def almanacs_kml(self):
        json = request.params.get('extent')
        # We need to make sure we only select almanacs with pages here,
        query = meta.Session.query(Almanac).join(Almanac.pages).distinct()
        # ... and eager-load the pages since the ktml template uses them.
        query = query.options(eagerload(Almanac.pages))

        # Tried also with contains_eager, not sure what the difference is
        # but I only get a fraction of the expected almanacs:
        #query = meta.Session.query(Almanac).join(Almanac.pages).distinct()
        #query = query.options(contains_eager(Almanac.pages))

        # Also tried using a single, second query for the pages.
        # ... NOPE, requires sqlalchemy > 0.6.0 which blows up on us,
        # maybe not compatible w/ pylons 0.9.7?
        #query = meta.Session.query(Almanac).join(Almanac.pages).distinct()
        #query = query.options(subqueryload(Almanac.pages))

        # Tried also without the explicit join().distinct(), this gives
        # back all almanac whether they have any pages or not:
        #query = meta.Session.query(Almanac).options(eagerload(Almanac.pages))

        if json is not None:
            shape = simplejson.loads(json)
            # Stupid asShape returns an Adapter instead of a Geometry.  We round
            # trip it through wkb to get the correct type.
            bbox = wkb.loads(asShape(shape).to_wkb())
            query = query.filter(func.st_intersects(Almanac.location, func.st_transform('SRID=%s;%s' % ('4326', b2a_hex(bbox.to_wkb())), storage_SRID)))

        c.almanacs = query.order_by(Almanac.modified.desc()).limit(200).all()
        response.content_type = 'application/ kml'
        return render('/almanac/kml.mako')
Beispiel #2
def get_profile(cd_ref):
    .. :quickref: Profiles;

    Return the profile for a cd_ref
    data = (DB.session.query(
            func.st_transform(VmValidProfiles.valid_distribution, 4326)),
    ).filter(VmValidProfiles.cd_ref == cd_ref))
    data = data.one_or_none()
    if data:
        return jsonify(
    def _nearby_almanacs(self, bounds):

        return meta.Session.query(Almanac).join(Almanac.pages).distinct().filter(func.st_intersects(Almanac.location, func.st_transform('SRID=%s;%s' % ('4326', b2a_hex(bounds.to_wkb())), storage_SRID))).limit(10).all()
    def geocode(self):
        # The geocoder works from either a name or a point.
        location = request.GET.get('location')
        bbox = simplejson.loads(request.GET.get('bbox','false'))
        if location is None and not bbox:

        geoc = geocoders.Google(g.map_key, output_format='json')

        name_based = False
        if not bbox:
            # We don't have a point, so we work with the name...
            name_based = True
                result = GeocoderController._result_with_locality(geoc.geocode(location, exactly_one=False))
                if not result:
                    return {}
                if not result.locality or not result.administrative:
                    # We want the geocoder to give us an canonical name for
                    # this location.  If it hasn't (because the user searched
                    # using a name that doesn't match up to the canonical name,
                    # we use the location to find the canonical name.
                    result = GeocoderController._result_with_locality(geoc.geocode('%f, %f' % (result.latitude, result.longitude), exactly_one=False))
                place, (lat, lng) = result
            except ValueError:
                return {}
            bbox = asShape(bbox)
                result = GeocoderController._result_with_locality(geoc.geocode('%f, %f' % (bbox.centroid.y, bbox.centroid.x), exactly_one=False))
                place, (lat, lng) = result
            except ValueError:
                return {}
        if result.locality and result.administrative:
            authoritative_name = '%s, %s' % (result.locality, result.administrative)
            authoritative_name = None
            almanac = True
        except exc.NoResultFound:
            almanac = False
        geopoint = Point(lng, lat)
        if bbox:
            c.almanacs = self._nearby_almanacs(bbox)
            c.almanacs = meta.Session.query(Almanac).join(Almanac.pages).distinct().filter(func.st_dwithin(Almanac.location, func.st_transform(func.st_geomfromtext('SRID=%s;POINT(%f %f)' % ('4326', result.longitude, result.latitude)), storage_SRID), 6233)).limit(10).all()
        nearby_kml = render('/almanac/kml.mako')
        return dict(lat=lat, lng=lng, layer=nearby_kml,
Beispiel #5
    def location_4326(self):
        if self._location_4326 is None:
            # God this is ugly Fix for bug #xxx in SQLAlchemy
            if self._location_4326 is None:
                return None
        if ';' in self._location_4326:
            geom = wkb.loads(a2b_hex(self._location_4326.split(';')[-1]))
            geom.srid = 4326
            return geom
            geom = wkb.loads(a2b_hex(self._location_4326))
            geom.srid = 4326
            return geom
Almanac._location_4326 = column_property(func.st_transform(Almanac.location, 4326).label('_location_4326'))

class Page(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'pages'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'))
    almanac_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'))
    name = Column(Unicode)
    slug = Column(String)
    on_behalf_of = Column(Unicode)
    published = Column(Boolean, nullable=False)
    creation = Column(DateTime, server_default=func.current_timestamp())
    # The auto-update field below doesn't do too much, because we almost always
    # update attached items, not the object itself.