def sanity_checks(args, myid): """ Check if the command line arguments are valid. Arguments: args - Command line arguments as dictionary myid - MPI id Returns: None """ if args['gain_file'] is not None: if not os.path.isfile(args['gain_file']): sp_global_def.ERROR('If the gain_file option is provided, the gain file must exist!', myid=myid) if args['additional_dose_unadjusted'] and args['skip_dose_adjustment']: sp_global_def.ERROR('If the additional_dose_unadjusted option is provided, the skip_dose_adjustment cannot be provided as well!', myid=myid) if args['selection_file'] is not None and not os.path.isfile(args.selection_file): sp_global_def.ERROR('If the selection_file option is provided, the specified file needs to exist!', myid=myid) if not glob.glob(args['input_micrograph_pattern']): sp_global_def.ERROR('No files found with the specified pattern!: {0}'.format(args['input_micrograph_pattern']), myid=myid) if os.path.exists(args['output_directory']) and not args['overwrite']: sp_global_def.ERROR('Output directory is not allowed to exist!', myid=myid)
def angle_diff_sym(angle1, angle2, simi=1): ''' This function determines the relative angle around Z axis (phi) between two sets of angles taking into account point group symmetry with multiplicity simi. The input has to be in the form [[phi0,theta0], [phi1,theta1], ...] Only sets that have theta in the same range (0,90), or (90,180) are included in calculation. The resulting angle has to be added (modulo 360/simi) to the first set. ''' pass #IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from math import cos, sin, pi, atan2, degrees, radians nima = len(angle1) if len(angle2) != nima: sp_global_def.ERROR("List lengths do not agree!", "angle_diff_sym", 1) cosi = 0.0 sini = 0.0 agree = 0 for i in range(nima): if (((angle2[i][1] < 90.0) and (angle1[i][1] < 90.0)) or ((angle2[i][1] > 90.0) and (angle1[i][1] > 90.0))): qt = numpy.radians((angle2[i][0] - angle1[i][0]) * simi) cosi += numpy.cos(qt) sini += numpy.sin(qt) agree += 1 if (agree == 0): return 0.0 else: return numpy.degrees(math.atan2(sini, cosi) / simi) % (360.0 / simi)
def sanity_checks(command_args, input_vol): if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(command_args.output_dir, command_args.prefix + "_mask.hdf")): if not command_args.overwrite: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Output mask already exists! Please provide the overwrite option if you want to overwrite the existing mask." ) if (command_args.s_nx is not None and command_args.s_ny is None and command_args.s_ny is None and command_args.second_mask_shape): command_args.s_ny = command_args.s_nx command_args.s_nz = command_args.s_nx elif (command_args.s_nx is not None and command_args.s_ny is not None and command_args.s_ny is not None and command_args.second_mask_shape): pass elif command_args.second_mask_shape: sp_global_def.ERROR( "You need to specify s_nx only or s_nx and s_ny and s_nz") if command_args.second_mask_shape in ("cylinder", "sphere"): nx = input_vol.get_xsize() ny = input_vol.get_ysize() nz = input_vol.get_zsize() if command_args.s_radius > old_div( nx, 2) or command_args.s_radius > old_div(ny, 2): sp_global_def.ERROR( "Provided radius is larger than input image dimensions!") if command_args.second_mask_shape is not None: nx = input_vol.get_xsize() ny = input_vol.get_ysize() nz = input_vol.get_zsize() if command_args.s_nx > nx or command_args.s_ny > ny or command_args.s_nz > nz: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Provided s_nx, s_ny, s_nz mask dimension is larger than input image dimensions!" )
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) # # horatio active_refactoring Jy51i1EwmLD4tWZ9_00003_1 # usage = progname + " stack <name_output> --ali --active --set_size=param_name_with_size --set_members=param_name_with_id" # # horatio active_refactoring Jy51i1EwmLD4tWZ9_00003_2 usage = progname + " stack <name_output> --ali --set_size=param_name_with_size --set_members=param_name_with_id" parser = OptionParser(usage,version=SPARXVERSION) parser.add_option("--ali" , action = "store_true", default=False, help="Perform average using alignment parameters") # # horatio active_refactoring Jy51i1EwmLD4tWZ9_00004_1 # parser.add_option("--active" , action = "store_true", default=False, help="Perform average only for active images") parser.add_option("--set_size" , type = "string" , default=None , help="Save number of input images to parameter with given name") parser.add_option("--set_members", type = "string" , default=None , help="Save list of id of input images to parameter named \"members\", id of input images are taken from parameter with given name") parser.add_option("--filament" , action = "store_true", default=False, help="Calculate stack of averages according to filament membership") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 2: sxprint( "Usage: " + usage ) sxprint( "Please run \'" + progname + " -h\' for detailed options" ) sp_global_def.ERROR( "Invalid number of parameters used. Please see usage information above." ) return else: if len(args) == 1: name_output = None else: name_output = args[1] if options.filament: from sp_development import ave_ali_filament if sp_global_def.CACHE_DISABLE: from sp_utilities import disable_bdb_cache disable_bdb_cache() sp_global_def.BATCH = True ave_ali_filament(args[0], name_output, options.ali) sp_global_def.BATCH = False else: from sp_applications import ave_ali if sp_global_def.CACHE_DISABLE: from sp_utilities import disable_bdb_cache disable_bdb_cache() sp_global_def.BATCH = True ave_ali(args[0], name_output, options.ali, options.set_size, options.set_members) sp_global_def.BATCH = False
def prgl(volft, params, interpolation_method=0, return_real=True): """ Name prgl - calculate 2-D projection of a 3-D volume using either NN Fourier or or trilinear Fourier Input vol: input volume, the volume has to be cubic params: input parameters given as a list [phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y], projection in calculated using the three Eulerian angles and then shifted by sx,sy interpolation_method = 0 NN interpolation_method = 1 trilinear return_real: True - return real; False - return FT of a projection. Output proj: generated 2-D projection """ # params: phi, theta, psi, sx, sy pass #IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from sp_fundamentals import fft pass #IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from sp_utilities import set_params_proj, info pass #IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from EMAN2 import Processor if (interpolation_method < 0 or interpolation_method > 1): sp_global_def.ERROR('Unsupported interpolation method', "interpolation_method", 1, 0) npad = volft.get_attr_default("npad", 1) R = EMAN2_cppwrap.Transform({ "type": "spider", "phi": params[0], "theta": params[1], "psi": params[2] }) if (npad == 1): temp = volft.extract_section(R, interpolation_method) elif (npad == 2): temp = volft.extract_section2(R, interpolation_method) temp.fft_shuffle() temp.center_origin_fft() if (params[3] != 0. or params[4] != 0.): filt_params = { "filter_type": EMAN2_cppwrap.Processor.fourier_filter_types.SHIFT, "x_shift": params[3], "y_shift": params[4], "z_shift": 0.0 } temp = EMAN2_cppwrap.Processor.EMFourierFilter(temp, filt_params) if return_real: temp.do_ift_inplace() temp.set_attr_dict({'ctf_applied': 0, 'npad': 1}) temp.depad() else: temp.set_attr_dict({'ctf_applied': 0, 'npad': 1}) sp_utilities.set_params_proj( temp, [params[0], params[1], params[2], -params[3], -params[4]]) return temp
def ormq_fast(dimage, crefim, xrng, yrng, step, numr, mode, delta=0.0): """Determine shift and rotation between image and reference image (crefim) crefim should be as FT of polar coords with applied weights consider mirror cnx, cny in FORTRAN convention """ # from math import pi, cos, sin, radians # print "ORMQ_FAST" maxrange = old_div(len(dimage), 2) # istep = int(2*step) istep = int(step) """Multiline Comment5""" lkx = rkx = int(xrng * istep) lky = rky = int(yrng * istep) peak = -1.0e23 for j in range(-lky, rky + 1, istep): for i in range(-lkx, rkx + 1, istep): if delta == 0.0: retvals = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.Crosrng_ms( crefim, dimage[i + maxrange][j + maxrange], numr, 0.0) else: retvals = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.Crosrng_ms_delta( crefim, dimage[i + maxrange][j + maxrange], numr, delta) qn = retvals["qn"] qm = retvals["qm"] if qn >= peak or qm >= peak: sx = i sy = j if qn >= qm: ang = ang_n(retvals["tot"], mode, numr[-1]) peak = qn mirror = 0 else: ang = ang_n(retvals["tmt"], mode, numr[-1]) peak = qm mirror = 1 """Multiline Comment6""" if peak < -1.0e20: sp_global_def.ERROR("ormq_fast", "failed, most likely due to search ranges", 1) # return ang, sx/2.0, sy/2.0, mirror, peak return ang, sx, sy, mirror, peak
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = progname + " configure_file.cfg" parser = OptionParser(usage, version=SPARXVERSION) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: sxprint("Usage: " + usage) sxprint("Please run \'" + progname + " -h\' for detailed options") sp_global_def.ERROR( "Invalid number of parameters used. Please see usage information above." ) return if sp_global_def.CACHE_DISABLE: from sp_utilities import disable_bdb_cache disable_bdb_cache() from sp_development import ali2d_mref sp_global_def.BATCH = True ali2d_mref(args[0]) sp_global_def.BATCH = False
def angle_diff(angle1, angle2): """ This function determines the relative angle between two sets of angles. The resulting angle has to be added (modulo 360) to the first set. """ nima = len(angle1) nima2 = len(angle2) if nima2 != nima: sp_global_def.ERROR("Error: List lengths do not agree!", "angle_diff", 1) else: del nima2 cosi = 0.0 sini = 0.0 for i in range(nima): qt = numpy.radians(angle2[i] - angle1[i]) cosi += numpy.cos(qt) sini += numpy.sin(qt) alphai = numpy.degrees(math.atan2(sini, cosi)) % 360.0 return alphai
def search_range(n, radius, shift, range, location=""): """ Find permissible ranges for translational searches by resampling into polar coordinates n - image size; radius - particle radius, the circle has to fit into the square image; shift - current particle shift; range - desired maximum range search Output: a list of two elements: left range (positive) right range NOTE - ranges are with respect to the point n//2+1-shift within image (in 3D) """ cn = old_div(n, 2) + 1 ql = cn + shift - radius - 2 # lower end is positive qe = n - cn - shift - radius # upper end if ql < 0 or qe < 0: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Shift of particle too large, results may be incorrect: %4d %3d %f %f %f %f %f" % (n, cn, radius, shift, range, ql, qe), "search_range " + location, 0, ) ql = max(ql, 0) qe = max(qe, 0) # ???for mysterious reasons it has to be this way as C code changes the order of searches. return [min(qe, range), min(ql, range)]
def main(): # Parse the Options progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = (progname + """ unblur_path input_micrograph_pattern output_directory --summovie_path --selection_list --nr_frames=nr_frames --pixel_size=pixel_size --voltage=voltage --exposure_per_frame=exposure_per_frame --pre_exposure=pre_exposure --nr_threads --save_frames --skip_dose_filter --expert_mode --shift_initial=shift_initial --shift_radius=shift_radius --b_factor=b_factor --fourier_vertical=fourier_vertical --fourier_horizontal=fourier_horizontal --shift_threshold=shift_threshold --iterations=iterations --dont_restore_noise --verbose sxunblur exists only in non-MPI version. Perform unblur and with dose filtering and summovie without dose filtering. ~/my_app/unblur 'movies/micrograph_*_frames.mrc' outdir_unblur --summovie_path=~/my_app/summovie --nr_frames=25 --pixel_size=1.19 --exposure_per_frame=1.0 --voltage=300.0 --pre_exposure=0.0 --nr_threads=1 Perform unblur with dose filtering and summovie without dose filtering with selection list. ~/my_app/unblur 'movies/micrograph_*_frames.mrc' outdir_unblur --summovie_path=~/my_app/summovie --selection_list=selected_micrograph_file --nr_frames=25 --pixel_size=1.19 --exposure_per_frame=1.0 --voltage=300.0 --pre_exposure=0.0 --nr_threads=1 Perform unblur without dose filtering. ~/my_app/unblur 'movies/micrograph_*_frames.mrc' outdir_unblur --nr_frames=25 --pixel_size=1.19 --skip_dose_filter --nr_threads=1 Perform unblur without dose filtering and save the frames. ~/my_app/unblur 'movies/micrograph_*_frames.mrc' outdir_unblur --nr_frames=25 --pixel_size=1.19 --skip_dose_filter --save_frames --nr_threads=1 Perform unblur with dose filtering and summovie without dose filtering with all options. ~/my_app/unblur 'movies/micrograph_*_frames.mrc' outdir_unblur --summovie_path=~/my_app/summovie --nr_frames=25 --pixel_size=1.19 --exposure_per_frame=1.0 --voltage=300.0 --pre_exposure=0.0 --save_frames --expert_mode --shift_initial=2.0 --shift_radius=200.0 --b_factor=1500.0 --fourier_vertical=1 --fourier_horizontal=1 --shift_threshold=0.1 --iterations=10 --verbose --nr_threads=1 """) parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage, version=sp_global_def.SPARXVERSION) parser.add_option( "--summovie_path", type="str", default="", help= "summovie executable path (SPHIRE specific): Specify the file path of summovie executable. (default none)", ) parser.add_option( "--selection_list", type="str", default="", help= "Micrograph selecting list (SPHIRE specific): Specify a name of micrograph selection list text file. The file extension must be '.txt'. If this is not provided, all files matched with the micrograph name pattern will be processed. (default none)", ) parser.add_option( "--nr_frames", type="int", default=3, help= "Number of movie frames: The number of movie frames in each input micrograph. (default 3)", ) parser.add_option("--sum_suffix", type="str", default="_sum", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option("--shift_suffix", type="str", default="_shift", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option( "--pixel_size", type="float", default=-1.0, help= "Pixel size [A]: The pixel size of input micrographs. (default required float)", ) parser.add_option( "--voltage", type="float", default=300.0, help= "Microscope voltage [kV]: The acceleration voltage of microscope used for imaging. (default 300.0)", ) parser.add_option( "--exposure_per_frame", type="float", default=2.0, help= "Per frame exposure [e/A^2]: The electron dose per frame in e/A^2. (default 2.0)", ) parser.add_option( "--pre_exposure", type="float", default=0.0, help= "Pre-exposure [e/A^2]: The electron does in e/A^2 used for exposure prior to imaging .(default 0.0)", ) parser.add_option( "--nr_threads", type="int", default=1, help= "Number of threads: The number of threads unblur can use. The higher the faster, but it requires larger memory. (default 1)", ) parser.add_option( "--save_frames", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Save aligned movie frames: Save aligned movie frames. This option slows down the process. (default False)", ) parser.add_option("--frames_suffix", type="string", default="_frames", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option( "--skip_dose_filter", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Skip dose filter step: With this option, voltage, exposure per frame, and pre exposure will be ignored. (default False)", ) parser.add_option( "--expert_mode", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Use expert mode: Requires initial shift, shift radius, b-factor, fourier_vertical, fourier_horizontal, shift threshold, iterations, restore noise, and verbosity options. (default False)", ) parser.add_option("--frc_suffix", type="string", default="_frc", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option( "--shift_initial", type="float", default=2.0, help= "Minimum shift for initial search [A] (expert mode): Effective with unblur expert mode. (default 2.0)", ) parser.add_option( "--shift_radius", type="float", default=200.0, help= "Outer radius shift limit [A] (expert mode): Effective with unblur expert mode. (default 200.0)", ) parser.add_option( "--b_factor", type="float", default=1500.0, help= "Apply B-factor to images [A^2] (expert mode): Effective with unblur expert mode. (default 1500.0)", ) parser.add_option( "--fourier_vertical", type="int", default=1, help= "Vertical Fourier central mask size (expert mode): The half-width of central vertical line of Fourier mask. Effective with unblur expert mode. (default 1)", ) parser.add_option( "--fourier_horizontal", type="int", default=1, help= "Horizontal Fourier central mask size (expert mode): The half-width of central horizontal line of Fourier mask. Effective with unblur expert mode. (default 1)", ) parser.add_option( "--shift_threshold", type="float", default=0.1, help= "Termination shift threshold (expert mode): Effective with unblur expert mode. (default 0.1)", ) parser.add_option( "--iterations", type="int", default=10, help= "Maximum iterations (expert mode): Effective with unblur expert mode. (default 10)", ) parser.add_option( "--dont_restore_noise", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Do not restore noise power (expert mode): Effective with unblur expert mode. (default False)", ) parser.add_option( "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Verbose (expert mode): Effective with unblur expert mode. (default False)", ) parser.add_option( "--unblur_ready", action="store_true", default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, ) # list of the options and the arguments (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) sp_global_def.BATCH = True # If there arent enough arguments, stop the script if len(args) != 3: sp_global_def.sxprint("Usage: " + usage) sp_global_def.ERROR( "Invalid number of parameters used. Please see usage information above." ) return # Convert the realtive parts to absolute ones unblur_path = os.path.realpath(args[0]) # unblur_path input_image = os.path.realpath(args[1]) # input_micrograph_pattern output_dir = os.path.realpath(args[2]) # output_directory # If the unblur executable file does not exists, stop the script if not os.path.exists(unblur_path): sp_global_def.ERROR( "Unblur directory does not exist, please change the name and restart the program" ) return # If the output directory exists, stop the script if os.path.exists(output_dir): sp_global_def.ERROR( "Output directory exists, please change the name and restart the program" ) return # If the input file does not exists, stop the script file_list = glob.glob(input_image) if not file_list: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Input file does not exist, please change the name and restart the program" ) return # If the skip_dose_filter option is false, the summovie path is necessary if not options.skip_dose_filter and not os.path.exists( options.summovie_path): sp_global_def.ERROR( "Path to the SumMovie executable is necessary when dose weighting is performed" ) return # Output paths corrected_path = "{:s}/corrsum_dose_filtered".format(output_dir) uncorrected_path = "{:s}/corrsum".format(output_dir) shift_path = "{:s}/shift".format(output_dir) frc_path = "{:s}/frc".format(output_dir) log_path = "{:s}/logfiles".format(output_dir) temp_path = "{0}/temp".format(output_dir) # Split the path of the image name at the "/" Characters. # The last entry contains the micrograph name. # Split the micrograph name at the wildcard character for the # prefix and suffix. input_split = input_image.split("/") input_name = input_split[-1].split("*") # Get the input directory if len(input_split) != 1: input_dir = input_image[:-len(input_split[-1])] else: input_dir = "" # Create output directorys if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) sp_global_def.write_command(output_dir) if not os.path.exists(uncorrected_path): os.mkdir(uncorrected_path) if not os.path.exists(shift_path): os.mkdir(shift_path) if not os.path.exists(corrected_path): if not options.skip_dose_filter: os.mkdir(corrected_path) if not os.path.exists(frc_path): if options.expert_mode or not options.skip_dose_filter: os.mkdir(frc_path) if not os.path.exists(temp_path) and not options.unblur_ready: os.mkdir(temp_path) if not os.path.exists(log_path): os.mkdir(log_path) # Run unblur run_unblur( unblur_path=unblur_path, input_image=input_image, input_dir=input_dir, output_dir=output_dir, corrected_path=corrected_path, uncorrected_path=uncorrected_path, shift_path=shift_path, frc_path=frc_path, temp_path=temp_path, log_path=log_path, file_list=file_list, options=options, ) if not options.unblur_ready: # Remove temp folder for entry in glob.glob("{0}/*".format(temp_path)): os.remove(entry) os.rmdir(temp_path) sp_global_def.sxprint("All Done!") sp_global_def.BATCH = False
def run_unblur( unblur_path, input_image, input_dir, output_dir, corrected_path, uncorrected_path, shift_path, frc_path, temp_path, log_path, file_list, options, ): # Lists to write the text files later micrograph_list = [] shift_list = [] if options.save_frames: frames_list = [] # If micrograph list is provided just process the images in the list mic_list = options.selection_list if mic_list: # Import list file try: set_selection = numpy.genfromtxt(mic_list, dtype=None) except TypeError: sp_global_def.ERROR("no entrys in list file {0}".format(mic_list)) # List of files which are in pattern and list file_list = [ entry for entry in file_list if entry[len(input_dir):] in set_selection and os.path.exists(entry) ] # If no match is there abort if len(file_list) == 0: sp_global_def.ERROR( "no files in {0} matched the file pattern:\n".format(mic_list), 1) # Get the number of files nr_files = len(file_list) # Timeing stuff time_start = time.time() time_list = [] # Loop over all files for index, inputfile in enumerate(sorted(file_list)): # Check, if there is an prefix and suffix. # If there is more then one entry: the suffix is the last one. # Otherwhise its just the one after the dot. input_suffix = inputfile.split("/")[-1].split(".")[-1] # First output to introduce the programm if index == 0: sp_global_def.sxprint( "Progress: 0.0%; Time: --h:--m:--s/--h:--m:--s; Unblur started!" ) # Time begin t1 = time.time() # Get the output names file_name = inputfile[len(input_dir):-len(input_suffix) - 1] if options.skip_dose_filter: micrograph_name = "{0}/{1}{2}.mrc".format(uncorrected_path, file_name, options.sum_suffix) frames_name = "{0}/{1}{2}.mrc".format(uncorrected_path, file_name, options.frames_suffix) frc_name = "{0}/{1}{2}.txt".format(frc_path, file_name, options.frc_suffix) else: micrograph_name = "{0}/{1}{2}.mrc".format(corrected_path, file_name, options.sum_suffix) frames_name = "{0}/{1}{2}.mrc".format(corrected_path, file_name, options.frames_suffix) micrograph_name_skip = "{0}/{1}{2}.mrc".format( uncorrected_path, file_name, options.sum_suffix) frames_name_skip = "{0}/{1}{2}.mrc".format(uncorrected_path, file_name, options.frames_suffix) frc_name = "{0}/{1}{2}.txt".format(frc_path, file_name, options.frc_suffix) frc_summovie_name = "{0}/{1}_summovie{2}.txt".format( frc_path, file_name, options.frc_suffix) shift_name = "{0}/{1}{2}.txt".format(shift_path, file_name, options.shift_suffix) if not options.unblur_ready: temp_name = "{0}/{1}{2}.mrc".format(temp_path, file_name, options.sum_suffix) else: temp_name = inputfile log_name = "{0}/{1}.log".format(log_path, file_name) error_name = "{0}/{1}.err".format(log_path, file_name) # Append the names to the lists micrograph_list.append("{0}{1}.mrc".format(file_name, options.sum_suffix)) shift_list.append(shift_name) if options.save_frames: frames_list.append("{0}{1}.mrc".format(file_name, options.frames_suffix)) # First build the unblur/summovie command if not options.skip_dose_filter: unblur_command = create_unblur_command(temp_name, micrograph_name, shift_name, frames_name, frc_name, options) # Options for the summovie command options_summovie = { "first": 1, "last": -1, "nr_frames": options.nr_frames, "pixel_size": options.pixel_size, "exposure_per_frame": options.exposure_per_frame, "voltage": options.voltage, "pre_exposure": options.pre_exposure, "dont_restore_noise": options.dont_restore_noise, "apply_dose_filter": False, } summovie_command = sp_utilities.create_summovie_command( temp_name, micrograph_name_skip, shift_name, frc_summovie_name, options_summovie, ) else: unblur_command = create_unblur_command(temp_name, micrograph_name, shift_name, frc_name, frames_name, options) # Export the number of threads export_threads_command = [] # Export export_threads_command.append("export") # Nr of threads export_threads_command.append("OMP_NUM_THREADS={0}".format( options.nr_threads)) if not options.unblur_ready: # Do a e2proc3d_command = [] # e2proc3d e2proc3d_command.append("") # inputfile e2proc3d_command.append("{0}".format(inputfile)) # outputfile e2proc3d_command.append("{0}".format(temp_name)) # Translate the command to single strings if not options.unblur_ready: e2proc3d_command = r" ".join(e2proc3d_command) export_threads_command = r" ".join(export_threads_command) unblur_command = "\n".join(unblur_command) if not options.skip_dose_filter: summovie_command = "\n".join(summovie_command) # Build full command if not options.unblur_ready: if not options.skip_dose_filter: full_command = r'{0}; {1}; echo "{2}" | {3}'.format( export_threads_command, e2proc3d_command, unblur_command, unblur_path, ) full_command_summovie = r'{0}; echo "{1}" | {2}'.format( export_threads_command, summovie_command, options.summovie_path) else: full_command = r'{0}; {1}; echo "{2}" | {3}'.format( export_threads_command, e2proc3d_command, unblur_command, unblur_path, ) else: if not options.skip_dose_filter: full_command = r'{0}; echo "{1}" | {2}'.format( export_threads_command, unblur_command, unblur_path) full_command_summovie = r'{0}; echo "{1}" | {2}'.format( export_threads_command, summovie_command, options.summovie_path) else: full_command = r'{0}; echo "{1}" | {2}'.format( export_threads_command, unblur_command, unblur_path) # Remove temp unblur files temp_unblur_files = glob.glob(".UnBlur*") for entry in temp_unblur_files: os.remove(entry) # Remove temp summovie files temp_summovie_files = glob.glob(".SumMovie*") for entry in temp_summovie_files: os.remove(entry) with open(log_name, "w") as f: with open(error_name, "w") as e: # Execute Command if not options.skip_dose_filter: subprocess.Popen([full_command], shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=e).wait() # Remove temp unblur files temp_unblur_files = glob.glob(".UnBlur*") for entry in temp_unblur_files: os.remove(entry) # Remove temp summovie files temp_summovie_files = glob.glob(".SumMovie*") for entry in temp_summovie_files: os.remove(entry) subprocess.Popen([full_command_summovie], shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=e).wait() else: subprocess.Popen([full_command], shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=e).wait() # Remove temp unblur files temp_unblur_files = glob.glob(".UnBlur*") for entry in temp_unblur_files: os.remove(entry) # Remove temp summovie files temp_summovie_files = glob.glob(".SumMovie*") for entry in temp_summovie_files: os.remove(entry) if not options.unblur_ready: if os.path.exists(temp_name): # Remove temp file os.remove(temp_name) else: sp_global_def.sxprint( ("Error with file:\n{0}".format(inputfile))) # Check if SumMovie and UnBlur finished cleanly with open(log_name, "r") as r: clean_summovie = False clean_unblur = False for line in r: if "SumMovie finished cleanly." in line: clean_summovie = True if "UnBlur finished cleanly." in line: clean_unblur = True if clean_unblur: sp_global_def.sxprint("UnBlur finished cleanly.") else: sp_global_def.ERROR( "unblur error. check the logfile for more information: {0}". format(log_name), action=0, ) if clean_summovie: sp_global_def.sxprint("SumMovie finished cleanly.") else: sp_global_def.ERROR( "summovie error. check the logfile for more information: {0}". format(log_name), action=0, ) time_list.append(time.time() - t1) # Do progress output percent = round(100 * (index + 1) / float(nr_files), 2) estimated_time = nr_files * sum(time_list) / float(len(time_list)) estimated_time_h = estimated_time // 3600 estimated_time_m = (estimated_time - estimated_time_h * 3600) // 60 estimated_time_s = (estimated_time - estimated_time_h * 3600 - estimated_time_m * 60) current_time = time.time() - time_start current_time_h = current_time // 3600 current_time_m = (current_time - current_time_h * 3600) // 60 current_time_s = current_time - current_time_h * 3600 - current_time_m * 60 sp_global_def.sxprint(( "Progress: {0:.2f}%; Time: {1:.0f}h:{2:.0f}m:{3:.0f}s/{4:.0f}h:{5:.0f}m:{6:.0f}s; Micrograph done:{7}" .format( percent, current_time_h, current_time_m, current_time_s, estimated_time_h, estimated_time_m, estimated_time_s, file_name, ))) # Write micrograph and shift list with open("{0}/unblur_micrographs.txt".format(output_dir), "w") as f: for entry in sorted(micrograph_list): f.write("{0}\n".format(entry)) with open("{0}/unblur_shiftfiles.txt".format(output_dir), "w") as f: for entry in sorted(shift_list): f.write("{0}\n".format(entry)) if options.save_frames: with open("{0}/unblur_frames.txt".format(output_dir), "w") as f: for entry in sorted(frames_list): f.write("{0}\n".format(entry))
def main_proj_compare(classavgstack, reconfile, outdir, options, mode='viper', prjmethod='trilinear', classangles=None, partangles=None, selectdoc=None, verbose=False, displayYN=False): """ Main function overseeing various projection-comparison modes. Arguments: classavgstack : Input image stack reconfile : Map of which to generate projections (an optionally perform alignment) outdir : Output directory mode : Mode, viper (pre-existing angles for each input image), projmatch (angles from internal projection-matching) verbose : (boolean) Whether to write additional information to screen options : (list) Command-line options, run ' -h' for an exhaustive list classangles : Angles and shifts for each input class average partangles : Angles and shifts for each particle (mode meridien) selectdoc : Selection file for included images prjmethod : Interpolation method to use displayYN : (boolean) Whether to automatically open montage """ # Expand path for outputs refprojstack = os.path.join(outdir, 'refproj.hdf') refanglesdoc = os.path.join(outdir, 'refangles.txt') outaligndoc = os.path.join(outdir, 'docalign2d.txt') # If not an input, will create an output, in modes projmatch if classangles == None: classangles = os.path.join(outdir, 'docangles.txt') # You need either input angles (mode viper) or to calculate them on the fly (mode projmatch) if mode == 'viper': sp_global_def.ERROR( "\nERROR!! Input alignment parameters not specified.", __file__, 1) sxprint('Type %s --help to see available options\n' % os.path.basename(__file__)) exit() # Check if inputs exist check(classavgstack, verbose=verbose) check(reconfile, verbose=verbose) if verbose: sxprint('') # Check that dimensions of images and volume agree (maybe rescale volume) voldim = EMAN2.EMData(reconfile).get_xsize() imgdim = EMAN2.EMData(classavgstack, 0).get_xsize() if voldim != imgdim: sp_global_def.ERROR( "\nERROR!! Dimension of input volume doesn't match that of image stack: %s vs. %s" % (voldim, imgdim), __file__, 1) scale = float( imgdim ) / voldim # only approximate, since full-sized particle radius is arbitrary msg = 'The command to resize the volume will be of the form:\n' msg += ' %s resized_vol.hdf --scale=%1.5f --clip=%s,%s,%s\n' % ( reconfile, scale, imgdim, imgdim, imgdim) msg += 'Check the file in the ISAC directory named "README_shrink_ratio.txt" for confirmation.\n' sxprint(msg) exit() # Here if you want to be fancy, there should be an option to chose the projection method, # the mechanism can be copied from PAP if prjmethod == 'trilinear': method_num = 1 elif prjmethod == 'gridding': method_num = -1 elif prjmethod == 'nn': method_num = 0 else: sp_global_def.ERROR( "\nERROR!! Valid projection methods are: trilinear (default), gridding, and nn (nearest neighbor).", __file__, 1) sxprint('Usage:\n%s' % USAGE) exit() # Set output directory and log file name log, verbose = prepare_outdir_log(outdir, verbose) # In case class averages include discarded images, apply selection file if mode == 'viper': if selectdoc: goodavgs, extension = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(classavgstack)) newclasses = os.path.join(outdir, goodavgs + "_kept" + extension) # e2proc2d appends to existing files, so rename existing output if os.path.exists(newclasses): renamefile = newclasses + '.bak' print_log_msg( "Selected-classes stack %s exists, renaming to %s" % (newclasses, renamefile), log, verbose) print_log_msg("mv %s %s\n" % (newclasses, renamefile), log, verbose) os.rename(newclasses, renamefile) print_log_msg( 'Creating subset of %s to %s based on selection list %s' % (classavgstack, newclasses, selectdoc), log, verbose) cmd = " %s %s --list=%s" % (classavgstack, newclasses, selectdoc) print_log_msg(cmd, log, verbose) os.system(cmd) sxprint('') # Update class-averages classavgstack = newclasses # align de novo to reference map if mode == 'projmatch': # Generate reference projections print_log_msg( 'Projecting %s to output %s using an increment of %s degrees using %s symmetry' % (reconfile, refprojstack,, options.symmetry), log, verbose) cmd = ' %s %s --delta=%s --method=S --phiEqpsi=Minus --symmetry=%s' % ( reconfile, refprojstack,, options.symmetry) if options.prjmethod == 'trilinear': cmd += ' --trilinear' cmd += '\n' print_log_msg(cmd, log, verbose) project3d(reconfile, refprojstack,, symmetry=options.symmetry) # Export projection angles print_log_msg( "Exporting projection angles from %s to %s" % (refprojstack, refanglesdoc), log, verbose) cmd = " %s --params=xform.projection --import=%s\n" % ( refprojstack, refanglesdoc) print_log_msg(cmd, log, verbose) header(refprojstack, 'xform.projection', fexport=refanglesdoc) # Perform multi-reference alignment if options.align == 'ali2d': projdir = os.path.join( outdir, 'Projdir') # used if input angles no provided if os.path.isdir(projdir): print_log_msg('Removing pre-existing directory %s' % projdir, log, verbose) print_log_msg('rm -r %s\n' % projdir, log, verbose) shutil.rmtree( projdir) # os.rmdir only removes empty directories # Zero out alignment parameters in header print_log_msg( 'Zeroing out alignment parameters in header of %s' % classavgstack, log, verbose) cmd = ' %s --params xform.align2d --zero\n' % classavgstack print_log_msg(cmd, log, verbose) header(classavgstack, 'xform.align2d', zero=True) # Perform multi-reference alignment msg = 'Aligning images in %s to projections %s with a radius of %s and a maximum allowed shift of %s' % ( classavgstack, refprojstack, options.matchrad, options.matchshift) print_log_msg(msg, log, verbose) cmd = ' %s %s %s --ou=%s --xr=%s --yr=%s\n' % ( classavgstack, refprojstack, projdir, options.matchrad, options.matchshift, options.matchshift) print_log_msg(cmd, log, verbose) mref_ali2d(classavgstack, refprojstack, projdir, ou=options.matchrad, xrng=options.matchshift, yrng=options.matchshift) # Export alignment parameters print_log_msg( 'Exporting angles from %s into %s' % (classavgstack, classangles), log, verbose) cmd = " %s --params=xform.align2d --export=%s\n" % ( classavgstack, classangles) print_log_msg(cmd, log, verbose) header(classavgstack, 'xform.align2d', fexport=classangles) # By default, use AP SH else: apsh(refprojstack, classavgstack, outangles=classangles, refanglesdoc=refanglesdoc, outaligndoc=outaligndoc, outerradius=options.matchrad, maxshift=options.matchshift, ringstep=options.matchstep, log=log, verbose=verbose) # Diagnostic alignlist = read_text_row( classangles) # contain 2D alignment parameters nimg1 = EMAN2.EMUtil.get_image_count(classavgstack) assert len(alignlist) == nimg1, "MRK_DEBUG" # Get alignment parameters from MERIDIEN if mode == 'meridien': continueTF = True # Will proceed unless some information is missing if not partangles: sp_global_def.ERROR( "\nERROR!! Input alignment parameters not provided.", __file__, 1) continueTF = False if not continueTF: sxprint('Type %s --help to see available options\n' % os.path.basename(__file__)) exit() if not options.classdocs or options.outliers: classdir = os.path.join(outdir, 'Byclass') if not os.path.isdir(classdir): os.makedirs(classdir) if options.outliers: goodclassparttemplate = os.path.join( classdir, 'goodpartsclass{0:03d}.txt') else: goodclassparttemplate = None if not options.classdocs: classmap = os.path.join(classdir, 'classmap.txt') classdoc = os.path.join(classdir, 'docclass{0:03d}.txt') options.classdocs = os.path.join(classdir, 'docclass*.txt') # Separate particles by class vomq(classavgstack, classmap, classdoc, log=log, verbose=verbose) mode_meridien(reconfile, classavgstack, options.classdocs, partangles, selectdoc, options.refineshift, options.refinerad, classangles, outaligndoc, interpolation_method=method_num, outliers=options.outliers, goodclassparttemplate=goodclassparttemplate, alignopt=options.align, ringstep=options.refinestep, log=log, verbose=verbose) # Import Euler angles print_log_msg( "Importing parameter information into %s from %s" % (classavgstack, classangles), log, verbose) cmd = " %s --params=xform.projection --import=%s\n" % ( classavgstack, classangles) print_log_msg(cmd, log, verbose) header(classavgstack, 'xform.projection', fimport=classangles) # Make comparison stack between class averages (images 0,2,4,...) and re-projections (images 1,3,5,...) compstack = compare_projs(reconfile, classavgstack, classangles, outdir, interpolation_method=method_num, log=log, verbose=verbose) # Optionally pop up e2display if displayYN: sxprint('Opening montage') cmd = " %s\n" % compstack sxprint(cmd) os.system(cmd) sxprint("Done!")
def average_angles(alignlist, partdoc, selectdoc=None, init_angles=None, threshold=None, goodpartdoc=None, log=None, verbose=False): """ Computes a vector average of a set of particles' Euler angles phi and theta. Arguments: alignlist : Alignment parameter doc file, i.e., from MERIDIEN refinment partdoc : List of particle indices whose angles should be averaged selectdoc : Input substack selection file if particles removed before refinement (e.g., Substack/isac_substack_particle_id_list.txt) init_angles : List (2 elements) with initial phi and theta angles, for excluding outliers threshold : Angular threshold (degrees) beyond which particles exceeding this angular difference from init_angles will be excluded goodpartdoc : Output list of retained particles if a threshold was specified log : Logger object verbose : (boolean) Whether to write additional information to screen Returns: list of 2 elements: avg_phi avg_theta """ # Read alignment parameters if isinstance(alignlist, str): alignlist = read_text_row(outaligndoc) # (If loading the same parameters repeatedly, better to read the file once externally and pass only the list.) # Read class list partlist = read_text_row(partdoc) if selectdoc: selectlist = read_text_row(selectdoc) else: selectlist = None sum_phi = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) sum_theta = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) totparts = 0 num_outliers = 0 goodpartlist = [] goodpartcounter = 0 # Loop through particles for totpartnum in partlist: if selectlist: goodpartnum = selectlist.index(totpartnum) else: goodpartnum = totpartnum[0] try: phi_deg = alignlist[goodpartnum][0] theta_deg = alignlist[goodpartnum][1] phi_rad = np.deg2rad(phi_deg) theta_rad = np.deg2rad(theta_deg) except IndexError: msg = "\nERROR!! %s tries to access particle #%s" % (partdoc, goodpartnum) numalignparts = len(alignlist) msg += "\nAlignment doc file has only %s entries" % (numalignparts) msg += "\nMaybe try substack selection file with flag '--select <substack_select>'?" sp_global_def.ERROR(msg, __file__, 1) exit() if init_angles: angdif = angle_diff(init_angles, [phi_deg, theta_deg]) if angdif > 180: angdif = 360.0 - angdif totparts += 1 # Exclude particles exceeding optional threshold if threshold == None or angdif < threshold: sum_phi += (np.cos(phi_rad), np.sin(phi_rad)) sum_theta += (np.cos(theta_rad), np.sin(theta_rad)) goodpartlist.append(goodpartnum) goodpartcounter += 1 else: num_outliers += 1 # Compute final average avg_phi = degrees(atan2(sum_phi[1], sum_phi[0])) avg_theta = degrees(atan2(sum_theta[1], sum_theta[0])) # Clean up, might reuse del alignlist del partlist del selectlist msg = "Particle list %s: average angles (%s, %s)" % (partdoc, avg_phi, avg_theta) print_log_msg(msg, log, verbose) if threshold: msg = "Found %s out of %s outliers exceeding an angle difference of %s degrees from initial estimate" % ( num_outliers, totparts, threshold) print_log_msg(msg, log, verbose) if goodpartdoc: if goodpartcounter > 0: write_text_row(goodpartlist, goodpartdoc) msg = "Wrote %s particles to %s" % (goodpartcounter, goodpartdoc) print_log_msg(msg, log, verbose) else: msg = "WARNING!! Kept 0 particles from class %s" % partdoc print_log_msg(msg, log, verbose) [avg_phi, avg_theta] = init_angles return [avg_phi, avg_theta]
"--hold_flag", type=str, default=None, help="Hold flag for the submission command, e.g. -hold_jid", ) parser.add_argument( "--first_hold_number", type=str, default=None, help="Wait number of an already running job", ) args = parser.parse_args() sp_global_def.BATCH = True if not os.path.exists(args.input_run_dir): sp_global_def.ERROR("Input directory does not exist!", "", 1) qsub_dict = { "qsub":"Your job (\w+)"), "sbatch":"Submitted batch job (\w+)"), } if args.submission_command.split()[0] not in qsub_dict and args.hold_flag: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Qsub return output not known! Please contact the SPHIRE authors!", "", 1, ) sp_global_def.write_command(".") if args.first_hold_number:
def recons3d_4nn_MPI( myid, prjlist, symmetry="c1", finfo=None, snr=1.0, npad=2, xysize=-1, zsize=-1, mpi_comm=None, ): if mpi_comm == None: mpi_comm = mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD if type(prjlist) == list: prjlist = sp_utilities.iterImagesList(prjlist) if not prjlist.goToNext(): sp_global_def.ERROR("empty input list", "recons3d_4nn_MPI", 1) imgsize = prjlist.image().get_xsize() if prjlist.image().get_ysize() != imgsize: imgsize = max(imgsize, prjlist.image().get_ysize()) dopad = True else: dopad = False prjlist.goToPrev() fftvol = EMAN2_cppwrap.EMData() weight = EMAN2_cppwrap.EMData() if xysize == -1 and zsize == -1: params = { "size": imgsize, "npad": npad, "symmetry": symmetry, "fftvol": fftvol, "weight": weight, "snr": snr, } r = EMAN2_cppwrap.Reconstructors.get("nn4", params) else: if xysize != -1 and zsize != -1: rx = old_div(float(xysize), imgsize) ry = old_div(float(xysize), imgsize) rz = old_div(float(zsize), imgsize) elif xysize != -1: rx = old_div(float(xysize), imgsize) ry = old_div(float(xysize), imgsize) rz = 1.0 else: rx = 1.0 ry = 1.0 rz = old_div(float(zsize), imgsize) params = { "sizeprojection": imgsize, "npad": npad, "symmetry": symmetry, "fftvol": fftvol, "weight": weight, "xratio": rx, "yratio": ry, "zratio": rz, } r = EMAN2_cppwrap.Reconstructors.get("nn4_rect", params) r.setup() if not (finfo is None): nimg = 0 while prjlist.goToNext(): prj = prjlist.image() if dopad: prj = sp_utilities.pad(prj, imgsize, imgsize, 1, "circumference") insert_slices(r, prj) if not (finfo is None): nimg += 1 finfo.write("Image %4d inserted.\n" % (nimg)) finfo.flush() if not (finfo is None): finfo.write("Begin reducing ...\n") finfo.flush() sp_utilities.reduce_EMData_to_root(fftvol, myid, comm=mpi_comm) sp_utilities.reduce_EMData_to_root(weight, myid, comm=mpi_comm) if myid == 0: dummy = r.finish(True) else: if xysize == -1 and zsize == -1: fftvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(imgsize, imgsize, imgsize) else: if zsize == -1: fftvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(xysize, xysize, imgsize) elif xysize == -1: fftvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(imgsize, imgsize, zsize) else: fftvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(xysize, xysize, zsize) return fftvol
def main(): arglist = [] for arg in sys.argv: arglist.append(arg) progname = optparse.os.path.basename(arglist[0]) usage = ( progname + " prj_stack volume [begin end step] --CTF --npad=ntimes_padding --list=file --group=ID --snr=SNR --sym=symmetry --verbose=(0|1) --xysize --MPI" ) parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage, version=sp_global_def.SPARXVERSION) parser.add_option( "--CTF", action="store_true", default=False, help="apply CTF correction" ) parser.add_option("--snr", type="float", default=1.0, help="Signal-to-Noise Ratio") parser.add_option("--sym", type="string", default="c1", help="symmetry") parser.add_option( "--list", type="string", help="file with list of images to be used in the first column", ) parser.add_option( "--group", type="int", default=-1, help="perform reconstruction using images for a given group number (group is attribute in the header)", ) parser.add_option( "--MPI", action="store_true", default=False, help="use MPI version " ) parser.add_option( "--npad", type="int", default=2, help="number of times padding (default 2)" ) parser.add_option( "--verbose", type="int", default=0, help="verbose level: 0 no verbose, 1 verbose", ) parser.add_option( "--xysize", type="int", default=-1, help="user expected size at xy direction" ) parser.add_option( "--zsize", type="int", default=-1, help="user expected size at z direction" ) parser.add_option( "--smearstep", type="float", default=0.0, help="Rotational smear step (default 0.0, no smear)", ) parser.add_option( "--interpolation_method", type="string", default="4nn", help="4nn, or tril: nearest neighbor, or trilinear interpolation", ) parser.add_option( "--niter", type="int", default=10, help="number of iterations for iterative reconstruction", ) parser.add_option( "--upweighted", action="store_true", default=False, help="apply background noise", ) parser.add_option( "--compensate", action="store_true", default=False, help="compensate in reconstruction", ) parser.add_option( "--chunk_id", type="int", default=-1, help="reconstruct both odd and even groups of particles", ) parser.add_option( "--target_window_size", type="int", default=-1, help=" size of the targeted reconstruction ", ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist[1:]) if sp_global_def.CACHE_DISABLE: sp_utilities.disable_bdb_cache() if len(args) == 2: prj_stack = args[0] vol_stack = args[1] nimage = EMAN2_cppwrap.EMUtil.get_image_count(prj_stack) pid_list = list(range(0, nimage)) elif len(args) == 5: prj_stack = args[0] vol_stack = args[1] begin = string.atoi(args[2]) end = string.atoi(args[3]) step = string.atoi(args[4]) pid_list = list(range(begin, end, step)) else: sp_global_def.ERROR("Incomplete list of arguments") return if options.list and > -1: sp_global_def.ERROR("options group and list cannot be used together") return sp_global_def.BATCH = True if options.interpolation_method == "4nn": sp_applications.recons3d_n( prj_stack, pid_list, vol_stack, options.CTF, options.snr, 1, options.npad, options.sym, options.list,, options.verbose, options.MPI, options.xysize, options.zsize, options.smearstep, options.upweighted, options.compensate, options.chunk_id, ) elif options.interpolation_method == "tril": if options.MPI is False: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Trilinear interpolation reconstruction has MPI version only!" ) return sp_applications.recons3d_trl_MPI( prj_stack, pid_list, vol_stack, options.CTF, options.snr, 1, options.npad, options.sym, options.verbose, options.niter, options.compensate, options.target_window_size, ) else: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Wrong interpolation method. The current options are 4nn, and tril. 4nn is the default one." ) return sp_global_def.write_command(optparse.os.path.dirname(vol_stack)) sp_global_def.BATCH = False
def import_params(params_file, dim): """ Import 2D or 3D parameters. The 2d params file has the format: angle, shift x, shift y, mirror The 3d params file has the format: angle_phi, angle_theta, angle_psi, tx, ty Arguments: params_2d_file - File name of the 2d parameter files Returns: parameter array """ if dim == "2d": dtype_import_list = [ ("angle_psi", float), ("shift_x", float), ("shift_y", float), ("mirror", int), ] sxprint("What happens with mirror?") elif dim == "3d": dtype_import_list = [ ("angle_rot", float), ("angle_theta", float), ("angle_psi", float), ("shift_x", float), ("shift_y", float), ] else: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Dimension {0} not supported. Only '2d' and '3d' are supported.". format(dim), "sp_sphire2relion", ) input_data = np.genfromtxt(params_file, dtype=dtype_import_list) dtype_output_list = [ ("_rlnOriginX", float), ("_rlnOriginY", float), ("_rlnAngleRot", float), ("_rlnAngleTilt", float), ("_rlnAnglePsi", float), ] params_array = np.empty(len(input_data), dtype=sorted(dtype_output_list)) params_array["_rlnOriginX"] = input_data["shift_x"] params_array["_rlnOriginY"] = input_data["shift_y"] params_array["_rlnAnglePsi"] = input_data["angle_psi"] if dim == "2d": params_array["_rlnAngleTilt"] = 0 params_array["_rlnAngleRot"] = 0 elif dim == "3d": params_array["_rlnAngleTilt"] = input_data["angle_theta"] params_array["_rlnAngleRot"] = input_data["angle_rot"] return params_array
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = progname + " stack outdir <maskfile> --ir=inner_radius --ou=outer_radius --rs=ring_step --xr=x_range --yr=y_range --ts=translation_step --dst=delta --center=center --maxit=max_iteration --CTF --snr=SNR --Fourvar=Fourier_variance --Ng=group_number --Function=user_function_name --CUDA --GPUID --MPI" parser = OptionParser(usage,version=SPARXVERSION) parser.add_option("--ir", type="float", default=1, help="inner radius for rotational correlation > 0 (set to 1)") parser.add_option("--ou", type="float", default=-1, help="outer radius for rotational correlation < nx/2-1 (set to the radius of the particle)") parser.add_option("--rs", type="float", default=1, help="step between rings in rotational correlation > 0 (set to 1)" ) parser.add_option("--xr", type="string", default="4 2 1 1", help="range for translation search in x direction, search is +/xr ") parser.add_option("--yr", type="string", default="-1", help="range for translation search in y direction, search is +/yr ") parser.add_option("--ts", type="string", default="2 1 0.5 0.25",help="step of translation search in both directions") parser.add_option("--nomirror", action="store_true", default=False, help="Disable checking mirror orientations of images (default False)") parser.add_option("--dst", type="float", default=0.0, help="delta") parser.add_option("--center", type="float", default=-1, help="-1.average center method; 0.not centered; 1.phase approximation; with Gaussian function; with donut-shaped image with user-defined reference with self-rotated average") parser.add_option("--maxit", type="float", default=0, help="maximum number of iterations (0 means the maximum iterations is 10, but it will automatically stop should the criterion falls") parser.add_option("--CTF", action="store_true", default=False, help="use CTF correction during alignment") parser.add_option("--snr", type="float", default=1.0, help="signal-to-noise ratio of the data (set to 1.0)") parser.add_option("--Fourvar", action="store_true", default=False, help="compute Fourier variance") #parser.add_option("--Ng", type="int", default=-1, help="number of groups in the new CTF filteration") parser.add_option("--function", type="string", default="ref_ali2d", help="name of the reference preparation function (default ref_ali2d)") #parser.add_option("--CUDA", action="store_true", default=False, help="use CUDA program") #parser.add_option("--GPUID", type="string", default="", help="ID of GPUs available") parser.add_option("--MPI", action="store_true", default=False, help="use MPI version ") parser.add_option("--rotational", action="store_true", default=False, help="rotational alignment with optional limited in-plane angle, the parameters are: ir, ou, rs, psi_max, mode(F or H), maxit, orient, randomize") parser.add_option("--psi_max", type="float", default=180.0, help="psi_max") parser.add_option("--mode", type="string", default="F", help="Full or Half rings, default F") parser.add_option("--randomize",action="store_true", default=False, help="randomize initial rotations (suboption of friedel, default False)") parser.add_option("--orient", action="store_true", default=False, help="orient images such that the average is symmetric about x-axis, for layer lines (suboption of friedel, default False)") parser.add_option("--template", type="string", default=None, help="2D alignment will be initialized using the template provided (only non-MPI version, default None)") parser.add_option("--random_method", type="string", default="", help="use SHC or SCF (default standard method)") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 2 or len(args) > 3: sxprint( "Usage: " + usage ) sxprint( "Please run \'" + progname + " -h\' for detailed options" ) sp_global_def.ERROR( "Invalid number of parameters used. Please see usage information above." ) return elif(options.rotational): from sp_applications import ali2d_rotationaltop sp_global_def.BATCH = True ali2d_rotationaltop(args[1], args[0], options.randomize, options.orient,, options.ou,, options.psi_max, options.mode, options.maxit) else: if args[1] == 'None': outdir = None else: outdir = args[1] if len(args) == 2: mask = None else: mask = args[2] if sp_global_def.CACHE_DISABLE: from sp_utilities import disable_bdb_cache disable_bdb_cache() sp_global_def.BATCH = True if options.MPI: from sp_applications import ali2d_base from mpi import mpi_comm_size, mpi_comm_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD number_of_proc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD) myid = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD) main_node = 0 if(myid == main_node): import subprocess from sp_logger import Logger, BaseLogger_Files # Create output directory log = Logger(BaseLogger_Files()) log.prefix = os.path.join(outdir) cmd = "mkdir "+log.prefix outcome =, shell=True) log.prefix += "/" else: outcome = 0 log = None from sp_utilities import bcast_number_to_all outcome = bcast_number_to_all(outcome, source_node = main_node) if(outcome == 1): sp_global_def.ERROR( "Output directory exists, please change the name and restart the program", myid=myid ) dummy = ali2d_base(args[0], outdir, mask,, options.ou,, options.xr, options.yr, \ options.ts, options.nomirror, options.dst, \, options.maxit, options.CTF, options.snr, options.Fourvar, \ options.function, random_method = options.random_method, log = log, \ number_of_proc = number_of_proc, myid = myid, main_node = main_node, mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD,\ write_headers = True) else: sxprint( " Non-MPI is no more in use, try MPI option, please." ) """ from sp_applications import ali2d ali2d(args[0], outdir, mask,, options.ou,, options.xr, options.yr, \ options.ts, options.nomirror, options.dst, \, options.maxit, options.CTF, options.snr, options.Fourvar, \ -1, options.function, False, "", options.MPI, \ options.template, random_method = options.random_method) """ sp_global_def.BATCH = False
def main(): arglist = [] for arg in sys.argv: arglist.append(arg) progname = os.path.basename(arglist[0]) usage = progname + """ firstvolume secondvolume maskfile directory --prefix --wn --step --cutoff --radius --fsc --res_overall --out_ang_res --apix --MPI Compute local resolution in real space within area outlined by the maskfile and within regions wn x wn x wn """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage, version=sp_global_def.SPARXVERSION) parser.add_option("--prefix", type="str", default='localres', help="Prefix for the output files. (default localres)") parser.add_option( "--wn", type="int", default=7, help= "Size of window within which local real-space FSC is computed. (default 7)" ) parser.add_option( "--step", type="float", default=1.0, help="Shell step in Fourier size in pixels. (default 1.0)") parser.add_option("--cutoff", type="float", default=0.143, help="Resolution cut-off for FSC. (default 0.143)") parser.add_option( "--radius", type="int", default=-1, help= "If there is no maskfile, sphere with r=radius will be used. By default, the radius is nx/2-wn (default -1)" ) parser.add_option( "--fsc", type="string", default=None, help= "Save overall FSC curve (might be truncated). By default, the program does not save the FSC curve. (default none)" ) parser.add_option( "--res_overall", type="float", default=-1.0, help= "Overall resolution at the cutoff level estimated by the user [abs units]. (default None)" ) parser.add_option( "--out_ang_res", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Additionally creates a local resolution file in Angstroms. (default False)" ) parser.add_option( "--apix", type="float", default=1.0, help= "Pixel size in Angstrom. Effective only with --out_ang_res options. (default 1.0)" ) parser.add_option("--MPI", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use MPI version.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist[1:]) if len(args) < 3 or len(args) > 4: sxprint("Usage: " + usage) ERROR( "Invalid number of parameters used. Please see usage information above." ) return if sp_global_def.CACHE_DISABLE: sp_utilities.disable_bdb_cache() res_overall = options.res_overall if options.MPI: number_of_proc = mpi.mpi_comm_size(mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD) myid = mpi.mpi_comm_rank(mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD) main_node = 0 sp_global_def.MPI = True cutoff = options.cutoff nk = int(options.wn) if (myid == main_node): #print sys.argv vi = sp_utilities.get_im(sys.argv[1]) ui = sp_utilities.get_im(sys.argv[2]) nx = vi.get_xsize() ny = vi.get_ysize() nz = vi.get_zsize() dis = [nx, ny, nz] else: dis = [0, 0, 0, 0] sp_global_def.BATCH = True dis = sp_utilities.bcast_list_to_all(dis, myid, source_node=main_node) if (myid != main_node): nx = int(dis[0]) ny = int(dis[1]) nz = int(dis[2]) vi = sp_utilities.model_blank(nx, ny, nz) ui = sp_utilities.model_blank(nx, ny, nz) if len(args) == 3: m = sp_utilities.model_circle((min(nx, ny, nz) - nk) // 2, nx, ny, nz) outdir = args[2] elif len(args) == 4: if (myid == main_node): m = sp_morphology.binarize(sp_utilities.get_im(args[2]), 0.5) else: m = sp_utilities.model_blank(nx, ny, nz) outdir = args[3] if os.path.exists(outdir) and myid == 0: sp_global_def.ERROR('Output directory already exists!') elif myid == 0: os.makedirs(outdir) sp_global_def.write_command(outdir) sp_utilities.bcast_EMData_to_all(m, myid, main_node) """Multiline Comment0""" freqvol, resolut = sp_statistics.locres(vi, ui, m, nk, cutoff, options.step, myid, main_node, number_of_proc) if (myid == 0): # Remove outliers based on the Interquartile range output_volume(freqvol, resolut, options.apix, outdir, options.prefix, options.fsc, options.out_ang_res, nx, ny, nz, res_overall) else: cutoff = options.cutoff vi = sp_utilities.get_im(args[0]) ui = sp_utilities.get_im(args[1]) nn = vi.get_xsize() nx = nn ny = nn nz = nn nk = int(options.wn) if len(args) == 3: m = sp_utilities.model_circle((nn - nk) // 2, nn, nn, nn) outdir = args[2] elif len(args) == 4: m = sp_morphology.binarize(sp_utilities.get_im(args[2]), 0.5) outdir = args[3] if os.path.exists(outdir): sp_global_def.ERROR('Output directory already exists!') else: os.makedirs(outdir) sp_global_def.write_command(outdir) mc = sp_utilities.model_blank(nn, nn, nn, 1.0) - m vf = sp_fundamentals.fft(vi) uf = sp_fundamentals.fft(ui) """Multiline Comment1""" lp = int(nn / 2 / options.step + 0.5) step = 0.5 / lp freqvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(nn, nn, nn) resolut = [] for i in range(1, lp): fl = step * i fh = fl + step #print(lp,i,step,fl,fh) v = sp_fundamentals.fft(sp_filter.filt_tophatb(vf, fl, fh)) u = sp_fundamentals.fft(sp_filter.filt_tophatb(uf, fl, fh)) tmp1 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.muln_img(v, v) tmp2 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.muln_img(u, u) do = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.infomask( sp_morphology.square_root( sp_morphology.threshold( EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.muln_img(tmp1, tmp2))), m, True)[0] tmp3 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.muln_img(u, v) dp = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.infomask(tmp3, m, True)[0] resolut.append([i, (fl + fh) / 2.0, dp / do]) tmp1 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.box_convolution(tmp1, nk) tmp2 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.box_convolution(tmp2, nk) tmp3 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.box_convolution(tmp3, nk) EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.mul_img(tmp1, tmp2) tmp1 = sp_morphology.square_root(sp_morphology.threshold(tmp1)) EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.mul_img(tmp1, m) EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.add_img(tmp1, mc) EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.mul_img(tmp3, m) EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.add_img(tmp3, mc) EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.div_img(tmp3, tmp1) EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.mul_img(tmp3, m) freq = (fl + fh) / 2.0 bailout = True for x in range(nn): for y in range(nn): for z in range(nn): if (m.get_value_at(x, y, z) > 0.5): if (freqvol.get_value_at(x, y, z) == 0.0): if (tmp3.get_value_at(x, y, z) < cutoff): freqvol.set_value_at(x, y, z, freq) bailout = False else: bailout = False if (bailout): break #print(len(resolut)) # remove outliers output_volume(freqvol, resolut, options.apix, outdir, options.prefix, options.fsc, options.out_ang_res, nx, ny, nz, res_overall)
def recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI( myid, prjlist, snr=1.0, sign=1, symmetry="c1", finfo=None, npad=2, xysize=-1, zsize=-1, mpi_comm=None, smearstep=0.0, ): """ recons3d_4nn_ctf - calculate CTF-corrected 3-D reconstruction from a set of projections using three Eulerian angles, two shifts, and CTF settings for each projeciton image Input stack: name of the stack file containing projection data, projections have to be squares list_proj: list of projections to be included in the reconstruction or image iterator snr: Signal-to-Noise Ratio of the data sign: sign of the CTF symmetry: point-group symmetry to be enforced, each projection will enter the reconstruction in all symmetry-related directions. """ if mpi_comm == None: mpi_comm = mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD if type(prjlist) == list: prjlist = sp_utilities.iterImagesList(prjlist) if not prjlist.goToNext(): sp_global_def.ERROR("empty input list", "recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI", 1) imgsize = prjlist.image().get_xsize() if prjlist.image().get_ysize() != imgsize: imgsize = max(imgsize, prjlist.image().get_ysize()) dopad = True else: dopad = False prjlist.goToPrev() fftvol = EMAN2_cppwrap.EMData() if smearstep > 0.0: # if myid == 0: print " Setting smear in prepare_recons_ctf" ns = 1 smear = [] for j in range(-ns, ns + 1): if j != 0: for i in range(-ns, ns + 1): for k in range(-ns, ns + 1): smear += [ i * smearstep, j * smearstep, k * smearstep, 1.0 ] # Deal with theta = 0.0 cases prj = [] for i in range(-ns, ns + 1): for k in range(-ns, ns + 1): prj.append(i + k) for i in range(-2 * ns, 2 * ns + 1, 1): smear += [i * smearstep, 0.0, 0.0, float(prj.count(i))] # if myid == 0: print " Smear ",smear fftvol.set_attr("smear", smear) weight = EMAN2_cppwrap.EMData() if xysize == -1 and zsize == -1: params = { "size": imgsize, "npad": npad, "snr": snr, "sign": sign, "symmetry": symmetry, "fftvol": fftvol, "weight": weight, } r = EMAN2_cppwrap.Reconstructors.get("nn4_ctf", params) else: if xysize != -1 and zsize != -1: rx = old_div(float(xysize), imgsize) ry = old_div(float(xysize), imgsize) rz = old_div(float(zsize), imgsize) elif xysize != -1: rx = old_div(float(xysize), imgsize) ry = old_div(float(xysize), imgsize) rz = 1.0 else: rx = 1.0 ry = 1.0 rz = old_div(float(zsize), imgsize) # There is an error here with sizeprojection PAP 10/22/2014 params = { "size": sizeprojection, "npad": npad, "snr": snr, "sign": sign, "symmetry": symmetry, "fftvol": fftvol, "weight": weight, "xratio": rx, "yratio": ry, "zratio": rz, } r = EMAN2_cppwrap.Reconstructors.get("nn4_ctf_rect", params) r.setup() # if not (finfo is None): nimg = 0 while prjlist.goToNext(): prj = prjlist.image() if dopad: prj = sp_utilities.pad(prj, imgsize, imgsize, 1, "circumference") # if params: insert_slices(r, prj) if not (finfo is None): nimg += 1 finfo.write(" %4d inserted\n" % (nimg)) finfo.flush() del sp_utilities.pad if not (finfo is None): finfo.write("begin reduce\n") finfo.flush() sp_utilities.reduce_EMData_to_root(fftvol, myid, comm=mpi_comm) sp_utilities.reduce_EMData_to_root(weight, myid, comm=mpi_comm) if not (finfo is None): finfo.write("after reduce\n") finfo.flush() if myid == 0: dummy = r.finish(True) else: if xysize == -1 and zsize == -1: fftvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(imgsize, imgsize, imgsize) else: if zsize == -1: fftvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(xysize, xysize, imgsize) elif xysize == -1: fftvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(imgsize, imgsize, zsize) else: fftvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(xysize, xysize, zsize) return fftvol
def recons3d_4nn( stack_name, list_proj=[], symmetry="c1", npad=4, snr=None, weighting=1, varsnr=False, xysize=-1, zsize=-1, ): """ Perform a 3-D reconstruction using Pawel's FFT Back Projection algorithm. Input: stack_name - name of the file with projection data. list_proj - list of projections to be used in the reconstruction symmetry - Point group of the target molecule (defaults to "C1") npad - Angles and shifts are passed in the file header as set_attr. Keywords are phi, theta, psi, sx, sy Return: 3D reconstructed volume image Usage: vol = recons3d_4nn(filepattern, list_proj, symmetry) """ if list_proj == []: if type(stack_name) == bytes: nima = EMAN2_cppwrap.EMUtil.get_image_count(stack_name) else: nima = len(stack_name) list_proj = list(range(nima)) # read first image to determine the size to use if type(stack_name) == bytes: proj = EMAN2_cppwrap.EMData() proj.read_image(stack_name, list_proj[0]) else: proj = stack_name[list_proj[0]].copy() size = proj.get_xsize() # sanity check -- image must be square if size != proj.get_ysize(): sp_global_def.ERROR("input data has to be square", "recons3d_4nn", 1) # reconstructor fftvol = EMAN2_cppwrap.EMData() weight = EMAN2_cppwrap.EMData() params = { "npad": npad, "symmetry": symmetry, "weighting": weighting, "fftvol": fftvol, "weight": weight, } if xysize == -1 and zsize == -1: params["size"] = size if snr != None: params["snr"] = snr # params["varsnr"] = int(varsnr) r = EMAN2_cppwrap.Reconstructors.get("nn4", params) else: if xysize != -1 and zsize != -1: rx = old_div(float(xysize), size) ry = old_div(float(xysize), size) rz = old_div(float(zsize), size) elif xysize != -1: rx = old_div(float(xysize), size) ry = old_div(float(xysize), size) rz = 1.0 else: rx = 1.0 ry = 1.0 rz = old_div(float(zsize), size) if snr is None: params["sizeprojection"] = size params["xratio"] = rx params["yratio"] = ry params["zratio"] = rz else: params["sizeprojection"] = size params["snr"] = snr params["varsnr"] = int(varsnr) params["xratio"] = rx params["yratio"] = ry params["zratio"] = rz r = EMAN2_cppwrap.Reconstructors.get("nn4_rect", params) r.setup() if type(stack_name) == bytes: for i in range(len(list_proj)): proj.read_image(stack_name, list_proj[i]) # horatio active_refactoring Jy51i1EwmLD4tWZ9_00000_1 # active = proj.get_attr_default('active', 1) # if active == 1: # insert_slices(r, proj) insert_slices(r, proj) else: for i in list_proj: # horatio active_refactoring Jy51i1EwmLD4tWZ9_00000_1 # active = stack_name[i].get_attr_default('active', 1) # if active == 1: # insert_slices(r, stack_name[i]) insert_slices(r, stack_name[i]) dummy = r.finish(True) return fftvol
def recons3d_4nnw_MPI( myid, prjlist, bckgdata, snr=1.0, sign=1, symmetry="c1", finfo=None, npad=2, xysize=-1, zsize=-1, mpi_comm=None, smearstep=0.0, fsc=None, ): """ recons3d_4nn_ctf - calculate CTF-corrected 3-D reconstruction from a set of projections using three Eulerian angles, two shifts, and CTF settings for each projeciton image Input stack: name of the stack file containing projection data, projections have to be squares prjlist: list of projections to be included in the reconstruction or image iterator bckgdata = [get_im("tsd.hdf"),read_text_file("data_stamp.txt")] snr: Signal-to-Noise Ratio of the data sign: sign of the CTF symmetry: point-group symmetry to be enforced, each projection will enter the reconstruction in all symmetry-related directions. """ pass # IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from sp_utilities import reduce_EMData_to_root, pad pass # IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from EMAN2 import Reconstructors pass # IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from sp_utilities import iterImagesList, set_params_proj, model_blank pass # IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from mpi import MPI_COMM_WORLD pass # IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT import types if mpi_comm == None: mpi_comm = mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD if type(prjlist) == list: prjlist = sp_utilities.iterImagesList(prjlist) if not prjlist.goToNext(): sp_global_def.ERROR("empty input list", "recons3d_4nnw_MPI", 1) imgsize = prjlist.image().get_xsize() if prjlist.image().get_ysize() != imgsize: imgsize = max(imgsize, prjlist.image().get_ysize()) dopad = True else: dopad = False prjlist.goToPrev() # Do the FSC shtick. bnx = old_div(imgsize * npad, 2) + 1 if fsc: pass # IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from math import sqrt pass # IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from sp_utilities import reshape_1d t = [0.0] * len(fsc) for i in range(len(fsc)): t[i] = min(max(fsc[i], 0.0), 0.999) t = sp_utilities.reshape_1d(t, len(t), npad * len(t)) refvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(bnx, 1, 1, 0.0) for i in range(len(fsc)): refvol.set_value_at(i, t[i]) else: refvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(bnx, 1, 1, 1.0) refvol.set_attr("fudge", 1.0) fftvol = EMAN2_cppwrap.EMData() weight = EMAN2_cppwrap.EMData() if smearstep > 0.0: # if myid == 0: print " Setting smear in prepare_recons_ctf" ns = 1 smear = [] for j in range(-ns, ns + 1): if j != 0: for i in range(-ns, ns + 1): for k in range(-ns, ns + 1): smear += [ i * smearstep, j * smearstep, k * smearstep, 1.0 ] # Deal with theta = 0.0 cases prj = [] for i in range(-ns, ns + 1): for k in range(-ns, ns + 1): prj.append(i + k) for i in range(-2 * ns, 2 * ns + 1, 1): smear += [i * smearstep, 0.0, 0.0, float(prj.count(i))] # if myid == 0: print " Smear ",smear fftvol.set_attr("smear", smear) if xysize == -1 and zsize == -1: params = { "size": imgsize, "npad": npad, "snr": snr, "sign": sign, "symmetry": symmetry, "refvol": refvol, "fftvol": fftvol, "weight": weight, } r = EMAN2_cppwrap.Reconstructors.get("nn4_ctfw", params) else: if xysize != -1 and zsize != -1: rx = old_div(float(xysize), imgsize) ry = old_div(float(xysize), imgsize) rz = old_div(float(zsize), imgsize) elif xysize != -1: rx = old_div(float(xysize), imgsize) ry = old_div(float(xysize), imgsize) rz = 1.0 else: rx = 1.0 ry = 1.0 rz = old_div(float(zsize), imgsize) # There is an error here with sizeprojection PAP 10/22/2014 params = { "size": sizeprojection, "npad": npad, "snr": snr, "sign": sign, "symmetry": symmetry, "fftvol": fftvol, "weight": weight, "xratio": rx, "yratio": ry, "zratio": rz, } r = EMAN2_cppwrap.Reconstructors.get("nn4_ctf_rect", params) r.setup() # from utilities import model_blank, get_im, read_text_file # bckgdata = [get_im("tsd.hdf"),read_text_file("data_stamp.txt")] nnx = bckgdata[0].get_xsize() nny = bckgdata[0].get_ysize() bckgnoise = [] for i in range(nny): prj = sp_utilities.model_blank(nnx) for k in range(nnx): prj[k] = bckgdata[0].get_value_at(k, i) bckgnoise.append(prj) datastamp = bckgdata[1] if not (finfo is None): nimg = 0 while prjlist.goToNext(): prj = prjlist.image() try: stmp = old_div(nnx, 0) stmp = prj.get_attr("ptcl_source_image") except: try: stmp = prj.get_attr("ctf") stmp = round(stmp.defocus, 4) except: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Either ptcl_source_image or ctf has to be present in the header.", "recons3d_4nnw_MPI", 1, myid, ) try: indx = datastamp.index(stmp) except: sp_global_def.ERROR("Problem with indexing ptcl_source_image.", "recons3d_4nnw_MPI", 1, myid) if dopad: prj = sp_utilities.pad(prj, imgsize, imgsize, 1, "circumference") prj.set_attr("bckgnoise", bckgnoise[indx]) insert_slices(r, prj) if not (finfo is None): nimg += 1 finfo.write(" %4d inserted\n" % (nimg)) finfo.flush() del sp_utilities.pad if not (finfo is None): finfo.write("begin reduce\n") finfo.flush() sp_utilities.reduce_EMData_to_root(fftvol, myid, comm=mpi_comm) sp_utilities.reduce_EMData_to_root(weight, myid, comm=mpi_comm) if not (finfo is None): finfo.write("after reduce\n") finfo.flush() if myid == 0: dummy = r.finish(True) else: pass # IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from sp_utilities import model_blank if xysize == -1 and zsize == -1: fftvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(imgsize, imgsize, imgsize) else: if zsize == -1: fftvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(xysize, xysize, imgsize) elif xysize == -1: fftvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(imgsize, imgsize, zsize) else: fftvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(xysize, xysize, zsize) return fftvol
def _main_(): _, child_argparser = setup_argparser() # These global variables are kind of ugly, but are necessary in python2. Will be removed in # python 3. global STACK_FILE_PATH global PROJECTION_PARAMETERS global VOLUME1 global VOLUME2 global DEFOCUS_SEARCH_RANGE global DEFOCUS_STEP_SIZE global MASK_VOLUME global RESOLUTION global PIXEL_SIZE global HALF_MAP_ASSIGNEMENTS args = child_argparser.parse_args() if "meridien" in sys.argv[1]: meridien_path = args.meridien_path files = sp_ctf_refine_io.read_meridien_data(meridien_path) volume1_file_path = files["first_halfmap"] volume2_file_path = files["second_halfmap"] chunk_file_path = files["chunk1"] params_file_path = files["final_params"] else: volume1_file_path = args.volume volume2_file_path = args.volume2 params_file_path = args.params_path chunk_file_path = args.chunk if volume2_file_path is None and chunk_file_path is not None: sp_global_def.ERROR( "If chunk file is specified, you need to specify a second volume (-v2)" ) STACK_FILE_PATH = args.inputstack # "bdb:name" mask_file_path = args.mask DEFOCUS_SEARCH_RANGE = args.range DEFOCUS_STEP_SIZE = output_folder = args.outputdir if os.path.exists(output_folder): sp_global_def.ERROR("Output folder already exists. Stop execution.") else: os.makedirs(output_folder) sp_global_def.write_command(output_folder) output_virtual_stack_path = "bdb:" + os.path.join(output_folder, "ctf_refined") output_stats_path = os.path.join(output_folder, "statistics") number_of_particles_to_read = args.number_particles volume_nominal_resolution = args.resolution RESOLUTION = volume_nominal_resolution PIXEL_SIZE = args.apix PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = sp_ctf_refine_io.read_meridien_params(params_file_path) num_cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1 volume1, volume2, MASK_VOLUME = sp_ctf_refine_io.read_volume( path_vol_1=volume1_file_path, path_vol_2=volume2_file_path, path_mask=mask_file_path, resolution=volume_nominal_resolution, pixel_size=PIXEL_SIZE, ) VOLUME1 = volume1 VOLUME2 = volume2 particle_chunks, number_of_particles = indices_to_chunks( STACK_FILE_PATH, chunk_size=100, number_of_particles_to_read=number_of_particles_to_read, ) if chunk_file_path: HALF_MAP_ASSIGNEMENTS = get_half_map_assigments_per_particle( stack_path=STACK_FILE_PATH, chunk_path=chunk_file_path, number_of_particles_to_read=number_of_particles_to_read, ) sp_global_def.sxprint("####Start refinement####") start = time.time() # for chunk in particle_chunks: # refine_set(chunk) ##################################################################### # Python 2 workaround to get rid of a memory leak. # Pool eats up memory and only give it back after it returns. # So let it return more often by deviding chunks into chunks :-) ##################################################################### num_chunks = len(particle_chunks) refinement_results = [] with tqdm(total=num_chunks, file=sys.stdout) as pbar: for i in range(0, num_chunks, num_cpu): subset_chunk = particle_chunks[i: (i + num_cpu)] pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_cpu) refinement_result = pool.map_async(refine_set, subset_chunk, chunksize=1) pool.close() # print_progress(refinement_result) pool.join() for res in refinement_result.get(): refinement_results.append(res) pbar.update(len(subset_chunk)) ##################################################################### end = time.time() sp_global_def.sxprint("Time for ", number_of_particles, " Particles:", end - start) # Ouput results refined_ctfs_as_list, refinement_results_per_micrograph = merge_ctf_refinement_results( refinement_results=refinement_results ) sp_ctf_refine_io.write_virtual_bdb_stack( output_stack_path=output_virtual_stack_path, origin_stack_path=STACK_FILE_PATH, refined_ctfs=refined_ctfs_as_list, number_of_particles=number_of_particles, ) sp_global_def.sxprint("Write statistics...") # WRITE STATISTICS if not os.path.exists(output_stats_path): os.makedirs(output_stats_path) refinement_stats_per_micrograh = calc_statistics(refinement_results_per_micrograph) sp_ctf_refine_io.write_statistics(output_stats_path, refinement_stats_per_micrograh) # Estimate error Range min_max_error, min_max_ratio = calculate_result_ranges( refinement_results_per_micrograph ) # Save particle plots sp_global_def.sxprint("Write images...") path_output_img = os.path.join(output_stats_path, "img/") if not os.path.exists(path_output_img): os.makedirs(path_output_img) sp_ctf_refine_plotting.create_and_save_particle_plots( path_output_img=path_output_img, stack_file_path=STACK_FILE_PATH, refinement_results_per_micrograph=refinement_results_per_micrograph, min_max_error=min_max_error, min_max_ratio=min_max_ratio, ) sp_global_def.sxprint("Write other...") refinement_results_matrix = get_refinement_results_matrix( refinement_results_per_micrograph ) particle_error_path = os.path.join(output_stats_path, "particle_results.txt") refinement_results_matrix = refinement_results_matrix[ refinement_results_matrix[:, 0].argsort() ] np.savetxt( particle_error_path, refinement_results_matrix, delimiter=",", fmt=["%d", "%f", "%f", "%f"], ) sp_global_def.sxprint("Done")
def main(): # Read arguments args = argparser.parse_args() architecture = args.architecture particle_diameter = args.particle_diameter trainging_dir = args.training_dir annot_dir = args.annot_dir input_size = args.input_size output_dir = args.output_directory if os.path.exists(output_dir): sp_global_def.ERROR("Output folder already exists. Stop execution.") else: os.makedirs(output_dir) sp_global_def.write_command(output_dir) num_patches = args.num_patches overlap_patches = args.overlap_patches train_times = args.train_times saved_weights_name = args.saved_weights_name saved_weights_name = os.path.join(output_dir, saved_weights_name) pretrained_weights_name = args.pretrained_weights_name batch_size = args.batch_size learning_rate = args.learning_rate np_epoch = args.np_epoch object_scale = args.object_scale no_object_scale = args.no_object_scale coord_scale = args.coord_scale valid_image_dir = args.valid_image_dir valid_annot_dir = args.valid_annot_dir fine_tune = args.fine_tune gpu_fraction = args.gpu_fraction num_cpu = args.num_cpu cryolo_train_path = args.cryolo_train_path skiplowpass = args.skiplowpass cutoff = args.cutoff filtered_dir = args.filtered_dir warmup = args.warmup early_stop = int(args.early) str_gpus = [str(entry).strip() for entry in args.gpu.split(",")] arg_gpu = ' '.join(str_gpus) # Create config file model_dict = {'architecture': architecture, 'input_size': input_size, 'anchors': [particle_diameter, particle_diameter], 'overlap_patches': overlap_patches, 'max_box_per_image': 1000, 'num_patches': num_patches} if not skiplowpass: model_dict['filter'] = [cutoff,filtered_dir] else: if args.usejanni: model_dict['filter'] = [args.janni_model, args.janni_overlap, args.janni_batches, filtered_dir] train_dict = {'train_image_folder': trainging_dir, 'train_annot_folder': annot_dir, 'train_times': train_times, 'pretrained_weights': pretrained_weights_name, 'batch_size': batch_size, 'learning_rate': learning_rate, 'nb_epoch': np_epoch, 'warmup_epochs': 0, 'object_scale': object_scale, 'no_object_scale': no_object_scale, 'coord_scale': coord_scale, 'class_scale': 1.0, "saved_weights_name": saved_weights_name, "debug": True, "log_path": "cryolo_logs/" } valid_dict = {'valid_image_folder': valid_image_dir, 'valid_annot_folder': valid_annot_dir, 'valid_times': 1 } dict = {"model": model_dict, "train": train_dict, "valid": valid_dict} path = os.path.join(output_dir,"config_yolo.json") with open(path, 'w') as f: dump(dict, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) # Run the training config_argument = "-c=" + path warmup_argument = "-w=" + str(warmup) gpu_argument = "-g " + arg_gpu early_stop = "-e=" + str(early_stop) fine_tune_argument = "" if fine_tune: fine_tune_argument = "--fine_tune" gpu_fraction_arg = "--gpu_fraction=1.0" if gpu_fraction < 1.0 and gpu_fraction > 0.0: gpu_fraction_arg = "--gpu_fraction=" + str(gpu_fraction) num_cpu_arg = "" if num_cpu != -1: num_cpu_arg = "--num_cpu="+str(num_cpu) cryolo_ex_pth = "" if cryolo_train_path: cryolo_ex_pth = cryolo_train_path ''' if not fine_tune: command = [cryolo_ex_pth, "-c=config_yolo.json", warmup_argument, gpu_argument, early_stop, gpu_fraction_arg] if num_cpu != -1: command.append(num_cpu_arg) subprocess.check_call( command) ''' if fine_tune: warmup_argument = "-w=0" command = [cryolo_ex_pth, config_argument, warmup_argument, gpu_argument, early_stop, gpu_fraction_arg] if fine_tune: command.append(fine_tune_argument) if num_cpu != -1: command.append(num_cpu_arg) subprocess.check_call( command)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = progname + " proj_stack output_averages --MPI" parser = OptionParser(usage, version=SPARXVERSION) parser.add_option("--img_per_group", type="int", default=100, help="number of images per group") parser.add_option("--radius", type="int", default=-1, help="radius for alignment") parser.add_option( "--xr", type="string", default="2 1", help="range for translation search in x direction, search is +/xr") parser.add_option( "--yr", type="string", default="-1", help= "range for translation search in y direction, search is +/yr (default = same as xr)" ) parser.add_option( "--ts", type="string", default="1 0.5", help= "step size of the translation search in both directions, search is -xr, -xr+ts, 0, xr-ts, xr, can be fractional" ) parser.add_option( "--iter", type="int", default=30, help="number of iterations within alignment (default = 30)") parser.add_option( "--num_ali", type="int", default=5, help="number of alignments performed for stability (default = 5)") parser.add_option("--thld_err", type="float", default=1.0, help="threshold of pixel error (default = 1.732)") parser.add_option( "--grouping", type="string", default="GRP", help= "do grouping of projections: PPR - per projection, GRP - different size groups, exclusive (default), GEV - grouping equal size" ) parser.add_option( "--delta", type="float", default=-1.0, help="angular step for reference projections (required for GEV method)" ) parser.add_option( "--fl", type="float", default=0.3, help="cut-off frequency of hyperbolic tangent low-pass Fourier filter") parser.add_option( "--aa", type="float", default=0.2, help="fall-off of hyperbolic tangent low-pass Fourier filter") parser.add_option("--CTF", action="store_true", default=False, help="Consider CTF correction during the alignment ") parser.add_option("--MPI", action="store_true", default=False, help="use MPI version") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() myid = mpi.mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD) number_of_proc = mpi.mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD) main_node = 0 if len(args) == 2: stack = args[0] outdir = args[1] else: sp_global_def.ERROR("Incomplete list of arguments", "sxproj_stability.main", 1, myid=myid) return if not options.MPI: sp_global_def.ERROR("Non-MPI not supported!", "sxproj_stability.main", 1, myid=myid) return if sp_global_def.CACHE_DISABLE: from sp_utilities import disable_bdb_cache disable_bdb_cache() sp_global_def.BATCH = True img_per_grp = options.img_per_group radius = options.radius ite = options.iter num_ali = options.num_ali thld_err = options.thld_err xrng = get_input_from_string(options.xr) if options.yr == "-1": yrng = xrng else: yrng = get_input_from_string(options.yr) step = get_input_from_string(options.ts) if myid == main_node: nima = EMUtil.get_image_count(stack) img = get_image(stack) nx = img.get_xsize() ny = img.get_ysize() else: nima = 0 nx = 0 ny = 0 nima = bcast_number_to_all(nima) nx = bcast_number_to_all(nx) ny = bcast_number_to_all(ny) if radius == -1: radius = nx / 2 - 2 mask = model_circle(radius, nx, nx) st = time() if options.grouping == "GRP": if myid == main_node: sxprint(" A ", myid, " ", time() - st) proj_attr = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(stack, "xform.projection") proj_params = [] for i in range(nima): dp = proj_attr[i].get_params("spider") phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y = dp["phi"], dp["theta"], dp[ "psi"], -dp["tx"], -dp["ty"] proj_params.append([phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y]) # Here is where the grouping is done, I didn't put enough annotation in the group_proj_by_phitheta, # So I will briefly explain it here # proj_list : Returns a list of list of particle numbers, each list contains img_per_grp particle numbers # except for the last one. Depending on the number of particles left, they will either form a # group or append themselves to the last group # angle_list : Also returns a list of list, each list contains three numbers (phi, theta, delta), (phi, # theta) is the projection angle of the center of the group, delta is the range of this group # mirror_list: Also returns a list of list, each list contains img_per_grp True or False, which indicates # whether it should take mirror position. # In this program angle_list and mirror list are not of interest. proj_list_all, angle_list, mirror_list = group_proj_by_phitheta( proj_params, img_per_grp=img_per_grp) del proj_params sxprint(" B number of groups ", myid, " ", len(proj_list_all), time() - st) mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) # Number of groups, actually there could be one or two more groups, since the size of the remaining group varies # we will simply assign them to main node. n_grp = nima / img_per_grp - 1 # Divide proj_list_all equally to all nodes, and becomes proj_list proj_list = [] for i in range(n_grp): proc_to_stay = i % number_of_proc if proc_to_stay == main_node: if myid == main_node: proj_list.append(proj_list_all[i]) elif myid == main_node: mpi_send(len(proj_list_all[i]), 1, MPI_INT, proc_to_stay, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) mpi_send(proj_list_all[i], len(proj_list_all[i]), MPI_INT, proc_to_stay, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) elif myid == proc_to_stay: img_per_grp = mpi_recv(1, MPI_INT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) img_per_grp = int(img_per_grp[0]) temp = mpi_recv(img_per_grp, MPI_INT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) proj_list.append(list(map(int, temp))) del temp mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) sxprint(" C ", myid, " ", time() - st) if myid == main_node: # Assign the remaining groups to main_node for i in range(n_grp, len(proj_list_all)): proj_list.append(proj_list_all[i]) del proj_list_all, angle_list, mirror_list # Compute stability per projection projection direction, equal number assigned, thus overlaps elif options.grouping == "GEV": if == -1.0: ERROR( "Angular step for reference projections is required for GEV method" ) return from sp_utilities import even_angles, nearestk_to_refdir, getvec refproj = even_angles( img_begin, img_end = MPI_start_end(len(refproj), number_of_proc, myid) # Now each processor keeps its own share of reference projections refprojdir = refproj[img_begin:img_end] del refproj ref_ang = [0.0] * (len(refprojdir) * 2) for i in range(len(refprojdir)): ref_ang[i * 2] = refprojdir[0][0] ref_ang[i * 2 + 1] = refprojdir[0][1] + i * 0.1 sxprint(" A ", myid, " ", time() - st) proj_attr = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(stack, "xform.projection") # the solution below is very slow, do not use it unless there is a problem with the i/O """ for i in xrange(number_of_proc): if myid == i: proj_attr = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(stack, "xform.projection") mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD) """ sxprint(" B ", myid, " ", time() - st) proj_ang = [0.0] * (nima * 2) for i in range(nima): dp = proj_attr[i].get_params("spider") proj_ang[i * 2] = dp["phi"] proj_ang[i * 2 + 1] = dp["theta"] sxprint(" C ", myid, " ", time() - st) asi = Util.nearestk_to_refdir(proj_ang, ref_ang, img_per_grp) del proj_ang, ref_ang proj_list = [] for i in range(len(refprojdir)): proj_list.append(asi[i * img_per_grp:(i + 1) * img_per_grp]) del asi sxprint(" D ", myid, " ", time() - st) #from sys import exit #exit() # Compute stability per projection elif options.grouping == "PPR": sxprint(" A ", myid, " ", time() - st) proj_attr = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(stack, "xform.projection") sxprint(" B ", myid, " ", time() - st) proj_params = [] for i in range(nima): dp = proj_attr[i].get_params("spider") phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y = dp["phi"], dp["theta"], dp[ "psi"], -dp["tx"], -dp["ty"] proj_params.append([phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y]) img_begin, img_end = MPI_start_end(nima, number_of_proc, myid) sxprint(" C ", myid, " ", time() - st) from sp_utilities import nearest_proj proj_list, mirror_list = nearest_proj( proj_params, img_per_grp, list(range(img_begin, img_begin + 1))) #range(img_begin, img_end)) refprojdir = proj_params[img_begin:img_end] del proj_params, mirror_list sxprint(" D ", myid, " ", time() - st) else: ERROR("Incorrect projection grouping option") return ########################################################################################################### # Begin stability test from sp_utilities import get_params_proj, read_text_file #if myid == 0: # from utilities import read_text_file # proj_list[0] = map(int, read_text_file("lggrpp0.txt")) from sp_utilities import model_blank aveList = [model_blank(nx, ny)] * len(proj_list) if options.grouping == "GRP": refprojdir = [[0.0, 0.0, -1.0]] * len(proj_list) for i in range(len(proj_list)): sxprint(" E ", myid, " ", time() - st) class_data = EMData.read_images(stack, proj_list[i]) #print " R ",myid," ",time()-st if options.CTF: from sp_filter import filt_ctf for im in range(len(class_data)): # MEM LEAK!! atemp = class_data[im].copy() btemp = filt_ctf(atemp, atemp.get_attr("ctf"), binary=1) class_data[im] = btemp #class_data[im] = filt_ctf(class_data[im], class_data[im].get_attr("ctf"), binary=1) for im in class_data: try: t = im.get_attr( "xform.align2d") # if they are there, no need to set them! except: try: t = im.get_attr("xform.projection") d = t.get_params("spider") set_params2D(im, [0.0, -d["tx"], -d["ty"], 0, 1.0]) except: set_params2D(im, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 1.0]) #print " F ",myid," ",time()-st # Here, we perform realignment num_ali times all_ali_params = [] for j in range(num_ali): if (xrng[0] == 0.0 and yrng[0] == 0.0): avet = ali2d_ras(class_data, randomize=True, ir=1, ou=radius, rs=1, step=1.0, dst=90.0, maxit=ite, check_mirror=True, FH=options.fl, FF=options.aa) else: avet = within_group_refinement(class_data, mask, True, 1, radius, 1, xrng, yrng, step, 90.0, ite, options.fl, options.aa) ali_params = [] for im in range(len(class_data)): alpha, sx, sy, mirror, scale = get_params2D(class_data[im]) ali_params.extend([alpha, sx, sy, mirror]) all_ali_params.append(ali_params) #aveList[i] = avet #print " G ",myid," ",time()-st del ali_params # We determine the stability of this group here. # stable_set contains all particles deemed stable, it is a list of list # each list has two elements, the first is the pixel error, the second is the image number # stable_set is sorted based on pixel error #from utilities import write_text_file #write_text_file(all_ali_params, "all_ali_params%03d.txt"%myid) stable_set, mir_stab_rate, average_pix_err = multi_align_stability( all_ali_params, 0.0, 10000.0, thld_err, False, 2 * radius + 1) #print " H ",myid," ",time()-st if (len(stable_set) > 5): stable_set_id = [] members = [] pix_err = [] # First put the stable members into attr 'members' and 'pix_err' for s in stable_set: # s[1] - number in this subset stable_set_id.append(s[1]) # the original image number members.append(proj_list[i][s[1]]) pix_err.append(s[0]) # Then put the unstable members into attr 'members' and 'pix_err' from sp_fundamentals import rot_shift2D avet.to_zero() if options.grouping == "GRP": aphi = 0.0 atht = 0.0 vphi = 0.0 vtht = 0.0 l = -1 for j in range(len(proj_list[i])): # Here it will only work if stable_set_id is sorted in the increasing number, see how l progresses if j in stable_set_id: l += 1 avet += rot_shift2D(class_data[j], stable_set[l][2][0], stable_set[l][2][1], stable_set[l][2][2], stable_set[l][2][3]) if options.grouping == "GRP": phi, theta, psi, sxs, sy_s = get_params_proj( class_data[j]) if (theta > 90.0): phi = (phi + 540.0) % 360.0 theta = 180.0 - theta aphi += phi atht += theta vphi += phi * phi vtht += theta * theta else: members.append(proj_list[i][j]) pix_err.append(99999.99) aveList[i] = avet.copy() if l > 1: l += 1 aveList[i] /= l if options.grouping == "GRP": aphi /= l atht /= l vphi = (vphi - l * aphi * aphi) / l vtht = (vtht - l * atht * atht) / l from math import sqrt refprojdir[i] = [ aphi, atht, (sqrt(max(vphi, 0.0)) + sqrt(max(vtht, 0.0))) / 2.0 ] # Here more information has to be stored, PARTICULARLY WHAT IS THE REFERENCE DIRECTION aveList[i].set_attr('members', members) aveList[i].set_attr('refprojdir', refprojdir[i]) aveList[i].set_attr('pixerr', pix_err) else: sxprint(" empty group ", i, refprojdir[i]) aveList[i].set_attr('members', [-1]) aveList[i].set_attr('refprojdir', refprojdir[i]) aveList[i].set_attr('pixerr', [99999.]) del class_data if myid == main_node: km = 0 for i in range(number_of_proc): if i == main_node: for im in range(len(aveList)): aveList[im].write_image(args[1], km) km += 1 else: nl = mpi_recv(1, MPI_INT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) nl = int(nl[0]) for im in range(nl): ave = recv_EMData(i, im + i + 70000) nm = mpi_recv(1, MPI_INT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) nm = int(nm[0]) members = mpi_recv(nm, MPI_INT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) ave.set_attr('members', list(map(int, members))) members = mpi_recv(nm, MPI_FLOAT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) ave.set_attr('pixerr', list(map(float, members))) members = mpi_recv(3, MPI_FLOAT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) ave.set_attr('refprojdir', list(map(float, members))) ave.write_image(args[1], km) km += 1 else: mpi_send(len(aveList), 1, MPI_INT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) for im in range(len(aveList)): send_EMData(aveList[im], main_node, im + myid + 70000) members = aveList[im].get_attr('members') mpi_send(len(members), 1, MPI_INT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) mpi_send(members, len(members), MPI_INT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) members = aveList[im].get_attr('pixerr') mpi_send(members, len(members), MPI_FLOAT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) try: members = aveList[im].get_attr('refprojdir') mpi_send(members, 3, MPI_FLOAT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) except: mpi_send([-999.0, -999.0, -999.0], 3, MPI_FLOAT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD) sp_global_def.BATCH = False mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
def main(args): progname = optparse.os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = ( progname + " stack [output_directory] --ir=inner_radius --rs=ring_step --xr=x_range --yr=y_range --ts=translational_search_step --delta=angular_step --center=center_type --maxit1=max_iter1 --maxit2=max_iter2 --L2threshold=0.1 --ref_a=S --sym=c1" ) usage += """ stack 2D images in a stack file: (default required string) directory output directory name: into which the results will be written (if it does not exist, it will be created, if it does exist, the results will be written possibly overwriting previous results) (default required string) """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage, version=sp_global_def.SPARXVERSION) parser.add_option( "--radius", type="int", default=29, help= "radius of the particle: has to be less than < int(nx/2)-1 (default 29)", ) parser.add_option( "--xr", type="string", default="0", help= "range for translation search in x direction: search is +/xr in pixels (default '0')", ) parser.add_option( "--yr", type="string", default="0", help= "range for translation search in y direction: if omitted will be set to xr, search is +/yr in pixels (default '0')", ) parser.add_option("--mask3D", type="string", default=None, help="3D mask file: (default sphere)") parser.add_option( "--moon_elimination", type="string", default="", help= "elimination of disconnected pieces: two arguments: mass in KDa and pixel size in px/A separated by comma, no space (default none)", ) parser.add_option( "--ir", type="int", default=1, help="inner radius for rotational search: > 0 (default 1)", ) # 'radius' and 'ou' are the same as per Pawel's request; 'ou' is hidden from the user # the 'ou' variable is not changed to 'radius' in the 'sparx' program. This change is at interface level only for sxviper. ##### XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX option does not exist in docs XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX parser.add_option("--ou", type="int", default=-1, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option( "--rs", type="int", default=1, help="step between rings in rotational search: >0 (default 1)", ) parser.add_option( "--ts", type="string", default="1.0", help= "step size of the translation search in x-y directions: search is -xr, -xr+ts, 0, xr-ts, xr, can be fractional (default '1.0')", ) parser.add_option( "--delta", type="string", default="2.0", help="angular step of reference projections: (default '2.0')", ) parser.add_option( "--center", type="float", default=-1.0, help= "centering of 3D template: average shift method; 0: no centering; 1: center of gravity (default -1.0)", ) parser.add_option( "--maxit1", type="int", default=400, help= "maximum number of iterations performed for the GA part: (default 400)", ) parser.add_option( "--maxit2", type="int", default=50, help= "maximum number of iterations performed for the finishing up part: (default 50)", ) parser.add_option( "--L2threshold", type="float", default=0.03, help= "stopping criterion of GA: given as a maximum relative dispersion of volumes' L2 norms: (default 0.03)", ) parser.add_option( "--ref_a", type="string", default="S", help= "method for generating the quasi-uniformly distributed projection directions: (default S)", ) parser.add_option( "--sym", type="string", default="c1", help="point-group symmetry of the structure: (default c1)", ) # parser.add_option("--function", type="string", default="ref_ali3d", help="name of the reference preparation function (ref_ali3d by default)") ##### XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX option does not exist in docs XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX parser.add_option("--function", type="string", default="ref_ali3d", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option( "--nruns", type="int", default=6, help= "GA population: aka number of quasi-independent volumes (default 6)", ) parser.add_option( "--doga", type="float", default=0.1, help= "do GA when fraction of orientation changes less than 1.0 degrees is at least doga: (default 0.1)", ) ##### XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX option does not exist in docs XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX parser.add_option( "--npad", type="int", default=2, help="padding size for 3D reconstruction (default=2)", ) parser.add_option( "--fl", type="float", default=0.25, help= "cut-off frequency applied to the template volume: using a hyperbolic tangent low-pass filter (default 0.25)", ) parser.add_option( "--aa", type="float", default=0.1, help="fall-off of hyperbolic tangent low-pass filter: (default 0.1)", ) parser.add_option( "--pwreference", type="string", default="", help="text file with a reference power spectrum: (default none)", ) parser.add_option( "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="debug info printout: (default False)", ) ##### XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX option does not exist in docs XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX parser.add_option( "--return_options", action="store_true", dest="return_options", default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, ) # parser.add_option("--an", type="string", default= "-1", help="NOT USED angular neighborhood for local searches (phi and theta)") # parser.add_option("--CTF", action="store_true", default=False, help="NOT USED Consider CTF correction during the alignment ") # parser.add_option("--snr", type="float", default= 1.0, help="NOT USED Signal-to-Noise Ratio of the data (default 1.0)") # (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) required_option_list = ["radius"] (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args) # option_dict = vars(options) # print parser if options.return_options: return parser if options.moon_elimination == "": options.moon_elimination = [] else: options.moon_elimination = list( map(float, options.moon_elimination.split(","))) # Making sure all required options appeared. for required_option in required_option_list: if not options.__dict__[required_option]: sp_global_def.sxprint("\n ==%s== mandatory option is missing.\n" % required_option) sp_global_def.sxprint("Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options") sp_global_def.ERROR("Missing parameter. Please see above") return if len(args) < 2 or len(args) > 3: sp_global_def.sxprint("Usage: " + usage) sp_global_def.sxprint("Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options") sp_global_def.ERROR( "Invalid number of parameters used. Please see usage information above." ) return log = sp_logger.Logger(sp_logger.BaseLogger_Files()) # 'radius' and 'ou' are the same as per Pawel's request; 'ou' is hidden from the user # the 'ou' variable is not changed to 'radius' in the 'sparx' program. This change is at interface level only for sxviper. options.ou = options.radius runs_count = options.nruns mpi_rank = mpi.mpi_comm_rank(mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD) mpi_size = mpi.mpi_comm_size( mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD ) # Total number of processes, passed by --np option. if mpi_rank == 0: all_projs = EMAN2_cppwrap.EMData.read_images(args[0]) subset = list(range(len(all_projs))) # if mpi_size > len(all_projs): # ERROR('Number of processes supplied by --np needs to be less than or equal to %d (total number of images) ' % len(all_projs), 'sxviper', 1) # mpi.mpi_finalize() # return else: all_projs = None subset = None outdir = args[1] error = 0 if mpi_rank == 0: if mpi_size % options.nruns != 0: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Number of processes needs to be a multiple of total number of runs. Total runs by default are 3, you can change it by specifying --nruns option.", action=0, ) error = 1 if optparse.os.path.exists(outdir): sp_global_def.ERROR( "Output directory '%s' exists, please change the name and restart the program" % outdir, action=0, ) error = 1 sp_global_def.LOGFILE = optparse.os.path.join(outdir, sp_global_def.LOGFILE) mpi.mpi_barrier(mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD) error = sp_utilities.bcast_number_to_all(error, source_node=0, mpi_comm=mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD) if error == 1: return if mpi_rank == 0: optparse.os.makedirs(outdir) sp_global_def.write_command(outdir) if outdir[-1] != "/": outdir += "/" log.prefix = outdir # if len(args) > 2: # ref_vol = get_im(args[2]) # else: # ref_vol = None options.user_func = sp_user_functions.factory[options.function] options.CTF = False options.snr = 1.0 = -1.0 out_params, out_vol, out_peaks = sp_multi_shc.multi_shc( all_projs, subset, runs_count, options, mpi_comm=mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD, log=log)
def main(): arglist = [] for arg in sys.argv: arglist.append(arg) progname = optparse.os.path.basename(arglist[0]) usage = progname + """ inputvolume locresvolume maskfile outputfile --radius --falloff --MPI Locally filer a volume based on local resolution volume ( within area outlined by the maskfile """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage, version=sp_global_def.SPARXVERSION) parser.add_option( "--radius", type="int", default=-1, help= "if there is no maskfile, sphere with r=radius will be used, by default the radius is nx/2-1" ) parser.add_option("--falloff", type="float", default=0.1, help="falloff of tanl filter (default 0.1)") parser.add_option("--MPI", action="store_true", default=False, help="use MPI version") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist[1:]) if len(args) < 3 or len(args) > 4: sp_global_def.sxprint("See usage " + usage) sp_global_def.ERROR( "Wrong number of parameters. Please see usage information above.") return if sp_global_def.CACHE_DISABLE: pass #IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from sp_utilities import disable_bdb_cache sp_utilities.disable_bdb_cache() if options.MPI: number_of_proc = mpi.mpi_comm_size(mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD) myid = mpi.mpi_comm_rank(mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD) main_node = 0 if (myid == main_node): #print sys.argv vi = sp_utilities.get_im(sys.argv[1]) ui = sp_utilities.get_im(sys.argv[2]) #print Util.infomask(ui, None, True) radius = options.radius nx = vi.get_xsize() ny = vi.get_ysize() nz = vi.get_zsize() dis = [nx, ny, nz] else: falloff = 0.0 radius = 0 dis = [0, 0, 0] vi = None ui = None dis = sp_utilities.bcast_list_to_all(dis, myid, source_node=main_node) if (myid != main_node): nx = int(dis[0]) ny = int(dis[1]) nz = int(dis[2]) radius = sp_utilities.bcast_number_to_all(radius, main_node) if len(args) == 3: if (radius == -1): radius = min(nx, ny, nz) // 2 - 1 m = sp_utilities.model_circle(radius, nx, ny, nz) outvol = args[2] elif len(args) == 4: if (myid == main_node): m = sp_morphology.binarize(sp_utilities.get_im(args[2]), 0.5) else: m = sp_utilities.model_blank(nx, ny, nz) outvol = args[3] sp_utilities.bcast_EMData_to_all(m, myid, main_node) pass #IMPORTIMPORTIMPORT from sp_filter import filterlocal filteredvol = sp_filter.filterlocal(ui, vi, m, options.falloff, myid, main_node, number_of_proc) if (myid == 0): filteredvol.write_image(outvol) else: vi = sp_utilities.get_im(args[0]) ui = sp_utilities.get_im( args[1] ) # resolution volume, values are assumed to be from 0 to 0.5 nn = vi.get_xsize() falloff = options.falloff if len(args) == 3: radius = options.radius if (radius == -1): radius = nn // 2 - 1 m = sp_utilities.model_circle(radius, nn, nn, nn) outvol = args[2] elif len(args) == 4: m = sp_morphology.binarize(sp_utilities.get_im(args[2]), 0.5) outvol = args[3] sp_fundamentals.fftip(vi) # this is the volume to be filtered # Round all resolution numbers to two digits for x in range(nn): for y in range(nn): for z in range(nn): ui.set_value_at_fast(x, y, z, round(ui.get_value_at(x, y, z), 2)) st = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.infomask(ui, m, True) filteredvol = sp_utilities.model_blank(nn, nn, nn) cutoff = max(st[2] - 0.01, 0.0) while (cutoff < st[3]): cutoff = round(cutoff + 0.01, 2) pt = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.infomask( sp_morphology.threshold_outside(ui, cutoff - 0.00501, cutoff + 0.005), m, True) if (pt[0] != 0.0): vovo = sp_fundamentals.fft( sp_filter.filt_tanl(vi, cutoff, falloff)) for x in range(nn): for y in range(nn): for z in range(nn): if (m.get_value_at(x, y, z) > 0.5): if (round(ui.get_value_at(x, y, z), 2) == cutoff): filteredvol.set_value_at_fast( x, y, z, vovo.get_value_at(x, y, z)) sp_global_def.write_command(optparse.os.path.dirname(outvol)) filteredvol.write_image(outvol)
def sanity_checks(args): """ Check if the settings are valid. Arguments: args - Command line arguments parsed via argparse Returns: Output file name """ file_exists_check = [ args.particle_stack, args.partres_file, args.params_2d_file, args.params_3d_file, args.params_3d_index_file, args.list, args.exlist, ] stack_dependency_check = [ args.params_2d_file, args.params_3d_file, args.params_3d_index_file, args.list, args.exlist, ] if not args.particle_stack and not args.partres_file: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Particle_stack or partres_file option needs to be present!", "sp_sphire2relion", 1, ) for option in stack_dependency_check: if option and not args.particle_stack: sp_global_def.ERROR( "{0} requires particle stack option!".format(option), "sp_sphire2relion", 1, ) for option in file_exists_check: if option: if option.startswith("bdb:"): if "#" in option: raw_dirnames, basename = option.split("#") dirnames = raw_dirnames[4:] else: dirnames = os.path.dirname(option[4:]) if not dirnames: dirnames = "." basename = os.path.basename(option[4:]) option = "{0}/EMAN2DB/{1}.bdb".format(dirnames, basename) if not os.path.isfile(option): sp_global_def.ERROR("{0} stack must exist!".format(option), "sp_sphire2relion", 1) if args.list and args.exlist: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Arguments list and exlist cannot be used at the same time.", "sp_sphire2relion", 1, ) if args.params_2d_file and args.params_3d_file: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Arguments params_2d_file and params_3d_file cannot be used at the same time.", "sp_sphire2relion", 1, ) if args.params_3d_index_file and not args.params_3d_file: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Arguments params_3d_index_file requires params_3d_file to be set.", "sp_sphire2relion", 1, ) if args.params_3d_chunk_file_0 and not args.params_3d_file: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Arguments params_3d_chunk_files requires params_3d_file to be set.", "sp_sphire2relion", 1, ) if args.params_3d_chunk_file_1 and not args.params_3d_file: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Arguments params_3d_chunk_files requires params_3d_file to be set.", "sp_sphire2relion", 1, ) try: os.makedirs(args.output_directory) except OSError: pass sp_global_def.write_command(args.output_directory) output_path = os.path.join(args.output_directory, args.output_name) if os.path.exists(output_path) and args.force: pass elif os.path.exists(output_path) and not args.force: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Output file {0} must not exist! Use the --force flag to overwrite existing files" .format(output_path), "sp_sphire2relion", 1, ) else: pass return output_path
def import_partres_file(partres_file): """ Import the information from a SPHIRE partres file. Arguments: partres_file - Partres file name Returns: Array containing the ctf information. """ with open(partres_file, "r") as partres_reader: number_of_columns = len(partres_reader.readline().split()) if number_of_columns == 22: columns = [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 17, 19, 20, 21] dtype_import_list = [ ("defocus", float), ("cs", float), ("voltage", float), ("pixel_size", float), ("astig_amp", float), ("astig_angle", float), ("max_resolution", float), ("amplitude_contrast", float), ("phase_shift", float), ("micrograph_name", "|S1000"), ] dtype_output_list = [ ("_rlnDefocusU", float), ("_rlnDefocusV", float), ("_rlnDefocusAngle", float), ("_rlnMicrographName", "|S1000"), ("_rlnDetectorPixelSize", float), ("_rlnMagnification", float), ("_rlnCtfMaxResolution", float), ("_rlnPhaseShift", float), ("_rlnAmplitudeContrast", float), ("_rlnSphericalAberration", float), ("_rlnVoltage", float), ] else: sp_global_def.ERROR( "Number of columns in partres file not known: {0}".format( number_of_columns), "sp_sphire2relion", ) assert len(columns) == len(dtype_import_list) partres_import_array = np.genfromtxt(partres_file, dtype=dtype_import_list, usecols=columns) partres_array = np.empty(partres_import_array.shape[0], sorted(dtype_output_list)) partres_array["_rlnDefocusU"] = ( 20000 * partres_import_array["defocus"] - 10000 * partres_import_array["astig_amp"]) / 2 partres_array["_rlnDefocusV"] = (20000 * partres_import_array["defocus"] - partres_array["_rlnDefocusU"]) partres_array[ "_rlnDefocusAngle"] = 45 - partres_import_array["astig_angle"] partres_array["_rlnMicrographName"] = partres_import_array[ "micrograph_name"] partres_array["_rlnAmplitudeContrast"] = ( partres_import_array["amplitude_contrast"] / 100) partres_array["_rlnVoltage"] = partres_import_array["voltage"] partres_array["_rlnSphericalAberration"] = partres_import_array["cs"] partres_array["_rlnPhaseShift"] = partres_import_array["phase_shift"] partres_array["_rlnDetectorPixelSize"] = partres_import_array["pixel_size"] partres_array["_rlnMagnification"] = 10000 partres_array[ "_rlnCtfMaxResolution"] = 1 / partres_import_array["max_resolution"] return partres_array
# If output directory not specified, write to same directory as class averages if not options.outdir: outdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(options.classavgs)) else: outdir = options.outdir if options.mode == 'viper': selectdoc = options.classselect elif options.mode == 'projmatch': selectdoc = None elif options.mode == 'meridien': selectdoc = options.partselect else: sp_global_def.ERROR( "\nERROR!! Valid mode not specified. Valid modes are: viper, projmatch, and meridien.", __file__, 1) sxprint('Type %s --help to see available options\n' % os.path.basename(__file__)) exit() main_proj_compare(options.classavgs, options.vol3d, outdir, options, mode=options.mode, prjmethod=options.prjmethod, classangles=options.classangles, partangles=options.partangles, selectdoc=selectdoc, verbose=options.verbose,