Beispiel #1
    def test_splice_with_cached_hashes(self, transitive):
        spec = Spec('splice-t')
        dep = Spec('splice-h+foo')

        # monkeypatch hashes so we can test that they are cached
        spec._full_hash = 'aaaaaa'
        spec._build_hash = 'aaaaaa'
        dep._full_hash = 'bbbbbb'
        dep._build_hash = 'bbbbbb'
        spec['splice-h']._full_hash = 'cccccc'
        spec['splice-h']._build_hash = 'cccccc'
        spec['splice-z']._full_hash = 'dddddd'
        spec['splice-z']._build_hash = 'dddddd'
        dep['splice-z']._full_hash = 'eeeeee'
        dep['splice-z']._build_hash = 'eeeeee'

        out = spec.splice(dep, transitive=transitive)
        out_z_expected = (dep if transitive else spec)['splice-z']

        assert out.full_hash() != spec.full_hash()
        assert (out['splice-h'].full_hash() == dep.full_hash()) == transitive
        assert out['splice-z'].full_hash() == out_z_expected.full_hash()

        assert out.build_hash() != spec.build_hash()
        assert (out['splice-h'].build_hash() == dep.build_hash()) == transitive
        assert out['splice-z'].build_hash() == out_z_expected.build_hash()
Beispiel #2
    def test_splice_dict_roundtrip(self, transitive):
        spec = Spec('splice-t')
        dep = Spec('splice-h+foo')
        out = spec.splice(dep, transitive)

        # Sanity check all hashes are unique...
        assert spec.full_hash() != dep.full_hash()
        assert out.full_hash() != dep.full_hash()
        assert out.full_hash() != spec.full_hash()
        out_rt_spec = Spec.from_dict(out.to_dict())  # rt is "round trip"
        assert out_rt_spec.full_hash() == out.full_hash()
        out_rt_spec_bld_hash = out_rt_spec.build_spec.full_hash()
        out_rt_spec_h_bld_hash = out_rt_spec['splice-h'].build_spec.full_hash()
        out_rt_spec_z_bld_hash = out_rt_spec['splice-z'].build_spec.full_hash()

        # In any case, the build spec for splice-t (root) should point to the
        # original spec, preserving build provenance.
        assert spec.full_hash() == out_rt_spec_bld_hash
        assert out_rt_spec.full_hash() != out_rt_spec_bld_hash

        # The build spec for splice-h should always point to the introduced
        # spec, since that is the spec spliced in.
        assert dep['splice-h'].full_hash() == out_rt_spec_h_bld_hash

        # The build spec for splice-z will depend on whether or not the splice
        # was transitive.
        expected_z_bld_hash = (dep['splice-z'].full_hash()
                               if transitive else spec['splice-z'].full_hash())
        assert expected_z_bld_hash == out_rt_spec_z_bld_hash
Beispiel #3
def test_built_spec_cache(tmpdir,
    """ Because the buildcache list command fetches the buildcache index
    and uses it to populate the binary_distribution built spec cache, when
    this test calls get_mirrors_for_spec, it is testing the popluation of
    that cache from a buildcache index. """
    global mirror_path_rel

    mparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    margs = mparser.parse_args(
        ['add', '--scope', 'site', 'test-mirror-rel', 'file://%s' % mirror_path_rel])
    mirror.mirror(mparser, margs)

    # setup argument parser
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    list_args = ['list', '-a', '-l']
    args = parser.parse_args(list_args)
    buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)

    gspec = Spec('garply')

    cspec = Spec('corge')

    full_hash_map = {
        'garply': gspec.full_hash(),
        'corge': cspec.full_hash(),

    gspec_results = bindist.get_mirrors_for_spec(gspec)

    gspec_mirrors = {}
    for result in gspec_results:
        s = result['spec']
        assert(s._full_hash == full_hash_map[])
        assert(result['mirror_url'] not in gspec_mirrors)
        gspec_mirrors[result['mirror_url']] = True

    cspec_results = bindist.get_mirrors_for_spec(cspec, full_hash_match=True)

    cspec_mirrors = {}
    for result in cspec_results:
        s = result['spec']
        assert(s._full_hash == full_hash_map[])
        assert(result['mirror_url'] not in cspec_mirrors)
        cspec_mirrors[result['mirror_url']] = True


    margs = mparser.parse_args(
        ['rm', '--scope', 'site', 'test-mirror-rel'])
    mirror.mirror(mparser, margs)
Beispiel #4
 def test_splice_input_unchanged(self, transitive):
     spec = Spec('splice-t').concretized()
     dep = Spec('splice-h+foo').concretized()
     orig_spec_hash = spec.full_hash()
     orig_dep_hash = dep.full_hash()
     spec.splice(dep, transitive)
     # Post-splice, dag hash should still be different; no changes should be
     # made to these specs.
     assert spec.full_hash() == orig_spec_hash
     assert dep.full_hash() == orig_dep_hash
Beispiel #5
def test_built_spec_cache(tmpdir, install_mockery):
    """ Test what's the situation now """
    global mirror_path_rel

    mparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    margs = mparser.parse_args([
        'add', '--scope', 'site', 'test-mirror-rel',
        'file://%s' % mirror_path_rel
    mirror.mirror(mparser, margs)

    # setup argument parser
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    list_args = ['list', '-a', '-l']
    args = parser.parse_args(list_args)
    buildcache.buildcache(parser, args)

    gspec = Spec('garply')

    cspec = Spec('corge')

    full_hash_map = {
        'garply': gspec.full_hash(),
        'corge': cspec.full_hash(),

    gspec_results = bindist.get_spec(gspec)

    gspec_mirrors = {}
    for result in gspec_results:
        s = result['spec']
        assert (s._full_hash == full_hash_map[])
        assert (result['mirror_url'] not in gspec_mirrors)
        gspec_mirrors[result['mirror_url']] = True

    cspec_results = bindist.get_spec(cspec, full_hash_match=True)

    cspec_mirrors = {}
    for result in cspec_results:
        s = result['spec']
        assert (s._full_hash == full_hash_map[])
        assert (result['mirror_url'] not in cspec_mirrors)
        cspec_mirrors[result['mirror_url']] = True


    margs = mparser.parse_args(['rm', '--scope', 'site', 'test-mirror-rel'])
    mirror.mirror(mparser, margs)
Beispiel #6
def test_ci_generate_read_broken_specs_url(tmpdir, mutable_mock_env_path,
                                           env_deactivate, install_mockery,
                                           mock_packages, monkeypatch):
    """Verify that `broken-specs-url` works as intended"""
    spec_a = Spec('a')
    a_full_hash = spec_a.full_hash()

    spec_flattendeps = Spec('flatten-deps')
    flattendeps_full_hash = spec_flattendeps.full_hash()

    # Mark 'a' as broken (but not 'flatten-deps')
    broken_spec_a_path = str(tmpdir.join(a_full_hash))
    with open(broken_spec_a_path, 'w') as bsf:

    # Test that `spack ci generate` notices this broken spec and fails.
    filename = str(tmpdir.join('spack.yaml'))
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
    - flatten-deps
    - a
    some-mirror: https://my.fake.mirror
    broken-specs-url: "{0}"
      - match:
          - archive-files
            - donotcare
          image: donotcare

    with tmpdir.as_cwd():
        env_cmd('create', 'test', './spack.yaml')
            # Check output of the 'generate' subcommand
            output = ci_cmd('generate', output=str, fail_on_error=False)
            assert('known to be broken' in output)

            ex = '({0})'.format(a_full_hash)
            assert(ex in output)

            ex = '({0})'.format(flattendeps_full_hash)
            assert(ex not in output)
Beispiel #7
 def test_splice(self, transitive):
     # Tests the new splice function in Spec using a somewhat simple case
     # with a variant with a conditional dependency.
     # TODO: Test being able to splice in different provider for a virtual.
     # Example: mvapich for mpich.
     spec = Spec('splice-t')
     dep = Spec('splice-h+foo')
     # Sanity checking that these are not the same thing.
     assert dep.dag_hash() != spec['splice-h'].dag_hash()
     assert dep.build_hash() != spec['splice-h'].build_hash()
     # Do the splice.
     out = spec.splice(dep, transitive)
     # Returned spec should still be concrete.
     assert out.concrete
     # Traverse the spec and assert that all dependencies are accounted for.
     for node in spec.traverse():
         assert in out
     # If the splice worked, then the full hash of the spliced dep should
     # now match the full hash of the build spec of the dependency from the
     # returned spec.
     out_h_build = out['splice-h'].build_spec
     assert out_h_build.full_hash() == dep.full_hash()
     # Transitivity should determine whether the transitive dependency was
     # changed.
     expected_z = dep['splice-z'] if transitive else spec['splice-z']
     assert out['splice-z'].full_hash() == expected_z.full_hash()
     # Sanity check build spec of out should be the original spec.
     assert (out['splice-t'].build_spec.full_hash() ==
     # Finally, the spec should know it's been spliced:
     assert out.spliced
Beispiel #8
def test_built_spec_cache(mirror_dir):
    """ Because the buildcache list command fetches the buildcache index
    and uses it to populate the binary_distribution built spec cache, when
    this test calls get_mirrors_for_spec, it is testing the popluation of
    that cache from a buildcache index. """
    buildcache_cmd('list', '-a', '-l')

    gspec, cspec = Spec('garply').concretized(), Spec('corge').concretized()

    full_hash_map = {
        'garply': gspec.full_hash(),
        'corge': cspec.full_hash(),

    gspec_results = bindist.get_mirrors_for_spec(gspec)

    gspec_mirrors = {}
    for result in gspec_results:
        s = result['spec']
        assert (s._full_hash == full_hash_map[])
        assert (result['mirror_url'] not in gspec_mirrors)
        gspec_mirrors[result['mirror_url']] = True

    cspec_results = bindist.get_mirrors_for_spec(cspec, full_hash_match=True)

    cspec_mirrors = {}
    for result in cspec_results:
        s = result['spec']
        assert (s._full_hash == full_hash_map[])
        assert (result['mirror_url'] not in cspec_mirrors)
        cspec_mirrors[result['mirror_url']] = True
Beispiel #9
    def test_external_packages_have_consistent_hash(self):
        if spack.config.get('config:concretizer') == 'original':
            pytest.skip('This tests needs the ASP-based concretizer')

        s, t = Spec('externaltool'), Spec('externaltool')
        s._old_concretize(), t._new_concretize()

        assert s.dag_hash() == t.dag_hash()
        assert s.build_hash() == t.build_hash()
        assert s.full_hash() == t.full_hash()
Beispiel #10
    def test_splice_dict(self, transitive):
        spec = Spec('splice-t')
        dep = Spec('splice-h+foo')
        out = spec.splice(dep, transitive)

        # Sanity check all hashes are unique...
        assert spec.full_hash() != dep.full_hash()
        assert out.full_hash() != dep.full_hash()
        assert out.full_hash() != spec.full_hash()
        node_list = out.to_dict()['spec']['nodes']
        root_nodes = [n for n in node_list if n['full_hash'] == out.full_hash()]
        build_spec_nodes = [n for n in node_list if n['full_hash'] == spec.full_hash()]
        assert spec.full_hash() == out.build_spec.full_hash()
        assert len(root_nodes) == 1
        assert len(build_spec_nodes) == 1
Beispiel #11
def test_ordered_read_not_required_for_consistent_dag_hash(
        config, mock_packages):
    """Make sure ordered serialization isn't required to preserve hashes.

    For consistent hashes, we require that YAML and json documents
    have their keys serialized in a deterministic order. However, we
    don't want to require them to be serialized in order. This
    ensures that is not required.
    specs = ['mpileaks ^zmpi', 'dttop', 'dtuse']
    for spec in specs:
        spec = Spec(spec)

        # Dict & corresponding YAML & JSON from the original spec.
        spec_dict = spec.to_dict()
        spec_yaml = spec.to_yaml()
        spec_json = spec.to_json()

        # Make a spec with reversed OrderedDicts for every
        # OrderedDict in the original.
        reversed_spec_dict = reverse_all_dicts(spec.to_dict())

        # Dump to YAML and JSON
        yaml_string = syaml.dump(spec_dict, default_flow_style=False)
        reversed_yaml_string = syaml.dump(reversed_spec_dict,
        json_string = sjson.dump(spec_dict)
        reversed_json_string = sjson.dump(reversed_spec_dict)

        # Do many consistency checks

        # spec yaml is ordered like the spec dict
        assert yaml_string == spec_yaml
        assert json_string == spec_json

        # reversed string is different from the original, so it
        # *would* generate a different hash
        assert yaml_string != reversed_yaml_string
        assert json_string != reversed_json_string

        # build specs from the "wrongly" ordered data
        round_trip_yaml_spec = Spec.from_yaml(yaml_string)
        round_trip_json_spec = Spec.from_json(json_string)
        round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec = Spec.from_yaml(reversed_yaml_string)
        round_trip_reversed_json_spec = Spec.from_yaml(reversed_json_string)

        # TODO: remove this when build deps are in provenance.
        spec = spec.copy(deps=('link', 'run'))
        # specs are equal to the original
        assert spec == round_trip_yaml_spec
        assert spec == round_trip_json_spec
        assert spec == round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec
        assert spec == round_trip_reversed_json_spec
        assert round_trip_yaml_spec == round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec
        assert round_trip_json_spec == round_trip_reversed_json_spec
        # dag_hashes are equal
        assert spec.dag_hash() == round_trip_yaml_spec.dag_hash()
        assert spec.dag_hash() == round_trip_json_spec.dag_hash()
        assert spec.dag_hash() == round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec.dag_hash()
        assert spec.dag_hash() == round_trip_reversed_json_spec.dag_hash()
        # full_hashes are equal
        assert spec.full_hash() == round_trip_yaml_spec.full_hash()
        assert spec.full_hash() == round_trip_json_spec.full_hash()
        assert spec.full_hash() == round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec.full_hash()
        assert spec.full_hash() == round_trip_reversed_json_spec.full_hash()
Beispiel #12
def test_ordered_read_not_required_for_consistent_dag_hash(
        config, mock_packages
    """Make sure ordered serialization isn't required to preserve hashes.

    For consistent hashes, we require that YAML and json documents
    have their keys serialized in a deterministic order. However, we
    don't want to require them to be serialized in order. This
    ensures that is not required.
    specs = ['mpileaks ^zmpi', 'dttop', 'dtuse']
    for spec in specs:
        spec = Spec(spec)

        # Dict & corresponding YAML & JSON from the original spec.
        spec_dict = spec.to_dict()
        spec_yaml = spec.to_yaml()
        spec_json = spec.to_json()

        # Make a spec with reversed OrderedDicts for every
        # OrderedDict in the original.
        reversed_spec_dict = reverse_all_dicts(spec.to_dict())

        # Dump to YAML and JSON
        yaml_string = syaml.dump(spec_dict, default_flow_style=False)
        reversed_yaml_string = syaml.dump(reversed_spec_dict,
        json_string = sjson.dump(spec_dict)
        reversed_json_string = sjson.dump(reversed_spec_dict)

        # Do many consistency checks

        # spec yaml is ordered like the spec dict
        assert yaml_string == spec_yaml
        assert json_string == spec_json

        # reversed string is different from the original, so it
        # *would* generate a different hash
        assert yaml_string != reversed_yaml_string
        assert json_string != reversed_json_string

        # build specs from the "wrongly" ordered data
        round_trip_yaml_spec = Spec.from_yaml(yaml_string)
        round_trip_json_spec = Spec.from_json(json_string)
        round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec = Spec.from_yaml(
        round_trip_reversed_json_spec = Spec.from_yaml(

        # TODO: remove this when build deps are in provenance.
        spec = spec.copy(deps=('link', 'run'))
        # specs are equal to the original
        assert spec == round_trip_yaml_spec
        assert spec == round_trip_json_spec
        assert spec == round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec
        assert spec == round_trip_reversed_json_spec
        assert round_trip_yaml_spec == round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec
        assert round_trip_json_spec == round_trip_reversed_json_spec
        # dag_hashes are equal
        assert spec.dag_hash() == round_trip_yaml_spec.dag_hash()
        assert spec.dag_hash() == round_trip_json_spec.dag_hash()
        assert spec.dag_hash() == round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec.dag_hash()
        assert spec.dag_hash() == round_trip_reversed_json_spec.dag_hash()
        # full_hashes are equal
        assert spec.full_hash() == round_trip_yaml_spec.full_hash()
        assert spec.full_hash() == round_trip_json_spec.full_hash()
        assert spec.full_hash() == round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec.full_hash()
        assert spec.full_hash() == round_trip_reversed_json_spec.full_hash()