Created by Epic at 9/5/20

import speedcord
from speedcord.ext.typing.context import MessageContext
from speedcord.http import Route
from os import environ as env
from logging import basicConfig, DEBUG
from pymongo import MongoClient
from random import choices
from string import ascii_letters, digits

client = speedcord.Client(intents=512)
mongo = MongoClient(env["MONGO_URI"])
database = mongo["BotConfig"]
bot_data_table = database["bot_data"]
bot_tokens_table = database["bot_tokens"]


prefix = env["PREFIX"]
perms_role = env["PERMS_ROLE"]

async def on_message(message, shard):
    ctx = MessageContext(client, message)
    if not ctx.content.startswith(prefix):
    clean_content = ctx.content[len(prefix):]
Beispiel #2
Instructions on using this example:
    - Create a discord server, app and bot (you can just follow the discord api instructions).
        - Full instructions can be found here - https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/discord.html
    - Make sure the bot has message read and write permissions.
    - Copy the token from the bot and set it as an environment variable and invite it to a server
        - Also explained in the article above
    - Run this script.
    - Write !test in the chat.

import speedcord
from speedcord.http import Route
from os import environ as env
from logging import basicConfig, DEBUG

client = speedcord.Client(intents=512, shard_count=5)
)  # Comment this out if you don't want to see what's going on behind the scenes

async def on_message(data, shard):
    message = data
    if message["content"].lower() == "!test":
        channel = message["channel_id"]
        route = Route("POST",
        await client.http.request(route, json={"content": "Hello world!"})