Beispiel #1
    def _EndProcess_(self, vDbFullName, secure, mcc, ta):
        self._m_pool_ = CSocketPool(self._m_clsAsyncHandler_,
                                    not self._m_rs_.NoAutoConn,
        if secure:

            def AuthInternal(sender, cs):
                if cs.ConnectionContext.Port == 0xffff or cs.ConnectionContext.Port == -1:
                    return True
                return self.DoSslServerAuthentication(cs)

            self._m_pool_.DoSslServerAuthentication = AuthInternal

        def PoolEvent(sender, spe, handler):
            if spe == tagSocketPoolEvent.speSocketClosed:
            elif spe == tagSocketPoolEvent.speConnecting:
                if handler.AttachedClientSocket.ConnectionContext.Port == 0xffff or handler.AttachedClientSocket.ConnectionContext.Port == -1:
                    handler.AttachedClientSocket.ConnectingTimeout = 500

        self._m_pool_.SocketPoolEvent = PoolEvent

        ok = self._m_pool_.StartSocketPoolEx(mcc, True, ta)
        n = 0
        for s in self._m_pool_.Sockets:
            key = vDbFullName[n]
            ok = s.ClientQueue.StartQueue(key, self._m_rs_.TTL, secure)
            n += 1
        if self.Replicable:
        targetHandlers = self.TargetHandlers
        for h in targetHandlers:
            ok = h.AttachedClientSocket.DoEcho()
Beispiel #2
from loading_balance.lb_worker.piworker import PiWorker
from spa.clientside import CConnectionContext, CSocketPool
import sys, multiprocessing

print('Worker: tell me load balance host address:')
cc = CConnectionContext(sys.stdin.readline().strip(), 20901, "lb_worker",
with CSocketPool(PiWorker) as spPi:
    if not spPi.StartSocketPool(cc, 1, multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
        print('No connection to ' + cc.Host)
    print('Press ENTER key to kill the demo ......')
    line = sys.stdin.readline()
Beispiel #3
class CReplication(object):
    _DIR_SEP_ = '/'
    if CUQueue.DEFAULT_OS == tagOperationSystem.osWin:
        _DIR_SEP_ = '\\'

    def __del__(self):

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

    def _Cleanup(self):
        if not self._m_pool_ is None:
            self._m_pool_ = None

    #Construct a CReplication instance
    #<param name="clsAsyncHandler">An async handler derived from CAsyncServiceHandler</param>
    #<param name="qms">A structure for setting its underlying socket pool and message queue directory as well as password for source queue</param>
    def __init__(self, clsAsyncHandler, qms):
        self._m_clsAsyncHandler_ = clsAsyncHandler
        self._m_mapQueueConn_ = {}
        self._m_pool_ = None

    def DoSslServerAuthentication(self, cs):
        return True

    def Connections(self):
        if self._m_pool_ is None:
            return 0
        return self._m_pool_.ConnectedSockets

    def Replicable(self):
        return len(self._m_mapQueueConn_) > 1

    def SourceHandler(self):
        if self._m_pool_ is None:
            return None
        one = None
        for h in self._m_pool_.AsyncHandlers:
            one = h
        return one

    def SourceQueue(self):
        src = self.SourceHandler
        if src is None:
            return None
        return src.AttachedClientSocket.ClientQueue

    def TargetQueues(self):
        handlers = self.TargetHandlers
        if handlers is None:
            return None
        tq = []
        for h in handlers:
        return tq

    def TargetHandlers(self):
        if self._m_pool_ is None:
            return None
        tq = []
        for h in self._m_pool_.AsyncHandlers:
            if len(tq) >= len(self._m_mapQueueConn_):
        return tq

    def Hosts(self):
        return len(self._m_mapQueueConn_)

    def Queues(self):
        if self._m_pool_ is None:
            return 0
        return self._m_pool_.Queues

    def ReplicationSetting(self):
        return self._m_rs_

    Make a replication. An invalid operation exception will be thrown if not replicable.
    <returns>True for success; and false for failure</returns>

    def DoReplication(self):
        if len(self._m_mapQueueConn_) == 1:
            raise Exception(
                'No replication is allowed because the number of target message queues less than two'
        src = self.SourceQueue
        if src is None:
            return False
        return src.AppendTo(self.TargetQueues)

    def _DoesQueueExist_(self, qName):
        ignoreCase = False
        if CUQueue.DEFAULT_OS == tagOperationSystem.osWin:
            ignoreCase = True
        for name in self._m_mapQueueConn_.keys():
            if ignoreCase:
                if name.lower() == qName.lower():
                    return True
                if name == qName:
                    return True
        return False

    def Send(self, reqId, q):
        src = self.SourceHandler
        if src is None:
            return False
        cq = src.AttachedClientSocket.ClientQueue
        if not cq.Available:
            return False
        ok = src.SendRequest(reqId, q, None)
        if self.Replicable and cq.JobSize == 0:
            ok = cq.AppendTo(self.TargetQueues)
        return ok

    def EndJob(self):
        src = self.SourceQueue
        if src is None or not src.Available:
            return False
        ok = src.EndJob()
        if ok and self.Replicable:
            ok = src.AppendTo(self.TargetQueues)
        return ok

    def StartJob(self):
        src = self.SourceQueue
        if src is None or not src.Available:
            return False
        return src.StartJob()

    def AbortJob(self):
        src = self.SourceQueue
        if src is None or not src.Available:
            return False
        return src.AbortJob()

    def _EndProcess_(self, vDbFullName, secure, mcc, ta):
        self._m_pool_ = CSocketPool(self._m_clsAsyncHandler_,
                                    not self._m_rs_.NoAutoConn,
        if secure:

            def AuthInternal(sender, cs):
                if cs.ConnectionContext.Port == 0xffff or cs.ConnectionContext.Port == -1:
                    return True
                return self.DoSslServerAuthentication(cs)

            self._m_pool_.DoSslServerAuthentication = AuthInternal

        def PoolEvent(sender, spe, handler):
            if spe == tagSocketPoolEvent.speSocketClosed:
            elif spe == tagSocketPoolEvent.speConnecting:
                if handler.AttachedClientSocket.ConnectionContext.Port == 0xffff or handler.AttachedClientSocket.ConnectionContext.Port == -1:
                    handler.AttachedClientSocket.ConnectingTimeout = 500

        self._m_pool_.SocketPoolEvent = PoolEvent

        ok = self._m_pool_.StartSocketPoolEx(mcc, True, ta)
        n = 0
        for s in self._m_pool_.Sockets:
            key = vDbFullName[n]
            ok = s.ClientQueue.StartQueue(key, self._m_rs_.TTL, secure)
            n += 1
        if self.Replicable:
        targetHandlers = self.TargetHandlers
        for h in targetHandlers:
            ok = h.AttachedClientSocket.DoEcho()

    def _CheckReplicationSetting_(self, qms):
        if qms.TTL == 0:
            qms.TTL = ReplicationSetting.DEAFULT_TTL
        if qms.ConnTimeout == 0:
            qms.ConnTimeout = CClientSocket.DEFAULT_CONN_TIMEOUT
        if qms.RecvTimeout == 0:
            qms.RecvTimeout = CClientSocket.DEFAULT_RECV_TIMEOUT
        if qms.QueueDir is None:
            raise ValueError('An absolute path required for working directory')
        qms.QueueDir = qms.QueueDir.strip()
        if len(qms.QueueDir) == 0:
            raise ValueError('An absolute path required for working directory')
        if not os.path.exists(qms.QueueDir):
        self._m_rs_ = qms.Copy()

    def _CheckConnQueueName_(self, mapQueueConn):
        if mapQueueConn is None or len(mapQueueConn) == 0:
            raise ValueError('One middle server required at least')
        for key, cc in mapQueueConn.items():
            if cc is None:
                raise ValueError('An invalid host found')
            if key is None or len(key) == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    'A non-empty string for persistent queue name required for each of hosts'
            if self._DoesQueueExist_(key):
                raise Exception('Queue name duplicated -- ' + key)
            self._m_mapQueueConn_[key] = cc

    #Start a socket pool for replication
    #<param name="mapQueueConn">A dictionary for message queue name and connecting context. a unique name must be specified for each of connecting contexts</param>
    #<param name="rootQueueName">A string for root replication queue name. It is ignored if it is not replicable</param>
    #<param name="ta">COM thread apartment; and it defaults to taNone. It is ignored on non-window platforms</param>
    #<returns>True if there is at least one connection established; and false if there is no connection</returns>
    def Start(self, mapQueueConn, rootQueueName='', ta=0):
        n = 0
        secure = False
        all = len(self._m_mapQueueConn_)
        if all > 1:
            all += 1
        if rootQueueName is None:
            rootQueueName = ''
        rootQueueName = rootQueueName.strip()
        if len(rootQueueName) == 0:
            appName = os.path.basename(__file__)
            dot = appName.rindex('.')
            if dot == -1:
                rootQueueName = appName
                rootQueueName = appName[0:dot]
        vDbFullName = []
        mcc = [[]]
        for key in self._m_mapQueueConn_.keys():
            if not secure and mcc[0][
                    n].EncrytionMethod == tagEncryptionMethod.TLSv1:
                secure = True
            vDbFullName.append(self._m_rs_.QueueDir + key)
            n += 1
        if all > 1:
            last = CConnectionContext('', 0xffff, 'UReplication', '',
            if secure:
                last.EncrytionMethod = tagEncryptionMethod.TLSv1
            vDbFullName.append(self._m_rs_.QueueDir + rootQueueName)
        self._EndProcess_(vDbFullName, secure, mcc, ta)
        return self._m_pool_.ConnectedSockets > 0
Beispiel #4
import sys
from spa.udb import *
from spa import CServerError as Se
from spa import Pair
from spa.clientside import CSocketPool, CConnectionContext, CMysql, CUQueue, CSocketError
import datetime

# prepare two large texts
g_wstr = u''
while len(g_wstr) < 128 * 1024:
    g_wstr += u'近日,一则极具震撼性的消息,在中航工业的干部职工中悄然流传:中航工业科技委副主任、总装备部先进制造技术专家组组长、原中航工业制造所所长郭恩明突然失联。老郭突然失联,在中航工业和国防科技工业投下了震撼弹,也给人们留下了难以解开的谜团,以正面形象示人的郭恩明,为什么会涉足谍海,走上不归路,是被人下药被动失足?还是没能逃过漂亮“女间谍“的致命诱惑?还是仇视社会主义,仇视航空工业,自甘堕落与国家与人民为敌?'
g_astr = ''
while len(g_astr) < 256 * 1024:
    g_astr += 'The epic takedown of his opponent on an all-important voting day was extraordinary even by the standards of the 2016 campaign -- and quickly drew a scathing response from Trump.'

with CSocketPool(CMysql) as spMysql:
    print('Remote async mysql server host: ')
    cc = CConnectionContext(sys.stdin.readline(), 20902, 'root', 'Smash123')
    ok = spMysql.StartSocketPool(cc, 1)
    mysql = spMysql.AsyncHandlers[0]
    if not ok:
        print('No connection error code = ' + str(mysql.Socket.ErrorCode))

    def TestCreateTables():
        return [
                'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS mysqldb character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;USE mysqldb'
                'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS company(ID bigint PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,name CHAR(64)'
Beispiel #5
from hello_world.client.asynchelloworld import CHelloWorld
from spa import CScopeUQueue as Sb, CServerError
from spa.clientside import CSocketPool, CConnectionContext, CSocketError
from consts import hwConst
from msstruct import CMyStruct
import sys

with CSocketPool(CHelloWorld) as sp:
    cc = CConnectionContext('localhost', 20901, 'PythonUser', 'TooMuchSecret')
    # sp.QueueName = 'pqueue'  # turn on client message queue for backing up requests
    if not sp.StartSocketPool(cc, 1):
        print('Cannot connect to server with error message: ' +
        hw = sp.Seek()
        ms = CMyStruct.MakeOne()  # make a complex structure
        # process requests one by one synchronously -- three round trips
            print(hw.say_hello(u'Jack', u'Smith'))
        except CServerError as ex:  # an exception from remote server
        except CSocketError as ex:  # a communication error
        except Exception as ex:
            # invalid parameter, bad de-serialization, and so on
            print('Unexpected error: ' + str(ex))

Beispiel #6
            return True
        return False #not processed
    aq.ResultReturned = cbResultReturned
    def cbDequeue(aq, messageCount, fileSize, messages, bytes):
        s = 'Total message count=' + str(messageCount) + ', queue file size=' + str(fileSize) + ', messages dequeued=' + str(messages) + ', message bytes dequeued=' + str(bytes)
        if messageCount > 0:
            # there are more messages left at server queue, we re-send a request to dequeue
            aq.Dequeue(TEST_QUEUE_KEY, aq.LastDequeueCallback)
    print('Going to dequeue messages ......')
    aq.Dequeue(TEST_QUEUE_KEY, cbDequeue)

    #optionally, add one extra to improve processing concurrency at both client and server sides for better performance and through-output
    aq.Dequeue(TEST_QUEUE_KEY, cbDequeue)

with CSocketPool(CAsyncQueue) as spAq:
    print('Remote async queue server host: ')
    cc = CConnectionContext(sys.stdin.readline(), 20901, 'PythonUser', 'TooMuchSecret')
    ok = spAq.StartSocketPool(cc, 1, 1)
    aq = spAq.AsyncHandlers[0]
    if not ok:
        print('No connection error code = ' + str(aq.AttachedClientSocket.ErrorCode))

    #Optionally, you can enqueue messages with transaction style by calling the methods StartQueueTrans and EndQueueTrans in pair
    #aq.StartQueueTrans(TEST_QUEUE_KEY, lambda errCode: print('errCode=' + str(errCode)))

    print('Press any key to close the application ......')
Beispiel #7
        if not sqlite.EndTrans(tagRollbackPlan.rpDefault, cbx, canceled):
        sp.Unlock(sqlite)  # put handler back into pool for reuse
        ok = True
        break  # break while loop

    if not ok:
        with m_csConsole:
            print('DoFuture: Connection disconnected error code = ' +
                  str(sqlite.AttachedClientSocket.ErrorCode) + ', message = ' +
    return f

with CSocketPool(CSqlite) as spSqlite:
    print('Remote async sqlite server host: ')
    cc = CConnectionContext(sys.stdin.readline(), 20901, 'PythonUser',
    # start socket pool having 1 worker which hosts 2 non-block sockets
    ok = spSqlite.StartSocketPool(cc, 2, 1)
    if not ok:
            'No connection to sqlite server and press any key to close the demo ......'
    sqlite = spSqlite.AsyncHandlers[0]
    # Use the above bad implementation to replace original spa.clientside.CAsyncDBHandler.Open method
    # at file socketpro/bin/spa/clientside/ for cross SendRequest dead lock demonstration
    print('Doing Demo_Cross_Request_Dead_Lock ......')
Beispiel #8
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
from spa.udb import *
from spa import Pair
from spa.clientside import CSocketPool, CConnectionContext, COdbc, CUQueue
from spa.udb import CParameterInfo
import datetime
from decimal import Decimal

with CSocketPool(COdbc) as spOdbc:
    print('Remote async odbc server host: ')
    cc = CConnectionContext(sys.stdin.readline(), 20901, 'odbcUser', 'TooMuchSecret')
    ok = spOdbc.StartSocketPool(cc, 1, 1)
    odbc = spOdbc.AsyncHandlers[0]
    if not ok:
        print('No connection error code = ' + str(odbc.AttachedClientSocket.ErrorCode))

    def cb(odbc, res, errMsg):
        print('res = ' + str(res) + ', errMsg: ' + errMsg)

    def cbExecute(odbc, res, errMsg, affected, fail_ok, lastRowId):
        print('affected = ' + str(affected) + ', fails = ' + str(fail_ok >> 32) + ', oks = ' + str(fail_ok & 0xffffffff) + ', res = ' + str(res) + ', errMsg: ' + errMsg)

    def TestCreateTables():
        ok = odbc.ExecuteSql('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS mysqldb character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;USE mysqldb', cbExecute)
        ok = odbc.ExecuteSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS company(ID bigint PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,name CHAR(64)NOT NULL,ADDRESS varCHAR(256)not null,Income decimal(15,2)not null)', cbExecute)
        ok = odbc.ExecuteSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employee(EMPLOYEEID bigint AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL unique,CompanyId bigint not null,name CHAR(64)NOT NULL,JoinDate DATETIME default null,IMAGE MEDIUMBLOB,DESCRIPTION MEDIUMTEXT,Salary decimal(15,2),FOREIGN KEY(CompanyId)REFERENCES company(id))', cbExecute)