Beispiel #1
class Country(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_country'

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    countrycode = Unicode(1)
    countryname = Unicode(1)
    countryprefix = Unicode(1)
Beispiel #2
class HelloWorldService(ServiceBase):
    @rpc(Unicode(default='World'), UnsignedInteger(default=5),
    def say_hello(ctx, name, times):
        # workaround for Python2's lacking of nonlocal
        times = [times]

        def _cb(push):
            # This callback is called immediately after the function returns.

            if times[0] > 0:
                times[0] -= 1

                data = u'Hello, %s' % name
                print data

                # The object passed to the append() method is immediately
                # serialized to bytes and pushed to the response stream's
                # file-like object.

                # When a push-callback returns anything other than a deferred,
                # the response gets closed.
                return deferLater(reactor, 1, _cb, push)

        # This is Spyne's way of returning NOT_DONE_YET
        return Iterable.Push(_cb)

    @rpc(Unicode(default='World'), _returns=Iterable(Unicode))
    def say_hello_forever(ctx, name):
        def _cb(push):
            push.append(u'Hello, %s' % name)
            return deferLater(reactor, 0.1, _cb, push)

        return Iterable.Push(_cb)
Beispiel #3
class Iso639(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_iso639'

    charset = Unicode(1)
    code = Unicode(1, primary_key=True)
    lname = Unicode(1)
    name = Unicode(1, unique=True)
Beispiel #4
class Backup(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_backup'

    creationdate = Date
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    name = Unicode(1, unique=True)
    path = Unicode(1)
Beispiel #5
class NameType(ComplexModel):
    """Type of name. Possible values for attribute 'name' are implementation
    dependent but standard profiles may specify types. An enterprise may
    have multiple IT systems each having its own local name for the same
    object, e.g. a planning system may have different names from an EMS. An
    object may also have different names within the same IT system, e.g.
    localName as defined in CIM version 14. The definition from CIM14
    is:The localName is a human readable name of the object. It is a free
    text name local to a node in a naming hierarchy similar to a file
    directory structure. A power system related naming hierarchy may be:
    Substation, VoltageLevel, Equipment etc. Children of the same parent in
    such a hierarchy have names that typically are unique among them."""
    member_data_items_ = [('description',
                           Unicode.customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0)),
                          ('name', Unicode.customize(max_occurs=1,

    def __init__(self,
        self.description = description = name
        self.nameTypeAuthority = nameTypeAuthority
Beispiel #6
class Status(ComplexModel):
    """Current status information relevant to an entity."""
    _type_info = [
        ('dateTime', DateTime.customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0)),
        ('reason', Unicode.customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0)),
        ('remark', Unicode.customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0)),
        ('value', Unicode.customize(max_occurs=1, min_occurs=0)),

    def __init__(self,
        if isinstance(dateTime, str):
            initvalue_ = datetime_.datetime.strptime(dateTime,
            initvalue_ = dateTime
        self.dateTime = initvalue_
        self.reason = reason
        self.remark = remark
        self.value = value
Beispiel #7
class Support(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_support'

    id = Integer32(primary_key=True)
    email = Unicode(1)
    language = Unicode(1)
    name = Unicode(1)
Beispiel #8
class StockService(Service):

    @rpc(Unicode(encoding='utf-8'), Float(ge=0.0), _in_header=(AuthHeader,), _operation_name='CreateStock',
    def create_stock(ctx, StockName, StockPrice):
        user_name = ctx.in_header.UserName
        token = ctx.in_header.Token
        if all([user_name, token]):
            result = handlers.create_stock(user_name, token, StockName, StockPrice)
            if result['result']:
                return result['message']
            raise Fault(result['side'], result['message'])
        raise Fault('Client', 'Нет прав доступа')

    @rpc(Unicode(encoding='utf-8'), _operation_name='GetStockPrice', _returns=Float)
    def get_stock_price(ctx, StockName):
        result = handlers.get_stock_price(StockName)
        if result['result']:
            return result['message']
        raise Fault(result['side'], result['message'])

    @rpc(Unicode(encoding='utf-8'), Float(ge=0.0), _in_header=(AuthHeader,), _operation_name='SetStockPrice',
    def set_stock_price(ctx, StockName, Price):
        user_name = ctx.in_header.UserName
        token = ctx.in_header.Token
        if all([user_name, token]):
            result = handlers.set_stock_price(user_name, token, StockName, Price)
            if result['result']:
                return result['message']
            raise Fault(result['side'], result['message'])
        raise Fault('Client', 'Нет прав доступа.')
Beispiel #9
class Campaign(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_campaign'

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    creationdate = Date
    daily_start_time = Time
    daily_stop_time = Time
    description = Unicode
    expirationdate = Date
    forward_number = Unicode(1)
    frequency = Integer32
    friday = Integer32
    id_campaign_config = Integer32
    id_card = Integer64
    id_cid_group = Integer32
    monday = Integer32
    name = Unicode(1, unique=True)
    nb_callmade = Integer32
    saturday = Integer32
    secondusedreal = Integer32
    startingdate = Date
    status = Integer32
    sunday = Integer32
    thursday = Integer32
    tuesday = Integer32
    wednesday = Integer32
Beispiel #10
class Timezone(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_timezone'

    id = Integer32(primary_key=True)
    gmtoffset = Integer64
    gmttime = Unicode(1)
    gmtzone = Unicode(1)
 def create_parameters_model(self):
     type_info = (
         ('checkedOutId', Unicode.customize()),
         ('checkedOutBy', Unicode.customize(min_occurs=0)),
     parameters_model = complex_model_factory('Parameters-zs-dms-r',
                                              ZDS_XML_NS, type_info)
     return parameters_model
Beispiel #12
 def test_unicode_values(self):
     v = "a"
     cls = Unicode(100, type_name="tn", values=list("abcd"))
     assert not cls.get_type_name() is Unicode.Empty
     elt = _test_type(cls, v).xpath("div/select")[0]
     assert elt.tag == "select"
     assert elt.xpath("option/@value") == [""] + list("abcd")
     assert elt.xpath("option[@selected]/text()") == [v]
Beispiel #13
 def test_unicode_values(self):
     v = 'a'
     cls = Unicode(100, type_name="tn", values=list('abcd'))
     assert not cls.get_type_name() is Unicode.Empty
     elt = _test_type(cls, v).xpath('div/select')[0]
     assert elt.tag == 'select'
     assert elt.xpath("option/@value") == [''] + list('abcd')
     assert elt.xpath("option[@selected]/text()") == [v]
Beispiel #14
class Permission(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'permission'
    __namespace__ = 'spyne.examples.user_manager'
    __table_args__ = {"sqlite_autoincrement": True}

    id = UnsignedInteger32(pk=True)
    application = Unicode(values=('usermgr', 'accountmgr'))
    operation = Unicode(values=('read', 'modify', 'delete'))
Beispiel #15
class Permission(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'permission'
    __namespace__ = 'spyne.examples.sql_crud'
    __table_args__ = {"sqlite_autoincrement": True}

    id = UnsignedInteger32(primary_key=True)
    application = Unicode(256)
    operation = Unicode(256)
Beispiel #16
class CampaignConfig(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_campaign_config'

    id = Integer32(primary_key=True)
    context = Unicode(1)
    description = Unicode
    flatrate = Decimal
    name = Unicode(1)
Beispiel #17
 def test_unicode_values(self):
     v = 'a'
     cls = Unicode(100, type_name="tn", values=list('abcd'))
     assert not cls.get_type_name() is Unicode.Empty
     elt = _test_type(cls, v).xpath('div/select')[0]
     assert elt.tag == 'select'
     assert elt.xpath("option/@value") == [''] + list('abcd')
     assert elt.xpath("option[@selected]/text()") == [v]
Beispiel #18
class Callerid(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_callerid'

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    # id_cc_card = Integer64
    cc_card = Card.store_as(table(left='id_cc_card'))
    activated = Unicode(1, default='t')
    cid = Unicode(1, unique=True)
Beispiel #19
 class SomeObject(ComplexModel):
     _type_info = [
         ('i0', Integer),
         ('s0', Unicode),
         ('i1', Integer(fieldset=fset_one)),
         ('s1', Unicode(fieldset=fset_one)),
         ('i2', Integer(fieldset=fset_two)),
         ('s2', Unicode(fieldset=fset_two)),
Beispiel #20
class SubscriptionSignup(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_subscription_signup'

    description = Unicode(1)
    enable = Integer32
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    id_callplan = Integer64
    id_subscription = Integer64
    label = Unicode(1)
Beispiel #21
class Speeddial(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_speeddial'

    creationdate = Date
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    id_cc_card = Integer64
    name = Unicode(1)
    phone = Unicode(1)
    speeddial = Integer32
 def create_object_model(self):
     type_info = (
         ('identificatie', Unicode.customize(sub_ns=self.stuf_zkn_ns)),
         ('functie', XmlAttribute(Unicode.customize(sub_ns=self.stuf_ns), ns='')),
         ('entiteittype', XmlAttribute(Unicode.customize(sub_ns=self.stuf_ns, ns=''))),
     object_model = complex_model_factory(
         '{}_{}'.format(self.entiteittype, self.shortname), self.stuf_zkn_ns, type_info)
     return object_model
Beispiel #23
class User(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'user'

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    active = Integer32
    admin = Integer32
    email = Unicode(1, unique=True)
    password = Unicode(1)
    username = Unicode(1, unique=True)
 def create_object_model(self):
     type_info = (
         ('identificatie', Unicode.customize(sub_ns=self.stuf_zkn_ns)),
         ('functie', XmlAttribute(Unicode.customize(sub_ns=self.stuf_ns), ns='')),
         ('entiteittype', XmlAttribute(Unicode.customize(sub_ns=self.stuf_ns, ns=''))),
     object_model = complex_model_factory(
         '{}_{}'.format(self.entiteittype, self.shortname), self.stuf_zkn_ns, type_info)
     return object_model
Beispiel #25
class Extensions(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_extension'

    id = Integer32(primary_key=True)
    context = Unicode(64, default='home')
    exten = Unicode(20, default='')
    priority = Unicode(4, default='0')
    app = Unicode(20, default='Dial')
    appdata = Unicode(128, default='')
Beispiel #26
class Currencies(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_currencies'

    id = Integer32(primary_key=True)
    basecurrency = Unicode(1)
    currency = Unicode(1, unique=True)
    lastupdate = Date
    name = Unicode(1)
    value = Decimal
Beispiel #27
class User(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'user'
    __namespace__ = 'spyne.examples.user_manager'
    __table_args__ = {"sqlite_autoincrement": True}

    id = UnsignedInteger32(pk=True)
    email = Unicode(64, pattern=r'[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}')
    user_name = Unicode(32, min_len=4, pattern='[a-z0-9.]+')
    full_name = Unicode(64, pattern='\w+( \w+)+')
    permissions = Array(Permission).store_as('table')
Beispiel #28
class ServerManager(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_server_manager'

    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    id_group = Integer32
    lasttime_used = Date
    manager_host = Unicode(1)
    manager_secret = Unicode(1)
    manager_username = Unicode(1)
    server_ip = Unicode(1)
 def create_parameters_model(self):
     type_info = (('checkedOutId',
     parameters_model = complex_model_factory(
         '{}_Parameters_{}'.format(self.berichtcode, self.shortname),
         self.stuf_zds_ns, type_info)
     return parameters_model
Beispiel #30
class User(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'user'
    __namespace__ = 'spyne.examples.sql_crud'
    __table_args__ = {"sqlite_autoincrement": True}

    id = UnsignedInteger32(primary_key=True)
    name = Unicode(256)
    first_name = Unicode(256)
    last_name = Unicode(256)
    permissions = Array(Permission, store_as='table')
Beispiel #31
class Notification(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_notification'

    date = Date
    from_ = Integer64(db_column='from_id')
    from_type = Integer32
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    key_value = Unicode(1)
    link = Integer64(db_column='link_id')
    link_type = Unicode(1)
    priority = Integer32
Beispiel #32
class Invoice(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_invoice'

    date = Date
    description = Unicode
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    id_card = Integer64
    paid_status = Integer32
    reference = Unicode(1, unique=True)
    status = Integer32
    title = Unicode(1)
Beispiel #33
class Phonenumber(TableModel):
    __tablename__ = 'cc_phonenumber'

    amount = Integer32
    creationdate = Date
    id = Integer64(primary_key=True)
    id_phonebook = Integer32
    info = Unicode
    name = Unicode(1)
    number = Unicode(1)
    status = Integer32
 def create_stuurgegevens_model(self):
     type_info = (
         ('berichtcode', Unicode.customize(sub_ns=STUF_XML_NS, pattern=self.berichtcode)),
     stuurgegevens_model = complex_model_factory('{}_Stuurgegevens_{}'.format(
         self.berichtcode, self.shortname), STUF_XML_NS, type_info)
     return stuurgegevens_model
 def create_parameters_model(self):
     # See StUF 3.01 Tabel 5.2, only mutatiesoort should be part of the parameters.
     mutatiesoort = 'W' if self.update else 'T'
     type_info = (
         ('mutatiesoort', Unicode.customize(sub_ns=STUF_XML_NS, fixed=mutatiesoort, min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, nillable=False)),
     parameters_model = self.create_reusable_model(self.create_parameters_name(), STUF_XML_NS, type_info)
     return parameters_model
 def create_parameters_model(self):
     type_info = (
         ('checkedOutId', Unicode.customize(type_name='checkedOutId')),
         # ('versioningState', Unicode.customize(type_name='versioningState', min_occurs=0))
     parameters_model = complex_model_factory('{}_Parameters_{}'.format(
         self.berichtcode, self.shortname), ZDS_XML_NS, type_info)
     return parameters_model
 def create_document_model(self):
     type_info = (
         ('identificatie', Unicode.customize(min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, nillable=False)),
         ('functie', functie),
         ('entiteittype', entiteittype),
         ('verwerkingssoort', verwerkingssoort)
     document_model = complex_model_factory('EDC_cc_e', ZKN_XML_NS, type_info)
     return document_model
 def create_parameters_model(self):
     # See StUF 3.01 Tabel 5.2
     mutatiesoort = 'W' if self.update else 'T'
     type_info = (
         ('mutatiesoort', Unicode.customize(sub_ns=STUF_XML_NS, fixed=mutatiesoort, min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, nillable=False)),
         ('indicatorOvername', IndicatorOvername.customize(min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, nillable=False)),
     parameters_model = self.create_reusable_model(self.create_parameters_name(), STUF_XML_NS, type_info)
     return parameters_model
 def create_stuurgegevens_model(self):
     type_info = (
         ('berichtcode', Unicode.customize(type_name='BerichtcodeDi02', sub_ns=self.stuf_ns, pattern=self.berichtcode)),  # sub_ns=self.stuf_ns
         ('zender', Systeem),
         ('ontvanger', Systeem),
         ('referentienummer', simple_types.Refnummer.customize(min_occurs=0)),
         ('tijdstipBericht', simple_types.Tijdstip.customize(min_occurs=0)),
         ('functie', simple_types.Functie),
     stuurgegevens_model = complex_model_factory('{}_Stuurgegevens_{}'.format(
         self.berichtcode, self.shortname), self.stuf_ns, type_info)
     return stuurgegevens_model
 def create_stuurgegevens_model(self):
     BerichtCode = Unicode.customize(type_name='BerichtcodeLk01', sub_ns=STUF_XML_NS, fixed=self.berichtcode, min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, nillable=False)
     type_info = (
         ('berichtcode', BerichtCode.customize(min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, nillable=False)),
         ('zender', Systeem.customize(min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, nillable=False)),
         ('ontvanger', Systeem.customize(min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, nillable=False)),
         ('referentienummer', simple_types.Refnummer),
         ('tijdstipBericht', simple_types.Tijdstip),
         ('entiteittype', simple_types.Entiteittype.customize(fixed=self.stuf_entiteit.get_mnemonic(), nillable=False, min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1)),
     name = self.create_stuurgegevens_name()
     return self.create_reusable_model(name, STUF_XML_NS, type_info)
 def create_stuurgegevens_model(self):
     type_info = (
         ('berichtcode', Unicode.customize(type_name='BerichtcodeLv01', fixed=BerichtcodeChoices.lv01, min_occurs=1, nillable=False)),
         ('zender', Systeem.customize(min_occurs=0, nillable=False)),
         ('ontvanger', Systeem.customize(min_occurs=0, nillable=False)),
         ('referentienummer', simple_types.Refnummer.customize(min_occurs=0, nillable=False)),
         ('tijdstipBericht', simple_types.Tijdstip.customize(min_occurs=0, nillable=False)),
         # Technically: EntiteittypeBSL, EntiteittypeZAK, EntiteittypeEDC
         ('entiteittype', simple_types.Entiteittype.customize(fixed=self.stuf_entiteit.get_mnemonic(), min_occurs=1, nillable=False)),
     stuurgegevens_model = self.create_reusable_model(self.create_stuurgegevens_name(), STUF_XML_NS, type_info).customize(min_occurs=1, nillable=False)
     return stuurgegevens_model
 def create_stuurgegevens_model(self):
     type_info = [
         ('berichtcode', Unicode.customize(type_name='BerichtcodeLa01')),
         ('zender', Systeem.customize(min_occurs=0)),
         ('ontvanger', Systeem.customize(min_occurs=0)),
         ('referentienummer', simple_types.Refnummer.customize(min_occurs=0)),
         ('tijdstipBericht', simple_types.Tijdstip.customize(min_occurs=0)),
         ('crossRefnummer', simple_types.Refnummer.customize(min_occurs=0)),
         # Technically: EntiteittypeBSL, EntiteittypeZAK, EntiteittypeEDC
         ('entiteittype', simple_types.Entiteittype),
     stuurgegevens_model = self.create_reusable_model(self.create_stuurgegevens_name(), STUF_XML_NS, type_info)
     return stuurgegevens_model
from spyne import Unicode
from spyne.model.complex import XmlAttribute

from ...utils.stuf_datetime import IndicatieOnvolledigeDatum
from ..stuf.choices import ScopeChoices
from .constants import STUF_XML_NS, XMIME_XML_NS
from .simple_types import Entiteittype, Exact, Functie

Bestandsnaam = Unicode.customize(__namespace__=STUF_XML_NS, type_name='Bestandsnaam', max_len=255)

ContentType = Unicode.customize(__namespace__=XMIME_XML_NS, type_name='ContentType', min_len=3)

# J = de datum heeft een waarde maar jaar, maand en dag zijn onbekend
# M = de datum heeft een waarde maar maand en dag zijn onbekend
# D = de datum heeft een waarde maar de dag is onbekend
# V = datum is volledig
IndOnvolledigeDatum = Unicode.customize(__namespace__=STUF_XML_NS, type_name='IndOnvolledigeDatum', values=set(IndicatieOnvolledigeDatum.values.keys()), default='V')

NoValue = Unicode.customize(__namespace__=STUF_XML_NS, type_name='NoValue', values={'nietOndersteund', 'nietGeautoriseerd', 'geenWaarde', 'waardeOnbekend', 'vastgesteldOnbekend'})

Scope__Anonymous = Unicode.customize(__namespace__=STUF_XML_NS, values=set(ScopeChoices.values.keys()))

# T = Toevoeging
# W = Wijziging of correctie
# V = Verwijdering
# E = Een relatie entiteit wordt beeindigd.
# I = Entiteit bevat alleen identificerende gegevens.
# R = Een relatie entiteit wordt vervangen door een nieuwe relatie entiteit.
# S = De sleutel van een entiteit wordt gewijzigd.
# O = Het object in de oude entiteit wordt in het kader van een ontdubbeling samengevoegd met het object in de
from lxml import etree
from spyne import Unicode
from spyne.model.complex import TypeInfo
from spyne.util.django import DEFAULT_FIELD_MAP as _DEFAULT_FIELD_MAP

from ...utils import stuf_datetime
from ...utils.fields import GMLField
from .models import DatumMetIndicator, TijdstipMetIndicator
from .simple_types import GeometrieIMGeo_e

DEFAULT_FIELD_MAP['StUFDateField'] = DatumMetIndicator
DEFAULT_FIELD_MAP['StUFDateTimeField'] = TijdstipMetIndicator
DEFAULT_FIELD_MAP['GMLField'] = GeometrieIMGeo_e
DEFAULT_FIELD_MAP['ArrayField'] = Unicode.customize(max_occurs=Decimal('inf'))

def get_model_value(obj, field_name):
    Returns the value belonging to `field_name` on `Model` instance.
    This works for related fields.


        >>> get_model_value(Zaak, 'zaaktype__zaaktypeomschrijving')
        'Some description'

    fields = field_name.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
    for field in fields:
Beispiel #45
import logging
from spyne import Application, rpc, ServiceBase, \
    Integer, Unicode
from spyne import Iterable
from spyne.protocol.soap import Soap11
from spyne.server.wsgi import WsgiApplication

EmailString = Unicode.customize(

class EmailValidation(ServiceBase):
    @rpc(Unicode, EmailString, _returns=Unicode)
    def validate_email(ctx, username, email):
        return 'That is %s and %s' % (username, email)		
class HelloWorldService(ServiceBase):
    @rpc(Unicode, Integer, _returns=Iterable(Unicode))
    def say_hello(ctx, name, times):
        for i in range(times):
            yield 'Hello, %s' % name
application = Application([HelloWorldService, EmailValidation],
if __name__ == '__main__':
Beispiel #46
 def test_new_type(self):
     """Customized primitives go into namespace based on module name."""
     custom_type = Unicode(pattern='123')
     self.assertEqual(custom_type.get_namespace(), custom_type.__module__)
Beispiel #47
 def test_simple_type_explicit_customization(self):
     assert Unicode(max_len=5).__extends__ is not None
     assert Unicode.customize(max_len=5).__extends__ is not None