Beispiel #1
    def jacobm(self, q=None, J=None, H=None, from_link=None, to_link=None):
        Calculates the manipulability Jacobian. This measure relates the rate
        of change of the manipulability to the joint velocities of the robot.
        One of J or q is required. Supply J and H if already calculated to
        save computation time

        :param q: The joint angles/configuration of the robot (Optional,
            if not supplied will use the stored q values).
        :type q: float ndarray(n)
        :param J: The manipulator Jacobian in any frame
        :type J: float ndarray(6,n)
        :param H: The manipulator Hessian in any frame
        :type H: float ndarray(6,n,n)
        :return: The manipulability Jacobian
        :rtype: float ndarray(n)

            - Kinematic Derivatives using the Elementary Transform
              Sequence, J. Haviland and P. Corke

        if from_link is None:
            from_link = self.base_link

        if to_link is None:
            to_link = self.ee_links[0]

        path, n = self.get_path(from_link, to_link)

        if J is None:
            if q is None:
                q = np.copy(self.q)
                q = getvector(q, n)

            J = self.jacob0(q, from_link, to_link)
            verifymatrix(J, (6, n))

        if H is None:
            H = self.hessian0(J0=J, from_link=from_link, to_link=to_link)
            verifymatrix(H, (6, n, n))

        manipulability = self.manipulability(J=J,
        b = np.linalg.inv(J @ np.transpose(J))
        Jm = np.zeros((n, 1))

        for i in range(n):
            c = J @ np.transpose(H[:, :, i])
            Jm[i, 0] = manipulability * \
                np.transpose(c.flatten('F')) @ b.flatten('F')

        return Jm
    def friction(self, qd):
        Manipulator joint friction (Robot superclass)

        :param qd: The joint velocities of the robot
        :type qd: ndarray(n)

        :return: The joint friction forces/torques for the robot
        :rtype: ndarray(n,)

        ``robot.friction(qd)`` is a vector of joint friction
        forces/torques for the robot moving with joint velocities ``qd``.

        The friction model includes:

        - Viscous friction which is a linear function of velocity.
        - Coulomb friction which is proportional to sign(qd).

        .. math::

            \tau_j = G^2 B \dot{q}_j + |G_j| \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
                \tau_{C,j}^+ & \mbox{if $\dot{q}_j > 0$} \\
                \tau_{C,j}^- & \mbox{if $\dot{q}_j < 0$} \end{array} \right.

        .. note::

            - The friction value should be added to the motor output torque to
              determine the nett torque. It has a negative value when qd > 0.
            - The returned friction value is referred to the output of the
            - The friction parameters in the Link object are referred to the
            - Motor viscous friction is scaled up by :math:`G^2`.
            - Motor Coulomb friction is scaled up by math:`G`.
            - The appropriate Coulomb friction value to use in the
              non-symmetric case depends on the sign of the joint velocity,
              not the motor velocity.
            - Coulomb friction is zero for zero joint velocity, stiction is
              not modeled.
            - The absolute value of the gear ratio is used.  Negative gear
              ratios are tricky: the Puma560 robot has negative gear ratio for
              joints 1 and 3.
            - The absolute value of the gear ratio is used. Negative gear
              ratios are tricky: the Puma560 has negative gear ratio for
              joints 1 and 3.

        :seealso: :func:`Robot.nofriction`, :func:`Link.friction`

        qd = getvector(qd, self.n)
        tau = np.zeros(self.n)

        for i in range(self.n):
            tau[i] = self.links[i].friction(qd[i])

        return tau
    def Planes(pi1, pi2):
        Plucker.planes Create Plucker line from two planes

        P = Plucker.planes(PI1, PI2) is a Plucker object that represents
        the line formed by the intersection of two planes PI1, PI2 (each 4x1).

         - Planes are given by the 4-vector [a b c d] to represent ax+by+cz+d=0.

        if not isinstance(p11, Plane):
            pi1 = Plane(arg.getvector(pi1, 4))
        if not isinstance(p12, Plane):
            pi2 = Plane(arg.getvector(pi2, 4))

        w = np.cross(pi1.n, pi2.n)
        v = pi2.d * pi1.n - pi1.d * pi2.n
        return Plucker(np.r_[v, w])
def rpy2r(roll, pitch=None, yaw=None, *, unit='rad', order='zyx'):
    Create an SO(3) rotation matrix from roll-pitch-yaw angles

    :param roll: roll angle
    :type roll: float
    :param pitch: pitch angle
    :type pitch: float
    :param yaw: yaw angle
    :type yaw: float
    :param unit: angular units: 'rad' [default], or 'deg'
    :type unit: str
    :param unit: rotation order: 'zyx' [default], 'xyz', or 'yxz'
    :type unit: str
    :return: 3x3 rotation matrix
    :rtype: numpdy.ndarray, shape=(3,3)

    - ``rpy2r(ROLL, PITCH, YAW)`` is an SO(3) orthonormal rotation matrix
      (3x3) equivalent to the specified roll, pitch, yaw angles angles.
      These correspond to successive rotations about the axes specified by ``order``:
        - 'zyx' [default], rotate by yaw about the z-axis, then by pitch about the new y-axis,
          then by roll about the new x-axis.  Convention for a mobile robot with x-axis forward
          and y-axis sideways.
        - 'xyz', rotate by yaw about the x-axis, then by pitch about the new y-axis,
          then by roll about the new z-axis. Covention for a robot gripper with z-axis forward
          and y-axis between the gripper fingers.
        - 'yxz', rotate by yaw about the y-axis, then by pitch about the new x-axis,
          then by roll about the new z-axis. Convention for a camera with z-axis parallel
          to the optic axis and x-axis parallel to the pixel rows.
    - ``rpy2r(RPY)`` as above but the roll, pitch, yaw angles are taken
      from ``RPY`` which is a 3-vector (array_like) with values
      (ROLL, PITCH, YAW).
    :seealso: :func:`~eul2r`, :func:`~rpy2tr`, :func:`~tr2rpy`

    if np.isscalar(roll):
        angles = [roll, pitch, yaw]
        angles = argcheck.getvector(roll, 3)

    angles = argcheck.getunit(angles, unit)

    if order == 'xyz' or order == 'arm':
        R = rotx(angles[2]) @ roty(angles[1]) @ rotz(angles[0])
    elif order == 'zyx' or order == 'vehicle':
        R = rotz(angles[2]) @ roty(angles[1]) @ rotx(angles[0])
    elif order == 'yxz' or order == 'camera':
        R = roty(angles[2]) @ rotx(angles[1]) @ rotz(angles[0])
        raise ValueError('Invalid angle order')

    return R
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, s: Any = None, v=None, check=True, norm=True):
        A zero quaternion is one for which M{s^2+vx^2+vy^2+vz^2 = 1}.
        A quaternion can be considered as a rotation about a vector in space where
        q = cos (theta/2) sin(theta/2) <vx vy vz>
        where <vx vy vz> is a unit vector.
        :param s: scalar
        :param v: vector

        if s is None and v is None:
   = [np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])]

        elif argcheck.isscalar(s) and argcheck.isvector(v, 3):
   = [np.r_[s, argcheck.getvector(v)]]

        elif argcheck.isvector(s, 4):
   = [argcheck.getvector(s)]

        elif isinstance(s, list):
            if isinstance(s[0], np.ndarray):
                if check:
                    assert argcheck.isvectorlist(
                        s, 4), 'list must comprise 4-vectors'
       = s
            elif isinstance(s[0], self.__class__):
                # possibly a list of objects of same type
                assert all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, self.__class__),
                               s)), 'all elements of list must have same type'
       = [x._A for x in s]
                raise ValueError('incorrect list')

        elif isinstance(s, np.ndarray) and s.shape[1] == 4:
   = [x for x in s]

        elif isinstance(s, Quaternion):

            raise ValueError('bad argument to Quaternion constructor')
    def point(L, lam):
        Plucker.point Generate point on line

        ``P = self.point(LAMBDA)`` is a point on the line, where LAMBDA is the parametric
        distance along the line from the principal point of the line P = PP + self.UW*LAMBDA.

        See also Plucker.pp, Plucker.closest.
        lam = arg.getvector(lam, out='row')
        return L.pp.reshape((3, 1)) + L.uw.reshape((3, 1)) * lam
Beispiel #7
    def I(self, I_new):  # noqa
        # Try for Inertia Matrix
            verifymatrix(I_new, (3, 3))
        except (ValueError, TypeError):

            # Try for the moments and products of inertia
            # [Ixx Iyy Izz Ixy Iyz Ixz]
                Ia = getvector(I_new, 6)
                I_new = np.array([[Ia[0], Ia[3], Ia[5]], [Ia[3], Ia[1], Ia[4]],
                                  [Ia[5], Ia[4], Ia[2]]])
            except ValueError:

                # Try for the moments of inertia
                # [Ixx Iyy Izz]
                Ia = getvector(I_new, 3)
                I_new = np.diag(Ia)

        self._I = I_new
    def R(cls, a, q, p=None):
        Construct a new rotational 3D twist
        :param a: Twist axis or line of action
        :type a: 3-element array_like
        :param q: Point on the line of action
        :type q: 3-element array_like
        :param p: pitch, defaults to None
        :type p: float, optional
        :return: a rotational or helical twist
        :rtype: Twist instance


        w = tr.unitvec(argcheck.getvector(a, 3))
        v = -np.cross(w, argcheck.getvector(q, 3))
        if p is not None:
            pitch = argcheck.getvector(p, 3)
            v = v + pitch * w
        return cls(v, w)
    def PointDir(point, dir):
        Create Plucker line from point and direction
        :param point: A 3D point
        :type point: 3-element array_like
        :param dir: Direction vector
        :type dir: 3-element array_like
        :return: Plucker line
        :rtype: Plucker
        ``L = Plucker.pointdir(P, W)`` is a Plucker object that represents the
        line containing the point ``P`` and parallel to the direction vector ``W``.

        :seealso: Plucker, Plucker.Planes, Plucker.PQ

        point = arg.getvector(point, 3)
        dir = arg.getvector(dir, 3)

        return Plucker(np.r_[np.cross(dir, point), dir])
def inner(q1, q2):
    Quaternion innert product

    :arg q0: quaternion as a 4-vector
    :type q0: : array_like
    :arg q1: uaternion as a 4-vector
    :type q1: array_like
    :return: inner product
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(4,)

    This is the inner or dot product of two quaternions, it is the sum of the element-wise

    :seealso: qvmul

    q1 = argcheck.getvector(q1, 4)
    q2 = argcheck.getvector(q2, 4)

    return, q2)
Beispiel #11
    def kcircle(self, r, hw=None):
        Circular structuring element

        :param r: radius of circle structuring element, or 2-vector (see below)
        :type r: float, 2-tuple or 2-element vector of floats
        :param hw: half-width of kernel
        :type hw: integer
        :return k: kernel
        :rtype: numpy array (2 * 3 * sigma + 1, 2 * 3 * sigma + 1)

        - ``IM.kcircle(r)`` is a square matrix ``(w,w)`` where ``w=2r+1`` of
          zeros with a maximal centred circular region of radius ``r`` pixels
          set to one.

        - ``IM.kcircle(r,w)`` as above but the dimension of the kernel is
          explicitly specified.


        .. autorun:: pycon

        .. note::

            - If ``r`` is a 2-element vector the result is an annulus of ones,
              and the two numbers are interpretted as inner and outer radii.

        # check valid input:
        if not argcheck.isscalar(r):  # r.shape[1] > 1:
            r = argcheck.getvector(r)
            rmax = r.max()
            rmin = r.min()
            rmax = r

        if hw is not None:
            w = hw * 2 + 1
        elif hw is None:
            w = 2 * rmax + 1

        s = np.zeros((,
        c = np.floor(w / 2.0)

        if not argcheck.isscalar(r):
            s = self.kcircle(rmax, w) - self.kcircle(rmin, w)
            x, y = self.meshgrid(s)
            x = x - c
            y = y - c
            ll = np.where(np.round((x**2 + y**2 - r**2) <= 0))
            s[ll] = 1
        return s
Beispiel #12
    def inertia(self, q=None):
        SerialLink.INERTIA Manipulator inertia matrix

        I = inertia(q) is the symmetric joint inertia matrix (nxn) which
        relates joint torque to joint acceleration for the robot at joint
        configuration q.

        I = inertia() as above except uses the stored q value of the robot

        If q is a matrix (nxk), each row is interpretted as a joint state
        vector, and the result is a 3d-matrix (nxnxk) where each plane
        corresponds to the inertia for the corresponding row of q.

        :param q: The joint angles/configuration of the robot (Optional,
            if not supplied will use the stored q values).
        :type q: float ndarray(n)

        :return I: The inertia matrix
        :rtype I: float ndarray(n,n)

            - The diagonal elements I(J,J) are the inertia seen by joint
              actuator J.
            - The off-diagonal elements I(J,K) are coupling inertias that
              relate acceleration on joint J to force/torque on joint K.
            - The diagonal terms include the motor inertia reflected through
              the gear ratio.


        trajn = 1

            q = getvector(q, self.n, 'row')
        except ValueError:
            trajn = q.shape[0]
            verifymatrix(q, (trajn, self.n))

        In = np.zeros((trajn, self.n, self.n))

        for i in range(trajn):
            In[i, :, :] = self.rne((np.c_[q[i, :]] @ np.ones((1, self.n))).T,
                                   np.zeros((self.n, self.n)),
                                   grav=[0, 0, 0])

        if trajn == 1:
            return In[0, :, :]
            return In
def _plot2(robot,

    # Make an empty 2D figure
    env = rp.backend.PyPlot2()

    trajn = 1

    if q is None:
        q = robot.q

        q = getvector(q, robot.n, 'col')
        robot.q = q
    except ValueError:
        trajn = q.shape[1]
        verifymatrix(q, (robot.n, trajn))

    # Add the robot to the figure in readonly mode
    if trajn == 1:
        env.launch( + ' Plot', limits)
        env.launch( + ' Trajectory Plot', limits)

    env.add(robot, readonly=True, eeframe=eeframe, name=name)

    if vellipse:
        vell = robot.vellipse(centre='ee')

    if fellipse:
        fell = robot.fellipse(centre='ee')

    if trajn != 1:
        for i in range(trajn):
            robot.q = q[:, i]
            time.sleep(dt / 1000)

    # Keep the plot open
    if block:  # pragma: no cover

    return env
def oa2r(o, a=None):
    Create SO(3) rotation matrix from two vectors

    :param o: 3-vector parallel to Y- axis
    :type o: array_like
    :param a: 3-vector parallel to the Z-axis
    :type o: array_like
    :return: 3x3 rotation matrix
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,3)

    ``T = oa2tr(O, A)`` is an SO(3) orthonormal rotation matrix for a frame defined in terms of
    vectors parallel to its Y- and Z-axes with respect to a reference frame.  In robotics these axes are 
    respectively called the orientation and approach vectors defined such that
    R = [N O A] and N = O x A.
        1. N' = O x A
        2. O' = A x N
        3. normalize N', O', A
        4. stack horizontally into rotation matrix

    - The A vector is the only guaranteed to have the same direction in the resulting 
      rotation matrix
    - O and A do not have to be unit-length, they are normalized
    - O and A do not have to be orthogonal, so long as they are not parallel
    - The vectors O and A are parallel to the Y- and Z-axes of the equivalent coordinate frame.

    :seealso: :func:`~oa2tr`
    o = argcheck.getvector(o, 3, out='array')
    a = argcheck.getvector(a, 3, out='array')
    n = np.cross(o, a)
    o = np.cross(a, n)
    R = np.stack((vec.unitvec(n), vec.unitvec(o), vec.unitvec(a)), axis=1)
    return R
def qvmul(q, v):
    Vector rotation
    :arg q: input unit-quaternion
    :type q: 4-vector: list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
    :arg v: 3-vector to be rotated
    :type v: list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
    :return: rotated 3-vector
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,)
    The vector `v` is rotated about the origin by the SO(3) equivalent of the unit
    .. warning:: There is no check that the passed value is a unit-quaternions.

    :seealso: qvmul
    q = check.getvector(q, 4)
    v = check.getvector(v, 3)
    qv = qqmul(q, qqmul(pure(v), conj(q)))
    return qv[1:4]
def dotb(q, w):
    Rate of change of unit-quaternion
    :arg q0: unit-quaternion
    :type q0: 4-vector: list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
    :arg w: angular velocity in body frame
    :type w: 3-vector: list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
    :return: rate of change of unit quaternion
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(4,)
    ``dot(q, w)`` is the rate of change of the elements of the unit quaternion ``q``
    which represents the orientation of a body frame with angular velocity ``w`` in
    the body frame.
    .. warning:: There is no check that the passed values are unit-quaternions.

    q = check.getvector(q, 4)
    w = check.getvector(w, 3)
    E = q[0] * (np.eye(3, 3)) + tr.skew(q[1:4])
    return 0.5 * np.r_[[1:4], w), E @ w]
Beispiel #17
def ctraj(T0, T1, s):
    Cartesian trajectory between two poses

    :param T0: initial pose
    :type T0: SE3
    :param T1: final pose
    :type T1: SE3
    :return T0: smooth path from ``T0`` to ``T1``
    :rtype: SE3

    ``ctraj(T0, T1, n)`` is a Cartesian trajectory from SE3 pose ``T0`` to
    ``T1`` with ``n`` points that follow a trapezoidal velocity profile along
    the path. The Cartesian trajectory is an SE3 instance containing ``n``

    ``ctraj(T0, T1, s)`` as above but the elements of ``s`` specify the
    fractional distance  along the path, and these values are in the
    range [0 1]. The i'th point corresponds to a distance ``s[i]`` along
    the path.


        >>> tg = ctraj(SE3.Rand(), SE3.Rand(), 20)
        >>> len(tg)


    - In the second case ``s`` could be generated by a scalar trajectory
      generator such as ``tpoly`` or ``lspb`` (default).
    - Orientation interpolation is performed using unit-quaternion


    - Robotics, Vision & Control, Sec 3.1.5,
      Peter Corke, Springer 2011

    :seealso: :func:`~roboticstoolbox.trajectory.lspb`,

    if isinstance(s, int):
        s = lspb(0, 1, s).y
    elif isvector(s):
        s = getvector(s)
        raise TypeError('bad argument for time, must be int or vector')

    return T0.interp(T1, s)
Beispiel #18
 def __init__(self, arg = None, *, unit='rad'):
     super().__init__()  # activate the UserList semantics
     if arg is None:
         # empty constructor = [np.eye(2)]
     elif argcheck.isvector(arg):
         # SO2(value)
         # SO2(list of values) = [transforms.rot2(x, unit) for x in argcheck.getvector(arg)]
Beispiel #19
    def P(cls, a):
        Construct a new prismatic 3D twist
        :param a: Twist axis or line of action
        :type a: 3-element array_like
        :return: a prismatic twist
        :rtype: Twist instance

        w = np.r_[0, 0, 0]
        v = tr.unitvec(argcheck.getvector(a, 3))

        return cls(v, w)
Beispiel #20
    def intersect_plane(line, plane):
        Line intersection with a plane
        :param line: A line
        :type line: Plucker
        :param plane: A plane
        :type plane: 4-element array_like or Plane
        :return: Intersection point
        :rtype: collections.namedtuple

        - ``line.intersect_plane(plane).p`` is the point where the line 
          intersects the plane, or None if no intersection.
        - ``line.intersect_plane(plane).lam`` is the `lambda` value for the point on the line
          that intersects the plane.

        The plane can be specified as:
         - a 4-vector :math:`[a, b, c, d]` which describes the plane :math:`\pi: ax + by + cz + d=0`.
         - a ``Plane`` object
         The return value is a named tuple with elements:
            - ``.p`` for the point on the line as a numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,)
            - ``.lam`` the `lambda` value for the point on the line.

        See also Plucker.point.

        # Line U, V
        # Plane N n
        # (VxN-nU:U.N)
        # Note that this is in homogeneous coordinates.
        #    intersection of plane (n,p) with the line (v,p)
        #    returns point and line parameter

        if not isinstance(plane, Plane):
            plane = Plane(arg.getvector(plane, 4))

        den =, plane.n)

        if abs(den) > (100 * _eps):
            # P = -(np.cross(line.v, plane.n) + plane.d * line.w) / den
            p = (np.cross(line.v, plane.n) - plane.d * line.w) / den

            t = - p, plane.n)
            return namedtuple('intersect_plane', 'p lam')(p, t)
            return None
def conj(q):
    Quaternion conjugate

    :arg q: quaternion as a 4-vector
    :type v: array_like
    :return: conjugate of input quaternion
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(4,)

    Conjugate of quaternion, the vector part is negated.

    q = argcheck.getvector(q, 4)
    return np.r_[q[0], -q[1:4]]
Beispiel #22
    def PQ(P=None, Q=None):
        Create Plucker line object from two 3D points
        :param P: First 3D point
        :type P: 3-element array_like
        :param Q: Second 3D point
        :type Q: 3-element array_like
        :return: Plucker line
        :rtype: Plucker

        ``L = Plucker(P, Q)`` create a Plucker object that represents
        the line joining the 3D points ``P`` (3-vector) and ``Q`` (3-vector). The direction
        is from ``Q`` to ``P``.

        :seealso: Plucker, Plucker.Planes, Plucker.PointDir
        P = arg.getvector(P, 3)
        Q = arg.getvector(Q, 3)
        # compute direction and moment
        w = P - Q
        v = np.cross(P - Q, P)
        return Plucker(np.r_[v, w])
Beispiel #23
    def stretch(self, max=1, r=None):
        Image normalisation

        :param max: M  pixels are mapped to the r 0 to M
        :type max: scalar integer or float
        :param r: r[0] is mapped to 0, r[1] is mapped to 1 (or max value)
        :type r: 2-tuple or numpy array (2,1)
        :return: Image with pixel values stretched to M across r
        :rtype: Image instance

        - ``IM.stretch()`` is a normalised image in which all pixel values lie
          in the r range of 0 to 1. That is, a linear mapping where the minimum
          value of ``im`` is mapped to 0 and the maximum value of ``im`` is
          mapped to 1.


        .. runblock:: pycon

        .. note::

            - For an integer image the result is a float image in the range 0
              to max value


            - Robotics, Vision & Control, Section 12.1, P. Corke,
              Springer 2011.

        # TODO make all infinity values = None?

        out = []
        for im in [img.image for img in self]:
            if r is None:
                mn = np.min(im)
                mx = np.max(im)
                r = argcheck.getvector(r)
                mn = r[0]
                mx = r[1]

            zs = (im - mn) / (mx - mn) * max

            if r is not None:
                zs = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(max, zs))

        return self.__class__(out)
    def hessian0(self, q=None, J0=None, from_link=None, to_link=None):
        The manipulator Hessian tensor maps joint acceleration to end-effector
        spatial acceleration, expressed in the world-coordinate frame. This
        function calulcates this based on the ETS of the robot. One of J0 or q
        is required. Supply J0 if already calculated to save computation time

        :param q: The joint angles/configuration of the robot (Optional,
            if not supplied will use the stored q values).
        :type q: float ndarray(n)
        :param J0: The manipulator Jacobian in the 0 frame
        :type J0: float ndarray(6,n)
        :return: The manipulator Hessian in 0 frame
        :rtype: float ndarray(6,n,n)

            - Kinematic Derivatives using the Elementary Transform
              Sequence, J. Haviland and P. Corke

        if from_link is None:
            from_link = self.base_link

        if to_link is None:
            to_link = self.ee_links[0]

        path, n = self.get_path(from_link, to_link)

        if J0 is None:
            if q is None:
                q = np.copy(self.q)
                q = getvector(q, n)

            J0 = self.jacob0(q, from_link, to_link)
            verifymatrix(J0, (6, n))

        H = np.zeros((6, n, n))

        for j in range(n):
            for i in range(j, n):

                H[:3, i, j] = np.cross(J0[3:, j], J0[:3, i])
                H[3:, i, j] = np.cross(J0[3:, j], J0[3:, i])

                if i != j:
                    H[:3, j, i] = H[:3, i, j]

        return H
def conj(q):
    Quaternion conjugate
    :arg q: input quaternion
    :type v: 4-vector: list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
    :return: conjugate of input quaternion 
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(4,)
    Conjugate of quaternion, the vector part is negated.
    q = check.getvector(q, 4)
    return np.r_[q[0], -q[1:4]]
Beispiel #26
    def test_humoments(self):

        im = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
                       [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
        out = np.array([
            0.184815794830043, 0.004035534812971, 0.000533013844814,
            0.000035606641461, 0.000000003474073, 0.000000189873096,
        im = Image(im)
        hu = im.humoments()
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(argcheck.getvector(hu[0]), out, decimal=7)
 def P(cls, a):
     Construct a new 2D primsmatic Twist object
     :param a: displacment
     :type a: 2-element array-like
     :return: 2D prismatic twist
     :rtype: Twist2 instance
     - ``Twist.P(q)`` is a 2D Twist object representing 2D-translation in the direction ``a``.
     w = 0
     v = tr.unitvec(argcheck.getvector(a, 2))
     return cls(v, w)
Beispiel #28
    def publish_transforms(self) -> None:
        if not self.is_publishing_transforms:

        for robot in self.robots:
            joint_positions = getvector(robot.q, robot.n)

            for link in robot.elinks:
                if link.parent is None:

                if link.isjoint:
                    transform = link.A(joint_positions[link.jindex])
                    transform = link.A()


            for gripper in robot.grippers:
                joint_positions = getvector(gripper.q, gripper.n)

                for link in gripper.links:
                    if link.parent is None:

                    if link.isjoint:
                        transform = link.A(joint_positions[link.jindex])
                        transform = link.A()

Beispiel #29
 def __init__(self, x = None, y = None, theta = None, *, unit='rad'):
     super().__init__()  # activate the UserList semantics
     if x is None:
         # empty constructor = [np.eye(3)]
     elif all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, (int,float)), [x, y, theta])):
         # SE2(x, y, theta) = [transforms.trot2(theta, t=[x,y], unit=unit)]
     elif argcheck.isvector(x) and argcheck.isvector(y) and argcheck.isvector(theta):
         # SE2(xvec, yvec, tvec)
         xvec = argcheck.getvector(x)
         yvec = argcheck.getvector(y, dim=len(xvec))
         tvec = argcheck.getvector(theta, dim=len(xvec)) = [transforms.trot2(_t, t=[_x, _y]) for (_x, _y, _t) in zip(xvec, yvec, argcheck.getunit(tvec, unit))]
     elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and y is None and theta is None:
         assert x.shape[1] == 3, 'array argument must be Nx3' = [transforms.trot2(_t, t=[_x, _y], unit=unit) for (_x, _y, _t) in x]
def pure(v):
    Create a pure quaternion
    :arg v: vector
    :type v: 3-vector: list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
    :return: pure quaternion
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape=(4,)
    Creates a pure quaternion, with a zero scalar value and the vector part
    equal to the passed vector value.

    v = check.getvector(v, 3)
    return np.r_[0, v]