def read_signal(filename, offset=0, nsamples=-1, nchannels=0, offset_is_samples=False): """Read a wavefile and return as numpy array of floats. Args: filename (string): Name of file to read offset (int, optional): Offset in samples or seconds (from start). Defaults to 0. nchannels: expected number of channel (default: 0 = any number OK) offset_is_samples (bool): measurement units for offset (default: False) Returns: ndarray: audio signal """ try: wave_file = SoundFile(filename) except: # Ensure incorrect error (24 bit) is not generated raise Exception(f"Unable to read {filename}.") if nchannels != 0 and wave_file.channels != nchannels: raise Exception( f"Wav file ({filename}) was expected to have {nchannels} channels." ) if wave_file.samplerate != CONFIG.fs: raise Exception(f"Sampling rate is not {CONFIG.fs} for filename {filename}.") if not offset_is_samples: # Default behaviour offset = int(offset * wave_file.samplerate) if offset != 0: x = return x
def __init__(self, file: str): """Creates an instance of a Decoder source with the given configuration Args: file_name (str): Input file name frames_per_buffer (int): Number of frames per buffer. name (str): Name of the element """ self.__instance = SoundFile(file=file, mode='r')
def load_dict(filename): """ Load a wave file and return the signal, sample rate and number of channels. Can be any format supported by the underlying library (libsndfile or SciPy) """ soundfile = {} if wav_loader == 'pysoundfile': sf = SoundFile(filename) soundfile['signal'] = soundfile['channels'] = sf.channels soundfile['fs'] = sf.samplerate soundfile['samples'] = len(sf) soundfile['format'] = sf.format_info + ' ' + sf.subtype_info sf.close() elif wav_loader == 'scikits.audiolab': sf = Sndfile(filename, 'r') soundfile['signal'] = sf.read_frames(sf.nframes) soundfile['channels'] = sf.channels soundfile['fs'] = sf.samplerate soundfile['samples'] = sf.nframes soundfile['format'] = sf.format sf.close() elif wav_loader == '': soundfile['fs'], soundfile['signal'] = read(filename) try: soundfile['channels'] = soundfile['signal'].shape[1] except IndexError: soundfile['channels'] = 1 soundfile['samples'] = soundfile['signal'].shape[0] soundfile['format'] = str(soundfile['signal'].dtype) return soundfile
def load(filename): """ Load a wave file and return the signal, sample rate and number of channels. Can be any format supported by the underlying library (libsndfile or SciPy) """ if wav_loader == 'pysoundfile': sf = SoundFile(filename) signal = channels = sf.channels sample_rate = sf.samplerate samples = len(sf) file_format = sf.format_info + ' ' + sf.subtype_info sf.close() elif wav_loader == 'scikits.audiolab': sf = Sndfile(filename, 'r') signal = sf.read_frames(sf.nframes) channels = sf.channels sample_rate = sf.samplerate samples = sf.nframes file_format = sf.format sf.close() elif wav_loader == '': sample_rate, signal = read(filename) try: channels = signal.shape[1] except IndexError: channels = 1 samples = signal.shape[0] file_format = str(signal.dtype) return signal, sample_rate, channels
def batch_list(file_dir, list_name, data_path='data', make_new=False): """ Places the file paths and wav lengths of an audio file into a dictionary, which is then appended to a list. 'glob' is used to support Unix style pathname pattern expansions. Checks if the training list has already been saved, and loads it. Argument/s: file_dir - directory containing the audio files. list_name - name for the list. data_path - path to store pickle files. make_new - re-create list. Returns: batch_list - list of file paths and wav length. """ extension = ['*.wav', '*.flac', '*.mp3'] if not make_new: if os.path.exists(data_path + '/' + list_name + '_list_' + platform.node() + '.p'): print('Loading ' + list_name + ' list...') with open( data_path + '/' + list_name + '_list_' + platform.node() + '.p', 'rb') as f: batch_list = pickle.load(f) if batch_list[0]['file_path'].find(file_dir) != -1: print(list_name + ' list has a totaltry: of %i entries.' % (len(batch_list))) return batch_list print('Creating ' + list_name + ' list...') batch_list = [] for i in extension: for j in glob.glob(os.path.join(file_dir, i)): try: f = SoundFile(j) wav_len =, SEEK_END) if wav_len == -1: wav, _ = read_wav(j) wav_len = len(wav) except NameError: wav, _ = read_wav(j) wav_len = len(wav) batch_list.append({ 'file_path': j, 'wav_len': wav_len }) # append dictionary. if not os.path.exists(data_path): os.makedirs(data_path) # make directory. with open(data_path + '/' + list_name + '_list_' + platform.node() + '.p', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(batch_list, f) print('The ' + list_name + ' list has a total of %i entries.' % (len(batch_list))) return batch_list
class Encoder(Sink): """This class is an interface to write data into an audio file""" def __init__(self, file_name: str, rate: int, channels: int, name: str = ""): """Creates an instance of a Encoder source with the given configuration Args: file_name (str): Input file name rate (int): The sample rate of the file in Hz channels (int): The number of channels name (str): Name of the element """ super().__init__(name) self.__instance = SoundFile(file=file_name, mode='w', samplerate=rate, channels=channels) @property def sample_rate(self) -> int: """Return the sampling rate in Hz.""" return self.__instance.samplerate @property def channels(self) -> int: """Return the number of channels.""" return self.__instance.channels @property def file_name(self) -> str: """Return the file name.""" return def seek(self, frames): """Set the write position. Args: frames: The frame index or offset to seek """ return def process(self, data, extra=None): """Writes the buffer of data into the audio file. Args: data: Array to write in the file extra: Any extra information previously computed. """ self.__instance.write(data.flatten()), extra
def test_resample_all(): """ Tests that a properly structured directory of labelled audio files is successfully resampled at the desired rate, saved as a different file type, and written to the desired new or old location. :return: """ aud1, sr = librosa.load(librosa.ex('trumpet')) aud2, _ = librosa.load(librosa.ex('nutcracker')) # setup mock mnist style dataset file structure rand_loc1 = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=6)) rand_loc2 = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=6)) rand_loc1 = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, rand_loc1) rand_loc2 = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, rand_loc2) sub_dir1 = os.path.join(rand_loc1, 'l1') sub_dir2 = os.path.join(rand_loc1, 'l2') save1 = os.path.join(sub_dir1, 'test1.m4a') save2 = os.path.join(sub_dir2, 'test2.m4a') # write '.m4a' data to mock file structure os.makedirs(sub_dir1, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(sub_dir2, exist_ok=True) with SoundFile(save1, 'w', sr, channels=1, format='WAV') as f1: f1.write(aud1) with SoundFile(save2, 'w', sr, channels=1, format='WAV') as f2: f2.write(aud2) # verify new files of type '.wav' save in same/old directory resample_all(rand_loc1, rand_loc1, sr) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join( sub_dir1, 'rs_test1.wav')), "File not saved to old directory" assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join( sub_dir2, 'rs_test2.wav')), "File not saved to old directory" # verify new files of '.wav' are saved in new/different directory resample_all(rand_loc1, rand_loc2, sr) assert os.path.isfile( os.path.join(rand_loc2, sub_dir1, 'rs_test1.wav')), "File not saved to new directory" assert os.path.isfile( os.path.join(rand_loc2, sub_dir2, 'rs_test2.wav')), "File not saved to new directory" assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join( ROOT_DIR, 'manifest.txt')), "Manifest of resampled files not generated" # Delete all generated test directories and files. shutil.rmtree(rand_loc1) shutil.rmtree(rand_loc2) os.remove(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'manifest.txt'))
def load(filename): """ Load a wave file and return the signal, sample rate and number of channels. Can be any format supported by the underlying library (libsndfile or SciPy) """ if wav_loader == 'pysoundfile': sf = SoundFile(filename) signal = channels = sf.channels sample_rate = sf.samplerate sf.close() elif wav_loader == 'scikits.audiolab': sf = Sndfile(filename, 'r') signal = sf.read_frames(sf.nframes) channels = sf.channels sample_rate = sf.samplerate sf.close() elif wav_loader == '': sample_rate, signal = read(filename) try: channels = signal.shape[1] except IndexError: channels = 1 return signal, sample_rate, channels
def Batch_list(file_dir, list_name, data_path=None, make_new=False): from soundfile import SoundFile, SEEK_END ''' Places the file paths and wav lengths of an audio file into a dictionary, which is then appended to a list. SPHERE format cannot be used. 'glob' is used to support Unix style pathname pattern expansions. Checks if the training list has already been pickled, and loads it. If a different dataset is to be used, delete the pickle file. Inputs: file_dir - directory containing the wavs. list_name - name for the list. data_path - path to store pickle files. make_new - re-create list. Outputs: batch_list - list of file paths and wav length. ''' file_name = ['*.wav', '*.flac', '*.mp3'] if data_path == None: data_path = 'data' if not make_new: if os.path.exists(data_path + '/' + list_name + '_list_' + platform.node() + '.p'): print('Loading ' + list_name + ' list from pickle file...') with open( data_path + '/' + list_name + '_list_' + platform.node() + '.p', 'rb') as f: batch_list = pickle.load(f) if batch_list[0]['file_path'].find(file_dir) != -1: print('The ' + list_name + ' list has a total of %i entries.' % (len(batch_list))) return batch_list print('Creating ' + list_name + ' list, as no pickle file exists...') batch_list = [] # list for wav paths and lengths. for fn in file_name: for file_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(file_dir, fn)): f = SoundFile(file_path) seq_len =, SEEK_END) batch_list.append({ 'file_path': file_path, 'seq_len': seq_len }) # append dictionary. if not os.path.exists(data_path): os.makedirs(data_path) # make directory. with open(data_path + '/' + list_name + '_list_' + platform.node() + '.p', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(batch_list, f) print('The ' + list_name + ' list has a total of %i entries.' % (len(batch_list))) return batch_list
def get_audio_metadata(audioPath, sphereType=False): ''' Returns sampling rate, number of channels and duration of an audio file :param audioPath: :param sphereType: :return: ''' #this will get rid of audiolab which is py2.7 only # snd_file = SoundFile(audioPath, mode='r') # inf = snd_file._info # sr = inf.samplerate # channels = inf.channels # duration = float(inf.frames) / float(inf.samplerate) # return int(sr), int(channels), float(duration) #--delete below when uncommented ext = os.path.splitext(audioPath)[1][1:].lower() if ext == "aiff" or sphereType: # SPHERE headers for the TIMIT dataset audio = scikits.audiolab.Sndfile(audioPath) sr = audio.samplerate channels = audio.channels duration = float(audio.nframes) / float(audio.samplerate) elif ext == "mp3": # Use ffmpeg/ffprobe sr, channels, duration = get_mp3_metadata(audioPath) else: snd_file = SoundFile(audioPath, mode='r') inf = snd_file._info sr = inf.samplerate channels = inf.channels duration = float(inf.frames) / float(inf.samplerate) return int(sr), int(channels), float(duration)
def generate_spectrogram(mseed_file, highpass, samplerate): """ Execute a high pass filter on the meed input. Create a still image movie of the spectrogram with the resulting flac audio. :param mseed_file: Hydrophone audio file in mseed format :param highpass: High pass frequency for filtering :return: output video filename if successful, otherwise None """ root, ext = os.path.splitext(mseed_file) if ext != '.mseed': log.error('input file (%s) must be mseed format' % mseed_file) return None stream = filtered = stream.copy() # generate plot image image = '%s.png' % root filtered.filter('highpass', freq=highpass) filtered.plot(color='blue', outfile=image) # generate audio file audio = '%s.flac' % root filtered.normalize() with SoundFile(audio, 'w', samplerate, 1) as f: f.write(filtered[0].data) # generate movie clip clip = '%s.mp4' % root try: subprocess.check_call([ 'ffmpeg', '-loop', '1', '-i', image, '-i', audio, '-c:v', 'libx264', '-tune', 'stillimage', # video codec, tuned for still image '-c:a', 'aac', '-b:a', '192k', # audio codec '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-shortest', clip ]) # output options'successfully created clip: %s' % clip) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.error('failed to create clip: %s - %r' % (clip, e)) return None return clip
def get_audio_metadata(audioPath, sphereType=False): ''' Returns sampling rate, number of channels and duration of an audio file :param audioPath: :param sphereType: :return: ''' ext = os.path.splitext(audioPath)[1][1:].lower() if False: if ext == "aiff" or sphereType: # SPHERE headers for the TIMIT dataset audio = scikits.audiolab.Sndfile(audioPath) sr = audio.samplerate channels = audio.channels duration = float(audio.nframes) / float(audio.samplerate) elif ext == "mp3": # Use ffmpeg/ffprobe sr, channels, duration = get_mp3_metadata(audioPath) else: snd_file = SoundFile(audioPath, mode='r') inf = snd_file._info sr = inf.samplerate channels = inf.channels duration = float(inf.frames) / float(inf.samplerate) else: if ext == "mp3": # Use ffmpeg/ffprobe sr, channels, duration = get_mp3_metadata(audioPath) else: sr, _, _, channels, num_frames = sndio.get_info(audioPath, extended_info=True) duration = num_frames / sr return int(sr), int(channels), float(duration)
def convert_flac_to_wav(wav_path: str) -> None: """ Convert a .flac speech file to .wav file Parameters ----------- :params wav_path: Path to the flac file Notes ----------- Open the .flac file using soundfile and write to .wav format. Usage ----------- >>> #TODO """ with SoundFile(wav_path, ) as wav: wav_arr = sample_rate = wav.samplerate nframes = wav.frames duration = nframes / sample_rate print(f"Wave duration is {duration} .") output_paths = wav_path.split(".") output_path = output_paths[0] + ".wav" wav_id = output_paths[0].split("/")[-1] sf.write(output_path, wav_arr, sample_rate) return (output_path, duration, wav_id)
def save_wav(self, wav, overwrite=False): try: out_arr = wav.view(-1).cpu().numpy() fname = self.out_dir + "/" + self.out_name + ".wav" import soundfile from soundfile import SoundFile if overwrite: soundfile.write(fname, out_arr, samplerate=self.sample_rate, format="WAV") else: try: with SoundFile(fname, mode="r+") as wav_file:, soundfile.SEEK_END) wav_file.write(out_arr) except Exception as e: soundfile.write(fname, out_arr, samplerate=self.sample_rate, format="WAV") self.comm("[conversion-done]", "first") # if self.mlDevice == "cuda": # torch.cuda.empty_cache() except Exception as e: self.output_err("Write error", e)
def read_from_file(self, audio_file_path): """ Read audio from file. Parameters: ---------- audio_file_path : str Path to audio file. Returns: ------- np.array Audio data. """ from soundfile import SoundFile with SoundFile(audio_file_path, "r") as data: sample_rate = data.samplerate audio_data ="float32") audio_data = audio_data.transpose() if sample_rate != self.desired_audio_sample_rate: from librosa.core import resample as lr_resample audio_data = lr_resample(y=audio_data, orig_sr=sample_rate, target_sr=self.desired_audio_sample_rate) if audio_data.ndim >= 2: audio_data = np.mean(audio_data, axis=1) return audio_data
def _loadFile(fileName): sf = SoundFile(fileName) signal = channels = sf.channels sample_rate = sf.samplerate sf.close() return signal, channels, sample_rate
def cli_convert_main(input_files): loop = gobject.MainLoop() gobject.threads_init() context = loop.get_context() error.set_error_handler(error.ErrorPrinter()) output_type = settings['cli-output-type'] output_suffix = settings['cli-output-suffix'] generator = TargetNameGenerator() generator.suffix = output_suffix progress = CliProgress() queue = TaskQueue() for input_file in input_files: input_file = SoundFile(input_file) output_name = generator.get_target_name(input_file) c = Converter(input_file, output_name, output_type) c.init() c.start() while c.running: if c.get_duration(): percent = min(100, 100.0 * (c.get_position() / c.get_duration())) percent = '%.1f %%' % percent else: percent = '/-\|'[int(time.time()) % 4] '%s: %s' % (unquote_filename(c.sound_file.filename[-65:]), percent)) time.sleep(0.01) context.iteration(True) print previous_filename = None ''' queue.start() #running, progress = queue.get_progress(perfile) while queue.running: t = None #queue.get_current_task() if t and not settings['quiet']: if previous_filename != t.sound_file.get_filename_for_display(): if previous_filename: print _('%s: OK') % previous_filename previous_filename = t.sound_file.get_filename_for_display() percent = 0 if t.get_duration(): percent = '%.1f %%' % ( 100.0* (t.get_position() / t.get_duration() )) else: percent = '/-\|' [int(time.time()) % 4]'%s: %s' % (t.sound_file.get_filename_for_display()[-65:], percent )) time.sleep(0.10) context.iteration(True) ''' if not settings['quiet']: progress.clear()
async def sunvox2audio( process: BufferedProcess, slot: Slot, audio_paths: List[Path], freq: int, channels: int, max_file_size=8000000, ): audio_paths = [Path(p) for p in audio_paths] try: length = slot.get_song_length_frames()"Sunvox reports song length is %d frames", length) slot.play_from_beginning() position = 0 audio_files = [ SoundFile( str(p), "w", freq, channels, "FLOAT" if str(p).endswith(".wav") else None, ) for p in audio_paths ] try: while position < length: percentage = position * 100.0 / length buffer = process.fill_buffer() one_second = position + freq end_pos = min(one_second, length) copy_size = end_pos - position if copy_size < one_second: buffer = buffer[:copy_size] for f in audio_files: f.buffer_write(buffer, dtype="float32") with audio_paths[0].open("rb") as primary_f:, 2) file_size = primary_f.tell() if file_size > max_file_size: log.warning( "Stopped writing at %r bytes (exceeded %r)", file_size, max_file_size, ) break "Rendered %r of %r (%.2f%%), %r bytes written", position, length, percentage, file_size, ) position = end_pos await asyncio.sleep(0) finally: for f in audio_files: f.close() finally: process.kill()
def readWave(audio_path, start_frame, end_frame, mono=True, sample_rate=None, clip=True): snd_file = SoundFile(audio_path, mode='r') inf = snd_file._info audio_sr = inf.samplerate audio = - start_frame, dtype='float32') snd_file.close() audio = audio.T # Tuple to numpy, transpose axis to (channels, frames) # Convert to mono if desired if mono and len(audio.shape) > 1 and audio.shape[0] > 1: audio = np.mean(audio, axis=0) # Resample if needed if sample_rate is not None and sample_rate != audio_sr: audio = librosa.resample(audio, audio_sr, sample_rate, res_type="kaiser_fast") audio_sr = sample_rate # Clip to [-1,1] if desired if clip: audio = np.minimum(np.maximum(audio, -1.0), 1.0) return audio, audio_sr
def __init__(self, file_name: str, rate: int, channels: int, name: str = ""): """Creates an instance of a Encoder source with the given configuration Args: file_name (str): Input file name rate (int): The sample rate of the file in Hz channels (int): The number of channels name (str): Name of the element """ super().__init__(name) self.__instance = SoundFile(file=file_name, mode='w', samplerate=rate, channels=channels)
def __init__(self, sf=None, **parameters): self.unroll_parameters(parameters) if isinstance(sf, str): sf = SoundFile(sf) self.sf = sf metadata = list(self._gen_metadata_from_sf(sf)) self.extend_metadata(metadata) self.fetch_metadata_as_attrs()
def create_soundfile(): import numpy as np from io import BytesIO from soundfile import write, SoundFile bio = BytesIO() x = np.random.randn(10 * 2048) x /= np.max(np.abs(x)) write(bio, x, 44100, format='WAV') return SoundFile(bio)
def audio_recorder(final_file_name, temp_video_file, temp_audio_file): q = queue.Queue() def callback(indata, frames, time, status): q.put(indata.copy()) device_info = query_devices(0, 'input') samplerate = int(device_info['default_samplerate']) initial_time = time() with SoundFile("Recorded Videos/" + temp_audio_file + ".wav", mode='x', samplerate=samplerate, channels=2) as file: with InputStream(samplerate=samplerate, device=0, channels=2, callback=callback): while not stop: file.write(q.get()) print("счет1 ", count1) print("time()-initial_time = ", time() - initial_time) fps_real = count1 / (time() - initial_time) processing_condition_showing("Обработка") print("Действительный fps ", fps_real) changing_fps(fps_real, temp_video_file) #merging sound = AudioSegment.from_wav("Recorded Videos/" + temp_audio_file + ".wav") sound.export("Recorded Videos/" + temp_audio_file + ".mp3") clip = mpe.VideoFileClip("Recorded Videos/" + temp_video_file + "_corrected.avi") audio = mpe.AudioFileClip("Recorded Videos/" + temp_audio_file + ".mp3") final_audio = mpe.CompositeAudioClip([audio]) final_file = clip.set_audio(final_audio) final_file.write_videofile("Recorded Videos/" + final_file_name + ".mp4") print("Удаление временных файлов") if isfile("Recorded Videos/" + temp_audio_file + ".mp3"): remove("Recorded Videos/" + temp_audio_file + ".mp3") if isfile("Recorded Videos/" + temp_audio_file + ".wav"): remove("Recorded Videos/" + temp_audio_file + ".wav") if isfile("Recorded Videos/" + temp_video_file + ".avi"): remove("Recorded Videos/" + temp_video_file + ".avi") if isfile("Recorded Videos/" + temp_video_file + "_corrected.avi"): remove("Recorded Videos/" + temp_video_file + "_corrected.avi") processing_condition_showing("done")
def save_wav(wav, count=-1): # print("Outputing wav file...") out_arr = wav.view(-1).cpu().numpy() fname = out_name + ".wav" import soundfile from soundfile import SoundFile try: with SoundFile(fname, mode="r+") as wav_file:, soundfile.SEEK_END) wav_file.write(out_arr) except Exception as e: soundfile.write(fname, out_arr, samplerate=sample_rate, format="WAV")
def init_soundfile(self): "init_soundfile() - initialize flexible SoundFile audio interface" self.soundfileinfo = _SoundFileInfo(self.filename, verbose=True) = None self.fileobj = SoundFile(self.filename) self.Fs = self.fileobj.samplerate self.samplesN = self.soundfileinfo.frames self.channels = self.soundfileinfo.channels self.format = self.soundfileinfo.format self.subtype = self.soundfileinfo.subtype
def soundfile(hz=440, seconds=5., sr=44100.): bio = BytesIO() s = signal(hz, seconds, sr) with SoundFile(bio, mode='w', channels=2, format='WAV', subtype='PCM_16', samplerate=int(sr)) as f: f.write(s) return s, HasUri(bio)
def __init__(self): super().__init__('audio_output', namespace='voice') # create topics self.audio_subscriber = self.create_subscription( Audio, 'audio_out', self.audio_listener, 10) # get node parameters self.declare_parameter('device', '') # input audio device ID or name self.declare_parameter('sample_rate', 16000) # sample rate (in Hz) self.declare_parameter('chunk_size', 4096) # number of samples per buffer self.device_name = str(self.get_parameter('device').value) self.sample_rate = self.get_parameter('sample_rate').value self.chunk_size = self.get_parameter('chunk_size').value if self.device_name == '': raise ValueError( "must set the 'device' parameter to either an input audio device ID/name or the path to a .wav file" ) self.get_logger().info(f'device={self.device_name}') self.get_logger().info(f'sample_rate={self.sample_rate}') self.get_logger().info(f'chunk_size={self.chunk_size}') # check if this is an audio device or a wav file file_ext = os.path.splitext(self.device_name)[1].lower() if file_ext == '.wav' or file_ext == '.wave': self.wav = SoundFile(self.device_name, mode='w', samplerate=self.sample_rate, channels=1) self.device = None else: self.wav = None self.device = AudioOutput(self.device_name, sample_rate=self.sample_rate, chunk_size=self.chunk_size)
def serialize(self, context): bio = BytesIO() samples = context.value with SoundFile(bio, mode='w', samplerate=samples.samples_per_second, channels=samples.channels, format='OGG', subtype='VORBIS') as sf: for i in range(0, len(samples), samples.samples_per_second): sf.write(samples[i:i + samples.samples_per_second]) return TempResult(, 'audio/ogg')
def from_file(self, filename): """Load sound from an audio file.""" if filename[-4:].lower() == '.lmp': = readfile(filename) else: with SoundFile(filename) as file: # get sound data and convert to 8-bit unsigned mono sound = ('int16') >> 8) + 128 if file.channels > 1: sound = np.mean(sound, axis=1) # create new format 3 sound self.from_raw( sound.astype('uint8').tobytes(), 3, file.samplerate)
def encode(self, flo=None, fmt='WAV', subtype='PCM_16'): """ Return audio samples encoded as bytes given a particular audio format Args: flo (file-like): A file-like object to write the bytes to. If flo is not supplied, a new :class:`io.BytesIO` instance will be created and returned fmt (str): A libsndfile-friendly identifier for an audio encoding (detailed here: subtype (str): A libsndfile-friendly identifier for an audio encoding subtype (detailed here: Examples: >>> from zounds import SR11025, AudioSamples >>> import numpy as np >>> silence = np.zeros(11025*10) >>> samples = AudioSamples(silence, SR11025()) >>> bio = samples.encode() >>> 'RIFFx]\\x03\\x00WA' """ flo = flo or BytesIO() with SoundFile( flo, mode='w', channels=self.channels, format=fmt, subtype=subtype, samplerate=self.samples_per_second) as f: if fmt == 'OGG': # KLUDGE: Trying to write too-large chunks to an ogg file seems # to cause a segfault in libsndfile # KLUDGE: This logic is very similar to logic in the OggVorbis # processing node, and should probably be factored into a common # location factor = 20 chunksize = self.samples_per_second * factor for i in range(0, len(self), chunksize): chunk = self[i: i + chunksize] f.write(chunk) else: # write everything in one chunk f.write(self) return flo
def convert_mseed_to_flac(mseed_dir, mseed_files): for mseed_filename in mseed_files: filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(mseed_filename) flac_file = os.path.join(mseed_dir, filename + '.flac') # If this flac file does not already exist, convert it. if not os.path.exists(flac_file): mseed_file = os.path.join(mseed_dir, mseed_filename) stream = with SoundFile(flac_file, 'w', 64000, 1, subtype='PCM_24') as soundFile: soundFile.write(stream[0].data / MAX_MSEED_VALUE)'Converted ' + mseed_file + ' to ' + flac_file)
def analyze(filename): if wav_loader == 'pysoundfile': sf = SoundFile(filename) signal = channels = sf.channels sample_rate = sf.samplerate samples = len(sf) file_format = sf.format_info + ' ' + sf.subtype_info sf.close() elif wav_loader == 'scikits.audiolab': sf = Sndfile(filename, 'r') signal = sf.read_frames(sf.nframes) channels = sf.channels sample_rate = sf.samplerate samples = sf.nframes file_format = sf.format sf.close() elif wav_loader == '': sample_rate, signal = read(filename) try: channels = signal.shape[1] except IndexError: channels = 1 samples = signal.shape[0] file_format = str(signal.dtype) # Scale common formats # Other bit depths (24, 20) are not handled by SciPy correctly. if file_format == 'int16': signal = signal.astype(float) / (2**15) elif file_format == 'uint8': signal = (signal.astype(float) - 128) / (2**7) elif file_format == 'int32': signal = signal.astype(float) / (2**31) elif file_format == 'float32': pass else: raise Exception("Don't know how to handle file " "format {}".format(file_format)) else: raise Exception("wav_loader has failed") header = 'dBFS values are relative to a full-scale square wave' if samples/sample_rate >= 1: length = str(samples/sample_rate) + ' seconds' else: length = str(samples/sample_rate*1000) + ' milliseconds' results = [ "Using sound file backend '" + wav_loader + "'", 'Properties for "' + filename + '"', str(file_format), 'Channels:\t%d' % channels, 'Sampling rate:\t%d Hz' % sample_rate, 'Samples:\t%d' % samples, 'Length: \t' + length, '-----------------', ] if channels == 1: # Monaural results += properties(signal, sample_rate) elif channels == 2: # Stereo if array_equal(signal[:, 0], signal[:, 1]): results += ['Left and Right channels are identical:'] results += properties(signal[:, 0], sample_rate) else: results += ['Left channel:'] results += properties(signal[:, 0], sample_rate) results += ['Right channel:'] results += properties(signal[:, 1], sample_rate) else: # Multi-channel for ch_no, channel in enumerate(signal.transpose()): results += ['Channel %d:' % (ch_no + 1)] results += properties(channel, sample_rate) display(header, results) plot_histogram = False if plot_histogram: histogram(signal)