Beispiel #1
import spacepy.toolbox as tb
import spacepy.pycdf as pycdf
from spacepy.datamodel import SpaceData, dmarray

cdf = pycdf.CDF('poes_n15_short.cdf')

plotTime = np.asarray(
    [datetime.datetime(2000, 11, 1),
     datetime.datetime(2000, 12, 1)])

rng = tb.tOverlapHalf(plotTime, cdf['EPOCH'], presort=True)
ind1 = rng[0]
ind2 = rng[-1]

data = SpaceData()
data['Epoch'] = dmarray(cdf['EPOCH'][ind1:ind2])
data['lValue'] = dmarray(cdf['lValue'][ind1:ind2])
data['mepOmni'] = dmarray(cdf['mepOmni'][ind1:ind2])[:, 0]
#data['Epoch'] = cdf['EPOCH'][ind1:ind2]
#data['lValue'] = cdf['lValue'][ind1:ind2]


avgt = datetime.timedelta(minutes=300)  #time scale to average over in minutes
Tbins = np.asarray([
    plotTime[0] + stp * avgt for stp in xrange(
        np.long(np.ceil(plotTime.ptp().total_seconds() /
Beispiel #2
def get_omni(ticks, dbase='QDhourly', **kwargs):
    Returns Qin-Denton OMNI values, interpolated to any time-base from a default hourly resolution

    The update function in toolbox retrieves all available hourly Qin-Denton data, 
    and this function accesses that and interpolates to the given times,
    returning the OMNI values as a SpaceData (dict-like) with
    Kp, Dst, dens, velo, Pdyn, ByIMF, BzIMF, G1, G2, G3, etc.
    (see also and )

    ticks : Ticktock class or array-like of datetimes
        time values for desired output

    dbase : str (optional)
        Select data source, options are 'QDhourly', 'OMNI2', 'Mergedhourly'
        Note - Custom data sources can be specified in the spacepy config file
        as described in the module documentation.

    out : spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData
        containing all Qin-Denton values at times given by ticks

    >>> import spacepy.time as spt
    >>> import spacepy.omni as om
    >>> ticks = spt.Ticktock(['2002-02-02T12:00:00', '2002-02-02T12:10:00'], 'ISO')
    >>> d = om.get_omni(ticks)
    >>> d.tree(levels=1)

    Note about Qbits: If the status variable is 2, the quantity you are using is fairly well
    determined. If it is 1, the value has some connection to measured values, but is not directly
    measured. These values are still better than just using an average value, but not as good
    as those with the status variable equal to 2. If the status variable is 0, the quantity is
    based on average quantities, and the values listed are no better than an average value. The
    lower the status variable, the less confident you should be in the value.

    dbase_options = {'QDhourly'    : 1,
                     'OMNI2hourly' : 2,
                     'Mergedhourly': 3,
                     'Test'        : -9,

    if not isinstance(ticks, spt.Ticktock):
            ticks = spt.Ticktock(ticks, 'UTC')
            raise TypeError('get_omni: Input times must be a Ticktock object or a list of datetime objects')

    if not dbase in dbase_options:
        from spacepy import config
        if dbase in config:
            #If a dbase is specified that isn't a default, then it MUST be in the spacepy config
            qdpath = os.path.split(os.path.split(config[dbase])[0])[0]
            if not os.path.isdir(qdpath): raise IOError('Specified dbase ({0}) does not have a valid location ({1})'.format(dbase, config[dbase]))
            days = list(set([ for tt in ticks.UTC]))
            flist = ['']*len(days)
            fnpath, fnformat = os.path.split(config[dbase])
            for idx, day in enumerate(days):
                dp = fnpath.replace('YYYY', '{0}'.format(day.year))
                df = fnformat.replace('YYYY', '{0}'.format(day.year))
                df = df.replace('MM', '{0:02d}'.format(day.month))
                df = df.replace('DD', '{0:02d}'.format(
                flist[idx] = os.path.join(dp, df)
            if 'convert' in kwargs:
                convdict = kwargs['convert']
                convdict = True #set to True as default?
            if 'interp' not in kwargs:
                kwargs['interp'] = True
            data = readJSONheadedASCII(sorted(flist), convert=convdict)
            omniout = SpaceData()

            time_var = [var for var in ['DateTime', 'Time', 'Epoch', 'UTC'] if var in data]
            if time_var:
                use_t_var = time_var[0]
                #no obvious time variable in input files ... can't continue
                raise ValueError('No clear time variable in file')
            if kwargs['interp'] is True:    
                data['RDT'] = spt.Ticktock(data[use_t_var]).RDT
                keylist = sorted(data.keys())
                dum = keylist.pop(keylist.index(use_t_var))
                for key in keylist:
                        omniout[key] = dmarray(np.interp(ticks.RDT, data['RDT'], data[key], left=np.NaN, right=np.NaN))
                        omniout[key].attrs = dmcopy(data[key].attrs)
                            omniout[key] = dmfilled([len(ticks.RDT), data[key].shape[1]], fillval=np.NaN, attrs=dmcopy(data[key].attrs))
                            for col in range(data[key].shape[1]):
                                omniout[key][:,col] = np.interp(ticks.RDT, data['RDT'], data[key][:,col], left=np.NaN, right=np.NaN)
                        except ValueError:
                            print('Failed to interpolate {0} to new time base, skipping variable'.format(key))
                        except IndexError:
                            print('Variable {0} appears to be non-record varying, skipping interpolation'.format(key))
                            omniout[key] = data[key]
                omniout['UTC'] = ticks.UTC 
                #Trim to specified times
                inds = tOverlapHalf([ticks[0].RDT, ticks[-1].RDT], spt.Ticktock(data['DateTime']).RDT)
                for key in data:
                    if len(inds) == len(data[key]):
                        omniout[key] = data[key][inds]
                    else: #is ancillary data
                        omniout[key] = data[key]
                #TODO: convert to same format as OMNI/QD read (or vice versa)
                omniout['UTC'] = omniout[use_t_var]
            return omniout
            raise IOError('Specified dbase ({0}) must be specified in spacepy.config'.format(dbase))

    def getattrs(hf, key):
        out = {}
        if hasattr(hf[key],'attrs'):
            for kk, value in hf[key].attrs.items():
                    out[kk] = value
        return out

    def HrFromDT(indt):
        hour = indt.hour
        minute = indt.minute
        second = indt.second
        musecond = indt.microsecond
        return hour+(minute/60.0)+(second/3600.0)+(musecond/3600.0e3)

    import h5py as h5
    fname, QDkeylist, O2keylist = '', [], []
    omnivals = SpaceData()
    dbase_select = dbase_options[dbase]
    if dbase_select in [1, 3, -9]:
        if dbase_select > 0:
            ldb = 'QDhourly'
            fln = omnifln
            ldb = 'Test'
            fln = testfln
        with h5.File(fln, 'r') as hfile:
            QDkeylist = [kk for kk in hfile if kk not in ['Qbits', 'UTC']]
            st, en = ticks[0].RDT, ticks[-1].RDT
            ##check that requested requested times are within range of data
            enval, stval = omnirange(dbase=ldb)[1], omnirange(dbase=ldb)[0]
            if (ticks.UTC[0]>enval) or (ticks[-1]<stval):
                raise ValueError('Requested dates are outside data range')
            if (ticks.UTC[-1]>enval) or (ticks[0]<stval):
                print('Warning: Some requested dates are outside data range ({0})'.format(ldb))
            inds = tOverlapHalf([st, en], hfile['RDT'], presort=True) #returns an xrange
            inds = indsFromXrange(inds)
            if inds[0] < 1: inds[0] = 1
            sl_op = slice(inds[0]-1, inds[-1]+2)
            fname = ','.join([fname,hfile.filename])
            omnivals.attrs = getattrs(hfile, '/')
            for key in QDkeylist:
                omnivals[key] = dmarray(hfile[key][sl_op]) #TODO: add attrs from h5
                omnivals[key].attrs = getattrs(hfile, key)
            for key in hfile['Qbits']:
                omnivals['Qbits<--{0}'.format(key)] = dmarray(hfile['/Qbits/{0}'.format(key)][sl_op])
                omnivals['Qbits<--{0}'.format(key)].attrs = getattrs(hfile, '/Qbits/{0}'.format(key))

    if dbase_options[dbase] == 2 or dbase_options[dbase] == 3:
        ldb = 'OMNI2hourly'
        with h5.File(omni2fln) as hfile:
            O2keylist = [kk for kk in hfile if kk not in ['Epoch','RDT']]
            st, en = ticks[0].RDT, ticks[-1].RDT
            ##check that requested requested times are within range of data
            enval, stval = omnirange(dbase=ldb)[1], omnirange(dbase=ldb)[0]
            if (ticks[0].UTC>enval) or (ticks[-1]<stval):
                raise ValueError('Requested dates are outside data range')
            if (ticks[-1].UTC>enval) or (ticks[0]<stval):
                print('Warning: Some requested dates are outside data range ({0})'.format(ldb))
            inds = tOverlapHalf([st, en], hfile['RDT'], presort=True) #returns an xrange
            inds = indsFromXrange(inds)
            if inds[0] < 1: inds[0] = 1
            sl_op = slice(inds[0]-1, inds[-1]+2)
            fname = ','.join([fname,hfile.filename])
            omnivals.attrs = getattrs(hfile, '/') #TODO: This overwrites the previous set on Merged load... Fix!
            omnivals['RDT_OMNI'] = dmarray(hfile['RDT'][sl_op])
            for key in O2keylist:
                omnivals[key] = dmarray(hfile[key][sl_op]) #TODO: add attrs from h5
                omnivals[key].attrs = getattrs(hfile, key)

    if dbase_options[dbase] == 3:
        #prune "merged" SpaceData
        sigmas = [key for key in omnivals if 'sigma' in key]
        for sk in sigmas: del omnivals[sk]
        bees = [key for key in omnivals if'B._', key)]
        for bs in bees: del omnivals[bs]
        aves = [key for key in omnivals if ('_ave' in key) or ('ave_' in key)]
        for av in aves: del omnivals[av]

    omniout = SpaceData(attrs=dmcopy(omnivals.attrs))
    omniout.attrs['filename'] = fname[1:]
    ###print('QDkeys: {0}\n\nO2keys: {1}'.format(QDkeylist, O2keylist))
    for key in sorted(omnivals.keys()):
        if key in O2keylist:
            omniout[key] = dmarray(np.interp(ticks.RDT, omnivals['RDT_OMNI'], omnivals[key], left=np.NaN, right=np.NaN))
            #set metadata -- assume this has been set properly in d/l'd file to match ECT-SOC files
            omniout[key].attrs = dmcopy(omnivals[key].attrs)
        elif key in QDkeylist:
            omniout[key] = dmarray(np.interp(ticks.RDT, omnivals['RDT'], omnivals[key], left=np.NaN, right=np.NaN))
            omniout[key].attrs = dmcopy(omnivals[key].attrs)
        if key == 'G3': #then we have all the Gs
            omniout['G'] = dmarray(np.vstack([omniout['G1'], omniout['G2'], omniout['G3']]).T)
            omniout['G'].attrs = dmcopy(omnivals['G1'].attrs)
            for i in range(1,4): del omniout['G{0}'.format(i)]
        if key == 'W6':
            omniout['W'] = dmarray(np.vstack([omniout['W1'], omniout['W2'], omniout['W3'], omniout['W4'], omniout['W5'], omniout['W6']]).T)
            omniout['W'].attrs = dmcopy(omnivals['W1'].attrs)
            for i in range(1,7): del omniout['W{0}'.format(i)]
        if 'Qbits' in key:
            #Qbits are integer vals, higher is better, so floor to get best representation of interpolated val
            omniout[key] = np.floor(omnivals[key]) 
            omniout[key].attrs = dmcopy(omnivals[key].attrs)
            if 'G3' in key: #then we have all the Gs
                omniout['Qbits<--G'] = dmarray(np.vstack([omniout['Qbits<--G1'], omniout['Qbits<--G2'], omniout['Qbits<--G3']]).T)
                for i in range(1,4): del omniout['Qbits<--G{0}'.format(i)]
            if 'W6' in key:
                omniout['Qbits<--W'] = dmarray(np.vstack([omniout['Qbits<--W1'], omniout['Qbits<--W2'], omniout['Qbits<--W3'], omniout['Qbits<--W4'], omniout['Qbits<--W5'], omniout['Qbits<--W6']]).T)
                for i in range(1,7): del omniout['Qbits<--W{0}'.format(i)]

    omniout['ticks'] = ticks
    omniout['UTC'] = ticks.UTC
    omniout['Hr'] = dmarray([HrFromDT(val) for val in omniout['UTC']])
    omniout['Year'] = dmarray([val.year for val in omniout['UTC']])
    omniout = unflatten(omniout)

    return omniout
Beispiel #3
def get_omni(ticks, dbase='QDhourly', **kwargs):
    Returns Qin-Denton OMNI values, interpolated to any time-base from a default hourly resolution

    The update function in toolbox retrieves all available hourly Qin-Denton data, 
    and this function accesses that and interpolates to the given times,
    returning the OMNI values as a SpaceData (dict-like) with
    Kp, Dst, dens, velo, Pdyn, ByIMF, BzIMF, G1, G2, G3, etc.
    (see also and )

    ticks : Ticktock class or array-like of datetimes
        time values for desired output

    dbase : str (optional)
        Select data source, options are 'QDhourly', 'OMNI2hourly', 'Mergedhourly'
        Note - Custom data sources can be specified in the spacepy config file
        as described in the module documentation.

    out : spacepy.datamodel.SpaceData
        containing all Qin-Denton values at times given by ticks

    >>> import spacepy.time as spt
    >>> import spacepy.omni as om
    >>> ticks = spt.Ticktock(['2002-02-02T12:00:00', '2002-02-02T12:10:00'], 'ISO')
    >>> d = om.get_omni(ticks)
    >>> d.tree(levels=1)

    Note about Qbits: If the status variable is 2, the quantity you are using is fairly well
    determined. If it is 1, the value has some connection to measured values, but is not directly
    measured. These values are still better than just using an average value, but not as good
    as those with the status variable equal to 2. If the status variable is 0, the quantity is
    based on average quantities, and the values listed are no better than an average value. The
    lower the status variable, the less confident you should be in the value.

    dbase_options = {
        'QDhourly': 1,
        'OMNI2hourly': 2,
        'Mergedhourly': 3,
        'Test': -9,

    if not isinstance(ticks, spt.Ticktock):
            ticks = spt.Ticktock(ticks, 'UTC')
            raise TypeError(
                'get_omni: Input times must be a Ticktock object or a list of datetime objects'

    if not dbase in dbase_options:
        from spacepy import config
        if dbase in config:
            #If a dbase is specified that isn't a default, then it MUST be in the spacepy config
            qdpath = os.path.split(os.path.split(config[dbase])[0])[0]
            if not os.path.isdir(qdpath):
                raise IOError(
                    'Specified dbase ({0}) does not have a valid location ({1})'
                    .format(dbase, config[dbase]))
            days = list(set([ for tt in ticks.UTC]))
            flist = [''] * len(days)
            fnpath, fnformat = os.path.split(config[dbase])
            for idx, day in enumerate(days):
                dp = fnpath.replace('YYYY', '{0}'.format(day.year))
                df = fnformat.replace('YYYY', '{0}'.format(day.year))
                df = df.replace('MM', '{0:02d}'.format(day.month))
                df = df.replace('DD', '{0:02d}'.format(
                flist[idx] = os.path.join(dp, df)
            if 'convert' in kwargs:
                convdict = kwargs['convert']
                convdict = True  #set to True as default?
            if 'interp' not in kwargs:
                kwargs['interp'] = True
            data = readJSONheadedASCII(sorted(flist), convert=convdict)
            omniout = SpaceData()

            time_var = [
                var for var in ['DateTime', 'Time', 'Epoch', 'UTC']
                if var in data
            if time_var:
                use_t_var = time_var[0]
                #no obvious time variable in input files ... can't continue
                raise ValueError('No clear time variable in file')

            if kwargs['interp'] is True:
                data['RDT'] = spt.Ticktock(data[use_t_var]).RDT
                keylist = sorted(data.keys())
                dum = keylist.pop(keylist.index(use_t_var))
                for key in keylist:
                        omniout[key] = dmarray(
                        omniout[key].attrs = dmcopy(data[key].attrs)
                            omniout[key] = dmfilled(
                                [len(ticks.RDT), data[key].shape[1]],
                            for col in range(data[key].shape[1]):
                                             col] = np.interp(ticks.RDT,
                        except ValueError:
                                'Failed to interpolate {0} to new time base, skipping variable'
                        except IndexError:
                                'Variable {0} appears to be non-record varying, skipping interpolation'
                            omniout[key] = data[key]
                omniout['UTC'] = ticks.UTC
                #Trim to specified times
                inds = tOverlapHalf([ticks[0].RDT, ticks[-1].RDT],
                for key in data:
                    if len(inds) == len(data[key]):
                        omniout[key] = data[key][inds]
                    else:  #is ancillary data
                        omniout[key] = data[key]
                #TODO: convert to same format as OMNI/QD read (or vice versa)
                omniout['UTC'] = omniout[use_t_var]
            return omniout
            raise IOError(
                'Specified dbase ({0}) must be specified in spacepy.config'.

    def getattrs(hf, key):
        out = {}
        if hasattr(hf[key], 'attrs'):
            for kk, value in hf[key].attrs.items():
                    out[kk] = value
        return out

    def HrFromDT(indt):
        hour = indt.hour
        minute = indt.minute
        second = indt.second
        musecond = indt.microsecond
        return hour + (minute / 60.0) + (second / 3600.0) + (musecond /

    import h5py as h5
    fname, QDkeylist, O2keylist = '', [], []
    omnivals = SpaceData()
    dbase_select = dbase_options[dbase]
    if dbase_select in [1, 3, -9]:
        if dbase_select > 0:
            ldb = 'QDhourly'
            fln = omnifln
            ldb = 'Test'
            fln = testfln
        with h5.File(fln, 'r') as hfile:
            QDkeylist = [kk for kk in hfile if kk not in ['Qbits', 'UTC']]
            st, en = ticks[0].RDT, ticks[-1].RDT
            ##check that requested requested times are within range of data
            enval, stval = omnirange(dbase=ldb)[1], omnirange(dbase=ldb)[0]
            if (ticks.UTC[0] > enval) or (ticks[-1] < stval):
                raise ValueError('Requested dates are outside data range')
            if (ticks.UTC[-1] > enval) or (ticks[0] < stval):
                    'Warning: Some requested dates are outside data range ({0})'
            inds = tOverlapHalf([st, en], hfile['RDT'],
                                presort=True)  #returns an xrange
            inds = indsFromXrange(inds)
            if inds[0] < 1: inds[0] = 1
            sl_op = slice(inds[0] - 1, inds[-1] + 2)

            fname = ','.join([fname, hfile.filename])
            omnivals.attrs = getattrs(hfile, '/')
            for key in QDkeylist:
                omnivals[key] = dmarray(
                    hfile[key][sl_op])  #TODO: add attrs from h5
                omnivals[key].attrs = getattrs(hfile, key)
            for key in hfile['Qbits']:
                omnivals['Qbits<--{0}'.format(key)] = dmarray(
                omnivals['Qbits<--{0}'.format(key)].attrs = getattrs(
                    hfile, '/Qbits/{0}'.format(key))

    if dbase_options[dbase] == 2 or dbase_options[dbase] == 3:
        ldb = 'OMNI2hourly'
        with h5.File(omni2fln) as hfile:
            O2keylist = [kk for kk in hfile if kk not in ['Epoch', 'RDT']]
            st, en = ticks[0].RDT, ticks[-1].RDT
            ##check that requested requested times are within range of data
            enval, stval = omnirange(dbase=ldb)[1], omnirange(dbase=ldb)[0]
            if (ticks[0].UTC > enval) or (ticks[-1] < stval):
                raise ValueError('Requested dates are outside data range')
            if (ticks[-1].UTC > enval) or (ticks[0] < stval):
                    'Warning: Some requested dates are outside data range ({0})'
            inds = tOverlapHalf([st, en], hfile['RDT'],
                                presort=True)  #returns an xrange
            inds = indsFromXrange(inds)
            if inds[0] < 1: inds[0] = 1
            sl_op = slice(inds[0] - 1, inds[-1] + 2)

            fname = ','.join([fname, hfile.filename])
            omnivals.attrs = getattrs(
                hfile, '/'
            )  #TODO: This overwrites the previous set on Merged load... Fix!
            omnivals['RDT_OMNI'] = dmarray(hfile['RDT'][sl_op])
            for key in O2keylist:
                omnivals[key] = dmarray(
                    hfile[key][sl_op])  #TODO: add attrs from h5
                omnivals[key].attrs = getattrs(hfile, key)

    if dbase_options[dbase] == 3:
        #prune "merged" SpaceData
        sigmas = [key for key in omnivals if 'sigma' in key]
        for sk in sigmas:
            del omnivals[sk]
        bees = [key for key in omnivals if'B._', key)]
        for bs in bees:
            del omnivals[bs]
        aves = [key for key in omnivals if ('_ave' in key) or ('ave_' in key)]
        for av in aves:
            del omnivals[av]

    omniout = SpaceData(attrs=dmcopy(omnivals.attrs))
    omniout.attrs['filename'] = fname[1:]
    ###print('QDkeys: {0}\n\nO2keys: {1}'.format(QDkeylist, O2keylist))
    for key in sorted(omnivals.keys()):
        if key in O2keylist:
            omniout[key] = dmarray(
            #set metadata -- assume this has been set properly in d/l'd file to match ECT-SOC files
            omniout[key].attrs = dmcopy(omnivals[key].attrs)
        elif key in QDkeylist:
            omniout[key] = dmarray(
            omniout[key].attrs = dmcopy(omnivals[key].attrs)
        if key == 'G3':  #then we have all the Gs
            omniout['G'] = dmarray(
                np.vstack([omniout['G1'], omniout['G2'], omniout['G3']]).T)
            omniout['G'].attrs = dmcopy(omnivals['G1'].attrs)
            for i in range(1, 4):
                del omniout['G{0}'.format(i)]
        if key == 'W6':
            omniout['W'] = dmarray(
                    omniout['W1'], omniout['W2'], omniout['W3'], omniout['W4'],
                    omniout['W5'], omniout['W6']
            omniout['W'].attrs = dmcopy(omnivals['W1'].attrs)
            for i in range(1, 7):
                del omniout['W{0}'.format(i)]
        if 'Qbits' in key:
            #Qbits are integer vals, higher is better, so floor to get best representation of interpolated val
            omniout[key] = np.floor(omnivals[key])
            omniout[key].attrs = dmcopy(omnivals[key].attrs)
            if 'G3' in key:  #then we have all the Gs
                omniout['Qbits<--G'] = dmarray(
                        omniout['Qbits<--G1'], omniout['Qbits<--G2'],
                for i in range(1, 4):
                    del omniout['Qbits<--G{0}'.format(i)]
            if 'W6' in key:
                omniout['Qbits<--W'] = dmarray(
                        omniout['Qbits<--W1'], omniout['Qbits<--W2'],
                        omniout['Qbits<--W3'], omniout['Qbits<--W4'],
                        omniout['Qbits<--W5'], omniout['Qbits<--W6']
                for i in range(1, 7):
                    del omniout['Qbits<--W{0}'.format(i)]

    omniout['ticks'] = ticks
    omniout['UTC'] = ticks.UTC
    omniout['Hr'] = dmarray([HrFromDT(val) for val in omniout['UTC']])
    omniout['Year'] = dmarray([val.year for val in omniout['UTC']])
    omniout = unflatten(omniout)

    return omniout