def update(self, character): global MIXER self.rect.y += 5 collision = pygame.sprite.spritecollide( self, pygame.sprite.GroupSingle(character), 1) if collision != []: character.shields = True self.gathered = True, 'healing') self.respawn() if self.rect.y == main_win_width: self.respawn() if self.gathered: if self.timer >= self.recharge_time: character.shields = False self.timer = 0 self.gathered = False, 'shields_down') self.timer += 1
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, dx=10, dy=10): frames = [ pygame.image.load('images/serp/' + i) for i in os.listdir('images/serp/') ] global scaling_factor frames = [ pygame.transform.scale(i, (int(i.get_width() / scaling_factor), int(i.get_height() / scaling_factor))) for i in frames ] image = frames[0] self.frames = frames width, height = image.get_width(), image.get_height() rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, width, height) life_capacity = 20 speed = 0 lifebar_rect = make_lifebar_rect(width, x, y, life_capacity) self.state = 0 self.bullets = pygame.sprite.Group() Spacecraft.__init__(self, rect, image, speed, lifebar_rect, life_capacity, (255, 0, 0)) Enemy.__init__(self, serp_directive_0, {'damage': 0}) self.dx = dx self.dy = dy global MIXER, 'serp', way=-1) Hitter.__init__(self)
def on(self): self.state = True self.rect.size = [self.width, main_win_height] self.image = self.on_image self.recharge = self.recharge_time global MIXER, 'lazer')
def analyze(self, target): # Damage Analysis begins dead_bullets = self.analyze_damage(target) # Checking own vitals if == 0: target.score += 1 self.destruct() # Damage Analysis complete # Analyzing damage suffered by target... if not target.shields: collisions = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(target, self.bullets, 0) if collisions: n = 0 for bullet in self.bullets: if docollide(target.rect, target.image, bullet.rect, bullet.image): dead_bullets.append(bullet) n += 1 = max( - n * self.damage, 0) self.score += n if < 0: = 0 global MIXER, 'kill') for bullet in dead_bullets: bullet.kill()
def off(self): self.state = False self.rect.size = [self.width, 1] self.image = self.off_image self.recharge = self.recharge_time global MIXER MIXER.stop(self.soundchannel)
def enemy_blasterfighter_directive_3(ship, target): if ship.state < 20: ship.move(-8, 7) elif ship.state < 40: ship.move(-8, -7) elif ship.state < 60: ship.move(8, 7) elif ship.state < 80: ship.move(8, -7) else: ship.state = 0 ship.state += 1 if ship.guns_recharge == 0: ship.shoot() ship.guns_recharge = ship.recharge_time global MIXER, 'enemy_blast') else: ship.guns_recharge -= 1 for bullet in ship.bullets: bullet.update() pygame.sprite.groupcollide(target.bullets, ship.bullets, 1, 1)
def update(self, character): self.rect.y += 5 collision = pygame.sprite.spritecollide( self, pygame.sprite.GroupSingle(character), 1) if collision != []: = character.life_capacity global MIXER, 'healing') self.respawn() if self.rect.y == main_win_width: self.respawn()
def destruct(self): global MIXER global explosion_channel MIXER.stop(self.soundchannel) MIXER.stop(self.lazer.soundchannel) MIXER.free_channel(self.soundchannel), 'explosion') exploading_ships.append([self.rect.left,, 0]) self.lazer.kill() self.kill()
def __init__(self): x = randint(0, main_win_width - 20) self.rect = pygame.Rect(x, 0, 20, 20) self.image = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size) self.image.fill((220, 40, 40)) pygame.draw.rect(self.image, (255, 255, 255), (8, 0, 4, 20)) pygame.draw.rect(self.image, (255, 255, 255), (0, 8, 20, 4)) pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) global MIXER self.soundchannel = MIXER.get_channel()
def update(self): x = 0 y = 0 keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_LEFT] or keys[pygame.K_a]: x -= 1 if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] or keys[pygame.K_d]: x += 1 if keys[pygame.K_UP] or keys[pygame.K_w]: y -= 1 if keys[pygame.K_DOWN] or keys[pygame.K_s]: y += 1 if keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: pygame.quit() if keys[pygame.K_SPACE]: character.shoot() global MIXER, 'my_shot') self.move(x * self.speed, y * self.speed) self.bullets.update()
def __init__(self): x = randint(0, main_win_width - 20) self.rect = pygame.Rect(x, 0, 20, 20) self.image = pygame.Surface(self.rect.size), (160, 160, 180), (10, 10), 10) self.gathered = False self.timer = 0 self.recharge_time = 100 pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) global MIXER self.soundchannel = MIXER.get_channel()
def end_game(character, enemies, exploading_ships, stars, window=window, explosion_frames=explosion_frames): x_init = character.rect.left + character.image.get_width() // 2 y_init = + character.image.get_height() // 2 character.kill() global MIXER, 'explosion') for image in big_explosion_frames: window.fill(background_color) draw_stars(stars, window) for enemy in enemies: enemy.update(character) enemy.draw(window) x = x_init - image.get_width() // 2 y = y_init - image.get_height() // 2 window.blit(image, (x, y)) expload(exploading_ships) window.blit(score_word_surf, (10, 10)) window.blit( score_text.render(str(character.score), True, (255, 255, 255)), (score_width + 10, 10)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(100), 'game_over') pygame.mixer.stop() window.fill(background_color) pygame.time.delay(1500)
def __init__(self, rect, image, speed, lifebar_rect, life_capacity, life_color=(0, 255, 0)): self.life_capacity = life_capacity = life_capacity self.lifebar_rect = lifebar_rect self.lifecolor = life_color self.speed = speed self.score = 0 global MIXER self.soundchannel = MIXER.get_channel() Solid.__init__(self, image, rect)
def destruct(self): global MIXER MIXER.free_channel(self.soundchannel) self.kill()
pygame.image.load(os.path.join('explosion', 'frame_' + str(i) + '.png')) for i in range(12) ] explosion_frames = [ pygame.transform.scale(image, (image.get_width() // 3, image.get_width() // 3)) for image in big_explosion_frames ] scaling_factor = 2 from soundhandler import MIXER from directives import enemy_lazership_directive_0, enemy_blasterfighter_directive_3, enemy_blasterfighter_directive_2, enemy_blasterfighter_directive_1, enemy_blasterfighter_directive_0, serp_directive_0 explosion_channel = MIXER.get_channel() background = pygame.image.load('images/b2.png') def docollide(recta, imagea, rectb, imageb): i_x_s, i_x_e = max(recta.left, rectb.left), min(recta.right, rectb.right) i_y_s, i_y_e = max(,, min(recta.bottom, rectb.bottom) arra = pygame.PixelArray(imagea) arrb = pygame.PixelArray(imageb) for i in range(i_x_s, i_x_e): for j in range(i_y_s, i_y_e): #if arra[i-recta.left][] != 0 and arrb[i-rectb.left][] != 0: if arra[i - recta.left][j -] != 0 and arrb[ i - rectb.left][j -] != 0: