Beispiel #1
    def _get_submatrix(self, slice0, slice1):
        """Return a submatrix of this matrix (new matrix is created)."""

        slice0, slice1 = self._swap((slice0, slice1))
        shape0, shape1 = self._swap(self.shape)

        def _process_slice(sl, num):
            if isinstance(sl, slice):
                i0, i1 = sl.start, sl.stop
                if i0 is None:
                    i0 = 0
                elif i0 < 0:
                    i0 = num + i0

                if i1 is None:
                    i1 = num
                elif i1 < 0:
                    i1 = num + i1

                return i0, i1

            elif np.isscalar(sl):
                if sl < 0:
                    sl += num

                return sl, sl + 1

                return sl[0], sl[1]

        def _in_bounds(i0, i1, num):
            if not (0 <= i0 < num) or not (0 < i1 <= num) or not (i0 < i1):
                raise IndexError(
                    "index out of bounds: 0<=%d<%d, 0<=%d<%d, %d<%d" %
                    (i0, num, i1, num, i0, i1))

        i0, i1 = _process_slice(slice0, shape0)
        j0, j1 = _process_slice(slice1, shape1)
        _in_bounds(i0, i1, shape0)
        _in_bounds(j0, j1, shape1)

        aux = sparsetools.get_csr_submatrix(shape0, shape1, self.indptr,
                                            self.indices,, i0, i1,
                                            j0, j1)

        data, indices, indptr = aux[2], aux[1], aux[0]
        shape = self._swap((i1 - i0, j1 - j0))

        return self.__class__((data, indices, indptr), shape=shape)
Beispiel #2
    def _get_submatrix( self, row_slice, col_slice ):
        """Return a submatrix of this matrix (new matrix is created)."""

        M,N = self.shape

        def process_slice( sl, num ):
            if isinstance( sl, slice ):
                if sl.step not in (1, None):
                    raise ValueError('slicing with step != 1 not supported')
                i0, i1 = sl.start, sl.stop
                if i0 is None:
                    i0 = 0
                elif i0 < 0:
                    i0 = num + i0

                if i1 is None:
                    i1 = num
                elif i1 < 0:
                    i1 = num + i1

                return i0, i1

            elif isintlike( sl ):
                if sl < 0:
                    sl += num

                return sl, sl + 1

                raise TypeError('expected slice or scalar')

        def check_bounds( i0, i1, num ):
            if not (0<=i0<num) or not (0<i1<=num) or not (i0<i1):
                raise IndexError( \
                      "index out of bounds: 0<=%d<%d, 0<=%d<%d, %d<%d" %\
                      (i0, num, i1, num, i0, i1) )

        i0, i1 = process_slice( row_slice, M )
        j0, j1 = process_slice( col_slice, N )
        check_bounds( i0, i1, M )
        check_bounds( j0, j1, N )

        indptr, indices, data = get_csr_submatrix( M, N, \
                self.indptr, self.indices,, \
                int(i0), int(i1), int(j0), int(j1) )

        shape =  (i1 - i0, j1 - j0)

        return self.__class__( (data,indices,indptr), shape=shape )
    def _get_submatrix( self, slice0, slice1 ):
        """Return a submatrix of this matrix (new matrix is created)."""

        slice0, slice1 = self._swap((slice0,slice1))
        shape0, shape1 = self._swap(self.shape)
        def _process_slice( sl, num ):
            if isinstance( sl, slice ):
                i0, i1 = sl.start, sl.stop
                if i0 is None:
                    i0 = 0
                elif i0 < 0:
                    i0 = num + i0

                if i1 is None:
                    i1 = num
                elif i1 < 0:
                    i1 = num + i1

                return i0, i1

            elif np.isscalar( sl ):
                if sl < 0:
                    sl += num

                return sl, sl + 1

                return sl[0], sl[1]

        def _in_bounds( i0, i1, num ):
            if not (0<=i0<num) or not (0<i1<=num) or not (i0<i1):
                raise IndexError,\
                      "index out of bounds: 0<=%d<%d, 0<=%d<%d, %d<%d" %\
                      (i0, num, i1, num, i0, i1)

        i0, i1 = _process_slice( slice0, shape0 )
        j0, j1 = _process_slice( slice1, shape1 )
        _in_bounds( i0, i1, shape0 )
        _in_bounds( j0, j1, shape1 )

        aux = sparsetools.get_csr_submatrix( shape0, shape1,
                                             self.indptr, self.indices,
                                             i0, i1, j0, j1 )

        data, indices, indptr = aux[2], aux[1], aux[0]
        shape = self._swap( (i1 - i0, j1 - j0) )

        return self.__class__( (data,indices,indptr), shape=shape )
Beispiel #4
    def _get_submatrix(self, row_slice, col_slice):
        """Return a submatrix of this matrix (new matrix is created)."""

        M, N = self.shape

        def process_slice(sl, num):
            if isinstance(sl, slice):
                if sl.step not in (1, None):
                    raise ValueError('slicing with step != 1 not supported')
                i0, i1 = sl.start, sl.stop
                if i0 is None:
                    i0 = 0
                elif i0 < 0:
                    i0 = num + i0

                if i1 is None:
                    i1 = num
                elif i1 < 0:
                    i1 = num + i1

                return i0, i1

            elif isintlike(sl):
                if sl < 0:
                    sl += num

                return sl, sl + 1

                raise TypeError('expected slice or scalar')

        def check_bounds(i0, i1, num):
            if not (0 <= i0 < num) or not (0 < i1 <= num) or not (i0 < i1):
                raise IndexError( \
                      "index out of bounds: 0<=%d<%d, 0<=%d<%d, %d<%d" %\
                      (i0, num, i1, num, i0, i1) )

        i0, i1 = process_slice(row_slice, M)
        j0, j1 = process_slice(col_slice, N)
        check_bounds(i0, i1, M)
        check_bounds(j0, j1, N)

        indptr, indices, data = get_csr_submatrix( M, N, \
                self.indptr, self.indices,, \
                int(i0), int(i1), int(j0), int(j1) )

        shape = (i1 - i0, j1 - j0)

        return self.__class__((data, indices, indptr), shape=shape)