def __init__(self): # initial call to set up the front end (pynn requirement) Frontend.setup(timestep=1.0, min_delay=1.0, max_delay=144.0) use_c_visualiser = True use_spike_injector = True # neurons per population and the length of runtime in ms for the # simulation, as well as the expected weight each spike will contain self.n_neurons = 100 # set up gui p = None if use_spike_injector: from multiprocessing import Process from multiprocessing import Event ready = Event() p = Process(target=GUI, args=[self.n_neurons, ready]) p.start() ready.wait() # different runtimes for demostration purposes run_time = None if not use_c_visualiser and not use_spike_injector: run_time = 1000 elif use_c_visualiser and not use_spike_injector: run_time = 10000 elif use_c_visualiser and use_spike_injector: run_time = 100000 elif not use_c_visualiser and use_spike_injector: run_time = 10000 weight_to_spike = 2.0 # neural parameters of the IF_curr model used to respond to injected # spikes. # (cell params for a synfire chain) cell_params_lif = {'cm': 0.25, 'i_offset': 0.0, 'tau_m': 20.0, 'tau_refrac': 2.0, 'tau_syn_E': 5.0, 'tau_syn_I': 5.0, 'v_reset': -70.0, 'v_rest': -65.0, 'v_thresh': -50.0 } ################################## # Parameters for the injector population. This is the minimal set of # parameters required, which is for a set of spikes where the key is # not important. Note that a virtual key *will* be assigned to the # population, and that spikes sent which do not match this virtual key # will be dropped; however, if spikes are sent using 16-bit keys, they # will automatically be made to match the virtual key. The virtual # key assigned can be obtained from the database. ################################## cell_params_spike_injector = { # The port on which the spiNNaker machine should listen for # packets. Packets to be injected should be sent to this port on # the spiNNaker machine 'port': 12345 } ################################## # Parameters for the injector population. Note that each injector # needs to be given a different port. The virtual key is assigned # here, rather than being allocated later. As with the above, spikes # injected need to match this key, and this will be done automatically # with 16-bit keys. ################################## cell_params_spike_injector_with_key = { # The port on which the spiNNaker machine should listen for # packets. Packets to be injected should be sent to this port on # the spiNNaker machine 'port': 12346, # This is the base key to be used for the injection, which is used # to allow the keys to be routed around the spiNNaker machine. # This assignment means that 32-bit keys must have the high-order # 16-bit set to 0x7; This will automatically be prepended to # 16-bit keys. 'virtual_key': 0x70000 } # create synfire populations (if cur exp) pop_forward = Frontend.Population( self.n_neurons, Frontend.IF_curr_exp(**cell_params_lif), label='pop_forward') pop_backward = Frontend.Population( self.n_neurons, Frontend.IF_curr_exp(**cell_params_lif), label='pop_backward') # Create injection populations injector_forward = None injector_backward = None if use_spike_injector: injector_forward = Frontend.Population( self.n_neurons, Frontend.external_devices.SpikeInjector( **cell_params_spike_injector_with_key), label='spike_injector_forward') injector_backward = Frontend.Population( self.n_neurons, Frontend.external_devices.SpikeInjector( **cell_params_spike_injector), label='spike_injector_backward') else: spike_times = [] for _ in range(0, self.n_neurons): spike_times.append([]) spike_times[0] = [0] spike_times[20] = [(run_time / 100) * 20] spike_times[40] = [(run_time / 100) * 40] spike_times[60] = [(run_time / 100) * 60] spike_times[80] = [(run_time / 100) * 80] cell_params_forward = {'spike_times': spike_times} spike_times_backwards = [] for _ in range(0, self.n_neurons): spike_times_backwards.append([]) spike_times_backwards[0] = [(run_time / 100) * 80] spike_times_backwards[20] = [(run_time / 100) * 60] spike_times_backwards[40] = [(run_time / 100) * 40] spike_times_backwards[60] = [(run_time / 100) * 20] spike_times_backwards[80] = [0] cell_params_backward = {'spike_times': spike_times_backwards} injector_forward = Frontend.Population( self.n_neurons, Frontend.SpikeSourceArray( **cell_params_forward), label='spike_injector_forward') injector_backward = Frontend.Population( self.n_neurons, Frontend.SpikeSourceArray( **cell_params_backward), label='spike_injector_backward') # Create a connection from the injector into the populations Frontend.Projection( injector_forward, pop_forward, Frontend.OneToOneConnector(), Frontend.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_to_spike)) Frontend.Projection( injector_backward, pop_backward, Frontend.OneToOneConnector(), Frontend.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_to_spike)) # Synfire chain connections where each neuron is connected to its next # neuron # NOTE: there is no recurrent connection so that each chain stops once # it reaches the end loop_forward = list() loop_backward = list() for i in range(0, self.n_neurons - 1): loop_forward.append((i, (i + 1) % self.n_neurons, weight_to_spike, 3)) loop_backward.append(((i + 1) % self.n_neurons, i, weight_to_spike, 3)) Frontend.Projection(pop_forward, pop_forward, Frontend.FromListConnector(loop_forward)) Frontend.Projection(pop_backward, pop_backward, Frontend.FromListConnector(loop_backward)) # record spikes from the synfire chains so that we can read off valid # results in a safe way afterwards, and verify the behavior pop_forward.record('spikes') pop_backward.record('spikes') # Activate the sending of live spikes Frontend.external_devices.activate_live_output_for( pop_forward, database_notify_host="localhost", database_notify_port_num=19996) Frontend.external_devices.activate_live_output_for( pop_backward, database_notify_host="localhost", database_notify_port_num=19996) if not use_c_visualiser: # if not using the c visualiser, then a new spynnaker live spikes # connection is created to define that there are python code which # receives the outputted spikes. live_spikes_connection_receive = \ Frontend.external_devices.SpynnakerLiveSpikesConnection( receive_labels=["pop_forward", "pop_backward"], local_port=19999, send_labels=None) # Set up callbacks to occur when spikes are received live_spikes_connection_receive.add_receive_callback( "pop_forward", receive_spikes) live_spikes_connection_receive.add_receive_callback( "pop_backward", receive_spikes) # Run the simulation on spiNNaker # Retrieve spikes from the synfire chain population spikes_forward = pop_forward.get_data('spikes') spikes_backward = pop_backward.get_data('spikes') # Clear data structures on spiNNaker to leave the machine in a clean # state for future executions Frontend.end() if use_spike_injector: p.join() Figure( # raster plot of the presynaptic neuron spike times Panel(spikes_forward.segments[0].spiketrains, yticks=True, markersize=0.2, xlim=(0, run_time)), Panel(spikes_backward.segments[0].spiketrains, yticks=True, markersize=0.2, xlim=(0, run_time)), title="Simple synfire chain example with injected spikes", annotations="Simulated with {}".format( )
pop_1 = sim.Population(2, sim.IF_curr_exp(), label="pop_1") # Consisting of two input source neurons ...with default parameters Have the # first input neuron spike at time 0.0ms and the second spike at time 1.0ms. input = sim.Population(2, sim.SpikeSourceArray(spike_times=[[0], [1]]), label="input") input_proj = sim.Projection(input, pop_1, sim.OneToOneConnector(), synapse_type=sim.StaticSynapse(weight=5, delay=2)) # Record and plot the spikes received against time. pop_1.record(["spikes"]) neo = pop_1.get_data(variables=["spikes"]) spikes = neo.segments[0].spiketrains print spikes sim.end() plot.Figure( # plot spikes (or in this case spike) plot.Panel(spikes, yticks=True, xticks=True, markersize=5, xlim=(0, simtime)), title="Simple Example", annotations="Simulated with {}".format(
def do_run(nNeurons): p.setup(timestep=1.0, min_delay=1.0, max_delay=32.0) p.set_number_of_neurons_per_core(p.IF_curr_exp, 100) cm = list() i_off = list() tau_m = list() tau_re = list() tau_syn_e = list() tau_syn_i = list() v_reset = list() v_rest = list() v_thresh = list() cell_params_lif = { 'cm': cm, 'i_offset': i_off, 'tau_m': tau_m, 'tau_refrac': tau_re, 'tau_syn_E': tau_syn_e, 'tau_syn_I': tau_syn_i, 'v_reset': v_reset, 'v_rest': v_rest, 'v_thresh': v_thresh } for atom in range(0, nNeurons): cm.append(0.25) i_off.append(0.0) tau_m.append(10.0) tau_re.append(2.0) tau_syn_e.append(0.5) tau_syn_i.append(0.5) v_reset.append(-65.0) v_rest.append(-65.0) v_thresh.append(-64.4) gbar_na_distr = RandomDistribution('normal', (20.0, 2.0), rng=NumpyRNG(seed=85524)) cell_params_lif = { 'cm': cm, 'i_offset': i_off, 'tau_m': tau_m, 'tau_refrac': tau_re, 'tau_syn_E': tau_syn_e, 'tau_syn_I': tau_syn_i, 'v_reset': v_reset, 'v_rest': v_rest, 'v_thresh': v_thresh } populations = list() projections = list() weight_to_spike = 2 delay = 1 connections = list() for i in range(0, nNeurons): singleConnection = (i, ((i + 1) % nNeurons), weight_to_spike, delay) connections.append(singleConnection) injectionConnection = [(0, 0, weight_to_spike, delay)] spikeArray = {'spike_times': [[0]]} populations.append( p.Population(nNeurons, p.IF_curr_exp, cell_params_lif, label='pop_1')) populations.append( p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray, spikeArray, label='inputSpikes_1')) populations[0].set(cm=0.25) populations[0].set(cm=cm) populations[0].set(tau_m=tau_m, v_thresh=v_thresh) populations[0].set(i_offset=gbar_na_distr) populations[0].set(i_offset=i_off) projections.append( p.Projection(populations[0], populations[0], p.FromListConnector(connections))) projections.append( p.Projection(populations[1], populations[0], p.FromListConnector(injectionConnection))) populations[0].record("v") populations[0].record("gsyn_exc") populations[0].record("spikes") neo = populations[0].get_data(["v", "spikes", "gsyn_exc"]) v = neo_convertor.convert_data(neo, name="v") gsyn = neo_convertor.convert_data(neo, name="gsyn_exc") spikes = neo_convertor.convert_spikes(neo) p.end() return (v, gsyn, spikes)
def split_potentiation_and_depression(): p.setup(1.0) runtime = 100 initial_run = 1000 # to negate any initial conditions # STDP parameters a_plus = 0.01 a_minus = 0.01 tau_plus = 20 tau_minus = 20 plastic_delay = 3 initial_weight = 2.5 max_weight = 5 min_weight = 0 pre_spikes = [10, 50] extra_spikes = [30] for i in range(len(pre_spikes)): pre_spikes[i] += initial_run for i in range(len(extra_spikes)): extra_spikes[i] += initial_run # Spike source to send spike via plastic synapse pre_pop = p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray, {'spike_times': pre_spikes}, label="pre") # Spike source to send spike via static synapse to make # post-plastic-synapse neuron fire extra_pop = p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray, {'spike_times': extra_spikes}, label="extra") # Post-plastic-synapse population post_pop = p.Population( 1, p.IF_curr_exp(), label="post", additional_parameters={ "splitter": SplitterAbstractPopulationVertexNeuronsSynapses(1)}) # Create projections p.Projection( pre_pop, post_pop, p.OneToOneConnector(), p.StaticSynapse(weight=5.0, delay=1), receptor_type="excitatory") p.Projection( extra_pop, post_pop, p.OneToOneConnector(), p.StaticSynapse(weight=5.0, delay=1), receptor_type="excitatory") syn_plas = p.STDPMechanism( timing_dependence=p.SpikePairRule(tau_plus=tau_plus, tau_minus=tau_minus, A_plus=a_plus, A_minus=a_minus), weight_dependence=p.AdditiveWeightDependence(w_min=min_weight, w_max=max_weight), weight=initial_weight, delay=plastic_delay) plastic_synapse = p.Projection(pre_pop, post_pop, p.OneToOneConnector(), synapse_type=syn_plas, receptor_type='excitatory') # Record the spikes post_pop.record("spikes") # Run + runtime) # Get the weights weights = plastic_synapse.get('weight', 'list', with_address=False) # Get the spikes post_spikes = numpy.array( # pylint: disable=no-member post_pop.get_data('spikes').segments[0].spiketrains[0].magnitude) # End the simulation as all information gathered p.end() new_weight_exact = calculate_spike_pair_additive_stdp_weight( pre_spikes, post_spikes, initial_weight, plastic_delay, max_weight, a_plus, a_minus, tau_plus, tau_minus) print("Pre neuron spikes at: {}".format(pre_spikes)) print("Post-neuron spikes at: {}".format(post_spikes)) target_spikes = [1014, 1032, 1053] assert(all(s1 == s2 for s1, s2 in zip(list(post_spikes), target_spikes))) print("New weight exact: {}".format(new_weight_exact)) print("New weight SpiNNaker: {}".format(weights)) assert(numpy.allclose(weights, new_weight_exact, rtol=0.001))
def test_only_end(self): setup_for_unittest() sim.end()
def potentiation_and_depression(self): p.setup(1) runtime = 100 initial_run = 1000 # to negate any initial conditions # STDP parameters a_plus = 0.01 a_minus = 0.01 tau_plus = 20 tau_minus = 20 plastic_delay = 3 initial_weight = 2.5 max_weight = 5 min_weight = 0 pre_spikes = [10, 50] extra_spikes = [30] for i in range(len(pre_spikes)): pre_spikes[i] += initial_run for i in range(len(extra_spikes)): extra_spikes[i] += initial_run # Spike source to send spike via plastic synapse pre_pop = p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray, {'spike_times': pre_spikes}, label="pre") # Spike source to send spike via static synapse to make # post-plastic-synapse neuron fire extra_pop = p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray, {'spike_times': extra_spikes}, label="extra") # Post-plastic-synapse population post_pop = p.Population(1, p.IF_curr_exp(), label="post") # Create projections p.Projection(pre_pop, post_pop, p.OneToOneConnector(), p.StaticSynapse(weight=5.0, delay=1), receptor_type="excitatory") p.Projection(extra_pop, post_pop, p.OneToOneConnector(), p.StaticSynapse(weight=5.0, delay=1), receptor_type="excitatory") syn_plas = p.STDPMechanism( timing_dependence=p.extra_models.SpikeNearestPairRule( tau_plus=tau_plus, tau_minus=tau_minus, A_plus=a_plus, A_minus=a_minus), weight_dependence=p.AdditiveWeightDependence(w_min=min_weight, w_max=max_weight), weight=initial_weight, delay=plastic_delay) plastic_synapse = p.Projection(pre_pop, post_pop, p.OneToOneConnector(), synapse_type=syn_plas, receptor_type='excitatory') # Record the spikes post_pop.record("spikes") # Run + runtime) # Get the weights weights = plastic_synapse.get('weight', 'list', with_address=False) # Get the spikes post_spikes = numpy.array( post_pop.get_data('spikes').segments[0].spiketrains[0].magnitude) # End the simulation as all information gathered p.end() # Get the spikes and time differences that will be considered by # the simulation (as the last pre-spike will be considered differently) pre_spikes = numpy.array(pre_spikes) last_pre_spike = pre_spikes[-1] considered_post_spikes = post_spikes[post_spikes < last_pre_spike] considered_post_spikes += plastic_delay potentiation_times = list() depression_times = list() for time in pre_spikes: post_times = considered_post_spikes[considered_post_spikes > time] if len(post_times) > 0: last_time = post_times[0] potentiation_times.append(time - last_time) post_times = considered_post_spikes[considered_post_spikes < time] if len(post_times) > 0: last_time = post_times[-1] depression_times.append(last_time - time) potentiation_times = numpy.array(potentiation_times) depression_times = numpy.array(depression_times) # Work out the weight according to the rules potentiations = max_weight * a_plus * numpy.exp( (potentiation_times / tau_plus)) depressions = max_weight * a_minus * numpy.exp( (depression_times / tau_minus)) new_weight_exact = \ initial_weight + numpy.sum(potentiations) - numpy.sum(depressions) # print("Pre neuron spikes at: {}".format(pre_spikes)) # print("Post-neuron spikes at: {}".format(post_spikes)) target_spikes = [1014, 1032, 1053] self.assertListEqual(list(post_spikes), target_spikes) # print("Potentiation time differences: {}".format(potentiation_times)) # print("Depression time differences: {}".format(depression_times)) # print("Potentiation: {}".format(potentiations)) # print("Depressions: {}".format(depressions)) # print("New weight exact: {}".format(new_weight_exact)) # print("New weight SpiNNaker: {}".format(weights)) self.assertTrue( numpy.allclose(weights[0], new_weight_exact, atol=0.001))
def do_run(): p.setup(1.0) n_neurons = 2 pop_a = p.Population(n_neurons, p.extra_models.SpikeSourcePoissonVariable( rates=[10, 20, 50], starts=[0, 500, 1000]), label="pop_a") pop_a.record("spikes") pop_b = p.Population(n_neurons, p.extra_models.SpikeSourcePoissonVariable( rates=[[1, 2, 5], [10, 20, 50]], starts=[0, 500, 1000]), label="pop_b") pop_b.record("spikes") pop_c = p.Population(n_neurons, p.extra_models.SpikeSourcePoissonVariable( rates=[10, 20, 50], starts=[10, 600, 1200], durations=[500, 500, 500]), label="pop_c") pop_c.record("spikes") pop_d = p.Population(n_neurons, p.extra_models.SpikeSourcePoissonVariable( rates=[[1, 2, 5], [10, 20, 50]], starts=[0, 500, 1000], durations=[500, 400, 300]), label="pop_d") pop_d.record("spikes") pop_e = p.Population(n_neurons, p.extra_models.SpikeSourcePoissonVariable( rates=[[1, 2, 5], [10, 20, 50]], starts=[[0, 500, 1000], [100, 600, 1100]], durations=[400, 300, 200]), label="pop_e") pop_e.record("spikes") pop_f = p.Population(n_neurons, p.extra_models.SpikeSourcePoissonVariable( rates=[[1, 2, 5], [10, 20, 50]], starts=[[0, 500, 1000], [100, 600, 1100]], durations=[[400, 300, 200], [300, 200, 100]]), label="pop_f") pop_f.record("spikes") pop_g = p.Population(n_neurons, p.extra_models.SpikeSourcePoissonVariable( rates=[[1, 2, 5], [10, 50]], starts=[[0, 100, 200], [200, 300]]), label="pop_g") pop_g.record("spikes") pop_h = p.Population(n_neurons, p.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=1), label="pop_h") pop_h.record("spikes") pop_i = p.Population(n_neurons, p.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=1, start=100), label="pop_i") pop_i.record("spikes") pop_j = p.Population(n_neurons, p.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=[1, 10]), label="pop_j") pop_j.record("spikes") pop_k = p.Population(n_neurons, p.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=1, start=[0, 500]), label="pop_k") pop_k.record("spikes") pop_l = p.Population(n_neurons, p.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=1, start=10, duration=500), label="pop_l") pop_l.record("spikes") pop_m = p.Population(n_neurons, p.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=[1, 10], start=[0, 500], duration=500), label="pop_m") pop_m.record("spikes") pop_n = p.Population(n_neurons, p.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=[1, 10], start=[0, 500], duration=[500, 800]), label="pop_n") pop_n.record("spikes") pop_o = p.Population(n_neurons, p.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=1, duration=500), label="pop_o") pop_o.record("spikes") p.end()
def record_weights_using_callback(): ###################################### # Setup ###################################### sim.setup(timestep=simulationParameters["timeStep"]) ###################################### # Neuron pop ###################################### # Input neurons ILayer = sim.Population(popNeurons["ILayer"], sim.SpikeSourceArray(spike_times=ILSpike), label="ILayer") # LIF neurons LIFLayer = sim.Population(popNeurons["LIFLayer"], sim.IF_curr_exp(**neuronParameters["LIFL"]), label="LIFLayer") LIFLayer.set(v=initNeuronParameters["LIFL"]["vInit"]) ###################################### # Synapses ###################################### # ILayer-LIFLayer -> statics sim.Projection(ILayer, LIFLayer, sim.OneToOneConnector(), synapse_type=sim.StaticSynapse( weight=synParameters["IL-LIFL"]["initWeight"], delay=synParameters["IL-LIFL"]["delay"])) # LIFLayer-ILayer -> STDP timing_rule = sim.SpikePairRule( tau_plus=synParameters["LIFL-LIFL"]["tau_plus"], tau_minus=synParameters["LIFL-LIFL"]["tau_minus"], A_plus=synParameters["LIFL-LIFL"]["A_plus"], A_minus=synParameters["LIFL-LIFL"]["A_minus"]) weight_rule = sim.AdditiveWeightDependence( w_max=synParameters["LIFL-LIFL"]["w_max"], w_min=synParameters["LIFL-LIFL"]["w_min"]) stdp_model = sim.STDPMechanism( timing_dependence=timing_rule, weight_dependence=weight_rule, weight=synParameters["LIFL-LIFL"]["initWeight"], delay=synParameters["LIFL-LIFL"]["delay"]) LIFLayer_LIFLayer_conn = sim.Projection( LIFLayer, LIFLayer, sim.AllToAllConnector(allow_self_connections=False), synapse_type=stdp_model) ###################################### # Record parameters ###################################### LIFLayer.record(["spikes", "v"]) weightRecorderLIF_LIF = weight_recorder( sampling_interval=simulationParameters["timeStep"], projection=LIFLayer_LIFLayer_conn) ###################################### # Run simulation ######################################["simTime"], callbacks=[weightRecorderLIF_LIF]) ###################################### # Recall data ###################################### populationData = LIFLayer.get_data(variables=["spikes", "v"]) LIFLSpikes = populationData.segments[0].spiketrains vLIFL = populationData.segments[0].filter(name='v')[0] w_LIFL_LIFL = weightRecorderLIF_LIF.get_weights() ###################################### # End simulation ###################################### sim.end() ###################################### # Return parameters ###################################### return ILSpike, LIFLSpikes, vLIFL, w_LIFL_LIFL
I_pop, Ext_conn, receptor_type="excitatory", synapse_type=pynn.StaticSynapse(weight=J_E * 10, delay=delay_distr)) # Record stuff E_pop.record("spikes") esp = None isp = None pe = None pi = None v_esp = None esp = E_pop.get_data("spikes") Figure( # raster plot of the presynaptic neuron spike times Panel(esp.segments[0].spiketrains, yticks=True, markersize=1, xlim=(0, sim_time)), title="Simple synfire chain example", annotations="Simulated with {}".format( pynn.end()
def do_run(nNeurons, n_pops, neurons_per_core, runtime=25000): """ Runs the script Does the run based on the parameters :param nNeurons: Number of Neurons in chain :type nNeurons: int :param n_pops: Number of populations :type n_pops: int :param neurons_per_core: Number of neurons per core :type neurons_per_core: int :param runtime: time to run the script for :type runtime: int """ p.setup(timestep=1.0, min_delay=1.0, max_delay=144.0) p.set_number_of_neurons_per_core(p.IF_curr_exp, neurons_per_core) cell_params_lif = { 'cm': 0.25, 'i_offset': 0.0, 'tau_m': 20.0, 'tau_refrac': 2.0, 'tau_syn_E': 5.0, 'tau_syn_I': 5.0, 'v_reset': -70.0, 'v_rest': -65.0, 'v_thresh': -50.0 } populations = list() projections = list() weight_to_spike = 2.0 delay = 1 connections = list() for i in range(0, nNeurons - 1): singleConnection = (i, i + 1, weight_to_spike, delay) connections.append(singleConnection) pop_jump_connection = [(nNeurons - 1, 0, weight_to_spike, 1)] injectionConnection = [(0, 0, weight_to_spike, 1)] spikeArray = {'spike_times': [[0]]} for i in range(0, n_pops): populations.append( p.Population(nNeurons, p.IF_curr_exp(**cell_params_lif), label='pop_{}'.format(i))) populations.append( p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray(**spikeArray), label='inputSpikes_1')) for i in range(0, n_pops): projections.append( p.Projection(presynaptic_population=populations[i], postsynaptic_population=populations[i], connector=p.FromListConnector(connections), synapse_type=p.StaticSynapse())) connector = p.FromListConnector(pop_jump_connection) projections.append( p.Projection(presynaptic_population=populations[i], postsynaptic_population=populations[((i + 1) % n_pops)], connector=connector, synapse_type=p.StaticSynapse())) projections.append( p.Projection(presynaptic_population=populations[n_pops], postsynaptic_population=populations[0], connector=p.FromListConnector(injectionConnection), synapse_type=p.StaticSynapse())) for pop_index in range(0, n_pops): populations[pop_index].record("spikes") total_spikes = populations[0].spinnaker_get_data("spikes") for pop_index in range(1, n_pops): spikes = populations[pop_index].spinnaker_get_data("spikes") if spikes is not None: for spike in spikes: spike[0] += (nNeurons * pop_index) total_spikes = numpy.concatenate((total_spikes, spikes), axis=0) p.end() return total_spikes
def simulation_teardown(self): """Tear down the SpiNNaker simulation framework :return: None """ p.end()
def do_run(plot): p.setup(timestep=1.0, min_delay=1.0, max_delay=144.0) p.set_number_of_neurons_per_core(p.IF_cond_exp, 100) # Experiment Parameters n_groups = 6 # Number of Synfire Groups n_exc = 100 # Number of excitatory neurons per group n_inh = 25 # Number of inhibitory neurons per group sim_duration = 500. # defining the initial pulse-packet pp_a = 5 # Nr of pulses in the packet pp_sigma = 5.0 # sigma of pulse-packet pp_start = 50. # start = center of pulse-packet # Neuron Parameters as in Kremkow et al. paper cell_params = { 'cm': 0.290, # nF 'tau_m': 290.0 / 29.0, # pF / nS = ms 'v_rest': -70.0, # mV 'v_thresh': -57.0, # mV 'tau_syn_E': 1.5, # ms 'tau_syn_I': 10.0, # ms 'tau_refrac': 2.0, # ms 'v_reset': -70.0, # mV 'e_rev_E': 0.0, # mV 'e_rev_I': -75.0, # mV } weight_exc = 0.05 # uS weight for excitatory to excitatory connections weight_inh = 0.002 # uS weight for inhibitory to excitatory connections # list of excitatory populations exc_pops = [] # list of inhibitory populations inh_pops = [] # and Assembly of all populations all_populations = [] # Create Groups print("Creating ", n_groups, " SynfireGroups") for group_index in range(n_groups): # create the excitatory Population exc_pop = p.Population(n_exc, p.IF_cond_exp(**cell_params), label=("pop_exc_%s" % group_index)) exc_pops.append(exc_pop) # append to excitatory populations all_populations += [exc_pop] # and to the Assembly # create the inhibitory Population inh_pop = p.Population(n_inh, p.IF_cond_exp(**cell_params), label=("pop_inh_%s" % group_index)) inh_pops.append(inh_pop) all_populations += [inh_pop] # connect Inhibitory to excitatory Population p.Projection(inh_pop, exc_pop, p.AllToAllConnector(), synapse_type=p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_inh, delay=8.), receptor_type='inhibitory') # Create Stimulus and connect it to first group print("Create Stimulus Population") # We create a Population of SpikeSourceArrays of the same dimension # as excitatory neurons in a synfire group pop_stim = p.Population(n_exc, p.SpikeSourceArray({}), label="pop_stim") # We create a normal distribution around pp_start with sigma = pp_sigma rd = pyNN.random.RandomDistribution('normal', [pp_start, pp_sigma]) all_spiketimes = [] # for each cell in the population, we take pp_a values from the # random distribution for cell in range(len(pop_stim)): spiketimes = [] for pulse in range(pp_a): spiketimes.append( # draw from the random distribution spiketimes.sort() all_spiketimes.append(spiketimes) # convert into a numpy array all_spiketimes = numpy.array(all_spiketimes) # 'topographic' setting of parameters. # all_spiketimes must have the same dimension as the Population pop_stim.set(spike_times=all_spiketimes) # Connect Groups with the subsequent ones print("Connecting Groups with subsequent ones") for group_index in range(n_groups - 1): p.Projection(exc_pops[group_index % n_groups], exc_pops[(group_index + 1) % n_groups], p.FixedTotalNumberConnector(160), synapse_type=p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_exc, delay=10.), receptor_type='excitatory') p.Projection(exc_pops[group_index % n_groups], inh_pops[(group_index + 1) % n_groups], p.FixedTotalNumberConnector(160), synapse_type=p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_exc, delay=10.), receptor_type='excitatory') # Make another projection for testing that connects to itself p.Projection(exc_pops[1], exc_pops[1], p.FixedTotalNumberConnector(50, with_replacement=False, allow_self_connections=False), synapse_type=p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_exc, delay=10.), receptor_type='excitatory') # Connect the Stimulus to the first group print("Connecting Stimulus to first group") p.Projection(pop_stim, inh_pops[0], p.FixedTotalNumberConnector(60), synapse_type=p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_exc, delay=20.), receptor_type='excitatory') p.Projection(pop_stim, exc_pops[0], p.FixedTotalNumberConnector(60), synapse_type=p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_exc, delay=20.), receptor_type='excitatory') # Recording spikes pop_stim.record('spikes') for pop in all_populations: pop.record('spikes') # Run print("Run the simulation") # Get data print("Simulation finished, now collect all spikes and plot them") stim_spikes = pop_stim.spinnaker_get_data('spikes') stim_spikes[:, 0] -= n_exc # collect all spikes and make a raster_plot spklist_exc = [] spklist_inh = [] for group in range(n_groups): EXC_spikes = exc_pops[group].spinnaker_get_data('spikes') INH_spikes = inh_pops[group].spinnaker_get_data('spikes') EXC_spikes[:, 0] += group * (n_exc + n_inh) INH_spikes[:, 0] += group * (n_exc + n_inh) + n_exc spklist_exc += EXC_spikes.tolist() spklist_inh += INH_spikes.tolist() # Plot if plot: pylab.figure() pylab.plot([i[1] for i in spklist_exc], [i[0] for i in spklist_exc], "r.") pylab.plot([i[1] for i in spklist_inh], [i[0] for i in spklist_inh], "b.") pylab.plot([i[1] for i in stim_spikes], [i[0] for i in stim_spikes], "k.") pylab.xlabel('Time/ms') pylab.ylabel('spikes') pylab.title('spikes') for group in range(n_groups): pylab.axhline(y=(group + 1) * (n_exc + n_inh), color="lightgrey") pylab.axhline(y=(group + 1) * (n_exc + n_inh) - n_inh, color="lightgrey") pylab.axhline(y=0, color="grey", linewidth=1.5) p.end() return stim_spikes, spklist_exc, spklist_inh
def test_is_local(self): sim.setup(timestep=1.0) pop_1 = sim.Population(N_NEURONS, sim.IF_curr_exp(), label=LABEL) cells = pop_1.all_cells assert pop_1.is_local(2) == cells[2].local sim.end()
def do_run(self, n_neurons, time_step=1, max_delay=144.0, input_class=SpikeSourceArray, spike_times=None, rate=None, start_time=None, duration=None, seed=None, spike_times_list=None, placement_constraint=None, weight_to_spike=2.0, delay=17, neurons_per_core=10, cell_class=IF_curr_exp, constraint=None, cell_params=CELL_PARAMS_LIF, run_times=None, reset=False, extract_between_runs=True, set_between_runs=None, new_pop=False, record_input_spikes=False, record_input_spikes_7=False, record=True, get_spikes=None, spike_path=None, record_7=False, record_v=True, get_v=None, v_path=None, record_v_7=False, v_sampling_rate=None, record_gsyn_exc=True, record_gsyn_inh=True, get_gsyn_exc=None, get_gsyn_inh=None, gsyn_path_exc=None, gsyn_path_inh=None, record_gsyn_exc_7=False, record_gsyn_inh_7=False, gsyn_exc_sampling_rate=None, gsyn_inh_sampling_rate=None, get_all=False, use_spike_connections=True, use_wrap_around_connections=True, get_weights=False, get_delays=False, end_before_print=False, randomise_v_init=False): """ :param n_neurons: Number of Neurons in chain :type n_neurons: int :param time_step: time step value to be used in p.setup :type time_step: float :param max_delay: max_delay value to be used in p.setup :type max_delay: float :param rate: the rate of the SSP to fire at :type rate: float :param start_time: the start time for the SSP :type start_time: float :param duration: the length of time for the SSP to fire for :type duration: float :param seed: Random seed :type seed: int :param input_class: the class for inputs spikes (SSA or SSP) :type input_class: SpikeSourceArray, SpikeSourcePoisson :param spike_times: times the SSA sends in spikes :type spike_times: matrix of int times the SSA sends in spikes :param spike_times_list: list of times the SSA sends in spikes - must be the same length as run times - If set the spike_time parameter is ignored :type spike_times: list of matrix of int times the SSA sends in spikes :param weight_to_spike: weight for the OneToOne Connector.\ Not used by any test at the moment :type weight_to_spike: float :param delay: time delay in the single connectors in the spike chain :type delay: float :param neurons_per_core: Number of neurons per core.\ If set to None, no set_number_of_neurons_per_core call will be made :type neurons_per_core: int or None :param constraint: A Constraint to be place on populations[0] :type constraint: AbstractConstraint :param cell_class: class to be used for the main population.\ Not used by any test at the moment :type cell_class: AbstractPopulationVertex :param cell_params: values for the main population.\ Not used by any test at the moment.\ Note: the values must match what is expected by the cellclass :type cell_params: dict :param run_times: times for each run.\ A zero will skip run but trigger reset and get date ext as set :type run_times: list of int :param reset: if True will call reset after each run except the last :type reset: bool :param extract_between_runs: \ If True reads V, gysn and spikes between each run. :type extract_between_runs: bool :param set_between_runs: set instructions to be carried out between\ runs. Should be a list of tuples. First element of each tuple is 0 or 1: * 0 for main population * 1 for input population Second element a String for name of property to change. Third element the new value :type set_between_runs: List[(int, String, any)] :param new_pop: If True will add a new population before the second run :type new_pop: bool :param record_input_spikes: check for recording input spikes :type record_input_spikes: bool :param record_input_spikes_7: \ Check for recording input spikes in PyNN7 format :type record_input_spikes_7: bool :param record: If True will asks for spikes to be recorded :type record: bool :param get_spikes: If set overrides the normal behaviour\ of getting spikes if and only if record is True.\ If left None the value of record is used. :type get_spikes: bool :param spike_path: The path to print(write) the last spike data too :type spike_path: str or None :param record_7: \ If True will asks for spikes to be recorded in PyNN7 format :type record_7: bool :param record_v: If True will ask for voltage to be recorded :type record_v: bool :param get_v: If set overrides the normal behaviour\ of getting v if and only if record_v is True.\ If left None the value of record_v is used. :type get_v: bool :param v_path: The path to print(write) the last v data too :type v_path: str or None :param get_v_7: If True ??????? :type get_v_7: bool :param record_v_7: If True will ask for voltage to be recorded\ in PyNN7 format :type record_v_7: bool :param v_sampling_rate: Rate at which to sample v. :type v_sampling_rate: int, float ot None :param record_gsyn_exc: If True will aks for gsyn exc to be recorded :param record_gsyn_exc: If True will ask for gsyn exc to be recorded :type record_gsyn_exc: bool :param record_gsyn_inh: If True will ask for gsyn inh to be recorded :type record_gsyn_inh: bool :param gsyn_path_exc: \ The path to print(write) the last gsyn exc data to. :type gsyn_path_exc: str or None :param get_gsyn_exc: If set overrides the normal behaviour\ of getting gsyn exc if and only if record_gsyn_exc is True.\ If left None the value of record_gsyn_exc is used. :type get_gsyn_exc: bool :param get_gsyn_inh: If set overrides the normal behaviour\ of getting gsyn inh if and only if record_gsyn_inh is True.\ If left None the value of record_gsyn_ihn is used. :type get_gsyn_inh: bool :param gsyn_path_inh: \ The path to print(write) the last gsyn in the data to. :type gsyn_path_inh: str or None :param record_gsyn_exc_7: \ If True will ask for gsyn exc to be recorded in PyNN 7 format :type record_gsyn_exc_7: bool :param record_gsyn_inh_7: \ If True will ask for gsyn inh to be recorded in PyNN 7 format :type record_gsyn_inh_7: bool :param get_all: if True will obtain another neo object with all the data set to be recorded by any other parameter :type get_all: bool :param get_weights: If True set will add a weight value to the return :type get_weights: bool :param get_delays: If True delays will be gotten :type get_delays: bool :param end_before_print: If True will call end() before running the\ optional print commands. Note: end will always be called twice even if no print path\ provided WARNING: This is expected to cause an Exception \ if spike_path, v_path or gsyn_path provided :type end_before_print: bool :param randomise_v_init: randomises the v_init of the output pop. :type randomise_v_init: bool :param use_loop_connections: \ True will put looping connections in. False won't. :type use_loop_connections: bool :return (v, gsyn, spikes, weights .....) v: Voltage after last or each run (if requested else None) gysn: gysn after last or each run (if requested else None) spikes: spikes after last or each run (if requested else None) weights: weights after last or each run (if requested else skipped) All three/four values will repeated once per run is requested """ self.__init_object_state() # Initialise/verify various values cell_params, run_times, set_between_runs, spike_times, get_spikes, \ get_v, get_gsyn_exc, get_gsyn_inh = self.__verify_parameters( cell_params, run_times, set_between_runs, spike_times, get_spikes, record, record_7, spike_path, get_v, record_v, record_v_7, v_path, get_gsyn_exc, record_gsyn_exc, record_gsyn_exc_7, gsyn_path_exc, get_gsyn_inh, record_gsyn_inh, record_gsyn_inh_7, gsyn_path_inh) p.setup(timestep=time_step, min_delay=1.0, max_delay=max_delay) if neurons_per_core is not None: p.set_number_of_neurons_per_core(p.IF_curr_exp, neurons_per_core) populations, projections, run_count = self.__create_synfire_chain( n_neurons, cell_class, cell_params, use_wrap_around_connections, weight_to_spike, delay, spike_times, spike_times_list, placement_constraint, randomise_v_init, seed, constraint, input_class, rate, start_time, duration, use_spike_connections) # handle recording if record or record_7 or spike_path: populations[0].record("spikes") if record_v or record_v_7 or v_path: populations[0].record(variables="v", sampling_interval=v_sampling_rate) if record_gsyn_exc or record_gsyn_exc_7 or gsyn_path_exc: populations[0].record(variables="gsyn_exc", sampling_interval=gsyn_exc_sampling_rate) if record_gsyn_inh or record_gsyn_inh_7 or gsyn_path_inh: populations[0].record(variables="gsyn_inh", sampling_interval=gsyn_inh_sampling_rate) if record_input_spikes or record_input_spikes_7: populations[1].record("spikes") results = self.__run_sim( run_times, populations, projections, run_count, spike_times_list, extract_between_runs, get_spikes, record_7, get_v, record_v_7, get_gsyn_exc, record_gsyn_exc_7, get_gsyn_inh, record_gsyn_inh_7, record_input_spikes, record_input_spikes_7, get_all, get_weights, get_delays, new_pop, n_neurons, cell_class, cell_params, weight_to_spike, set_between_runs, reset) self._get_data(populations[0], populations[1], get_spikes, record_7, get_v, record_v_7, get_gsyn_exc, record_gsyn_exc_7, get_gsyn_inh, record_gsyn_inh_7, record_input_spikes, record_input_spikes_7, get_all) self._get_weight_delay(projections[0], get_weights, get_delays) if end_before_print: if v_path is not None or spike_path is not None or \ gsyn_path_exc is not None or gsyn_path_inh is not None: print("NOTICE! end is being called before print.. commands " "which could cause an exception") p.end() if v_path is not None: populations[0].write_data(v_path, "v") if spike_path is not None: populations[0].write_data(spike_path, "spikes") if gsyn_path_exc is not None: populations[0].write_data(gsyn_path_exc, "gsyn_exc") if gsyn_path_inh is not None: populations[0].write_data(gsyn_path_inh, "gsyn_inh") if not end_before_print: p.end() return results
def do_run(plot): p.setup(timestep=1.0) cell_params_lif = { 'cm': 0.25, 'i_offset': 0.0, 'tau_m': 20.0, 'tau_refrac': 2.0, 'tau_syn_E': 5.0, 'tau_syn_I': 5.0, 'v_reset': -70.0, 'v_rest': -65.0, 'v_thresh': -50.0 } # Parameters nNeurons = 200 weight_to_spike = 2.0 delay = 17 runtime = 5000 p.set_number_of_neurons_per_core(p.IF_curr_exp, nNeurons / 2) # Populations pop = p.Population(nNeurons, p.IF_curr_exp(**cell_params_lif), label='pop_1') pop2 = p.Population(nNeurons, p.IF_curr_exp(**cell_params_lif), label='pop_2') # create loopConnections array for first population using numpy linspaces loopConnections = numpy.zeros((nNeurons, nNeurons)) for i in range(nNeurons): if i != (nNeurons - 1): loopConnections[i, i + 1] = True else: loopConnections[i, 0] = True # do the same for the second population, but just for even numbered neurons loopConnections2 = numpy.zeros((nNeurons, nNeurons)) for i in range(0, nNeurons, 2): if i != (nNeurons - 2): loopConnections2[i, i + 2] = True else: loopConnections2[i, 0] = True # SpikeInjector injectionConnection = numpy.zeros((1, nNeurons)) injectionConnection[0, 0] = True spikeArray = {'spike_times': [[0]]} inj_pop = p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray(**spikeArray), label='inputSpikes_1') # Projection for injector p.Projection(inj_pop, pop, p.ArrayConnector(injectionConnection), p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_to_spike, delay=1)) p.Projection(inj_pop, pop2, p.ArrayConnector(injectionConnection), p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_to_spike, delay=1)) # Projection within populations p.Projection(pop, pop, p.ArrayConnector(loopConnections), p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_to_spike, delay=delay)) p.Projection(pop2, pop2, p.ArrayConnector(loopConnections2), p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_to_spike, delay=delay)) pop.record(['v', 'spikes']) pop2.record(['v', 'spikes']) v = pop.get_data('v') spikes = pop.get_data('spikes') v2 = pop2.get_data('v') spikes2 = pop2.get_data('spikes') if plot: Figure( # raster plot of the presynaptic neurons' spike times Panel(spikes.segments[0].spiketrains, yticks=True, markersize=1.2, xlim=(0, runtime), xticks=True), # membrane potential of the postsynaptic neurons Panel(v.segments[0].filter(name='v')[0], ylabel="Membrane potential (mV)", data_labels=[pop.label], yticks=True, xlim=(0, runtime), xticks=True), Panel(spikes2.segments[0].spiketrains, yticks=True, markersize=1.2, xlim=(0, runtime), xticks=True), # membrane potential of the postsynaptic neurons Panel(v2.segments[0].filter(name='v')[0], ylabel="Membrane potential (mV)", data_labels=[pop2.label], yticks=True, xlim=(0, runtime), xticks=True), title="Testing ArrayConnector", annotations="Simulated with {}".format( p.end() return v, spikes, v2, spikes2
def do_run(nNeurons, neurons_per_core): p.setup(timestep=1.0, min_delay=1.0, max_delay=32.0) p.set_number_of_neurons_per_core(p.IF_curr_exp, neurons_per_core) nPopulations = 62 cell_params_lif = { 'cm': 0.25, 'i_offset': 0.0, 'tau_m': 20.0, 'tau_refrac': 2.0, 'tau_syn_E': 5.0, 'tau_syn_I': 5.0, 'v_reset': -70.0, 'v_rest': -65.0, 'v_thresh': -50.0 } populations = list() projections = list() weight_to_spike = 1.5 delay = 5 for i in range(0, nPopulations): populations.append( p.Population(nNeurons, p.IF_curr_exp, cell_params_lif, label='pop_' + str(i))) # print("++++++++++++++++") # print("Added population %s" % (i)) # print("o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-") synapse_type = p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_to_spike, delay=delay) for i in range(0, nPopulations): projections.append( p.Projection(populations[i], populations[(i + 1) % nPopulations], p.OneToOneConnector(), synapse_type=synapse_type, label="Projection from pop {} to pop " "{}".format(i, (i + 1) % nPopulations))) # print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") # print("Added projection from population %s to population %s" \ # % (i, (i + 1) % nPopulations)) # print("----------------------------------------------------") # from pprint import pprint as pp # pp(projections) spikeArray = {'spike_times': [[0]]} populations.append( p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray, spikeArray, label='inputSpikes_1')) projections.append( p.Projection(populations[-1], populations[0], p.AllToAllConnector(), synapse_type=synapse_type)) for i in range(0, nPopulations): populations[i].record("v") populations[i].record("gsyn_exc") populations[i].record("spikes") '''' weights = projections[0].getWeights() delays = projections[0].getDelays() ''' neo = populations[0].get_data(["v", "spikes", "gsyn_exc"]) v = neo_convertor.convert_data(neo, name="v") gsyn = neo_convertor.convert_data(neo, name="gsyn_exc") spikes = neo_convertor.convert_spikes(neo) p.end() return (v, gsyn, spikes)
def debug(self, run_zero): reports = [ # write_energy_report "Detailed_energy_report.rpt", "energy_summary_report.rpt", # write_text_specs = False "data_spec_text_files", # write_router_reports reports_names._ROUTING_FILENAME, # write_partitioner_reports reports_names._PARTITIONING_FILENAME, # write_application_graph_placer_report reports_names._PLACEMENT_VTX_GRAPH_FILENAME, reports_names._PLACEMENT_CORE_GRAPH_FILENAME, reports_names._SDRAM_FILENAME, # write_machine_graph_placer_report reports_names._PLACEMENT_VTX_SIMPLE_FILENAME, reports_names._PLACEMENT_CORE_SIMPLE_FILENAME, # repeats reports_names._SDRAM_FILENAME, # write_router_info_report reports_names._VIRTKEY_FILENAME, # write_routing_table_reports reports_names._ROUTING_TABLE_DIR, reports_names._C_ROUTING_TABLE_DIR, reports_names._COMPARED_FILENAME, # write_routing_compression_checker_report "routing_compression_checker_report.rpt", # write_routing_tables_from_machine_report routing_tables_from_machine_report, # write_memory_map_report # ??? used by MachineExecuteDataSpecification but not called ??? # write_network_specification_report NetworkSpecification._FILENAME, # write_provenance_data "provenance_data", # write_tag_allocation_reports reports_names._TAGS_FILENAME, # write_algorithm_timings # "provenance_data/pacman.xml" = different test # write_board_chip_report BoardChipReport.AREA_CODE_REPORT_NAME, ] sim.setup(1.0) configs = globals_variables.get_simulator()._config if (configs.getboolean("Machine", "enable_advanced_monitor_support") and not configs.getboolean("Java", "use_java")): # write_data_speed_up_report reports.append(DataSpeedUpPacketGatherMachineVertex.REPORT_NAME) pop = sim.Population(100, sim.IF_curr_exp, {}, label="pop") pop.record("v") inp = sim.Population(1, sim.SpikeSourceArray(spike_times=[0]), label="input") sim.Projection(inp, pop, sim.AllToAllConnector(), synapse_type=sim.StaticSynapse(weight=5)) if run_zero: pop.get_data("v") report_directory = globals_variables.get_simulator().\ _report_default_directory sim.end() found = os.listdir(report_directory) for report in reports: self.assertIn(report, found)
def do_run(self): p.setup(timestep=1.0, min_delay=1.0) p.end()
def do_run(): p.setup(timestep=1.0, min_delay=1.0, max_delay=144.0) cell_params_lif = { 'cm': 0.25, # nF 'i_offset': 0.0, 'tau_m': 20.0, 'tau_refrac': 2.0, 'tau_syn_E': 5.0, 'tau_syn_I': 5.0, 'v_reset': -70.0, 'v_rest': -65.0, 'v_thresh': -50.0 } populations = list() projections = list() populations.append( p.Population(sources, p.IF_curr_exp, cell_params_lif, label='pop_1')) populations.append( p.Population(targets, p.IF_curr_exp, cell_params_lif, label='pop_2')) connectors = p.AllToAllConnector() synapse_type = p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_to_spike, delay=delay) projections.append( p.Projection(populations[0], populations[1], connectors, synapse_type=synapse_type)) # before pre_delays_array = projections[0].get(attribute_names=["delay"], format="nparray") pre_delays_list = projections[0].get(attribute_names=["delay"], format="list") pre_weights_array = projections[0].get(attribute_names=["weight"], format="array") pre_weights_list = projections[0].get(attribute_names=["weight"], format="list") # after post_delays_array = projections[0].get(attribute_names=["delay"], format="nparray") post_delays_list = projections[0].get(attribute_names=["delay"], format="list") post_weights_array = projections[0].get(attribute_names=["weight"], format="array") post_weights_list = projections[0].get(attribute_names=["weight"], format="list") p.end() return (pre_delays_array, pre_delays_list, pre_weights_array, pre_weights_list, post_delays_array, post_delays_list, post_weights_array, post_weights_list)
# Set up callbacks to occur when spikes are received live_spikes_connection_receive.add_receive_callback( "pop_forward", receive_spikes) live_spikes_connection_receive.add_receive_callback( "pop_backward", receive_spikes) # Run the simulation on spiNNaker spikes_forward = pop_forward.get_data('spikes') spikes_backward = pop_backward.get_data('spikes') Figure( # raster plot of the presynaptic neuron spike times Panel(spikes_forward.segments[0].spiketrains, yticks=True, markersize=0.2, xlim=(0, run_time)), Panel(spikes_backward.segments[0].spiketrains, yticks=True, markersize=0.2, xlim=(0, run_time)), title="Simple synfire chain example with injected spikes", annotations="Simulated with {}".format( # Clear data structures on spiNNaker to leave the machine in a clean state for # future executions Frontend.end()
def do_run(nNeurons): p.setup(timestep=1.0, min_delay=1.0, max_delay=32.0) p.set_number_of_neurons_per_core(p.IF_curr_exp, 250) cell_params_lif = { 'cm': 0.25, 'i_offset': 0.0, 'tau_m': 20.0, 'tau_refrac': 5.0, 'tau_syn_E': 5.0, 'tau_syn_I': 5.0, 'v_reset': -70.0, 'v_rest': -65.0, 'v_thresh': -50.0 } populations = list() projections = list() weight_to_spike = 1.5 delay = 1 connections = list() for i in range(0, nNeurons): singleConnection = (i, ((i + 1) % nNeurons), weight_to_spike, delay) connections.append(singleConnection) injectionConnection = [(0, 0, weight_to_spike, delay)] spikeArray = {'spike_times': [[0]]} populations.append( p.Population(nNeurons, p.IF_curr_exp, cell_params_lif, label='pop_1')) populations.append( p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray, spikeArray, label='inputSpikes_1')) projections.append( p.Projection(populations[0], populations[0], p.FromListConnector(connections))) projections.append( p.Projection(populations[1], populations[0], p.FromListConnector(injectionConnection))) populations[0].record("v") populations[0].record("gsyn_exc") populations[0].record("spikes") '''' weights = projections[0].getWeights() delays = projections[0].getDelays() ''' neo = populations[0].get_data(["v", "spikes", "gsyn_exc"]) v = neo_convertor.convert_data(neo, name="v") gsyn = neo_convertor.convert_data(neo, name="gsyn_exc") spikes = neo_convertor.convert_spikes(neo) p.end() return (v, gsyn, spikes)
def structural_with_stdp(): p.setup(1.0) pre_spikes = numpy.array(range(0, 10, 2)) pre_spikes_last_neuron = pre_spikes[pre_spikes > 0] A_plus = 0.01 A_minus = 0.01 tau_plus = 20.0 tau_minus = 20.0 w_min = 0.0 w_max = 5.0 w_init_1 = 5.0 delay_1 = 2.0 w_init_2 = 4.0 delay_2 = 1.0 stim = p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray(pre_spikes), label="stim") pop = p.Population(1, p.IF_curr_exp(), label="pop") pop_2 = p.Population(1, p.IF_curr_exp(), label="pop_2") pop_3 = p.Population(1, p.IF_curr_exp(), label="pop_3") pop_4 = p.Population(1, p.IF_curr_exp(), label="pop_4") pop.record("spikes") pop_2.record("spikes") proj = p.Projection( stim, pop, p.FromListConnector([]), p.StructuralMechanismSTDP( partner_selection=p.LastNeuronSelection(), formation=p.DistanceDependentFormation([1, 1], 1.0), elimination=p.RandomByWeightElimination(2.0, 0, 0), timing_dependence=p.SpikePairRule( tau_plus, tau_minus, A_plus, A_minus), weight_dependence=p.AdditiveWeightDependence(w_min, w_max), f_rew=1000, initial_weight=w_init_1, initial_delay=delay_1, s_max=1, seed=0, weight=0.0, delay=1.0)) proj_2 = p.Projection( stim, pop_2, p.FromListConnector([]), p.StructuralMechanismSTDP( partner_selection=p.RandomSelection(), formation=p.DistanceDependentFormation([1, 1], 1.0), elimination=p.RandomByWeightElimination(4.0, 0, 0), timing_dependence=p.SpikePairRule( tau_plus, tau_minus, A_plus, A_minus), weight_dependence=p.AdditiveWeightDependence(w_min, w_max), f_rew=1000, initial_weight=w_init_2, initial_delay=delay_2, s_max=1, seed=0, weight=0.0, delay=1.0)) proj_3 = p.Projection( stim, pop_3, p.FromListConnector([(0, 0)]), p.StructuralMechanismSTDP( partner_selection=p.LastNeuronSelection(), formation=p.DistanceDependentFormation([1, 1], 0.0), elimination=p.RandomByWeightElimination(4.0, 1.0, 1.0), timing_dependence=p.SpikePairRule( tau_plus, tau_minus, A_plus, A_minus), weight_dependence=p.AdditiveWeightDependence(w_min, w_max), f_rew=1000, initial_weight=2.0, initial_delay=5.0, s_max=1, seed=0, weight=0.0, delay=1.0)) proj_4 = p.Projection( stim, pop_4, p.FromListConnector([(0, 0)]), p.StructuralMechanismSTDP( partner_selection=p.RandomSelection(), formation=p.DistanceDependentFormation([1, 1], 0.0), elimination=p.RandomByWeightElimination(4.0, 1.0, 1.0), timing_dependence=p.SpikePairRule( tau_plus, tau_minus, A_plus, A_minus), weight_dependence=p.AdditiveWeightDependence(w_min, w_max), f_rew=1000, initial_weight=4.0, initial_delay=3.0, s_max=1, seed=0, weight=0.0, delay=1.0)) conns = list(proj.get(["weight", "delay"], "list")) conns_2 = list(proj_2.get(["weight", "delay"], "list")) conns_3 = list(proj_3.get(["weight", "delay"], "list")) conns_4 = list(proj_4.get(["weight", "delay"], "list")) spikes_1 = [s.magnitude for s in pop.get_data("spikes").segments[0].spiketrains] spikes_2 = [s.magnitude for s in pop_2.get_data("spikes").segments[0].spiketrains] p.end() print(conns) print(conns_2) print(conns_3) print(conns_4) w_final_1 = calculate_spike_pair_additive_stdp_weight( pre_spikes_last_neuron, spikes_1[0], w_init_1, delay_1, w_max, A_plus, A_minus, tau_plus, tau_minus) w_final_2 = calculate_spike_pair_additive_stdp_weight( pre_spikes, spikes_2[0], w_init_2, delay_2, w_max, A_plus, A_minus, tau_plus, tau_minus) print(w_final_1, spikes_1[0]) print(w_final_2, spikes_2[0]) assert(len(conns) == 1) assert(conns[0][3] == delay_1) assert(conns[0][2] >= w_final_1 - 0.01 and conns[0][2] <= w_final_1 + 0.01) assert(len(conns_2) == 1) assert(conns_2[0][3] == delay_2) assert(conns_2[0][2] >= w_final_2 - 0.01 and conns_2[0][2] <= w_final_2 + 0.01) assert(len(conns_3) == 0) assert(len(conns_4) == 0)
def test_double_end(self): sim.setup(1.0) sim.end() sim.end()
def do_run(): # SpiNNaker setup sim.setup(timestep=1.0, min_delay=1.0, max_delay=10.0) # +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | General Parameters | # +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ # Population parameters model = sim.IF_curr_exp cell_params = {'cm': 0.25, 'i_offset': 0.0, 'tau_m': 10.0, 'tau_refrac': 2.0, 'tau_syn_E': 2.5, 'tau_syn_I': 2.5, 'v_reset': -70.0, 'v_rest': -65.0, 'v_thresh': -55.4} delta_t = 10 time_between_pairs = 150 num_pre_pairs = 10 num_pairs = 100 num_post_pairs = 10 pop_size = 1 pairing_start_time = (num_pre_pairs * time_between_pairs) + delta_t pairing_end_time = pairing_start_time + (num_pairs * time_between_pairs) sim_time = pairing_end_time + (num_post_pairs * time_between_pairs) # +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | Creation of neuron populations | # +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ # Neuron populations pre_pop = sim.Population(pop_size, model, cell_params) post_pop = sim.Population(pop_size, model, cell_params) # Stimulating populations pre_stim = sim.Population(pop_size, sim.SpikeSourceArray, {'spike_times': [[i for i in range(0, sim_time, time_between_pairs)], ]}) post_stim = sim.Population(pop_size, sim.SpikeSourceArray, {'spike_times': [[i for i in range(pairing_start_time, pairing_end_time, time_between_pairs)], ]}) # +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | Creation of connections | # +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ # Connection type between noise poisson generator and # excitatory populations ee_connector = sim.OneToOneConnector() synapse_type = sim.StaticSynapse(weight=2) sim.Projection(pre_stim, pre_pop, ee_connector, synapse_type=synapse_type, receptor_type='excitatory') sim.Projection(post_stim, post_pop, ee_connector, synapse_type=synapse_type, receptor_type='excitatory') # Plastic Connections between pre_pop and post_pop stdp_model = sim.STDPMechanism( timing_dependence=sim.SpikePairRule(tau_plus=20.0, tau_minus=50.0, A_plus=0.02, A_minus=0.02), weight_dependence=sim.AdditiveWeightDependence(w_min=0, w_max=1)) sim.Projection(pre_pop, post_pop, sim.OneToOneConnector(), synapse_type=stdp_model) # Record spikes pre_pop.record("spikes") post_pop.record("spikes") # Run simulation neo = pre_pop.get_data("spikes") pre_spikes = neo_convertor.convert_spikes(neo) neo = post_pop.get_data("spikes") post_spikes = neo_convertor.convert_spikes(neo) # End simulation on SpiNNaker sim.end() return (pre_spikes, post_spikes)
def do_run(plot): p.setup(timestep=1.0) cell_params_lif = {'cm': 0.25, 'i_offset': 0.0, 'tau_m': 20.0, 'tau_refrac': 2.0, 'tau_syn_E': 5.0, 'tau_syn_I': 5.0, 'v_reset': -70.0, 'v_rest': -65.0, 'v_thresh': -40.0 } # Parameters n = 256 weight_to_spike = 5.0 delay = 5 runtime = 200 # Populations exc_pop = p.Population(n, p.IF_curr_exp(**cell_params_lif), label='exc_pop') inh_pop = p.Population(n, p.IF_curr_exp(**cell_params_lif), label='inh_pop') # SpikeInjector injectionConnection = [(0, 0)] spikeArray = {'spike_times': [[0]]} inj_pop = p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray(**spikeArray), label='inputSpikes_1') # Projection for injector p.Projection(inj_pop, exc_pop, p.FromListConnector(injectionConnection), p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_to_spike, delay=delay)) # Set up fromfileconnector current_file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) file1 = os.path.join(current_file_path, "large.connections") file_connector1 = p.FromFileConnector(file1) # Projections between populations p.Projection(exc_pop, inh_pop, file_connector1, p.StaticSynapse(weight=2.0, delay=5)) p.Projection(inh_pop, exc_pop, file_connector1, p.StaticSynapse(weight=1.5, delay=10)) p.Projection(inh_pop, exc_pop, file_connector1, p.StaticSynapse(weight=1.0, delay=1)) exc_pop.record(['v', 'spikes']) inh_pop.record(['v', 'spikes']) v_exc = exc_pop.get_data('v') spikes_exc = exc_pop.get_data('spikes') if plot: # pylint: disable=no-member Figure( # raster plot of the presynaptic neurons' spike times Panel(spikes_exc.segments[0].spiketrains, yticks=True, markersize=1.2, xlim=(0, runtime), xticks=True), # membrane potential of the postsynaptic neurons Panel(v_exc.segments[0].filter(name='v')[0], ylabel="Membrane potential (mV)", data_labels=[exc_pop.label], yticks=True, xlim=(0, runtime), xticks=True), title="Testing FromFileConnector", annotations="Simulated with {}".format( ) p.end() return v_exc, spikes_exc
def do_run(plot): p.setup(timestep=1.0) cell_params_lif = {'cm': 0.25, 'i_offset': 0.0, 'tau_m': 20.0, 'tau_refrac': 2.0, 'tau_syn_E': 5.0, 'tau_syn_I': 5.0, 'v_reset': -70.0, 'v_rest': -65.0, 'v_thresh': -40.0 } def create_grid(n, label, dx=1.0, dy=1.0): grid_structure = p.Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dy, x0=0.0, y0=0.0) return p.Population(n*n, p.IF_curr_exp(**cell_params_lif), structure=grid_structure, label=label) n = 4 weight_to_spike = 5.0 delay = 5 runtime = 200 # Network grid = create_grid(n, 'grid') # SpikeInjector injectionConnection = [(0, 0)] spikeArray = {'spike_times': [[0]]} inj_pop = p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray(**spikeArray), label='inputSpikes_1') p.Projection(inj_pop, grid, p.FromListConnector(injectionConnection), p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_to_spike, delay=delay)) # Connectors exc_connector = p.AllToAllConnector() inh_connector = p.FixedProbabilityConnector(0.5, rng=NumpyRNG(seed=10101)) # Wire grid exc_proj = p.Projection(grid, grid, exc_connector, p.StaticSynapse( weight="1.0 + (2.0*exp(-d))", delay=5)) inh_proj = p.Projection(grid, grid, inh_connector, p.StaticSynapse( weight=1.5, delay="2 + 2.0*d")) grid.record(['v', 'spikes']) v = grid.get_data('v') spikes = grid.get_data('spikes') exc_weights_delays = exc_proj.get(['weight', 'delay'], 'list') inh_weights_delays = inh_proj.get(['weight', 'delay'], 'list') if plot: Figure( # raster plot of the presynaptic neurons' spike times Panel(spikes.segments[0].spiketrains, yticks=True, markersize=0.2, xlim=(0, runtime), xticks=True), # membrane potential of the postsynaptic neurons Panel(v.segments[0].filter(name='v')[0], ylabel="Membrane potential (mV)", data_labels=[grid.label], yticks=True, xlim=(0, runtime), xticks=True), title="Simple 2D grid distance-dependent weights and delays", annotations="Simulated with {}".format( ) p.end() return exc_weights_delays, inh_weights_delays
weight_to_spike = 2.0 delay = 17 loopConnections = list() for i in range(0, nNeurons): singleConnection = ((i, (i + 1) % nNeurons, weight_to_spike, delay)) loopConnections.append(singleConnection) injectionConnection = [(0, 0)] spikeArray = {'spike_times': [[0]]} populations.append( p.Population(nNeurons, p.IF_curr_exp(**cell_params_lif), label='pop_1')) populations.append( p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray(**spikeArray), label='inputSpikes_1')) projections.append( p.Projection(populations[0], populations[0], p.FromListConnector(loopConnections), p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_to_spike, delay=delay))) projections.append( p.Projection(populations[1], populations[0], p.FromListConnector(injectionConnection), p.StaticSynapse(weight=weight_to_spike, delay=1))) print projections[0].get(['weight', 'delay'], 'list') p.end()
def split_structural_without_stdp(): p.setup(1.0) stim = p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourceArray(range(10)), label="stim") # These populations should experience formation pop = p.Population(1, p.IF_curr_exp(), label="pop", additional_parameters={ "splitter": SplitterAbstractPopulationVertexNeuronsSynapses(1) }) pop_2 = p.Population(1, p.IF_curr_exp(), label="pop_2", additional_parameters={ "splitter": SplitterAbstractPopulationVertexNeuronsSynapses(1) }) # These populations should experience elimination pop_3 = p.Population(1, p.IF_curr_exp(), label="pop_3", additional_parameters={ "splitter": SplitterAbstractPopulationVertexNeuronsSynapses(1) }) pop_4 = p.Population(1, p.IF_curr_exp(), label="pop_4", additional_parameters={ "splitter": SplitterAbstractPopulationVertexNeuronsSynapses(1) }) # Formation with last-neuron selection (0 probability elimination) proj = p.Projection( stim, pop, p.FromListConnector([]), p.StructuralMechanismStatic( partner_selection=p.LastNeuronSelection(), formation=p.DistanceDependentFormation([1, 1], 1.0), elimination=p.RandomByWeightElimination(2.0, 0, 0), f_rew=1000, initial_weight=2.0, initial_delay=5.0, s_max=1, seed=0, weight=0.0, delay=1.0)) # Formation with random selection (0 probability elimination) proj_2 = p.Projection( stim, pop_2, p.FromListConnector([]), p.StructuralMechanismStatic( partner_selection=p.RandomSelection(), formation=p.DistanceDependentFormation([1, 1], 1.0), elimination=p.RandomByWeightElimination(4.0, 0, 0), f_rew=1000, initial_weight=4.0, initial_delay=3.0, s_max=1, seed=0, weight=0.0, delay=1.0)) # Elimination with last neuron selection (0 probability formation) proj_3 = p.Projection( stim, pop_3, p.FromListConnector([(0, 0)]), p.StructuralMechanismStatic( partner_selection=p.LastNeuronSelection(), formation=p.DistanceDependentFormation([1, 1], 0.0), elimination=p.RandomByWeightElimination(4.0, 1.0, 1.0), f_rew=1000, initial_weight=2.0, initial_delay=5.0, s_max=1, seed=0, weight=0.0, delay=1.0)) # Elimination with random selection (0 probability formation) proj_4 = p.Projection( stim, pop_4, p.FromListConnector([(0, 0)]), p.StructuralMechanismStatic( partner_selection=p.RandomSelection(), formation=p.DistanceDependentFormation([1, 1], 0.0), elimination=p.RandomByWeightElimination(4.0, 1.0, 1.0), f_rew=1000, initial_weight=4.0, initial_delay=3.0, s_max=1, seed=0, weight=0.0, delay=1.0)) # Get the final connections conns = list(proj.get(["weight", "delay"], "list")) conns_2 = list(proj_2.get(["weight", "delay"], "list")) conns_3 = list(proj_3.get(["weight", "delay"], "list")) conns_4 = list(proj_4.get(["weight", "delay"], "list")) p.end() print(conns) print(conns_2) print(conns_3) print(conns_4) # These should be formed with specified parameters assert (len(conns) == 1) assert (tuple(conns[0]) == (0, 0, 2.0, 5.0)) assert (len(conns_2) == 1) assert (tuple(conns_2[0]) == (0, 0, 4.0, 3.0)) # These should have no connections since eliminated assert (len(conns_3) == 0) assert (len(conns_4) == 0)
def agent_fitness(agent, light_distance, light_theta, print_move): global port_offset global number_of_runs global counter global current_agent global current_fitness global current_light_distance global current_light_theta global currently_running current_agent = agent print "\n\nStarting agent - {}\n\n".format(agent) p.setup(timestep=1.0, min_delay=delay_min, max_delay=delay_max) p.set_number_of_neurons_per_core(p.IF_cond_exp, 20) # setup of different neuronal populations #neuron_pop = list(); neuron_pop = [] if port_offset != 1: for i in range(agent_neurons): del neuron_labels[0] inhibitory_count = 0 excitatory_count = 0 for i in range(agent_neurons): if agent_pop[agent][inhibitory_loc + i] == -1: neuron_labels.append("Inhibitory{}-neuron{}-agent{}-port{}".format( inhibitory_count, i, agent, port_offset)) neuron_pop.append( p.Population(neuron_pop_size, p.IF_cond_exp(), label=neuron_labels[i])) inhibitory_count += 1 else: neuron_labels.append("Excitatory{}-neuron{}-agent{}-port{}".format( excitatory_count, i, agent, port_offset)) neuron_pop.append( p.Population(neuron_pop_size, p.IF_cond_exp(), label=neuron_labels[i])) excitatory_count += 1 # if print_move == True: # neuron_pop[i].record(["spikes", "v"]) # connect neuronal population according to genentic instructions projection_list = list() for i in range(agent_neurons): for j in range(agent_neurons): # if theres a connection connect if agent_pop[agent][set2loc + (i * agent_neurons) + j] != 0: # if connection is inhibitory set as such if agent_pop[agent][inhibitory_loc + i] == -1: synapse = p.StaticSynapse( weight=-agent_pop[agent][(i * agent_neurons) + j], delay=agent_pop[agent][delay_loc + ((i * agent_neurons) + j)]) projection_list.append( p.Projection(neuron_pop[i], neuron_pop[j], p.AllToAllConnector(), synapse, receptor_type="inhibitory")) # set as excitatory else: synapse = p.StaticSynapse( weight=agent_pop[agent][(i * agent_neurons) + j], delay=agent_pop[agent][delay_loc + ((i * agent_neurons) + j)]) projection_list.append( p.Projection(neuron_pop[i], neuron_pop[j], p.AllToAllConnector(), synapse, receptor_type="excitatory")) # set STDP, weight goes to negative if inhibitory? # stdp_model = p.STDPMechanism( # timing_dependence=p.SpikePairRule( # tau_plus=20., tau_minus=20.0, A_plus=0.5, A_minus=0.5), # weight_dependence=p.AdditiveWeightDependence(w_min=weight_min, w_max=weight_max)) # connect in and out live links #visual_input = list() visual_input = [] visual_projection = [] #list() input_labels = [] #list() #sensor_poisson = [0 for j in range(visual_discrete)] sensor_poisson = poisson_rate(agent, light_distance, light_theta) for i in range(visual_discrete): print i input_labels.append("input_spikes{}".format(i)) visual_input.append( p.Population(1, p.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=sensor_poisson[i]), label=input_labels[i])) visual_projection.append( p.Projection( visual_input[i], neuron_pop[i], p.OneToOneConnector(), p.StaticSynapse(weight=visual_weight, delay=visual_delay))) p.external_devices.add_poisson_live_rate_control( visual_input[i], database_notify_port_num=16000 + port_offset) # poisson_control = p.external_devices.SpynnakerPoissonControlConnection(poisson_labels=[visual_input[i].label])#,local_port=18000+(port_offset*visual_discrete)+i) # poisson_control.add_start_callback(visual_input[i].label, poisson_setting) # visual_input = p.Population(visual_discrete, p.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=sensor_poisson), label=input) # p.Projection( # visual_input, neuron_pop[(i for i in range(0,visual_discrete))], p.OneToOneConnector(), p.StaticSynapse(weight=visual_weight, delay=visual_delay)) # p.external_devices.add_poisson_live_rate_control(visual_input) poisson_control = p.external_devices.SpynnakerPoissonControlConnection( poisson_labels=input_labels, local_port=16000 + port_offset) poisson_control.add_start_callback(visual_input[0].label, poisson_setting) # poisson_control.add_start_callback(visual_input[1].label, empty_function) # poisson_control2 = p.external_devices.SpynnakerPoissonControlConnection(poisson_labels=[visual_input[1].label],local_port=19998)#+(port_offset*visual_discrete)+i) # poisson_control2.add_start_callback(visual_input[1].label, poisson_setting2) # poisson_control.add_start_callback(visual_input[1].label, poisson_setting) # for i in range(visual_discrete): # print i # input_labels.append("input_spikes{}".format(i)) # visual_input.append(p.Population( # 1, p.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=sensor_poisson[i]), label=input_labels[i])) # visual_projection.append(p.Projection( # visual_input[i], neuron_pop[i], p.OneToOneConnector(), p.StaticSynapse( # weight=visual_weight, delay=visual_delay))) # p.external_devices.add_poisson_live_rate_control(visual_input[i]) #possible all at once # poisson_control = p.external_devices.SpynnakerPoissonControlConnection(poisson_labels=[input_labels[0], input_labels[1]]) # #for i in range(visual_discrete): # poisson_control.add_start_callback(input_labels[i], poisson_setting) # for i in range(4): # del motor_labels[0] motor_labels = [] for i in range(4): print i motor_labels.append(neuron_labels[agent_neurons - (i + 1)]) p.external_devices.activate_live_output_for( neuron_pop[agent_neurons - (i + 1)], database_notify_port_num=18000 + port_offset) live_connection = p.external_devices.SpynnakerLiveSpikesConnection( receive_labels=[ motor_labels[0], motor_labels[1], motor_labels[2], motor_labels[3] ], local_port=(18000 + port_offset)) for i in range(4): live_connection.add_receive_callback(motor_labels[i], receive_spikes) #fitness = 0 # spikes = list() # v = list() current_fitness = 0 current_light_theta = light_theta current_light_distance = light_distance currently_running = True currently_running = False no_move_distance = light_distance * total_runtime / time_slice fitness = current_fitness if abs(fitness - no_move_distance) < 1e-10: fitness *= no_move_punishment print "agent failed to move so was punished" # if print_move == True: # spikes = [] # v = [] # for j in range(agent_neurons): # spikes.append(neuron_pop[j].get_data("spikes")) # v.append(neuron_pop[j].get_data("v")) live_connection.close() live_connection._handle_possible_rerun_state() p.end() if counter != number_of_runs: counter += 1 port_offset += 1 reset_agent(agent) if print_move == True: with open( 'movement {}.csv'.format( (port_offset - counter) / number_of_runs), 'a') as file: writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n') writer.writerow([ light_distance * np.sin(light_theta), light_distance * np.cos(light_theta) ]) port_recurse_check = port_offset fitness += agent_fitness(agent, light_distance, -light_theta, print_move) else: counter = 1 port_offset -= 1 port_offset += 1 reset_agent(agent) return fitness
def do_run(): simulator_name = 'spiNNaker' timer = Timer() # === Define parameters ========================================= rngseed = 98766987 parallel_safe = True n = 1500 # number of cells # number of excitatory cells:number of inhibitory cells r_ei = 4.0 pconn = 0.02 # connection probability dt = 0.1 # (ms) simulation timestep tstop = 200 # (ms) simulaton duration delay = 1 # Cell parameters area = 20000. # (µm²) tau_m = 20. # (ms) cm = 1. # (µF/cm²) g_leak = 5e-5 # (S/cm²) e_leak = -49. # (mV) v_thresh = -50. # (mV) v_reset = -60. # (mV) t_refrac = 5. # (ms) (clamped at v_reset) # (mV) 'mean' membrane potential, for calculating CUBA weights v_mean = -60. tau_exc = 5. # (ms) tau_inh = 10. # (ms) # (nS) #Those weights should be similar to the COBA weights g_exc = 0.27 # (nS) # but the delpolarising drift should be taken into account g_inh = 4.5 e_rev_exc = 0. # (mV) e_rev_inh = -80. # (mV) # === Calculate derived parameters =============================== area *= 1e-8 # convert to cm² cm *= area * 1000 # convert to nF r_m = 1e-6 / (g_leak * area) # membrane resistance in MΩ assert tau_m == cm * r_m # just to check # number of excitatory cells n_exc = int(round((n * r_ei / (1 + r_ei)))) n_inh = n - n_exc # number of inhibitory cells celltype = p.IF_curr_exp # (nA) weight of excitatory synapses w_exc = 1e-3 * g_exc * (e_rev_exc - v_mean) w_inh = 1e-3 * g_inh * (e_rev_inh - v_mean) # (nA) assert w_exc > 0 assert w_inh < 0 # === Build the network ========================================== p.setup(timestep=dt, min_delay=delay, max_delay=delay) if simulator_name == 'spiNNaker': # this will set 100 neurons per core p.set_number_of_neurons_per_core(p.IF_curr_exp, 10) # this will set 50 neurons per core p.set_number_of_neurons_per_core(p.IF_cond_exp, 10) # node_id = 1 # np = 1 # host_name = socket.gethostname() cell_params = {'tau_m': tau_m, 'tau_syn_E': tau_exc, 'tau_syn_I': tau_inh, 'v_rest': e_leak, 'v_reset': v_reset, 'v_thresh': v_thresh, 'cm': cm, 'tau_refrac': t_refrac, 'i_offset': 0} timer.start() exc_cells = p.Population(n_exc, celltype, cell_params, label="Excitatory_Cells") inh_cells = p.Population(n_inh, celltype, cell_params, label="Inhibitory_Cells") p.NativeRNG(12345) rng = NumpyRNG(seed=rngseed, parallel_safe=parallel_safe) uniform_distr = RandomDistribution('uniform', [v_reset, v_thresh], rng=rng) exc_cells.initialize(v=uniform_distr) inh_cells.initialize(v=uniform_distr) exc_conn = p.FixedProbabilityConnector(pconn, rng=rng) synapse_exc = p.StaticSynapse(weight=w_exc, delay=delay) inh_conn = p.FixedProbabilityConnector(pconn, rng=rng) synapse_inh = p.StaticSynapse(weight=w_inh, delay=delay) connections = dict() connections['e2e'] = p.Projection(exc_cells, exc_cells, exc_conn, synapse_type=synapse_exc, receptor_type='excitatory') connections['e2i'] = p.Projection(exc_cells, inh_cells, exc_conn, synapse_type=synapse_exc, receptor_type='excitatory') connections['i2e'] = p.Projection(inh_cells, exc_cells, inh_conn, synapse_type=synapse_inh, receptor_type='inhibitory') connections['i2i'] = p.Projection(inh_cells, inh_cells, inh_conn, synapse_type=synapse_inh, receptor_type='inhibitory') # === Setup recording ============================== exc_cells.record("spikes") # === Run simulation ================================ exc_spikes = exc_cells.get_data("spikes") exc_cells.write_data(neo_path, "spikes") p.end() return exc_spikes