Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, spectrum, arf):
        Generate a convolved spectrum by convolving a spectrum with an

        spectrum : :class:`~soxs.spectra.Spectrum` object
            The input spectrum to convolve with.
        arf : string or :class:`~soxs.instrument.AuxiliaryResponseFile`
            The ARF to use in the convolution.
        if not isinstance(arf, AuxiliaryResponseFile):
            arf = AuxiliaryResponseFile(arf)
        self.arf = arf
        earea = arf.interpolate_area(spectrum.emid)
        rate = spectrum.flux * earea
        super(ConvolvedSpectrum, self).__init__(spectrum.ebins, rate)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, spectrum, arf):
        Generate a convolved spectrum by convolving a spectrum with an

        spectrum : :class:`~soxs.spectra.Spectrum` object
            The input spectrum to convolve with.
        arf : string or :class:`~soxs.instrument.AuxiliaryResponseFile`
            The ARF to use in the convolution.
        if not isinstance(arf, AuxiliaryResponseFile):
            arf = AuxiliaryResponseFile(arf)
        self.arf = arf
        earea = arf.interpolate_area(spectrum.emid)
        rate = spectrum.flux * earea
        super(ConvolvedSpectrum, self).__init__(spectrum.ebins, rate)
Beispiel #3
def make_exposure_map(event_file,
    Make an exposure map for a SOXS event file, and optionally write
    an aspect solution file. The exposure map will be created by
    binning an aspect histogram over the range of the aspect solution.

    event_file : string
        The path to the event file to use for making the exposure map.
    expmap_file : string
        The path to write the exposure map file to.
    energy : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, or NumPy array
        The energy in keV to use when computing the exposure map, or 
        a set of energies to be used with the *weights* parameter. If
        providing a set, it must be in keV.
    weights : array-like, optional
        The weights to use with a set of energies given in the
        *energy* parameter. Used to create a more accurate exposure
        map weighted by a range of energies. Default: None
    asol_file : string, optional
        The path to write the aspect solution file to, if desired.
        Default: None
    normalize : boolean, optional
        If True, the exposure map will be divided by the exposure time
        so that the map's units are cm**2. Default: True
    overwrite : boolean, optional
        Whether or not to overwrite an existing file. Default: False
    nhistx : integer, optional
        The number of bins in the aspect histogram in the DETX
        direction. Default: 16
    nhisty : integer, optional
        The number of bins in the aspect histogram in the DETY
        direction. Default: 16
    import pyregion._region_filter as rfilter
    from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate, shift
    from soxs.instrument import AuxiliaryResponseFile, perform_dither
    if isinstance(energy, np.ndarray) and weights is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Must supply a single value for the energy if "
                           "you do not supply weights!")
    if not isinstance(energy, np.ndarray):
        energy = parse_value(energy, "keV")
    f_evt =
    hdu = f_evt["EVENTS"]
    arf = AuxiliaryResponseFile(hdu.header["ANCRFILE"])
    exp_time = hdu.header["EXPOSURE"]
    nx = int(hdu.header["TLMAX2"] - 0.5) // 2
    ny = int(hdu.header["TLMAX3"] - 0.5) // 2
    ra0 = hdu.header["TCRVL2"]
    dec0 = hdu.header["TCRVL3"]
    xdel = hdu.header["TCDLT2"]
    ydel = hdu.header["TCDLT3"]
    x0 = hdu.header["TCRPX2"]
    y0 = hdu.header["TCRPX3"]
    xdet0 = 0.5 * (2 * nx + 1)
    ydet0 = 0.5 * (2 * ny + 1)
    xaim = hdu.header.get("AIMPT_X", 0.0)
    yaim = hdu.header.get("AIMPT_Y", 0.0)
    roll = hdu.header["ROLL_PNT"]
    instr = instrument_registry[hdu.header["INSTRUME"].lower()]
    dither_params = {}
    if "DITHXAMP" in hdu.header:
        dither_params["x_amp"] = hdu.header["DITHXAMP"]
        dither_params["y_amp"] = hdu.header["DITHYAMP"]
        dither_params["x_period"] = hdu.header["DITHXPER"]
        dither_params["y_period"] = hdu.header["DITHYPER"]
        dither_params["plate_scale"] = ydel * 3600.0
        dither_params["dither_on"] = True
        dither_params["dither_on"] = False

    # Create time array for aspect solution
    dt = 1.0  # Seconds
    t = np.arange(0.0, exp_time + dt, dt)

    # Construct WCS
    w = pywcs.WCS(naxis=2)
    w.wcs.crval = [ra0, dec0]
    w.wcs.crpix = [x0, y0]
    w.wcs.cdelt = [xdel, ydel]
    w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN", "DEC--TAN"]
    w.wcs.cunit = ["deg"] * 2

    # Create aspect solution if we had dithering.
    # otherwise just set the offsets to zero
    if dither_params["dither_on"]:
        x_off, y_off = perform_dither(t, dither_params)
        # Make the aspect histogram
        x_amp = dither_params["x_amp"] / dither_params["plate_scale"]
        y_amp = dither_params["y_amp"] / dither_params["plate_scale"]
        x_edges = np.linspace(-x_amp, x_amp, nhistx + 1, endpoint=True)
        y_edges = np.linspace(-y_amp, y_amp, nhisty + 1, endpoint=True)
        asphist = np.histogram2d(x_off, y_off, (x_edges, y_edges))[0]
        asphist *= dt
        x_mid = 0.5 * (x_edges[1:] + x_edges[:-1])
        y_mid = 0.5 * (y_edges[1:] + y_edges[:-1])

    # Determine the effective area
    eff_area = arf.interpolate_area(energy).value
    if weights is not None:
        eff_area = np.average(eff_area, weights=weights)

    if instr["chips"] is None:
        rtypes = ["Box"]
        args = [[0.0, 0.0, instr["num_pixels"], instr["num_pixels"]]]
        rtypes = []
        args = []
        for i, chip in enumerate(instr["chips"]):

    tmpmap = np.zeros((2 * nx, 2 * ny))

    for rtype, arg in zip(rtypes, args):
        rfunc = getattr(rfilter, rtype)
        new_args = parse_region_args(rtype, arg, xdet0 - xaim - 1.0,
                                     ydet0 - yaim - 1.0)
        r = rfunc(*new_args)
        tmpmap += r.mask(tmpmap).astype("float64")

    if dither_params["dither_on"]:
        expmap = np.zeros((2 * nx, 2 * ny))
        niter = nhistx * nhisty
        pbar = tqdm(leave=True, total=niter, desc="Creating exposure map ")
        for i in range(nhistx):
            for j in range(nhisty):
                expmap += shift(tmpmap,
                                (x_mid[i], y_mid[j]), order=0) * asphist[i, j]
        expmap = tmpmap * exp_time

    expmap *= eff_area
    if normalize:
        expmap /= exp_time

    if roll != 0.0:
        rotate(expmap, roll, output=expmap, reshape=False)

    map_header = {
        "EXPOSURE": exp_time,
        "MTYPE1": "EQPOS",
        "MFORM1": "RA,DEC",
        "CTYPE1": "RA---TAN",
        "CTYPE2": "DEC--TAN",
        "CRVAL1": ra0,
        "CRVAL2": dec0,
        "CUNIT1": "deg",
        "CUNIT2": "deg",
        "CDELT1": xdel,
        "CDELT2": ydel,
        "CRPIX1": x0,
        "CRPIX2": y0

    map_hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(expmap, header=pyfits.Header(map_header)) = "EXPMAP"
    map_hdu.writeto(expmap_file, overwrite=overwrite)

    if asol_file is not None:

        if dither_params["dither_on"]:

            det = np.array([x_off, y_off])

            pix =, det)

            ra, dec = w.wcs_pix2world(pix[0, :] + x0, pix[1, :] + y0, 1)

            col_t = pyfits.Column(name='time', format='D', unit='s', array=t)
            col_ra = pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='D', unit='deg', array=ra)
            col_dec = pyfits.Column(name='dec',

            coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs([col_t, col_ra, col_dec])
            tbhdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(coldefs)
   = "ASPSOL"
            tbhdu.header["EXPOSURE"] = exp_time

            hdulist = [pyfits.PrimaryHDU(), tbhdu]

            pyfits.HDUList(hdulist).writeto(asol_file, overwrite=overwrite)


            mylog.warning("Refusing to write an aspect solution file because "
                          "there was no dithering.")
Beispiel #4
def make_exposure_map(event_file, expmap_file, energy, weights=None,
                      asol_file=None, normalize=True, overwrite=False,
                      reblock=1, nhistx=16, nhisty=16, order=1):
    Make an exposure map for a SOXS event file, and optionally write
    an aspect solution file. The exposure map will be created by
    binning an aspect histogram over the range of the aspect solution.

    event_file : string
        The path to the event file to use for making the exposure map.
    expmap_file : string
        The path to write the exposure map file to.
    energy : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, or NumPy array
        The energy in keV to use when computing the exposure map, or 
        a set of energies to be used with the *weights* parameter. If
        providing a set, it must be in keV.
    weights : array-like, optional
        The weights to use with a set of energies given in the
        *energy* parameter. Used to create a more accurate exposure
        map weighted by a range of energies. Default: None
    asol_file : string, optional
        The path to write the aspect solution file to, if desired.
        Default: None
    normalize : boolean, optional
        If True, the exposure map will be divided by the exposure time
        so that the map's units are cm**2. Default: True
    overwrite : boolean, optional
        Whether or not to overwrite an existing file. Default: False
    reblock : integer, optional
        Supply an integer power of 2 here to make an exposure map 
        with a different binning. Default: 1
    nhistx : integer, optional
        The number of bins in the aspect histogram in the DETX
        direction. Default: 16
    nhisty : integer, optional
        The number of bins in the aspect histogram in the DETY
        direction. Default: 16
    order : integer, optional
        The interpolation order to use when making the exposure map. 
        Default: 1
    import pyregion._region_filter as rfilter
    from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate, shift
    from soxs.instrument import AuxiliaryResponseFile, perform_dither
    if isinstance(energy, np.ndarray) and weights is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Must supply a single value for the energy if "
                           "you do not supply weights!")
    if not isinstance(energy, np.ndarray):
        energy = parse_value(energy, "keV")
    f_evt =
    hdu = f_evt["EVENTS"]
    arf = AuxiliaryResponseFile(hdu.header["ANCRFILE"])
    exp_time = hdu.header["EXPOSURE"]
    nx = int(hdu.header["TLMAX2"]-0.5)//2
    ny = int(hdu.header["TLMAX3"]-0.5)//2
    ra0 = hdu.header["TCRVL2"]
    dec0 = hdu.header["TCRVL3"]
    xdel = hdu.header["TCDLT2"]
    ydel = hdu.header["TCDLT3"]
    x0 = hdu.header["TCRPX2"]
    y0 = hdu.header["TCRPX3"]
    xdet0 = 0.5*(2*nx+1)
    ydet0 = 0.5*(2*ny+1)
    xaim = hdu.header.get("AIMPT_X", 0.0)
    yaim = hdu.header.get("AIMPT_Y", 0.0)
    roll = hdu.header["ROLL_PNT"]
    instr = instrument_registry[hdu.header["INSTRUME"].lower()]
    dither_params = {}
    if "DITHXAMP" in hdu.header:
        dither_params["x_amp"] = hdu.header["DITHXAMP"]
        dither_params["y_amp"] = hdu.header["DITHYAMP"]
        dither_params["x_period"] = hdu.header["DITHXPER"]
        dither_params["y_period"] = hdu.header["DITHYPER"]
        dither_params["plate_scale"] = ydel*3600.0
        dither_params["dither_on"] = True
        dither_params["dither_on"] = False

    # Create time array for aspect solution
    dt = 1.0 # Seconds
    t = np.arange(0.0, exp_time+dt, dt)

    # Construct WCS
    w = pywcs.WCS(naxis=2)
    w.wcs.crval = [ra0, dec0]
    w.wcs.crpix = [x0, y0]
    w.wcs.cdelt = [xdel, ydel]
    w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN","DEC--TAN"]
    w.wcs.cunit = ["deg"]*2

    # Create aspect solution if we had dithering.
    # otherwise just set the offsets to zero
    if dither_params["dither_on"]:
        x_off, y_off = perform_dither(t, dither_params)
        # Make the aspect histogram
        x_amp = dither_params["x_amp"]/dither_params["plate_scale"]
        y_amp = dither_params["y_amp"]/dither_params["plate_scale"]
        x_edges = np.linspace(-x_amp, x_amp, nhistx+1, endpoint=True)
        y_edges = np.linspace(-y_amp, y_amp, nhisty+1, endpoint=True)
        asphist = np.histogram2d(x_off, y_off, (x_edges, y_edges))[0]
        asphist *= dt
        x_mid = 0.5*(x_edges[1:]+x_edges[:-1])/reblock
        y_mid = 0.5*(y_edges[1:]+y_edges[:-1])/reblock

    # Determine the effective area
    eff_area = arf.interpolate_area(energy).value
    if weights is not None:
        eff_area = np.average(eff_area, weights=weights)

    if instr["chips"] is None:
        rtypes = ["Box"]
        args = [[0.0, 0.0, instr["num_pixels"], instr["num_pixels"]]]
        rtypes = []
        args = []
        for i, chip in enumerate(instr["chips"]):

    tmpmap = np.zeros((2*nx, 2*ny))

    for rtype, arg in zip(rtypes, args):
        rfunc = getattr(rfilter, rtype)
        new_args = parse_region_args(rtype, arg, xdet0-xaim-1.0, ydet0-yaim-1.0)
        r = rfunc(*new_args)
        tmpmap += r.mask(tmpmap).astype("float64")

    tmpmap = downsample(tmpmap, reblock)

    if dither_params["dither_on"]:
        expmap = np.zeros(tmpmap.shape)
        niter = nhistx*nhisty
        pbar = tqdm(leave=True, total=niter, desc="Creating exposure map ")
        for i in range(nhistx):
            for j in range(nhisty):
                expmap += shift(tmpmap, (x_mid[i], y_mid[j]), order=order)*asphist[i, j]
        expmap = tmpmap*exp_time

    expmap *= eff_area
    if normalize:
        expmap /= exp_time

    if roll != 0.0:
        rotate(expmap, roll, output=expmap, reshape=False)

    expmap[expmap < 0.0] = 0.0

    map_header = {"EXPOSURE": exp_time,
                  "MTYPE1": "EQPOS",
                  "MFORM1": "RA,DEC",
                  "CTYPE1": "RA---TAN",
                  "CTYPE2": "DEC--TAN",
                  "CRVAL1": ra0,
                  "CRVAL2": dec0,
                  "CUNIT1": "deg",
                  "CUNIT2": "deg",
                  "CDELT1": xdel*reblock,
                  "CDELT2": ydel*reblock,
                  "CRPIX1": 0.5*(2.0*nx//reblock+1),
                  "CRPIX2": 0.5*(2.0*ny//reblock+1)}

    map_hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(expmap, header=pyfits.Header(map_header)) = "EXPMAP"
    map_hdu.writeto(expmap_file, overwrite=overwrite)

    if asol_file is not None:

        if dither_params["dither_on"]:

            det = np.array([x_off, y_off])

            pix =, det)

            ra, dec = w.wcs_pix2world(pix[0,:]+x0, pix[1,:]+y0, 1)

            col_t = pyfits.Column(name='time', format='D', unit='s', array=t)
            col_ra = pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='D', unit='deg', array=ra)
            col_dec = pyfits.Column(name='dec', format='D', unit='deg', array=dec)

            coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs([col_t, col_ra, col_dec])
            tbhdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(coldefs)
   = "ASPSOL"
            tbhdu.header["EXPOSURE"] = exp_time

            hdulist = [pyfits.PrimaryHDU(), tbhdu]

            pyfits.HDUList(hdulist).writeto(asol_file, overwrite=overwrite)


            mylog.warning("Refusing to write an aspect solution file because "
                          "there was no dithering.")