Beispiel #1
def test__parser__base_segments_raw_compare():
    """Test comparison of raw segments."""
    template = TemplatedFile.from_string("foobar")
    rs1 = RawSegment("foobar",
                     PositionMarker(slice(0, 6), slice(0, 6), template))
    rs2 = RawSegment("foobar",
                     PositionMarker(slice(0, 6), slice(0, 6), template))
    assert rs1 == rs2
Beispiel #2
def test__parser__base_segments_base_compare():
    """Test comparison of base segments."""
    template = TemplatedFile.from_string("foobar")
    rs1 = RawSegment("foobar", PositionMarker(slice(0, 6), slice(0, 6), template))
    rs2 = RawSegment("foobar", PositionMarker(slice(0, 6), slice(0, 6), template))

    ds1 = DummySegment([rs1])
    ds2 = DummySegment([rs2])
    dsa2 = DummyAuxSegment([rs2])

    # Check for equality
    assert ds1 == ds2
    # Check a different match on the same details are not the same
    assert ds1 != dsa2
Beispiel #3
def test__parser__base_segments_stubs():
    """Test stub methods that have no implementation in base class."""
    template = TemplatedFile.from_string("foobar")
    rs1 = RawSegment("foobar", PositionMarker(slice(0, 6), slice(0, 6), template))
    base_segment = BaseSegment(segments=[rs1])

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):