    print("T Value: " + str(tValue))
                    print("P Value: " + str(pValue))

    def getProfitGapPercentile(self):
        return self.profitByGapPercentile

    def finalizeStats(self, holdPeriodList):
        Finally processes the stats matrices, note that the resulting matrices
        cannot be compiled again directly as frequencies have become probs 

        for hold in holdPeriodList:
            self.cumStats[hold] = processStatMatrix(self.cumStats[hold])

    def plotDistribution(self, plotSeries, saveAsFile=False, logValues=False):
        Plots a histogram for the given plotsSeries
            saveAsFile: Whether to save to file or plotting on screen
            logValues: Whether the y axis is log scaled
            None, side effects could include saving a file

        stDev = np.std(plotSeries)

        #xLabels from -3*sigma to 3*sigma
        xLabels = np.array(range(-3, 4)) * stDev

        plt.figure(figsize=(100, 100))
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        axes = plt.gca()
        plt.hist(plotSeries, bins=100, log=logValues)
        plt.xlabel("Normalized Gap Size")
        plt.ylabel("Number of Gap Sizes")
        axes.set_xlim([xLabels[0] - 0.5, xLabels[-1] + 0.5])



        if (saveAsFile):
Beispiel #41
class Log(object):
    """Keep a random sample of stuff seen so far. Based on Dr. Menzies'

    MAX_SIZE = 256

    def __init__(self, inits=None, label=None, max_size=MAX_SIZE):
        self._cache = SortedList()
        self._report = None
        self.label = label or ''
        self._n = 0
        self.max_size = max_size
        self._valid_statistics = False
        if inits:
            map(self.__iadd__, inits)

    def random_index(self):
        return base.random_index(self._cache)

    def wrap(cls, x, max_size=MAX_SIZE):
        if isinstance(x, cls):
            return x
        return cls(inits=x, max_size=max_size)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._cache)

    def extend(self, xs):
        if not isinstance(xs, collections.Iterable):
            raise TypeError()
        map(self.__iadd__, xs)

    def __iadd__(self, x):
        if x is None:
            return x

        self._n += 1

        if issubclass(x.__class__, Log):
            map(self.__iadd__, x._cache)
            return self

        changed = False

        # if cache has room, add item
        if self.max_size is None or len(self._cache) < self.max_size:
            changed = True
        # cache is full: maybe replace an old item
            # items less likely to be replaced later in the run:
            # leads to uniform sample of entire run
            if random.random() <= self.max_size / len(self):
                changed = True

        if changed:

        return self

    def __add__(self, x, max_size=MAX_SIZE):
        inits = itertools.chain(self._cache, x._cache)
        return self.__class__(inits=inits, max_size=max_size)

    def any(self):
        return random.choice(self._cache)

    def report(self):
        if self._report is None:
            self._report = self._generate_report()
        return self._report

    def setup(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def as_list(self):
        return self._cache.as_list()

    def _invalidate_statistics(self):
        default implementation. if _valid_statistics is something other than
        a boolean, reimplement!
        self._valid_statistics = False

    def ish(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _change(self, x):
        override to add incremental updating functionality

    def _prepare_data(self):
        s = '_prepare_data() not implemented for ' + self.__class__.__name__
        raise NotImplementedError(s)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._cache)

    def contents(self):
        return self._cache.as_list()
Beispiel #42
class ExamRoom:
    def __init__(self, n: int):
        self.treemap1 = SortedList(
        )  # 每个元素为(区间大小,start,end),因为区间大小为偶数时与减少一时相同,所以要减少1
        self.treemap2 = SortedList()  # 每个元素为(start,end),主要目的是在leave时,定位p所在的区间
        self.n = n
        self.treemap1.add((self.distance(0, n - 1), 0, n - 1))
        self.treemap2.add((0, n - 1))

    def distance(self, start, end):
        d = end - start + 1
        if d % 2 == 0:
            d -= 1
        return d

    def seat(self) -> int:
        r = self.treemap1.pop()  # 弹出最大的区间
        size, start, end = r
        start = -start
        self.treemap2.remove((start, end))
        if start == 0:  # 左边界
            p = 0
            if end >= 1:
                rr = (self.distance(1, end), -1, end)
                self.treemap2.add((1, end))
        elif end == self.n - 1:  # 右边界
            p = self.n - 1
            if p - 1 >= start:
                lr = (self.distance(start, p - 1), -start, p - 1)
                self.treemap2.add((start, p - 1))
        else:  # 选中了中间的区间,区间可以拆分成2个
            p = (start + end) // 2
            if p > start:
                lr = (self.distance(start, p - 1), -start, p - 1)
                self.treemap2.add((start, p - 1))
            if p < end:
                rr = (self.distance(p + 1, end), -(p + 1), end)
                self.treemap2.add((p + 1, end))
        return p

    def leave(self, p: int) -> None:
        midRange = (p, p)
        idx = self.treemap2.bisect_left(midRange)
        if idx > 0:
            leftRange = self.treemap2[idx - 1]
            if leftRange[1] == p - 1:  # 左侧区间与p相邻,进行合并
                                   leftRange[1]), -leftRange[0], leftRange[1]))
                midRange = (leftRange[0], p)
                idx -= 1
        if idx < len(self.treemap2):
            rightRange = self.treemap2[idx]
            if rightRange[0] == p + 1:  # 右侧区间与p相邻,进行合并
                                      -rightRange[0], rightRange[1]))
                midRange = (midRange[0], rightRange[1])
                           midRange[1]), -midRange[0], midRange[1]))
Beispiel #43
def test_remove_valueerror1():
    slt = SortedList()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_remove_valueerror1():
    slt = SortedList()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Beispiel #45
def test_remove_valueerror3():
    slt = SortedList([1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Beispiel #46
def test_remove_valueerror2():
    slt = SortedList(range(100))
Beispiel #47
class Timeline:
    Ordered set of segments.

    A timeline can be seen as an ordered set of non-empty segments (Segment).
    Segments can overlap -- though adding an already exisiting segment to a
    timeline does nothing.

    segments : Segment iterator, optional
        initial set of (non-empty) segments
    uri : string, optional
        name of segmented resource

    timeline : Timeline
        New timeline

    def from_df(cls, df: pd.DataFrame, uri: Optional[str] = None) -> 'Timeline':
        segments = list(df[PYANNOTE_SEGMENT])
        timeline = cls(segments=segments, uri=uri)
        return timeline

    def __init__(self,
                 segments: Optional[Iterable[Segment]] = None,
                 uri: str = None):
        if segments is None:
            segments = ()

        # set of segments  (used for checking inclusion)
        segments_set = set(segments)

        if any(not segment for segment in segments_set):
            raise ValueError('Segments must not be empty.')

        self.segments_set_ = segments_set

        # sorted list of segments (used for sorted iteration)
        self.segments_list_ = SortedList(segments_set)

        # sorted list of (possibly redundant) segment boundaries
        boundaries = (boundary for segment in segments_set for boundary in segment)
        self.segments_boundaries_ = SortedList(boundaries)

        # path to (or any identifier of) segmented resource
        self.uri: str = uri

    def __len__(self):
        """Number of segments

        >>> len(timeline)  # timeline contains three segments
        return len(self.segments_set_)

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return self.__bool__()

    def __bool__(self):

        >>> if timeline:
        ...    # timeline is empty
        ... else:
        ...    # timeline is not empty
        return len(self.segments_set_) > 0

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Segment]:
        """Iterate over segments (in chronological order)

        >>> for segment in timeline:
        ...     # do something with the segment

        See also
        :class:`pyannote.core.Segment` describes how segments are sorted.
        return iter(self.segments_list_)

    def __getitem__(self, k: int) -> Segment:
        """Get segment by index (in chronological order)

        >>> first_segment = timeline[0]
        >>> penultimate_segment = timeline[-2]
        return self.segments_list_[k]

    def __eq__(self, other: 'Timeline'):

        Two timelines are equal if and only if their segments are equal.

        >>> timeline1 = Timeline([Segment(0, 1), Segment(2, 3)])
        >>> timeline2 = Timeline([Segment(2, 3), Segment(0, 1)])
        >>> timeline3 = Timeline([Segment(2, 3)])
        >>> timeline1 == timeline2
        >>> timeline1 == timeline3
        return self.segments_set_ == other.segments_set_

    def __ne__(self, other: 'Timeline'):
        return self.segments_set_ != other.segments_set_

    def index(self, segment: Segment) -> int:
        """Get index of (existing) segment

        segment : Segment
            Segment that is being looked for.

        position : int
            Index of `segment` in timeline

        ValueError if `segment` is not present.
        return self.segments_list_.index(segment)

    def add(self, segment: Segment) -> 'Timeline':
        """Add a segment (in place)

        segment : Segment
            Segment that is being added

        self : Timeline
            Updated timeline.

        If the timeline already contains this segment, it will not be added
        again, as a timeline is meant to be a **set** of segments (not a list).

        If the segment is empty, it will not be added either, as a timeline
        only contains non-empty segments.

        segments_set_ = self.segments_set_
        if segment in segments_set_ or not segment:
            return self



        segments_boundaries_ = self.segments_boundaries_

        return self

    def remove(self, segment: Segment) -> 'Timeline':
        """Remove a segment (in place)

        segment : Segment
            Segment that is being removed

        self : Timeline
            Updated timeline.

        If the timeline does not contain this segment, this does nothing

        segments_set_ = self.segments_set_
        if segment not in segments_set_:
            return self



        segments_boundaries_ = self.segments_boundaries_

        return self

    def discard(self, segment: Segment) -> 'Timeline':
        """Same as `remove`

        See also
        return self.remove(segment)

    def __ior__(self, timeline: 'Timeline') -> 'Timeline':
        return self.update(timeline)

    def update(self, timeline: Segment) -> 'Timeline':
        """Add every segments of an existing timeline (in place)

        timeline : Timeline
            Timeline whose segments are being added

        self : Timeline
            Updated timeline

        Only segments that do not already exist will be added, as a timeline is
        meant to be a **set** of segments (not a list).


        segments_set = self.segments_set_

        segments_set |= timeline.segments_set_

        # sorted list of segments (used for sorted iteration)
        self.segments_list_ = SortedList(segments_set)

        # sorted list of (possibly redundant) segment boundaries
        boundaries = (boundary for segment in segments_set for boundary in segment)
        self.segments_boundaries_ = SortedList(boundaries)

        return self

    def __or__(self, timeline: 'Timeline') -> 'Timeline':
        return self.union(timeline)

    def union(self, timeline: 'Timeline') -> 'Timeline':
        """Create new timeline made of union of segments

        timeline : Timeline
            Timeline whose segments are being added

        union : Timeline
            New timeline containing the union of both timelines.

        This does the same as timeline.update(...) except it returns a new
        timeline, and the original one is not modified.
        segments = self.segments_set_ | timeline.segments_set_
        return Timeline(segments=segments, uri=self.uri)

    def co_iter(self, other: 'Timeline') -> Iterator[Tuple[Segment, Segment]]:
        """Iterate over pairs of intersecting segments

        >>> timeline1 = Timeline([Segment(0, 2), Segment(1, 2), Segment(3, 4)])
        >>> timeline2 = Timeline([Segment(1, 3), Segment(3, 5)])
        >>> for segment1, segment2 in timeline1.co_iter(timeline2):
        ...     print(segment1, segment2)
        (<Segment(0, 2)>, <Segment(1, 3)>)
        (<Segment(1, 2)>, <Segment(1, 3)>)
        (<Segment(3, 4)>, <Segment(3, 5)>)

        other : Timeline
            Second timeline

        iterable : (Segment, Segment) iterable
            Yields pairs of intersecting segments in chronological order.

        for segment in self.segments_list_:

            # iterate over segments that starts before 'segment' ends
            temp = Segment(start=segment.end, end=segment.end)
            for other_segment in other.segments_list_.irange(maximum=temp):
                if segment.intersects(other_segment):
                    yield segment, other_segment

    def crop_iter(self,
                  support: Support,
                  mode: CropMode = 'intersection',
                  returns_mapping: bool = False) \
            -> Iterator[Union[Tuple[Segment, Segment], Segment]]:
        """Like `crop` but returns a segment iterator instead

        See also

        if mode not in {'loose', 'strict', 'intersection'}:
            raise ValueError("Mode must be one of 'loose', 'strict', or "

        if not isinstance(support, (Segment, Timeline)):
            raise TypeError("Support must be a Segment or a Timeline.")

        if isinstance(support, Segment):
            # corner case where "support" is empty
            if support:
                segments = [support]
                segments = []

            support = Timeline(segments=segments, uri=self.uri)
            for yielded in self.crop_iter(support, mode=mode,
                yield yielded

        # loose mode
        if mode == 'loose':
            for segment, _ in self.co_iter(support):
                yield segment

        # strict mode
        if mode == 'strict':
            for segment, other_segment in self.co_iter(support):
                if segment in other_segment:
                    yield segment

        # intersection mode
        for segment, other_segment in self.co_iter(support):
            mapped_to = segment & other_segment
            if not mapped_to:
            if returns_mapping:
                yield segment, mapped_to
                yield mapped_to

    def crop(self,
             support: Support,
             mode: CropMode = 'intersection',
             returns_mapping: bool = False) \
            -> Union['Timeline', Tuple['Timeline', Dict[Segment, Segment]]]:
        """Crop timeline to new support

        support : Segment or Timeline
            If `support` is a `Timeline`, its support is used.
        mode : {'strict', 'loose', 'intersection'}, optional
            Controls how segments that are not fully included in `support` are
            handled. 'strict' mode only keeps fully included segments. 'loose'
            mode keeps any intersecting segment. 'intersection' mode keeps any
            intersecting segment but replace them by their actual intersection.
        returns_mapping : bool, optional
            In 'intersection' mode, return a dictionary whose keys are segments
            of the cropped timeline, and values are list of the original
            segments that were cropped. Defaults to False.

        cropped : Timeline
            Cropped timeline
        mapping : dict
            When 'returns_mapping' is True, dictionary whose keys are segments
            of 'cropped', and values are lists of corresponding original


        >>> timeline = Timeline([Segment(0, 2), Segment(1, 2), Segment(3, 4)])
        >>> timeline.crop(Segment(1, 3))
        <Timeline(uri=None, segments=[<Segment(1, 2)>])>

        >>> timeline.crop(Segment(1, 3), mode='loose')
        <Timeline(uri=None, segments=[<Segment(0, 2)>, <Segment(1, 2)>])>

        >>> timeline.crop(Segment(1, 3), mode='strict')
        <Timeline(uri=None, segments=[<Segment(1, 2)>])>

        >>> cropped, mapping = timeline.crop(Segment(1, 3), returns_mapping=True)
        >>> print(mapping)
        {<Segment(1, 2)>: [<Segment(0, 2)>, <Segment(1, 2)>]}


        if mode == 'intersection' and returns_mapping:
            segments, mapping = [], {}
            for segment, mapped_to in self.crop_iter(support,
                mapping[mapped_to] = mapping.get(mapped_to, list()) + [segment]
            return Timeline(segments=segments, uri=self.uri), mapping

        return Timeline(segments=self.crop_iter(support, mode=mode),

    def overlapping(self, t: float) -> List[Segment]:
        """Get list of segments overlapping `t`

        t : float
            Timestamp, in seconds.

        segments : list
            List of all segments of timeline containing time t
        return list(self.overlapping_iter(t))

    def overlapping_iter(self, t: float) -> Iterator[Segment]:
        """Like `overlapping` but returns a segment iterator instead

        See also
        segment = Segment(start=t, end=t)
        for segment in self.segments_list_.irange(maximum=segment):
            if segment.overlaps(t):
                yield segment

    def __str__(self):
        """Human-readable representation

        >>> timeline = Timeline(segments=[Segment(0, 10), Segment(1, 13.37)])
        >>> print(timeline)
        [[ 00:00:00.000 -->  00:00:10.000]
         [ 00:00:01.000 -->  00:00:13.370]]


        n = len(self.segments_list_)
        string = "["
        for i, segment in enumerate(self.segments_list_):
            string += str(segment)
            string += "\n " if i + 1 < n else ""
        string += "]"
        return string

    def __repr__(self):
        """Computer-readable representation

        >>> Timeline(segments=[Segment(0, 10), Segment(1, 13.37)])
        <Timeline(uri=None, segments=[<Segment(0, 10)>, <Segment(1, 13.37)>])>


        return "<Timeline(uri=%s, segments=%s)>" % (self.uri,

    def __contains__(self, included: Union[Segment, 'Timeline']):

        Check whether every segment of `included` does exist in timeline.

        included : Segment or Timeline
            Segment or timeline being checked for inclusion

        contains : bool
            True if every segment in `included` exists in timeline,
            False otherwise

        >>> timeline1 = Timeline(segments=[Segment(0, 10), Segment(1, 13.37)])
        >>> timeline2 = Timeline(segments=[Segment(0, 10)])
        >>> timeline1 in timeline2
        >>> timeline2 in timeline1
        >>> Segment(1, 13.37) in timeline1


        if isinstance(included, Segment):
            return included in self.segments_set_

        elif isinstance(included, Timeline):
            return self.segments_set_.issuperset(included.segments_set_)

            raise TypeError(
                'Checking for inclusion only supports Segment and '
                'Timeline instances')

    def empty(self) -> 'Timeline':
        """Return an empty copy

        empty : Timeline
            Empty timeline using the same 'uri' attribute.

        return Timeline(uri=self.uri)

    def copy(self, segment_func: Optional[Callable[[Segment], Segment]] = None) \
            -> 'Timeline':
        """Get a copy of the timeline

        If `segment_func` is provided, it is applied to each segment first.

        segment_func : callable, optional
            Callable that takes a segment as input, and returns a segment.
            Defaults to identity function (segment_func(segment) = segment)

        timeline : Timeline
            Copy of the timeline


        # if segment_func is not provided
        # just add every segment
        if segment_func is None:
            return Timeline(segments=self.segments_list_, uri=self.uri)

        # if is provided
        # apply it to each segment before adding them
        return Timeline(segments=[segment_func(s) for s in self.segments_list_],

    def extent(self) -> Segment:

        The extent of a timeline is the segment of minimum duration that
        contains every segments of the timeline. It is unique, by definition.
        The extent of an empty timeline is an empty segment.

        A picture is worth a thousand words::

            |------|    |------|     |----|
              |--|    |-----|     |----------|


        extent : Segment
            Timeline extent

        >>> timeline = Timeline(segments=[Segment(0, 1), Segment(9, 10)])
        >>> timeline.extent()
        <Segment(0, 10)>

        if self.segments_set_:
            segments_boundaries_ = self.segments_boundaries_
            start = segments_boundaries_[0]
            end = segments_boundaries_[-1]
            return Segment(start=start, end=end)
            import numpy as np
            return Segment(start=np.inf, end=-np.inf)

    def support_iter(self) -> Iterator[Segment]:
        """Like `support` but returns a segment generator instead

        See also

        # The support of an empty timeline is an empty timeline.
        if not self:

        # Principle:
        #   * gather all segments with no gap between them
        #   * add one segment per resulting group (their union |)
        # Note:
        #   Since segments are kept sorted internally,
        #   there is no need to perform an exhaustive segment clustering.
        #   We just have to consider them in their natural order.

        # Initialize new support segment
        # as very first segment of the timeline
        new_segment = self.segments_list_[0]

        for segment in self:

            # If there is no gap between new support segment and next segment,
            if not (segment ^ new_segment):
                # Extend new support segment using next segment
                new_segment |= segment

            # If there actually is a gap,
                yield new_segment

                # Initialize new support segment as next segment
                # (right after the gap)
                new_segment = segment

        # Add new segment to the timeline support
        yield new_segment

    def support(self) -> 'Timeline':
        """Timeline support

        The support of a timeline is the timeline with the minimum number of
        segments with exactly the same time span as the original timeline. It
        is (by definition) unique and does not contain any overlapping

        A picture is worth a thousand words::

            |------|    |------|     |----|
              |--|    |-----|     |----------|

            |------|  |--------|  |----------|

        support : Timeline
            Timeline support
        return Timeline(segments=self.support_iter(), uri=self.uri)

    def duration(self) -> float:
        """Timeline duration

        The timeline duration is the sum of the durations of the segments
        in the timeline support.

        duration : float
            Duration of timeline support, in seconds.

        # The timeline duration is the sum of the durations
        # of the segments in the timeline support.
        return sum(s.duration for s in self.support_iter())

    def gaps_iter(self, support: Optional[Support] = None) -> Iterator[Segment]:
        """Like `gaps` but returns a segment generator instead

        See also


        if support is None:
            support = self.extent()

        if not isinstance(support, (Segment, Timeline)):
            raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for -':"
                            "%s and Timeline." % type(support).__name__)

        # segment support
        if isinstance(support, Segment):

            # `end` is meant to store the end time of former segment
            # initialize it with beginning of provided segment `support`
            end = support.start

            # support on the intersection of timeline and provided segment
            for segment in self.crop(support, mode='intersection').support():

                # add gap between each pair of consecutive segments
                # if there is no gap, segment is empty, therefore not added
                gap = Segment(start=end, end=segment.start)
                if gap:
                    yield gap

                # keep track of the end of former segment
                end = segment.end

            # add final gap (if not empty)
            gap = Segment(start=end, end=support.end)
            if gap:
                yield gap

        # timeline support
        elif isinstance(support, Timeline):

            # yield gaps for every segment in support of provided timeline
            for segment in
                for gap in self.gaps_iter(support=segment):
                    yield gap

    def gaps(self, support: Optional[Support] = None) \
            -> 'Timeline':

        A picture is worth a thousand words::

            |------|    |------|     |----|
              |--|    |-----|     |----------|

                   |--|        |--|

        support : None, Segment or Timeline
            Support in which gaps are looked for. Defaults to timeline extent

        gaps : Timeline
            Timeline made of all gaps from original timeline, and delimited
            by provided support

        See also

        return Timeline(segments=self.gaps_iter(support=support),

    def segmentation(self) -> 'Timeline':

        Create the unique timeline with same support and same set of segment
        boundaries as original timeline, but with no overlapping segments.

        A picture is worth a thousand words::

            |------|    |------|     |----|
              |--|    |-----|     |----------|

            |-|--|-|  |-|---|--|  |--|----|--|

        timeline : Timeline
            (unique) timeline with same support and same set of segment
            boundaries as original timeline, but with no overlapping segments.
        # COMPLEXITY: O(n)
        support =

        # COMPLEXITY: O(n.log n)
        # get all boundaries (sorted)
        # |------|    |------|     |----|
        #   |--|    |-----|     |----------|
        # becomes
        # | |  | |  | |   |  |  |  |    |  |
        timestamps = set([])
        for (start, end) in self:
        timestamps = sorted(timestamps)

        # create new partition timeline
        # | |  | |  | |   |  |  |  |    |  |
        # becomes
        # |-|--|-|  |-|---|--|  |--|----|--|

        # start with an empty copy
        timeline = Timeline(uri=self.uri)

        if len(timestamps) == 0:
            return Timeline(uri=self.uri)

        segments = []
        start = timestamps[0]
        for end in timestamps[1:]:
            # only add segments that are covered by original timeline
            segment = Segment(start=start, end=end)
            if segment and support.overlapping(segment.middle):
            # next segment...
            start = end

        return Timeline(segments=segments, uri=self.uri)

    def to_annotation(self,
                      generator: Union[str, Iterable[Label], None, None] = 'string',
                      modality: Optional[str] = None) \
            -> 'Annotation':
        """Turn timeline into an annotation

        Each segment is labeled by a unique label.

        generator : 'string', 'int', or iterable, optional
            If 'string' (default) generate string labels. If 'int', generate
            integer labels. If iterable, use it to generate labels.
        modality : str, optional

        annotation : Annotation

        from .annotation import Annotation
        annotation = Annotation(uri=self.uri, modality=modality)
        if generator == 'string':
            from .utils.generators import string_generator
            generator = string_generator()
        elif generator == 'int':
            from .utils.generators import int_generator
            generator = int_generator()

        for segment in self:
            annotation[segment] = next(generator)

        return annotation

    def write_uem(self, file: TextIO):
        """Dump timeline to file using UEM format

        file : file object
        >>> with open('file.uem', 'w') as file:
        ...    timeline.write_uem(file)

        uri = self.uri if self.uri else "<NA>"

        for segment in self:
            line = f"{uri} 1 {segment.start:.3f} {segment.end:.3f}\n"

    def for_json(self):

        See also

        data = {PYANNOTE_JSON: self.__class__.__name__}
        data[PYANNOTE_JSON_CONTENT] = [s.for_json() for s in self]

        if self.uri:
            data[PYANNOTE_URI] = self.uri

        return data

    def from_json(cls, data):

        See also

        uri = data.get(PYANNOTE_URI, None)
        segments = [Segment.from_json(s) for s in data[PYANNOTE_JSON_CONTENT]]
        return cls(segments=segments, uri=uri)

    def _repr_png_(self):
        """IPython notebook support

        See also

        from .notebook import repr_timeline
        return repr_timeline(self)
Beispiel #48
    def Delete(self, listOfPKValues):
        if self.VerifyUniquePKval(listOfPKValues): # A True result implies the values don't yet exist in the table.
            print("Error: PK values specfied don't exist in ", self.TableName)
            return False
        #hashkey to remove from FKTable or to use for generating a key to remove a record
        parent_hashkey = self.getHashKey(listOfPKValues)
        # Not using FKTables. Just remove the record if it exists.
        if Table._UseFKTables == False:
            if Table._Debug: print("****Removing record ", listOfPKValues)
            key = (self.NameSpace, self.TableName, None, parent_hashkey)
                Table._CurrentClient.remove(key) #delete from the database
            except Exception as e:
                print("Error: Attempted delete. Not using FKTables")
                print("Error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
            return True
        #Implemente Restricted Delete. If the PK value is referenced by another table, the Delete will fail.
        ## When a row delete request is made at the parent Table, remove the row hash value from all child 
        #  FK value rows. If no more hashes exist in that row, the row can be deleted.
        ## When a row delete request is made at another table that is referenced by the parent table with 
        #  an FK, search for that FK’s value in the corresponding FKTable child table. If it exists, block 
        #  the delete. If it does not exist, complete the delete.

        #Case 1: Calling table has FKs in it.
        if len(self.FK) > 0:
            if Table._Debug: print("****This table has FK refs (it's a parent):", self.TableName)
            #Put listOfPKValues in a dict with their colNames so we can easily refer to them
            FKPKDict = dict(zip(self.PK, listOfPKValues)) #Some of these are not FKs but they won't be requested.
            for thisFKref in self.FK:
                FKTableToUpdate = self.FKtables[str(thisFKref['colName'] + '_FKTable')]
                #If the FK is part of the PK, it's already in this dict.
                if thisFKref['colName'] in self.PK:
                    checkFKvalue = FKPKDict[thisFKref['colName']]
                else: #If the FK isn't part of the PK, we'll need to loop up its value so we can find it in the FKTable.
                    record = self.Read_PK(listOfPKValues)
                    checkFKvalue = record[thisFKref['colName']]
                hashkey = FKTableToUpdate.getHashKey([checkFKvalue])
                key = (FKTableToUpdate.NameSpace, FKTableToUpdate.TableName, None, hashkey)
                if Table._Debug: print("****Updating FKtable ", FKTableToUpdate.TableName)
                    (key, metadata, record) = Table._CurrentClient.get(key) #Do an RMW, revmoing the parent key fromm the list
                    currentHashList = SortedList(record["TableHashes"]) 
                    if len(currentHashList) > 1:
                        Table._CurrentClient.put(key, {"TableHashes":currentHashList})
                        Table._CurrentClient.remove(key) #delete from the database
                        FKTableToUpdate.Rows.remove(hashkey) #delete from the target table's list of record hashkeys.
                except Exception as e:
                    print("error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
                    print("Error trying to delete in ", FKTableToUpdate.TableName)
                    return False
            #if all that went well, actually remove the requested record
            if Table._Debug: print("****Removing record ", listOfPKValues)
            key = (self.NameSpace, self.TableName, None, parent_hashkey)
                Table._CurrentClient.remove(key) #delete from the database
            except Exception as e:
                print("Error: Attempted delete. Using FKTables, this table has FKs")
                print("Error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
            #Case 2: Calling table has no FKs (but it might be referenced)
            if Table._Debug: print("****This table has no FK refs, checking for references:", self.TableName)
            #Need to determine if the values in the delete are used in a referencing table. If yes, terminate
            #the delete. Otherwise, let it continue.
            PKDict = dict(zip(self.PK, listOfPKValues))
            PKvalueIsReferenced = False
            for thisTable in Table._registry:
                for thisFKref in thisTable.FK: # If there are 0 elements in FK[], the table isn't ref'g the calling table
                    if thisFKref['refTable'] == self: # The calling table is refd by this table. Now look for this value
                        checkPKvalue = PKDict[thisFKref['refColName']]
                        FKTableToCheck = thisTable.FKtables[str(thisFKref['colName'] + '_FKTable')]
                        if FKTableToCheck.VerifyUniquePKval(checkPKvalue) == False: #If False, then the value exists in the FKTable
                            PKvalueIsReferenced = True
            if PKvalueIsReferenced:
                print("WARNING: Can't delete this record, it is referenced by another record!")
                return False
                if Table._Debug: print("****No references found, removing record", listOfPKValues)
                key = (self.NameSpace, self.TableName, None, parent_hashkey)
                    Table._CurrentClient.remove(key) #delete from the database
                except Exception as e:
                    print("Error: Attempted delete. Using FKTables, this table has no FKs")
                    print("Error: {0}".format(e), sys.stderr)
        return True