Beispiel #1
    def fromURItoPath(self, dbName):
        LOG("Create database " + repr(dbName))
        idx = dbName.find('://')
        if idx != -1:
            # User database
            dbType = dbName[0:idx]
            dbName = dbName[idx + 3:]
            dbPath = self.__ctxConfig.getLocationPath(
                dbType.upper()) + os.sep + dbName
            LOG("User path: " + repr(dbPath))
            # Preconfigured database
            location, filename = self.__ctxConfig.getDatabaseInfo(dbName)
            if location is None:
                raise DriverException("Unknown database location")
            if filename is None:
                raise DriverException("No database file")
            dbType = location
            lpath = self.__ctxConfig.getLocationPath(location)
            dbPath = lpath + os.sep + filename

        # Translate path tags
        idx = dbPath.find("$SATNAME$")
        if idx != -1:
            dbPath = dbPath[0:idx] + self.__ctxConfig.getSatName(
            ) + dbPath[idx + 9:]
        idx = dbPath.find("$SATID$")
        if idx != -1:
            dbPath = dbPath[0:idx] + self.__ctxConfig.getSC() + dbPath[idx +

        LOG("Database path: " + repr(dbPath))
        return dbType, dbPath
Beispiel #2
    def load(self):
        LOG("Load DB from file: " + repr(self._filename))

        # If the file exists go on directly. Otherwise try to find it
        # no matter the case of the name
        if not os.path.exists(self._filename):
            basepath = os.path.dirname(self._filename)
            filename = os.path.basename(self._filename)
            found = False
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(basepath, topdown=False):
                for f in files:
                    if f.upper() == filename.upper():
                        path = basepath + os.sep + f
                        found = True
            if not found:
                raise DriverException("Database file not found: " +
            self._filename = path

        if not os.path.exists(self._filename):
            raise DriverException("Cannot load: no such file: " +

        # Read the data from the file
Beispiel #3
 def delete(self):
     if not self.exists():
         raise DriverException("Cannot delete " + repr(self), "File not found") 
     if not self.canWrite():
         raise DriverException("Cannot delete " + repr(self), "Not enough permissions")
         if self.isDir():
     except OSError,ex:
         raise DriverException("Cannot delete " + repr(self), repr(ex))
Beispiel #4
 def truncate(self):
     if not self.isOpen():
         raise DriverException("Cannot truncate file", "File is not open")
     if self.isDir():
         raise DriverException("Cannot truncate file", "It is a directory")
     if not self.canWrite():
         raise DriverException("Cannot truncate file", "Permission denied")
     if self.__mode != WRITE and self.__mode != READ_WRITE and self.__mode != APPEND:
         raise DriverException("Cannot truncate file", "Incorrect file mode")
     except Exception,ex:
         raise DriverException("Cannot truncate file", str(ex))
Beispiel #5
    def flush(self):
            if not self.isOpen():
                raise DriverException("Cannot flush file", "File is not open")
            if self.isDir():
                raise DriverException("Cannot flush file", "It is a directory")
            if not self.canWrite():
                raise DriverException("Cannot flush file", "Permission denied")
            if self.__mode != WRITE and self.__mode != READ_WRITE and self.__mode != APPEND:
                raise DriverException("Cannot flush file", "Incorrect file mode")


        except DriverException,ex:
            raise ex
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, name, path, defaultExt=None):
        super(DatabaseFile, self).__init__()

        self._name = name
        self._defaultExt = defaultExt

        dataHome = os.getenv(
            (os.getenv("SPELL_HOME") + os.sep + "data")).replace('/', os.sep)
        if dataHome is None:
            raise DriverException(
                "SPELL_DATA environment variable not defined")

        # Append the data home to the path
        thePath = dataHome + os.sep + path.replace('/', os.sep)

        # First check if there is an extension in the file. If there is no
        # extension, append the default extension (if there is one).
        filename = os.path.basename(thePath)
        if (not len(filename.split(".")) > 1) and (defaultExt is not None):
            thePath += "." + defaultExt

        self._filename = thePath

        LOG("Instanciated: " + name)
Beispiel #7
    def _setLimits(self, param, limits, config ):
        Modify an Out Of Limits definition for a given telemetry parameter
        param: the telemetry parameter name
        limits: dictionary containing the limit parameters
        config: configuration dictionary with modifiers
        Relevant modifiers are:
        - Select=ACTIVE/ALL/<STR>: indicates which definitions should be affected 
                             (all, only the active ones, or the one indicated by
                             the string)

        Limit parameters dictionary may contain the following:
        LoRed,LoYel,HiRed,HiYel: indicate the hard and soft limit values
        Midpoint,Tolerance: indicate a middle limit point and a tolerance that is
                            used to calculate the upper and lower limits (M+T, M-T)
                            Hard and soft limits are considered equal.
        Nominal,Earning,Error,Ignore: the values are lists containing the values
                            assigned to each category, e.g. Nominal:['ValueA','ValueB']
        Delta: set a step or spike limit
        raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #8
    def _setLimit(self, param, limit, value, config ):
        Modify an Out Of Limits definition for a given telemetry parameter
        param: the telemetry parameter name
        limit: the limit to be modified
        value: the limit value
        config: configuration dictionary with modifiers
        Relevant modifiers are:
        - Select=ACTIVE/ALL/<STR>: indicates which definitions should be affected 
                             (all, only the active ones, or the one indicated by
                             the string)

        The limit to be modified may be one of the following:
        LoRed,LoYel,HiRed,HiYel: indicate the hard and soft limit values
        Nominal,Earning,Error,Ignore: the values are lists containing the values
                            assigned to each category, e.g. Nominal:['ValueA','ValueB']
        Delta: set a step or spike limit
        raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #9
    def _refreshItem(self, tmItem, config = {} ):
        Acquire the value for a TM parameter.
        tmItem : instance of TmItemClass with the parameter information
        config : configuration dictionary with modifiers.
        Relevant modifiers are
        - Wait=True/False: when True, the system shall block the caller until
        a new sample of the required parameter arrives to the GCS. If False,
        the last recorded value of the parameter shall be returned immediately.
        - ValueFormat=RAW/ENG: if RAW is given, the raw or uncalibrated value
        of the parameter shall be given. If ENG is used, the engineering or
        calibrated value shall be returned.
        - Timeout=(TIME): maximum amount of time to wait for new samples, 
        before the parameter is declared as impossible to acquire. It only
        makes sense when Wait=True.

        Returned value: a list with the value and True/False indicating the validity
        of the parameter 
        raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self, timestamp):
        ttime = ttime_class()
        self._val = None
        if isinstance(timestamp, TIME):
            if isinstance(timestamp._val, str):
                self._val = ttime.cnv(timestamp._val)
                self.__fmt = ttime.fmt()
                self._val = timestamp._val
        elif isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime) or isinstance(timestamp, datetime.timedelta):
            self._val = timestamp
        elif isinstance(timestamp, str):
            if timestamp in (NOW_STR, TODAY_STR, YESTERDAY_STR, TOMORROW_STR):
                self._val = timestamp
                self._val = ttime.cnv(timestamp)
                self.__fmt = ttime.fmt()
            self._val = ttime.cnv(timestamp)
	#Setting time format
	self.__fmt = ttime.fmt()
	if self._val is None:
            raise DriverException("Invalid input for date/time: " + repr(timestamp))
Beispiel #11
    def __getDatabaseInstance(self, dbName):
        dbType, dbPath, dbExt = self.__fromURItoPath(dbName)

        dbType = dbType.lower()
        LOG("Database type: " + repr(dbType))
        db = None
        #from libSPELL_SDB import DatabaseFile
        #from libSPELL_SDB import DatabaseFileSPB
        if dbType == DB_TYPE_FILE:
            db = DatabaseFile(dbName, dbPath, dbExt)
        elif dbType == DB_TYPE_SPB:
            db = DatabaseFileSPB(dbName, dbPath, dbExt)
        elif dbType == DB_TYPE_EPH_A2100:
            db = DatabaseFileEphA2100(dbName, dbPath, dbExt)
        elif dbType == DB_TYPE_EPH_OSCS2:
            db = DatabaseFileEphOscS2(dbName, dbPath, dbExt)
        elif dbType == DB_TYPE_EPH_SB4000:
            db = DatabaseFileEphSB4000(dbName, dbPath, dbExt)
        elif dbType == DB_TYPE_SVN:
            db = DatabaseSubversion(dbName, dbPath, dbExt)
        elif dbType == DB_TYPE_SPB_SVN:
            db = DatabaseSubversionSPB(dbName, dbPath, dbExt)
        elif dbType == DB_TYPE_ASRUN:
            db = DatabaseAsRun(dbName, dbPath, dbExt)
            raise DriverException("Unknown database type: " + repr(dbType))
        self.__databases[dbName] = db
        return db
Beispiel #12
    def append(self,other):
        if self.isOpen():
            raise DriverException("Cannot append path", "File object is open")

        if self.isFile():
            raise DriverException("Cannot append path", "Cannot append to a file")
        if type(other)==str:
            self.__filename += os.sep + other
        elif isinstance(other,File):
            self.__filename += os.sep + other.filename()
            raise DriverException("Cannot append to path", "Expected file object or string")
        return self
Beispiel #13
    def setup(self, ctxConfig, drvConfig):
        superClass.setup(self, ctxConfig, drvConfig)

        SIM = SimulatorModel()
        REGISTRY['SIM'] = SIM
        LOG("Setup standalone CFG interface")
        dataPath = Config.getRuntimeDir()
        driverConfig = self.getDriverConfig()
        simulationPath = driverConfig['SimPath']
        simulationFile = self.getContextConfig().getDriverParameter('Simulation')
        home = Config.getHome()
        if home is None:
            raise DriverException("SPELL home is not defined")
        LOG("Loading simulation: " + simulationFile)
        simulationFile = dataPath + os.sep +  simulationPath + \
                         os.sep + simulationFile
        SIM.tmClass = REGISTRY['TM']
        SIM.tcClass = REGISTRY['TC']
        SIM.setup( simulationFile )
        self.__ready = True
    def setup(self, contextName):

        # Get the context information
        self.contextName = contextName
        self.context = Config.instance().getContextConfig(contextName)
        # Obtain the corresponding driver
        self.driver = self.context.getDriver()

        REGISTRY['CTX'] = self.context

        if self.loaded is not None:
            # Do not load the same driver twice
            if self.loaded == self.driver: return True
            success = self.cleanup()
            if not success:
                raise DriverException(
                    "Unable to load driver",
                    "Could not cleanup previously loaded driver " +

        driverInfo = Config.instance().getDriverConfig(self.driver)
        self.interfaces = []
        self.libraries = []

        for iif in INTERNAL_INTERFACES:
        driverInterfaces = driverInfo.getInterfaces()

        if len(driverInterfaces) > 0:
            driverInterfaces = driverInterfaces.split(",")
            for iif in driverInterfaces:

        libraries = driverInfo.getLibraries()
        if len(libraries) > 0:
            self.libraries = libraries.split(",")

        LOG("Using driver:" + self.driver)
        LOG("Using interfaces: " + repr(self.interfaces))
        LOG("Using libraries: " + repr(self.libraries))

            # Configure the factory
            # Preload libraries
            for lib in self.libraries:
                lib = lib.strip(" \n\r")
                lib = Config.instance().resolvePath(lib)
                LOG("Appending to path: " + lib)
            # Create driver interfaces
            # Initialize driver interfaces
            # Set the driver as loaded
            self.loaded = self.driver
        except DriverException, e:
            raise e
Beispiel #15
 def read(self):
     if not self.isOpen():
         raise DriverException("Cannot read file lines", "File is not open")
     if not self.canRead():
         raise DriverException("Cannot read file lines", "Permission denied")
     if self.isdir():
         return self.__list()
         if self.__mode != READ and self.__mode != READ_WRITE:
             raise DriverException("Cannot read file lines", "Incorrect file mode")
         lines = []
             lines = self.__file.readlines()
         except Exception,ex:
             raise DriverException("Cannot read file lines", str(ex))
         return lines
Beispiel #16
 def _checkLink(self, name):
     Check if a GCS link (TM, TC or others) is enabled or disabled
     name: link  identifier
     config: configuration modifiers
     raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #17
 def _sendList(self, tcItemList, config={}):
     Inject a group of TC items into the GCS.
     tcItemList : list of TcItemClass instance with the command information.
     config     : configuration dictionary
     raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #18
 def _sendCommand(self, tcItem, config={}):
     Inject a TC item into the GCS.
     tcItem : TcItemClass instance with the command information.
     config : configuration dictionary
     raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #19
 def _getResource(self, name, config={}):
     Acquire the value of one resource or configuration parameter in the GCS
     name: resource identifier
     config: configuration modifiers
     raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #20
    def _stopTask(self, name, config={}):
        Invoked by the system in order to stop a GCS task.

        name: string containing the task name
        config: configuration dictionary with modifiers. 
        raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #21
    def write(self, data):
            if not self.isOpen():
                raise DriverException("Cannot write to file", "File is not open")
            if self.isDir():
                raise DriverException("Cannot write to file", "It is a directory")
            if not self.canWrite():
                raise DriverException("Cannot write to file", "Permission denied")
            if self.__mode != WRITE and self.__mode != READ_WRITE and self.__mode != APPEND:
                raise DriverException("Cannot write to file", "Incorrect file mode")
            if type(data)!=str:
                raise DriverException("Cannot write to file", "Expected a string as input, received " + repr(type(data)))


        except DriverException,ex:
            raise ex
Beispiel #22
 def _logout(self, username, config={}):
     Logout the given user from the GCS system.
     username: user name
     config: configuration dictionary with modifiers.
     raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #23
 def _injectItem(self, tmItem, value, config = {} ):
     Inject a ground value for a TM parameter.
     tmItem : instance of TmItemClass with the parameter information
     value  : contains the required value
     config : configuration dictionary with modifiers.
     raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #24
 def close(self):
         if self.isOpen():
             if self.isfile():
     except Exception,ex:
         raise DriverException("Cannot close " + repr(self.__filename), str(ex))
Beispiel #25
 def _sendBlock(self, tcItemList, config={}):
     Inject a block of TC items into the GCS. Blocked items are injected
     and transmitted as a single TC frame.
     tcItemList : list of TcItemClass instance with the command information.
     config     : configuration dictionary
     raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #26
 def _createTcItem(self, mnenonic, description=""):
     Instantiate a telecommand (usually taking the information from GCS)
     The item shall be derived from TcItemClass class.
     If not overriden, the adapter class provides a generic TC item structure.
     raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #27
 def _isLoggedIn(self, username, config={}):
     Check if the given user is logged in the GCS system.
     username: user name
     config: configuration dictionary with modifiers.
     raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #28
 def _isResourceOK(self, name, config={}):
     Check if the current value of one resource or configuration parameter 
     in the GCS is correct or incorrect 
     name: resource identifier
     config: configuration modifiers
     raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #29
 def _setLink(self, name, enable, config={}):
     Enable or disable a GCS link (TM, TC or others)
     name: link  identifier
     enable: True/False, indicates if the link needs to be enabled or disabled
     config: configuration modifiers
     raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")
Beispiel #30
 def _raiseEvent(self, message, config):
     Invoked by the system in order to inject an event into the GCS.
     message: string containing the event message
     config: dictionary containing the event parameters:
                 - Severity modifier (INFORMATION/WARNING/ERROR/FATAL)
                 - Scope (SCOPE_PROC,SCOPE_SYS,SCOPE_CFG) 
     raise DriverException("Service not available in this driver")