Beispiel #1
def doExternalSync(lib) :
    try :
        serialized = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(lib.library_location+"/dump/").read())
    except :
        return (False, "Can't access external library \""+lib.library_location+"\"")

    Song.objects.filter(song_album__album_library__id =
    Album.objects.filter(album_library__id =

    numalbums = 0
    numsongs = 0

    album_mapping = dict()
    for album in serialized["albums"] :
        numalbums += 1
        a = Album(album_library = lib,
                  album_external_id = album["id"],
                  album_name = album["name"],
                  album_synchronized = True)
        album_mapping[album["id"]] = a
    for song in serialized["songs"] :
        numsongs += 1
        s = Song(song_name = song["name"],
                 song_grouping = song["grouping"],
                 song_composer = song["composer"],
                 song_artist = song["artist"],
                 song_album = album_mapping[song["album"]],
                 song_genre = song["genre"],
                 song_time = song["time"],
                 song_tracknum = song["tracknum"],
                 song_numbertracks = song["numbertracks"],
                 song_discnum = song["discnum"],
                 song_numberdiscs = song["numberdiscs"],
                 song_filetype = song["filetype"],
                 song_filesize = song["filesize"],
                 song_bitrate = song["bitrate"],
                 song_filename = song["filename"],
                 song_synchronized = True,
                 song_modified = datetime.fromtimestamp(song["modified"]))
    lib.last_synchronized =
    return (True, "Added %d songs in %d albums." % (numsongs, numalbums))
Beispiel #2
def updateFile(lib, filename) :
    message = ""
    global numadded, numupdated, numunchanged, numskipped, numremoved
    root, file = os.path.split(filename)
    modified = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filename))
    songs = Song.objects.filter(song_filename=filename)
    if len(songs) == 0 or songs[0].song_modified < modified or UNCONDITIONALLY_UPDATE : # need to add or update, respectively
        info = None
        try :
            info = mutagen.File(filename, easy=True)
        except :
            message += "<p>Bad song file.</p>"
        if info is not None :
            #message += "<pre>--"+filename+"\n-"+info.pprint()+"</pre>"

            name = info.get("title", [file])[0]
            grouping = info.get("grouping", [None])[0]
            composer = info.get("composer", [None])[0]
            artist = info.get("artist", [None])[0]
            albumname = info.get("album", [None])[0]
            try :
                genre = info.get("genre", [None])[0]
            except :
                genre = None
            time = int(*1000) # sec -> msec
            tracknum = info.get("tracknumber", [None])[0]
            numbertracks = None
            if tracknum != None and len(tracknum.split("/")) > 1 :
                tracknum, numbertracks = tracknum.split("/")
            # try to get the tracknum from the beginning of
            # the track name if the tracknum is None
            if tracknum is None :
                i = 1
                while i < len(name) :
                    try :
                        tracknum = int(name[:i])
                        i += 1
                    except ValueError :
            if tracknum != None :
                try :
                    tracknum = int(tracknum)
                except ValueError :
                    tracknum = None
                    numbertracks = None
            if numbertracks != None :
                try :
                    numbertracks = int(numbertracks)
                except ValueError :
                    numbertracks = None
            discnum = info.get("discnumber", [None])[0]
            numberdiscs = None
            if discnum is None :
                dirparts = os.path.split(root)
                if dirparts[1].lower().startswith("cd") and len(dirparts[1]) > 2 and dirparts[1][2:3] in "0123456789" :
                    discnum = dirparts[1][2:]
                    # this is the actual root of the album:
                    root = dirparts[0]
            if discnum != None and len(discnum.split("/")) > 1 :
                discnum, numberdiscs = discnum.split("/")
            if discnum != None :
                try :
                    discnum = int(discnum)
                except ValueError :
                    discnum = None
                    numberdiscs = None
            if numberdiscs != None :
                try :
                    numberdiscs = int(numberdiscs)
                except ValueError :
                    numberdiscs = None
            filetype = info.mime[0] # just take first one?
            filesize = os.path.getsize(filename)
            try :
                bitrate = int( # bps -> kbps
            except AttributeError :
                bitrate = None # flac

            if albumname == None :
                head, tail = os.path.split(root)
                if tail == "" or len(head) < len(lib.library_location) :
                    albumname = "*Unknown Album*"
                else :
                    albumname = tail
            if artist == None :
                artist = "*Unknown Artist*"

            albums = Album.objects.filter(album_library__id =, album_name = albumname)
            album = None
            if len(albums) == 0 :
                album = Album(album_library = lib,
                              album_name = albumname,
                              album_synchronized = True)
            else :
                album = albums[0]
                album.album_synchronized = True

            if len(songs) == 0 :
                numadded += 1
                song = Song(song_name = name,
                            song_grouping = grouping,
                            song_composer = composer,
                            song_artist = artist,
                            song_album = album,
                            song_genre = genre,
                            song_time = time,
                            song_tracknum = tracknum,
                            song_numbertracks = numbertracks,
                            song_discnum = discnum,
                            song_numberdiscs = numberdiscs,
                            song_filetype = filetype,
                            song_filesize = filesize,
                            song_bitrate = bitrate,
                            song_filename = filename,
                            song_synchronized = True,
                            song_modified = modified)
            else :
                numupdated += 1
                songs.update(song_name = name,
                             song_grouping = grouping,
                             song_composer = composer,
                             song_artist = artist,
                             song_album = album,
                             song_genre = genre,
                             song_time = time,
                             song_tracknum = tracknum,
                             song_numbertracks = numbertracks,
                             song_discnum = discnum,
                             song_numberdiscs = numberdiscs,
                             song_filetype = filetype,
                             song_filesize = filesize,
                             song_bitrate = bitrate,
                             song_filename = filename,
                             song_synchronized = True,
                             song_modified = modified)
        else :
            numskipped += 1
            message += "<p>Skipped non-sound file "+filename+"</p>"
    elif len(songs) > 0 : # the file is in the database, just need to update
        songs[0].song_synchronized = True
        songs[0].song_album.album_synchronized = True
        numunchanged += 1
    else :
        numremoved += 1
    return message
Beispiel #3
 def EndElementHandler(self, name) :
     if self.level == 2 :
         if name == "array" :
             raise DoneException()
     if self.level == 3 :
         if name == "key" :
             self.currentmode = "data"
             self.currentdict[self.currentkey] = ""
         elif name == "dict" :
             self.level = 2
             if not self.currentdict.has_key("Album") :
                 self.currentdict["Album"] = "*Unknown Album*"
             if not self.currentdict.has_key("Artist") :
                 self.currentdict["Artist"] = "*Unknown Artist*"
             albums = Album.objects.filter(album_library__id =, album_name = self.currentdict["Album"])
             album = None
             if len(albums) == 0 :
                 album = Album(album_library = self.lib,
                               album_name = self.currentdict["Album"],
                               album_synchronized = True)
             else :
                 album = albums[0]
                 album.album_synchronized = True
             songs = Song.objects.filter(song_filename = self.currentdict["Location"]) # assuming filename is a good enough primary key
             song = None
             d = self.currentdict
             try :
                 modified = iso8601.parse_datetime(d.get("Date Modified", None))
             except :
                 modified = None
             if (not skipiTunesKind(d["Kind"])) and (modified is not None) :
                 if len(songs) == 0 :
                     song = Song(song_name = d.get("Name", None),
                                 song_grouping = d.get("Grouping", None),
                                 song_composer = d.get("Composer", None),
                                 song_artist = d.get("Artist", None),
                                 song_album = album,
                                 song_genre = d.get("Genre", None),
                                 song_time = d.get("Total Time", None),
                                 song_tracknum = d.get("Track Number", None),
                                 song_numbertracks = d.get("Track Count", None),
                                 song_discnum = d.get("Disc Number", None),
                                 song_numberdiscs = d.get("Disc Count", None),
                                 song_filetype = iTunesKindToMime(d["Kind"]),
                                 song_filesize = d.get("Size", None),
                                 song_bitrate = d.get("Bit Rate", None),
                                 song_filename = d.get("Location", None),
                                 song_synchronized = True,
                                 song_modified = modified)
                 elif songs[0].song_modified < modified :
                     songs.update(song_name = d.get("Name", None),
                                  song_grouping = d.get("Grouping", None),
                                  song_composer = d.get("Composer", None),
                                  song_artist = d.get("Artist", None),
                                  song_album = album,
                                  song_genre = d.get("Genre", None),
                                  song_time = d.get("Total Time", None),
                                  song_tracknum = d.get("Track Number", None),
                                  song_numbertracks = d.get("Track Count", None),
                                  song_discnum = d.get("Disc Number", None),
                                  song_numberdiscs = d.get("Disc Count", None),
                                  song_filetype = iTunesKindToMime(d["Kind"]),
                                  song_filesize = d.get("Size", None),
                                  song_bitrate = d.get("Bit Rate", None),
                                  song_filename = d.get("Location", None),
                                  song_synchronized = True,
                                  song_modified = modified)
                 else :
                     songs.update(song_synchronized = True)
             else :
                 if modified is None :
                     self.skippedSongs.append((d.get("Location"), "Bad last modified string"))
                 else :
                     self.skippedSongs.append((d.get("Location"), "Type \""+d["Kind"]+"\" is unsupported"))
         else :
             self.currentmode = None