def _fitInParallel(self, dataset, paramMaps):
        Fits len(paramMaps) models in parallel, one in each Spark task.
        :param paramMaps: non-empty list or tuple of ParamMaps (dict values)
        :return: list of fitted models, matching the order of paramMaps
        sc = JVMAPI._curr_sc()
        paramMapsRDD = sc.parallelize(paramMaps, numSlices=len(paramMaps))

        # Extract image URI from provided dataset and create features as numpy arrays
        localFeatures, localLabels = self._getNumpyFeaturesAndLabels(dataset)
        localFeaturesBc = sc.broadcast(localFeatures)
        localLabelsBc = None if localLabels is None else sc.broadcast(

        # Broadcast Keras model (HDF5) file content as bytes
        modelBytes = self._loadModelAsBytes()
        modelBytesBc = sc.broadcast(modelBytes)

        # Obtain params for this estimator instance
        baseParamMap = self.extractParamMap()
        baseParamDict = dict([(, val)
                              for param, val in baseParamMap.items()])
        baseParamDictBc = sc.broadcast(baseParamDict)

        def _local_fit(override_param_map):
            Fit locally a model with a combination of this estimator's param,
            with overriding parameters provided by the input.
            :param override_param_map: dict, key type is MLllib Param
                                       They are meant to override the base estimator's params.
            :return: serialized Keras HDF5 file bytes
            # Update params
            params = baseParamDictBc.value
            override_param_dict = dict([
                (, val) for param, val in override_param_map.items()

            # Create Keras model
            model = kmutil.bytes_to_model(modelBytesBc.value)

            # Retrieve features and labels and fit Keras model
            features = localFeaturesBc.value
            labels = None if localLabelsBc is None else localLabelsBc.value
            _fit_params = params['kerasFitParams']
  , y=labels, **_fit_params)

            return kmutil.model_to_bytes(model)

        kerasModelBytesRDD = paramMap:
                                              (paramMap, _local_fit(paramMap)))
        return self._collectModels(kerasModelBytesRDD)
    def fitMultiple(self, dataset, paramMaps):
        Fits len(paramMaps) models in parallel, one in each Spark task.
        :param dataset: input dataset, which is an instance of :py:class:`pyspark.sql.DataFrame`.
                        The column `inputCol` should be of type `sparkdl.image.imageIO.imgSchema`.
        :param paramMaps: non-empty list or tuple of ParamMaps (dict values)
        :return: an iterable which contains one model for each param map. Each call to
                 `next(modelIterator)` will return `(index, model)` where model was fit using
                 `paramMaps[index]`. `index` values may not be sequential.
        .. warning:: This serializes each model into an HDF5 byte file to the driver. If the model
                     file is large, the driver might go out-of-memory. As we cannot assume the
                     existence of a sufficiently large (and writable) file system, users are
                     advised to not train too many models in a single Spark job.
        _ = [self._validateParams(pm) for pm in paramMaps]

        def _get_tunable_name_value_map(param_map, tunable):
            """takes a dictionary {`Param` -> value} and a list [`Param`], select keys that are
            present in both and returns a map of { -> value}"""
            return { val for param, val in param_map.items() if param in tunable}

        sc = JVMAPI._curr_sc()
        param_name_maps = [(i, _get_tunable_name_value_map(pm, self._tunable_params))
                           for (i, pm) in enumerate(paramMaps)]
        num_models = len(param_name_maps)
        paramNameMapsRDD = sc.parallelize(param_name_maps, numSlices=num_models)

        # Extract image URI from provided dataset and create features as numpy arrays
        localFeatures, localLabels = self._getNumpyFeaturesAndLabels(dataset)
        localFeaturesBc = sc.broadcast(localFeatures)
        localLabelsBc = None if localLabels is None else sc.broadcast(localLabels)

        # Broadcast Keras model (HDF5) file content as bytes
        modelBytes = self._loadModelAsBytes()
        modelBytesBc = sc.broadcast(modelBytes)

        # Obtain params for this estimator instance
        base_params = _get_tunable_name_value_map(self.extractParamMap(), self._tunable_params)
        baseParamsBc = sc.broadcast(base_params)

        def _local_fit(row):
            Fit locally a model with a combination of this estimator's param,
            with overriding parameters provided by the input.
            :param row: a list or tuple containing index and override_param_map. Index is an int
                        representing the index of parameter map and override_param_map is a dict
                        whose key is a string representing an MLllib Param Name. These are meant
                        to override the base estimator's params.
            :return: tuple of index, override_param_map and serialized Keras HDF5 file bytes
            index, override_param_map = row
            # Update params
            params = baseParamsBc.value

            # Create Keras model
            model = kmutil.bytes_to_model(modelBytesBc.value)
            model.compile(optimizer=params['kerasOptimizer'], loss=params['kerasLoss'])

            # Retrieve features and labels and fit Keras model
            features = localFeaturesBc.value
            labels = None if localLabelsBc is None else localLabelsBc.value
            _fit_params = params['kerasFitParams']
  , y=labels, **_fit_params)

            return index, override_param_map, kmutil.model_to_bytes(model)

        kerasModelBytesRDD =
        models = self._collectModels(kerasModelBytesRDD)

        return _ThreadSafeIterator(models)
    def fitMultiple(self, dataset, paramMaps):
        Fits len(paramMaps) models in parallel, one in each Spark task.
        :param dataset: input dataset, which is an instance of :py:class:`pyspark.sql.DataFrame`.
                        The column `inputCol` should be of type `sparkdl.image.imageIO.imgSchema`.
        :param paramMaps: non-empty list or tuple of ParamMaps (dict values)
        :return: an iterable which contains one model for each param map. Each call to
                 `next(modelIterator)` will return `(index, model)` where model was fit using
                 `paramMaps[index]`. `index` values may not be sequential.
        .. warning:: This serializes each model into an HDF5 byte file to the driver. If the model
                     file is large, the driver might go out-of-memory. As we cannot assume the
                     existence of a sufficiently large (and writable) file system, users are
                     advised to not train too many models in a single Spark job.
        [self._validateParams(pm) for pm in paramMaps]

        def _name_value_map(paramMap):
            """takes a dictionary {param -> value} and returns a map of { -> value}"""
            return { val for param, val in paramMap.items()}

        sc = JVMAPI._curr_sc()
        paramNameMaps = list(enumerate(map(_name_value_map, paramMaps)))
        num_models = len(paramNameMaps)
        paramNameMapsRDD = sc.parallelize(paramNameMaps, numSlices=num_models)

        # Extract image URI from provided dataset and create features as numpy arrays
        localFeatures, localLabels = self._getNumpyFeaturesAndLabels(dataset)
        localFeaturesBc = sc.broadcast(localFeatures)
        localLabelsBc = None if localLabels is None else sc.broadcast(localLabels)

        # Broadcast Keras model (HDF5) file content as bytes
        modelBytes = self._loadModelAsBytes()
        modelBytesBc = sc.broadcast(modelBytes)

        # Obtain params for this estimator instance
        baseParams = _name_value_map(self.extractParamMap())
        baseParamsBc = sc.broadcast(baseParams)

        def _local_fit(row):
            Fit locally a model with a combination of this estimator's param,
            with overriding parameters provided by the input.
            :param row: a list or tuple containing index and override_param_map. Index is an int
                        representing the index of parameter map and override_param_map is a dict
                        whose key is a string representing an MLllib Param Name. These are meant
                        to override the base estimator's params.
            :return: tuple of index, override_param_map and serialized Keras HDF5 file bytes
            index, override_param_map = row
            # Update params
            params = baseParamsBc.value

            # Create Keras model
            model = kmutil.bytes_to_model(modelBytesBc.value)
            model.compile(optimizer=params['kerasOptimizer'], loss=params['kerasLoss'])

            # Retrieve features and labels and fit Keras model
            features = localFeaturesBc.value
            labels = None if localLabelsBc is None else localLabelsBc.value
            _fit_params = params['kerasFitParams']
  , y=labels, **_fit_params)

            return index, override_param_map, kmutil.model_to_bytes(model)

        kerasModelBytesRDD =
        models = self._collectModels(kerasModelBytesRDD)

        return _ThreadSafeIterator(models)