Beispiel #1
def test_stringify_type_Literal():
    from typing import Literal  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(Literal[1, "2", "\r"]) == "Literal[1, '2', '\\r']"
    assert stringify(Literal[1, "2", "\r"],
                     "fully-qualified") == "typing.Literal[1, '2', '\\r']"
    assert stringify(Literal[1, "2", "\r"],
                     "smart") == "~typing.Literal[1, '2', '\\r']"
Beispiel #2
def test_stringify_mock():
    with mock(['unknown']):
        import unknown
        assert stringify(unknown) == 'unknown'
        assert stringify(unknown.secret.Class) == 'unknown.secret.Class'
        assert stringify(unknown.secret.Class,
                         "smart") == 'unknown.secret.Class'
Beispiel #3
def test_stringify():
    assert stringify(int) == "int"
    assert stringify(str) == "str"
    assert stringify(None) == "None"
    assert stringify(Integral) == "numbers.Integral"
    assert restify(Struct) == ":class:`struct.Struct`"
    assert stringify(Any) == "Any"
Beispiel #4
def test_stringify_type_hints_Callable():
    assert stringify(Callable) == "Callable"

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
        assert stringify(Callable[[str], int]) == "Callable[[str], int]"
        assert stringify(Callable[..., int]) == "Callable[[...], int]"
        assert stringify(Callable[[str], int]) == "Callable[str, int]"
        assert stringify(Callable[..., int]) == "Callable[..., int]"
Beispiel #5
def test_stringify_type_hints_alias():
    MyStr = str
    MyTuple = Tuple[str, str]

    assert stringify(MyStr) == "str"
    assert stringify(MyStr, "smart") == "str"

    assert stringify(MyTuple) == "Tuple[str, str]"  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(MyTuple, "smart") == "~typing.Tuple[str, str]"  # type: ignore
Beispiel #6
def test_stringify_type_hints_typevars():
    T = TypeVar('T')
    T_co = TypeVar('T_co', covariant=True)
    T_contra = TypeVar('T_contra', contravariant=True)

    assert stringify(T) == "T"
    assert stringify(T_co) == "T_co"
    assert stringify(T_contra) == "T_contra"
    assert stringify(List[T]) == "List[T]"
Beispiel #7
def test_stringify_type_hints_alias():
    MyStr = str
    MyTuple = Tuple[str, str]

    assert stringify(MyStr, False) == "str"
    assert stringify(MyStr, True) == "str"

    assert stringify(MyTuple, False) == "Tuple[str, str]"  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(MyTuple, True) == "~typing.Tuple[str, str]"  # type: ignore
Beispiel #8
def test_stringify_type_hints_containers():
    assert stringify(List) == "List"
    assert stringify(Dict) == "Dict"
    assert stringify(List[int]) == "List[int]"
    assert stringify(List[str]) == "List[str]"
    assert stringify(Dict[str, float]) == "Dict[str, float]"
    assert stringify(Tuple[str, str, str]) == "Tuple[str, str, str]"
    assert stringify(Tuple[str, ...]) == "Tuple[str, ...]"
    assert stringify(List[Dict[str, Tuple]]) == "List[Dict[str, Tuple]]"
    assert stringify(MyList[Tuple[int, int]]) == "tests.test_util_typing.MyList[Tuple[int, int]]"
    assert stringify(Generator[None, None, None]) == "Generator[None, None, None]"
Beispiel #9
def test_stringify_type_hints_string():
    assert stringify("int", False) == "int"
    assert stringify("int", True) == "int"

    assert stringify("str", False) == "str"
    assert stringify("str", True) == "str"

    assert stringify(List["int"], False) == "List[int]"
    assert stringify(List["int"], True) == "~typing.List[int]"

    assert stringify("Tuple[str]", False) == "Tuple[str]"
    assert stringify("Tuple[str]", True) == "Tuple[str]"

    assert stringify("unknown", False) == "unknown"
    assert stringify("unknown", True) == "unknown"
Beispiel #10
def test_stringify_type_hints_string():
    assert stringify("int") == "int"
    assert stringify("int", "smart") == "int"

    assert stringify("str") == "str"
    assert stringify("str", "smart") == "str"

    assert stringify(List["int"]) == "List[int]"
    assert stringify(List["int"], "smart") == "~typing.List[int]"

    assert stringify("Tuple[str]") == "Tuple[str]"
    assert stringify("Tuple[str]", "smart") == "Tuple[str]"

    assert stringify("unknown") == "unknown"
    assert stringify("unknown", "smart") == "unknown"
Beispiel #11
def record_typehints(app: Sphinx, objtype: str, name: str, obj: Any,
                     options: Dict, args: str, retann: str) -> None:
    """Record type hints to env object."""
        if callable(obj):
            annotations = app.env.temp_data.setdefault('annotations', {})
            annotation = annotations.setdefault(name, OrderedDict())
            sig = inspect.signature(obj)
            for param in sig.parameters.values():
                if param.annotation is not param.empty:
                    annotation[] = typing.stringify(param.annotation)
            if sig.return_annotation is not sig.empty:
                annotation['return'] = typing.stringify(sig.return_annotation)
    except TypeError:
Beispiel #12
def test_stringify_type_hints_pep_585():
    assert stringify(list[int]) == "list[int]"
    assert stringify(list[str]) == "list[str]"
    assert stringify(dict[str, float]) == "dict[str, float]"
    assert stringify(tuple[str, str, str]) == "tuple[str, str, str]"
    assert stringify(tuple[str, ...]) == "tuple[str, ...]"
    assert stringify(tuple[()]) == "tuple[()]"
    assert stringify(list[dict[str, tuple]]) == "list[dict[str, tuple]]"
    assert stringify(type[int]) == "type[int]"
Beispiel #13
def test_stringify_type_hints_containers():
    assert stringify(List) == "List"
    assert stringify(Dict) == "Dict"
    assert stringify(List[int]) == "List[int]"
    assert stringify(List[str]) == "List[str]"
    assert stringify(Dict[str, float]) == "Dict[str, float]"
    assert stringify(Tuple[str, str, str]) == "Tuple[str, str, str]"
    assert stringify(Tuple[str, ...]) == "Tuple[str, ...]"
    assert stringify(List[Dict[str, Tuple]]) == "List[Dict[str, Tuple]]"
Beispiel #14
def ref_to_class(class_obj):
    Create the sphinx pending_xref for a class
    class_path = typing.stringify(class_obj)
    t_ref = pending_xref(refdomain='py', reftype='class', reftarget=class_path)
    t_ref += nodes.Text(class_path)
    return t_ref
Beispiel #15
def test_stringify():
    assert stringify(int) == "int"
    assert stringify(str) == "str"
    assert stringify(None) == "None"
    assert stringify(Integral) == "numbers.Integral"
    assert stringify(Struct) == "struct.Struct"
    assert stringify(TracebackType) == "types.TracebackType"
    assert stringify(Any) == "Any"
Beispiel #16
def test_stringify_type_hints_Callable():
    assert stringify(Callable) == "Callable"
    assert stringify(Callable, "fully-qualified") == "typing.Callable"
    assert stringify(Callable, "smart") == "~typing.Callable"

    assert stringify(Callable[[str], int]) == "Callable[[str], int]"
    assert stringify(Callable[[str], int],
                     "fully-qualified") == "typing.Callable[[str], int]"
    assert stringify(Callable[[str], int],
                     "smart") == "~typing.Callable[[str], int]"

    assert stringify(Callable[..., int]) == "Callable[[...], int]"
    assert stringify(Callable[..., int],
                     "fully-qualified") == "typing.Callable[[...], int]"
    assert stringify(Callable[..., int],
                     "smart") == "~typing.Callable[[...], int]"
Beispiel #17
def record_typehints(app: Sphinx, objtype: str, name: str, obj: Any,
                     options: Dict, args: str, retann: str) -> None:
    """Record type hints to env object."""
    if app.config.autodoc_typehints_format == 'short':
        mode = 'smart'
        mode = 'fully-qualified'

        if callable(obj):
            annotations = app.env.temp_data.setdefault('annotations', {})
            annotation = annotations.setdefault(name, OrderedDict())
            sig = inspect.signature(obj, type_aliases=app.config.autodoc_type_aliases)
            for param in sig.parameters.values():
                if param.annotation is not param.empty:
                    annotation[] = typing.stringify(param.annotation, mode)
            if sig.return_annotation is not sig.empty:
                annotation['return'] = typing.stringify(sig.return_annotation, mode)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
Beispiel #18
def test_stringify_type_hints_typevars():
    T = TypeVar('T')
    T_co = TypeVar('T_co', covariant=True)
    T_contra = TypeVar('T_contra', contravariant=True)

    if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
        assert stringify(T) == "T"
        assert stringify(T_co) == "T_co"
        assert stringify(T_contra) == "T_contra"
        assert stringify(List[T]) == "List[T]"
        assert stringify(T) == "tests.test_util_typing.T"
        assert stringify(T_co) == "tests.test_util_typing.T_co"
        assert stringify(T_contra) == "tests.test_util_typing.T_contra"
        assert stringify(List[T]) == "List[tests.test_util_typing.T]"

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
        assert stringify(MyInt) == "tests.test_util_typing.MyInt"
        assert stringify(MyInt) == "MyInt"
Beispiel #19
def test_stringify_type_hints_Union():
    assert stringify(Optional[int]) == "Optional[int]"
    assert stringify(Union[str, None]) == "Optional[str]"
    assert stringify(Union[int, str]) == "Union[int, str]"

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
        assert stringify(Union[int, Integral]) == "Union[int, numbers.Integral]"
        assert (stringify(Union[MyClass1, MyClass2]) ==
                "Union[test_util_typing.MyClass1, test_util_typing.<MyClass2>]")
        assert stringify(Union[int, Integral]) == "numbers.Integral"
        assert stringify(Union[MyClass1, MyClass2]) == "test_util_typing.MyClass1"
Beispiel #20
def format_as_markdown_list(section_body,
                            types: dict = None,
                            aliases: dict = None):
    section_body = re.sub(r'\n([^ ].*?):', r'\n- __\1__:', section_body)
    section_body = re.sub(r'^([^ ].*?):', r'- __\1__:', section_body)

    # Optionally add type annotations to docstring
    if types:
        for arg, arg_type in types.items():
            type_hint_str = apply_aliases(stringify(arg_type), aliases)
            section_body = re.sub(rf"(- __{arg}__)", rf"\1 `{type_hint_str}`",

    return section_body
Beispiel #21
def test_stringify_type_union_operator():
    assert stringify(int | None) == "int | None"  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(int | None, "smart") == "int | None"  # type: ignore

    assert stringify(int | str) == "int | str"  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(int | str, "smart") == "int | str"  # type: ignore

    assert stringify(int | str | None) == "int | str | None"  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(int | str | None, "smart") == "int | str | None"  # type: ignore
Beispiel #22
def test_stringify_type_union_operator():
    assert stringify(int | None, False) == "int | None"  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(int | None, True) == "int | None"  # type: ignore

    assert stringify(int | str, False) == "int | str"  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(int | str, True) == "int | str"  # type: ignore

    assert stringify(int | str | None, False) == "int | str | None"  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(int | str | None, True) == "int | str | None"  # type: ignore
Beispiel #23
    def add_content(self, more_content, no_docstring=False):
        # This is a modified version of autodoc.ClassDocumenter.add_content
        # that changes the module name for aliases
        no_docstring = False
        if self.doc_as_attr:
            fullname = stringify(self.object)
            modname = self.env.config["autoautosummary_change_modules"].get(
                fullname, ".".join(fullname.split(".")[:-1])

            more_content = StringList(
                [_(f"alias of :class:`{modname}.{fullname.split('.')[-1]}`")], source=""
            no_docstring = True

        # no_docstring only needs to be specified in sphinx<3.4
        # pylint: disable=bad-super-call
        super(autodoc.ClassDocumenter, self).add_content(
            more_content, no_docstring=no_docstring
Beispiel #24
def test_stringify_broken_type_hints():
    assert stringify(BrokenType) == 'tests.test_util_typing.BrokenType'
Beispiel #25
def test_stringify_type_union_operator():
    assert stringify(int | None) == "Optional[int]"  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(int | str) == "int | str"  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(int | str | None) == "Optional[int | str]"  # type: ignore
Beispiel #26
def test_stringify_type_hints_custom_class():
    assert stringify(MyClass1) == "tests.test_util_typing.MyClass1"
    assert stringify(MyClass2) == "tests.test_util_typing.<MyClass2>"
Beispiel #27
def test_stringify_Annotated():
    from typing import Annotated  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(Annotated[str, "foo", "bar"]) == "str"  # NOQA
Beispiel #28
def test_stringify_type_Literal():
    from typing import Literal  # type: ignore
    assert stringify(Literal[1, "2", "\r"]) == "Literal[1, '2', '\\r']"
Beispiel #29
def test_stringify_type_hints_custom_class():
    assert stringify(MyClass1, False) == "tests.test_util_typing.MyClass1"
    assert stringify(MyClass1, True) == "~tests.test_util_typing.MyClass1"

    assert stringify(MyClass2, False) == "tests.test_util_typing.<MyClass2>"
    assert stringify(MyClass2, True) == "~tests.test_util_typing.<MyClass2>"
Beispiel #30
def test_stringify_mock():
    with mock(['unknown']):
        import unknown
        assert stringify(unknown.secret.Class, False) == 'unknown.secret.Class'
        assert stringify(unknown.secret.Class, True) == 'unknown.secret.Class'