Beispiel #1
class DatabaseTest(MockPackagesTest):
    def _mock_install(self, spec):
        s = Spec(spec)
        pkg = spack.db.get(s.concretized())

    def _mock_remove(self, spec):
        specs = spack.installed_db.query(spec)
        assert len(specs) == 1
        spec = specs[0]

    def setUp(self):
        super(DatabaseTest, self).setUp()
        # TODO: make the mockup below easier.

        # Make a fake install directory
        self.install_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.spack_install_path = spack.install_path
        spack.install_path = self.install_path

        self.install_layout = YamlDirectoryLayout(self.install_path)
        self.spack_install_layout = spack.install_layout
        spack.install_layout = self.install_layout

        # Make fake database and fake install directory.
        self.installed_db = Database(self.install_path)
        self.spack_installed_db = spack.installed_db
        spack.installed_db = self.installed_db

        # make a mock database with some packages installed note that
        # the ref count for dyninst here will be 3, as it's recycled
        # across each install.
        # Here is what the mock DB looks like:
        # o  mpileaks     o  mpileaks'    o  mpileaks''
        # |\              |\              |\
        # | o  callpath   | o  callpath'  | o  callpath''
        # |/|             |/|             |/|
        # o |  mpich      o |  mpich2     o |  zmpi
        #   |               |             o |  fake
        #   |               |               |
        #   |               |______________/
        #   | .____________/
        #   |/
        #   o  dyninst
        #   |\
        #   | o  libdwarf
        #   |/
        #   o  libelf

        # Transaction used to avoid repeated writes.
        with spack.installed_db.write_transaction():
            self._mock_install("mpileaks ^mpich")
            self._mock_install("mpileaks ^mpich2")
            self._mock_install("mpileaks ^zmpi")

    def tearDown(self):
        super(DatabaseTest, self).tearDown()
        spack.install_path = self.spack_install_path
        spack.install_layout = self.spack_install_layout
        spack.installed_db = self.spack_installed_db

    def test_005_db_exists(self):
        """Make sure db cache file exists after creating."""
        index_file = join_path(self.install_path, ".spack-db", "index.yaml")
        lock_file = join_path(self.install_path, ".spack-db", "lock")


    def test_010_all_install_sanity(self):
        """Ensure that the install layout reflects what we think it does."""
        all_specs = spack.install_layout.all_specs()
        self.assertEqual(len(all_specs), 13)

        # query specs with multiple configurations
        mpileaks_specs = [s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies("mpileaks")]
        callpath_specs = [s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies("callpath")]
        mpi_specs = [s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies("mpi")]

        self.assertEqual(len(mpileaks_specs), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(callpath_specs), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(mpi_specs), 3)

        # query specs with single configurations
        dyninst_specs = [s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies("dyninst")]
        libdwarf_specs = [s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies("libdwarf")]
        libelf_specs = [s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies("libelf")]

        self.assertEqual(len(dyninst_specs), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(libdwarf_specs), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(libelf_specs), 1)

        # Query by dependency
        self.assertEqual(len([s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies("mpileaks ^mpich")]), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len([s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies("mpileaks ^mpich2")]), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len([s for s in all_specs if s.satisfies("mpileaks ^zmpi")]), 1)

    def test_015_write_and_read(self):
        # write and read DB
        with spack.installed_db.write_transaction():
            specs = spack.installed_db.query()
            recs = [spack.installed_db.get_record(s) for s in specs]

        for spec, rec in zip(specs, recs):
            new_rec = spack.installed_db.get_record(spec)
            self.assertEqual(new_rec.ref_count, rec.ref_count)
            self.assertEqual(new_rec.spec, rec.spec)
            self.assertEqual(new_rec.path, rec.path)
            self.assertEqual(new_rec.installed, rec.installed)

    def _check_db_sanity(self):
        """Utiilty function to check db against install layout."""
        expected = sorted(spack.install_layout.all_specs())
        actual = sorted(self.installed_db.query())

        self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(actual))
        for e, a in zip(expected, actual):
            self.assertEqual(e, a)

    def test_020_db_sanity(self):
        """Make sure query() returns what's actually in the db."""

    def test_030_db_sanity_from_another_process(self):
        def read_and_modify():
            self._check_db_sanity()  # check that other process can read DB
            with self.installed_db.write_transaction():
                self._mock_remove("mpileaks ^zmpi")

        p = multiprocessing.Process(target=read_and_modify, args=())

        # ensure child process change is visible in parent process
        with self.installed_db.read_transaction():
            self.assertEqual(len(self.installed_db.query("mpileaks ^zmpi")), 0)

    def test_040_ref_counts(self):
        """Ensure that we got ref counts right when we read the DB."""

    def test_050_basic_query(self):
        """Ensure that querying the database is consistent with what is installed."""
        # query everything
        self.assertEqual(len(spack.installed_db.query()), 13)

        # query specs with multiple configurations
        mpileaks_specs = self.installed_db.query("mpileaks")
        callpath_specs = self.installed_db.query("callpath")
        mpi_specs = self.installed_db.query("mpi")

        self.assertEqual(len(mpileaks_specs), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(callpath_specs), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(mpi_specs), 3)

        # query specs with single configurations
        dyninst_specs = self.installed_db.query("dyninst")
        libdwarf_specs = self.installed_db.query("libdwarf")
        libelf_specs = self.installed_db.query("libelf")

        self.assertEqual(len(dyninst_specs), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(libdwarf_specs), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(libelf_specs), 1)

        # Query by dependency
        self.assertEqual(len(self.installed_db.query("mpileaks ^mpich")), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.installed_db.query("mpileaks ^mpich2")), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.installed_db.query("mpileaks ^zmpi")), 1)

    def _check_remove_and_add_package(self, spec):
        """Remove a spec from the DB, then add it and make sure everything's
           still ok once it is added.  This checks that it was
           removed, that it's back when added again, and that ref
           counts are consistent.
        original = self.installed_db.query()

        # Remove spec
        concrete_spec = self.installed_db.remove(spec)
        remaining = self.installed_db.query()

        # ensure spec we removed is gone
        self.assertEqual(len(original) - 1, len(remaining))
        self.assertTrue(all(s in original for s in remaining))
        self.assertTrue(concrete_spec not in remaining)

        # add it back and make sure everything is ok.
        self.installed_db.add(concrete_spec, "")
        installed = self.installed_db.query()
        self.assertEqual(len(installed), len(original))

        # sanity check against direcory layout and check ref counts.

    def test_060_remove_and_add_root_package(self):
        self._check_remove_and_add_package("mpileaks ^mpich")

    def test_070_remove_and_add_dependency_package(self):

    def test_080_root_ref_counts(self):
        rec = self.installed_db.get_record("mpileaks ^mpich")

        # Remove a top-level spec from the DB
        self.installed_db.remove("mpileaks ^mpich")

        # record no longer in DB
        self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.query("mpileaks ^mpich", installed=any), [])

        # record's deps have updated ref_counts
        self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.get_record("callpath ^mpich").ref_count, 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.get_record("mpich").ref_count, 1)

        # put the spec back
        self.installed_db.add(rec.spec, rec.path)

        # record is present again
        self.assertEqual(len(self.installed_db.query("mpileaks ^mpich", installed=any)), 1)

        # dependencies have ref counts updated
        self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.get_record("callpath ^mpich").ref_count, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.get_record("mpich").ref_count, 2)

    def test_090_non_root_ref_counts(self):
        mpileaks_mpich_rec = self.installed_db.get_record("mpileaks ^mpich")
        callpath_mpich_rec = self.installed_db.get_record("callpath ^mpich")

        # "force remove" a non-root spec from the DB
        self.installed_db.remove("callpath ^mpich")

        # record still in DB but marked uninstalled
        self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.query("callpath ^mpich", installed=True), [])
        self.assertEqual(len(self.installed_db.query("callpath ^mpich", installed=any)), 1)

        # record and its deps have same ref_counts
        self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.get_record("callpath ^mpich", installed=any).ref_count, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.get_record("mpich").ref_count, 2)

        # remove only dependent of uninstalled callpath record
        self.installed_db.remove("mpileaks ^mpich")

        # record and parent are completely gone.
        self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.query("mpileaks ^mpich", installed=any), [])
        self.assertEqual(self.installed_db.query("callpath ^mpich", installed=any), [])

        # mpich ref count updated properly.
        mpich_rec = self.installed_db.get_record("mpich")
        self.assertEqual(mpich_rec.ref_count, 0)