def calc_vinfinity( tof, args ):

	r1_planet1 = spice.spkgps( args[ 'planet1_ID' ],
		args[ 'et0' ] + tof, args[ 'frame' ], args[ 'center_ID' ] )[ 0 ]

	v0_sc_depart, v1_sc_arrive = lt.lamberts_universal_variables(
		args[ 'state0_planet0' ][ :3 ], r1_planet1, tof,
		{ 'mu': args[ 'mu' ], 'tm': args[ 'tm' ] } )

	vinf = nt.norm( v0_sc_depart - args[ 'state0_planet0' ][ 3: ] )
	return args[ 'vinf' ] - vinf
def vinfinity_match( planet0, planet1, v0_sc, et0, tof0, args = {} ):
	Given an incoming v-infinity vector to planet0, calculate the
	outgoing v-infinity vector that will arrive at planet1 after
	time of flight (tof) where the incoming and outgoing v-infinity
	vectors at planet0 have equal magnitude
	_args = {
		'et0'       : et0,
		'planet1_ID': planet1,
		'frame'     : 'ECLIPJ2000',
		'center_ID' : 0,
		'mu'        : pd.sun[ 'mu' ],
		'tm'        : 1,
		'diff_step' : 1e-3,
		'tol'       : 1e-4
	for key in args.keys():
		_args[ key ] = args[ key ]

	_args[ 'state0_planet0' ] = spice.spkgeo( planet0, et0,
		_args[ 'frame' ], _args[ 'center_ID' ] )[ 0 ]

	_args[ 'vinf' ] = nt.norm( v0_sc - _args[ 'state0_planet0' ][ 3: ] )

	tof, steps = nt.newton_root_single_fd(
		calc_vinfinity, tof0, _args )

	r1_planet1 = spice.spkgps( planet1, et0 + tof,
		_args[ 'frame' ], _args[ 'center_ID' ] )[ 0 ]

	v0_sc_depart, v1_sc_arrive = lt.lamberts_universal_variables(
		_args[ 'state0_planet0' ][ :3 ], r1_planet1, tof,
		{ 'mu': _args[ 'mu' ], 'tm': _args[ 'tm' ] } )

	return tof, v0_sc_depart, v1_sc_arrive
def f_calc_position(time_et):

    SSB_position, _ = spiceypy.spkgps(targ=0,et=time_et,\
    return (SSB_position)
print('Calculated time diff: {calculated_difference}s'.format(
print('Computational time diff: {computational_difference}s'.format(
    computational_difference=end_time_et - initial_time_et))

### grid with 1 day intervals between initial time and end time
time_interval_et = np.linspace(initial_time_et, end_time_et, delta_days)

### ssb is solar system barycenter
ssb_wrt_sun_position = []

for interval_et in time_interval_et:
    _position, _ = sp.spkgps(targ=0 \
                            ,et=interval_et \
                            ,ref='ECLIPJ2000' \


ssb_wrt_sun_position_array = np.array(ssb_wrt_sun_position)
initial_position = np.round(ssb_wrt_sun_position[0])

### First Position
print('Position (components) of the Solar System Barycentre w.r.t the\n' \
      'centre of the Sun (at inital time): \n' \
      'X = {x} km\n' \
      'Y = {y} km\n' \
      'Z = {z} km\n'.format(x = initial_position[0] \
                            ,y = initial_position[1] \
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

DIST_MAT = cdist(np.array(list(ast_2020_jx1_df['POS_VEC_KM'].values)), \

# Print the maximum distance of all position solution space / domain
print('Maximum distance of the predicted positions of 2020 JX1 in km: ' \


# We want to compute the ecliptic coordinates of the asteroid as seen from
# Earth ... or let's say: the solution space
# First, we need to compute the position vector of our home planet ...
EARTH_POSITION_KM, _ = spiceypy.spkgps(targ=399, et=SAMPLE_ET, \
                                       ref='ECLIPJ2000', obs=10)


# ... to determine the asteroid's position as seen from Earth
ast_2020_jx1_df.loc[:, 'POS_VEC_WRT_EARTH_KM'] = \
    ast_2020_jx1_df['POS_VEC_KM'].apply(lambda x: x - EARTH_POSITION_KM)


# Now let's compute the ecliptic longitude and latitude values
ast_2020_jx1_df.loc[:, 'ECLIP_LONG_DEG'] = \
    ast_2020_jx1_df['POS_VEC_WRT_EARTH_KM'] \
        .apply(lambda x: np.degrees(spiceypy.recrad(x)[1]))
ast_2020_jx1_df.loc[:, 'ECLIP_LAT_DEG'] = \
    ast_2020_jx1_df['POS_VEC_WRT_EARTH_KM'] \
Beispiel #6
# We see that 5.0012845 seconds are added in this time period (leap-seconds)

# Create a numpy array that covers a time interval in delta = 1 day step


# Now we compute the position of the Solar System's barycentre w.r.t. our Sun:
# First we set an empty list that stores later all x, y, z components for each
# time step

# Each time step is used in this for-loop to compute the position of the SSB
# w.r.t. the Sun. We use the function spkgps.
    _position, _ = spiceypy.spkgps(targ=0, et=TIME_INTERVAL_ET_f, \
                                   ref='ECLIPJ2000', obs=10)

    # Append the result to the final list

# Convert the list to a numpy array


# Let's have a look at the first entry and ...
print('Position (components) of the Solar System Barycentre w.r.t the\n' \
      'centre of the Sun (at initial time): \n' \
      'X = %s km\n' \
      'Y = %s km\n' \
      'Z = %s km\n' % tuple(np.round(SSB_WRT_SUN_POSITION[0])))
Beispiel #7
ceres_df.loc[:, 'UTC_PARSED'] = DATETIME_RANGE.strftime('%Y-%j')

# Convert the date-time to Ephemeris Time
ceres_df.loc[:, 'ET_TIME'] = ceres_df['UTC_TIME'] \
                                 .apply(lambda x: spiceypy.utc2et(str(x)))


# Compute the distance between Ceres and the Sun and convert the resulting
# distance value given in km to AU
ceres_df.loc[:, 'DIST_SUN_AU'] = \
    ceres_df['ET_TIME'].apply(lambda x: \
        spiceypy.convrt( \
            spiceypy.vnorm( \
                spiceypy.spkgps(targ=CERES_ID, \
                                et=x, \
                                ref='ECLIPJ2000', \
                                obs=10)[0]), \
            'km', 'AU'))

# # Compute the distance between Ceres and the Earth and convert the resulting
# distance value given in km to AU
ceres_df.loc[:, 'DIST_EARTH_AU'] = \
    ceres_df['ET_TIME'].apply(lambda x: \
        spiceypy.convrt( \
            spiceypy.vnorm( \
                spiceypy.spkgps(targ=CERES_ID, \
                                et=x, \
                                ref='ECLIPJ2000', \
                                obs=399)[0]), \
            'km', 'AU'))
Beispiel #8
# Set the column ET that stores all ETs

# The column UTC transforms all ETs back to a UTC format. The function
# spicepy.et2datetime is NOT an official part of SPICE (there you can find
# et2utc).
# However this function returns immediately a datetime object
SOLAR_SYSTEM_DF.loc[:, 'UTC'] = \
    SOLAR_SYSTEM_DF['ET'].apply(lambda x: spiceypy.et2datetime(et=x).date())

# Here, the position of the SSB, as seen from the Sun, is computed. Since
# spicepy.spkgps returns the position and the corresponding light time,
# we add the index [0] to obtain only the position array
    SOLAR_SYSTEM_DF['ET'].apply(lambda x: spiceypy.spkgps(targ=0, \
                                                          et=x, \
                                                          ref='ECLIPJ2000', \

# Now the SSB position vector is scaled with the Sun's radius
    SOLAR_SYSTEM_DF['POS_SSB_WRT_SUN'].apply(lambda x: x / RADIUS_SUN)

# Finally the distance between the Sun and the SSB is computed. The length
# (norm) of the vector needs to be determined with the SPICE function vnorm().
# numpy provides an identical function in: numpy.linalg.norm()
    SOLAR_SYSTEM_DF['POS_SSB_WRT_SUN_SCALED'].apply(lambda x: \

Beispiel #9
print('Init time in UTC: %s' % initial_UTC)
print('End time in UTC: %s\n' % end_UTC)

# Convert to Ephemeris Time (ET) using the SPICE function utc2et
initial_et = spiceypy.utc2et(initial_UTC)
end_et = spiceypy.utc2et(end_UTC)

print('Covered time interval in seconds: %s\n' % (end_et - initial_et))
# We see that 5.0012845 seconds are added in this time period (leapseconds)

# Create a numpy array that covers a time interval in delta = 1 day step
delta_time = np.linspace(initial_et, end_et, delta)

for i in delta_time:

    position, _ = spiceypy.spkgps(targ=0, et = i, ref='ECLIPJ2000', obs=10)

barycenter = np.array(barycenter)

print('Position (components) of the Solar System Barycentre w.r.t the\n' \
      'centre of the Sun (at inital time): \n' \
      'X = %s km\n' \
      'Y = %s km\n' \
      'Z = %s km\n' % tuple(np.round(barycenter[0])))

# ... let's determine and print the corresponding distance using the numpy
# function linalg.norm()
print('Distance between the Solar System Barycentre w.r.t the\n' \
      'centre of the Sun (at initial time): \n' \
      'd = %s km\n' % round(np.linalg.norm(barycenter[0])))