def __init__(self, dict=None):
     self.ifaces = {}
     self.db_ifaces = []
     # parameters which are not allowed to be empty and set to NULL
     self._autonull = ('ip_addr','netmask','broadcast','hw_addr','module')
     if not dict:
     for name, info in dict.items():
         if name == 'class':
             # Ignore it
         if not isinstance(info, type({})):
             raise rhnFault(53, "Unexpected format for interface %s" %
         vdict = {}
         for key, mapping in self.key_mapping.items():
             # Look at the mapping first; if not found, look for the key
             if info.has_key(mapping):
                 k = mapping
                 k = key
             if not info.has_key(k):
                 raise rhnFault(53, "Unable to find required field %s"
                         % key)
             val = info[k]
             if mapping in ['ip_addr', 'netmask', 'broadcast']:
                 # bugzilla: 129840 kudzu (rhpl) will sometimes pad octets
                 # with leading zeros, causing confusion; clean those up
                 val = cleanse_ip_addr(val)
             vdict[mapping] = val
         self.ifaces[name] = vdict
Beispiel #2
def check_user_password(username, password):
    # username is required
    if not username:
        raise rhnFault(11)
    # password is required
    if not password:
        raise rhnFault(12)
    if len(username) < CFG.MIN_USER_LEN:
        raise rhnFault(13, _("username should be at least %d characters")
                             % CFG.MIN_USER_LEN)
    if len(username) > CFG.MAX_USER_LEN:
        raise rhnFault(700, _("username should be less than %d characters")
                              % CFG.MAX_USER_LEN)
    username = username[:CFG.MAX_USER_LEN]

    # Invalid characters
    # ***NOTE*** Must coordinate with web and installer folks about any
    # changes to this set of characters!!!!
    invalid_re = re.compile(".*[\s&+%'`\"=#]", re.I)
    tmp = invalid_re.match(username)
    if tmp is not None:
        pos = tmp.regs[0]
        raise rhnFault(15, _("username = `%s', invalid character `%s'") % (
            username, username[pos[1]-1]))

    # use new password validation method

    return username, password
Beispiel #3
    def entitle(self, server_id, history, virt_type = None):
        Entitle a server according to the entitlements we have configured.
        log_debug(3, self.entitlements)

        entitle_server = rhnSQL.Procedure("rhn_entitlements.entitle_server")
        # TODO: entitle_server calls can_entitle_server, so we're doing this
        # twice for each successful call. Is it necessary for external error
        # handling or can we ditch it?
        can_entitle_server = rhnSQL.Function(
                "rhn_entitlements.can_entitle_server", rhnSQL.types.NUMBER())

        can_ent = None

        history["entitlement"] = ""

        # Do a quick check to see if both virt entitlements are present. (i.e.
        # activation keys stacked together) If so, give preference to the more
        # powerful virtualization platform and remove the regular virt 
        # entitlement from the list.
        found_virt = False
        found_virt_platform = False
        for entitlement in self.entitlements:
            if entitlement[0] == VIRT_ENT_LABEL:
                found_virt = True
            elif entitlement[0] == VIRT_PLATFORM_ENT_LABEL:
                found_virt_platform = True
        for entitlement in self.entitlements:
            if virt_type is not None and entitlement[0] in \

            # If both virt entitlements are present, skip the least powerful:
            if found_virt and found_virt_platform and entitlement[0] == VIRT_ENT_LABEL:
                log_debug(1, "Virtualization and Virtualization Platform " +
                        "entitlements both present.")
                log_debug(1, "Skipping Virtualization.")

                 can_ent = can_entitle_server(server_id, entitlement[0])
            except rhnSQL.SQLSchemaError, e:
                 can_ent = 0

                # bugzilla #160077, skip attempting to entitle if we cant
                if can_ent:
                    entitle_server(server_id, entitlement[0])
            except rhnSQL.SQLSchemaError, e:
                log_error("Token failed to entitle server", server_id,
                          self.get_names(), entitlement[0], e.errmsg)
                if e.errno == 20220:
                    #ORA-20220: (servergroup_max_members) - Server group membership
                    #cannot exceed maximum membership
                    raise rhnFault(91, 
                        _("Registration failed: RHN Software Management service entitlements exhausted"))
                #No idea what error may be here...
                raise rhnFault(90, e.errmsg)
Beispiel #4
    def updateDist(self, kwargs, username, password):
        self._auth(username, password)
        if not kwargs.get('release'):
            raise rhnFault(23, "Insufficient data, release missing to update dist", explain=0)
        if not kwargs.get('os'):
            kwargs['os'] = 'Red Hat Linux'

        if kwargs.get('channel_id') is None:
            # Missing stuff
            raise rhnFault(23, "Insufficient data, channel_id missing to update dist", explain=0)

        if kwargs.get('channel_arch_id') is None:
            # Missing stuff
            raise rhnFault(23, "Insufficient data, channel arch id missing to update dist", explain=0)
            insert into rhnDistChannelMap 
                (channel_id, channel_arch_id, os, release)
                (:channel_id, :channel_arch_id, :os, :release)
            """, kwargs)
        except rhnSQL.SQLError, e:
            raise rhnFault(23, str(e.args[1]), explain=0 )
Beispiel #5
def get_package_path(server_id, pkg_spec, channel):
    log_debug(3, server_id, pkg_spec, channel)
    if isinstance(pkg_spec, ListType):
        pkg = pkg_spec[:4]
        #Insert EPOCH
        pkg.insert(1, None)
        pkg = parseRPMFilename(pkg_spec)
        if pkg is None:
            log_debug(4, "Error", "Requested weird package", pkg_spec)
            raise rhnFault(17, _("Invalid RPM package %s requested") % pkg_spec)

    statement = """
        select, p.path path, pe.epoch epoch
                rhnPackageArch pa,
                rhnChannelPackage cp,
                rhnPackage p,
                rhnPackageEVR pe,
                rhnServerChannel sc,
                rhnPackageName pn,
                rhnChannel c
        where 1=1
            and c.label = :channel
            and = :name
            and sc.server_id = :server_id
            and pe.version = :ver
            and pe.release = :rel
            and = sc.channel_id
            and = cp.channel_id
            and pa.label = :arch
            and = p.name_id
            and = cp.package_id
            and p.evr_id =
            and sc.channel_id = cp.channel_id
            and p.package_arch_id =
    h = rhnSQL.prepare(statement)
    pkg = map(str, pkg)
    h.execute(name = pkg[0], ver = pkg[2], rel = pkg[3], arch = pkg[4],
              channel = channel, server_id = server_id)
    rs = h.fetchall_dict()
    if not rs:
        log_debug(4, "Error", "Non-existant package requested", server_id, 
            pkg_spec, channel)
        raise rhnFault(17, _("Invalid RPM package %s requested") % pkg_spec)
    # It is unlikely for this query to return more than one row, 
    # but it is possible
    # (having two packages with the same n, v, r, a and different epoch in
    # the same channel is prohibited by the RPM naming scheme; but extra
    # care won't hurt)
    max_row = rs[0]
    for each in rs[1:]:
        # Compare the epoch as string
        if _none2emptyString(each['epoch']) > _none2emptyString(max_row['epoch']):
            max_row = each

    # Set the flag for the proxy download accelerator
    rhnFlags.set("Download-Accelerator-Path", max_row['path'])
    return check_package_file(max_row['path'], max_row['id'], pkg_spec), max_row['id']
    def _get_file_revision(self, config_channel, revision, path):
        if revision and not revision.isdigit():
            raise rhnFault(4016, "Invalid revision number '%s' specified for path %s "
                "in channel %s" % (revision, path, config_channel),

        f = self._get_file(config_channel, path, revision=revision)
        if not f:
            raise rhnFault(4011, "File %s (revision %s) does not exist "
                "in channel %s" % (path, revision, config_channel),
        if f['label'] == 'file' and f['is_binary'] == 'Y':
            raise rhnFault(4004, "File %s (revision %s) seems to contain "
                "binary data" % (path, revision),

        # We have to read the contents of the first file here, because the LOB
        # object is tied to a cursor; if we re-execute the cursor, the LOB
        # seems to be invalid (bug 151220)

        # Empty files or directories may have NULL instead of lobs
        fd, f['filename'] = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = '/tmp/rhncfg-')
        fc_lob = f.get('file_contents')
        if fc_lob:
            os.write(fd, rhnSQL.read_lob(fc_lob))
        del fc_lob
        return f
Beispiel #7
def __processPackage(package, org_id, channels, source):
    log_debug(4, org_id, channels, source)
    if 'md5sum' in package: # for old rhnpush compatibility
        package['checksum_type'] = 'md5'
        package['checksum'] = package['md5sum']

    if 'checksum' not in package:
        raise rhnFault(50, "The package's checksum digest has not been specified")
    if not package.has_key('packageSize'):
        raise rhnFault(50, "The package size has not been specified")

    header = rhn_rpm.headerLoad(package['header'].data)
    if not header:
        raise rhnFault(50)
    packageSize = package['packageSize']
    relpath = package.get('relativePath')
    if package.has_key('header_start'):
        header_start = package['header_start']
        header_start = 0
    if package.has_key('header_end'):
        header_end = package['header_end']
        # Just say the whole package
        header_end = packageSize

    checksum_type = package['checksum_type']
    checksum = package['checksum']
    p = createPackage(header, packageSize, checksum_type, checksum, relpath, org_id,
        header_start, header_end, channels)
    return p
Beispiel #8
    def auth_client(self, token):
        """ Authenticate a system based on the same authentication tokens
            the client is sending for GET requests
        # Build a UserDictCase out of the token
        dict = UserDictCase(token)
        # Set rhnFlags so that we can piggyback on apacheAuth's auth_client
        rhnFlags.set('AUTH_SESSION_TOKEN', dict)

        # XXX To clean up apacheAuth.auth_client's logging, this is not about
        # GET requests
        result = apacheAuth.auth_client()

        if not result:
            raise rhnFault(33, _("Invalid session key"))

        log_debug(4, "Client auth OK")
        # We checked it already, so we're sure it's there
        client_id = dict['X-RHN-Server-Id']
        server =
        if not server:
            raise rhnFault(8, _("This server ID no longer exists"))
        # XXX: should we check if the username still has access to it? 
        # probably not, because there is no known good way we can
        # update the server system_id on the client side when
        # permissions change... Damn it. --gafton
        self.server = server
        self.server_id = client_id
        self.user = dict['X-RHN-Auth-User-Id']
        return server
Beispiel #9
def validate_new_password(password):
    log_debug(3, "Entered validate_new_password")
    # We're copying the code because we don't want to
    # invalidate any of the existing passwords.

    # Validate password based on configurable length
    # regular expression
    if not password:
        raise rhnFault(12)
    if len(password) < CFG.MIN_PASSWD_LEN:
        raise rhnFault(14, _("password must be at least %d characters")
                           % CFG.MIN_PASSWD_LEN)
    if len(password) > CFG.MAX_PASSWD_LEN:
        raise rhnFault(701, _("Password must be shorter than %d characters")
                            % CFG.MAX_PASSWD_LEN)

    password = password[:CFG.MAX_PASSWD_LEN]
    invalid_re = re.compile(
        r"[^ A-Za-z0-9`!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{\]}\\|;:'\",<.>/?~]")
    asterisks_re = re.compile(r"^\**$")

    # make sure the password isn't all *'s
    tmp = asterisks_re.match(password)
    if tmp is not None:
        raise rhnFault(15, "password cannot be all asterisks '*'")

    # make sure we have only printable characters
    tmp =
    if tmp is not None:
        pos = tmp.regs[0]
        raise rhnFault(15, 
            _("password contains character `%s'") % password[pos[1]-1])
Beispiel #10
    def getAnyChecksum(self, info, username = None, password = None, session = None, is_source = 0):
        """ returns checksum info of available packages
            also does an existance check on the filesystem.

        pkg_infos = info.get('packages')
        channels = info.get('channels', [])
        force = info.get('force', 0)
        orgid = info.get('org_id')

        if orgid == 'null':

        if not session:
            org_id, force = rhnPackageUpload.authenticate(username, password,
                org_id, force = rhnPackageUpload.authenticate_session(
                    session, channels=channels, null_org=null_org, force=force)
            except rhnSession.InvalidSessionError:
                raise rhnFault(33)
            except rhnSession.ExpiredSessionError:
                raise rhnFault(34)

        if is_source:
            ret = self._getSourcePackageChecksum(org_id, pkg_infos)
            ret = self._getPackageChecksum(org_id, pkg_infos)
        return ret
Beispiel #11
    def _repodata_taskomatic(self, file_name):
        log_debug(3, 'repodata', file_name)

        content_type = "application/x-gzip"

        if file_name in ["repomd.xml", "comps.xml"]:
            content_type = "text/xml"
        elif file_name not in ["primary.xml.gz", "other.xml.gz",
                "filelists.xml.gz", "updateinfo.xml.gz"]:
            log_debug(2, "Unknown repomd file requested: %s" % file_name)
            raise rhnFault(6)

        # XXX this won't be repconned or CDNd
        if file_name == "comps.xml":
            return self._repodata_python(file_name)

        file_path = "%s/%s/%s" % (CFG.REPOMD_PATH_PREFIX, self.channelName, file_name)
        rhnFlags.set('Content-Type', content_type)
            rhnFlags.set('Download-Accelerator-Path', file_path)
            return self._getFile(CFG.REPOMD_CACHE_MOUNT_POINT + "/" + file_path)
        except IOError, e:
            # For file not found, queue up a regen, and return 404
            if e.errno == 2 and file_name != "comps.xml":
                        "repodata request", file_name, bypass_filters=True)
                # This returns 404 to the client
                raise rhnFault(6)
            raise e
Beispiel #12
    def headerParserHandler(self, req):
        ret = basePackageUpload.BasePackageUpload.headerParserHandler(self, req)
        # Optional headers
        maps = [['Null-Org', 'null_org'], ['Packaging', 'packaging']]
        for hn, sn in maps:
            header_name = "%s-%s" % (self.header_prefix, hn)
            if req.headers_in.has_key(header_name):
                setattr(self, sn, req.headers_in[header_name])

        if ret != apache.OK:
            return ret

            log_debug(1, "send_message_to_all is set")
            rhnFlags.set("apache-return-code", apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
                outage_message = open(CFG.MESSAGE_TO_ALL).read()
            except IOError:
                log_error("Missing outage message file")
                outage_message = "Outage mode"
            raise rhnFault(20001, outage_message, explain=0)

        # Init the database connection
        use_session = 0
        if self.field_data.has_key('Auth-Session'):
            session_token = self.field_data['Auth-Session']
            use_session = 1
            encoded_auth_token = self.field_data['Auth']
        if not use_session:
            auth_token = self.get_auth_token(encoded_auth_token)

            if len(auth_token) < 2:
                log_debug(3, auth_token)
                raise rhnFault(105, "Unable to autenticate")

            self.username, self.password = auth_token[:2]
        force = self.field_data['Force']
        force = int(force)
        log_debug(1, "Username", self.username, "Force", force)
        if use_session:
            self.org_id, self.force = rhnPackageUpload.authenticate_session(session_token,
                force=force, null_org=self.null_org)
            # We don't push to any channels
            self.org_id, self.force = rhnPackageUpload.authenticate(self.username,
                self.password, force=force, null_org=self.null_org)

        nevra = [self.package_name, "", self.package_version, 
            self.package_release, self.package_arch]

        return apache.OK
Beispiel #13
 def _get_item_id(self, prefix, name, errnum, errmsg):
     prefix_len = len(prefix)
     if name[:prefix_len] != prefix:
         raise rhnFault(errnum, errmsg % name)
         id = int(name[prefix_len:])
     except ValueError:
         raise rhnFault(errnum, errmsg % name)
     return id
Beispiel #14
    def _auth(self, username, password):

        if not (username and password):
            raise rhnFault(50, "Missing username/password arguments", explain=0)

        authobj = auth(username, password)

        if not authobj:
            raise rhnFault(50, "Invalid username/password arguments", explain=0)
        return authobj
Beispiel #15
def auth_username_password(username, password):
    user = search(username)

    if not user:
        raise rhnFault(2, _("Invalid username/password combination"))

    if not user.check_password(password):
        raise rhnFault(2, _("Invalid username/password combination"))

    return user
Beispiel #16
def check_package_file(rel_path, logpkg, raisepkg):
    if rel_path is None:
        log_error("Package path null for package id", logpkg)
        raise rhnFault(17, _("Invalid RPM package %s requested") % raisepkg)
    filePath = "%s/%s" % (CFG.MOUNT_POINT, rel_path)
    if not os.access(filePath, os.R_OK):
        # Package not found on the filesystem
        log_error("Package not found", filePath)
        raise rhnFault(17, _("Package not found"))

    return filePath
Beispiel #17
    def header(self, system_id, pkgList):
        """ Clients v1-

            IN:  system_id: ....
                  a package identifier (or a list of them)
                    [n,v,r,e] or
            OUT: If Proxy:
                If Client:
        log_debug(5, system_id, pkgList)
        if type(pkgList) not in (ListType, TupleType) or not len(pkgList):
            log_error("Invalid package list spec", type(pkgList),
                      "len = %d" % len(pkgList))
            raise rhnFault(30, _("Invalid value %s (type %s)") % (
                pkgList, type(pkgList)))
        # Okay, it's a list; is it a list of lists?
        if type(pkgList[0]) is StringType:
            # Wrap it in a list
            pkgList = [pkgList]
        # Now check all params
        req_list = []
        for p in pkgList:
        # Authenticate the system certificate
        server = self.auth_system('header', system_id)
        # log the entry
        log_debug(1, self.server_id, "items: %d" % len(req_list))

        rpmHeaders = []
        for pkg in pkgList:
            # Authorize this package fetch.
            # XXX: a bit heavy-handed I think... but old client stuff.
            #      NOTE: pkg for old client is [n,v,r,e]
            path = rhnPackage.get_package_path_compat_arches(
                self.server_id, pkg, server.archname)

            # read the header from the file on disk
            h = rhn_rpm.get_package_header(filename=path)
            if h is None:
                log_error("Unable to read package header", pkg)
                raise rhnFault(17,
                        _("Unable to retrieve package header %s") % str(pkg))
            del h

        # Reset the flag for the proxy download accelerator
        # This gets set by default in rhnPackage
        rhnFlags.set("Download-Accelerator-Path", None)
            # Compress
            rhnFlags.set("compress_response", 1)
        return rpmHeaders
Beispiel #18
 def entitle(self, server_id, history, virt_type = None):
     for ent in self.remove_entitlements:
         unentitle_server = rhnSQL.Procedure(
             unentitle_server(server_id, ent, 0)
         except rhnSQL.SQLSchemaError, e:
             log_error("Failed to unentitle server", server_id,
                 ent, e.errmsg)
             raise rhnFault(90, e.errmsg)
         except rhnSQL.SQLError, e:
             log_error("Failed to unentitle server", server_id,
                 ent, e.args)
             raise rhnFault(90, str(e))
    def headerParserHandler(self, req):
        """ This whole function is ugly as hell. The Auth field in the header used to be required, but now
            it must have either the Auth field or the Auth-Session field.
        # Initialize the logging
        log_debug(3, "Method", req.method)
        #Header string. This is what the Auth-Session field will look like in the header.
        session_header = "%s-%s" % (self.header_prefix, "Auth-Session")

        # legacy rhnpush sends File-MD5sum; translate it into File-Checksum
        md5sum_header = "%s-%s" % (self.header_prefix, "File-MD5sum")
        if req.headers_in.has_key(md5sum_header):
            req.headers_in["%s-%s" % (self.header_prefix, "File-Checksum-Type")] = 'md5'
            req.headers_in["%s-%s" % (self.header_prefix, "File-Checksum")] = \

        for f in self.required_fields:
            hf = "%s-%s" % (self.header_prefix, f)
            if not req.headers_in.has_key(hf):
                #If the current field is Auth and Auth-Session field isn't present, something is wrong.
                if f == "Auth" and not req.headers_in.has_key(session_header):
                    log_debug(4, "Required field %s missing" % f)
                    raise rhnFault(500, f)

                #The current field is Auth and the Auth-Session field is present, so everything is good.
                elif f == "Auth" and req.headers_in.has_key(session_header):
                    self.field_data["Auth-Session"] = req.headers_in[session_header]

                #The current field being looked for isn't the Auth field and it's missing, so something is wrong. 
                    log_debug(4, "Required field %s missing" % f)
                    raise rhnFault(500, f)

            if not (f == "Auth" and not req.headers_in.has_key(hf)):
                self.field_data[f] = req.headers_in[hf]
                if req.headers_in.has_key(session_header):
                    self.field_data[f] = req.headers_in[hf]
        self.package_name = self.field_data["Package-Name"]
        self.package_version = self.field_data["Package-Version"]
        self.package_release = self.field_data["Package-Release"]
        self.package_arch = self.field_data["Package-Arch"]
        self.file_checksum_type = self.field_data["File-Checksum-Type"]
        self.file_checksum = self.field_data["File-Checksum"]
        #4/18/05 wregglej. if 1051 is in the header's keys, then it's a nosrc package.
        self.is_source = (self.package_arch == 'src' or self.package_arch == 'nosrc')
        return apache.OK
Beispiel #20
def auth_client():
    """ Authenticates a request from a client
        For an unsigned request, this function returns 0 (request should be
        coming from a client).

    if not rhnFlags.test("AUTH_SESSION_TOKEN"):
        # No auth information; decline any GET action (XMLRPC requests
        # ignore this error).
        log_debug(4, "declined client authentication for GET requests")
        return 0

    token = rhnFlags.get("AUTH_SESSION_TOKEN")
    # Check to see if everything we need to compute the signature is there
    for k in ('X-RHN-Server-Id',
        if not token.has_key(k):
            # No auth information; decline any action
            log_debug(4, "Declined auth of client for GET requests; "
                         "incomplete header info.")
            return 0

    clientId       = token['X-RHN-Server-Id']
    username       = token['X-RHN-Auth-User-Id']
    signature      = token['X-RHN-Auth']
    rhnServerTime  = token['X-RHN-Auth-Server-Time']
    expireOffset   = token['X-RHN-Auth-Expire-Offset']

    computed = computeSignature(CFG.SECRET_KEY, clientId, username, 
                                rhnServerTime, expireOffset)
    if computed != signature:
        log_debug(4, "Sent client signature %s does not match ours %s." % (
            signature, computed))
        raise rhnFault(33, "Invalid client session key")

    # Convert the expiration/time to floats:
    rhnServerTime = float(rhnServerTime)
    expireOffset = float(expireOffset)

    if rhnServerTime + expireOffset < time.time():
        log_debug(4, "Expired client authentication token")
        raise rhnFault(34, "Expired client authentication token")            

    log_debug(4, "Client auth OK")
    return 1
    def getPackagePath(self, pkgFilename):
        """ OVERLOADS getPackagePath in common/rhnRepository.
            Returns complete path to an RPM file.

        log_debug(3, pkgFilename)
        mappingName = "package_mapping:%s:" % self.channelName
        pickledMapping = self._cacheObj(mappingName, self.channelVersion, self.__channelPackageMapping, ())

        mapping = cPickle.loads(pickledMapping)

        # If the file name has parameters, it's a different kind of package.
        # Determine the architecture requested so we can construct an
        # appropriate filename.
        if type(pkgFilename) == types.ListType:
            arch = pkgFilename[3]
            if isSolarisArch(arch):
                pkgFilename = "%s-%s-%s.%s.pkg" % (pkgFilename[0], pkgFilename[1], pkgFilename[2], pkgFilename[3])

        if not mapping.has_key(pkgFilename):
            log_error("Package not in mapping: %s" % pkgFilename)
            raise rhnFault(17, _("Invalid RPM package requested: %s") % pkgFilename)
        filePath = "%s/%s" % (CFG.PKG_DIR, mapping[pkgFilename])
        log_debug(4, "File path", filePath)
        if not os.access(filePath, os.R_OK):
            log_debug(4, "Package not found locally: %s" % pkgFilename)
            raise NotLocalError(filePath, pkgFilename)
        return filePath
Beispiel #22
def auth_proxy():
    """ Authenticates a proxy carrying a clients request. For a valid or
        unsigned request, this function returns 1 (OK), otherwise it raises
        NOTE: X-RHN-Proxy-Auth described in proxy/broker/

    headers = rhnFlags.get('outputTransportOptions')
    if not rhnFlags.test('X-RHN-Proxy-Auth'):
        # No auth information; decline any action
        log_debug(4, "declined proxy authentication")
        headers['X-RHN-Proxy-Auth-Error'] = '%s:%s' % (
            1003, _("declined proxy authentication"))
        raise rhnFault(1003) # Invalid session key

    # NOTE:
    #   - < v3.1 RHN proxies send only 1 token in this header
    #   - > v3.1: we send the route of the requests via multiple tokens
    #     "token1:hostname1,token2:hostname2" the first tuple is the first
    #     proxy hit.
    tokens = string.split(rhnFlags.get('X-RHN-Proxy-Auth'), ',')
    tokens = filter(lambda token: token, tokens)

    for auth_token in tokens:

    # if no rhnFault was raised then the tokens all passed
    return 1
Beispiel #23
def getUserGroupsFromUserInstance(user_instance):
    log_debug(4, user_instance.getid())
    user = user_instance

    if not user:
        log_debug("null user")
        raise rhnFault(2)

    #Don't need to check the password, the session should have already been checked.
    # Get the org id
    org_id =['org_id']
    user_id = user.getid()
    h = rhnSQL.prepare("""
        select ugt.label
          from rhnUserGroupType ugt,
               rhnUserGroup ug,
               rhnUserGroupMembers ugm
         where ugm.user_id = :user_id
               and ugm.user_group_id =
               and ug.group_type =
    groups = []
    while 1:
        row = h.fetchone_dict()
        if not row:
    return groups, org_id, user_id 
Beispiel #24
    def authzChannels(self, channels):
        log_debug(4, channels)
        if not channels:
        if 'rhn_superuser' in self.groups:
            log_debug(4, "Is superuser")
            return None

        # rhn_channel.user_role_check checks for the ownership of the channel
        # by this user's org

        h = rhnSQL.prepare("""
            select rhn_channel.user_role_check(id, :user_id, 'manage') manage
              from rhnChannel
             where label = :channel

        for channel in channels:
            h.execute(channel=channel, user_id=self.user_id)

            row = h.fetchone_dict()
            # Either the channel doesn't exist, or not allowed to manage it
            if not row or not row['manage']:
                raise rhnFault(32,
                    _("You are not allowed to manage channel %s, or that "
                    "channel does not exist") % channel)

            log_debug(4, "User %s allowed to manage channel %s" %
                (self.user_id, channel))

        return None
Beispiel #25
    def dump_errata(self, errata, verify_errata=False):

        errata_hash = {} 
        if verify_errata:
            h = self.get_errata_statement()
            for erratum in errata:
                errata_id = self._get_item_id('rhn-erratum-', str(erratum),
                                              3004, "Wrong erratum name %s")
                if errata_hash.has_key(errata_id):
                    # Already verified
                row = h.fetchone_dict()
                if not row:
                    # XXX Silently ignore it?
                    raise rhnFault(3005, "No such erratum %s" % erratum)
                # Saving the row, it's handy later when we create the iterator
                errata_hash[errata_id] = row
            for erratum in errata:
                errata_hash[erratum['errata_id']] = erratum

        self._write_dump(ErrataDumper, params=errata_hash.values())
        return 0
Beispiel #26
    def _packages(self, packages, prefix, dump_class, sources=0,
        packages_hash = {}
        if verify_packages:
            if sources:
                h = self.get_source_packages_statement()
                h = self.get_packages_statement()

            for package in packages:
                package_id = self._get_item_id(prefix, str(package),
                                               3002, 'Invalid package name %s')
                if packages_hash.has_key(package_id):
                    # Already verified
                row = h.fetchone_dict()
                if not row:
                    # XXX Silently ignore it?
                    raise rhnFault(3003, "No such package %s" % package)
                # Saving the row, it's handy later when we create the iterator
                packages_hash[package_id] = row
            for package in packages:
                packages_hash[package['package_id']] = package

        self._write_dump(dump_class, params=packages_hash.values())
        return 0
    def client_set_namespaces(self, systemid, namespaces):

        server_id = self.server.getid()
        org_id = self.server.server['org_id']

        h = rhnSQL.prepare("""
            delete from rhnServerConfigChannel where server_id = :server_id

        h = rhnSQL.prepare("""
            insert into rhnServerConfigChannel (server_id, config_channel_id, position)
            select :server_id, id, :position
              from rhnConfigChannel
             where name = :config_channel
               and org_id = :org_id

        position = 0
        for config_channel in namespaces:
            rowcount = h.execute(server_id=server_id, position=position,
                config_channel=config_channel, org_id=org_id)
            if not rowcount:
                raise rhnFault(4009, "Unable to find config channel %s" %
                    config_channel, explain=0)
            position = position + 1

        return 0
    def client_upload_file(self, systemid, action_id, file):
        log_debug(1, self.server_id, action_id)

        # Validate that the action indeed applies
        h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._query_client_upload_files)
        h.execute(server_id=self.server_id, action_id=action_id)
        row = h.fetchone_dict()
        if not row:
            raise rhnFault(4002, "Action not available for this server")
        if row['action_status'] != 'Picked Up':
            raise rhnFault(4002, "Improper action for this server")

        config_channel_id = row['config_channel_id']

        return self.push_file(config_channel_id, file)
Beispiel #29
def validate_new_username(username):
    if len(username) < CFG.MIN_NEW_USER_LEN:
        raise rhnFault(13, _("username should be at least %d characters long")
                             % CFG.MIN_NEW_USER_LEN)
    disallowed_suffixes = CFG.DISALLOWED_SUFFIXES or []
    if not isinstance(disallowed_suffixes, type([])):
        disallowed_suffixes = [ disallowed_suffixes ]

    log_debug(4, "Disallowed suffixes", disallowed_suffixes)

    for suffix in disallowed_suffixes:
        if string.upper(username[-len(suffix):]) == string.upper(suffix):
            raise rhnFault(106, _("Cannot register usernames ending with %s") %
Beispiel #30
def __reserve_user_db(user, password):
    encrypted_password = CFG.encrypted_passwords
    log_debug(3, user, CFG.disallow_user_creation, encrypted_password, CFG.pam_auth_service)
    user = str(user)
    h = rhnSQL.prepare("""
    select, w.password, w.old_password, w.org_id, ui.use_pam_authentication
    from web_contact w, rhnUserInfo ui
    where w.login_uc = upper(:p1)
    and = ui.user_id
    data = h.fetchone_dict()
    if data and data["id"]:
        # contact exists, check password
        if data['use_pam_authentication'] == 'Y' and CFG.pam_auth_service:
            # We use PAM for authentication
            import rhnAuthPAM
            if rhnAuthPAM.check_password(user, password, CFG.pam_auth_service) > 0:
                return 1
            return -1

        if check_password(password, data['password'], data['old_password']) > 0:
            return 1
        return -1

    # user doesn't exist.  now we fail, instead of reserving user.
    if CFG.disallow_user_creation:
        raise rhnFault(2001)

    # now check the reserved table
    h = rhnSQL.prepare("""
    select r.login, r.password from rhnUserReserved r
    where r.login_uc = upper(:p1)
    data = h.fetchone_dict()   
    if data and data["login"]:
        # found already reserved
        if check_password(password, data["password"], None) > 0: 
            return 1
        return -2

    log_debug(3, "calling validate_new_password" )

    # this is not reserved either, register it
    if encrypted_password:
        # Encrypt the password, let the function pick the salt
        password = encrypt_password(password)

    h = rhnSQL.prepare("""
    insert into rhnUserReserved (login, password)
    values (:username, :password)
    h.execute(username=user, password=password)
    # all should be dandy
    return 0