def trplot(self, end, start=None, **kwargs):
        Define the transform to animate

        :param end: the final pose SO(3) or SE(3) to display as a coordinate frame
        :type end: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,3) or (4,4)
        :param start: the initial pose SO(3) or SE(3) to display as a coordinate frame, defaults to null
        :type start: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,3) or (4,4)
        :param start: an 

        Is polymorphic with ``base.trplot`` and accepts the same parameters.
        This sets up the animation but doesn't execute it.

        :seealso: :func:`run`

        # stash the final value
        if tr.isrot(end):
            self.end = tr.r2t(end)
            self.end = end

        if start is None:
            self.start = np.identity(4)
            if tr.isrot(start):
                self.start = tr.r2t(start)
                self.start = start

        # draw axes at the origin
        tr.trplot(self.start, axes=self, block=None, **kwargs)
    def trplot(self, end, start=None, **kwargs):
        Define the transform to animate

        :param end: the final pose SE(3) or SO(3) to display as a coordinate frame
        :type end: ndarray(4,4) or ndarray(3,3)
        :param start: the initial pose SE(3) or SO(3) to display as a coordinate frame, defaults to null
        :type start: ndarray(4,4) or ndarray(3,3)
        :param start: an

        Is polymorphic with ``base.trplot`` and accepts the same parameters.
        This sets up the animation but doesn't execute it.

        :seealso: :func:`run`

        if not isinstance(end, (np.ndarray, np.generic)) and isinstance(
                end, Iterable):
                if len(end) == 1:
                    end = end[0]
                elif len(end) >= 2:
                    self.trajectory = end
            except TypeError:
                # a generator has no len()
                self.trajectory = end

        # stash the final value
        if base.isrot(end):
            self.end = base.r2t(end)
            self.end = end

        if start is None:
            self.start = np.identity(4)
            if base.isrot(start):
                self.start = base.r2t(start)
                self.start = start

        # draw axes at the origin
        base.trplot(self.start, axes=self, **kwargs)
    def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot pose object as a coordinate frame (superclass method)

        :param `**kwargs`: plotting options

        - ``X.plot()`` displays the pose ``X`` as a coordinate frame in either
          2D or 3D.  There are many options, see the links below.


            >>> X = SE3.Rx(0.3)
            >>> X.plot(frame='A', color='green')

        :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transforms3d.trplot`, :func:`~spatialmath.base.transforms2d.trplot2`
        if self.N == 2:
            tr.trplot2(self.A, *args, **kwargs)
            tr.trplot(self.A, *args, **kwargs)
    def trplot(self, T, **kwargs):
        Define the transform to animate

        :param T: an SO(3) or SE(3) pose to be displayed as coordinate frame
        :type: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,3) or (4,4)

        Is polymorphic with ``base.trplot`` and accepts the same parameters.
        This sets up the animation but doesn't execute it.

        :seealso: :func:`run`

        # stash the final value
        if tr.isrot(T):
            self.T = tr.r2t(T)
            self.T = T
        # draw axes at the origin
        tr.trplot(np.eye(4), axes=self, **kwargs)
 def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
     tr.trplot(tr.q2r(self._A), *args, **kwargs)
Beispiel #6
def tranimate(T, **kwargs):
    anim = Animate(**kwargs)
    tr.trplot(T, axes=anim, **kwargs)**kwargs)
 def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if self.N == 2:
         tr.trplot2(self.A, *args, **kwargs)
         tr.trplot(self.A, *args, **kwargs)
import spatialmath.base as tr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

tr.trplot(tr.transl(1, 2, 3), frame='A', rviz=True, width=1)
tr.trplot(tr.transl(3, 1, 2), color='red', width=3, frame='B')
tr.trplot(tr.transl(4, 3, 1) @ tr.trotx(60, 'deg'), color='green', frame='c')