Beispiel #1
def pd_prediction(dataio, patient_info, patient_array, params):
    ### Task Setting 
    task = params['task'][0] # disease prediction
    split_method = 'cross-validation'
    kfold = 5 # 5-fold validation
    ### Initialization
    auc = np.zeros(kfold, dtype='float32') # evaluation metrics
    ap = np.zeros(kfold, dtype='float32')
    n_feature = dataio.feature.feature_len
    param_w = np.zeros([n_feature, kfold], dtype='float32')
    print ('-----')
    split = Splitter(task, patient_array, kfold, split_method)
    for k in range(kfold): # each fold, k is the index of test set
        ### Data Splitting
        train_data, test_data = split.get_splitter(k)
        ### Model Training 
        pd_pred = PDPredictor(k, patient_info, train_data, params['result_path'])
        model, y_pred = pd_pred.train_model()
        param_w[:,k], _ = pd_pred.get_param()
        ### Evaluating
        pd_eval = Evaluator(model, test_data, patient_info, task, pd_pred)
        auc[k], ap[k] = pd_eval.compute_accuracy()
    print ('-----')
    print ('AUC of the %s task: %f' %(task, np.sum(auc)/kfold))
    print ('Average Precision of the %s task: %f' %(task, np.sum(ap)/kfold))    
    ### Displaying Feature (selected by prediction model)
    feature = dataio.feature
    feature.get_pred_feature(param_w, kfold, 'pd')  
Beispiel #2
def hy_prediction(dataio, patient_info, patient_array, params):
    ### Task Setting 
    task = params['task'][1]
    split_method = 'ratio'
    ratio = 0.8 # provide the ratio
    krun = 10 # run 5 times then average the result 
    ### Initialization
    acc = np.zeros(krun, dtype='float32') # evaluation metric
    n_feature = dataio.feature.feature_len
    param_w = np.zeros([n_feature, krun], dtype='float32') # weights parameter
    ### H&Y Reading
    feature = dataio.feature
    patient_info = feature.get_hy_stage(patient_info, patient_array)
    print ('-----')
#    split = Splitter(task, patient_array, ratio, split_method, patient_info)
    split = Splitter(task, patient_array, ratio, split_method)
    for k in range(krun):
        ### Data Splitting
        train_data, test_data = split.get_splitter(k)
        ### Model Training 
        hy_pred = HYPredictor(k, patient_info, train_data, params['result_path'])
        model, y_pred = hy_pred.train_model()
        param_w[:,k], _ = hy_pred.get_param()
        ### Evaluating
        hy_eval = Evaluator(model, test_data, patient_info, task, hy_pred)
        acc[k] = hy_eval.compute_accuracy()
    print ('-----')
    print ('Accuracy of the %s task: %f' %(task, np.sum(acc)/krun)) 
    ### Displaying Feature (selected by prediction model)
    feature = dataio.feature
    feature.get_pred_feature(param_w, krun, 'yh')  
Beispiel #3
def moca_prediction(dataio, patient_info, patient_array, params):
    ### Task Setting 
    task = params['task'][2]
    split_method = 'ratio'
    ratio = 0.8 # provide the ratio
    krun = 5 # run 5 times then average the result 
    ### Initialization
    rmse = np.zeros(krun, dtype='float32') # evaluation metric
    n_feature = dataio.feature.feature_len
    param_w = np.zeros([n_feature, krun], dtype='float32')
    ### MoCA Reading
    feature = dataio.feature
    patient_info = feature.get_moca_score(patient_info, patient_array)
    print ('-----')
    split = Splitter(task, patient_array, ratio, split_method)
    for k in range(krun):
        ### Data Splitting
        train_data, test_data = split.get_splitter(k)
        ### Model Training 
        moca_pred = MoCAPredictor(k, patient_info, train_data, params['result_path'])
        model, y_pred = moca_pred.train_model()
        param_w[:,k] = moca_pred.get_param()
        ### Evaluating
        pd_eval = Evaluator(model, test_data, patient_info, task, moca_pred)
        rmse[k] = pd_eval.compute_accuracy()
    print ('-----')
    print ('RMSE of the %s task: %f' %(task, np.sum(rmse)/krun))
    ### Displaying Feature (selected by prediction model)
    feature = dataio.feature
    feature.get_pred_feature(param_w, krun, 'moca')