class TcSuiteMap(Base): """ This class is mapped to the tc_to_suite_map table in the Management schema. DB Comment: Define links between test suites and test cases in this table. """ __tablename__ = 'tc_to_suite_map' __table_args__ = {'schema': schema_name} tc_id = Column(INTEGER(), ForeignKey(schema_name + '.' + 'test_case.tc_id'), primary_key=True, nullable=False) tc_version = Column(REAL(), ForeignKey(schema_name + '.' + 'test_case.tc_version'), primary_key=True, nullable=False) suite_id = Column(INTEGER(), ForeignKey(schema_name + '.' + 'test_suite.suite_id'), primary_key=True, nullable=False) suite_version = Column(REAL(), ForeignKey(schema_name + '.' + 'test_suite.suite_version'), primary_key=True, nullable=False) added_by = Column(VARCHAR()) added_time = Column(TIMESTAMP())
class Misc(Base): """This model contains all possible MySQL types""" __tablename__ = "misc" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) big_integer_field = Column(BigInteger, default=0) big_integer_unsigned_field = Column(BIGINT(unsigned=True), default=0) large_binary_field = Column(LargeBinary, nullable=True) boolean_field = Column(Boolean, default=False) char_field = Column(CHAR(255), nullable=True) date_field = Column(Date, nullable=True) date_time_field = Column(DateTime, nullable=True) decimal_field = Column(DECIMAL(10, 2), nullable=True) float_field = Column(Float(12, 4), default=0) integer_field = Column(Integer, default=0) integer_unsigned_field = Column(INTEGER(unsigned=True), default=0) tinyint_field = Column(TINYINT, default=0) tinyint_unsigned_field = Column(TINYINT(unsigned=True), default=0) mediumint_field = Column(MEDIUMINT, default=0) mediumint_unsigned_field = Column(MEDIUMINT(unsigned=True), default=0) if environ.get("LEGACY_DB", "0") == "0": json_field = Column(JSON, nullable=True) nchar_field = Column(NCHAR(255), nullable=True) numeric_field = Column(Numeric(12, 4), default=0) unicode_field = Column(Unicode(255), nullable=True) real_field = Column(REAL(12, 4), default=0) small_integer_field = Column(SmallInteger, default=0) small_integer_unsigned_field = Column(SMALLINT(unsigned=True), default=0) string_field = Column(String(255), nullable=True) text_field = Column(Text, nullable=True) time_field = Column(Time, nullable=True) varbinary_field = Column(VARBINARY(255), nullable=True) varchar_field = Column(VARCHAR(255), nullable=True) timestamp_field = Column(TIMESTAMP, default=current_timestamp()) dupe = Column(Boolean, index=True, default=False)
class Misc(Base): """This model contains all possible MySQL types""" __tablename__ = "misc" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) big_integer_field = Column(BigInteger, default=0) large_binary_field = Column(LargeBinary, nullable=True) boolean_field = Column(Boolean, default=False) char_field = Column(CHAR(255), nullable=True) date_field = Column(Date, nullable=True) date_time_field = Column(DateTime, nullable=True) decimal_field = Column(DECIMAL(10, 2), nullable=True) float_field = Column(Float(12, 4), default=0) integer_field = Column(Integer, default=0) json_field = Column(JSON, nullable=True) nchar_field = Column(NCHAR(255), nullable=True) numeric_field = Column(Numeric(12, 4), default=0) unicode_field = Column(Unicode(255), nullable=True) real_field = Column(REAL(12, 4), default=0) small_integer_field = Column(SmallInteger, default=0) string_field = Column(String(255), nullable=True) text_field = Column(Text, nullable=True) time_field = Column(Time, nullable=True) varbinary_field = Column(VARBINARY(255), nullable=True) varchar_field = Column(VARCHAR(255), nullable=True) timestamp_field = Column(TIMESTAMP, default=current_timestamp())
class Misc(Base): """This model contains all possible MySQL types""" __tablename__ = "misc" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) big_integer_field = Column(BigInteger, default=0) blob_field = Column(BLOB, nullable=True, index=True) boolean_field = Column(Boolean, default=False) char_field = Column(CHAR(255), nullable=True) date_field = Column(Date, nullable=True) date_time_field = Column(DateTime, nullable=True) decimal_field = Column(SQLiteNumeric(10, 2), nullable=True) float_field = Column(SQLiteNumeric(12, 4), default=0) integer_field = Column(Integer, default=0) if environ.get("LEGACY_DB", "0") == "0": json_field = Column(JSON, nullable=True) numeric_field = Column(SQLiteNumeric(12, 4), default=0) real_field = Column(REAL(12, 4), default=0) small_integer_field = Column(SmallInteger, default=0) string_field = Column(String(255), nullable=True) text_field = Column(Text, nullable=True) time_field = Column(Time, nullable=True) varchar_field = Column(VARCHAR(255), nullable=True) timestamp_field = Column(TIMESTAMP, default=current_timestamp()) my_type_field = Column(MyCustomType(255), nullable=True)
class Requirement(Base): """ This class is mapped to the requirement table in the Management schema. DB Comment: Mapping to TFS requirements. Since not all automated test cases may be found in TFS, traceability must be ensured internally. """ __tablename__ = 'requirement' __table_args__ = {'schema': schema} req_id = Column(INTEGER(), primary_key=True, nullable=False) """Internal requirement ID.""" title = Column(VARCHAR(length=2000), nullable=False) """Maps to TFS work item title.""" tfs_link = Column(VARCHAR(length=2000)) """Link to the work item in TFS.""" tfs_id = Column(VARCHAR(length=250)) """Maps to TFS ID.""" mrd = Column(VARCHAR(length=250)) """If the requirement is an SRD/TRD, this links it to the parent marketing requirement.""" feature = Column(VARCHAR(length=2000)) """Links the requirement to the parent feature. (Where applicable)""" req_type = Column(VARCHAR(length=10)) """MRD, SRD, TRD or Backlog Item.""" req_version = Column(REAL(precision=8, decimal_return_scale=8), primary_key=True, nullable=False, server_default=DefaultClause("1.0", for_update=False)) """The requirement version as it is stored in TFS, where applicable. Set to default for backlog items."""
class Station(Base): """ Station Object :type ref: int :param ref: The Station ID in the database :type net: str :param net: The network code of the Station :type sta: str :param sta: The station code :type X: float :param X: The X coordinate of the station :type Y: float :param Y: The Y coordinate of the station :type altitude: float :param altitude: The altitude of the station :type coordinates: str :param coordinates: The coordinates system. "DEG" is WGS84 latitude/ longitude in degrees. "UTM" is expressed in meters. :type instrument: str :param instrument: The instrument code, useful with PAZ correction :type used: bool :param used: Whether this station must be used in the computations. """ __tablename__ = "stations" ref = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) net = Column(String(10)) sta = Column(String(10)) X = Column(REAL()) Y = Column(REAL()) altitude = Column(Float()) coordinates = Column(Enum('DEG', 'UTM')) instrument = Column(String(20)) used = Column(Boolean) def __init__(self, net, sta, X, Y, altitude, coordinates, instrument, used): """""" = net self.sta = sta self.X = X self.Y = Y self.altitude = altitude self.coordinates = coordinates self.instrument = instrument self.used = used
class ContentClassificationTask(Base): __tablename__ = 'content_classification_tasktable' __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True} index = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) object_id = Column(String(255)) task_status = Column(String(64)) n_failed = Column(Integer, default=0) max_retries = Column(Integer, default=0) max_timeout = Column(REAL()) priority_factor = Column(REAL()) updated_at = Column(REAL()) created_at = Column(REAL()) last_submitted = Column(REAL()) last_queried = Column(REAL()) last_success = Column(REAL()) last_failure = Column(REAL()) endpoint = Column(Text) params = Column(Text) # jason task_id = Column(String(132)) state = Column(String(64)) res_status = Column(String(64)) res_data = Column(Text) # jason res_error = Column(Text) # jason f_no_total_clicks = Column(Integer, default=0) f_no_unique_clicks = Column(Integer, default=0) _uuid = Column(String(132)) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._uuid = kwargs['_uuid'] self.index = kwargs['index'] def to_dict(self): return { getattr(self,, None) for c in self.__table__.columns } def saveOne(self): db_session.add(self) db_session.commit() db_session.close() @classmethod def saveAll(cls, dataList): for d in dataList: cck = cls(**d) db_session.add(cck) db_session.commit() db_session.close()
class RylaisOrder(Base): __tablename__ = 'rylais_order' champ_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) percent_build = Column(REAL(5)) built_winrate = Column(REAL(5)) not_built_winrate = Column(REAL(5)) total_games_built = Column(Integer) wins = Column(String(40)) losses = Column(String(40)) winrates = Column(String(40)) def __init__(self, champ_id, percent_build, built_winrate, not_built_winrate, total_games_built, wins, losses, winrates): self.champ_id = champ_id self.percent_build = percent_build self.built_winrate = built_winrate self.not_built_winrate = not_built_winrate self.total_games_built = total_games_built self.wins = wins self.losses = losses self.winrates = winrates
class TestCase(Base): """ This class is mapped to the test_case table in the Management schema. DB Comment: Can be an internal TAF test case or more likely a representation of a TFS test case. """ __tablename__ = 'test_case' __table_args__ = {'schema': schema_name} tc_id_seq = Sequence('test_case_id_seq', metadata=Base.metadata) tc_id = Column(INTEGER(), Sequence('test_case_id_seq'), primary_key=True, nullable=False, server_default=DefaultClause(tc_id_seq.next_value(), for_update=False)) tc_title = Column(VARCHAR(length=500)) """A short description of the test case.""" tc_description = Column(TEXT()) """The details of the test case, or even the test steps, if it is short or simple.""" ext_id = Column(INTEGER()) """A link to TFS if the TC represents a TFS entity.""" tc_version = Column(REAL(), primary_key=True, nullable=False, server_default=DefaultClause('0.1', for_update=False)) """The test case version. Each modification has to trigger a new version and a backup.""" created_by = Column(VARCHAR(length=200), nullable=False) created_time = Column(TIMESTAMP(), nullable=False) last_modified_by = Column(VARCHAR(length=200)) last_modified_time = Column(TIMESTAMP()) # The database also has a CHECK constraint on this field for the allowed values: MANUAL, AUTO, BDD, DDT, KWD, COMBI # Here the CHECK constraint is passed as a string as SQLAlchemy doesn't know how to handle these, so this is # exactly as it appears in the PostgreSQL database # test_type = Column(VARCHAR(length=20), CheckConstraint( "((test_type)::text = " "ANY ((ARRAY['MANUAL'::character varying, " "'AUTO'::character varying, " "'BDD'::character varying, " "'DDT'::character varying, " "'KWD'::character varying])::text[]))"), nullable=False, server_default=DefaultClause('AUTO', for_update=False)) """MANUAL, AUTO, BDD, DDT, KWD, COMBI""" linked_test_id = Column(INTEGER()) """The DB ID of a BDD feature or scenario, a KWD set a combinatorial set, or a TFS ID.""" linked_test_format = Column(VARCHAR(length=20)) """File, database, TFS."""
class TestSuite(Base): """ This class is mapped to the test_suite table in the Management schema. DB Comment: Define test suites/sets in this table. """ __tablename__ = 'test_suite' __table_args__ = {'schema': schema_name} suite_id = Column(INTEGER(), primary_key=True, nullable=False) suite_name = Column(VARCHAR(length=200), nullable=False) suite_description = Column(TEXT()) suite_version = Column(REAL(), primary_key=True, nullable=False, server_default=DefaultClause("0.1", for_update=False)) created_by = Column(VARCHAR(length=200), nullable=False) created_time = Column(TIMESTAMP(), nullable=False) last_modified_by = Column(VARCHAR(length=200)) last_modified_time = Column(TIMESTAMP())
class Station(PrefixerBase): """ Station Object :type ref: int :param ref: The Station ID in the database :type net: str :param net: The network code of the Station :type sta: str :param sta: The station code :type X: float :param X: The X coordinate of the station :type Y: float :param Y: The Y coordinate of the station :type altitude: float :param altitude: The altitude of the station :type coordinates: str :param coordinates: The coordinates system. "DEG" is WGS84 latitude/ longitude in degrees. "UTM" is expressed in meters. :type instrument: str :param instrument: The instrument code, useful with PAZ correction :type used: bool :param used: Whether this station must be used in the computations. """ __incomplete_tablename__ = "stations" ref = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) net = Column(String(10)) sta = Column(String(10)) used_location_codes = Column(String(20)) used_channel_names = Column(String(20)) X = Column(REAL()) Y = Column(REAL()) altitude = Column(Float()) coordinates = Column(Enum('DEG', 'UTM', name="coordinate_type")) used = Column(Boolean) def __init__(self, *args): """""" if len(args): = args[0] self.sta = args[1] self.X = args[2] self.Y = args[3] self.altitude = args[4] self.coordinates = args[5] self.used = args[7] def locs(self): if self.used_location_codes is None: location_codes = [] else: location_codes = sorted(self.used_location_codes.split(",")) return location_codes def chans(self): if self.used_channel_names is None: channels = [] else: channels = sorted(self.used_channel_names.split(",")) return channels
col_default=0, ) SlotString = define_simpleslot( postfix="String", pytype=(str_unicode, ), KVPtype=KVP_Type.KVP_TYPE_STRING, field="string_val", col_type=VARCHAR(length=4096), col_default=None, ) SlotDouble = define_simpleslot( postfix="Double", pytype=(float, ), KVPtype=KVP_Type.KVP_TYPE_DOUBLE, field="double_val", col_type=REAL(), col_default=0, ) SlotTime = define_simpleslot( postfix="Time", pytype=(datetime.time, ), KVPtype=KVP_Type.KVP_TYPE_TIMESPEC, field="timespec_val", col_type=_DateTime(), col_default=None, ) class SlotFrame(DictWrapper, Slot): __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': KVP_Type.KVP_TYPE_FRAME} _python_type = (dict, )
class Food(db.Model, SearchableMixin): __tablename__ = 'foods' __indexname__ = 'foods_new' __ingredients_index__ = 'ingredients' id = Column('id', Integer(), primary_key=True) Calories = Column('calories', Integer()) Fat = Column('fat', REAL()) Fiber = Column('fiber', REAL()) Protein = Column('protein', REAL()) Category = Column('category', VARCHAR(20), nullable=False) Image = Column('image', VARCHAR(400), default=None) Thumbnail = Column('thumbnail', VARCHAR(400), default=None) Title = Column('title', VARCHAR(200), nullable=False) CreatedAt = Column('created_at', TIMESTAMP()) AuthorId = Column('author', Integer(), ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) # should not be accessed directly, use `recipe` property insted # this column will be deprecated soon Recipe = Column('recipe', TEXT()) # @hybrid_property # def Category(self): # return self._Category.strip() # # @Category.setter # def category_setter(self, category): # self._Category = category @property def recipe(self) -> dict: if self.Recipe is None or self.Recipe == '': return None else: payload = json.loads(self.Recipe) payload['category'] = self.get_category() payload['date_created'] = self.CreatedAt.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # fixing image loss if len(payload['images'] ) != 0 and payload['primary_image'] is None: payload['primary_image'] = payload['images'][0]['image'] payload['primary_thumbnail'] = payload['images'][0][ 'thumbnail'] return payload def __repr__(self): return f"<Food '{self.Title}'>" @property def simple_view(self) -> dict: """ a simple view of food model """ payload = { 'id':, 'category': self.get_category(), 'image': self.Image, 'thumbnail': self.Thumbnail, 'title': self.Title, 'nutrition': { 'calories': self.Calories, 'fat': self.Fat, 'fiber': self.Fiber, 'protein': self.Protein } } if payload['image'] is None: recipe = self.recipe payload['image'] = recipe['primary_image'] payload['thumbnail'] = recipe['primary_thumbnail'] return payload def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.simple_view) def get_calorie(self) -> int: return self.Calories def get_category(self) -> str: return self.Category.strip().lower() @property def elastic_document(self): """ :return: elastic search index document """ recipe = self.recipe payload = { 'author':, 'name': recipe['food_name'], 'description': recipe['description'], 'category': recipe['category'], 'nutrition': { key: value / recipe['servings'] for key, value in recipe['nutrition'].items() }, 'tag_cloud': recipe['tag_cloud'], 'ingredients': [ ingredient['food']['food_name'] for ingredient in recipe['ingredients'] ], 'ingredient_ids': [ingredient['food']['id'] for ingredient in recipe['ingredients']], 'directions': [direction['text'] for direction in recipe['directions']], 'cook_time': recipe['cook_time'], 'prep_time': recipe['prep_time'], 'total_time': recipe['cook_time'] + recipe['prep_time'] } return payload @property def ingredients_summery(self): payload = {} recipe = self.recipe for ingredient in recipe['ingredients']: payload[ingredient['food']['id']] = ingredient['food'] return payload
class RylaisDamage(Base): __tablename__ = 'rylais_damage' champ_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) kills_rylais = Column(REAL(5)) kills_without = Column(REAL(5)) deaths_rylais = Column(REAL(5)) deaths_without = Column(REAL(5)) assists_rylais = Column(REAL(5)) assists_without = Column(REAL(5)) kda_rylais = Column(REAL(5)) kda_without = Column(REAL(5)) damage_done_rylais = Column(REAL(5)) damage_done_without = Column(REAL(5)) damage_taken_rylais = Column(REAL(5)) damage_taken_without = Column(REAL(5)) damage_ratio_rylais = Column(REAL(5)) damage_ratio_without = Column(REAL(5)) def __init__(self, champ_id, k_r, k_w, d_r, d_w, a_r, a_w, kda_r, kda_w, dd_r, dd_w, dt_r, dt_w, dr_r, dr_w): self.champ_id = champ_id self.kills_rylais = k_r self.kills_without = k_w self.deaths_rylais = d_r self.deaths_without = d_w self.assists_rylais = a_r self.assists_without = a_w self.kda_rylais = kda_r self.kda_without = kda_w self.damage_done_rylais = dd_r self.damage_done_without = dd_w self.damage_taken_rylais = dt_r self.damage_taken_without = dt_w self.damage_ratio_rylais = dr_r self.damage_ratio_without = dr_w