def getViewCoords(userid, mask=0xFFFFFFFF, collisiongroup=0):
    player   = playerlib.getPlayer(userid)
    startvec = player.getEyeLocation()

    # Create start and end vector pointers
    pStart = createVector(*startvec)
    pEnd   = createVector(*list(Vector(startvec) + Vector(player.viewvector) \
        * MAX_COORD_RANGE))

    # Allocate space for the CGameTrace object
    ptr = spe.alloc(SIZE_TRACE_T)

    # Call UTIL_TraceLine()'TraceLine', pStart, pEnd, mask, spe.getPlayer(int(userid)),
        collisiongroup, ptr)

    # Wrap the end vector...
    x = spe.makeObject('Vector', ptr + 12)

    # ... and save the result
    result = x.x, x.y, x.z

    # Deallocate reserved space

    # Finally, return the result
    return result
Beispiel #2
def getWeaponDict(userid):
    # Make sure the player is valid
    if not spe.getPlayer(int(userid)):
        # Return None due to the invalid player instance
        return None

    # Set up the list
    weapons = {}

    # Loop through the maximum range of 48 weapons
    for i in range(0, 48):

        # Retrieve the weapon instance/pointer
        wPointer = spe.getWeaponFromSlot(userid, i)

        # Make sure the weapon instance/pointer is valid
        if wPointer:

            # Create the valid key:value pair
            weapons[spe.getEntityClassName(wPointer)] = {
                "instance": wPointer,
                "slot": i,
                "index": spe.getEntityIndex(wPointer)

    # Return the populated dictionary
    return weapons
def getWeaponDict(userid):
    # Make sure the player is valid
    if not spe.getPlayer(int(userid)):
        # Return None due to the invalid player instance
        return None

    # Set up the list
    weapons = {}

    # Loop through the maximum range of 48 weapons
    for i in range(0, 48):

        # Retrieve the weapon instance/pointer
        wPointer = spe.getWeaponFromSlot(userid, i)

        # Make sure the weapon instance/pointer is valid
        if wPointer:

            # Create the valid key:value pair
            weapons[spe.getEntityClassName(wPointer)] = {
                "instance": wPointer,
                "slot": i,
                "index": spe.getEntityIndex(wPointer)}

    # Return the populated dictionary
    return weapons
def getViewCoords(userid, mask=0xFFFFFFFF, collisiongroup=0):
    player = playerlib.getPlayer(userid)
    startvec = player.getEyeLocation()

    # Create start and end vector pointers
    pStart = createVector(*startvec)
    pEnd   = createVector(*list(Vector(startvec) + Vector(player.viewvector) \
        * MAX_COORD_RANGE))

    # Allocate space for the CGameTrace object
    ptr = spe.alloc(SIZE_TRACE_T)

    # Call UTIL_TraceLine()'TraceLine', pStart, pEnd, mask, spe.getPlayer(int(userid)),
             collisiongroup, ptr)

    # Wrap the end vector...
    x = spe.makeObject('Vector', ptr + 12)

    # ... and save the result
    result = x.x, x.y, x.z

    # Deallocate reserved space

    # Finally, return the result
    return result
Beispiel #5
def getWeaponIndexList(userid):
    # Make sure the player is valid
    if not spe.getPlayer(int(userid)):
        # Return None due to the invalid player instance
        return None

    # Return a list of weapon indexes
    return [spe.getEntityIndex(i) for i in spe.getWeaponInstanceList(userid)]
def getWeaponIndexList(userid):
    # Make sure the player is valid
    if not spe.getPlayer(int(userid)):
        # Return None due to the invalid player instance
        return None

    # Return a list of weapon indexes
    return [spe.getEntityIndex(i) for i in spe.getWeaponInstanceList(userid)]
Beispiel #7
def give(users, entity):
    '''Give a entity to a player...'''
    # Loop through all matching players...
    for userid in _get_matching_players(users):
        # Give the entity...'GiveNamedItem', spe.getPlayer(userid), entity, -0)
def ownsWeapon(userid, weapon_name):
    # Get player instance
    pPlayer = spe.getPlayer(int(userid))

    if not pPlayer:
        return None

    # Call function and return weapon instance
    return"OwnsWeapon", pPlayer, weapon_name, 0)
def getWeaponFromSlot(userid, weapon_slot):
    # Get player instance
    pPlayer = spe.getPlayer(int(userid))

    if not pPlayer:
        return None

    # Call function and return player weapon instance
    return"GetWeapon", pPlayer, int(weapon_slot))
Beispiel #10
def getWeaponFromSlot(userid, weapon_slot):
    # Get player instance
    pPlayer = spe.getPlayer(int(userid))

    if not pPlayer:
        return None

    # Call function and return player weapon instance
    return"GetWeapon", pPlayer, int(weapon_slot))
Beispiel #11
def ownsWeapon(userid, weapon_name):
    # Get player instance
    pPlayer = spe.getPlayer(int(userid))

    if not pPlayer:
        return None

    # Call function and return weapon instance
    return"OwnsWeapon", pPlayer, weapon_name, 0)
def giveNamedItem(userid, item_name):
    # Get the player instance
    pPlayer = spe.getPlayer(int(userid))

    # Is the player instance valid?
    if not pPlayer:
        # Return None since the player instance was not valid
        return None

    # Give the player the item
    return'GiveNamedItem', pPlayer, str(item_name), 0)
def getActiveWeapon(userid):
    # Get the player instance
    pPlayer = spe.getPlayer(int(userid))

    # Is the player instance valid?
    if not pPlayer:
        # Return None since the player instance was not valid
        return None

    # Call and return player's active weapon
    return"GetActiveWeapon", pPlayer)
Beispiel #14
def radioIcon(users, fDelay, userid, queue=True):
    Creates an exclamation mark above the player's head.

    if not es.exists('userid', userid):

    player = spe.getPlayer(int(userid))
    QueueSystem.add(, ('RadioIcon', IRecipientFilter(users), fDelay,
        player), queue)
Beispiel #15
    def __new__(cls, users):
        Adds all given users to the new created pointer.

        pointer = spe.alloc(40)'RecipientFilterConst', pointer)
        for userid in getUsers(users):
            player = spe.getPlayer(userid)
  'AddRecipient', pointer, player)

        return super(cls, cls).__new__(cls, pointer)
Beispiel #16
def removeWeapon(users, weapon):
    '''Remove a player weapon...'''
    # Loop through all matching players...
    for userid in _get_matching_players(users):
        # Is the player dead?
        if es.getplayerprop(userid, ''):
            # Don't go further...
        # Is the given weapon an integer?
        if str(weapon).isdigit():
            # Get the weapon by its slot...
            pWeapon =
                'GetWeapon', spe.getPlayer(userid), int(weapon))
        # Otherwise...
            # Is the weapon not starting by 'weapon_'?
            if not str(weapon).lower().startswith('weapon_'):
                # Add the 'weapon_' prefix...
                weapon = 'weapon_' + weapon
            # Get the weapon by its name...
            pWeapon =
                'OwnsWeapon', spe.getPlayer(userid), str(weapon), 0)
        # Is the weapon not valid?
        if not pWeapon:
            # Don't go further...
        # Remove the weapon...'Remove', pWeapon)
def respawn(userid):
    # Get the player instance
    pPlayer = spe.getPlayer(int(userid))

    # Make sure the player instance is valid
    if not pPlayer:
        # Return False since the player instance was not valid
        return False

    # Respawn the player"Respawn", pPlayer)

    return True
def switchTeam(userid, team_index):
    # Get the player instance
    pPlayer = spe.getPlayer(int(userid))

    # Is the player instance valid?
    if not pPlayer:
        # Return False since the player instance was not valid
        return False

    # Switch their team"ChangeTeam", pPlayer, int(team_index))

    return True
Beispiel #19
def spawn(users, force_respawn=False):
    '''Respawn a player...'''
    # Loop through all matching players...
    for userid in _get_matching_players(users):
        # Get the player's dead state...
        isdead = es.getplayerprop(userid, '')
        # Does we need to respawn the player?
        if force_respawn or isdead:
            # Respawn the player...
  'Respawn', spe.getPlayer(userid))
Beispiel #20
def changeTeam(users, teamid):
    '''Switch a player to the given team...'''
    # Format the given team...
    teamid = str(teamid).lower()
    # Is the team not valid?
    if not g_TeamIndexes.has_key(teamid):
        # Don't go further...
    # Loop through all matching players...
    for userid in _get_matching_players(users):
        # Switch the player...'ChangeTeam', spe.getPlayer(userid), g_TeamIndexes[teamid])
Beispiel #21
def setClanTag(userid, clan_tag):

    MAX_SIZE = 64

    length = len(clan_tag)

    if length >= MAX_SIZE:

        raise ValueError('Clan tag is too long')

    player = spe.getPlayer(userid)

    if not player:

        raise ValueError('Could not find player pointer')

    for offset, char in enumerate(clan_tag):

        spe.setLocVal('i', player + clantag_offset + offset, ord(char))
Beispiel #22
def getViewEntity(userid):
    '''Get the entity a player is looking at...'''
    # Is the player not valid?
    if not es.exists('userid', userid):
        # Don't go further...
        return None
    # Get the entity pointer...
    pEntity ='FindPickerEntity', spe.getPlayer(int(userid)))
    # Is the entity not valid?
    if not pEntity:
        # Don't go further...
        return None
    # Return the entity index...
    return spe.getEntityIndex(pEntity)
Beispiel #23
def getWeaponInstanceList(userid):
    # Make sure the player is valid
    if not spe.getPlayer(int(userid)):
        # Return None due to the invalid player instance
        return None

    # Set up the list
    weapon_pointers = []

    # Loop through the maximum range of 48 weapons
    for i in range(0, 48):

        # Retrieve the weapon instance/pointer
        wPointer = spe.getWeaponFromSlot(userid, i)

        # Make sure the weapon instance/pointer is valid
        if wPointer:

            # Append the valid instance/pointer to the list

    # Return the populated list
    return weapon_pointers
def dropWeapon(userid, weapon_name, throwWeapon=True):
    # Get the player instance
    pPlayer = spe.getPlayer(int(userid))

    # Is the player instance valid?
    if not pPlayer:
        # Return False since the player instance was not valid
        return False

    # Get the weapon instance
    weapon_instance = spe.ownsWeapon(userid, weapon_name)

    # Is the weapon instance valid?
    if not weapon_instance:
        # Return False since the weapon instance was not valid
        return False

    # Throw the weapon?
    if throwWeapon:
        return'DropWeapon', pPlayer, weapon_instance, 0, 1)

    # Otherwise, don't.
    return'DropWeapon', pPlayer, weapon_instance, 0, 0)
Beispiel #25
def getWeaponInstanceList(userid):
    # Make sure the player is valid
    if not spe.getPlayer(int(userid)):
        # Return None due to the invalid player instance
        return None

    # Set up the list
    weapon_pointers = []

    # Loop through the maximum range of 48 weapons
    for i in range(0, 48):

        # Retrieve the weapon instance/pointer
        wPointer = spe.getWeaponFromSlot(userid, i)

        # Make sure the weapon instance/pointer is valid
        if wPointer:

            # Append the valid instance/pointer to the list

    # Return the populated list
    return weapon_pointers
Beispiel #26
def test():
    for userid in es.getUseridList():
        if es.isbot(userid):
  "NHide", spe.getPlayer(userid), -1, 9999, 1)
Beispiel #27
def OnTick():
    for i in amounts:
        if i not in parachuted and not es.getplayerprop(i, "") and spe.getLocVal("i", spe.getPlayer(i) + buttonPressedOffset) & 32 and es.getplayerprop(i, "CBasePlayer.localdata.m_Local.m_flFallVelocity") >= 1.0 and amounts[i] > 0:
            index = es.createentity("prop_dynamic_override")
            parachuted[i] = index
            es.entitysetvalue(index, "solid", 0)
            es.entitysetvalue(index, "model", random.choice(rpgParachuteModels))
            es.server.insertcmd("es_xspawnentity %i" % index)
            amounts[i] -= 1             
    for i in parachuted.copy():
        if not es.exists("userid", i) or es.getplayerprop(i, "") or es.getplayerprop(i, "CBasePlayer.localdata.m_hGroundEntity") != -1 or es.getplayerprop(i, "CBasePlayer.localdata.m_nWaterLevel") > 1 or not spe.getLocVal("i", spe.getPlayer(i) + buttonPressedOffset) & 32:
            del parachuted[i]
            es.entitysetvalue(parachuted[i], "angles", "0 %f 0" % es.getplayerprop(i, "CCSPlayer.m_angEyeAngles[1]"))
            es.entitysetvalue(parachuted[i], "origin", es.getplayerprop(i, "CBaseEntity.m_vecOrigin").replace(",", " "))
            es.setplayerprop(i, "CBasePlayer.localdata.m_vecBaseVelocity", "0,0,%f" % es.getplayerprop(i, "CBasePlayer.localdata.m_Local.m_flFallVelocity"))
Beispiel #28
def test():
    for userid in es.getUseridList():
        if es.isbot(userid):
  "NHide", spe.getPlayer(userid), -1, 9999, 1)
Beispiel #29
def get_userid_from_pointer(ptr):
    for userid in es.getUseridList():
        if spe.getPlayer(userid) == ptr:
            return userid
    return -1
Beispiel #30
def get_userid_from_pointer(ptr):
    for userid in es.getUseridList():
        if spe.getPlayer(userid) == ptr:
            return userid
    return -1