def exp(self, theta=None, units='rad'):
        Twist.exp Convert twist to homogeneous transformation

        TW.exp is the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist (SE2 or SE3).

        TW.exp(THETA) as above but with a rotation of THETA about the twist.

        - For the second form the twist must, if rotational, have a unit rotational component.

        See also Twist.T, trexp, trexp2.

        if units != 'rad' and self.isprismatic:
            print('Twist.exp: using degree mode for a prismatic twist')

        if theta is None:
            theta = 1
            theta = argcheck.getunit(theta, units)

        if isinstance(theta, (int, np.int64, float, np.float64)):
            return SE2(tr.trexp2(self.S * theta))
            return SE2([tr.trexp2(self.S * t) for t in theta])
Beispiel #2
    def draw(self):
        if not self.display:

        if not self.drawn:

        ## Update the robot links

        # compute all link frames
        T = self.robot.fkine_all(self.robot.q)

        # draw all the line segments for the noodle plot
        for i, segment in enumerate(self.segments):
            linkframes = []
            for link in segment:
                if link is None:
            points = np.array([linkframe.t for linkframe in linkframes])

            self.links[i].set_xdata(points[:, 0])
            self.links[i].set_ydata(points[:, 1])

        ## Draw the end-effectors

        # Remove old ee coordinate frame
        if self.eeframes:
            for quiver in self.eeframes:

            self.eeframes = []

        if self.eeframe:
            len = self.options['eelength']
            Tjx = SE2(len, 0)
            Tjy = SE2(0, len)

            # add new ee coordinate frame
            for link in self.robot.ee_links:
                Te = T[link.number]

                # ee axes arrows
                Tex = Te * Tjx
                Tey = Te * Tjy

                xaxis = self._plot_quiver(Te.t, Tex.t, self.options['eex'])
                yaxis = self._plot_quiver(Te.t, Tey.t, self.options['eey'])

                self.eeframes.extend([xaxis, yaxis])
    def draw(self):
        if not self.display:

        if not self.drawn:

        ## Update the robot links

        # compute all link frames
        T = self.robot.fkine_path(self.robot.q)

        # draw all the line segments for the noodle plot
        for i, segment in enumerate(self.segments):
            linkframes = []
            for link in segment:
                if link is None:
                    linkframes.append(T[link.number + 1])
            points = np.array([linkframe.t for linkframe in linkframes])

            self.links[i].set_xdata(points[:, 0])
            self.links[i].set_ydata(points[:, 1])

        ## Draw the end-effectors

        # Remove old ee coordinate frame
        if self.eeframes:
            for quiver in self.eeframes:

            self.eeframes = []

        Tjx = SE2(0.06, 0)
        Tjy = SE2(0, 0.06)
        red = '#F84752'  # '#EE9494'
        green = '#BADA55'  # '#93E7B0'

        # add new ee coordinate frame
        for link in self.robot.ee_links:
            Te = T[link.number + 1]

            # ee axes arrows
            Tex = Te * Tjx
            Tey = Te * Tjy

            xaxis = self._plot_quiver(Te.t, Tex.t, red, 2)
            yaxis = self._plot_quiver(Te.t, Tey.t, green, 2)

            self.eeframes.extend([xaxis, yaxis])
Beispiel #4
def create_marker(scene, x, y, shape, colour=None):
    Draw the shape at the given position

    :param scene: The scene in which to draw the object
    :type scene: class:`vpython.canvas`
    :param x: The x location to draw the object at
    :type x: `float`
    :param y: The y location to draw the object at
    :type y: `float`
    :param shape: The shape of the object to draw
    :type shape: `str`
    :param colour: The colour of the object
    :type colour: `list`
    :returns: A 2D object that has been drawn
    :rtype: class:`graphics.graphics_object2d.Object2D`
    # Set default colour
    # Stops a warning about mutable parameter
    if colour is None:
        colour = [0, 0, 0]

    # Create an SE2 for the object
    obj_se2 = SE2(x=x, y=y, theta=0)

    # Create the object and return it
    return Marker2D(obj_se2, scene, shape, colour)
    def SE2(tw):
        %Twist.SE Convert twist to SE2 or SE3 object
        TW.SE is an SE2 or SE3 object representing the homogeneous transformation equivalent to the twist.
            See also Twist.T, SE2, SE3.

        return SE2(tw.exp())
    def A(self, q=0.0, **kwargs):
        Link transform matrix
        :param q: Joint coordinate (radians or metres). Not required for links
            with no variable
        :type q: float
        :param fast: return NumPy array instead of ``SE3``
        :type param: bool
        :return T: link frame transformation matrix
        :rtype T: SE3 or ndarray(4,4)
        ``LINK.A(q)`` is an SE(3) matrix that describes the rigid-body
          transformation from the previous to the current link frame to
          the next, which depends on the joint coordinate ``q``.
        If ``fast`` is True return a NumPy array, either SE(2) or SE(3).
        A value of None means that it is the identity matrix.
        If ``fast`` is False return an ``SE2`` or ``SE3`` instance.

        if self.isjoint:
            # a variable joint
            if q is None:
                raise ValueError("q is required for variable joints")

            # premultiply variable part by constant part if present
            Ts = self.Ts
            if Ts is None:
                T = self.v.T(q)
                T = Ts @ self.v.T(q)
            # a fixed joint
            T = self.Ts

        if T is None:
            return SE2()
            return SE2(T, check=False)
Beispiel #7
    def test_fkine_all(self):
        a1 = 1
        a2 = 1
        e = ETS2.r() * ETS2.tx(a1) * ETS2.r() * ETS2.tx(a2)
        robot = ERobot2(e)

        T = robot.fkine_all([0, 0])
        self.assertIsInstance(T, SE2)
        self.assertEqual(len(T), 4)

        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(T[0].A, SE2().A)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(T[1].A, SE2().A)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(T[2].A, SE2(1, 0).A)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(T[3].A, SE2(2, 0).A)

        robot = ERobot2([
            ELink2(ETS2.r(), name='link1'),
            ELink2(ETS2.tx(1.2) * ETS2.ty(-0.5) * ETS2.r(),
            ELink2(ETS2.tx(1), name='ee_1', parent='link2'),
            ELink2(ETS2.tx(0.6) * ETS2.ty(0.5) * ETS2.r(),
            ELink2(ETS2.tx(1), name='ee_2', parent='link3')
        T = robot.fkine_all([0, 0, 0])
        self.assertIsInstance(T, SE2)
        self.assertEqual(len(T), 6)

        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(T[0].A, SE2().A)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(T[1].A, SE2().A)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(T[2].A, SE2(1.2, -0.5).A)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(T[3].A, SE2(2.2, -0.5).A)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(T[4].A, SE2(0.6, 0.5).A)
        nt.assert_array_almost_equal(T[5].A, SE2(1.6, 0.5).A)
    def scanmap(self,
                centre=(75, 50),

        self._centre = centre
        self._cellsize = cellsize
        self._ngrid = ngrid

        # h = waitbar(0, 'rendering a map')

        world = np.zeros((ngrid, ngrid), np.int32)
        for i in range(0, self.graph.n):

            # if i % 20 == 0:
            #     waitbar(i/self.graph.n, h)

            xy = self.scanxy(i)
            r, theta = self.scan(i)
            if maxrange is not None:
                xy = np.delete(xy, r > maxrange, axis=0)
            xyt = self.vindex[i].coord

            xy = SE2(xyt) * xy.T

            # start of each ray
            p1 = self.w2g(xyt[0:2])

            for end in xy.T:

                # end of each ray
                p2 = self.w2g(end[0:2])

                # all cells along the ray
                x, y = bresenham(p1, p2)

                    # decrement cells along the ray, these are free space
                    world[y[:-1], x[:-1]] = world[y[:-1], x[:-1]] - 1
                    # increment target cell
                    world[y[-1], x[-1]] = world[y[-1], x[-1]] + 1
                except IndexError:
                    # silently ignore rays to points outside the grid map

        return world
Beispiel #9
    def ty(cls, eta=None):
        An elementary transform (ET). A pure translation of eta along the

        L = Tty(eta) will instantiate an ET object which represents a pure
        translation along the y-axis by amount eta.

        L = Tty() as above except this ET representation a variable
        translation, i.e. a joint

        :param eta: The amount of translation along the x-axis
        :type eta: float (metres)
        :return: An ET object
        :rtype: ET

        return cls(lambda y: SE2(0, y), axis='ty', eta=eta)
Beispiel #10
    def r(cls, eta=None):
        An elementary transform (ET). A pure rotation of eta about the x-axis.

        L = TRx(eta) will instantiate an ET object which represents a pure
        rotation about the x-axis by amount eta.

        L = TRx() as above except this ET representation a variable
        rotation, i.e. a joint

        :param eta: The amount of rotation about the x-axis
        :type eta: float (radians)
        :param joint: The joint number within the robot
        :type joint: int
        :return: An ET object
        :rtype: ET

        return cls(lambda theta: SE2(theta), axis='R', eta=eta)
Beispiel #11
    def eval(self, q):
        Evaluate an ETS with joint coordinate substitution

        :param q: joint coordinates
        :type q: array-like
        :return: product of transformations
        :rtype: SE2

        Effectively the forward-kinematics of the ET sequence.  Compounds the
        transforms left to right, and substitutes in joint coordinates as 
        needed from consecutive elements of ``q``.
        T = SE2()

        q = getvector(q, out='sequence')
        for e in self:
            if e.jtype == self.VARIABLE:
                T *= e.T(q.pop(0))
                T *= e.T()
        return T
    def _update(self, x):

        xy = SE2(x) * self._coords
def test_2d_create_object():
    g_canvas2 = gph.GraphicsCanvas2D()

    obj = gph.Object2D(SE2(), g_canvas2.scene, 'c')
    def eval(self, q=None, unit='rad'):
        Evaluate an ETS with joint coordinate substitution

        :param q: joint coordinates
        :type q: array-like
        :param unit: angular unit, "rad" [default] or "deg"
        :type unit: str
        :return: The SE(3) or SE(2) matrix value of the ET sequence
        :rtype:  ndarray(4,4) or ndarray(3,3)

        Effectively the forward-kinematics of the ET sequence.  Compounds the
        transforms left to right, and substitutes in joint coordinates as
        needed from consecutive elements of ``q``.

        .. note:: if ETs have an explicit joint index, this is used to index
            into the vector ``q``.

        .. warning:: do not mix ETs with and without explicit joint index.


        .. runblock:: pycon

            >>> from roboticstoolbox import ETS
            >>> e = ETS.rz() * ETS.tx(1) * ETS.rz() * ETS.tx(1)
            >>> print(e)
            >>> len(e)
            >>> e[1:3]
            >>> e.eval([0, 0])
            >>> e.eval([90, -90], 'deg')
            >>> e = ETS.tx(j=1) * ETS.ty(j=0)
            >>> e.eval([3, 4])
        if q is not None:
            q = getvector(q, out='list')
        first = True
        for et in self:
            if et.isjoint:
                if et.jindex is None:
                    qj = q.pop(0)
                    qj = q[et.jindex]
                if et.isrevolute and unit == 'deg':
                    qj *= np.pi / 180.0
                if et.isflip:
                    qj = -qj
                Tk = et.T(qj)
                # for constants
                Tk = et.T()
            if first:
                T = Tk
                first = False
                T = T @ Tk

        if isinstance(self, ETS):
            T = SE3(T, check=False)
        elif isinstance(self, ETS2):
            T = SE2(T, check=False)
        return T
    #         pass
    #     else:
    #         raise ValueError('expecting SO3 or rotation matrix')
    #     if t is None:
    #         return cls(base.r2t(R))
    #     else:
    #         return cls(base.rt2tr(R, t))

if __name__ == '__main__':  # pragma: no cover

    import pathlib

    a = SE3(1, 2, 3)
    b = SO3(a)

    a = SO3.RPY([.1, .2, .3])
    b = SE3(a)

    from spatialmath import SE2
    a = SE2(1, 2, .4)
    b = SE3(a)

            pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute() / "tests" /
            "").read())  # pylint: disable=exec-used
Beispiel #16
    def test_constructor(self):

        # null constructor
        R = SE3()
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, np.eye(4))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        # construct from matrix
        R = SE3(trotx(0.2))
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, trotx(0.2))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        # construct from canonic rotation
        R = SE3.Rx(0.2)
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, trotx(0.2))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        R = SE3.Ry(0.2)
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, troty(0.2))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        R = SE3.Rz(0.2)
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, trotz(0.2))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        # construct from canonic translation
        R = SE3.Tx(0.2)
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, transl(0.2, 0, 0))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        R = SE3.Ty(0.2)
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, transl(0, 0.2, 0))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        R = SE3.Tz(0.2)
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, transl(0, 0, 0.2))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        # triple angle
        R = SE3.Eul([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, eul2tr([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        R = SE3.Eul(np.r_[0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, eul2tr([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        R = SE3.Eul([10, 20, 30], unit='deg')
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, eul2tr([10, 20, 30], unit='deg'))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        R = SE3.RPY([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, rpy2tr([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        R = SE3.RPY(np.r_[0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, rpy2tr([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        R = SE3.RPY([10, 20, 30], unit='deg')
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, rpy2tr([10, 20, 30], unit='deg'))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        R = SE3.RPY([0.1, 0.2, 0.3], order='xyz')
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, rpy2tr([0.1, 0.2, 0.3], order='xyz'))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        # angvec
        R = SE3.AngVec(0.2, [1, 0, 0])
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, trotx(0.2))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        R = SE3.AngVec(0.3, [0, 1, 0])
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, troty(0.3))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        # OA
        R = SE3.OA([0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1])
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        array_compare(R, np.eye(4))
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        # random
        R = SE3.Rand()
        nt.assert_equal(len(R), 1)
        self.assertIsInstance(R, SE3)

        # random
        T = SE3.Rand()
        R = T.R
        t = T.t
        T = SE3.Rt(R, t)
        self.assertIsInstance(T, SE3)
        self.assertEqual(T.A.shape, (4, 4))

        nt.assert_equal(T.R, R)
        nt.assert_equal(T.t, t)

        # copy constructor
        R = SE3.Rx(pi / 2)
        R2 = SE3(R)
        R = SE3.Ry(pi / 2)
        array_compare(R2, trotx(pi / 2))

        # SO3
        T = SE3(SO3())
        nt.assert_equal(len(T), 1)
        self.assertIsInstance(T, SE3)
        nt.assert_equal(T.A, np.eye(4))

        # SE2
        T = SE3(SE2(1, 2, 0.4))
        nt.assert_equal(len(T), 1)
        self.assertIsInstance(T, SE3)
        self.assertEqual(T.A.shape, (4, 4))
        nt.assert_equal(T.t, [1, 2, 0])