def view(binaryfile, probefile, nbits, chs, time, span): ''' view raw or mua file with or without spk_info: `spiketag view mua.bin spk.bin prb.json` ''' from spiketag.base import probe from spiketag.base import MUA from vispy import app nbits, time, span = int(nbits), float(time), float(span) chs_tbview = slice(*[int(_) for _ in chs.split(',')]) prb = probe() prb.load(probefile) if len(binaryfile) == 2: mua_filename, spk_filename = binaryfile click.echo('loadding {} and {}'.format(mua_filename, spk_filename)) mua = MUA(mua_filename=mua_filename, spk_filename=spk_filename, probe=prb, numbytes=nbits // 8, scale=False) if span == -1: span = None[chs_tbview], span=span, time=time) elif len(binaryfile) == 1: mua_filename = binaryfile[0] click.echo('loadding {}'.format(mua_filename)) mua = MUA(mua_filename=mua_filename, spk_filename=None, probe=prb, numbytes=nbits // 8, scale=False) if span == -1: span = None[chs_tbview], span=span, time=time)
def sort(binaryfile, probefile): ''' sort without notebook: `spiketag sort mua.bin spk.bin prb.json` ''' mua_filename, spk_filename = binaryfile click.echo('spiketag-sort: loadding {} and {}'.format( mua_filename, spk_filename)) import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication from spiketag.mvc.Control import controller from spiketag.base import probe prb = probe() prb.load(probefile) app = QApplication(sys.argv) ctrl = controller(probe=prb, mua_filename=mua_filename, spk_filename=spk_filename, binary_radix=13, scale=False # time_segs=[[0,320]] ) # ctrl.model.sort(clu_method='dpgmm', group_id=0, n_comp=8, max_iter=400) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def view_data(filename, prbfile, nbits, time=0, span=5): prb = probe() prb.load(prbfile) mua = MUA(filename, prb, numbytes=nbits // 8, scale=False) if span == -1: span = None[:128], span=span, time=time)
def prb_check(prbfile, font_size=33): ''' check prb by visualization ''' from spiketag.base import probe prb = probe() prb.load(prbfile)
def check_fpga(prbfile, var): prb = probe() prb.load(prbfile) prb.n_ch = 160 prb.fs = 25000. fpga = xike_config(prb) if var in dir(fpga): exec('print(fpga.{})'.format(var))
def fpga(probefile): ''' init fpga with probe file: `spiketag fpga prb.json` ''' click.echo('init FPGA with probe file {}'.format(probefile)) from spiketag.fpga import xike_config from spiketag.base import probe prb = probe() prb.load(probefile) fpga = xike_config(prb) click.echo('init FPGA success, check fpga with "spiketag fpga-check"')
def report(binaryfile, probefile, nbits=32): ''' view raw or mua file with or without spk_info: `spiketag view mua.bin spk.bin prb.json` ''' from spiketag.base import probe from spiketag.base import MUA from collections import Counter import seaborn as sns import mplcursors nbits = int(nbits) prb = probe() prb.load(probefile) if len(binaryfile) == 2: mua_filename, spk_filename = binaryfile click.echo('loadding {} and {}'.format(mua_filename, spk_filename)) mua = MUA(mua_filename=mua_filename, spk_filename=spk_filename, probe=prb, numbytes=nbits // 8, scale=False) ## report ch<-->nspks statistics spk_info = np.fromfile(spk_filename, np.int32).reshape(-1, 2) t, ch = spk_info[:, 0] / prb.fs, spk_info[:, 1] ch = ch[t > 0.004] t = t[t > 0.004] c = Counter(ch) nspks = np.array([c[ch] for ch in prb.chs]) nspks_max = nspks.max() sns.set_context('paper') sns.set(font_scale=1.5) sns.set_style('white')'dark_background') fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(25, 15), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [3, 1]}) sns.scatterplot(t, prb.ch_idx[ch], hue=prb.ch_idx[ch],, s=18, marker='|', legend=False, ax=ax[0]) ax[0].set_facecolor((.1, .1, .1, .0)) ax[0].set_ylim(ax[0].get_ylim()[::-1]) ax[0].set_xlabel('Time(secs)') ax[0].set_ylabel('Virtual Channel Number') ax[0].set_yticks(np.arange(0, 160, 8)) ax[0].invert_yaxis() ax[0].set_title('#spikes found on (channels) vs (time)') nspks_img = ax[1].imshow(nspks.reshape(-1, prb.group_len), #ocean_r ax[1].grid(which='minor', color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=2) ax[1].set_ylabel('Group Number') ax[1].set_xticks(range(prb.group_len)) ax[1].set_yticks(range(prb.n_group)) ax[1].set_xlabel('Channels in the Group') ax[1].set_title('#spikes found on (channels) in (group)') ax[1].invert_yaxis() sns.despine() for i in range(prb.grp_matrix.shape[0]): for j in range(prb.grp_matrix.shape[1]): if nspks[prb.grp_matrix[i, j]] < nspks_max * 0.7: ax[1].text(j, i, str(prb.grp_matrix[i, j]), color='white', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10) else: ax[1].text(j, i, str(prb.grp_matrix[i, j]), color='black', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=10) fig.colorbar(nspks_img) plt.tight_layout() mplcursors.cursor() elif len(binaryfile) == 1: mua_filename = binaryfile[0] click.echo('loadding {}'.format(mua_filename)) mua = MUA(mua_filename=mua_filename, spk_filename=None, probe=prb, numbytes=nbits // 8, scale=False)
import numpy as np from spiketag.base import probe from spiketag.view import probe_view prb_bowtie_LL = probe(shank_no=6, prb_type='bow_tie') prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[0].l = [59, 60, 10, 58, 12, 11, 57, 56] prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[0].r = [5, 52, 3, 54, 53, 4, 13, 2, 55] prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[0].xl = -100. prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[0].yl = 20 prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[0].xr = -80. prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[0].yr = 5 prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[1].l = [15, 63, 48, 47, 0, 61, 9, 14, 62, 6] prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[1].r = [8, 1, 51, 50, 18, 34, 31, 25, 33, 17, 22, 49] prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[1].xl = -10. prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[1].yl = 15 prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[1].xr = 10. prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[1].yr = 0 prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[2].l = [39, 38, 20, 45, 44, 24, 7, 32, 16, 23, 46, 30] prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[2].r = [ 19, 37, 21, 35, 36, 26, 29, 40, 27, 42, 41, 28, 43 ] prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[2].xl = 80. prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[2].yl = 10 prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[2].xr = 100. prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[2].yr = -5 prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[3].l = [123, 124, 74, 122, 76, 75, 121, 120] prb_bowtie_LL.shanks[3].r = [69, 116, 67, 118, 117, 68, 77, 66, 119]
def _to_txt(self, filename): with open(filename,'w') as f: for ch, pos in self.mapping.items(): _str = str(ch)+": " + str(pos) + '\n' f.write(_str) for grpNo in range(self.n_group): _str = "groupNo_" + str(grpNo) + ":" + str(self[grpNo]) + '\n' f.write(_str) if __name__ == '__main__': from spiketag.base import ch_group, shank, probe # shk = shank() # shk[1] = ch_group([3, 4, 10, 1]) prb = probe(shank_no=3) prb[0].l = [59,60,10,58,12,11,57,56] prb[0].r = [5,52,3,54,53,4,13,2,55] prb[0].x = -100. prb[0].y = 10 prb[1].l = [15,63,48,47,0,61,9,14,62,6] prb[1].r = [8, 1,51,50,18,34,31,25,33,17,22] prb[1].x = -50. prb[1].y = 5 prb[2].l = [39,38,20,45,44,24,7,32,16,23,46,30] prb[2].r = [19,37,21,35,36,26,29,40,27,42,41,28,43] prb[2].x = 0. prb[2].y = 0 # print prb[0]
def keyPressEvent(self, e): print("event", e) # if e.key() == Qt.Key_F5: # if self.view_timer.isActive(): # self.view_timer.stop() # else: # self.view_timer.start(self.update_interval) # self.close() # if e.key()==Qt.Key_Space: # self.close() if __name__ == '__main__': # 1. prb, gui and bmi and binner app = QApplication(sys.argv) prb = probe(prbfile='./dusty/dusty.json') gui = BMI_RASTER_GUI(prb=prb, fet_file='./fet.bin') bin_size, B_bins = 25e-3, 10 gui.bmi.set_binner(bin_size=bin_size, B_bins=B_bins) # 2. decoder # pos = np.fromfile('./sorting/dusty_pos.bin').reshape(-1,2) # pc = place_field(pos=pos, t_step=33.333e-3) # replay_offset = 2.004 # start = 320 # end = 2500 # pc.align_with_recording(start, end, replay_offset) # pc.initialize(bin_size=4, v_cutoff=25) # pc.load_spktag('./sorting/spktag/test_allspikes', show=True) # dec = NaiveBayes(t_step=bin_size, t_window=B_bins*bin_size) # dec.connect_to(pc)